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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/06/06 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=155, 211, 358 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:155|Rocket (155)}}...")
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Latest revision as of 01:02, 25 October 2017

The Twofer
Date of Scene: 06 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rocket Raccoon, Indigo, Ultragirl

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"What? No! There's nothing suspicious about it! I just wanna do a little recon before we make our big move on the Blood Brothers, and Indigo just HAPPENS to be the only one of you schlubs that's even remotely qualified to do delicate field work. What, you thought I was gonna take YOU!?"

As he runs through a functions check on his Least Enormous Blaster Rifle, Rocket explains his reasoning to the captive audience aboard the Milano. It's clear that he's been explaining his reasoning for a while now, because he's starting to grow a bit exasperated. It's also clear that MOST of the weirdos who live aboard the Milano don't care at all about what Rocket's planning to do with his free time, since the hangar bay is almost entirely empty.

There's only one person, in fact, who seems to be interested in why Rocket is leaving, and why he's taking the strange blue lady with him. This person sits on Rocket's tool bench, playing idly with a hydrospanner.

"I am Groot?"

"Okay... fine... I'll bring you some candy. But when I get back, you and I are going to have a long talk about your attitude!"

The functions check complete, Rocket straps the blaster rifle to his back, checks his pouches to make sure he packed enough Mega-Zap net rounds, and prepares to disembark.

"And sit up straight!"

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"What? No! There's nothing suspicious about it! I just wanna do a little recon before we make our big move on the Blood Brothers, and Indigo just HAPPENS to be the only one of you schlubs that's even remotely qualified to do delicate field work. What, you thought I was gonna take YOU!?"

As he runs through a functions check on his Least Enormous Blaster Rifle, Rocket explains his reasoning to the captive audience aboard the Milano. It's clear that he's been explaining his reasoning for a while now, because he's starting to grow a bit exasperated. It's also clear that MOST of the weirdos who live aboard the Milano don't care at all about what Rocket's planning to do with his free time, since the hangar bay is almost entirely empty.

There's only one person, in fact, who seems to be interested in why Rocket is leaving, and why he's taking the strange blue lady with him. This person sits on Rocket's tool bench, playing idly with a hydrospanner.

"I am Groot?"

"Okay... fine... I'll bring you some candy. But when I get back, you and I are going to have a long talk about your attitude!"

The functions check complete, Rocket straps the blaster rifle to his back, checks his pouches to make sure he packed enough Mega-Zap net rounds, and prepares to disembark.

"And sit up straight!"

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo just seems pleased to be along with Rocket. She's smiling, not quite bouncing, and working efficiently to get Rocket's equipment prepped and ready to go. She's also flatly delighted to be around Groot again, and quite happily plays with him any time she has a free moment. She doesn't contradict Rocket's threats, though. Gotta present a united front in parenting.
    "Rocket, may I ask you a question?" Indigo asks as the pair disembarks the Milano. Her voice hums electronically. "Do you have a preference for slugthrowers, or for focused energy weapons?"

Ultragirl has posed:
Elsewhere on Knowhere...

A ship has recently arrived at a docking hub, a damaged old shuttle, the dissaray intensified thanks to a bit of a scuffle aboard the ship. Suzy Sherman has just recently departed that very shuttle, a hastily filled satchel thrown over her shoulder, and she currently finds herself out and about in the strange 'city' inside the head of an old 'god'. The woman looks positvely confused, lost and while she probably doesn't stand out nearly as much as she thinks she does in her orange and green costume, she sure acts like it.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
One Hour and Forty-Five Minutes (Standard Galactic Time) Later...

"... so, I guess what it all comes down to is whether you're trying to vaporize the poor slobs, or whether you want them to bleed to death. That's my philosophy, anyway."

By now, the Milano has long been left behind, and Rocket is making his way toward the Seedy Underbelly of Knowhere. It's not 'supposed' to take people quite that long to get from the hangar area where the Milano is housed and the Seedy Underbelly of Knowhere, but Rocket has very short legs.

And he's been talking about guns.

"Honestly, a lot of it depends on what condition the buyer wants the body in. Sometimes the bounty specifies what condition they want the body in. Like so..."

Rocket presses the holodisplay function on his chronometer, and a pair of three-dimensional characters appear hovering just above his wrist.

"Howdy folks! It's time for ROUNDUP! Everyone's favorite public access show devoted to the fine art of bounty hunting!"

The holograms consist of a skinny Shi'ar man with a handlebar mustache and a slightly 'enhanced' Rigellian woman. Both of them are wearing cowboy hats for some reason.

Rocket grins. "I love this show! It's where I get all my best tips!"

The Rigellian holds up two blaster pistols, firing them both into the holographic air above her holographic head. "This just in! A hot tip for those of you near the edge of the Universe! We've just received word that the Kree Empire is offering a reward of 500,000 Units for the capture of THIS flarg!"

The Shi'ar peers as a third hologram forms between himself and the Rigellian. It's a smallish, pink-skinned Kree with blonde hair and a taste for hazard-vest orange.

The Shi'ar spits out a wad of tobacco. "Wow! And she's such a skinny little thing too! Shouldn't be any trouble at all for a daring hunter to land this krutacker and haul her off to the Kree! You'd be set for life! So keep your eyes peeled, and remember to always shoot first and ask questions later!"

Continuing to walk, Rocket peers at the program that's happening on his wrist, his eyes gradually getting wider. "Hey... WE'RE out near the edge of the Universe..."

Indigo has posed:
    Rocket has been talking. Indigo has been listening. She was genuinely curious about his answer, and the fact that it's situational implies some interesting things about him. When his show comes on, Indigo glances at it, and agrees, "We do seem to be. I take it you're confident in our ability to take a bounty on a Kree?"

Ultragirl has posed:
It would just so happen that Tsu-Zana has found herself in the seedy underbelly of Knowhere as well, though not at all intentional in this, simply wandering, exploring, and being more then just a little bit lost. She's been doing her best to keep to herself, but at the moment finds a pair of ambulatory fish looking aliens in her path..

"Look, I don't want to cause any trouble or anything.." Suzy says to the fishfolk, offering out the satchel she'd taken, "Look, you can have it, it's all I have, just, lemme go on my way."

"Bluub-bluub Bluuuuuub bluuub." One of the fishmen says to the other, who replies, "Bluuuuurble blurb Bluuuuurbe." The first fishman reaches for the bag that Suzy has just offered out, but instead of reaching for the bag itself, grabs the young woman's wrist, "Bluuuuuuuub!" it exclaims.

Shortly afterwards, a lone fishman, of the flying variety now, comes flying down the street, though the flight is only temporary, the path of flight bringing the fishman down into a pile of trash with a noisy racket, "I said I don't want any trouble!" exclaims Tsu-zana, a bit louder. The other fishman, can be seen running past that very same cross street his friend flew infront of moments later.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"Flark yes I could take down a Kree for five hundred thousand units. Five. Hundred. THOUSAND Units... With that many units I could buy my own ship and finally show Quill how to run a REAL outfit..."

"Or maybe I could buy a nice bar right here on Knowhere, never have to work again!"

Rocket's eyes grow ever wider as he thinks about the possibilities. Notably, none of the possibilities include sharing the bounty with any of his teammates...

"Blah! Da'st if it'll ever happen though. What are the odds of this dirt burglar showing up way out here? She'd have to be dumber than she looks to show her face in this corner of the universe with a price like THAT on her head!"

Sighing, Rocket continues on his way toward the sketchy brothel where he's scheduled to meet his old friend Wal Rus. He's already mentally preparing himself for an hour long haggling session over the price of the Blood Brothers contract when something goes 'whooshing' past his head.

"HEY WATCH IT, YA UGLY KRUTACKER!" He narrowly managed to duck in time to avoid getting pegged in the head as the fishman flew past him, and he shakes his balled up paw in the fishman's general direction. "AND BUY SOME BIGGER PANTS!"

Rocket sidesteps out of the way as the other fishman runs past him, shaking his head at the rudeness. Some people just don't have any manners.

He takes one last look at the image, and then clicks off the program. Then he looks in confusion at the spot above his wrist where the image USED to be. The image of the woman is still there, making the same human (ugh!) expression.

Only when he smacks his chronometer does he realize that the image isn't still being displayed, he's simply standing about fifty meters away from the ACTUAL bounty.

"Say Indigo... how would you like to be my new Special Bounty Hunting Partner? You'll get... thirty percent of the bounty."

Indigo has posed:
    "Then you'll have to do seventy percent of the work," Indigo says companionably, not exactly distracted by the fishmen the human but certainly paying closer attention to them than to Rocket at the moment. "Excuse me for a minute, please, Rocket." She walks away from her crewmate in long strides, offering the fallen one a hand to help rise, then checks the origin point of his sudden flight and spots...is that a human? Huh. A super-strong person in the vicinity of a job. That's a factor to take into account. She does her best to keep one eye on Tsu-Zana as she makes her way back to Rocket, and asks him, "Have you done seventy percent of the work yet?"

Ultragirl has posed:
A little fist shake is offered in the direction of the two Fishmen, though she seems rather oblivious to the walking talking Raccoon, and his indigo skinned lady friend. "Yeah, Not so tough now, are you." She says, mostly to herself before taking her satchel and putting it over her shoulder and starting to walk down the shady street once again.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"Better yet, I'll do a hundred percent of the thinking!" Even though he's trying to rip Indigo off, Rocket does it with a smile in his voice. It's possible that there's a smile on his face as well, but it's a bit harder to suss out his emotions from facial expressions alone. His face is completely covered in hair, after all.

"Here's the plan. You'll do an Upright Badoon Inversion, and I'LL shoot the mark in the face!" Rocket checks his space watch again, just to check the status of the bounty. "No wait, it says 'Alive and Unharmed'... new plan! Let's... uh... do... uh.... OH! The PAIN!"

Suddenly, Rocket reaches down and grabs his leg, letting out a pitiable wail. "Dear, sweet Space God... I think my leg is BROKEN! It's all the fault of whoever tossed that fishy guy! Oh! Agony! This pain is really bad! Oh! Gasp! I don't see how I'll possibly be able to get back to my ship without some help..."

Dramatically, Rocket falls backward, still holding his leg in overacted agony.

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo bites her pink lower lip to keep from laughing. For a gynoid capable of millions of calculations per minute and of writing new behavioral subroutines to match her personality to specific situations, she's never had much of a poker face and probably never will. Still, she does her best as she approaches Tsu-Zana in long, skirt-swishing strides, demanding, "You have injured my companion! You have a responsibility to resolve this conflict!"

Ultragirl has posed:
The wailing of an adorable fuzzy little creature? That's something that gets Suzy's attention, though there's some confusion at first when the accusation is made by Indigo, then it dawns on her a little bit, "Oh no!" She exclaims, "Was that garbage pile your home? I'm so sorry!" She exclaims, moving over towards the dynamic duo, "He was trying to rob me.. I just.. oh, I'm so sorry.. here, I can carry you back to your ship if you need!" She is met halfway towards Rocket by the approaching Indigo, "I'm so sorry." She repeats, "I didn't see your friends home there... I feel awful.."

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
For a second, Rocket is so taken aback that he nearly forgets to maintain the charade. However, he catches himself juuuust before he verbally objects to the offensive stereotype. He'll just have to hope that Quill doesn't hear about this...

"YES! That was my home! My home and my leg are BOTH destroyed! Oh... the PAIN! What a sequence of misfortune!"

He places a furry arm over his eyes and rolls his head back, as if the strain is too much for him. "I hate to be an imposition, but since you offered, my ship is..." Suddenly, he leaps up about chest high for your average Kree female, and grabs Ultragirl with his sharp sharp claws. Scampering up to her shoulders, he perches precariously, and extends an arm to point in the general direction of The Milano.

"That way!"

Indigo has posed:
    Just because she's lying to and kidnapping a stranger doesn't mean Indigo wants her to feel bad. "We appreciate your apology," she promises, laying her fingers on Tsu-Zana's arm (the gynoid's flesh is strangely but pleasantly smooth) and squeezing for emphasis. "We'll just settle this issue and be square. What's your name?" she asks, tone friendly. Heck, she's feeling friendly. Indigo just likes people, and she's sure she'll like Tsu-Zana too. The Kree seems like a perfectly nice person.

Ultragirl has posed:
"I uh.." Tsu-zana says, in the process of reaching down to help Rocket up when she's suddenly a cyborg-racoon jungle gym, little clawed paws grabbing and pawing their way up her body. "Oh, my.." She seems perhaps a bit flustered at the sudden embarkation of the critter, she show's no discomfort or anything to the sharp pointy little claws, as a matter of fact they don't even really break the skin. "You uh, comfy there?" she asks, the hand on her arm getting a little look before her attention shifts up to Indigo with a little smile, "Uh, Suzy, nice to meet you.. again I'm so sorry.. that Tuna man was getting grabby, and trying to take my sack.. and.."

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Less talkin', more walkin'."

Rocket doesn't like 'quite' comfortable. Sure, he's small, but he's not that much smaller than Suzy. Like... maybe a foot shorter. So it's not like he has a lot of room riding on her relatively narrow shoulders. Fortunately, he only weighs about a hundred Earth pounds, if you add in the fifty-five pounds of gear that he's wearing. Shouldn't be much trouble for a strapping young Super Kree, right?

Adjusting his weight several times, Rocket makes a point of occasionally blurting out things like "Ow!" or "Careful you don't jostle my injured leg!"

He does this with almost clockwork regularity...

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo walks slightly behind Rocket and Suzy, so she can keep a hand on Rocket's back, to balance him. "Suzy? That's an interesting name. Earth, isn't it?"

Ultragirl has posed:
The weight seems to be no issue for the young woman, reaching up to grab hold of Rocket a little better to try and keep him still. "I'm sorry." She repeats each time he complains about being jostled or otherwise. A glance is cast over towards Indigo a little though and she nods her head, "Well yeah, I guess, my actual name is Tsu-Zana. But I like to go by Suzy most of the time."

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"Tsu-Zana, huh? That checks out..."

Rocket makes use of his (relatively) comfortable ride back to the ship to read the bounty in greater detail. Sure enough, that's the name on the bounty. "And you're a... Kree, yes? All very proper."

For some reason, it seems to take longer to get away from the Seedy Underbelly of Knowhere than it does to get to it. Or maybe Rocket is just impatient at the prospect of collecting on the bounty.

"Oh. Take this next left up here. No! The NEXT left..."

Ultragirl has posed:
"Oh uh, yeah that's what I'm told I am." Suzy says to the rocket riding upon her shoulder, walking along the way Rocket directs, having no real clue where she's going, or what sort of time it should take her to get from point A to point B. "Some cretins abducted me from my home, and I ended up here." She gives a slight little shrug of her shoulders, probably jostling Rocket a bit in the process.

Indigo has posed:
    "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Indigo says, distressed. "Poor thing. Have you ever been to Hala? The Kree homeworld? It sounds like you haven't, from the way you talk."

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"Okay, it's this hunk 'o junk that looks like somebody puked candyfruit all over a bird."

Rocket finalizes his preparations, such as they are, and reaches into one of his pouches. "Just take me a liiiittle bit further. Right up to the ramp. That's it. Now, Indigo, if you can just..." Rocket starts winking repeatedly with his left eye "Go get my really BIG walking stick and then... *cough* hrrt hrr orrn thrr hrrrd..." He finishes the rest of the sentence through gritted teeth, but makes an obvious downward motion with his fist toward Ultragirl's noggin.

Ultragirl has posed:
"No, I've never been off of earth until.. well this." Suzy gestures around a little as she gestures around, "All I know is the blue ones want to.. I dunno.. kill me?" she says, a little confusion can be heard in her voice. As they reach the ship that looks like it was painted by a bag of melted skittles, she takes Rocket over to the edge of the ramp and reaches to grab hold of him and gingerly set him down at the edge of the ramp.

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo shakes her head firmly no at Rocket. She has more investigation to do, and she has a conscience. "How do you know that? Someone must have told you, right?"

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
With a lot of effot, Rocket summons up his closest approximation of a warm, grateful smile. Standing gingerly on one leg, he actually does look almost pitiful.

But as soon as Ultragirl's head is turned, he shoots Indigo a look of pure evil, and once again motions for her to whack the girl on the noggin.

Then he immediately goes back to smiling his warmest possible smile, exposing nearly all of his sharp little teeth.

Ultragirl has posed:
Suzy seems absolutely clueless to Rocket's gestures and indications to wallop her on the head, her attention shifting from Rocket, back to Indigo and she shrugs her shoulders, "Well, you see.. a giant robot attacked me during an audition and I sorta beat it up, then ripped off it's head and made it talk to me. Then, the two that kidnapped me, said something kinda similar when they were taking me out here into the middle of nowhere. I don't even know where here is."

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
He's been waiting patiently. He really has. But five hundred thousand units is enough money to make even the most moralistic raccoon get a bit greedy, and Rocket is almost certainly not the 'most.'

"Wow. This is all fascinating. Truly. But you know what's even more fascinating? Indigo's got this weird little birthmark. Go ahead, look at it... it's right on her foot..."

Slowly, Rocket pulls the blaster off of his back and loads a Mega-Zap net round into the launch tube. Taking a few steps back, he raises the rifle up to his eyes and takes aim.

"No, keep looking! I swear, it's the neatest thing you've ever seen... AND THE LAST!"

Squeezing the trigger, the Mega-Zap Net is released with a loud 'pop' of iono-torturo energy!

Mega-Zap. When it absolutely has to writhe in agony.

"And THAT's how ya get two bounties fer the price of one!"

Ultragirl has posed:
The net catches her, her attention focused on Indigo as Rocket indicates she has some wierd mark. Suzy peers down at it, and when the pop of the net goes off she's got in it, letting out a loud scream from the painful energy device and falling to the ground entrapped in it before passing out.. for how long, that remains to be seen.