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Latest revision as of 13:07, 30 October 2017

School Daze
Date of Scene: 31 August 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Datalink, Moonstar, Boom-Boom

Datalink has posed:
A cab drives up to the front yard and stops there, the driver helping unload several suitcases worth of luggage as a fifteen year old girl gets out, and then it drives off. The girl looks up to the building and sighs, "So how am I supposed to get my stuff all the way to wherever I'm supposed to go." She leans on one and takes out her phone, starting to look through her address list.

Moonstar has posed:
How does one know that you're at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters? The flying horse tends to give things away.

In the sky above, soaring over the mansion is a white winged stallion, effortlessly flying through the air as his rider looks down and sees the new arrival. Without any signal, the stallion banks and spreads his wings, coming in for a landing on the grass nearby, as the rider hops off. She's wearing blue jeans and a blue short sleeved buttoned shirt, her hair braided as she waves, "Hey there! New arrival?"

Boom-Boom has posed:
    A blonde girl rushes out of the front of the mansion, she's wearing pink denim jeans and a pink babydoll that read "Dangerous When Bored". She makes a beeline for the horse and his girl. "Dani?" Boomer calls, blowing a pink bubble and then popping it. "Do you know who has the room next to me?" she wonders. "I... I kinda feel bad 'bout the noise and the bangin' on the wall. I need to send the girl in that room a present to show that I'm sor..." she begins, sheepishly, but then she notices the new arrival. "Omigod. Sorry. Hiya."

Datalink has posed:
"Yeah. I'm new." The white-haired girl blinks a few times as she tanks into account the flying horse. "Jennifer Lindon. Sophomore." She looks at her luggage, "I'd ask you to help me carry this but I don't even know where I'm supposed to take it." She politely ignores the whole rambling about troubles involving neighbours. "But uh, nice to meet you, I guess?"

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani, being the girl with the horse, grins over at Jennifer, "Hey, welcome!" She gives Brightwind a sugar cube from her pocket, then looks over at Jennifer, "Wait, you're the new girl! I think you're... ah." She then looks over at Tabitha, "Well, on the bright side, you don't need to go too far to apologize to someone that hasn't gotten here yet?" Her lips quirk into a slight grin, "Oh, Jennifer Lindon, this is Tabitha Smith, but we all call her Tabby or Boomer... for, well, you'll see." She then offers a hand over towards Jennifer, "I'm Danielle Moonstar, but everyone calls me Dani."

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "No, I mean't the girl in the room..." and she sighs. "Nevermind. I'll jus' leave a note and a gift card or somethin'." A nod to Jennifer. "Nice to meetcha." she says, chewing at her gum. "You got here jus' in time, haven't missed much in the way of class time."

Datalink has posed:
"Oh good. Class, my favourite." Jenny rolls her eyes to make it very clear that she's being sarcastic. "Nice to meet you two. So I guess I'm going to have to get used to school being a little more interesting, huh?" She takes a pointed look at the winged horse, those unnaturally green eyes focusing a bit closer. "Does it have a name?"

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Boomer stuffs her hands in her jeans pockets, or at least as much as she can manage. She watches the other two girls talk, looking back and forth as the conversation continues. She speaks up at the mention of the horse, though. "That's Twilight Sparkle."

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani smiles, "Yes, his name is Brightwind." The horse whinnies a bit, and then Dani sighs, "Okay, but just one more, you glutton." And with that, another sugar cube goes from Dani's hand to the horse, as she looks over at Jennifer, "Oh, school is pretty interesting here." At the mention of Twilight Sparkle, Tabby gets a Look.

Datalink has posed:
"You shouldn't watch kid shows if it means you can't distuingish between the show and reality." Jenny answers Boomer with a smirk, and glances over to the horse once more, "Hello there Brightwind." She reaches out to try to pet it, it's a bit awkward, girl is clearly not used to being near animals of that size. "Back home, school was mostly just boring, though it was worse when I couldn't go for months and had to keep up from home."

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "It's borin' here too." Tabitha says with a laugh. "They don't let the horses in the classes, nor the Badgers. Well... maybe the Badger, sometimes." She glances back at the mansion for a moment and then pulls out her phone to check messages. "There _are_ purple girls, though." she says, distractedly.

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani nods, "Yeah, the school is pretty much school, but the extracurriculars are where it gets funky." She grins at Jennifer, "We'll be more than happy to help with your bags, though. I think you're going to be the room next to Tabby, in which case my condolences." She then sidesteps quickly from Tabitha, out of punch range.

Datalink has posed:
"Eh, it can't be that bad, right." Naively spoken by the girl who has no clue what she's getting herself into, "I guess it's related to why you call her boomer?" She shrugs, and picks up one of her bags. "And I'm sure there's all kinds of we--interesting people here." She catches herself just a moment too late, "What kind of extracurriculars?"

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Boomer looks up, having totally missed the teasing while being engrossed in her phone. "Huh? Yeah. Yeah? Oh. Well, jus' ignore the bangin' and noises. It's nothin'." She looks to Dani. "Or maybe I'll go make noise in YOUR room. See how you like it, then, girlie... which reminds me - there's a great spot up in the loft in the stables..."

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani eyerolls a bit, "Oh geez, did NOT need to know that Tabby." She laughs and looks over at Jennifer, "Oh, we have a lot of interesting folks here. That's what makes it way more interesting." She grins, "So, what do you do? I mean, aside from have that really cool hair?" Dani's own hair, for the record, has a few braids, but not many, as she gives Jennifer a curious glance.

Datalink has posed:
"Hold my phone." Jennifer answers Dani, holding out the iPhone to the older girl. She's kind of ignoring Tabitha at this point, not quite sure what that is all about but deciding she'd rather not know, at least for the time being.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabby chews her gum loudly, watching the other girls do something with Jennifer's phone. Still, it's vaguely interesting... maybe she's going to show off her powers, if she has any?

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani grins, and holds onto the phone, looking curiously at it as she waits for... well, whatever voodoo that Jennifer would do.

Datalink has posed:
Jennifer keeps one finger in contact to the device, and then the girl's appearance becomes disturbed with visual static, and this static gets worse until the parts of her furthest away from her phone just vanish, and this rapidly progresses until she's entirely gone. A few moments after, holographic static comes from the laptop sticking out of one of the bags, and this gradually turns into Jennifer, who when she's done holds out her hand, "I'd like my phone back, please?"

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani blinks in surprise, then grins, "Wow, that's cool. Much easier than a flying horse." At that, Brightwind snorts and glares at Dani in a huff, to which Dani then says, "Sorry Brightwind..." She then hmms, "Well, I've got some psychic powers. Oh, and I'm a Valkyrie." She quirks a bit of a grin at that.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Phones don't eat all the sugar cubes and apples, either." Boomer offers, but grins at Dani. She sticks her tongue out at Brightwind, who probably is going to give her a death-stare. "I don't wanna hear it, Scootaloo." She smiles at Jennifer. "Yeah, that's pretty cool."

Datalink has posed:
"Until you get lost on the internet and find out you're on the other side of the country." Jennifer responds in a tone that makes it clear she has a very unfortunate experience with that. "The internet is a pain to navigate." She glances towards Boomer and rolls her eyes. "Anyway, that's about it."

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani hands the phone back to Jennifer, then grins as Brightwind does, in fact, give Boomer a glare. Pretty smart horse, really, but then, he does fly after all. Then she says, "All I know about the Internet is avoiding the comments section, really. But that still sounds pretty awesome."

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "You got lost on the internet?" Boomer asks. "Like, can you see what's in a site while you're in there or do you jus' travel the tubes and pop out somewhere?" she wonders. "I'd hate to get stuck in 4-chan or someplace like that."

Datalink has posed:
"Oh there's much worse than 4chan, trust me." That's Jennifer's answer to Boomer's question, and she's got a look of 'don't ask' and instead she puts her phone back in her pocket and tries to pet Brightwind again, "So what's a valkyrie do?"

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani hmms, "Well, you know, escort the dead from battle to Valhalla. Spear and magic helmet. Deal with annoying sorceresses. Typical stuff." She grins, "Actually, I'm still kinda learning this as a go, really. It was more of something I got adopted into, as opposed to being born to it."

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Speaw and magic helmwet?" Tabby quips, quoting Elmer Fudd. "Don't listen to her..." she says to Jennifer. "She's the best of us. So she got chosen. I mean... you don't get to apply to Asgard for a job."

Datalink has posed:
"Sounds like a pain." Jenny concludes based on that description of what it involves, and picks up her heaviest bag, "So I guess we should find out where I'm supposed to take these? Or at least, I should go find out..." She smiles a little nervously, "At least want to get it all beneath a roof."5r

Moonstar has posed:
    Dani rolls her eyes at Tabby, "Oh please. The only one that chose me was Brightwind. Horse chooses the rider, that's how it works. Don't blame me that he took the sugar cube comments personally." She then grins at Tabitha, "Come on Tabby, let's help Jennifer find her room."

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Yeah, yeah." Tabby saus, grinning. "That's me, Dani's bellhop." but she's joking. She moves to grab a bag to lug it into the house. "It'll be great to have another cool girl at school, not like you other nerds."