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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/10/17 |Location=New York City |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=324, 349, 1032, 1200, 15 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:3...")
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Latest revision as of 22:46, 30 October 2017

Tuesday Tryouts
Date of Scene: 17 October 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Ranger, Little Blackhawk, Lady Shiva, Super-Man, Superman

Green Ranger has posed:
For the most part The Tourny try outs are for more than just the competition. It's also to get kids interested in Martial Arts as an alternative to Drugs, Gangs, and vandalism. Teaching responsibilities and that there are better ways to deal with issues other than such negative issues.

Evening at Central park it is bustling and parents and kids are there talking and speaking with the Competitors. Tommy Oliver a frequent of the Tournies is currently instructing kids on the Merits of both standing up for yourselves and against bulling having dealt with Bulk and Skull in Angel Groves for a while he's actually glad to be away from them.

The Issue at hand now for tommy is using words to deal with some people who have those opinions of others being push overs. Also using examples of bullied kids bringing in guns to school to handle their issues, he's painting a grim picture as explains how acts of bulling have consequences far beyond making one's self feel tough. That they can feel tough, through other methods such as mountain biking, hiking, running all sorts of excessive pushing them selves to their physical limits.

The Arena has a number of people sparring and fighting, judges ringing bells when a person goes down, to show they are down. There is food, drinks, and of course some martial artists who are teaching some students some basic intro moves for beginners.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
Elliot is among the volunteers who are instructing the younger students. She's a tiny blonde girl with an entirely too perky smile, wide blue eyes, and a slight figure that leads to most people assuming she's probably not much of a fighter. Then again she is instructing a bunch of ten-year-olds, how much physical prowessq does she need? Periodically she looks over towar TOmmy where he's making his speech but it seems running children about and giving peppy speeches are the girl's primary concerns. At least until the tourney begins.

Lady Shiva has posed:
    There is a quiet figure seated in the folding chairs set up for that purpose. Shiva isn't usually found at events of this sort. Typically her work keeps her busy, often to spots around the globe. Of late, she's been in the Tri-State area. No mattere where she travels, she always keeps an eye out for someone who might be a challenge. It's difficult but not impossible. There have even been times that she saw something special in someone. Those, she might choose to teach. Or better yet, she may decide they should train under Richard. Rare but it had happened a few times in since she took the name Shiva.
    The unfortunate side effect of her challenges is that they opponent often ended up dead. If she felt she could learn from them, she would challenge them. It was a whim if they survived, should she best them. Being a prodigy, she could often learn all she needed in a few minutse of fighting.
    Her gaze is on the ring although she does glance around at the various instructors to evaluate and decide. To anyone outside, she is merely a woman in the crowd.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan has been doing paperwork all day, it seems changing a visitor visa to a work visa is complicated, even with SHIELD helping smooth the red tape. As he was headed back from the USCIS offices to his current lodging he sees the sign about the tournament. He does need to keep in practice, even though he is not the best of Martial Artists and will probably not win unless he uses his powers.

He pauses as he hears someone giving a talk on Bullies. He is currently not in his containment suit, so possibly no one will know him. He says to the people, "I used to be a bully. I was mad about my mother dying, and I blamed someone who was in charge of inspecting airplaines for her death on a plane...and I took it out on his child because I could not touch the person I really blamed. I was doing the wrong thing for the wrong reason, and it did not even make me feel good."

Green Ranger has posed:
When Tommy hear the words spoken, he smiles and will motion for the former bully to come over to help him as he listens to Kenan. "Most issues also come from home. Your teachers at school at there to help you. There is no shame in talking about such issues, no shame in crying. I cry, when you hold such emotions in it is like a poison. It infects you and it causes pain. And when you are in pain you want to lash out at anyone." he says.

"Some time ago someone hurt me badly, made do some things I wasn't proud of. But my friends stood by me. They understood I wasn't in a position to help myself but they helped me." He says and his mind goes back to when Rita controled him, when the Others found out he was the Green Ranger, they tried to help him no matter what and freed him from Rita's control. And then not only stood by him, but accepted him. And most importantly forgave him.

Of course one of the teens, in Tommy's presence almost smirks and says. "Bullshit. That's how the world works, the strong dominate the weak. You don't get ahead in life without stepping on the backs of people and pushing them under you. And I think your just a pussy who talks pretty and big." The teen is perhaps a year young than Oliver. But Tommy looks to him and then some people are taken by surprise when the teen throws a sudden punch at Oliver as Tommy instantly catches it and in the blink of an eye the teen is on the ground holding Tommy hands up. "That's enough, you are entitled to your opinions, but you also have to respect those of others." And of course at this point the teen is absolutely Livid at being put on the ground so easilly.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan shakes his head, "Preying on others is not strong, preying on others is weak. Not weak of body, but weak of spirit. I have found that true strength comes from caring and compassion. Remember the child I mentioned that I would bully? I have since saved his life twice." Of course, in his case, strength from caring and compassion (not to mention courage, honesty, and integrity) is not figurative..and he actually saved the boy from Supervillains both times.

Kenan nods at Tommy, "Look to this man, he clearly has strength and skill...yet he uses them to protect the weak. That is the proper use for strength."

Lady Shiva has posed:
At the little drama playing out nearby, Shiva turns her attention from the ring to the goings-on. The quick handling of the boy is noted and she regards the group quietly for the time being. She gives nothing away, wastes no movement fidgeting or moving around. There is a peacefulness around her, an aura of zen that shows she is completely at ease with the world and her place in it.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
"You - aren't actually providing him with a reason to listen to you," Elliot calls out slowly, looking up. She straightens, her blodne tresses framing her shoulders as she turns herself to face the two men who are extolling the virtues of helping others. "You should help others .That's the purpose of strength. Why is that the right way to use it? I mean... If I heard you right."

Elliot reaches up and briefly brushesher hair away from her face, azure eyes casting between the people in front of her as she walks forward. "People survive by working together. Physical strength isn't, um, the solution to eery problem. A bully can beat up a scientist but they can't design our cars or our computers..." She shakes hes her head once.

"Besides, you never know who you're picking on anyway. It isn't very safe." Elliot points at the downed teenager for emphasis.

Green Ranger has posed:
Standing there as Tommy hold himself in total composure. As the Both stands up as he listens to Kenan as Tommy says, "If what you say is true then I just proved my strength over you." And the Teen is livid as Tommy has an almost sinister smile on his face.

"You caught me off guard, it won't happen again." And when some other security come up other Martial artists ready to remove the trouble maker. "What's a matter need help taking me on?"

"I don't need their help to take you down. I can put you on the ground ten different ways in less than a minute twenty seconds." The young man says, Tommy makes a motion for people to stand down. Of course a Few parents are pulling their kids away. The Guy messing with Tommy narrows his eyes. Eyes around the area as he says, "You best not find yourself alone on the city streets me and my crew will cut you up head to toe." he says and starts to head off. As Tommy allows him to leave.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan shakes his head, he is learning still, but has seen that the truely gifted do not need to brag. The only point to bragging is to possibly make others fear you, which can sometimes weaken a foe. Kenan says, "I am from China, in my homeland they call ne Kong Kenan, in the United States, I gather it is customary to place the family name last, so you may call me Kenan Kong." He waits to see if anyone recognizes the name. Announcing his name live on an internet broadcast was not one of his smartest moves...

Lady Shiva has posed:
Listening to the threats from the troublemaker, Shiva looks him over briefly then dismisses him mentally. Not worth her time. Hearing the words from Kenan, she also files them away for later. She turns her head to focus back on the ring as another opponent loses his round.
    Thus far, the trip here has not been productive. She opts to wait a few more bouts to see if that changes.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
Elliot shakes herh ead once and takes a deep breath, turning towaard the nearby arena. She watches as the bout ends and shrugs once, making her way toward the ring. She's going to watch ffor nwo, still waiting to be called up for her own tryout. She doesn't seem inclined to do much else unti lshe gets into the ring now that the disturbance has been dealt with.

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy offers to Shake Kena's hand and says. "Tommy Oliver." and of course the new contestants are called. Tommy Oliver and Elliot Reed. "Well Time for my rounds in the rings for entries." and he smiles as some people who saw the display, are heading up to Join and watch. Slidding into the Ring Tommy wuill flexx a few times and throw a few rapid punches as he shakes himself out loosinging up as he takes his place in the arena when Reed comes into it. The Ref says, "Clean fight. First to make their opponent hit the mat three times is the victor." he says and Tommy dressed in his green tank top and pants as he will smile and then Bow as a former sign of respect, as he assumes his fighting stance.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is wearing a red ji with black trim. Not a black belt worn with it though, he has not earned that. His clothing is not the colors of his martial school, but rather the colors of his costume. He watches the match, seeing what he can learn. He is tempted to uses his super senses, but if he has to face any of the people he is watching, that would give him an unfair advantage.

Lady Shiva has posed:
For the first time, Shiva shifts in her seat. She sits up a little straighter, pulling her black leather trenchcoat around her form a bit more tightly. Nothing more. Her eyes flick to the various groups with instructors around then grounds then back to the ring as the competitors enter.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
Elliot returns Tommy's smile brightly and bows in turn. She takes a couple steps back then, placing herself at the appropriate competitive distnace from the person in front of her. She doesnt' really wear a Martial Arts uniform, just athletic clothing that allows her sports bra to peek out near the collar of her shirt. "Clean fight," she repeats back before taking a deep breath. Her fighting stance isn't indicative of much and she has to actually lean her head back to look up and properly meet Tommy's eyes. "My name's Elliot. You introduced yourself earlier. ...After you."

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy's not in a Martial Art's uniform himself as he smiles at her and then the bell is Rung. Tommy lunges forward stopping short as he shifts to the side. to throw her defence attack. He's very glad that his powers need to be willed into activation and best of all a blood test shows no sign of enhancements. Ducking low as he moves to spin so he can try to hook her inner leg pulling it out from under Elliot. Speed, reflexes and strength. Tommy had several openings to deliver a crippling blow.

While the competition has sparing partners for those with enhanced abilities, they are not required to reveal it. As it can cause problems and such. Still he's faced a couple of them....

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is watching, Tommy seems to be pretty good. Likely motre skilled in attack moves than Kenan is. He is not sure about other issues.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
Elliot didn't really move the first time Tommy approached her. He lunged, she paused. Then he tried a more serious assault. She sidesteps the first real attack, then hops backward. When he ducks low, however, he does manage to hook Elliot's leg and she takes a quick tumble, hitting the mat and then bouncing back to her feet.

THen the fight shifts in the other direction. The first kick is more of a feint, but it doesn't stop her from advancing with a series of swift, brutal maneuvers designed to put him on the defensive. Ducked down Tommy is close to Elliot's height. She moves with a speed and precision the man would expect of a professionalcompetitor. She's testing his reflexes and responses, watching for an opportunity to snag one of his limbs amid a flurry of quick attacks.

Apparently the girl was toying around initially. Or maybe she's just clumsy.

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy's seen all sorts of Combatants from defensive fighters, to highly aggressive ones. As long as three limbs don't hit the mat he's still counted as up. Her moves and speed, tell hem she's not clumsy, but it also doesn't throw him. He is very quick himself. He waits for the attack to come and when revealed as a feint he reacts. and pulls back. He is in it for the long haul, Allowing her to strike and thrust at him as he moves back one step two steps, three, and then he advances to step to the right with a half duck blocking with his forward that is almost like hitting the bone as he tries to snap his arm down and his left arm up to try and catch her arm in a grip. Of course he is expecting her to pull back or react so he can try and tries to step hooking one of her legs. So he can trip her.

She has the speed and gymnastics of Kimberly, and that makes her very dangerous.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is watching and seeing if he can learn. The moves are coming fast...he could increase his speed (and might do so if he is being trained), but this is a contest, not training, and using his powers would be cheating unless facing a similarly empowered opponent. So far, he has not seen any signs of super-human ability in either of the two...just good human physique and superb skill.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
So far, Elliot only brushed the mat. At no point did three limbs touch so Tommy hasn't even scored. And now... He ducks down to her height again there's a quick exchange. Attack, a block that rattles the bones in her hand, and then they're grappling. Tommy tries to hook Elliot and she actually steps into him instead of away, grappled hand and all. At that point it's hard for either o f them to avoid attacks. So instead she uses her grappled arm to pin his left and goes for a shoulder throw. Easy leverage. As long as Tommy is forcing her to be close to him she might as well use her height to her advantage.

Lady Shiva has posed:
Continuing to watch in silence, Shiva holds her position as she evaluates the moves of each combatant. Some skills there. As they begin to grapple, she waits to see who will gain the advantage.

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy is tripped and made to flip from one of the moves Elliot made. And of course it's dangerous for him as he is fliped over her and he uses and arm planting it on the matt, allowing it to fold and then pushes off as his legs kick out nice and hard allowing him to flip landing on his feet. Moving is a circle he spins to try and kick her legs out from under her.

As the fight goes on Tommy realizes he needs to get more serious. And stops holding back, his strikes go faster, stroker as he blocks, kicks and punches. No sounds come from tommy as he knows not to underestimate her. It almost reminds him of his First match with Jason Scott.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
    Elliot does have a serious disadvantage. If she tries to break contact with Tommy then his longer limbs are likely to ensure a victory. She's also not strong enough to actually physically overpower him, one would assume. So the two of them are going back and forth i na frenzy of serious and faster blows. But the side spins? He isn't having a lot of luck kicking her legs out from under her that way.

A kick finally catches Elliot in the sshin and she goes down hard. Just for a split second, but enough for Tommy to score a point on her. Then she throws herself at him in a wildly aggressive but still controlled series of blows that simply end with an attempt at a full body takedown.

That's the second time Elliot's completely changed fighting styles. Like having three different opponents.

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy Oliver has earned his reputation in the MMA circut. And as she is taken down on the first point Tommy moves back, as the Bell is run signially that he has gotten the point. The Fact is the Try outs are to make sure people can handle it. Most everyone will get in save those who are clearly unable to handle it, or be handled. A number of people have taken to watch it.

As the sudden rapid attack comes Tommy is pushed on the defensive taking a blow to his face which cause his nose to bleed. As he waits a few moments before he counter attacks seeing what he belives is an opening. But with the sudden change he's expecting it to be a feint but he is hoping he can react as he tries to throw a kick to her side and ribs. But he did draw first blood.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is good nough to realize there is something odd going on. Most Martial Artists of Elliot's level master one style, a very few master two...but this is the third style she has shown and not many people short of the Acadamy of the Bat members master three styles. Possibly he was mistaken about not showing metahuman powers.

Superman has posed:
Clark Kent is not a graceful man, and he frowns and asks foregiveness as he jostles one or two people in the crowd while he moves to try and find a good view. The awkward man is dressed in an ill-fitting, off the rack suit and a pair of thick glasses. He is clearly in shape, and is a big man, but the way he carries himself, along with the ill-fitting clothing makes him come off as 'corn-fed' and not 'superhuman.'

"Oh, um. Excuse me. Coming through, sorry. Oh, whoops. Didn't mean to spill that. I'll buy you another, sir. Sorry."

Flustered, the reporter adjusts his glasses and finally finds a place to stand (Or sit, if there are seats) near the front of the watchers so he can get a good view. He withdraws a little notepad from his pocket, along with a pen. He clicks the pen on and clears his throat, glancing up to take it all in. He leans over to the person nearest him in the crowd and stage-whispers, "Did I miss anything good? Missed by train."

Little Blackhawk has posed:
It seems the girl is actually committed to her newly hyper aggressive "hard" combat style. Block, punch, punch, kick. She approaches when he launches a kick at her ribs, grunting as it strikes her side and blunting most of the force with her movements. A kick that close just isn't as powerful. The next flurry of blows forces Elliot to retreat but - not for long. Especting her to hold back or feint is consistently punished.

The Referee is starting to get a bit restless. These matches are supposed to end at some point after all.

Green Ranger has posed:
Showing signs of Karate, taekwondo, and ninjutsu. Tommy Blends all three into one fighting form. But also draws on each forms seperately as he blocks some attacks, but others get through and one right in the solar plexes that Tommy tanks holding his stomach and refuses to exhale. or have the air knocked out of him he still gives a shout as Elliot pummels him and he is forced onto the defensive.

He ducks another jab to the face as she moves in a way he is not expecting.

And the result is she trips him. And he flips and spins rolling using an arm and foot to move getting back up but it's enough to leave him open.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan has been studying Superman...and recognizes one of the reporters who most commonly reports on him. He says, "The first few fights were fairly low key, Mr. Kent. This one is interesting, both combatants show exceptional training in multiple martial arts. I am only trained in one, but I am good enough to know different styles when I see them." Indeed, a level of training normally only seen in those people who can match metahumans in combat...in heroes like Batman for instance.

Lady Shiva has posed:
There are a few folding chairs that have been setup for spectators. Many still are stnading, preferring to be warming up for their own chances to go in the ring. As the man sits, Shiva gives him a momentary glance before looking back to the pair in the ring. Both have skills, that's to be certain. A blend of styles for each, flowing easily through them. Perhaps there is someone of note here after all.
    At the question, Shiva spares another glance at the man in the glasses. "No. Most of the matches have been pitiful. This one shows promise." She flicks her gaze over him. A big man, well put together. He doesn't have that sign of a martial artist in his movements which makes her curious. For Shiva, who is easily bored, that's important. "You are taking notes on how to fight?"

Little Blackhawk has posed:
So it continues. A few blows sneak through on each of them and before long the fighters are perspiring freely. Elliot's azure eyes are bright and intense and her cheeks are flushed. It doesn't mean either of them are giving ground. They clash again in a brutal frenzy of punches, counter punches, attempted throws, and sudden grapples. Then Elliot drops down all the way low and vaults Tommy over her shoulder. She's on her knees and he's flat on his back. The bell rings to signal the second point. The girl straightens and moves to offer her opponent a hand. Score: 2 - 2

Then they're at eachother again. So it goes.

Superman has posed:
If Clark recognizes Kenan nearby, he makes absolutely no show of it. Nope. This is Clark kent, reporter. He winces as he watches the fight, shaking his head a bit. "Must have pulled the short straw for this one. I hate violence." He jots down a few notes as he watches. His gaze sweeps over the crowd every now and again. He blinks when the woman beside him gives that kind of response. "Oh. I...see."

He brushes his fingers back through his dark hair, as if it were a nervous twitch, and jots down a few more notes. He then glances over at her. "Huh? Oh. No, no. I don't want to fight anybody. I'm a reporter. I was sent to write an article on the charity event. I think it's a joke one of the editors is playing on me, though. I get squeamish around blood."

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy knows he has a serious contender and has dropped his reserved nature. The one thing is Tommy is Honourible, the second point for Elliot came when she flipped him and he had to spin moving in a whirlwind. Tommy called out, "POINT given!" The judges had not caught thatboth his knees hit the matt. But he did.

And with it Tommy begins fighting harder faster. Still within the range of human movements as he starts to shout, and battle cry, using it to hopefully give him the edge as he throws a fury of jabs, chops, and kicks. His fast and shirt covered in some blood but doesn't seem to concerned.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan keeps his eyes on the fight, but makes a note to look and see who the woman talking to Clark Kent is. Her comment was rather odd, like she is some kind of supreme judge of Martial Artists.

Lady Shiva has posed:
    "Squeamish around blood?" Shiva repeats, enunciating each word very clearly as she makes sure she heard that right. A glance is flicked up at the ring then to the man beside her as a faint smile touches her lips. It's an odd expression for her though only those who know her would realize that. "Then perhaps you should not look at the fighters for the remainder of this bout. The previous matches would have been more your speed. No hits of any level to cause damage." She gives a glanc to Kenan at his evaluation of the matches, which was a bit more complimentary than her own had been. It's only a moment then she is looking back to the fight.

Superman has posed:
Clark chuckles softly. "No, no. It's fine. I have to do my job, right?" He pulls his gaze from Shiva and focuses it on the match. The man frowns a bit as blows connect, and he worries at the tip of the pen a moment as he takes it all in. He jots down a few more notes, though he is clearly here for the charity event, and not the actual fight.

Little Blackhawk has posed:
    There is a point at which ELliot simply can't keep up with Tommy's strength and durability. She's just as fast but there's no supernatural strength evident here - and she's tiny. Enough that when their final grapple begins Tommy is able to overpower her and bit by bit she ends up being borne down to the mat. They're both bloody and bruised but Elliot, at least, is out of the match, if only by a hair.

Green Ranger has posed:
and with a single Swing of his leg managing to Trip Elliot, the match is called, as she goes down and Tommy is over her at her side fist raised as if to deliver a fatal strike. But the blow never comes, his heart is pounding and beating as he swallows hard and with a smile he will relax his hand to offer it to Elliot as people come up and the match goes to Tommy. Paramedics also happen to come up to make sure both are alright. Normally these fights don't draw bleed. But every once in a while it happens, it's upto both the judges and combatants to admit defeat and call it. But Tommy smiles as he says, "Great fight I haven't had a fight like that since I first went to Angel Groves." he says with a smile helping Elliot up as he holds a towel to his face.

Super-Man has posed:
The match is finished, so Kenan prepares in case he is called next...though likely his match will be anticlimactic. He knows he is not as good as sither of those two in terms of skill.

He glances over to see who the woman was that was speaking to Mr. Kent. He does not recognize her, but he is pretty certin she is actually skilled, not just arrogant.

Lady Shiva has posed:
As the match finishes up, Shiva rises to her feet. "Enjoy the remainder of the event," she says to the man by her side before slipping past him. Her movements are pure grace, easy and flowing like water. She moves through the crowd without jostling a single person. It's as though she knows where someone is moving and she simply avoids. In a few moments she is beyond the cluster of bodies near the ring and heading across the park toward a path for her departure.

Superman has posed:
Clark makes a few more notes as the fight ends. He glances about and then politely claps with others. He glances up at Shiva and adjusts his glasses. "Oh, uh. Thank you, miss. He watches her depart curiously, and the man considers for a moment if he should depart as well. He rises to his feet and then nods to himself, tucking the notepad away.

Superman has things to do, afterall.