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Latest revision as of 14:12, 30 October 2017

Queen of the Mallrats
Date of Scene: 04 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Tendril, Boom-Boom, Datalink, Black Rose, Moonstar

Tendril has posed:
    It all started when Lexi, fairly innocently, suggested that she could buy Tabby a choker since she'd been nice enough to give her one of her favorite rings. Then Tabby pointing out she could use a way to keep her pendants on more securely, and Lexi suggesting they should get a really sturdy choker with a ring then. To hang them on!

    Someday someone is going to explain exactly why that may not be a proper gift to a schoolmate to her.

    But she's at least wanted to go see if they can find anything that will suit in the meantime, and the two were plotting to sneak out...which Jennifer happened on. And through a no doubt very clever and daring plan, the three managed to slip out and to make their way into town, and the mall Lexi knows best...the Trade Center Mall. Sadly it all happened off screen, so we'll never know the awesome that it was.

    The mauve skinned mutant girl gets looks when she walks in with the others...but she's pretty used to it by now. Her gold eyes flick around as she grins, then turns back towards the other. "Been a while since I got ta poke around here. Was kinda far for me ta hoof it to before. An' usually didn't have th' cash ta buy much, so was just windowshoppin..."

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Honey, I'm hooome!" Tabitha calls once they step into the mall proper. "I missed you so much, baby." and she throws her arms out wide, above her head. She must be talking to the building itself. "Your queen has returned." Well, at least people aren't staring at Lexi anymore.

Datalink has posed:
Next to Lexi's appearance, Jennifer's fiberglass hair and computer screen green eyes look positively mundane. Tabby does Tabby things, like usual, to further make Jennifer not stand aside from being associated with those two. Which is fine by her, "I'm not sure yet what I'll get, but I got to spend my allowance on something, right?"

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi grins toothly, flashing slightly elongated canines. "You bet! Tabby knows this place inside out, she can find anythin'." She looks thoughful. 'But whatcha want? I mean...I guess...I'm here for clothes?" she says with a thoughful frown, then looks down at her very overused and often worn top. "...I guess I could use a change for that..." She doesn't really have much in her closet, honestly.

Black Rose has posed:
    Enter Yana Asarov. Who, for whatever reason, is already here. And, standing just far enough away to not see the girls immediate entrance, but, well -- one does notice Tabitha, and Lexi quite easily in a crowd. Tabitha, because of the way she's dressed. Lexi? Well. That's more of a muave thing. You wouldn't understand.
    The blue-haired girl looks over towards her friend, her not-enemy and possibly-soon-to-be-friend, and the other girl she's heard of, but hadn't really met yet. "You guys should've told me you were coming to the mall," says Yana, thoughtfully, "Could've given you a ride. But, cool that you're here. You want to hang out, or you doing your own thing?"

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabby turns to look at the other girls. "We could go to Against All Odds, they have some fab stuff. Agaci, maybe.. though they're not nearly as cool as they like to think they are. Alley Kat, maybe?"

    She turns again when she hears Azarov's voice. "Hiya, Yana. What brings you to Queen Tabitha's domain?"

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi...well, jumps, when Yana looms out of nowhere! Well, seems to. "Ah! Ahhh..." She whews, then grins. "Yana!" She promptly attempts to hug the other girl. "Yes! Come with us for shopping! Tabby is going to show us th' best places! I didn't know you were out this way today or I woulda, it was kinda spur of th' moment thing." She points to Tabby and Jennifer. "But look! Not out alone! And now you're here, so, like, totally safe." she says with a grin. "And yes...um, hmm. Sure, what's that place like?" she asks Tabitha, Queen of the Mallrats. Because if anyone knows where to find neat stuff here, it's probably her.

Datalink has posed:
"Heya." Jenny gives a wave to Yana when the other girl approaches, and considers the question, "The obvious answer is 'all of them' but I think Alley Kat first maybe?" She suggests, "I was in the Mall of America yesterday, that was kind of interesting." By all reasonable accounts, she just entered her room after dinner and went listening to music for a few hours. "But I couldn't spend any money there, there'd be questions."

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Aren't there jus' old people and Chinese tourists there shoppin'? The Mall of America, I mean." Boomer asks. "Hmm. Later we can go in Carolina Herrera and make the snooty workers nervous until they kick us out."

    Tabitha moves to look at the store listing, bending over a little. "Hey, we could go to the Coach store and drool over bags and stuff."

Black Rose has posed:
    "Just picking up a few things," Yana says to Tabitha, casually. But, she at least doesn't argue who is the 'Queen' of the mall, moving to go in line with the other girls. "Hey, yourself," she calls to Lexi, smiling. "Well, if you need, you can all ride back with me. That is, if all our stuff can fit in my car." Her car, at least Tabitha and Lexi would know, is a Camaro. Not exactly known for it's massive trunk space.
    She gives a quizzical look to Jenny, "You're Jennifer Lindon, right? I'm Yana. Yana Asarov. New to the school, too. You were at the Mall of America, yesterday? You just fly in, then?"
    She nods to Tabitha, "Sure. I'm game."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi grins at Tabby as she forges ahead for foraging of fashion, eyes lingering, before Yana reminds her she's being rude. "Sure Yana! I don't think we're gettin' a whole lot, just some outfits an' stuff. I'm kinda...well, I wear this like, -all- the time. IT'd be nice ta have some variety." she says ruefully. "Oh! And yes. Tell us about ya, Jenny! WE kinda kidnapped ya before we gave ya a proper grillin'."

    She looks unrepentant about the whole kidnapping...not that it wasn't more she wanted to come with, anyway.

Datalink has posed:
"Mostly tourists, yeah. Don't think it was all chinese and old farts though." Jenny answers Tabby with a shrug, "I was just browsing and I figured I might as well check it out, just so I can say I've been there." She nods to Yana, "That's my name, and no, I didn't fly in, I surved there." Nevermind that Minnesota is nowhere near the coast. "Fairly easy trip, getting better at it."

Then she glances to Lexi, "I can turn into some kind of computer software entity person or however you want to call it. Can travel over the internet that way, kind of hard to explain exactly how it works."

Moonstar has posed:
Well, Dani didn't originally come //along// with the gang, as she was out. As it is, she's actually picking up a few things for herself when she got the text from her roomie. So she's waiting at the entrance with a pair of shopping bags already, "Hey, didn't think you guys were coming out today." She smiles cheerfully, waving with her free hand to the other students.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "They have that ramen place from Japane here too... Ajisen. Tons of desert places too. Beard Papa if we want cream puffs. There's Dave and Busters if we want to blow all of our money on games." Tabby says as she wanders back to the group and offers her arm to Lexi, smiling.

    "Oh, maybe Dani has some ideas on where to find that thing you were lookin' for? Maybe her girlfriend would have a thought?"

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi perks as Dani shows up, waving. "Hi Roomie!" she says cheerfully, then grins as Tabby offers an arm, taking her hand instead as she squeezes. "Hmm...the choker thing? Or the, um..." There's a faint purple flush to her cheeks. "The bodice stuff. I still think I'd just pop outta stuff like that. I mean, how could I climb in somethin' like that?"

    She does eye Dani thoughfully. "...*would* your girlfriend know about stuff like that?" she says, a teasing tone in her voice now.

Black Rose has posed:
    Yana leans over to Tabitha, and murmurs something quietly to the other girl, then looks at her casually, almost quizzically before she comments, "I'm mainly here because they've got a grunge metal store here where I get a lot of my clothes." Like, the current outfit she's wearing. "And, figured I'd treat myself. But I'm up for whatever you girls want."

Datalink has posed:
"Hy Valky." Dani is granted a friendly wave before there is talk of a choker and a bodice, "Wait what?" Jenny tilts her head at Lexi when that question is asked, but decides not to push any further than that. "Nevermind, and I'm cool to go except I'm not blowing my money on games."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani nods, "Yeah, Dave and Buster's is pretty overrated. I mean, it's basically Chuck E Cheese with booze. Bleh." She grins and looks over at Lexi, "No girlfriend with me this time, but I can think of a few things that you might find acceptable if you want."

Then she flashes a grin at Jennifer, "Just Dani works around here. I left Brightwind at home." She is, actually, just wearing her standard blue denim shirt and matching jeans, though she actually has on cowboy boots, looking pretty comfortable in them.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabby stares at Yana a long moment. She takes a deep breath and opens her mouth, maybe to explode... but shen the closes it again. She looks around at all the other ladies and then back to Azarov. "I guess I can't pass that up." She smiles a little. "Thanks. Why're you shopping at a grunge metal place? Didn't that die out like last century? 'sides, Seven For All Humanity has nine hundred dollar leather pants if you just want expensive stuff."
    Lexi has taken her hand and Tab pats that hand with her other and leans to try and kiss the mauve girl's cheek. "There. See? I knew she could help."

Tendril has posed:
    It's like she's getting a sixth senses...she feels Tabby take that deep breath and squeezes her hand, glancing at her, then relaxes as she doesn't go boom. "Well...sure, if ya think it'd look good on me. I mean..I usually just try ta not ta have too much gettin' in th' way of my skin, so I don't rip somethin' if I need ta use a tendril. An' there's nothin' wrong with Yana's look...it's not outta style in places..." she notes. "Um, I think."

    She ponders. "I do like th' tater tot things at D an' B..." she adds cheerfully. "But we can do that another time.' She makes a queenly gesture. "Just...drag me wherever an' I'll look at least?"
5R    She looks back to Jenny, then hmms. "Computer stuff, huh? That's cool. I do tendrils." She holds out a hand, a her forearm shifting and sprouting out into a short purplish tendril, curling slightly, before it vanishes back into her arm. No point freaking out the mundanes.

Black Rose has posed:
    "It's not about how expensive something is, it's about how cool it looks," Yana says, with a half smile over towards Tabitha, shrugging. "BUt, sure. We can stop there too. I actually haven't been to this mall in a couple years. So, I'll let the Queen lead. But, let's hit that Coach store. And then we can hit whatever other stores people want."
    She makes no comments on bodice's, and she seems - at least for once, to seem to defer to Tabitha in 'her domain'. As Dani makes herself known, she grins, "Hey. I can't fit five in my car. Hope you got your own way back. These three got here somehow, dunno how. Offered them a ride back."

Datalink has posed:
"But then I'd have to remember your name, and there's so many people whose name I have to remember, it's hard alright." Jenny answers Dani's comment with a shrug, "I remembered which of the new faces you are at least, so that's like partial credit, right?" She moves on from that to squint at the tendril and otherwise mostly follows the group, "Hitched a ride with a friendly fellow known as Ulrich Bertram Eric Roddenstein."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani chuckles, "I just rode the Magik Bus. I bribe her on occasion." With what, she doesn't say, though she does add, "Which reminds me, I need to visit that grunge metal shop too. and maybe hit Hot Topic. Don't ask." She makes a bit of a face, but hey, at least she's not having to get souls for people, right?

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Pfft." Tabitha says. "Illyana Rasputin likes Hot Topic. There's a surprise." She tugs the mauve girl along. "Coach, it is!" and she leads the way. "I saw a glove-leather bad once on their website."

Tendril has posed:
    "Um, is a glove-leather bag good?" she says uncertainly. "I mean, why wouldn't ya make it into gloves then..." Yeah, she's not up on the whole purse fashion thing. Or fashion in general. "Maybe I can try somethin' that's all grungy or Hot Topic-y too..." she says, swinging her hand a bit that's holding Tabby's playfully as she looks around thoughtfully, her silvery hair flicking back and forth as she does. "Okay, what's the Magik school bus?" she has to ask. Since most of the others seem to know what she's talking about.

Black Rose has posed:
    "Illyana has a means of transportation," Yana tells Lexi, casually, along with Jennifer. "Buuuut comes with instruction manuals." She chuckles, dryly. She follows Tabitha towards the coach store, keeping quiet for now whatever she might've whispered to Tabby about. She looks quizically to Jenny, "So, what kind of cool stuff can you do?" She wonders, curious.
    Then, she exchanges a brief look with Dani, side-glances at Tabitha meaningfully, and 'secretly' gives Dani a quick thumbs-up and a half-shrug of her shoulder.
    Hey, look. They're getting along.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani passes a wink to Yana at the thumbs-up, and chuckles. "Yeah, Illyana can teleport people, and her ID is Magik, so... Magik Bus." She grins at Lexi, "Glove leather purse? That sounds a bit crazy to me, I mean, leather is leather, right? Sounds like it's a way to jack up the price."

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Yeah. Stevie Nicks makeas a good Missus Frizzle." Tabitha says. She swings her hand along with Lexi's. "Yeah, it's jus' a way to jack the price, like dani said. I was jus' thinkin' of the most expensive thing I saw on their site. I wouldn't want to carry a bag like that, I'd be too afraid it'd get stolen or dropped in the mud or somethin'."

Tendril has posed:
    "Wait..." Lexi says, frowning at Dani. "Is this th' girl from Hell or whatever? Cuz I keep gettin' told she's really scary or somethin'." She mmms. "Never met her though. I guess she graduated, so doesn't hang out at th' school?" She frowns, shrugging. "Or maybe I just keep missin' her." She slows as everyone reaches the store, heading inside. "Whoa, this looks...major fancy..." she says, tilting her head.

Black Rose has posed:
    "Sooooo ... Tabitha and I both agreed, that everyone here gets to pick out one thing from the Coach Store," Yana announces, casually. "As a thank you, for, you know, just being cool. And, to just say thanks for letting me come in and making me feel welcome." Because this is Tabitha's little outing. Thus, revealed, is what Yana's little whisper was to Tabitha earlier. Maybe the little talk they had did Yana some good, too. "So get whatever purse or handbag you want. One time only. No rainchecks."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani smiles over at Yana, "Really? That's awesome." She nods at Yana, then looks over at Lexi, "Well, it's complicated, Lexi, but yeah, she's from Limbo. Which is a sort-of Hell, really. Not a nice place. But she's still pretty cool... just, well, yeah, she can be scary if you don't know her." Then she adds, "Or even if you do..." under her breath.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Oooh, Foxy... look at this one." Tab says, touching a pinky-purple satchel with tooled flowers on the bottom corners and a large silver clasp. "It's only five hundred dollars."

    She plasters on a smile for the store associate, who probably isn't thrilled to have a bunch of unruly teenaged girls in the store.

Tendril has posed:
    "Really? Well..." She looks a bit torn. "I guess if it's just a purse?" she says, her eyes automatically going to the leathery satchels. I mean, how much could it be? They're usually, what, $80 bucks, right? Maybe? She oohs and heads over to a pretty black one with purplish and pink cherries on the side to look at, picking it up.

    "Oh, this is pretty! Maybe this would be..." And then she cuts off as she finds the price tag, her gold eyes, her jaw actually dropping. "...?!?"

    Then Tabby cheerfully offers her as Lexi stares a bit dumbfounded at her, then back to Yana, getting a deer-in-headlights sort of look. "Yana...that's...I can't...oh my GAWD..." she says stammers, then very, very carefully sets the bag back down.

Black Rose has posed:
    "No rainchecks," Yana tells Lexi, looking over bags in the same section. "But, Tabitha's right. That bag would look really good for you. Cute." She seems at least to approve of Tabitha's taste. "Not forcing anyone to get one. Or guilting you into it. Just an offer on the table."
    She glances to Dani, "I've only met her a couple times. She's pretty reserved, from what I've seen. But she's definitely on my 'get to know her' list. Especially since, well, you know." That Yana is now officially on the New Mutants. She considers a bright pink dinky in glovetanned leather, and then compares that to a black one with ridged leather design, comparing them, and then moving on, casually.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani nods, "Honestly, Lexi, I'd take advantage of it. Or maybe find something else you'd like." She smiles a bit and gives Yana a wry look, "I'm gonna have to think of something peculiar... pity they don't have saddlebags." She chuckles a bit to herself, browsing through the selection they have and shaking her head a bit.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    Tabitha looks over a black pebbled leather bag covered in tooled flower appliques in white, black, and grey pieces. "Still, she whistles low at the price." She looks back to Lexi. "Everything here is exensive, but they have shoes and stuff too."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi just looks stunned. "I...I can't...it's -way- too much..." she says, looking back at the pretty little satchel. "I'd be scared ta use it..." She looks a bit lost now as she looks around the store, suddenly feeling wildly out of place. "Um...maybe...something small...."

Black Rose has posed:
    "They have scarves, and stuff, too. Wallets. Shoes," Yana suggests to Lexi. The scarves of coruse, aren't too expensive at all. At least, not nearly as expensive as either the shoes, or the handbags. Yana eventually settles on a pink shoulder bag for herself, which contrasts a little too much with her punk rock look, but does go nice with her elecric blue hair.
    "Everyone should get to live a little," she suggests to Lexi, earnestly. Then, to Dani, "Oh, and hey. Later, I need to get with you okay? Don't let me forget."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani nods over towards Yana, handing her a very fashionable belt, "You got it. Besides, I owe you a ride." She winks towards Yana, and waves, "I should get going, as I might have a bit of a date in a little while and I really need to hustle to get over there." She winks to everyone and with that, she's off to enjoy the rest of her Labor Day weekend.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "So, what do you all think? This pink or the black one?" Tabisha asks. "The black one goes with more stuff." She leans to sniff the bag. "Mmmm.. smells so good." a look back to Lexi. "Maybe Yana has some ideas of where to find that chocker you were lookin' for?"

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi ums. "I..uh..." She looks at Yana. "Do they have something like that here?" she says hopefully. Though in a way, this would mean Yana is getting a gift for Tabby, if there were. "Or...um, maybe a...a pair of shoes or...um..." She seems unsure where to go now, like she's afraid of touching anything now.

Black Rose has posed:
    "They've got scarves, but not collars, no. They'll have those at the metal store we'll go to soon." Then, Yana looks over to Tabitha, "How about you pick out something for Lexi, since she doesn't want to do it herself. Then it'll be a gift from you. And, she can pick out your collar." Yana's full of ideas. At least she's trying? That has to count for something.
    She adds to Tabitha, "Well, if you want the pink one more, I'll get the black instead. But we should get different ones," she says, with a half-grin.

Boom-Boom has posed:
    "Good plan." Tabitha agrees. She's not about to give up her only chance to ever have a Coach bag, even if it gives Yana another chance to show off how stupidly rich she is. She looks around a bit more. "Here we go..." and she finds a little mauve satchel. "It's not even five hundred, Foxy. That should make you feel better. It's a bargain." a grin at Yana. "There's a white one that's like twice as much as the black one I was lookin' at. I don't know why white is fifteen hundred, but there you go."

Black Rose has posed:
    Yana exhales, though, good-naturedly. She did say anything, right? Still, she wasn't expecting that much. Still, she did say 'anything', and she's not a girl to go back on her word. "Let's ring it up, we got a lot of other stores to go to," she calls. "The Queen," she gestures to Tabitha, "Has much of her domain to visit. And precious little time to see it all in, before her chariot must carry her back."

Tendril has posed:
    Poor Lexi gets a stricken look. "But..I..I can't...five...hundred?" she says in a weak voice. She realizes she's been deftly outmanuvered now...she can't object to Tabby choosing for her, without talking Tabby out of it...and she can see that's just not going to happen. "...there's no way I can repay this..." Lexi says, frowning at Yana. A debt like this...she's always lived in a give and take. Something like this is just beyond her experience as a gift."

Tendril has posed:
    And despite protests, the other two girls trample all over poor Lexi's objections and buy her something pretty, all the same. Triumphant, the group continues into the mall for more purchases...then a ride home in a bitchin' Camaro. Or a flying horse, depending.