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Latest revision as of 21:52, 30 October 2017

Monkey Business at the DMV
Date of Scene: 11 October 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gorilla Grodd, Pixie, Emma Frost, Warpath, Shatterpoint

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd is here to help create a valid ID, a secret one, for a rather important project, which means that he has a holoprojector in addition to the mental illusion presenting himself as human. This will be a deep cover but as annoying as he finds humans, he finds himself even more annoyed now. He speaks to the 'traffic control' attendant pre screening those with numbers, "Look, I am immigrating from abroad but I have my greencard right here. I just need this form stamped but they won't do that if I don't have that card stamped. It's literally a Catch 22. You do see that right? Now who do I have to talk to to make this work?

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn walks into the DMV, because thedoors aren't tall enough to fly into. Now that she's 18, she's getting herself an adult ID card. She, too, has a green card. But sometimes people can't handle a federal ID, she's noticed, so having a state one is also good. But the difference between her and Grodd is that she has an appointment, and an old card to replace. So, she gets into the appointment line, humming to herself.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Standing in line already is a woman NOT wearing a corset, because she has class, Emma Frost stands in the line with a hand help up to her nose and mouth. A thick hankerchief used as a filtration system for the billionaire and quickly it's obvious as to why. The crowd of people around her are sniffling and coughing and being generally disgusting plebes.

    The former White Queen has her hair styled down in a wind catching curls, loosely framing her face and down to her mid back. She looks left and right, idly waiting for the time to pass so she can simply renew her drivers license. Despite the fact she uses a self driving car, state law requires she has ID. Something she'll have to change soon enough.

Warpath has posed:
    "Ms. Frost." James rumbles from behind her. "If you want to sit out in the car, I can wait in line." He stands behind her and to the right. He is less impacted by the sniffling and coughing. His clothing is bespoke; and he wears it well. Black suit. His hair drawn back into a ponytail, a short one. His eyes are shaded by a pair of sunglasses. "It is just a line. I will call you when it gets closer?"

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Walking down the street is an odd sight. She isn't dressed out of place, but despite the weather or the conditions- it could be dawn, dusk, snowing, what have you- The woman strolling along is wearing a nice, thick, cable-knit sweater in black, and a pair of black-adjacent jeans. She's also wearing a pair of sunglasses that seem to be a little more intensely dark than they ought to be.

    She doesn't really have a reason to go to the DMV, frankly. She's occupying time, and for a short while, staying out of Gotham. As she wanders rather aimlessly by, she catches something during a gesture made by the man in the building. It's faint, a little weird- she can't really tell if she even saw anything, but it's enough to make her pause outside and watch to see if it happens again.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd has had it up to here at this point and finally just reaches into the guy's mind to make him say yes. In addition to his passive illusion this will also likely send a flare to any psychicly active folks in the area but...what is the luck, the guy is a latent meta human, that rare one in a million who is not only resistant but can FEEL what Grodd is doing and growls, "What in the?"

Grodd is not pleased by this but really just needs two stamps and can go to another area. New plan. Get the stamps. That means he needs a distraction. Given the fact that he doesn't care five beans about humans, he reaches onto a device at his belt and activates a device which amplifies his psionics in a VERY specific way, rather than appealing to their higher mind, it simply amplifies his powers and for almost anyone with a weaker will present is likely to drastically enhance their reptile brain which in the standard human community...means acting like a monkey.

(Players are automatically immune unless they consent to it.)

The DMV, needless to say, goes into chaos.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn goes wide-eyed as the people in line around here are getting... strange to say the least. "Goodness," she gasps as she backs away, going toward a wall. Rudimentary X training on mind resistance comes in handy sometimes, it seems. Biting her lip, suqirming a little, she takes a deep breath, and starts to look around. When in doubt, study the situation. As one hand grabs the other, twisting her fingers, and ducking a thrown shoe.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma steps forward when the crowd of people shuffle forwards a few steps and then, her head snaps up towards the slightest indication of a mental disturbance. Her eyes squint and she forgets to even address James with more than a dismissive hand wave hidden down by her side.

    She reaches out with her mind and attempts to protect the individual being attacked with a mental barrier but the initial attack was too fast for her to have prevented she can only react at the speed of thought.

    "Something's happening." Emma whispers out from beneath her hanky and the wash of primal nature washes over her but Emma barely resists and struggles to keep her feet.

Warpath has posed:
    Well. Someone's mind was distracted, trying to care for his boss. Emma might be appalled, as a very big hand gives her a very proprietary sort of, well, grope on the backside. Reptile brain engaged. There are many years of some repressed teenage thoughts that bubble up in that moment.
    Fortunately for James, his employer made certain that he was better shielded than most when it comes to psychic defenses, as he manages to snap out of it. Unfortunately for him, he has a handful of Emma's backside as it happens. James' expression goes from one of intense interest, to appreciation, to realization, back to appreciation, then a slow realization that he really should let go. He releases her backside in a spasmodic gesture, eyes going wide. "What the hell was that?" He flares his nostrils, looking about. Something smells... off? He tries to clear his mind of that memory though.
    "Yoga is paying off." He manages to deadpan. "Where is the threat?" He looks about still, trying to smell, hear, whatever it is that is out of place. It is only once he is alert again that he adds a sincere, if brief. "Sorry."

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Caroline Ramsey has been alive almost a hundred years. Of that, she spent ten fighting on Apokolips, and fifty doing Something Else inside her own head. In the short while she's been back from the single most dangerous alien world in multiple existences, she's been waging a genuinely disconcerting amount of war on people who probably deserve to keep the literal physical joints she's been robbing them of.

    Which is why, when the inside of a building devolves into a hive of animal minds, the most she can offer is this horrible, almost inaudible noise. She stares, incredulously, into the DMV, dumbfounded.


    It's not a question. She isn't asking. It's more of a statement. A demand for the universe to make this stop. Then, after a moment, she reaches up to the collar of her sweater, unfurling it and letting it rise up past the midpoint of her face, effectively turning that section inside out in order to extend a turtleneck into a mask. Following that, she moves to walk inside.

    She was not ready for today.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
The reaction of people inside of the place is mixed. Some people just ...well...sit there. Their first reaction just like that of monkeys isn't to go all crazy its just let someone else do the thinking for them. A single nudge from Grodd though and that turns into chaos, mainly making a mess of the place, turning over furniture and desks, attacking electronics (badly), throwing up paper, removing clothing....etc.

For a minority, the idea is to act on repressed desires so some of the more attractive people are...ahem...making out. Some are acting on long repressed ideas of violence, picking on those who get in their way, with two actually getting interest of others to almost form gangs that might shortly work together.

Grodd himself only smiles and moves through the mahem toward the first stamp.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn begins to take in exactly what kinds of acts are going on here. The casual mischief she actually stifles a smile at, since it appeals to her fae nature. But some of the more extreme acts get her concerned.

One combination of violence and lust is attempted not far from her, so she dives forward, with a wing-assisted leap to tackle a young man about to get handsy. "That's about enough from you mister," she shouts. then slapping his hand when the target of the interest is altered to the young fairy sitting on top of his chest.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma was about to step up to the situation when an unwelcome advance occurs and she's turning around, her hand with the hankerchief leaving her face and the back of her hand and knuckles strikes James across his right cheek and she's got her icey blue eyes locked onto the young man.

    "James." Emma's voice is in a hushed whisper before she turns her gaze towards Grodd, plucking him out as the source as his mind is still readable but his appearance is still protected. It's obvious he has some mental shielding and even the source of the reptilian mind assault originates from him. The White Queen pushes mentally against his barrier with a psychic shove, something he'd certainly feel or at least notice.

Warpath has posed:
    The cheek slap rings out, but the big man's jaw does not even so much as move. He bobs his chin. "I am sorry." he says, his voice a lower rumbling sort of whisper.
    Bedlam. James' sort of 'lam. His favorite 'lam. His nose guides him. It's the ape scent. Oh, a cultured, hygienic ape, to be sure. It is still a scent. A big leg lashes out in a kick. Instead a chair goes sliding across the floor at an alarming velocity towards Grodd's legs. "Have a seat." Again with the deadpan snarl. No knives, no more violence yet. Instead James squares up, putting himself between Emma and the 'threat'. He is immediately mobbed by three other men, trying to establish dominance, and all of whom are interested in James' charge. They shriek and bellow as they cling to and pound on James Proudstar to no effect. "Sonuva..."

Shatterpoint has posed:
    The woman entering is an unpleasant person to be around. That's because of her typical mood, and not because the temperature of the room drops, sharply, around ten degrees. It goes from Fall to Winter, aided by the seal of the doors, as they close behind her. She's still wearing sunglasses, but now behind them, as if brightly illuminated, her eyes pierce their blackness, the blue of her irises clearly visible.

    At her side, because of her stature, one of the more feral individuals charges. The man gets around three paces from her before there is a blast of cold air, that as it runs over him, wraps many of his limbs in ice.

    He'll probably be okay, as long as this matter doesn't take a few hours. She hasn't even lifted a hand, yet. Her attention, physically, rests on the other three. One of them doesn't quite -look- right, to her. The other two, don't look like normal people. She doesn't leap at anyone, and has yet to take any real action... Mostly because she doesn't know who to hit yet.

    That's probably going to be pretty obvious relatively soon.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
On shoving his mind Emma would see he is astrally a gorilla too, a veritable 400lb mind equal to hers or even almost Charles in raw power but definitely not at all as skilled. His first instinct though is to shove right back and shove hard, since his mental assault is his most deadly ability but he isn't sure if this is some kind of challenge or a would be hero. Telepaths are an area where he is uniquely vulnerable and what shielding he has goes up, mainly to protect his inner plans and secrets, and 'hardening' his mind against assault rather tha protecting his surface thoughts.

Telepathically he sends out, **WHo are you?**

With the chair, however, the threat is much clearer. Since James is distracted, he wouldn't have noticed the chair at all but for Emma's shove. As it is, the psyhic illusion goes down (though not the hologram since it runs on its own) which can be seen to flicker or fritz to the well trained eye. It is thus when he whips out his third toy...and shoots a blue white beam from a rifle in his hands at the chair which suddenly floats as if it were in zero gravity. It hits him but then bounces up into the air. The impact still stings and he looks like he's apt to shoot James next.

Emma Frost has posed:
    <<I am The White Queen.>> Emma mentally projects along with a second somewhat stronger psionic blast, an attack pinpointed at Grodd's mind to send his entire psyche off balance and to attempt give her access to the method he used to flair everyone's reptilian brain.

    In the physical realm, Emma is still standing now behind James, and her right hand is swelling and pulsing from the pain of the slap she issued her subordinate. It's the first time she's gotten physical like that in a very long time and it still doesn't feel good, but she's remaining still and steady behind her body guard, certainly not wanting to get into any physical confrontation.

    The appearance of Caroline isn't immediately noticed though the drop in temperature does cause those in the room to act even stranger and the coughing and sneezing seems to intensify even with the feral nature of those affected by Grodd's attack.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is oblivious to the mental powers flying around here. So while others take on the mastermind, she's taking on the symptoms. And well, her solution is novel. As she tackles gropers, one by one, she's starting to spray her dust around. So the net effect is, as she flies around the room, knocking folks down, the tone changes. What started out as a growing riot becomes more mellow, and much more positive. Orgy is probably the wrong word, but in some pockets of the crowd, maybe it's close. At least fewer people are hitting now.

Warpath has posed:
    "It's an ape with a gun." James sounds a bit off put. Like he cannot believe this. "W-what?" He asks, as if expecting the world to provide answers. He takes a couple of punches, and one big fellow is basically hanging off his left arm. "Get offa me." James shakes his left arm, the tossed the heavy set fellow to the ground. He removes another of the three attackers, but the third is the smallest and he climbs onto James's back like a spider monkey on mountain dew. "Hold still, you sick little monkey!" James growls at the guy even as the little dude just pounds on James' head and pulls his hair to no effect.

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Walking through the DMV in a comparatively serene manner- if all the more strange and out of place, Caroline remains on the fringes. Her brow raises over the course of events unfolding in front of her- the flying pixie woman getting people somewhat high, which seems effective. The blonde doing... Basically nothing, that Caroline can see- she's not psychically active, even though she's a mental monstrosity of willpower and whatever the form of psychic scrambling Seeing Some Shit does to you.

    Then there's the guy that makes a chair defy the laws of physics. It bounces around the room, idly clocking one of the bystanders on the head, gravity no longer slowing its momentum. She can't really... Deal with that, at the moment. Instead, she shifts around the side, staying mostly a piece of the scenery until she has visible proof of what James just said- after all, she has no idea who anybody is... But she can hit three people if she needs to, as much as she'd rather just hit the one.

    That the feral people are attacking James is a good sign, through. Her attention shifts to the still disguised Grodd, in a somewhat more direct light. As soon as she knows how to handle the anti-grav rifle, she'll have to engage.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd now spots three threats, and at least two people (Shatter and the Security Guard) who are not affected. This is a direct threat and he is now significantly outnumbered. He slowly begins to work toward a back exit where he can find a clear space to activate the teleporter to one of his bolt holes, but keeps the rifle at the ready.

As Emma hits him with the telepathic shock wave, his mind is hardened so he isn't jolted but he immediately senses that she is a Heavy Hitter, a mind that is truly a threat to his in every way. Emma can sense most of his surface thoughts with ease though the connection to the Monkey Maker is not immediately visible through his thoughts, but the thin astra cord from his mind is readily appearent. Moreover, he knows she knows and he also realizes that with some recalibration, he might be able to affect her more directly. He is working on recalibrating both the device and his connection to direct the effect at a single target rather than the room, which lessens the effect on the hapless bystandards though is not wholly removed.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn does keep an eye on some of the action hijinks remaining. She tries to avoid those people with her dust, instead going for the people acting like apes. Sprinkling more and more dust in the room. Might as well go all out. She does have to fly tackle a couple more gropers and folks who can't keep their hands to themselves. But one gets an apology when it turned out to be uh, consensual. Her job done, she grumbles at the realization that she has no chance today of getting her ID card. So, with a sigh, she starts to slowly walk out herself. Well, fly out, since there are bodies everywhere.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma smirks slightly as the push against the Groilla had the intended effect of hardening his mental barriers, but that generally means more of a condensing of your defenses not an expansion. So she mentally starts to reach from the method of attack Grodd has used on the room, she's trying to disable his means of rewiring everyone's minds. It's not so easy when people are pushing, shoving and all around enjoying or at least living in a moment of debauchery and baser natures.

    She doesn't speak to James or anyone, only she lowers herself physically in a crouch and tries to stay near James only the fight he's having is making that objective less than desireable so she's forced to retreat through the crowds or be still... which she chooses lest she be further molested.

Warpath has posed:
    Finally fishing the guy off his back, James gives the fellow a glare. "Jerk."He cocks back as if to throw the guy at Grodd, but the smaller man gives a scared squeak and cowers. James hesitates. "Look man, just." The little jerk savagely bites james. Not that it does anything, but it still really peeves Proudstar. "Bite me will ya?" His arm cocks back, and there is a heave.
Fastball special.
    The mental monkey goes streaking off towards Grodd with a loud squeak, flailing as he gets lobbed with some force. The guy's arms flail as he careens through the air towards the disguised ape. "This day is just surreal."

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Had she known what the Fastball Special was, she would have questioned throwing an innocent, if handsy/teethy civilian as opposed to an irate individual who is somehow less Canadian than he is proprietary metal and alcohol, by volume.

    That said, she does not approve of the use of someone who hasn't done anything wrong except be slightly more violent than any other person would be at the DMV, not that there's anything she can do about it right now, but as it stands, it forces her hand, to some extent. She cannot allow the person James targeted with his maneuver focus their attention on the person assaulting them.

    Bolting forward, Caroline will- faster than she looks like she should be capable of- lurch by Grodd, her first pass a rescue mission. She has no idea that he's recalibrating the device, nor that there's probably a time limit on that. Just that there's a person likely in some manner of trouble, and that she has to get them out of there.

    Which will leave her off to the side for a moment as she rounds back on Grodd, who she'll be gunning for next.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Gorilla Grodd's first instinct is to shoot the guy, but he's a smart Ape. A very smart ape and is prepared to dodge to the side but especially as Caroline proves she IS in fact a threat he's prepared to flat out dodge for it, but as she catches the target serendipity appears and he has just barely enough time to finish the change and configure the Monkey Maker to target an individual. Slipping an astral thread to it, he loops it around and aims his technologically enhanced mental reduction attack RIGHT at Emma. And is prepared to run like hell because he, more than most knows how bad that is going to be.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn takes one last look around the room. She's left more bodies on the floor than any of the more aggressive people in the room, Grodd included. However at least hers are admiring the colors, the unicorns, or whatever thier favorite vision is at the moment. Giving one last groper by the door a dash of dust, she sighs, and walks out.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma's eyes were squinting as she was forming her mental scalpel to sever Grodd's mental attack on the room and seemingly simultaneously was hit with a much more focused version of the attack. The headmistress's eyes close and she drops, falling face first onto the cold-near freezing- tile floors of the filthy government building. The mutant is knocked out of commission by the attack and yet the full ramifications of the assault have yet to be seen.

Warpath has posed:
"Oh geeze. Emma!" James swings about, and drops down to one knee. He attempts to pick her up. "If you hurt her, I'll rip your insides out through your mouth." Good vitals. James starts to pick her up to get her off the floor. She would hate that.

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Being tackled out of the air by someone whose speed was on their way to solid highway-legal levels is bound to be a bad experience, Monkey-Made or not. That civilian is certainly feeling it, but Grodd could have done a lot worse trying to get said civilian out of the way in order to, well, do exactly what he just did to Emma. Caroline feels like she did a good thing.

    Now she has to handle the gorilla that, as yet, has only been seen to be a weird not-so-accurate hologram. Seeing as Emma is down and James isn't necessarily attacking Grodd over it, Caroline has no choice but to get to work.

    She drops into a sprinter's pose for half a moment before her legs send her back across at Grodd. If he's studied non-Ape fighting, he'll have her style pinned as an in-fighter. She is oppressive, she is fast, and she does not like to leave the immediate range of one's Personal Space, which is altogether unsettling.

    Her first attacks are aimed at the only space that she knows are likely to connect- after all, she's only ever seen the hologram. She has heard that it's a gorilla, but she can't reasonably assume anything she's able to see is where she needs to properly hit. As such, she flings two hooks- one right, one left, aiming to scope out the horizontal axis of his abdomen, as well as pepper them lightly with fists flung by arms that can lift a car.

    The punches themselves might not feel as dangerous as they are- and sadly, if she contacts, Grodd likely won't register the real danger of the change in internal temperature around his abdominal muscles before Caroline has already done her damage.

    The hits are bad- but when she makes your muscles freeze and then split... It gets exponentially worse. She just has to -hit- you, and perhaps sadly for Grodd, the threat of being hit by her probably doesn't carry as much gravity or fear as it should, until after it's already done.

    After all, Caroline looks... Pretty damn average. It's hard to take someone like that seriously, in this particular context.

Gorilla Grodd has posed:
Old Grodd would have completely underestimated her. As it is, he thinks he has in the bag since she is acting like a ninja or a brick, either of which his toy is designed to deal with and he hits her with the anti grav gun. And nothing happens.

AND NOTHING HAPPENS?! As it is this freaks him out far more than Emma ever could since he would need at least half an hour to explain how @#$@$#3 impossible it is that NOTHIGN HAPPENS.

He goes into full out retreat, and to cover himself, he does the only thing he KNOWS stops Caroline since she is a total unknown...he sets the grav gun to full out auto and begins shooting at everything and everyone around him....sharp inanimate objects, people, you name it. He immediately begins rapid retreat.

Caroline is right that the damage wouldn't be initially noticed, but as one of the worlds leading experts on biology, he knows what cryonic damage feels like (its also not like he hasn't dealt a time or two with cold damage from captainy types) but he still only realizes its getting worse, and the more he moves the worse it gets...the holo generator shatters and she realizes how much larger an opponenet he is. As it is, hits himself with the gun and drags himself out of the rear door telekinetically.

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Having felt out his positioning and dimensions, Caroline preps for the next set of blows as, clearly, Grodd didn't just fall over. She doesn't get the chance, though, as a flurry of events occur all in quick succession. First, the guise is dropped. This makes Caroline reassess, despite the fact that she had been lined up properly. It's not fear or apprehension, but more an influx of new information. She has to reasses exactly where to strike in order to bring him down.

    Which gives Grodd just enough time to start zapping people with a ray that Caroline only -barely- knows the function of. This draws her attention away, and gives Grodd plenty of time to send himself flying, probably rather uncomfortably, successfully through the back door.

    With Grodd gone, she relaxes somewhat, standing up proper and looking around the room at the floating individuals. Most of them are fine. One guy had just eaten, and what he ate was in the path of the ray, so now his resulting vomit is anti-grav, too. For a short while, Caroline looks at this, trying to figure out how she can help.

    After a while it becomes obvious that she, well, can't. She has no idea what to even -do- about anti-grav-people.