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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/07/26 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1187, 211, 224 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1187|Gothic Lolit...")
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Latest revision as of 04:04, 29 October 2017

Log 1668
Date of Scene: 26 July 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gothic Lolita, Indigo, Viridian

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The Milano is quietly humming along through space, having successfully made off with its haul from the Collector vessel. Who knew distress calls could be so lucrative! The boxes are full with a wide variety of loot, even setting aside the +1 that the crew has picked up. Much of it is valuables and technical gear, some ancient, some rare, some just well made. Most of said boxes have been spread out in the galley, where everyone can go through the manifest and look for things that particularly strike their fancy or that they can appraise for how best to sell it. The good captain dug through a few, but got bored and went back to his bunk for a nap, but there's still plenty to do.

    And interestingly enough, one medium sized box, it seems, contains a wide variety of rare fabrics and materials, suitable for making all sorts of clothing, if nothing else.

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo already knew the ship's cargo manifest. That doesn't mean the manifest is accurate, and in fact there's every chance it was forged by the criminals who stole all this nonsense, but either way she's not terribly interested in anything in the cargo hold. To her, it's all just plunder to sell. She's concerned for the moment with Gothic Lolita, and is asking questions of her solicitously. Where is Gothic Lolita from? Would she like to return there? Is there somewhere else she'd prefer to be? What are her needs aboard the ship?

Viridian has posed:
    Viridian and the Koala are on a treasure hunt. The green haired young woman has carefully exited the exoskeletal frame she uses and gotten dwon on her knees, rummaging through boxes as she investigates the items contained therein. The Koala climbs to her shoulder periodically and then leaps off with a yowl of glee to dive into boxes and explore through them. He comes up beneath a piece of purple fabric, staring at the room as it hangs across his little round head. "Oh, wow! That's beautiful!" Beathlessly Viri clambers toward the crate, mostly using her hands. Now the pair investigate this as well.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The newcomer has gracefully seated herself on the main table, as it's best suited to support her sadly hefty hyperdense mass of kilograms, leaning back on her hands as she watches with curiousity as the girls dig through the boxes. She seems to be enchanted with Indigo's many questions, answering them politely and cheerfully. "I am from Earth, I am not immediately feeling the need, as this seems to be an interesting ship and crew, and I have never been in space before."

    She touches an index finger to her lips. "Well...a recharge at some point would be very nice...I'm afraid I don't have as advanced a system as your own pulchritudinous and petite frame, compact and adorable as I am." she says with a smile to Indigo. "Other than that, I may need some minor tuning to function effectively in a truly airless environment...I'm not sure my creators were expecting me to venture quite so far afield from the terrestrial sphere."

    She looks over at the yowl of glee and Viri's gasp, before sliding easily off the table, idly straightening her skirt as she walks over to look as well. "Oh, that's very lovely material..." she says thoughfully. "I could make something lovely with that, given a proper sewing set. And perhaps some ribbons...yes..." she says, then looks back to Indigo.

    "Actually, this color would be lovely with your particular shade of dermis, I think." She looks between the two girls. "Would you like me to make something for you? It's the least I can do after all your kindness in rescuing me." She frowns. "I suspect that wherever I was going, it would be most unfortunate for me if I had arrived."

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo follows Gothic Lolita over to the find and kneels next to Viridian, smiling at her fiancee's happiness. The simplicity of her excitement demands a hug, and Indigo gives her one, arms around Viridian's waist. "Going to claim that as part of your share, love?" she asks.
    It might seem a little rude, the way she's letting Gothic Lolita's questions hang, but after those compliments she thought it best to make a subtle point about her relationship status. Also, she likes seeing Viridian smile.

Viridian has posed:
    Viridian giggles when Indigo hugs her from behind and then she nods a couple of times, blue eyes studying her surroundings carefully. She twists in the gynoid's arms and then throws her own around the woman's neck, hugging her close for a long second. "I might!"
    While Indigo appears to be ignoring Gothic Lolita to make a point Viridian herself is all smiles. If there's something there to be worried over she doesn't appear to have gotten the memo so far. "Oh, would you? Are you a good tailor?" Viri asks then, tilting her head slightly asshe does. "We still need to figure out dresses, Indy, and we're all the way out here instead of figuring that out on Xandar..."
    The small woman turns her gaze back to her fiancee's face, studying her features thoughtfully. "What do you think, Indi?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The mecha girl clasps her hands behind her. She doesn't seem upset by the gentle reminder; if anything, she looks enchanted by the pair of you and the casual affection. Her internal HUD promptly creates a double marker that reads Viridigo? Inviri? There's nothing the assault mecha likes more than cute, and the two are certainly fitting that category, both physically and emotionally. A pairing is a little bit of an overload of whatever part of her processor is in charge of calculating levels of adorableness. She may have to create a new category.

    "While it is not my programmed vocation, I am an accomplished seamstress and tailor." she confirms cheerfully, her eyes looking interested. "You need dresses? I can certainly do that. I actually have a plethora of patterns tucked away in this smartmetal noggin." she says, knocking the side of her head. "What would be the occasion, if I might ask?"

    She pauses as Viri asks Indi, waiting for her answer as she rises on her toes slightly, rocking a little bit as she cocks her head.

Indigo has posed:
    By way of answering both, Indigo explains, "Viridian and I are getting married; but I wouldn't feel right about taking dresses from you as payment. You don't owe us anything, Gothic Lolita. We saved you because we wanted to, not because we're running a tab." She gives Gothic Lolita one of her rare looks straight in the eye; if you needed proof of her earnestness, there it is.

Viridian has posed:
"Indi's, right! You don't have to give us anything. We were just happy to help!" Viridian looks up and nods, her hair shifting to a very earnest shade of royal blue. She squirms a little bit, allowing herself to lay across Indigo's arms without any means of supporting her weight other than complete trust. From this postiion the girl watches Gothic Lolita from below. "But- I mean. If you want to make a dress-" Then to Indigo Viri adds, "... I know. I shouldn't even ask, I'm just nervous." SHe hsakes herhead.
    Then there's another adorably low, rumbly growl. One of the large crates appears to get up about eight inches from the ground and dashes about the table, heading toward the back of the ship. It runs into a wall with a clang and then bounces backward and falls tot he floor. "Eeee..."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    That processor is already laboring away trying to process the concept of Indi and Viri together. At the information that they are, in addition, getting MARRIED, well...that flicks straight into overload as Lolita actually makes a delighted squee before she can stop herself, then flushes as her processor works past the programming glitch. "Ah, well, while it is a very concientious and virtuous point for both of to think of me, I am certainly not offering as some sort of encumbrance on my part to you. Far from it!

    Her eyes actually twinkle excitedly as she puts her hands together in front of her, palms together. "Rather, it would be my great pleasure to gift you both with dresses for your wedding! I take great comfort and joy from such delicate constructions, and I have never had the opportunity to do so for such a wonderful purpose. Please..." she says, gently. "I would love to do this for you."

    Then there's the crash as the box goes crashing into the table as Loli looks over, blinking, then steps closer to open the crate, peering inside. "Goodness...are you okay, koala-kun?" she says, actually sounding slightly worried for him.

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo cradles Viridian's torso easily in her deep blue arms, holding her darling up not just easily but without thought; a gesture of support so automatic it's a reflex. She smiles up at Gothic Lolita's earnestness. "I understand how you feel. It's nice to be able to give people gifts. Thank you, Gothic Lolita. I'm sure we'd both like that." As she's thanking Gothic Lolita, she's thinking at Viridian, <<Oh dear, looks like the koala is having trouble. Is it worth dislodging you to go intervene?>>

Viridian has posed:
    The crate jumps and shudders, then - SPROING! The koala springs free of the metallic prison to end up clinging from one of the light fixtures overhead. Viridian glances over at him and gives a faint shrug of her shoulders. She points at the Koala then and laughs, showing no inclination to move from where she is currently laying.
    The koala, for his part, twists his head to survey the room while he hangs upside down from the ceiling. Then the little creature lets out a 'scree!' and drops from the ceiling to land on Gothic Lolita's head. Viridian is speaking next. "That sounds wonderful. Thank you! That's- really luck yactually. I guess things just have a way of working out."
    For now the koala perches on Gothic Lolita's head and grasps her hair for stability.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The dark haired mecha takes a step back as the koalabot goes shooting upwards, grinning in relief. "My, aren't you bouncy..." She doesn't even twitch as he lands on her head, her pigtails providing useful handholds as she balances, smiling gently. "I think my shoulder would also be very comfortable..." she says dryly, then gets a thoughful look before she moves to perch carefully on the table, so she doesn't dislodge her passenger as she kicks her legs. "You are quite welcome...though, as I think on it, I am interested in hearing something from you, if you feel you need to repay me...though I would understand if you felt it was too personal..." she adds, almost copying Indigo in the way she looks a bit down lower rather than meeting either of your eyes, a little curve to her lips."

    She tilts her head slightly, causing the koala to lean a bit with her, then says. "How did you come to fall in love with each other? I have never encountered such a pairing, but I find it...quite beautiful, to be honest." she says, a little wistfully.

Indigo has posed:
    While Koalabot is playing with Gothic Lolita, Indigo takes the opportunity to scoop Viridian closer and steal a quick kiss before relaxing her arms and letting Viri recline again. "I don't mind answering at all, but I'm afraid it's not a very interesting story. Viridian and I have known each other for a very long time. I was concerned for her when we met, so I got to know her; the more I knew her, the more I liked her; and after a while of liking her, I realized how important she was to me and how much I wanted us to share our lives. But if I may ask, what kind of pairing do you mean? A syntellect and a biological person, or two women, or...?" She just seems curious, like she's looking for information.

Viridian has posed:
    Now Viridian is watching Gothic Lolita as well, though she has to stifle a giggle as she watches the Koala manipulate the gynoid's pigtails as if they were handle bars for her head. Fotunately it doesn't apply pressurea nd so no struggle need be made. She listens to the conversation between the pair carefully, nodding slowly while she considers each of them. Apparently the now red haired young woman is as interested in the answer to Indigo's question as Indigo herself is.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Loli's head comes up slightly, now looking at the two of you again, her feet lazily kicking as she considers. "The former, primarily..." She points at her head. "My emergent AI personality was based on a standard human template, before it was allowed to naturally express itself and grow into my lovely current persona."

    She beams at the two of you gently. "My daddy, however, did not believe we were served by having pre-programmed hangups, especially in the arena of emotional ardency and affection. Not to mention such fears of who loves who with what gender are largely irrational. So I have no particular predilections for seeing love as anything but something to be celebrated, no matter who it is between."

    She slows a bit, her eyes dropping a bit again. "However, I have never been a position to judge for myself. I love my brothers and sisters, but.." she shrugs a bit, smiling to herself. "Not in the passionate sense, and, to be brutally honest, I have not really had the opportunity to meet those outside of our lovely little band previously for very long periods."

    She peeks at you again. "...to be honest, this is the first 'girl talk' I have had outside of my sisters."

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo smiles and gives Gothic Lolita another rare, brief moment of eye contact. She has one arm under Viridian and one over: the latter one reaches up toward Gothic Lolita and beckons. "Then come, sit with us and talk," she invites warmly. "My own personality subroutines are based specifically on human behavior on Earth too, so I suppose I could have had reservations about loving a woman, but I don't. I don't think I had a choice but to love her, once I began to know her."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    There's a flicker of suprise in the other gynoid's eyes, before she reaches up to gently scoops the Koala-bot off her head, then after a slight hesistation she rests him against her shoulder in her left arm, before she walks over and gracefully seats herself beside the two of you, adjusting her skirt automatically behind her, her long legs bared as she draws them up under her, bending at the knees.

    "I would like that." she says with a soft smile, peering up at the two of you. "Are you from Earth then?" she asks curiously, adjusting the little koala so he can snuggles into her hug. "So, you feel it was...destined, once you knew her..." she murmurs, her expression saying she finds that especially charming to think about.

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo strokes Viridian's color-transitioning hair back and down, across her crown and away from her forehead as she smiles at Gothic Lolita. "Destiny is a word to describe it," she agrees, "but I'd just say cause and effect. She's a gentle, caring, brilliant, understanding person. I'm helpless not to love someone who's like that. Do you have emotions, Gothic Lolita? The way you talk certainly implies it."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Please...you are welcome to call me Lolita. Or Loli, if you prefer." the other girl says with a faint smile, watching the ruffling and the color changing with a curious interest before the question draws her eyes back to Indigo's pink gaze. "Yes, I do. I'm based on something called a Life Model Decoy, a type of android designed to mimic specific individuals. I have a full human template of emotions and instincts, both postive and negative."

    She tilts her head a bit, smiling a little at the other gynoid. "Though as I've said, my template has developed and grown into a unique special snowflake of its own...I'm very different from what we call a 'stem cell', a newly awakened brother or sister Livewire." She taps her head. "For one, I've modified myself to have some control over certain emotions. Sort of like...a slider for intensity. It's helpful when I am in immediate danger of destruction to not fear, or, on occasion, to raise my innate optimism to extremely high levels when the chances for a successful mission drop precipitously. I tend not to do that when I am not actively engaged in a mission, however, I enjoy feeling...normal feeling?"

    Her eyes twinkle a bit at that, reflecting a quiet amusement. "So...I can appreciate the sort of person that is required to evoke such depth of feeling, and I admit I find such things...quite charming and attractive, in an emotional sense." she says thoughfully. "Though I have not met someone before who inspires such feelings in me."

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo nods along, and just asks one simple question: "How long have you been active?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The other girl blinks a bit at that. "...5 years, 1 day, 17 hours." she responds. Meaning her birthday is just passed, apparently. Or activation day? "I am the eldest of my family, I was activated first. Apparently because they felt a combat assault model would be the simplest to work with." She shrugs a little bit.

Indigo has posed:
    "That's not very long to meet someone," Indigo comforts, with a smile. "If you're even looking, of course. I don't know if you're at a point in your life where a romantic relationship is a good idea."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Loli actually seems to consider that for a moment. "While I am young in years and, admittedly, have had more limited social interactions in many ways...I am fully developed emotionally. I believe I have the capability to fall in love with someone, just..." She glances at Viri, smiling a bit. "...have not had the opportunity to meet someone who is gentle, caring, brilliant and hwo understands who triggers that particular chain of cause-and-effect. Honestly..." She pauses. "My sister is much more socially inclinded than I am, though that is largely because it's a major part of her function. She has certainly tried to encourage me in that direction."

    She looks back up to you, those blue eyes curious. "How old are you, by comparison? How long have you been active?"

Indigo has posed:
    "I don't know," Indigo explains honestly as she moves from a palm-based stroking of Viridian's hair to a combing, her fingers parted and curled, tips stroking along Viri's scalp. "A few months ago, I sustained critical damage to my systems, and many of my memory files were corrupted, with the possibility of more being erased. There was a battle of some kind--my memory files are too damaged to tell me what kind, or why--and several of my power cells exploded. I'm lucky to still be alive, and grateful."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "That sounds dreadful! I'm pleased you retained your personality engrams then, at the least." Lolita notes, leaning forward as she absently pets the koala-bot snuggled into her legs. "So you don't know where you're from...but you have emotions based on humans from Earth, you said?"

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo nods at the first part. "I believe I've retained my original personality, based on my behavior during periods I have memory access of, but the possibility that I am altered from my original parameters doesn't bother me. Whoever I was, I like who I am now. But it's not specifically my emotions that are Earth-specific. Rather, it's my data files. I have significant information on Earth's history, political and economical structures as of a few months ago, customs and beliefs... I seem to have been intended for use on Earth."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Loli leans forwards at that with interest. "I see. Perhaps you were designed as some sort of metahuman-style hero, complete with cape or form fitting suit, or in an extremely and slightly more unbecoming example, an extremely well made push up bra and thong." Her eyes twinkle a bit at that as she winks at Indigo playfully. "Hmmm...I would be curious to know....how different our individual designs are, or at least our personality matrices. Perhaps Viridian could use mine to help you recover more of yours? I have no idea how close we are in complexity, however. From the sound of it, you seem much more advanced and elder to myself, sempai."

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo's soft, smooth fingertips brush along Viri's jawline as she nods. "I don't know how advanced I am, but so far I've been generations beyond any machine I've had personal experience with." That's not a boast, just a fact. "I think we seem very similar, though!" she adds warmly. "We both seem to share an enjoyment of menial labor for others' benefit, a general sociability, empathy... Do you enjoy cooking? I like it very much."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita hmms. "I have not had anyone to really cook for, though I can eat food and enjoy it. My creators thoughfully included fully functional olfactory and taste sensors...really, I'm fully functional across the board in that respect, as I was intended to perfectly mimic an organic person. " she says with a smile. "I do admit my personal delight is cosplay and tailoring, as I find I frequently have need to replace my outfits." She sighs. "I am quite durable, but they, sadly, are not. I usually am dressed in sad little tatters by the end of an operation." She tilts her head. "I would be interested in learning though? I do enjoy being able to craft things for other people to enjoy, I find, you are correct." she says cheerfully.

Viridian has posed:
    "Two of you are cooking now? I am going to get fat at this rate." Viridian laughs softly before trailing off agian. She is enjoyign listening. The koala is enjoying snuggling. it is very soft, like an actual koala might be imagined to be. There is no impetus to move or do more than watch and listen eagerly so Viri doesn't. Life is simple that way.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Loli's eyes twinkle at Viri's interjection. "Well, obviously we will need a suitable test subject to appreciate our dishes, after all." she says amusedly. She tilts her head. "If I may ask...is your hair color changing artistic or does it represent something?" she wonders. She's been thinking about that since she saw it happen first.

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo is quiet, letting Viridian tackle that question. She just keeps stroking the hair in question, and smiling at her girl.

Viridian has posed:
    "Oh. It's related to emotions in a very symbolic kind of way," VIri responds earnestly. "It just changes whenever I'm in a mood." Right now the igrl's hair is trending toward pink, similar in shade to Indigo's. "Like right now." She shrugs at that and then offers a smile for the benefit of both gynoids. viri leans her head against Indigo's side. "And I approve of testing dishes for people. Carry on, ladies!" Then she breaks into a riot of soft giggles.

Indigo has posed:
    Indigo obeys her fiancee's request, but enthusiastically, nodding at Loli. "I adore cooking. It's basically chemistry and aesthetics combine. I watch so many cooking programs."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Loli breaks into a smile at that, quickly connecting the matching colors. "That's very pretty..." she says. "I like mine one color, though I could change it if needed. Not so smoothly though."

    She nods to Indigo as she expresses her love. "I completely understand...there's something very satisfying about turning raw ingredients into somthing orderly and beautiful." she says cheerfully. "Hmmm...I would have to put myself in your hands though, sempai, as I"m sure I"m nowhere near you when it comes to learning proper spicing or the like."