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Latest revision as of 18:57, 30 October 2017

The Greens and Giants!
Date of Scene: 28 September 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Krystina Jordan, Green Lantern (Jordan), Green Ranger, Origami, 1316, Psylocke

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    As the battle continues over Metropolis, the signs of battle can be seen all over Metropolis. Pot holes in roads, holes in buildings, smoke coming from different parts of the city. It was only a matter of time before the Daily Planet ran out of luck.

Some of the demons fly through the skies, shooting at anything that moves, they notice some of the people still in the planet, such as Perry White...and they start to shoot at the windows....just as a hovertank 'rumbles' down the street and decides to open fire upon the base of the Daily planet.....

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    The Green Lantern of Space Sector 2814 was flying towards the city on a nimbus of "green lantern" energy. His eyes scan the horizon looking for anything. The expression on his face was very revealing to anyone who could see it. Hal Jordan was addicted. An adrenalin junkie. Craving action, Hal hopes he would find some. It looks like he had come to the right place

    Screaming into action, Hal Jordan moves to protect as many innocents as he can! Noting the "demons" shooting at windows, Hal gets involved. With a flash of willpower, Hal puts up green energy shields between the demons and the people inside the Daily Planet!

    Using willpower once more, Hal creates a megaphone, and says to the people inside, "Get out! Go where it is safe while we try and deal with these creatures!" Turning his back to Perry White and the employees of the Planet, Hal prepares for the counter attack while still protecting the innocents.

Green Ranger has posed:
Still even in the Midst of battles like this there are people trying to get to safety. Police, Army, Marines, even civilians who can't sit back and do nothing. And Some of those Civilians are trying to get some wounded out of the line of Fire as some Parademons start to decend on them.

With a flash of green light comes a battle cry as a Figure in green and golden Armor decends from their Air. On his right hand holds a highly ornate Dagger, in his other a Red and white blade of some sort. Crossing the blades together he unleashes a devistatingly powerful burst of green energy. There is no compassion no mercy from the Green Power Ranger as he lands in the Midst of the Parademons Slashing with his Blade Blaster, and then fires off a green consussive energy beam from the Dragon Dagger!

"Get under Cover, I'll protect you."

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore is swooping around on a big paper airplane. Like, SUV size. And oh look, there's a building with people to save! She soars around until she can see some people in a blasted hole, where some of the stuff in the building is smoldering.

She reaches down to her bag and slips out a page of paper, quickly folding with scarred hands, then tosses the paper figure in the air. It grows huge, colorful, and butterfly-shaped, and flutters beneath the paper plane to block any attacks as she pulls up next to the building. "Get on! I'll bring you down!

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    The invasion had been wonderful for the Okibi. She had been able to burn Parademons and their tanks and plenty of other Apokalyptian soldiers and noone cared... they encouraged it! So when she spied a force moving towards the Daily Planet she saw another chance to let the fire inside of her loose.

    She has kept to the shadows, from one rubble pile to another. Her training had come in handy here, but then it generally did. Just a little closer and tha tank was going to be just so much slag.

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    Hal's and the green ranger's comments actually stir the reporters into action. Many of them decide going down the stairs are safer than....a giant paper airplane. Thankfully, the parademons are swatted aside rather easily by Hal and the Green ranger. However, there are a LOT of parademons in the air....and the tanks are starting to converge, now that there are a few heroes to shoot at.

One even fires a shot at Green Lantern.....

Which is blocked by a giant hand....that seemingly came out of nowhere. 'OW!' The woman says shaking her hand.....and just as quickly. *BOOM* The tank is now flat....because of a giant woman stomping on it. A woman that is, at least 40 feet tall. "I was starting to wonder why the tanks were coming this way." She says to Hal as she looks in the Daily Planet. "head for the nearest subway station. We'll try and give you a safe avenue." She then looks to the Green Lantern. "Right?"

Green Ranger has posed:
As the Green Ranger draws fire he needs to convert his Blade Blaster into it's blaster form to blast some of the Parademons. His shots are aimed for the heads where he can hopefully get several quick kills. Efficent and brutal. No wonder he gave the Rangers in angel groves such a hard time. Of course he can't actually be everywhere as he works to try and fight on the street drawing fire down at him by aiming up and to try and shoot some of the Tanks from underneath, and PArademons in the back.

But When he sees a group of people about to be attacked by PArademons Tomy has no time to save them with an attack as he lands between them and the attackers. Bringing the Dragon Dagger to his face and he starts to channel energy into the Flute, the Sharp sound of music hits the area as redirects the energy into his Dragon Shield which Shimmers and flashes.

The Shots come and they impact his body, Drawn to the Dragon shield, and then reflected.

Shot after shot comes, and shot after shot is deflected back in the direction of his attackers. But The Green Ranger is now effectively pinned down! More and more attackers are coming at him, attackers intending to go Melee.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Intense concentration on his face, and his ring hand ready to do what needs to be done, Hal Jordan pauses as he assesses the situation. Noting the arrival of the Green Ranger, and a "paper airplane" woman? Hal nods, and positions himself directly in the line of fire!

    "Zzzzzaccctttttkkkttt." The impact of the energy weapons of the Parademons against Hal's shields actually cause him to wince slightly. Grabbing his ring hand with his other hand, Hal concentrates and withstands the barrage.

    Looking at the 40 foot tall woman, Hal nods, and smiles. "Right! Do what she says everyone!" Hal re-emphasizes. "Let's go, orderly and with no issues." Hal grits his teeth as another blast echoes off his shields. "Tough sons of..."

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    Hana's hands glow a sickly green, the temperature around her rising quickly as she stokes the flames. She's beind a tank, pressed against a ruined wall. As soon as it passes, she leaps out and lets loose a jet of superheated plasma at the hopefully less-armored rear.

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore gives a thumbs up to the reporters that get on the plane. "Hi, I'm Origami! Cameras out? Great!" She takes off, angling and curving so the reprters can get some good pictures while seeking out a safe spot. "Is there anyplace you want me to set you down at? Maybe that garage over there?" She starts folding, surveying the battle, and tosses an origami figure in the air - which sprouts feathery wings and grows as the crane soars to attack some enemies near the Ranger, hopefully giving him a chance to make some headway.

Psylocke has posed:
The good thing about crowds is there are a lot of shadows to play with. In the midst of the parademons firing on the Green Ranger, a hole simply opens beneath one of the beasts and he disappears into the darkness. The demons behind him don't even seem to notice, pressing their attack. Until a second and third one disappear the say way. In the hole created, a figure rises oup. It is solid black, seemingly a living shadow. There is a blaze of red over the left eye of the shadow woman, a tattoo there shining momentarily as she takes form from the nebulous shadows she teleported through.

"That hardly seems fair," she murmurs in a distinct British accent before she takes a more normal human form. The tattoo fades, leaving a Japenese woman with purple hair. She's dressed in a bodysuit, a sash at the waist, thigh high boots and a few wrappings around her arms. "Let's even the odds a little." Her smile is devilish as she concentrates her will. A moment later, a purple katana appears in each hand, formed from her psionic powers. A moment later, she lays into the invaders with a hint of a smile on her lips as she feels the rush of adrenaline feeding her system.

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    The tank that Hana decided to slow roast? *BOOM* The reactor doesn't exactly like heat. Like at all.

Parademon after parademon falls to the assault of the Green Ranger and the newly arrived Psylocke. But those are near the ground.

Miyako is able to guide many of them to safety upon her paper airplane, as her swan attacks more and the butterlfy protects. The Swan ends up flying up towards the face of the very tall woman....and is intelligent to be out of the way when the larger woman decides to swat at the flies that are buzzing around her head, even as she grows larger.

"Keep it up, Krysti! We believe in you!" Perry white actually shouts to the giant woman....and she blushes. "Thanks Perry." She whispers....which carries to the people escaping. She manages to grab onto a tank, looking to cut off the paper airplane evacuees.......and crush it.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan floats closer to the 40 foot tall woman, and with an emerald archer's eye, fires a green arrow into the nearest Parademon. "Thanks for the save by the way. Ms...Krysti?" Hal nods, as the chaos of the scene plays out before him. Firing green arrows, and sending sheilds where needed, Hal maintains his "bird's eye view" of the mess.

    Noting the great work by Hana, Hal nods. "Impressive." His next view is of Miyako and he attempt at public relations. Shaking his head, Hal is momentarily distracted, but he brings his willpower to bare just in time to prevent a blast from ringing his bell.

    "Looks like the green dude, and...who is that...?" Hal Jordan sees the katanna's spring to life, and the work that Psylocke does - with such efficiency, that he is speechless. For one of the few times ever.

    Bringing himself back to the fight on hand, Hal clears his throat, and nods. Back to the fight at hand.

Green Ranger has posed:
With the Firing taking off him the Green Ranger breaks his defensive posture and rushes forward, bringing his full power you bare as he dives right into the swarm of Parademons. Blade Blaster slashing left, Right, Dragon Dagger Slicing through the air sheathed in green energy as sparks and explostions erupt from the speed and impact of the dagger.

As Visious as he is The Green Ranger is not a perfect fighter and several Parademons hit him. Most attacks seem to be intent to avoid his protective chest peice.

They attack the arms and legs. Sparks fly as they begin to converge on him and soon a Parademon comes up with some sort of bladed weapon and slashes right across his chest. The force of the impact is enough to knock him back and stagger him.

The Suit and armor help severely deflect any injuries but it's not perfect, Thankfully Tommy will heal rapidly thanks to his power coin.

The Impact is enough to stagger him as a tank shot follows up. One of the energy tanks hits him in the chest as it over powers the dragon shield and his strength blowing him back through the air and through the wall of a building. Tommy can feel his ribs being bruised as the Armor and suit absorb the blow, and his augmented body absorbs the rest. Thankfully bruised battered and burned The Green Ranger of course is alive. When he comes out he looks to the Lantern and the Woman with the green flame.

He does have another trick up his sleeve.

Psylocke has posed:
The parademons are tough but Psylocke has been battling them enough she's learning weak points. Their armor is designed more for blasting, nto for hand-to-hand combat against someone who knows what they are doing. SHe pinpoints the openings in the armor. Under the arm. Near the neck. Of course part of their faces are open so that too is a point of weakness. There is also a spot at the back of the knee that she utilizes, taking out a few low so they hit the ground and are out of the fight a few seconds while she focuses on the ones closer. In the tight quarters, they can't shoot very well but that doesn't stop them from trying. As she shifts and flows like water amongst them, their shots are taking out their own men instead of hitting the lavender haired artist in their midst.

As the Green Ranger is blasted by a tank, she reaches out mentally to those heroes in the area, her telepathy allowing her voice to speak directly into their minds if they aren't able to block such things. <<Can one of you take care of that tank, please?>> Ever so polite despite the bodies she is leaving in her wake as she plows through parademons.

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore cheers, "Okay! Everybody off at this stop! I've got more people to help!" She pulls out more paper and accordions it, then pokes a few holes in it before unraveling it to reveal.. a huge length of wall! With some holes in it to look through if needed. So that they don't get blasted by the tanks that are shooting at her now! "Time to go again!" She launches down the length of the garage, flattening against the plane to whoosh out another side of the structure and angle around to see what's going on again.

Hana Yoshida (1316) has posed:
    Hana puts two fingers to her forehead and gives Hal a little salute as she spies him. Then it's back to work, looking for another target. Flying Paradeons get too close? They can be so much melted slag in a few seconds.

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    "Krysti is fine, Green Lantern, and you're....OW!" Krysti's warm moment is interrupted by a tank shell to her ankle. It serves as little more than an annoyance to the giant woman....and she stomps on it....to have it explode under her foot. "Blasted tin cans." She grumbles as she notices Parademons shooting at her back. the small lasers she doesn't notice, but it's an entire legion of parademons. She takes one hand and swipes them off of the roof of the building.

Psylocke is killing the Parademons in droves, but one at a time. She's also under the feet of Krysti, which she can use as launching points herself if she needs to.

Hana is able to get more tanks to boil and explode rather easily.

Miyako finds a bit of resistance with more Parademons when she exits the other side of the garage, but it was the same group that was sniping at Krysti....who got swept off the roof.

The green ranger, as the Parademons seem to beat him up, gets a bit of cover as Krysti puts her hand over top of him...then picks him up in her hand. "take a breather. You're going to need it if you're going to help the rest out down there." And she holds him up in the flat of her hand. "and we all have been fighting for a while now."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Returning Hana's salute, Hal Jordan smiles, and nods. Watching as Miyako launches herself towards the combat, Hal chuckles. Next, Hal regards the Green Ranger's handiwork and then winces at the tank's handiwork. Hal says, "Wow. Now that is impressive. He withstood that blast..."

    With a twist of his willpower, and a shower of green arrows, Hal sends a trio of parademons screeching and crashing into the ground.

    Stopping for a moment, Hal feels the telepath comment about the tank. Normally, that would set him on edge, but for some reason he trusts Psylocke. Willing back through the telepathic link, Hal says, <"Dealing with the demon air force...needs to be someone else!">

    "Green Lantern Krysti. Nice to meet you. You might want to work on that super hero name!" Hal chuckles, and says, "Yeah. Those tanks are a bit...irratating." Hal smiles and then fires more green tank shells this time at the parademons, and assists the gigantic woman without getting in her way.

Green Ranger has posed:
Why do these invasions always happen in cities? Why can't aliens invade in the country side. Then he could summon Dragonzord and unleash hell. Oh well, the Green Ranger is suddenly picked up and he begins to draw on the power of his coin, using it to heal his wounds and his body. "I need just a few moments to heal!" And his body shimers and starts to flash green as his energy starts to cycle through and around him and through him.

And then he collects the Excess energy he says "Open up Krystal!" Ok so he mis heard her name.

His hands spin in the air forming a ball of emerald green energy charging up as much power as he can to unleash. And when he has an open shot at the Tank, he roars out.


And a Ball of dark green emerad energy flys from his hands at the Tank's barrel, attempting to send the energy ball down the barrel's shaft.

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore starts swooping around, dodging fire as she folds and folds, and starts launching paper cranes at parademons one at a time. The butterfly gets more and more tattered by blocking blasts, which seems to be its only purpose for existing, and the paper plane is looking a bit tattered by the time she has sent a few cranes out to attack the parademon cloud. "Uuugh! This is taking forever!"

Psylocke has posed:
So much for the tank.

Now that the Green Ranger is safe in the hands of the giant woman, Psylocke goes back to what she was doing which is cutting her way through the ranks of the ground troops. It's slow going, one at a time falling. The red tattoo over her left eye appears, flaring with light for a moment. A handful of demons fall through their own shadows, disappearing to who knows where.

A blast catches her in the back, right shoulder and she falls forward. Her foot lashes out, kicking the offending weapon away. A moment later her katana disappears and there is a flare of purple around her hand. She leaps up to the parademon, shoving the purple blade' through his head. He convulses and falls to the ground as she makes a leap for Krysti's foot, using it to vault out of the way a moment and assess the damage.

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    The blast from the green ranger blast a couple of the tanks away and destroys them. And Krysti sets the Green Ranger down near the evacuating reporters....so he can keep them safe.

MIyako's butterfly is getting a rather nasty shredding from the concentrated fire, however, the blasts are lessening on the butterfly, thanks to the cranes, the Green Lantern, Hana and Krysti helping out.

Did we forget to mention Psylocke? Well, because of Psylocke, there are Parademons all over the place.

Wait.....I forgot to mention something. They're not WHOLE parademons. They're quite dead.

While all of this is happening....no further tanks rumble in, and about all of the reporters are making their last few setps to the subway and to safety.....

Green Ranger has posed:
The Green Ranger is a bit drained, Calling on the power of the coin to heal and the Dragon Buster? It consumes a quite the bit of energy so he moves off to help protect the reporters telling them to follow him so he can get them to safety.

Any Parademon that so much as looks in their direction gets shot with his Blade Blaster. This is one time he wishes the other rangers were here, The Black Ranger's Cosmic Cannon, Power AXE would be great here.

It is taking time for his coin to draw on the energies of the Morphing Grid to restore his energies.

Psylocke has posed:
Psylocke uses Krysti's foot as a barricade for a moment, assessing her shoulder. Her range is a little limited with the arm but she can still fight. A burst of purple energy reforms her second katana as she prepares to enter the fray once more. "Thank you for your assistance, Miss Krysti," she calls up, offering voice and hoping it can be heard from that range. It's only right to thank the person she was using as a shield of sorts for those few moments.

With another vault from the top of Krysti's foot, she flies feet first into the fcce of another parademon then ducks a blast sent her way.

That particular parademon has her attention now and she begins to fight her way toward him even as he takes shot after shot. A few times, she ducks behind one of the other parademons and they take the blast for her before she finishes them off. Very nice of that one to help her out that way.

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore swoops after the fleeing reporters to bring up the rear and make sure they are escaping to safety! Nope, none of that 'chasing the escapees' going on on her watch! She dives the paper plane into the exit behind the last one, partly blocking the exit and looking arount to make sure they are safe.

Krystina Jordan has posed:
    As Miyako covers the entrance as the last reporter and the green ranger makes it into the subway, Krysti and the Green Lantern start to follow Psylocke down the street. Psylocke takes out the nearby pockets of Parademons, Krysti takes out more tanks by stepping on them, and the Green Lantern rescues more people to evacuate the city.

The war isn't over yet.