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Latest revision as of 01:32, 27 October 2017

Down Goes The Puffin!
Date of Scene: 28 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Bogatyr

Harley Quinn has posed:
Teaneck, NJ is about the last place you'd think crime would hit. For once, it's Bergen County, NJ. For second? It's freakin' Teaneck, there's so many more delicious targets in the area. Most would go for more glorious Gotham or New York City. But then most lack the innovation, the drive to impress a certain Mistah J. Not Harley, she's all about impressing her puddin.

So...that brings her to the Puffin Foundation, a lovely not for profit organization that supports minorities. Gives voice to the discriminated, be it for race, gender, social philosophy. They famously award social justice warriors with a couple of thousands. There's one voice that's about to be heard, the voice of chaotic, fun loving criminals. Certainly a minority group!

"Heeeeelllloooo nurse!" Harley shouts as she barged through the front door by smashing a mallet through it, she looks around with a big smile on her face, "I hear you support unheard voices, minorities, and social justice warriors. Well, I'm all of the above, so ya better load up my money bags, ya hear?" And just to make sure everyone heard, Harley pulls out an uzi from the bag of tricks and sprays a few shots at the ceiling.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Creeping vines preceede Poison Ivy as she follows behind Harley Quinn into the building, little red flowers upon the vines, making it something of a living red carpet. Ivy saunters in after the boisterous villainess, a little extra hitch in her step as her plants begin to creep further and further into the building, clinging to walls, digging into the sheetrock in places, and generally dominating parts of the walls, and ceilings, with an extra interest, it would seem, on the security cameras as the devices are crushed or entangled.

"You heard the lady, boys." Poison Ivy says as she approaches one of the nearby employees, a hand coming up as she blows a kiss, and her powerful pheremones, towards him, "Be a darling and help fill some bags for us.." She says to the man, who dutifully, with eyes as big as saucers, moves to assist.

Bogatyr has posed:
    As a general rule, Bog' is generally too busy watching Korean soaps or building wild death machines to get too worried about criminal types. This is also Jersey, so I mean what's the point even right? It's actually just passing through when things come unhinged, and well there is a certain sense of obligation when you're in the neighborhood.

    Theres a clean white panelvan sitting in traffic just yonder, Those brakelights flare and the engine erupts into a beastly growl. The wheel cranks over, pivoting in place before ploughing over the curb and into the parkinglot beyond. It does incidentally take down an unfortunately placed topiary, and a smart car as it accelerates towards the front entrance of that Puffin Foundation. It's driver, a seemingly sedate fellow in a blue boilersuit and matching ballcap? He's staring on impassively, utterly unmoved as it continues to pick of speed.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"As you can see we represent Mother Nature, so there's your green power eco friendly jerkers vote for our grant, am I right or am I right?" Harley laughs as Ivy spreads her vines about, taking care of security cams. She blows Ivy a kiss, before squeeing, "and you look so good doing it, Red."

But then she cartwheels towards memorabilia and certificates displayed on the walls, and stars smashing them with her mallet. "We're also into freestyle remodelling, and artistic deconstruction of constructions. That's innovative, artistic, and as you know...artists are starving. So give us the money!" Too bad Harley is locked into her routine, because once she's taken a moment to look, she sees Ivy has already has everything taken care of. They are being served without opposition, bringin Harley to bounce about and clapping her hands, "weeeee! I forgot how much fun it is to work with ya, Red! You got so much charm!"

Then a car smashed through the already mallet-shattered door, and Harley is forced to dive out of the way, "you got the wrong place, this ain't the DMV, idiot!"

Poison Ivy has posed:
"We make a great team, Harls." Poison Ivy responds to the Maid of Mischief, offering a little wink back towards Harley when the kiss is blown her way, a hand reaching as if to catch it while she starts to saunter deeper into the room, her vines continue to spread and infiltrate the building.

Poison Ivy's prowling seems to have found her one of the managers, her pheremones starting their work, her long nailed fingers resting under her chin and she seems to be about to plant a kiss upon the man's lips for whatever nefarious purpose she may have, then of course the car crashes in, disrupting her, while Vines erupt up, almost instinctively, to shield both herself and Harley should it have come to that. "Talk about crashing our party, Harls." She says, the defensive vines falling away.

Bogatyr has posed:
    That van's back doors crack open, and it starts to wheel off to the right. The brakes lock up, and without a moment wasted? It steps out of the back, with a flutter of that short cape and the hum of hydraulics. It reaches back to snag, well some sort of boxy shotgun type deal and so armed?

    "Good afternoon ladies, I do apologize for the abruptness of my entrance. Terribly uncouth I know, I do hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me?"That voice is, well russian and a few octaves too low to be any sort of human."I fear I must politely request you cease your lawlessness, or I will feel obliged so as to hurt your feelings."It's a polite robotic knight type deal at least, that counts for something right?

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley is covered by Ivy's protective vines for a moment, the next she leaps behind a desk, and peeks from around it at the wouldbe hero. She listens to his tirade, then turns to Ivy, "hey Red, you know what uncouth means?" She asks, and actually sounds quite serious.

But then comes the polite request to end lawlessness, and Harley stands up, swirling her massive mallet in her hands, "ARE. YOU. KIDDING ME!?" She screams at the top of her lungs, quite the contrary to Bog's own polite manner, "you just broke a dozen laws and endangered the poor citizens of Teaneck, NJ, with your reckless driving. I'll have your license revoked, ya pyscho!" She doesn't wait for a reply, she swings the mallet straight at Bog's head.

Poison Ivy has posed:
"Uncouth is someone who drives their car through a perfectly good door, just to have a dramatic entrance, Harley dear." Poison Ivy says to the mallet wielding woman, "I think my friend here says that we can't forgive your interruptions though." Poison Ivy will say, counterpoint to Harley's frenzied assault complete with screams and a swinging mega-mallet that will probably do more then emit a 'Bonk' streamer if and when it hits.

Vines of a thorny, much more vicious variety descend from the walls, lashing out at Bogatyr in an attempt to ensnare and entangle him, the sharp barbs no doubt venomous, but likely not even a concern for the Russian Knight.

Bogatyr has posed:
    The knight in green stands firm, before well Harley gets things going. That shield swings up into position, though it makes no attempt to dodge that mallet blow. Instead it connects, and like no joke it's enough to get a solid -Thunk- out of Bog. Beyond that, well it seems entirely unconcerned. "Excuse me, I've been terribly rude it seems. I should have introduced myself."It does dip it's helmet as those vines begin their assault, and well it does seem momentarily baffled.

    "I am the Bogatyr."And finally it swings that shotgun up to brace against that shield, before drawing down on Harley. "It's a pleasure to meet you lovely ladies."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Thanks Red!" Harley calls out at her educated friend, fellow Doctor, and far less crazy colleague. Her focus is on Mr. Uncouth, "ya hear? We don't like criminals like you 'round dese parts, so scram!" Unfortunately, her mallet doesn't seem to have the skull shattering affect she was looking for. Leading her to frown deeply, but she doesn't wait for Bogatyr to do his whole speech, the moment he says 'excuse me', she drops her mallet and points a pistol to his face, "oh shut it!" She snaps, and fires a bullet. Ooooh, it's the right gun for once. Jackpot!

Poison Ivy has posed:
Poison Ivy is likely every bit as crazy as Harley Quinn... just a different flavor of crazy, Rocky Road to Harey's mango sherbert surprise!. "Keep him busy, doll." Poison Ivy says, her vines continue to assault Bogatyr, trying to wrap and entangle the knight, likely more distracting to the robot strength, rather then incapacitating, but more of her vines are at work on the wall, starting to burrow through it, bust dry wall, and create an opening that could be used as an escape route for the Gotham Girls, what with the front door blocked by van and robot.

Bogatyr has posed:
    That round likewise, strikes home with a splash of sparks. It unfortunately, has aproximately as much effect as the mallet. "Lethal force will be met in like measure, safeties disenguaged."It finally lets loose, and that boxy little shotgun erupts. Sending beanbags and well, plenty of smoke downrange. Followed up immediately by the knight surging foreward, and for all it's passivity previously? It can move, and perhaps dramatically faster than most would suspect. Aproximately as fast as any joe, one not wearing armor and tied up with vines mind you. Trying to drive that shield into Harley, and hopefully drive her to the ground.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley proves as unpredictable as ever, when she responds with surprising reaction time, taking out a pogo stick from her bag of tricks and bouncing over Bogy's attack. "Boingy!" She cries out each time she hits the ground for another leap, and as she bounces all over the place to follow Ivy's request for a distraction, she eventually loses control and jumps right out a window....was it a planned escape?