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Revision as of 23:36, 24 October 2017

A Day At The Office
Date of Scene: 30 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Superman, Jimmy Olsen

Supergirl has posed:
Another day at the Daily Planet starts to wind to a close. Most of the day staff is leaving as the sun starts to set outside and the traffic begins to build for the commute home. But some residents of Metropolis don't have to worry about things like rush hour, and a figure in blue and red streaks down into an alleyway, hidden from view. And moments later, a young, brunette girl with glasses steps out of the alleyway across from the Daily Planet and crosses the street to the entrance of the great metropolitan newspaper. Kara Danvers is dressed simply and conservatively in a light pink polo shirt with white collar, a simple and modest tan skirt, and sensible flat shoes. Her brown hair is tied up in a ponytail, and she looks around the lobby to try and find the way to the newsroom where her cousin should be.

Superman has posed:
Coming down from the end of his work day, Clark disembarks the elevator with his usual distracted not really all here look on his face. That is, until he spies his cousin, and a bright farmboy smile lights his face.

"Kara," he calls out, gets stuck behind a few people, hastily stumbles over an apology, unsticks himself, and gets to her.

"Hi, Kara! I didnt expect to see you. How are you?"

Jimmy Olsen has posed:
So yeah... it's been a while since James aka Jimmy last walked down these streets. Over fourteen months, to be a little more exact, since the ginger photojournalist went on hiatus from the Daily Planet to travel the world and forge his career on his own terms, to prove that he had what it takes and that all his sucess up to that point hadn't been just some stroke of luck. 14 months of hopping from event to event, crisis to crisis, oft times in war zones or disaster areas but just as much in remote and exotic destinations as well. Forest Fires in Canada. Remote Tribes on the Amazon. Tsunamis in the south pacific. Everyday life in Mongolia civil wars in africa. Revolutions in Europe and the Middle East...

His photos have graced numerous magazines, his articles relevant and heartfelt. True, there have been more of the former than the latter, but it's only /been/ a year..

Now Jimmy is Back in Metropolis, less than a few hours off the plane. Dressed in a retro-style light blue suit and bowtie, the redhead has filled out a bit. No so waifish any more. His heair is still a mop but he sports a hint of stubble. His cellphone is against his ear as he stands at the hot dog stamd just outside the daily planet, the best in all of Metropolis in his opinion.

"No Mom, I'm fine... It was only an 8 hour flight... I'll have onions AND kraut with that... What? No.. I wasn't speaking to you. Yes, I'm eating healthy.. Add some chili to that too and triple cheese... No, I'm talking to my waiter, Mom.." The hot dog guy is snickering and Jimmy gives him the hairy eyeball. "No I didn't say triple cheese... I was ordering a salad."

Supergirl has posed:
At the sound of Clark's voice, Kara looks over in the direction of the elevator. "Hi, Clark!" she calls out and waves to him. Kara starts moving to intercept, but ends up bumping into a couple of the staff on the way over. "Ooops! Sorry! Excuse me...pardon..." Looks like clumsiness sort of runs in the family. Once she does reach Clark, Kara gives him a big hug. "Hey! Eliza and Jeremiah decided to go out on a date night tonight, so I thought i'd stop by here and see what you were up to. How're you doing?"

Superman has posed:
"I'm really good, thanks," Clark replies, returning the hug warmly and with gusto. Kara is one of the few creatures on this planet he can actually give a proper hug to without fear of crushing them into a gooey mess. It feels so good! Smiling brighter, Clark motions out of the building in the general direction of hte hotdog stand. It was on the way home.

"I'm glad to hear they're on a date. That's really special. I was just on my way home, actually. I was going to change my shirt and then maybe head out, see what was happening... Or maybe just nap. It was a busy day today," Clark is saying as he walks, attention on Kara so he's not completely watching everything.

Jimmy Olsen has posed:
Jimmy Olsen sighs as the hot dog is being put together.. sorry.. plural.. Hot DOGS... and is listening to his mom on the phone.. interspersing her spiel with "Yes Mom"'s and "No Mom"'s.. his free hand making a rolling 'hurry up' gesuture... Finally his food is presented as it should be, on those paper boat bowl thingies and he drops a few bills on the stands counter. "Thanks, man." he says, scooping up both dogs in one hand while juggling the phone in his shoulder so he can pick up his attache case and turns around...

Right into Clark Kent

With a solid oof, Jimmy stagger sback, almost falling on his rear. "Damnit!" he exclaims, noticing his dropped his food. "What? No, mom, not you.. I gotta go, sorry." He grasps the phone, thumbs it off. "Watch where you're go... ing..." he blinks once. "Clark?.. I mean.. Mister Kent?"

Supergirl has posed:
Likewise, Kara is mostly paying attention to Clark, so she doesn't see the collision about to happen. "Well, if you don't mind your cousin tagging along, maybe I can join you out tonight?" Super-Cousin Speak for 'I'd love to join you on patrol tonight'. "Or, maybe a movie-eeee..." Kara squeeks a bit as Clark and Jimmy collide, bringing her hand sup in shock. "Ohmygosh! Everyone okay?"

Superman has posed:
One heartbeat. One long heartbeat Clark has no reaction to the body check. And then he stumbles back two stumbles, blue eyes turning to Jimmy

"Oh gosh, Jimmy! Jimmy? Jimmy!" Clark says, verbalizing his way through his mind going Oh hey! Dude! My friend's back!

"I didnt' see you, I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you up? Oh, great. I spilled your food. Was that dinner? My cousin and I were thinking baout dinner. She wanted a movie, but I dont' know abotu that, but dinner surely. Join us? My way to say sorry for running into you?" All as Clark is holidng out a hand and seeking to help Jimmy up.

Jimmy Olsen has posed:
Its always those little things that Jimmy picks up, those pauses that happen around Clark, that feed his curiosity. That and just how clumsy Clark seems to be though this time..it was Jimmy who pulled a 'Clumsy Clark' and that once again distracts him from his friend's peculiarites..

"No no no, it's cool Mister Kent. I should have been watching where I was going." he assures his friend as he quicly kneels and picks up the food (thank god for the plate things, they kept the mess contained, then slowly rises. "I'm still a bit distracted by the city noises as opposed to.." well.. he doesn't say war torn Latveria noises or deepest jungles of Wakanda noises.. but he lets it hang there.. "Wait.. Your cousin?" he asks, then looks at the girl, and his cheeks turn a bit red as he quicly scrambles to dump the food in the trashcan next to them and offers his hand. "I didn't know you had a cousin! Weren't you adopted? Sorry, my manners.. I haven't seen Mister Kent in a while and.. uhm.. Hi, I'm Jimmy Olsen!"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara smiles and nervously brushes an hand through her hair around her ear. "Ummm...hi. Kara Danvers." She holds out her hand in greeting to Jimmy. "And I'm really related to him through his parents. My mom was cousin to his adopted father. So..." She smiles and shrugs. "I've seen alot of your pictures. You're really a great photographer." She smiles shylty then looks back at Clark. "Sure, Jimmy's welcome to join us," she says, looking between the two men. "I mean, you both go way back, so any friend of Clarks is a friend of mine, right?"

Superman has posed:
Clark opens his mouth, inhales softly to try to recall what he and Kara had settled on when Kara rescues him, and the cornfed farmboy is nodding along.

"Jimmy's one of the best," Clark complements with complete honesty, a hand coming up to rest lightly on Jimmy's shoulder. Always lightly. And always warm.

"Of course. ANd Jimmy, please. Call me Clark. We aren't co-workers any more, though I know the Planet would be better for having you back with us. I'd like to think we're good enough friends that we can just be first names, you know? Please. Join us for dinner. We were just about to figure out where we were going."

Super-Speak for Quick zip about Metro and then high orbit for some sunlight?

Jimmy Olsen has posed:
Jimmy Olsen looks to Clark, raising a brow, and looking a bit nervous now.. He's missed his friends quite a lot but is surprised how easy they fall back into their roles even after being seperated for so long. "Okay then M.. I mean Clark. Clark it is.. That willtake a bit of time getting used to.." he says, then grins at both of them. "Best? I hardly think so but.. Thanks. And Thank you, uh, Kara?" he flushes at her compliment.. Just like Jimmy, right?

"So.. Yeah. Dinner sounds good. Best way to catch up, right?

Supergirl has posed:
Kara smiles and nods to Jimmy, confirming her name. Then, she looks back at Clark. "Well, if you're leaving it up to me, you know that I'm going to say Giordano's Pizza or Big Belly Burger. But...you might be a little tired of that." She's teasing Clark, of course. Who could ever get tired of Big Belly Burger? "But maybe...Bibbo's Ace O' Clubs?" She knows that's a popular hangout for the Planet crew, and has yet to go there.

At the mention of the Planet being better off with Jimmy on staff, Kara nods. "I'm sure Clark could help you get a photographer's job here," she says cheerfully. Becasue Kara likes the idea of families, even those not defined by blood, reuinting.

Superman has posed:
"He doesn't need my help for that, Kara," Clark chides very lightly, with a warm smile as he happily fall sinto step with wherever the two decide to go. All three options sounded amazing. So does some of Ma's meatloaf. It was Tuesday. She makes meatloaf on Tuesday. Maybe a quick fly by the farm before really patrolling is in order. And Kara can try some too.

"Jimmy's got the photographer cred to run the department now, if he wanted, I'm sure. But really, whatever makes him happy, that's what he should do. I'm being selfish in saying I'd love to have him back in the bullpen."

Jimmy Olsen has posed:
Big Belly Burger.. ooooh god How Jimmy has missed Big Belly Burger. Why oh why couldn't Triple B have franchises outside of the US. He almost salivates at the thought. But..."

"Everyone still hangs out a Bibbos?" he asks, not EXACTLY surprised but.. he thought just MAYBE things would have changed in teh time he has been away.. Though the thought of this staying the same was a good thing. "I'll leave it up to /you/ guys. If you're anyting like Clark you probably have the metabolism of a nuclear reactor.. if they had metabolisms." he says, realizing that soudned a bit dumb.

Gah, blushing again. Compliments! He spent so much time WANTING them when he was younger (okay, he's not THAT old) but now that he gets them... "Thats nice of you to offer, Kara.. Especially on Clarks behalf.." he half teases there, then looks more directly at Clark. "And thanks.. for believing that. Truth is part of me has wanted to come back since the moment I left, if I'm being truthful. But.. You know.. I'm stilltrying to figure out if.. well.. I'm Jimmy Olsen: Pulitzer Winning Photojournalist. Not just.." he doesn't say it, looking a bit shamed now. It's easy t guess what hewas going to say.

Just Superman's Pal.

He clears his throat and picks up his attache. "Have.. uh.. you heard from The Big Guy lately?" he asks.. Because even though he went off to find himself, he still cares about his family and friends.. Superman included. But then he shakes it off. "Doesn't matter.. So, yeah. Lead on, MacDuffs. Food sounds awesome right now.."