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Revision as of 03:01, 29 October 2017

The Most Electrifying Man...
Date of Scene: 22 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Brainiac 5, Mon-El, Lightning Lad, Andromeda, Invisible Kid

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainiac 5 has retreated to the Ready Room, again. However this time, there is a large decanter of silverale and a stack of metal cups sitting out. Brainy sits at the head of the table, his fingers steepled. Two rings are sitting in front of him -- one is a flight ring, age-beaten and worn, the other is brand-spanking new, but minus much of the embellishments, though it still has an 'L' engrave in it. No comet, though. Apparently he meant what he said.

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El strides onto the bridge, his face a mask of concentration, as though contemplating something big. With a quick flash of his X-Ray vision, he notes where Brainiac 5 is hiding, and heads there. Hitting the chime for the ready room so as to not disturb something, Mon-El waits patiently to be acknowledged.

Lightning Lad has posed:
    "Really. I don't need led in." Lightning Lad can be heard before he arrives. "I've been doing this since, well you know how long I have been doing this!" His footfalls are not at all soft on the deck. He's in a hurry. He's quick. He's not stomping, but he is just this side of a jog. The doors open for him. Garth manages a "Thank you, K.O.K.O." As he enters, Garth pauses in the bridge. His ginger brows knit for a moment, and he's back, how many cruisers ago. His hand slides along a railing. "Hold the door, please, Mon-el?" His tone is quiet and contemplative for a moment. His footfalls are slower and softer as he walks over to leave a hand on Mon-el

Andromeda has posed:
On the bridge, Laurel is busy studying what looks like a political map of the eastern United States, clearly a little puzzled by the various divisions. But that's why the cruiser has educational software, after all -- no doubt she'll get the hang of where New York stops and New Jersey starts in short order. She glances up when Mon-el, and then Garth, enter, and raises a hand to wave, smiling.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
The door to the ready room hisses open, admitting the line, and Brainy says, simply, "Hello everyone. I assume the line starts with Mon-El, but you know what?" He's still watching those two rings, "Why don't you all crowd in here and start yelling at me at once? It'll be like when we were kids. I think... I'd like that." ...What.

Mon-El has posed:
    Looking back over his shoulder, Mon-El takes a moment, and waves back at Laurel. Then, his eyes widen, as he sees Garth. "MY friend! It is good to see you!" He returns the gesture, gently squeezing Garth's shoulder in his right hand. "Welcome back! I was worried!" That was when the door decides to open.

    Moving forward so the others can also enter, Mon-El moves inside the ready room, and shakes his head with a smile. "I'm not here to yell at you Brainy." Mon then pauses, and says, "Well, maybe raise my voice a bit. Your upcomign mission can wait however. I see we have another Legionnaire returned to us!" Mon-El grins.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
K.O.K.O., by the way, seems to have taken the form of a monkey-shaped robotic drone that is currently riding Garth's shoulder. When he dismisses it, it lets out a robotic 'OOK' and scampers off to do someething else.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle has, uncharacteristically, been taking a break, and was woken out of a nap when various activity begins. Having lost another argument with the Mr Coffee, he floats in silently -- silent at least until he gets to the door of the Ready Room, and drops to his feet with a light clatter. "I already got my yelling at you out of my system, Querl," he says, yawning and rather automatically making his way forward towards where Brainy's sitting.
    He has not yet noticed the team's been augmented by one. Must've been quite an argument with the Mr Coffee.
    So it's a little blearily that he looks up, blinks, blinks again. "Garth?"

Lightning Lad has posed:
    "Laurel." Garth gives her a little wink. "Look'n good. Remember. Washington DC. Capital of Imperial Canadia. It's all simple."
    "I'm... not going to yell." There might be a first time for everything. Garth attempts to grab Brainiac though. It almost looks like he is about to pound on on the other young man. That doesn't happen. Unless Brainiac scoots out of it, he's going to get a fierce, tight hug. Garth opens up his other arm for Lyle. "Come over here." He says, his voice allows little argument. "But if any of you -ever- talk about this again, to anyone, ever..." It may or may not be a real threat. They are tight hugs though.
    The clever might notice that he he still seems a little uncertain of his right hand. Fingertips twitch as he hugs a little, as if he cannot believe the sensations coming from it.

Andromeda has posed:
"Imra's going to be /so/ unhappy she wasn't here," Laurel says to Garth; she takes his teasing in stride, her smile not flickering. She's in a good mood; who can blame her, with more Legionnaires showing up? Because that's always a good thing. "Yelling? Who's yelling? I don't think we're going to have any yelling -- well," she amends, "maybe a little. But not from me!"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy pours out a cup of silverale, first for Garth and then for Himself, and then he finds himself -- pulled into a tight embrace. "Ack--" Still... his arm goes around Garth, and he gives him a squeeze. And he murmurs, "It's good to have you here too, Garth. Imra is, I believe, meditating in her quarters--she probably already knows you're here, though." Then he extricates himself, and says, "The cloned arm is functioning, I see. Excellent. I still think you should've upgraded to the model that had a ray gun fuelled by your powers installed, but--"

Then he sighs, and says, "Laurel. Just who I wanted to see. I wanted to ask you if you would come with me when I go to stop Brainiac. I would... be grateful." And the others refused to let him go alone.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Ah, Lyle. Good to see you up and at 'em!" Mon-El winks and smiles at Lyle's state after his nap. Then, Lar blinks as the three men all hug. "It is good to have you back Garth. Truly." Mon-El moves to stand near the side wll, not wanting to get too involved in the affection these three have for each other.

    The cloned arm...MOn-El takes a quick look, nods and stays silent. His face betrays that he is pleased however. Then Brainy brings up the mission. "Brainy, it will be extremely dangerous. We're all behind you. After all, we are family. If you have "family" issues, we'll be there. No matter how dangerous."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    There is no way that an 'ack!' can be dignified, and Lyle's is no exception. In his defense, he *is* still trying to wake up, and he manages to hug back. There's that trade-off: hate seeing another teammate caught in the same trap as the rest of us, but awful glad to see another teammate anyway.
    Mon-El's words manage to engage the 'oh wait this is important' section of his brain, and he rapidly grows more alert. "He's right. Frankly, I think we can even hold off on Our Little Problem until we've dealt with yours."

Lightning Lad has posed:
    "Perfectly functional. You guys can look at it later. I have some.. phantom pain." Of course Garth does. It was one of the worst moments of his life. "It's like the fingertips are more sensitive." He releases the guys, and holds out his arms for laurel and Mon-El. It might be a one time only offer. "Come on."
    "Brainiac trouble, huh? Laurel is a smart choice." He must be thirsty. He is being complementary. "Who is deputy? They can keep looking for the others? What little problem?" If people want hugs, they better get them before he finds out about the 'little problem'. "I'll read up on the ships logs, but I am the last to talk about family matters. Just... come back in better shape than I did." He rolls his thumb over his fingertips. "Is Ayla here?" Definitely get your hugs in now.

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel blinks. Twice. "Of course I will," she says immediately, sounding slightly surprised. She doesn't ask any questions, though, or give any obvious indication of /why/ she's surprised, just: "Let me know when you think you'll want to leave, and I'll be ready. She glances quickly around at the others, and, while she doesn't feel the need to verbally agree with their thoughts on the problem, it's perfectly clear she's in agreement with Lyle and her cousin.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy shakes his head, gently. "No sign of Ayla, either. We are looking, Garth. I promise, we'll never quit looking until we're all together again. We also don't yet know who's still in the 31st century." Then he takes his silverale, and uncharacteristically drains it, before he sets the cup down, and fixes Lyle with a look. "Really? You're going to do this now? Grife."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lyle's words make Mon-El chuckle, with the "our little problem" comment. "Micro Lad can wait, although that also makes me...uneasy. He needs to be dealt with asap." Mon-El crosses his arms across his chest and leans back against the wall. "However, if this is what I think it is, it could be world shattering. Priorities. Legion style." Mon-El grins.

    Mon-El sees Garth's gesture, and nods, "Very well my friend. A one time offer indeed!" Careful not to hurt anyone, Mon-El accepts the hug with a smile.

    Mon-El releases Garth, and looks back at Brainy. "Indeed. Good point." Mon-El takes a moment to glance at Laurel, nods approvingly, and adds, "Excellent."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "I'm just offering it as an option, Brainy," Lyle says, maintaining an even tone as best he can. "That's why you saddled yourself with me as your XO. So I can provide options. All I'm pointing out is that he needs us so he can get back to his time himself."
    He picks up the newer-looking of the two rings and gives it a perfunctory, but professional, once-over. "Good job," he says, and sets it back down.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy considers something, and then says, "You know--" He murmurs, his voice as dry as toast with something of a quantity of acid to it...

"I think Garth should take Booster Gold his new ring, and retrieve Triplicate Girl's. What do you think, Lyle? Should we brief Garth on what happened and then assign him the mission?"

Lightning Lad has posed:
    There. Hugs handled. Garth puts his game face back on. Scooping up the offered mug, Garth starts to drain his silverale. Him gulping it down is a little less out of character, but not as much as he might like to pretend. He has fun, but people can get hurt a little too easily. He finishes to mug, all of it, then puts it back down, but out of his reach. A little movement of his hand indicates no more for him. "Want me to sweep the halls, doing a little electrical current, maybe force him out? I mean, we have to assume he can hear us. I would be happy to start in on that." He nods. "Or, I can do that. Booster Gold need reminded we choose to play nice?" His eyes brighten up just a bit. He knows his place, and what he is here for. His right hand, the clones one tightens, the glove squeaking as finger clasp.

Andromeda has posed:
"There's --" Laurel starts to explain, and then, realizing that there's every chance that Micro Lad can indeed hear them, stops in midsentence. "There're some ideas along that line. If we want to, we could explain --" Here she taps her ear, indicating the good old telepathic earplugs. Of course, there's nothing to say he couldn't be listening in on /those/, too. "If he's willing to go, I don't see why not."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy sits again, and puts his head in his hand. A classic facepalm. "So you're all insisting that we all go." He sighs. "And you're really not going to take 'no' for an answer, are you? You're all just going to sit here chipping away at me..." He pinches the bridge of his nose, and lets out a slow breath." Then... he caves. "Well, it's not like most of you won't just ignore my orders and find a way to follow me anyway. Okay. But your primary job will be protecting others FROM the Brainiac. It is my problem to deal with." Then he adds, "I love you all so much. Garth, you and I will go together. I want to 'thank' Booster Gold for taking such good care of my property."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle sighs, relieved, and looks relieved for the first time in about twenty-four hours. And he deliberately does *not* acknowledge Brainy's capitulation with anything more than a nod. Instead, he follows the subject change eagerly. "Now, about that ring," he says, pointing at the one gotten from Booster. "Is it the same one you're wearing now? It's not an older model, or even a newer one?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "I'd be a touch concerned that you would blow out one of Brainy's experiments or toys, Garth. Let alone that the charge might just kill him at his size. We want to stop him not fry him, as tempting as that may be." Mon-El says, in an even voice. "Let's mark that down as a last resort." Mon quirks a smile, as the corner of his lips twitch upwards just a tad as Laurel witches to the telepathic plugs. "Good point Laurel. Good precaution."

    Mon-El moves towards the exit, and looks back over his shoulder at the team with a warm smile. "I have a few things to take care of downstairs." Earth. "Let me know when you need me Brainy and I'm there. In the meantime, take care everyone. I'll be back." With that, a whoosh of air, and a red-blue blur, Mon-El is gone.

Lightning Lad has posed:
    "Good." Garth answers. "I'll read the briefing on him." He considers. It was Brainiac's ring. "There is still one out there." He says, softly. He means the ring that was lost on his right hand. "Tell Imra I said hey." He really has no idea everyone else knows. Garth turns to move. "K.O.K.O! I need a bunk! Something nice! None of that by the engines stuff. I helped found this outfit." All bluster. He's smiling as he tears into the poor robo monkey playfully. He pauses. "It's good to be back." He says it softly, but only softly enough to be barely heard. Off he faux stomps, all bluster. Too bad he is smiling as he does it.

Andromeda has posed:
"You're leader," Laurel says to Querl firmly; "I think we all trust your judgment on who should go, who should stay, and who should do what if they /do/ go." Which is a vote of confidence, at least. Her smile softens a little as Garth departs, and she gives a slight shake of her head: "Somehow everything just seems a little more ... do-able when he's around. I don't know how he does it. I don't even think /he/ knows."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy just rests his chin in his hand, and toys with his now empty cup. "You're all utterly incorrigible, persistent pains in my--" But then he's smirking. "...You know what my first memory is?" He says, to them, "It's being abandoned by my mother on the day I was born. That set the tone for my whole life, until the day I was forced to meet all of you. Please... never forget, I love you all, even when I absolutely cannot stand you."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle takes a cup off the stack and pours himself a drink -- half a drink, anyway -- and *ting*s it against Brainy's. "I... you know, I *almost* said, 'what would you do without us', but I already know how you'd answer that." And here Lyle does what can only very charitably be called an impersonation of Brainy: "I would do all the work that I have backed up without being interrupted for once." Big grin.

Andromeda has posed:
Laurel Gand colors faintly. "That's how families are," she says; "sometimes we can't stand each other, but we're still family." She winks, smiling. "Plenty of us don't really have any other family -- and even the ones who do, I think, after a while get to feeling like this is as much of one as their original is." She laughs a little at Lyle's impersonation, even if it's not a great one; in this case, it's the sentiment that counts. "And then, once he'd done all that ..." she teases.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"I will say," Brainy says, looking at the others, "That once Brainiac is dealt with, I'm declaring a vacation holiday." That's right, Brainy is making fun mandatory. "For all of us, including me." Then he pours himself a tiny bit of the silverale, and he says, "You know, I once got up in the middle of the night, thinking maybe I could work in the lab for a few hours without being interrupted. And I found myself staring at the door, wondering when someone was going to interrupt. And then," He takes another sip, "To my absolute horror, I found myself wishing they would. Congratulations. You've institutionalized me."