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Latest revision as of 18:21, 30 October 2017

Post Invasion Drinks - Lowtown Style
Date of Scene: 28 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Molly Millions, Surge, Crusader, Phage, Witchblade

Molly Millions has posed:
Lowtown. Madripoor. At least visitors from more savoury parts of the world only need the correct password and the location of a particular door to step into the bar itself, which has... well, been cleaned. As much as a hole like it could ever be cleaned. And a five-foot-nothing Chinese woman has actually taken some of the more sturdy tables, pushed them together, placed a cover over them... and is presently furnishing them with food... much to the bemusement of the owner.

Paper lanterns also string the place, to go with the distant sounds of gunfire and cheering happening in the streets beyond its door. The world, weary and battered, is celebrating that at least the immediate threat has passed. Anticipation of the popularity of beer has iced-down buckets of it prepared to grab, and music has actually been allowed to grace the place for once. It's... well, as festive as a bar in Lowtown is ever likely to get without a flamethrower or napalm.

Molly Millions has posed:
For her part, one might think that Molly missed the memo, or was looped out of her own preparations, given the way she watches Hua bustle back and forth with dishes from the kitchen.

"Hua..." she tries for the dozenth time since she arrived, giving up and turning towards the teen boy that's been press-ganged into helping,"Bao, tell your mother that really... all this food isn't... necessary. Please."

Jeans, again, for her, and her 'I <3 Genosha' tee, even if it has taken a beaten over the last few days... it gives the handmade shirt a bit of character. The lean woman isn't any kind of known superhero type, but given that she's not open-carrying her pistol maybe it counts as a good day for her.

Some of the regulars are in the place, content with free food and empty tables, the only overt sign that she might have been a little closer to the action than the confines of the bar is the fact that there's only one silver lense currently inset in her head - the right one. The left currently leaving an eye the golden-green color of a cat, for all its round pupil, exposed, for once.

Surge has posed:
     And through said door, even though she wasn't actually in the street outside, steps a girl in a green tank top, ripped jeans, and combat boots. Pretty normal, except for the bulky looking gauntlets that cover her arms up to the elbow. She has a seat at the bar, slipping a few bills across the scratched surface, ordering something fruity. Not obtrusive at all. And those little lantern lights didn't flicker when she walked in either.

Crusader has posed:
Some of the portals where able to work. And through being generally....layed back and the kind of person to hang out in less savery - Vorn was able to get a password and access to a portal easily enough.
    The being that steps through the portal - does not - look like Crusader or Bjorn. But instead appears a large nearly pure white orc at 7'6" tall! He wears a tattered trench coat, black cargo pants, and bracer with tribal sign insignia. A spear with a broken head is strapped to his back. He gives off the distinct expression of being a modern day viking
    But soon enough he moves into the bar proper taking a deep wif of the place "Heh. Not sure there even enough food to eat and drink here!" he excalims with a deep beastial voice.

Molly Millions has posed:
'Something fruity' generally consists apple cider. Midori. A mimosa, maybe, the last not exactly expertly made by the lanky Chinese kid who just shrugs at Molly. Yes, his mom, but he knows better than to try and get in Hua's way when there's food involved.

Molly, for her part, settles for shaking her head and pouring herself a vodka. There's not even an attempt to ask for a card, or a squint for Noriko's age. The underage (couldn't be more than sixteen) kid serving, nor the pale woman care particularly about worrying about those little legalities, even if they were much of a concern for Madripoor itself. The girl gets an upnod, and a small squint for the gauntlets from her visible eye, trying to place whether or not they might seem familiar.

Hua, tiny little creature that she is, hears 'not enough' food, on the other hand, and heads over towards Vorn fearlessly with a bright smile, tall and scary looking? Not a problem. She's quite happy to try and rub his stomach and reassure him in Mandarin that there will be enough food, even for him. Challenge accepted, seemingly.

"This was a mistake..." Molly might be heard to utter, largely under her breath, before tossing back her vodka.

Phage has posed:
Mach enters the bar, somewhere from the shadows, after a quick word or several with his silent partner. His dress is a simple black t-shirt and black jeans combo. Getting away from the business stylings feels... a bit odd. Even more as it's not tactical gear in its stead. Yeah, it's a bar, yeah there are drinks, but the sizable case he's carrying clinks with the tell-tale sign he's brought reinforcements. Putting it behind on the counter and ripping the front off he says to any and all present, "Dig in. It's a party."

He then heads over to the host and says, "Hey there. I only just arrived, it can't be that much of a mistake I made." He then nods to the bar and says, "Want me to fix you something?" He's looking her over, just in case, the last gash to her her arm took Phage's attention to assist with. Still. Meantime he looks around taking in the other party people. Not mingling as, hey, he's off the clock... for once.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn looks down and Hua and laughs happily "Not worried!" but challenege accepted indeed. Vorn can at the very least fit as much food into himself as a small car can hold. Of course holding food and eating are technically two seperate things.
    He looks to Molly "Only mistake is da party being open inventation. Waz actually lookin fer you" he tells the girl.
    But noticing Carl - the orcish being offer the man a friendly wave "Hello friend!" hsi voice booms out. He walks over to a bucket and snatches up any old beer. ANd put it to his mouth. He didn't bother uncapping it - and like magic the drink was indeed going down

Molly Millions has posed:
"Not you. Just think I lost my kitchen permanently." Molly offers with a wry smile for Carl. She's not really worried about Vorn and his spear, though she turns a look over for Hua just to be on the safe side, noting the older womans satisfied grin as she apparently decides that Vorn's concerns are dealt with and that now, Noriko clearly needs to be bothered, fussed over, and asked if she would like something to eat.

She's used to having her lense to hide behind, it doesn't work so good when she attempts to access information and there's no surface for the chip behind her eye to project itself onto, making the television glow of information attempting to paint itself on her retina obvious but not really showing her anything before its dismissed.

"Giant with a spear looking for me. I don't owe you any money that I'm aware of, so... why are you looking for me?" the greeting for Carl makes her turn her eyes his way, maybe he can enlighten her.

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida returns Molly's nod, sipping her drink slowly as she eyes up the other people. Ooooh, little old lady versus giant ork. This should be interesting. The gloves probably wouldn't remind Molly of anything in particular, unless she was familiar with Forge's technology, or if she'd payed particular attention to Surge in action in that final battle.
     THe little old lady hurdle seems to have been bypassed, but she's still a little on edge. She's heard enough stories of barfights from Logan...

Phage has posed:
Carl wishes he could explain. If he knew anything he'd be racing to stop Phage from saying it first. It's been chatty lately. He returns the greeting to Vorn with a friendly nod. Grabbing a bottle of... whatever comes to hand first, he takes a hit from it. Looking back at Molly he sees the lack of lense and, from a guess, she's struggling with its use after the damage. "You needing that looked at?" He asks Molly, nodding to her eyes, "I mean, I can get someone, no questions asked, to at least do somiething basic... or basic for you, maybe, I dunno how the company's tech'll stack up to your setup... but, offer's there." He then chuckles, "Well, the kitchen's been taken and held for now. Maybe you can get a negociator to talk terms?" He's kidding, a little light on tone, just so he's not adding to her situation. He also waves at the other end of the bar noting the... younger... patron. Not making the call on who can or can't be served what.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn glances behind himself at the spear "Still need to fix that" he rumbles out to himself. He gives Hua one last smile - as much as he was big and scary, he wasn't very threatning on the surface it appears. He looks to Noriko and actually gives the woman a wave as well
    And with that his attention turns back to Molly "Got present for you" he casually begins rifling through his pockets. Of note, they seem to be ALOT deeper than one would expect as his entire arm seem to reach into what should have been a relatively small pocket. He of course wasn't going to blow Carls cover beyound friendly greeting as he didn't want to overstep boundries so to speak

Molly Millions has posed:
Hua lingers beside Noriko, looking up at the girl with a face full of hope and benign smiles. Food, she's not inclined to budge until she's sure the poor starving girl (aren't they all) has at least been asked if she'd like something to eat, enough so that Molly grunts,"Hua... leave her alone, yeh? You've got plenty of stuff out, how about you... go bug the regulars." without taking her eyes from Vorn for now.

Present, doesn't seem to solve or make her more relaxed, though, if anything she straightens a little and narrows her eyes with suspicion. Color her paranoid. It also plays into the terseness of the way she responds to Carl with,"It'll be fine." a glance his way, just briefly, like... should I be expecting magic rabbits or a machinegun from the ork? at least from the slight furrow of her brow and pupil dilation.

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida does give the woman a smile and acquire five or six egg rolls at least, alternating between nomfs of delicious greasy food and hard cider. She's also keeping an eye on Vorn, the air around her starting to turn prickly as the charge builds. Strange giant people making nebulous promises of 'something for you' rarely go well in her experience.

Phage has posed:
Carl takes a second drink. Then a third. Nowhere in between is there a raised brow of surprise and a slight shake of his head to claim a few unspoken responses. Like woah, not my deal, not a threat in my experience and... I can already feel you planning when to bop me on the back of the head later. Abort. Abort!

He looks around, setting the bottle down, shivering at the sudden static, then turns back to the assembled misunderstanding. "Do remember it's a party. Fun? You all remember what that is, right?" He says casting looks around again, "Let's not go to a defcon until at least most of the bar's hung over. Yeah?" He shoots Vorn a look hoping the big guy gets that a verbal explaination of what the gift is might calm the rising tensions.

He could already hear from her tone though. Molly's still hurting. Damn what's he'd give for speed instead of strength... just for a day... as his head'll have to watch its six. Bopping is inbound.

Crusader has posed:
He glances around and respnds to Carl "Not sure these people have ever partied" he replies with a laugh. He felt the charge of static and shivers as he continues to root about in search "Aha!"
    And he pulls out of his coat - a very familiar looking spider like bot. It looked almost exactly like the one that was destroyed near Molly - except perhaps a bit cleaned up. He sets it down on the table "For you!" he says cheerily
    and he grabs another drink....and a bowl of prok-fried lo mein. He even grabs a pair of chopsticks. He speaks with his mouth food to Hua "This taste great!"
    He offer some to Noriko and the others. Clearly he didn't a bit threatend by the tension in the room.

Molly Millions has posed:
"He started it." Mollly insists deadpan, it doesn't stop her eyeing Vorn until the backpack sized drone is pulled out of a pocket, and /that/ causes her to blink, not just for the size of it, but well. That was unexpected,"I..." pause,"Thank you." she sets her glass on the bar for the moment and rubs the back of her head at the charge in the air, eyes sweeping over the room without necessarily settling on Noriko specifically before she shifts to go and collect it,"I figured he was a total loss." there's a small furrow of her brows there but she saves the immediate question in favor of picking it up and flipping it over, checking it over physically as she brings it back towards the bar.

"Are you one of Clarice's friends?" she finally gets around to asking Noriko absently as she takes up her spot at the bar again, even if her attention is mostly on checking over the drone like it was a long lost pet.

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida relaxes once it's clear that violence isn't going to happen, and resumes nomfing egg rolls. She's not going to accept food from the stranger, but for now... She can hang out here. Very different atmosphere than anything in the institute. "Clarice? Haven't heard the name. Call me Surge." That'll do for now. Hey, she deserves a night off if any of the teachers give her crap.

Molly Millions has posed:
"Surge." Molly repeats, nonplussed, dipping her head towards Carl,"I'm Molly, that's Carl... the short lady's Hua, kids Bao... and... not sure about that guy." she chins in the direction of Vorn, requesting of Carl,"Can you snag me another vodka, please?" before adding for Vorn,"This is some nice work, thank you."

And back to Noriko with a small nod,"Thought you might be one of my daughter's friends. But... you were there, weren't you? At ground zero?" that's... well, how she thinks about it, at least.

Crusader has posed:
"Call Vorn" he replies simply when Molly says he isn't sure about his name "Though some fightink rinks call me The Real Steel Orc.....dumb name" he comments but shrugs. "And no problem, fixing tech, good at" he tells her "But....the programming might be off. Might hafta fix that bit yourself" he tells her.
    "Surge, like the name" he says looks to Surge even as the offered food is rejected. Welp more for him at least. He chows down hungrily

Phage has posed:
There's a nod from Carl. There are many kinds of official commendation for a governmental operative. For freelance it doesn't happen. Carl improvises and pats Vorn on the back. "Big guy, nice one." He tries to crane a look at Shadow. He's long since been a believer that species and sentience aren't exclusive and, well...

He didn't even know it'd been clocked. No the decade long career mercenary that bonded with a symbiotic alien to become a seven foot tall armour plated killing machine isn't all concerned and full of feels for a little spider-drone. Dunno where anyone's got that idea from.

He hops from one side of the bar to the other. Entirely to find stronger spirits. Not because he forgot to for yellow lensed glasses and can't use his enhanced vision just now. He ducks down to 'find' his 'glasses' and something that's either a drink or left over from renovations and was for stripping paint. He looks trying to see the detail of any energy traces on Shadow. Again! Not concerned!!!

Surge has posed:
     "Yeah, I was. Well, not /quite/. I backed off a bit before the final blow. I'm not as durable as some of the others. Armor and I make a pretty good team, though." Ssssip, nomf. The egg rolls depleted, she does snag some lo mein. "Your daughter's a mutant?"

Molly Millions has posed:
"Vorn." Molly repeats, with a vague kind of smile,"We host events here sometimes. For some reason the States considers it illegal? Madripoor, doesn't care. And that's okay... I can break out my tools and take a look at him later. A friend taught me how to put together the original... the extra set of eyes can be handy." for now, she sets it down on the bar.

"You drank all your scotch last time, and I haven't had a chance to replace it yet, Carl." she notes for the guy, totally misreading what he's up for... or buying the company line, at least,"You'll have to stick with the vodka, or the cheap stuff." there's apology in the shrug at least.

"Uh... yeh." there's debate in Molly's tone, but then she elects to go with,"She's generally the one responsible for bringing in the younger set, 's all. Can't miss her, pink, purple, expert portaller. She made me this shirt." the 'I <3 Genosha' one. In Madripoor. Doesn't that make some of her anti-mutant neighbors just thrilled.

"I... missed you there, Vorn, sorry. Not sure how, but granted, I stayed out of the immediate line of fire, too." there's a dip of her head towards Noriko,"Not exactly built for surviving lazer beams that can dodge around people or renovating buildings with my corpse."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn laughs deeply "Nah, Vorn is shapeshifter. If Vorn was other self....folks might get antsy" he chuckles again. He was fine spilling things out there. The only thing he kept secret was his secret identity, of which Vorn was not it.
    "And aye...state laws can be odd. Not really understand them much myself. But hey if there not illegal here, den no care" he says. Seems he might be more lawful than people of this establishment would expect.
    Seeing Surge go for Lo Mien he makes a point of not eating all of it and instead get himself a bowl of Mooshu soup (sp) and drinks/eats deeply from the bowl. "So you mutant...or powah from dem guantlets?" he asks Surge.
    Though he can't help but glance at Carl as he acts...oddly "....is he okay?" he wonders

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida ponders for a moment. Pink and purple... Teleportation... "Pixie?" Huh, well that was unexpected. She didn't think she'd ever met Pixie's mom. "Yeah. GO fast, hit them hard, avoid problems that way. "These just keep me in control." She snaps her fingers, briefly striking an arc between two of them, before taking another bite. "You're pretty curious suddenly."

Molly Millions has posed:
"Hate to tell you big guy, if you were going for subtle, couple meters and some change of spear-toting albino 's not exactly on the mark... not that I care particularly. Mutants and aliens are my sort of people." there's dryness to the way she drawls it with a vague kind of smile.

"Most things Lowtown, how illegal it is depends on who is taking the bribes on any given day." she elects to pour herself a fresh vodka with an absent glance down at Carl.. small nudge,"He thinks I'm fragile." is her opinion, at least.

"Pix... possibly? She mostly likes to use Blink. At least, last time I checked. Forgive me... not that Molly Millions is all that subtle, but still haven't quite worked out the whole... costume-wearing declarative alias thing that seems to be popular here."

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida shrugs. "Well, she's also got wings and can spray pink powder everywhere that makes you hallucinate, so..." omnomnom delicious food. "Yeah. Wolverine's the one who spends a lot of time down here. I usually don't go for the solo stuff. Good to meet you, though."

Phage has posed:
Mach stares at the downed drone for a moment, lost in thought. Then he smiles. He doesn't know what any of it means. Phage is a biological chemistry wizard and has dabbled the electromechanical but it doesn't seem to have a help file on what the energy readings mean when he sees them.

Instinct counts for a lot though. There's a spark. an ember. A multiphased and multicoloured glow that doesn't die down. It's good. There's still something there. Not out yet. Fighting but not knowing why or what for. He can relate to that.

Then he's nudged out of his thoughts by Molly. "You gotta be kidding me. You? Fragile?" Is his first, unedited, response. Getting a shot, or two, of vodka, then blinking through the unfiltered hit of the raw alcohol burning down through him, he adds, "That's a new one on me..." he rasps.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn chuckles "To be Fair - Vorn normal form is bigger" hard to beleive "And has actually put folks in jail. Hence the antsy part" he replies back smoothly, not seeming put off by any of this "Also...not normally that small" he admits rubbing the back of his head
    He looks to Noriko "Well, see something interesting, than vorn is interested! And you guantlet are interesting" he tells her simply with a smile "Though Vorn thinks folks are not curiouse enought these days"
    He looks to Carl and wags a finger at him "Should never think a lady is Fragil Little Man!" he says teasing Carl + phage now in a joking manner.

Molly Millions has posed:
"No, different person, then." Molly gives the barest roll of her shoulders,"Can't say I'm familiar with this Pixie, but that's fine." Hua comes back, with some Luzhu huoshao and presses it into Molly's hands wordless, patting her elbow on her way back into the kitchen as Molly snorts in her wake and breaks out her own chopsticks.

"Wolverine... no, can't say I know him. 's a big community when you get right down to it. Most the one's I know I met through the Imperator and his family, really. Not that I'm a mutant, myself. But, yeh. Doesn't make a huge difference to me, y'don't have to answer anything you don't feel like, kid, I sure as hell wont."

"That's something at least, then." Molly grunts as Carl refutes considering her fragility, but then Vorn says 'jail' in the context of putting people there and she can't help but look his way and then make a placating gesture at some of the regulars towards the back... at least two of whom decide that maybe they want to be somewhere else right now.

"What you do in your spare time 's your own business, but you're going to kill my custom /and/ someone's liable to lynch you if you keep talking about jailing people in these parts." Molly notes for Vorn.

Phage has posed:
Carl continues on the route of a liquid assault. Oh-kay. It has been a long time. Since. Wow. He last drank without Phage taking the edge off. In fact he wouldn't be surprised if it was increasing the effect it had on him. For something that says it doesn't understand him a lot he wonders if it knows him all too well.

And that it's the firs of its kind to symbiotically learn from its host the concept of practical jokes. He reloads and downs another shot to kill THAT thought in its tracks. His smile graduates to a fully fledged grin as he says to Molly, "I've went a few rounds with you before. So I know."

Then he says, "Yeah, Vorn, buddy, tread careful on talking about things like that. They've got a way more inflammatory bent here. And we all know it'll be me washing dishes to make up the difference if the bar loses custom."

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida nods. "I probably don't have classes with her. And yeah, you'd know if you met Logan. Short guy, hairy, growls a lot. He's actually my unarmed combat instructor." She gets a second drink to replace her first, a few more bites of noodles giving her time to think up what to say next. "And he's /really/ hard to kill."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn smirks "Hence why not here in my other form" he practically whispers "Imagine that a so called 'hero' walking in? Folks would be clearing out and all hell breaking loose" he says continueing the low low tone to avoid disrupting the customers.
    "Eitherway, never worried about gettin lynch. The more fight the better...but for" he raises a glass of Vodka "We drink alll night long!!!!" his voice booms out - which gets a cheer from many of the people there, apparenrly the proclomation enough to calm some nerves
    ANd down the hatch the vodka goes, glugging it down like it was water

Molly Millions has posed:
"Right, you also like to fuss like Hua when you think I'm hurt." Molly points out drily to Carl before nodding for Noriko,"That describes like... half the people I know, except the short part. I don't exactly have anything to do with teachers, though. So." there's a slight shrug of her shoulders, indifferent,"You're still welcome here, either way."

And back to Vorn with a dubious eye naked where the silver lense normally sits, mouth opening and then closing with a grunt,"We could argue over the concept of 'heroes' for hours. Most of the ones I've had the displeasure of meeting personally are a bunch of judgmental fascists who need to pull the spandex out of their collective..." ahem, someone might have opinions on that front at least, and she elects that vodka is perhaps the better idea than finishing that sentence, shifting track to,"But then they pull shit like yesterday and it's like... we're good. I'll respect that. So... no... heroing, here, and we're good. Alright?"

Witchblade has posed:
    The door opens and in walks a....rather ragged looking brown haired woman. "ugh. What a couple of weeks. Bourbon." The woman says as she plants her butt on a stool. Did we mention she looks tired?

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida rolls her eyes. "Okay, good to know, if some guy tries to rob the register, you're on your own." She's grinning, so she's joking... right? Anyway.... She's on her third cider, so she can't be /too/ pissed. ANd the lights aren't flickering or anything...

Crusader has posed:
Vorn chuckles and locks eyes with Molly, but not in a threatening manner, just a serious one "The world thinks Vorn a rake, a 'hero', a pirate, a monster. Vorn is whatever the world decides he is" he says meaning he doesn't seem to consider himself personlly a hero "But as far as Vorn is concerned......vorn is just himself and nothing more" indeed he didn't particular care how the world. Another drink "Far as Vorn is concern....everyone is both hero and villian to someone." he lets out a burp that echos through the bar

Molly Millions has posed:
"'s fine with me." Molly agree's with Noriko's words absently as she's already leaning down to snag the bourbon,"Someone tries to rob this place they're in for a laugh." she drawls as she sets the bourbon before the new arrival with a nod before she shifts her gaze towards Vorn, lips twisting in wry amusement,"Okay now that? I'll pay out." back to Sara with an upnod,"At least for now it should be quiet for a while. Theoretically. Yeh? At least... Surge and the others put a fair hurt on that guy yesterday. Granted... if it was me I'd probably open one of those portals back and pour every conventional weapon we have down there... but I don't think it would do much good."

Surge has posed:
Noriko Ashida finishes off her last drink and mouthful of noodles, before slipping a few more bills across the bar. "Thanks again for the food and drinks, but I should probably get back. Class and everything." She disappears in a blur of blue light and sparks, the door swinging open and shut behind her.

Phage has posed:
Mach says, "Uh-huh. I check you're okay. I'm a monster. You got me." He's still grinning broadly and brightly. Molly's tough. She doesn't give a fraction of a mil and presses any advantage with professional severity. For getting his head in the game and forcing himself to push himself... there's no one better for brutal honesty and getting results. He offers a casual wave to the newcomer before reloading a twin chambered double and downing that. Okay. That's fierce. "Still. Any time you want me to prove I learned from it, the ring's there and so shall I be."

Witchblade has posed:
    "Can only hope so. Trying to keep people safe while you're being shot at is the worst." Sara downs the bourbon fairly quick. "You'll...forgive me for butting in. I imagine you guys went through the same thing I did when those.....things decided to fly in."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn eyes wander to the ring "....Vorn LOVE a good fight. SO though alot of that been done already" he notes - mostly in regards to them fighting darksied, the parademons, hover tanks and what have you. He waves by to Noriko and even gives a tip of his head to the new commer "Greeting little lady" he tells her. And than he goes blank and looks to Molly "Alright, wat does it mean ta pay out?" he asks

Molly Millions has posed:
"Fuss worse than Hua." Molly grunts for Carl,"This time you're actually going to fight like you mean it?" yeh, she went there, for all that she gives him a toothy kind of smile. The golden-green eye shifts Sara's eyes,"Not butting in, really. 's a public place. Whole world's full of people that got an eyeful recently. Not a private affair. I'm Molly, that's Carl, and the big guy over there is Vorn." the rest of the room she doesn't worry about introducing for now, instead opting to nod Vorn's way,"He was at ground zero yesterday." she notes for Sara.

The question from Vorn, however, merits a laugh,"The concept that people can be both hero and villian to others. It means... I agree with it. Forgive me, not your fault... I'm just still a little salty about the last hero that decided to interject themselves into my life."

Phage has posed:
Mach shifts himself from a slump to an elgant upright stance. Yeah, he's not as big as, say, Vorn, but it's the way you carry it off. "Aye, you're tough as nails, but like I explained after, the intent was to take it up a notch, even though it bombed, I still took the shot with all I had. It was working too for a while. So, I'll do it like the slow stoopid caveman I am. But, unless instructed in a spar, I've not pulled a punch. Nor will I. With you or anyone else. Crystal?" He doesn't mind her giving no ground but whatever idea is nesting in her head has taken hold and tried to grow horns and wings. There are limits for him. That's one.

Witchblade has posed:
    "Ground Zero? Sounds like something came about and tried to break us. I only know of the parademons that flew in. Trying to get people into a subway while giving them covering fire is probably tame to what you went through. I'm Sara, by the way."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn looks to Sara "Ground Zero was fighting the leadr of those things. A being known as Darksied." he makes ominiouse wooooo sounds to accompany it. "Tough as nails thats for sure" he looks to Molly "That is fine...Vorn can understand being as you say salty. Just was not familiar with expression" and to that his head turns to Mach "You can always Spar with Vorn....he can understand taking things slow" he says with a small smile of understanding

Molly Millions has posed:
"Carl, sweetheart... I saw people thrown through buildings... and I mean that literally... and dust themselves off for another round. As I explained to you... it's all about utilizing your strengths... and knowing when the hell to stay out of the way. Just... yeh. Don't take it easy on me just because you heal faster. Is all I'm saying." she opts for placatingly before shifting her attention to Sara again.

"It was... something. For sure. I'd have been better off helping you, I reckon." she opts for offering drily, before taking up one of the bills Noriko left behind,"I've got twenty on him." with a nod towards Carl. Some faith, at least.

Witchblade has posed:
    "Dunno then. Never seen the guy, and, from the way he sounds, I wouldn't have made a dent." Sara says downing the tumbler of Bourbon. "Especially with my pistol."

Phage has posed:
Mach pours two more shots, offering one of them to Molly, "Fine. Same goes both ways. Just 'cause I heal faster... doesn't mean you keep your claws sheathed." He waits. After all, no point taking a tost if no one else is. He does also, with as much subtlety as he can, brush his hand against the counter. Touch wood, or something pretending to be the same. Really luck's the biggest factor in any bout. Some days... just ain't your day. If after all the front and forward from him... sods law states he's gonna end up on the business end of another loss. But. You never know... he might get lucky...

Crusader has posed:
Vorn cants his head as betting is being done before the fight is even accepted. At this point he isn't sure who is brawling with who. But none the less he raise his drink in toast regardless of the others before taking a deep drink

Molly Millions has posed:
"I tried with a rifle, not even a scratch." Molly confirms for Sara, apparently that warrants a refresh on the bourbon unasked from her,"The parademons, though... yeh. Sufficiently large enough caliber and it got the job done." the uncovered eye goes towards Carl, replacing her vodka with the bourbon before picking it up and offering it to tap against his,"Fair enough." she agree's,"And go on, then, you two. I'm pretty sure it doesn't count as a party until there's a brawl, anyways."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara Pezzini puts a bit of cash on the bar. "Thanks for the drink. I'm gonna head off to sleep for a couple of days." She then chuckles and walks her way out....

Phage has posed:
He down's the shot after his glass meets hers, looks at the ring, back at Molly, over to Vorn, then back at the ring... "Yeah. All that about not holding back... can't exactly make an... appearance..." Ironically both of them should know he means as Phage "... with all the crowd around. Less a identity thing more a however many I've had and a drunk bladed tentril goes the wrong way... oops?" He shakes his head. "Plus I gotta find somewhere to hang out for the night. Teleporting and booze don't mix." He hops back over the bar and adds, "I'll take some air, and a smoke, then go hunting."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn chuckles at Carl and nods "Well Vorn happy with holding back...but drunk fighting is probably not the best thing to do" he says in agreement. He hmmms at the mention of hunting. Mabey there a forest for such in Madripoor, he hans't explore it much and is not sure "But for now, it is like best Vorn head off. Got alot of work to do" he says taking one last swig. Despite all his consumption he didn't appear drunk