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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/05/26 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=77, 338, 24, 194, 257 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:77|Autumn...")
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Latest revision as of 21:13, 24 October 2017

For Hearts Long Lost and Full of Fright
Date of Scene: 26 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Star Shimmer, Hulk, Starfire, 194, 257

Star Shimmer has posed:
Its a nice day for the most part. A warm spring day. One that just inspires people to be outside. To go and do the things they enjoy. That is exactly what happened with the recently graduated Autumn. She's made her way to Cobble Hill to hit up a few stores. She is still on crutches as, she was shot recently.

Walking on crutches is exhausting. She finds a bench and sits for a moment. Her eyes go to her Ring... Where did it come from...

Somewhere clear across the galaxy, on a violet colored planet... There is a storage facility for unused Star Sapphire rings. There are several of them, One though began to stir. Someone with a lot of love in their heart. Someone willing to use it. The ring begins to float. There is potential. It takes off, leaving the planet with goal in mind... Earth....

Hulk has posed:
    Bruce Banner hangs around at a bus stop, but isn't really waiting for the bus. Wearing a New York Mets baseball cap in spite of sitting on a bench in Gotham City, he sits there intently reading a Boston subway schedule while the bus pulls up at the stop and loads passengers on.

    The driver even hollers out, "Hey buddy!" but Banner waves him off with a smile and the bus pulls away. It's not very subtle signaling, but in a city the size of Gotham few enough people pay attention for that to matter. That goes twice in a Yakuza neighborhood.

Starfire has posed:
    Flying her way down, Kori seems to have a smile plastered on her face as she lands on her feet and seems to be exploring once again. "Hmm....what sort of thing can I find today." She says as she walks on the sidewalk, trying to blend in.

Bel Canto (194) has posed:
She wanders.

Charged with the care of this planet and its people, to guard them from oncoming catastrophe, she accepted her duty despite its remote location and supreme distruption of her own world and its government. Obedience to higher powers, better and purer calling, drove her onward. Having spoken with powerful members of the dominant species - 'Human' - she has had been advised to acquaint herself more with the planet and its diverse nations and kindreds, and to demonstrate to them that her sword was not meant for conquest, but for defense.

As such, tonight, she wanders. She had already encountered a source of disharmony only days ago. There would be more. She wound put a stop to it.

Nevertheless, Bel Canto's armor, sword and appearance still draw attention, mostly in the form of curious or distrusting glances. A handful of younger children, however, call out names of their favorite anime characters, assuming her to be a cosplayer.

Copperhead (257) has posed:
Heah heah heah! A figure runs for the buss just as it pulls away. Freaking Gotham public transit system. Out of breath, the man in the black hoodie makes an less than polite gesture with a scale covered hand at the back of the bus. The breathless man slumps into the bench with a person's width between him and Bruce, "F****** Gotham.." the stranger says. Though the hoodie obscures part of his head the front of a giant snakes face sticks out from under the hoodie and he has a snake's tail that he lashes up over the back of the bench, so, yeah. Gotham.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn continues looking down at that violet ring. The journey of the violet ring continues. Sailing through the inky black of space for who knows how long. Then, it comes upon Earth. It enters the atmosphere, closing in on its target. Finally, After millions of miles it found its target. This was about a week ago.

Autumn sighs. She may never know about what happened but, nevertheless here it is. Something she never expected to see. Quietly she gets up and begins moving towards a store. One that she has been itching to check out. She's got Graduation money and she is itching to spend some.

Several blocks away, the air grows colder. Several men, all of which armed. They are definitely local and they are definitely from the mob. In thie middle of these 4 men, A single woman walks with an icy smirk. There is something to be said about getting paid for what you love to do. Her chilling passions, Science and to bring a frosty death to anyone who gets in her way. One thing is certain, this ice queen isn't singing let it go.

Hulk has posed:
    Banner glances over at Copperhead, eyeing the snake-man up and down from the corners of his eyes. It's as close an inspection as a furtive look can make and ends abruptly when Bruce turns back to reviewing the document in his hands. Whatever counter-signal he was looking for, he didn't find it there.

Starfire has posed:
    Kori seems to be nearing the same store as Autumn. She enters the store to browse herself. Of course, she doesn't know most of what is in the store quite yet. She still needs to learn that part.

Bel Canto (194) has posed:
Bel stops on a sidewalk, somewhere between Copperhead/Bruce, and Koriand'r/Autumn. Raising her hands to her chest and clasping them together as if in prayer, she begins to hum; the sound is like the first long note of an orchestral performance, intricate in harmony and possessing multiple voices and sounds, not all of them human. Her armor glows faintly at the edge, as she emits resonance-based sonar in all directions for several city blocks, searching for disharmony.

Copperhead (257) has posed:
Still catching his breath the snake man crosses his legs and leans back on the bus-bench shifting his tail to the side. "This iss why" the snake man says taking another breath, "I ssshould jusst break down and buy a car. Now I'm going to be late. Way to make a good impresssion." he mutters to himself then takes out a burner phone to text someone. As he texts he doesn't notice the armor plated choir singer. The notes don't seem to bother him at all. He finishes his text and looks up at the strange metal clad woman. Well.. that's happening... At least it's not a clown.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn begins looking around at the various articles of clothing in the store. Its some nice stuff. A little on the expensive side but hey, if she is going to be job hunting she needs to look her best. Quietly she begins going through a few racks. Her eyes fall on a cute lavender dress. She grabs it and puts it against her body. "Hey this might fit!" She looks around and heads toward the fitting room.

The five people are in plain sight now. Cars are beginning to ice over. Civillians are shivering miserably. The chilling woman smirks. "This way boys." She heads into the store where Kory and Autumn are currently at. The counter girl is promptly hit with enough ice to encase her for the time being. Finally she speaks up again. "Autumn Stillwater? I know your in here. You have made some trouble for some people. You haven't done what you were told. How about you show yourself and we can get this over with. Or better yet. Don't. I would love to put some more people on ice." With that she begins whipping ice at several other store patrons.

Starfire has posed:
    Further back in the store, Kori looks towards the entrance and tilts her head at the one calling for Autumn. WHile she has plenty of sunlight stored inside of her, she doesn't like the tone of voice with this person. her hands begin to glow at the sight of a few other people getting iced over.......

Hulk has posed:
    A passing car's axles freeze up and it skids screeching to a halt, sliding into the oncoming lane and getting smashed by another vehicle that sends it spinning toward the bus stop bench. It's all Bruce Banner can do to look up in time to see it coming and and grab Copperhead by the shoulders to drag the snake-man out of the path while he lunges out of the way himself.

    "What the hell," he mutters, stumbling while the vehicle hits the curb and flips up onto the sidewalk to smash the bench he and his new acquaintance were just sitting on.

Bel Canto (194) has posed:

In one swift movement, Bel reaches to her side; she draws a long metallic crystal broadsword. The music she's emitting rises to a sudden high trill and then abruptly stops. The sword begins to glow golden-white inside its blade.

She's -gone-.

Leaving behind a sharp gust of air, Bel Canto takes off running at a 50mph clip towards the iced cars and the stronger source of disharmony. She keeps her sword at the ready in both hands, held down and to the left, as she rushes towards the store.

Copperhead (257) has posed:
"& thn I sed she lkd bttr wth msk on & she hit me wth tree. Wmn, rght!" the snake sends just before his world goes sideways literally. His hoodie rips as he is yanked with force out of his seat just before the car slides into him. He blinks in surprise having had no idea what was going on. His hood falling down his copperhead features revealed he looks at Banner about to rip him a few new face holes until the car crashes into where they just were. "You ssstupid!" his mouth says before his brain catches up and he stops himself, "Oh, car." he says embarrassed, "Thankss." he says more quietly.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn had just gotten the dress on and gods does she like the look. She is definitely going to buy this one. Then, someone is calling her out. Thats not the best of things. Quickly she changes back into her own clothing and she slips out. Using her crutches she carefully moves towards Killer Frost. "Stop!"

She frowns. "I'm Autumn. No, I haven't left and for good reason. Look at me. I can hardly move right now let alone move away. On top of that, I've decided that I am not going anywhere. This is my home." She sighs and looks down. "Look do what you want to me just stop hurting these people. They are innocent." There is that spark of love within her. That which is possibly her greatest strength. The ring on her finger lights and then so does her whole body. "Huh... You don't feel much love do you..."

The four thugs take aim at Autumn. Killer Frost glares at her. "Not only do you upset my employer but you are ruining my fun! I should ice you right now for that." Her icy gaze moves down over the girl. "Looks like someone was trying to do my job for me. Looks like they failed though. I'm going to enjoy makeing a B*&$@cicle out of you." And then she is knocked off her game by both the now glowing girl and the words she said. "You're dead." She fires off ice at her, trying to freeze her.

Meanwhile, Madness continues to mount outside. The closer people get to the store, the colder they get. Its getting quite nasty.

Starfire has posed:
    "it is a shame, Frost....that you are cold hearted as well." Comes a strange voice from the back....before a pair of green beams zap through the store to attempt to blast Frost OUT of the store.....and outside. Starfire is floating above the racks of clothes to get a clean shot off as well.

Hulk has posed:
    Bruce gives Copperhead a reassuring pat on the shoulder and says, "No sweat," but he's already moving off when he does it. People are frosting up even as they try to retreat from the area around the store and, just like only police officers and people with suicidal tendencies rush toward gunshots, he goes jogging toward the epicenter of the freezing.

    The point where his nose and earlobes turn blue is the point where his eyes suddenly turn white, and a split second later his denim jacket and baggy jeans burst at the seams and fall to the pavement. Fortunately for the onlookers he sports that oversized T-shirt and a pair of oversized sweatpants underneath, which hug the Hulk's massive green form as he bounds through the face of the storefront like the Kool-Aid man.

    An echoing roar bellows up and down the street, racketing around inside the shop and drowning out the shattering glass and breaking concrete as the 8' creature's black eyes search for the reason people are freezing outside.

Bel Canto (194) has posed:
The cold is tolerable to Bel Canto, at least for the time being; approaching the storefront, her focus on the human beings that are in immediate danger of death - those who had been too close to the cold, or attacked by Frost directly. Without knowledge of what she was fighting, she would have to focus on clearing the area of the innocent. Then, only then, would she be free fight unfettered.

Holding the sword upright in front of her in a defensive posture, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

Very deep.

Inhumanly deep.

Small holes the size of a fingerprint open, wide-spaced, in a line down her neck, sides, arms, legs. Mouth open, she turns her entire body into a musical instrument, the sound generated even from the hollow spaces in her bones. Pouring out a harmony composed now of hundreds of individual melodies, golden white motes rise like snow falling from the ground up. A golden glow centers around frozen and frostbiten people who still have the spark of life within them, as their flesh begins to thaw and heal at the same time.

Copperhead (257) has posed:
Realizing that there are Ice-powers in use the snake says, "Crap on a cracker! I gotta out of here!" he looks around seeing Killer Frost fly out of the store. "Oh, not her." the snake man mutters like she is THE WORST. He looks at Bruce and running off only to turn into the Hulk.. Oh, well, he's sure the freakin Hulk can handle it.

Copperhead yells at the person in the car that almost killed him "Get away ass fasst as you can. Sshe can freesse the whole block. Get in one of the buildingss and go out the back. Don't run in the open." he says then he himself stands up and turns to run the opposite direction of the combat, towards the bank outlet at the base of the Front Street Mall. Strangely he doesn't run very fast in fact he seems to be... yes, he's dance-running..

Leaping into the air and cartwheeling over a crashed car the snake man lands on his feet and tail using his limbs like a tripod as he slides on the ice towards the bank snapping his fingers and singing to himself. "~He'ss a cold-hearted ssnake look in into his eyess! Oh, oh he'ss been telling liess he'ss a lover boy at play. He don't play by the rules oh, oh, oh, girl don't play the fool now!"~ Some people greatly underestimate the joy that can be found in being a sociopath.

Making it to the steps of the bank he cheerfully skips up them and throws both doors open, "Everyone pay attention! My name iss SnakeMan. I'm with the Justice Guardians! There is an ice-villain outside! The only safe place for you right now is inside the vault. Everyone please calmly and orderly enter the vault where you will be safe from the freeze ray!" Of course once the security guards and the people are out of the way, he's totally going to steal everything outside of the vault. Waste not, want not!

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn watches as Killer Frost goes flying. Several shots ring out and Autumn is peppered with bullets. Thankfully that violet glow around her acts like a force field, keeping herself for the time being. Still that doesn't mean Autumn is going to stick around. She's already wounded. Quickly she moves into the back of the store and crouches down, hiding.

Killer Frost is pissed. Not only did an easy kill just get away but someone just attacked her. The temperature around the block starts dropping quickly. She starts attacking indiscriminantly, Sending ice blasts wherever she can, targeting anyone her eyes fall on. Then they note someone is trying to undo her lovely work. Several nasty iceballs are whipped at Bel Canto.

Meanwhile The gunners. Fire off a couple rounds at the fleeing Autumn. Then they turn their attention to Koriand'r and the Hulk... THE HULK?!?! Two of the guys begin looking for the nearest escape route.

Starfire has posed:
    Starfire is steaming....kinda literally since Frost is lowering the temperature and Starfire absorbs solar radiation. Before she can give pursuit though, she comes face to face with the Hulk.....and covers her ears as the Hulk roars. Once he's done, she nudges him. "The one hurting people is out there...." She says pointing towards Killer Frost.

That's when a pair of 'starbolts' are hurled at Killer Frost. "We must stop her!" She says tot he hulk, but she does look over towards Autumn, to make sure she's okay.....

Hulk has posed:
    There's more to blame for people getting hurt than just Killer Frost and Hulk can see that. His jaw is clenched hard when he gives Koriand'r a curt nod, but rather than leap straight back outside the Big Green goes after the gunners who weren't smart enough to make their escape. One guy gets grabbed in a huge right hand and another in the left and then Hulk smashes back through the front of the building again, making a new huge hole.

    Outside, while chunks of concrete drip from the broken building behind him, he winds up like a baseball pitcher and hurls one of Killer Frost's machine-gunners at her. The follow through on that twists him halfway around and he swings back, giving the guy in his other hand an underhanded toss like pitching a bowling ball at her, and while those men surely freeze solid while in flight they've been thrown hard enough that even if they gained a ton or two of weight each they wouldn't lose much speed. That really only makes them -lethal- projectiles.

Bel Canto (194) has posed:
Bel continues her song, strengthening civilians, healing them so that they can get to safety. It's almost as if they are supernaturally protected, their wounds recovering faster than they can be damaged by them. The ice chunks fly and are shattered into fragments by several lightning fast sword strokes.

Copperhead (257) has posed:
Looking back over his shoulder as he walks inside Copperhead says, "And now the Hulk is here. Everyone in the safe! Forget calm! Run! Run for your life! Drop your stuff and run!" causing a panic inside the bank. He acts as if he's helping the security guards get everyone safely inside, "Don't worry, I'll trigger the alarm. The copss will come get you out once the danger has passsed." he says in his superhero/radio voice.

Once everyone is inside Copperhead helps them close the door and locks them inside. Then he spins in place and looks at all those lovely cash drawers. Picking up a trash can he dumps the trash out onto the floor and starts to skip like a child playing hopscotch from drawer to drawer setting off the alarm over and over as he empties each cash drawer in turn, "~It was only late last night he was out there sneakin' Then he called you up to check that you were waiting by the phone All the world's a candy store He's been trick or treatin! When it comes to true love girl with him there's no one home!~ he sings to himself as he works filling up first one trash bag then another then his hoodie pockets. "Oh, laundry money!" he says stealing rolls of quarters. You can never have too many rolls of quarters.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Killer Frost causes the wind to pick up. Icy gusts begin flying towards Koriand'r The Starbolts come flying and they just about hit her when... She is hit with a pair of now frozen shooters! She growls and gets up. Her backup is down. "Tell Autumn I will freeze her later. For now." She takes off running trying to get away.

Meanwhile, Autumn is still in the back of the store, taking cover. Usually she would be out fighting but, she's still very much wounded and unable to move like she normally can. QUietly she hopes people are alright. That love inside her everbuilding.

Hulk has posed:
    If there's one thing Hulk doesn't like, it's letting bullies get away scot-free. He bounds after Killer Frost, leaping from a dead stand to grab onto the side of a building that's right over her head as she runs. His big hands wrap around the corner of it and sink in, raining bits of rubble on the ice queen and his feet slam into it shattering a row of windows along the face. He roars straight down at her from three storeys up, the sound of it a shockwave that rolls under a parked car and flips it up, rolling it across the street.

Starfire has posed:
    Starfire watches as Frost tries to run, but the Hulk is.....after her. "Oh my. This...will not end well." She says flying inside to check on Autumn.....

Bel Canto (194) has posed:
It's a split second choice to make: When Frost breaks off and the Hulk goes after her, the situation changes. Resonance reverberations tell her that the greatest source of disharmony is no longer the conflict, but the large green warrior scrambling away to go after the original combatant. She ends the Song of Healing going to the store and looking inside. Seeing Koriand'r aned Autumn, she nods. "I will return if you need me. Look after the injured!" Turning on her heals, she takes off running after the Savage Hulk.

Copperhead (257) has posed:
Hulk is going to like being used as a distraction for a bank robbery even less. The snake headed thief puts the garbage bags full of money into one of those larger rolling garbage cans and rolls it out of the fire exit on the side of the bank then down the alley. This sets off another alarm. Hopefully someone will investigate before those nice people run out of air... Oh well, them's the breaks!

Copperhead got what he wanted. He can leverage this daring bank robbery into some street cred to get some super-villains to join his team. Then, fame, fortune, power, and all the sweet, sweet things that go along with it. Tonight, blackjack and hookers paid for by the good people of Gotham! ~"You can find ssomebody better girl. He could only make you cry. You deserve ssomebody better girl! He's c-cold as ice, ice, ice..." ~

Star Shimmer has posed:
Killer Frost sees the Hulk coming at her. Yeah an easy job just turned into a nightmare. She begins icing over the ground and sliding much faster then she can run. This also leaves the ground nice and slick in case The Hulk keeps pressing the pursuit. She changes directions moving down back alleys and just trying to shake the big green tail.

Meanwhile, Autumn finally stands up and begins looking around. She hobbles alone on her crutches, taking in the damage courtesy of Killer Frost and perhaps moreso from the hulk. "Dammit. If only I wasn't hurt..." She gives a nod to Bel Canto and then looks at Kory, "Thank you."

Hulk has posed:
    The Hulk isn't using the ground - when Killer Frost ducks down an alley the 8' monster leaps from the side of the building he's clutched onto to the side of another, criss-crossing the alley buildingside to buildingside over her head. He's leaving Hulk-finger-sized holes in every wall he hits, not to mention rocking businesses and residences to their foundations when his half-ton weight hits them like that.

    Since she seems to be immune to shockwaves the giant sinks his fingers into a brick facade and rips out a chunk of brick-mortar-and-rebar and hurls that down at the ice queen as he soars to the next wall along the way, leading slightly with his aim so she can run into its path if she isn't watching for projectiles from above.

Starfire has posed:
    "Let's get you out of this building first. I assume your name is Autumn." Starfire says as she lifts Autumn into the air and flies her to the top of the building, so she can see what is going on. "I do not think Frost will be escaping, especially with the green person after her. I must see to other people, please remain here." She says to Autumn and flies to around to defrost people.

Bel Canto (194) has posed:
This fight is rapidly going to get out of hand. The rage from the green creature is enormous, so much so that Bel Canto's alien eyes can actually see it. He's trailing streams of red like rivers of heated blood behind him, a chemtrail that means nothing to most, but everything to a few.

She picks up the pace, running as fast as a car at highway speeds, leaping onto and over vehicles; she leaps up onto a stretch of powerlines and runs along them, balancing perfectly. It helps that she only weighs around forty pounds on this tiny, low-gravity world.

Opening her spiracles a little further, she begins to sing, getting closer and closer to the Hulk: This time, it's a song that falls on ears like the gentle caress of a mother's hand against a newborn's skin. Waves of peace, comfort, consolation and calm resonate through the air, as Bel Canto sings the Song of Peace.

Copperhead (257) has posed:
Navigating a distance away from the bank and the fight. Copperhead pulls off a drainage grate and starts dropping the bags of cash into the sewers then he pulls a pen and a sticky note out of his hoodie pocket and writes, "Dear officer, tell the Hulk I said thanks. He was a great distraction! I look forward to working with him again. Haha ha ha hahahahaha ha ha ha chortle hahahe ha ha ha hehe ha " then he takes out another sticky note and writes on that one, "Hahahaha ha ha hahaha ha ha ha hahaha ha ha hehe ha ha ~The Joker" Copperhead puts one on the handle of the trashcan and the other attached to the bottom of the first one. Then he joins the money down below in the sewers vanishing into the underbelly of Gotham.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn nods to Kory as she is lifted up and flown to the roof. She's safe but, now she's on a roof and hobbling down isn't going to happen. So she finds a place to sit and just watches as things continue to go crazy.

Killer Frost has been hit by, Has been struck by, a pissed Savage hulk. The debris slams her to the ground. Suddenly things start warming up. The villainous woman begins to fade out as she knocked unconscious. She will be lucky if thats the best that happens.

Starfire has posed:
    Noticing that everyone is thawing, Kori flies her way over towards the Hulk. "You have done it!" She says as she floats close to the Hulk. "Thank you for thawing these people, green one!" She does keep glancing over to Autumn to make sure she's okay.

Hulk has posed:
    The Savage Hulk sees the Killer Frost go down and, having leapt ahead of her, hits a building and bounds back leaving a small crater in its side and sending chunks of concrete flying out into the alley from the impact. Where he lands near the fallen villain the big, green monster snatches the chunk that downed the assassin and flings it away, then leans over her and roars triumphantly, this time just a childish display of superiority instead of a shockwave assault.

    That's when Bel Canto's song catches up with him and the reverb of her song cuts the force of his bellow almost instantly in half. Surprised, the Hulk cocks an ear toward the music and actually makes the sound, "Aruh?"

    It's not that he ignores Koriand'r, exactly, it's that he's so perplexed by that sound that may be felt - or by him at least experienced - far more than it's actually heard.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Sirens resound in the distance as GCPD comes deal with the aftermath. Killer Frost doesn't move, she's out cold (no pun intended.)

Autumn sits on the roof. Her mind racing. She should be dead. She was just shot several times and not a single bullet actually hit her. She considers this. Her ring didn't start glowing until she showed love towards those around her. So if she were to focus that love...

The girl starts to focus and immediately her clothing shifts, taking the look of a Star Sapphire uniform. Violet and black with the emblem emblazened across the abdomen. It is of course a bit revealing. She blinks a few times and promptly covers herself. "What?!"

Starfire has posed:
    Starfire shrugs as Hulk seems.....occupied, and she flies up to Autumn...who is covering herself up. "That looks like my clothes, sort of. You were not wearing that when I brought you up here."

Bel Canto (194) has posed:
Bel comes closer to Hulk, continuing to sing for him. Through the energy and vibrations, a request without words reaches out to the monster expressed physically in Banner's flesh and bone: can you be at peace for now? too many innocent here. we will kill the evil another day.

She sheathes her sword, and still producing the etherial harmony, reaches out to Hulk with a soft smile, her hand extended to his.

Hulk has posed:
    It's not really like the Savage Hulk can help it - adrenaline stops flowing, and he's out. It's the ultimate micdrop. Even S.H.I.E.L.D.'s infamous puppy-bomb didn't have this effect. His black eyes lighten while his waist shrinks, and over the course of just a few seconds a slightly built man with brown hair and bright green eyes is standing there holding his sweatpants up.

    "Um," Banner looks from Bel Canto up the alley at melting ice, down at the fallen Killer Frost at his feet, then up and around at the damaged alley walls around him, and then he turns his back abruptly, half-crouches, and launches himself into a full-on sprint away. Swimming in his clothes like he is but somehow managing not to trip over them, he just looks comical.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Autumn is still covering her body up the best she can. "No I wasn't wearing this! How the heck do you go out in public like this! Everyone can see.... Everything!" She blushes. A flash of violet flows over her and she is suddenly wearing the clothign she was wearing before. "Okay I umm... I think maybe I need to come up with a new plan." She sighs and shakes her head. "Maybe I should get home... Well after I buy that dress."

Starfire has posed:
    "Well.....let us have you buy that dress then." Kori says to Autumn. "I shall stay with you so you do not have to do the hobble all the way home." She says helping Autumn to her feet, then down to buy the dress....

Bel Canto (194) has posed:
To see the Hulk vanish and Bruce standing there in baggy pants - and then running away - leaves Bel Canto simply gobsmacked. The song quickly peters out into a final, kazoo-like note as she stands there, hand still held out into the air.