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Latest revision as of 20:44, 30 October 2017

The Legion of Doom
Date of Scene: 07 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Doctor Doom, Madelyne Pryor, Green Goblin, Phage, Mystique, Juggernaut, Venom

Doctor Doom has posed:
    While Doctor Doom has little respect for international law, he does have a modicum of respect for the deductive abilities of certain superhuman individuals. Therefore, interested parties received an invitation to a private club, in upstate New York. It's really in the middle of nowhere, but it's a very old school country club. The meeting room is closed off, but on the bright side, there's pretty good food available on request, and the bar is open.

    Standing near the front of the room, is Doctor Doom. He glances idly at his companion, "Let us hope that this is not a waste of time. I hope that common interest will outweigh the mutual distrust we all harbour." He wears his typical armor and cloak, of course, because he is DOOM.

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    "I'm sure the intelligent ones will see the value of having support and assistance for their plans, father." The red-head teen stands just to the right of Doom as if she belongs there, watching the room with a measuring emerald gaze. Many of these people she doesn't know...and for obvious reasons, she's again been asked not to use her abilities to snoop.

    "Some may let their ego get in the way, I'd guess." She's run into several villains of that sort in her missions to invite many to this meeting. She idly wiggles her fingers in their leather gloves, interlacing her fingers for a moment, clasping her hands in front of her.

Green Goblin has posed:
There are a few men on this earth who command the respect of smug, self-made man and power-player Norman Osborn.

The great and regal Victor Von Doom is most certainly one of the rare few who could request Osborn's presence and - even in the middle of such an important stage in his grand schemes - have the man actually arrive in-person.

It certainly helps that he doesn't have to fly to Latveria with a forged passport - as the Daily Planet and numerous other 'news' outlets would no doubt take such an opportunity to slander the man's good name, if he were discovered to have made such a trip. Instead, he's found his way into a private club in Upstate New York, far closer to his traditional set than the ancient castles and bizarre castles of Doom's Latverian kingdom. Showing his invitation and making his way into the meeting room, Osborn is wearing his usual business attire - his arrival should be enough of a show of deference to the Dictator, without having to get dressed up in black-tie.

Entering the room, he pauses and offers a half-bow to Doom, smirking all the while.

"Only for you, Victor. You know I'm a busy man," he says, and without further comment strolls to the bar - squeezing a lime into pulp and tossing it into a chunky glass tumbler, filling it to the brim with San Pelligrino.

Taking a deep sip, he sighs noticeably - no doubt under the influence of a larger-than-usual dose of medications - and leans his elbow up against the bar.

As Pryor walks in, Norman barely takes notice - his eyes, once locked, never leave the figure of Doom. Truth be told, he's... interested, in such a unique group of individuals being called here.

Phage has posed:
Whether he necessarily belongs here or not Carl is here. Since it turns out Lex has been going dark on more than just him it was easy enough to calm the chaos at work to be the face for the invite to show up. Making his way across the floor to see the host he offers a choice vintage instead of a handshake, and says, "Glad you could have me. Customary to come with a gift... the bottle comes for the hell of it. The card has a few choice bits and pieces of information recieved." He gives a slight shrug, may or may not be useful, but better than coming empty handed."

Turning to Madelyne he adds, "Mach. Carl Mach, again thank you for having me. Pleasure's mine I'm sure." Introductions made he scans, looking as casual as he can, trying to find a decent drink he hasn't brought with him. Lighting a cigarette to mask the movements, he spots the objective and moves on to allow the next to be meet and greet step to the fore and moves quickly and quietly towards the bar.

Mystique has posed:
    Raven Darkholme, or, Mystique, to most of the world, is not pretending to be anyone else this evening. Instead, the darkly blue-skinned mutant is letting it 'all hang out', in regards to the full yellow eyes lacking any discernable corneas or pupils, her blue skin, and more traditional 'white' outfit of halter top, loincloth (complete with skulls-belt) and boots.
    She does not give an introduction, perhaps she feels she doesn't need to? Instead, the woman - and, the only other female here besides Madelyne, simply smiles. Indulgently. She crosses one leg over the other, takes her glass of wine that she got from somewhere, and raises it - first to Doom, and then to Maddie. The gesture is clear. Let the festitivies begin.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Even at his most restrained and 'civilian' identity, Cain Marko is basically a walking wrecking ball with arms and legs attached, and as such he hsa to practically fold himself into the room from the entry way with the sort of deft practice one might usually associate with a bunch of circus performrs doing the 'pile into a tiny car' routine. He's a practiced hand at moving that huge bulk around.

His immensity pretty much announces him at this point, along with the faintest rumbling of the ground as he begins to tread forward. His head turns from side to side, looking more like a swiveling tank turret given how thick his neck is, and he eyes each of those present, lingering longest on Doom before glancing away and rumbling, "Hmm..this is some pretty big stuff about to happen, eh?"

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doctor Doom nods towards Carl, accepting the offered gift, "Ah, thank you, Mister Mach. It is most welcome." He then tilts his head towards Mystique, acknowledging the others as he begins to speak, his voice raising a bit to cut through the socializing. Probably a special effect of his armor, no doubt.

    "You all know who I am. I will not waste time with unnecessary introductions." Doom speaks, his voice a cultured baritone as he gazes at those assembled, "As you Americans say, I shall cut to the chase. The reason that I have requested your presence is the clarity that recent events involving Apokolips has revealed. Namely, that these 'heroes' that claim to shepherd the world are, in reality, causing it to stagnate. To be weak and unprepared for the horrors that exist beyond." He pauses, and looks at everyone in turn.

    "It has always been my belief that power is for those that dare to seize it. And I asked you to come here because I know you. You have all had setbacks, misadventures thanks to self-righteous fools that prevent you from taking what is rightfully yours." He continues, a fist clenching as he says, "But... if we work together, set aside petty differences for the common goal that we all should have, then, this world could be ours."

    What, you were expecting a Powerpoint?

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne inclines her head towards Carl. "A pleasure, Mr. Mach." she says, her voice free of a Latverian accent. She takes the bottle from him as it's offered, then passes it off to a servant to stow for later. "I hope you find today's offer of interest." As she sees Mystique walk, she perks slightly...she was feeling slightly outnumbered, genderly speaking, and she found the blue-skinned mutant interesting, in terms of her career and all she's accopmlished.

    Then again, most here are accomplished...and some are better known on sight than others. She's mildly suprised to see Osborn here; she understood him to be a politician and business magnate, but wasn't aware he was doing more. And of course, Cain is hard to miss. She smiles at him faintly at his comment, but says nothing as Doom begins to speak.

    Instead, she turns her full attention to watching the reactions of those present, wondering how they will react...

Green Goblin has posed:
Well, there's an unexpected surprise - Norman's eyebrow noticeably arches as Carl walks in. He recognizes that face immediately, from a personnel file he's perused dozens (if not hundreds) of times. Well, well, looks like LexCorp is present this evening as well. "Making FRIENDS, Mr. Mach? Is your employer too frightened of the flying boyscout to show up himself?" mutters Norman to Carl as the other individual takes up residence near his spot on the bar - he can't help himself, as much respect as he may have for Doom, it is most CERTAINLY not a feeling he shares towards the others present.

Osborn doesn't even attempt to disguise the look of disgust on his face as not one, but TWO known Mutants walk into the room. There's a noticeable scowl on his face, and he quickly moves his gaze back to that of Doom - best to remember who called them all here. If Doom does a thing, he MUST have a reason... these mutants, must serve some purpose to his cause.

And Doom? Doom is a man Osborn can, by and large, work with. This cancels out everything else. And so his face returns quickly to it's professional, neutral - if not somewhat aloof - expression, as he quietly sips his sparking water and lime-juice, taking in the Dictator's words.

"You speak truth. You've done good in your own country, Doom. I hope to do the same, in some small part, here on these shores as well." He'll assume Doom watches the news, and that such things as 'Mayor' are too far beneath him to comment on.

He glances around the room at the various ne'er-do-wells. He begins to open his mouth to say something else, but suddenly thinks better of it. No, best not to let the egotistical side run wild here. Doom's power eclipses his own, after all - and he is not too proud to admit such a truth to himself..

Juggernaut has posed:
    The power of The Juggernaut is such that in other realities, and in other hands, it is indeed a world dominating force. Unstoppable, indestructible and possessed of physical strength that makes its bearer the literal embodiment of the idea of physical power. Different dimensions have glimpsos of what happens when such power is in other hands. For Cain, whose life has been bent mostly on petty revenge and then following that amassing of wealth and just the selfish exercise of strength..thinking 'bigger' has always been a problem. To single minded. Like a Juggernaut.

"Eh." he merely grunts..starting to speak up but then pausing as if reconsidering matters. For all the above - he's not so single minded or far gone to not understand that 'many' can be better then 'one'.

"Maybe. What do you have in mind?" he rumbles, "I don't do teams normally. I prefer carte blanche..but I'm not above partnering up on jobs and over mutual goals and all.. I'm not looking to..uh..pledge allegiance to a country or something though but if the right group points me at the right thing and I'm paid enough to stay happy, I don't ask to many questions..."

Mystique has posed:
    Mystique sets her wine down, and looks over, thoughtfully to those gathered around the table, considering. "Go on," she prompts Doom. It's all that she says, but it's clear Mystique /is/ listening. And, if she's finding anyone particularly problematic to work with? Well, she's keeping that to herself, presently.
    She turns her head to Cain. "And that, Cain, is why we adore you so." This is followed by a rather intimate smile for the large, and physically imposing massive man.

Phage has posed:
The direct approach. It's got its advantages and, certainly, the host has the presence to pull it off. Out of the plays available though at least he managed to get something suitable to drink before the offer was tabled. Osborn's quip elicits a dry chuckle and he says, "Well Mr Osborn, sir, how often do you get to further the companys interests and make, as you say, friends... all at the same time? Whether he's afraid or not so spandex or the boogeyman's hard to tell these days. For all I can do... I'm not psychic." He nods to the mayoral candidate, smiling, and has a sip of his drink. Seems his name's known. More importantly... used. Might be going better than he thought.

Placing the drink on the bar he says straight to Doom, "I'm here. So there's interest, intent certainly, just a matter of tying up the little specifics is all." Not like he isn't able to commit the company, or himself, to any which way he decides on. But those devlish details and negociations are where the deal's really done. Talking about the general and the specific is somthing to leave 'til a less public forum to be fair. Reclaiming his drink, preceded by a draw from his smoke, Mach fade back into the bar. Let others speak more.

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doctor Doom actually chuckles a bit at Juggernaut, "Actually, Mister Marko, I'm not proposing to draft you all into the Latverian army. We all have strong enough personalities that kind of united front would be untenable. However, if say... Oscorp needed a friendly country to host a new factory, Latveria has prime real estate available." He nods towards Juggernaut, "This is not meant to be some 'criminal' version of the Avengers or an 'Injustice League' or something so trite. But rather, this is meant to be a group of mutual protection and support. Perhaps we are not friends, but we should not be enemies. There are enough foes that we can focus our efforts upon, preying upon ourselves as well would be folly."

    Doom then smiles a bit through his mask, "But, of course, should a show of force be required, we could provide that as a group effort as well. I do not propose a sudden rash of 'knocking off banks'. That behavior is beneath the organization that I am proposing. We do not rob banks. We would own banks."

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
        The look of disgust is noted, as it crosses Osborn's face; is it a personal dislike of the individuals in question? Or something larger? Madelyne can't feel a bit of frustration. She can passively sense the emotions, but not the specifics of what's causing those feelings of repugnance emanating from him. Does he hate them? Or does he hate what they are?

    At least the Juggernaut - as the massive man can only be in her head, without more personal a connection to allow her to contain what he is in as simple a thing as a personal name - seems interested. And Mystique and he seem to have already a friendly enough relationship that suggests they could work together. Then again...she met Mystique. She seemed reasonable, if unwilling to lightly commit herself until she was sure, which she can respect. Better than some she approached.

    Her attention returns to the conversation going on between Osborn and Mach, before Doom speaks again, a faint smile curving her lips, of approval. Even of pride.

Green Goblin has posed:
Norman groans to himself as he listens to the words of Cain Marko, perhaps a bit more street-level an outlook than he's used to dealing with personally. He takes an angry swig of his fizzy green water, placing the glass firmly back onto the surface of the bar as he glances back at Carl with just the barest hint of a smug grin. Across the table and towards the LexCorp employee, he slides something; a small, shining black-polymer rectangle with sharp white writing on it's front. A business card, reading 'oscCorp, Founder Norman Virgil Osborn' followed by a number to his personal secretary at the office, Victoria. It's about as close as anyone of Carl's status get to a direct line to Norman Osborn, and he slides it across the bar towards the man, with no further communication.

"You do know, Doom, I keep office hours," says Norman with a wry chuckle, raising a newly-filled glass to his lips; the man never partakes in alcohol, the psychiatric meds and his own madness are hard enough to keep in check, so he's sticking to the carbonated water and lime juice. The bright green colour of the liquid is, perhaps, a tad ironic. "I agree with you, in principle - and I appreciate the invite, I do..."

"And as to the business venture, we can certainly discuss this in private - you know my respect for you, Doom. But I don't know half of these... people, to any degree that MATTERS. Can you honestly vouch for them? Are they RELIABLE?"

Venom has posed:
     "Well, this doesn't make us happy at ALL!" A column from the room starts growing black tendrils, a slightly...goopy sound accompanies them. Once there has been a change in texture, the color changes to a blue-black. Eventually the persons who talked are shown. "Doom, wanted people for his venture, but no spot for us!" The tendrils recede into the smooth body of Venom, smiling grin and all.

  "If this group doesn't want to cause mayhem and fun, we will see ourselves out!" The hulking symbiote looks around the area, from Mach, to Osborn and company. Stomping towards Doom, the alien coated human looks at the Latverian ruler. "So, tell us, where do WE figure in this?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    Cain gives a nod as he hears Doom. That seems satisactory enough. Then he hears Norman and his eyes hood.

"Are -you- reliable?" asks Cain, his gaze falling onto Norman now and his lips tightening into a mild frown of disapproval. "What are you, an idiot? You think Doctor Doom, of all people, would have bothered to have invited us in here if we weren't reliable? What are you, stupid? SInce the obvious has to be spelled out for you, does the name 'Juggernaut' mean anything to you?"

Temper, temper, temper. But at least he's sticking with sharp words and not walking over there.

Oh. Speaking of 'reliable'. Thanks Venom. Cain bristles as his statements are seemingly undercut by the method of Venom's arrival and his behavior. Great timng there!

Phage has posed:
Mach downs his drink, sets the cigarette on the ashtray and silently slaps his hand on the table. It's an old trick, but raising his other one to reorder with a simple, "Reload." to the bar, Mach's sleight'd be missed even if anyone was looking for it. Mach looks around from the bar, catching Osborn's eye on the way, and reclaiming the cigarette for another draw in one fluid motion.

Then his slient partner is less so. All the alarms and information hits like an incomprehensible overload. Like trying to watch and listen to the whole net at once. Luckily he can take a kicking from any angle, even in his own head, and Mach, externally seems entirely unphased. He does glide off of the bar and defers grabbing further attention from doom, for the moment, and a brief flicker of acknowledgement to Madelyne's subtle change of expression is made with one of his own. A slight, momentary quirk of his brow.

Business is business. There's always more than one decision maker and since all will be beelining to Doom... he'll try to talk detail with the pother primary power player.

Mystique has posed:
    "That's a very good question," Mystique agrees towards Venom's inquiry. She smiles at the chaos-bringer, and then looks over towards Doom, for the answer. Yet, rather than instigate further, she asks instead, "And, what obligations are we under if we should join this little endeavor, mmm? Say that I assist Norman here with getting something passed through legislation, or an oversight in production for one of his innumerable and enlightening inventions, and then I go to him for a small favor in return and he decides he doesn't wish to assist." Mystique shrugs, "Are we to take each other on the honor system?"

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doom looks completely unfazed by the sudden arrival of Venom, "Because I knew you would be coming regardless, Venom." He nods slightly, no surprise showing on his mask as he says, "Mayhem will be had, I assure you. I know that there are some youths that do need a bit of a lesson in manners." Because Doom never forgets a slight.


    Then Doom turns to look at Mystique, "This is a group designed for mutual support and benefit. So yes, there would be a certain degree of the 'honor system' being involved. However, if people decide to take the benefits, and not contribute back to the group... well, I would be forced to rectify the situation." He then smiles, just a bit, "I do not believe anyone here would be so foolish as to test that, now would they? However, this meeting is not an obligation. It is an invitation to all who are here. And some who are not, but circumstances being what they are..." He trails off, implying there are more that would be involved, but just aren't present yet.

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne is busy following Osborn's not unreasonable suggestion (she's not entirely sure of the reliablility of them either, but trusts Dr. Doom's judgement), when she catches Carl glancing her way, then quirks her lips, just a bit at the glance. However, when Venom's arrival draws her attention, she tenses slightly, watching the symbiote form and stalk forwards. Her face becomes a mask, not showing her emotions, just a cool reserve, though she's watching the symbiote. Oh, she's -heard- of this one...and he might be challenging to fit into a more ordered organization.

    But it's a fair question....as is Mystique's, on how to ensure people repay 'favors' or assistance. Will it be controlled by a central control over such things? But then again, this is why they're here...to see if they can work such egos together into a coherent, or at least, all going in the same direction, whole. But then...Doom is there to provide that 'threat' over those who dismiss what they owe.

    She does address Venom directly, however. "What you do on your own time would not be an issue. And if you prefer only...more chaotic activities, I'm sure we could plan for your assistance to other members accordingly." A thin red brow arches. "Or perhaps you might find a time you need someone more ordered or experienced in a particular type of activity to assist you. That is the point of this." She looks to the group. "We all have useful abilities, connections, skills...powers. We can be stronger by joining places where we are lacking in knowledge, experience or ability to those who are strong in those categories, but weak where we excel. We will find more success. And success is what we all seek in our endeavours, is it not?"

Green Goblin has posed:
Norman noticeably twitches at the sudden voice breaking into the meeting, somehow... familiar. No, it can't be... That THING. Osborn's eyes widen as he watches the symbiote manifest itself; he'd likely back up, but he's already leaning against the bar. He'd heard that monster was dead... but then, he wouldn't be the first NYC monster to make it's way back from death.

It's either fortunate for him, or the gigantic unstoppable mutant (probably him, to be realistic) that the appearance of an old, familiar New York figure has seemingly drawn his attention away from Cain's outbursts. His eyes do glance quickly at Mystique, however - professional pride almost... wounded by the remark, "When have I ever refused an accommodation to anyone I was in debt with? Never," he says, compelled to defend himself. And then, he quickly falls silent, all eyes turning towards Doom as he responds to the sudden appearance of Venom

<C'mon NORMMMM, you know you love a dramatic entrace! Ha ha ha ha!> the sudden, hissing laughter of the Goblin is loud in Norman's ear, and he twitches again - the sight of the symbiote obviously kicking something loose in his brain. A telepath like Madelyne Pryor who was paying attention might even pick up on the strange, second voice suddenly cutting through Osborn's thoughts. Regardless, he downs the rest of his second glass and places his hands firmly in his suit pockets. He's silent for the moment, if only to regain control of himself before he begins to manifest any... obvious signs of instability. Let the others talk, for a while, as he clenches his jaw and tries to fight down the whispers in the back of his head. The appearance of Venom, reminds him of... Parker...

Juggernaut has posed:
    The Juggernaut is no mutant - but it's an easy assumption to make given his stature and 'I'm both possessed by and the embodiment of an ancient mystical primordial cosmic principality that just wants to love you by destroying you' isn't a good conversation opener. Either way, Venom does distract him from being further irate with Norman and his attention is restored to the actual matter at hand.. He ends up nodding his head in agreement and then shrugging his shoulders. "..Chaos causing and 'fun' is sometimes a good way to provide a cover for more important things going on elsewhere. Bait the capes by causing a few localized seismic cataclysms. Meanwhile your partner is pulling off the major job. Plenty room for chaos..as long sa folk hold up their end of the bargains when all is said and done.."

Venom has posed:
     "Hehehehe! Excellent!" Venom trods over to Cain and offers a high five, resting their arm on his shoulder. "This guy gets us. Truly. What is more fun than taking over a TV station and showing nothing but Home Improvement reruns and Friends reruns?! ONLY the argument episodes! No wholesome family entertainment!"

  The large figure seems to ease back just a little. "We think we can do better, mayhem, screaming in the streets! Spider-Man's brain in our gullet." A sinister laugh from the dual personality. "Stormin' Norman over here! Our man!" Venom points to Osborn. "Now tell us, wouldn't you just..." a shiver, and a light glide of their tongue. "LOVE to get that puke's mask for your garish mansion?" Venom smiles even more at the thought, before the dripping tongue slips into the nearest drink, whipping back into their mouth. "Ahh, delish."

Phage has posed:
Taking a shot means, sometimes, being shot down in flames. It happens, even to him, so looks like Mr. Osborn's the one Madelyne's got business with. He takes another drink and another draw. He notes that Mr Osborn's kinda quiet and moves a little away from the bar. No third wheel required. Orders recieved and understood. He looks over at the others and sees the progenitor. Some more attempts are being frantically made to convey way too much way too fast. Makes him kinda glad no one's scanning his brain right now.

Picking moments and targets in conversation are worse than open warfare. Usually as it's friendlier, there are less sides and there are way fewer people one over the eight before they started. Still, another draw of his dwindling smoke hides the straightening of his face momentarily to say, internally in his mind... 'later. We'll talk later. Okay partner?'

Mystique has posed:
    Mystique nods to Doom, her expression is unreadable, and - even with Maddie's mental prowess, her slippery shapeshifter mind proves very, very difficult to read whether she likes that enforcement, or, is rather opposed to it. Still, it is a very Doom-like answer, and so she finally nods her head, and lapses into silence again, going back instead to watching everyone else, noting their particular reactions.

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doom looks over at Cain and nods slightly, "Exactly. Sleight of hand is a useful enough tactic, and one we shall no doubt use. And Venom, I'm certain that your desires can be indulged." He does then pass a look to Mystique, and gives her a bit of a look, before looking around at the group, "A legion such as this, requires a minimum of trust. I realize that certain of you have... distaste towards some of the others, perhaps due to personal experience, perhaps due to internal prejudice." He doesn't call out any names, but he clearly noticed these things.

    "If you are going to join this endeavor? Discard those notions towards your associates. If I find that your rivalries are causing the organization to lose effectiveness? Then I will be displeased." Then he gestures to the group, "However, the benefits of working together... in addition to the obvious, you also would have the patronage of myself. And the support of Latveria, which is a sovereign nation with advanced technology of its own." So much for the stick, let's show off the carrot.

Madelyne Pryor has posed:
    Madelyne's eyes suddenly flick back to where Normal Osborn is sitting, sharpening a bit. For a moment...there were two presences there...not one. She was fairly sure that Osborn was the "normal" human here. But perhaps....hmmm. She's moderately annoyed that Doom asked her not to poke around, again. She probably could find out much more about what people felt, or thought...but she's only getting occasional surface thoughts, with her powers damped down to such low levels. Strong thoughts, at that.

    And if there's anything most villains can be said to have...it's a strong will, that goes with their usually just as strong egos. Without some power beind it, she doubts she coudl easily get into the heads of most of those present.

    Though, of course....she won't -always- be so restrained.

    She does glances to Mystique, her gaze leaving Osborn as she watches her nod, rather than offer further comment. It seems at least the Juggernaut and Venom are, ah, getting along. She thinks.

    Her lips twitch just a bit at Doom's mention of being 'displeased'. She feels like someone should laught maniacally when he says that. Not Doom, perhaps. Luckily this is in her own head...Doom would be annoyed with her if she commented.

Green Goblin has posed:
Despite being visibly unnerved by the creature's appearance, Norman doesn't flinch from meeting it's gaze when the symbiote finally turns it's attention to him; he's seen that face, years ago, in New York City... when the Goblin was running rampant across the skyline, there was another evil lurking in the city. Being brought face to face with it, it's almost like being confronted with a moment from his own past.

<Oh my, Norm... ssssoooo interesssting...> comes the harsh whisper, as Venom brings up that obsession - Spider-Man. Straightening his back and swallowing hard, Norman manages to a casual smile as he seems to regain his composure, "Spider-Man is a menace, it's true - I think we can all agree, on principle, that Doom is correct. These... 'heroes', they have no HONOUR. The people applaud them, because they're told to applaud, because they fail to realize there are those of us who might prove more... benevolent." Of course, the presence of certain individuals seem to ruin such talk of benevolent 'rule'.

He inclines his glass slightly as he raises it towards Doom in a show of deference, "Nobody could claim you're not a wise man. What you've done in your country is an..." he pauses to think it over, "...inspiration. For those of us capable of long-term thinking, at the very least."

His focus still hasn't returned to the benevolent Dictator, seemingly unwilling to take his eyes off Venom. "You'll forgive, perhaps, my initial hesitation," he says, though his tone doesn't seem apologetic beyond the bare minimum, "Let me apologize to those I may have... offended, in my haste."

"I'm SURE we all can come to an... understanding," he says in the smooth tones of a business, and there comes that smug smile again, still staring at the black symbiote and remembering some of it's more... memorable encounters with certain NYC vigilantes in the past. If Venom has truly returned to New York, things could take a most interesting turn indeed..

Juggernaut has posed:
    Getting along might be..to strong of a word. Juggernaut seems to be 'tolerating' Venom. That's a little more accurate, judging by the look he gives the black clad crazy when he approaches for the high five and then actually leans onto his shoulder for abit. Cain then just sighs a little bit as Venom moves off to get a drink but for now says nothing..and instead his icy cool glare simply settles back onto Norman as the man makes a surface level pretense of apologizing for any offending words. He gives a non comittal grunt in return and then finally turns to address Doom directly.

"it all sounds fair enough to me. You scratch my back, I scratch yours, all that. IF it stays loose and people keep their ends of any agreements up, I don't have a problem with it. I won't be caged or locked down into some contract but I'll do my part if others do theirs."

This whole time, Madelyne asn't gone..uh..unnoticed. The giant man has just wisely opted to not say anything. Stranger things have been afoot in the world but the similarities of one red head to another he knows isn't lost on him. He's been giving her occasional glances but seems to also be making an effort -not- to look for to long. Instead he just manages to look confused by her every now and then.

Venom has posed:
     Venom licks their fangs a moment before continuing. "So, we are agreed, Osborn." They say, letting that tangled mess of a tongue slip out again.

  "We will do what we do best, this taking over the world shit...doesn't anything for us, but we like it like that." Venom continues addressing the crowd, stalking around the room, even approaching Madelyne, looking her over curiously before getting distracted by Mystique. "Enchante, missss." Ending that with a hiss, and turning back to look at the great Doom.

Phage has posed:
Mach notices it. The same way an engineer can tell before the finest of instruments could detect a part's about to fail. Looks like Norman wasn't up to the plate. He was. At least his head's clearer to make his way, not too slow, not too quick, and in as subtle a stride as can be under the circumstances, he makes progress. First to Doom, "It's a simple enough arrangement. I'm in." Note the particular, "So, as a result, the company's in. Do forgive me if I mingle, not take up too much of your precious time, sir."

Making a further move he stops nearby enough to Madelyne to say quietly, "Mind if I stop here? I know, all the power players take priority... but there must be some details that need discussing. Like whether there's an application form? As I hate paperwork. I don't want to have to suddenly change my mind because of the details."

Doctor Doom has posed:
    Doctor Doom nods over at Norman, "Indeed. They do not. And they will be taught the meaning of this word when it is all said and done. And if you wish to just relax on a beach when it is over, a margarita in one hand and Spider-Man's severed head in the other, well, I would not begrudge that Venom." Because it isn't like Doom knows anything about a hated rival or the like.

    At Carl's comment about application forms, Doom actually chuckles, "No, nor will you have membership cards. However, I will be seeing all of you in turn. In the meantime, I have other business that requires my attention, though I will speak with you individually." With that, he nods, and steps out the back entrance, apparently having some other things to attend to as well. Heads of state, go figure.