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Latest revision as of 22:56, 30 October 2017

Log 2893
Date of Scene: 18 October 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Pixie, Speed, Warpath, Kaydin LeGraize

Emma Frost has posed:
    Westerchester New York is currently experiencing one of the last temperate days of the year and Emma 'Grace' Frost is curious enough to have asked one of the female staff members if she could barrow a swimsuit to test out a theory she came up with.

    The White Queen is down by the pool, with a bright green and yellow one piece swim suit on, with a pair of large oppulent sunglasses covering most of her face, from her low cheekbones to above her eyebrows. She is laying out on one of the lounge chairs and she has a diamond hand lifted before her face and is looking at the way the light bounces through her. Intriugued and still annoying that she's still cool to the touch, but at least she's warmer via the suns radiation and yet, she can't get burned, nor tanned.

    Grace clicks her tongue with a sad, annoyed kind of sound as she lowers her arm and continues to lounge outside for a bit.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is pondering what to do today. Between the incident at the fair, and at the DMV, she had a rough week last week with crowd control and angry mobs. So she's been taking it easier this week.

Flying back from the fair AGAIN, this time without incident, she's munching on a giant corn dog as ahs flies over the grounds, heading back toward the mansion. Seeing someone at the pool, she starts to drop down, and with the corn dog in her mouth, gives a silent wave to Grace.

Speed has posed:
     It had been a strange first week for Tommy and so he'd gone on a run to clear his head. Coming back to the school from across the lake, he slows to 'snail speed' and walks when he hits solid ground and is still moving at normal speeds when he spots the diamond woman by the pool. "Huh," he says before deciding to wander over that way to investigate.

Warpath has posed:
    You know how hard it is to smell diamonds? They do not retain much odor. Looking for 'Grace' is a pain in the butt. He as has orders to avoid face to face contact, but the fact of the matter is that he needs papers signed, and they cannot be faxed. Students have seen him on campus, and some of them know who he is, even. Usually a flat look or a growl gets him left alone.
    James Proudstar was trained from a young age by one of the best dressed ladies in the world. His suit is handmade and has no label. The word is 'bespoke', tailored exactly to fit him. His tie is precisely knotted, and his sunglasses are some expensive brand. His shoes cost more than most people's entire outfits. Bundled under his arm is a leather messenger bad. As he walks through the mansion one of the older students catcalls him, knowing him from his old days.
    He endures. His body language shows how ill at ease he is. People asking know his brother is some dead guy who went to this school, and he went to a rival school.
    He walks towards Grace. "Miss Grace. I have school paperwork for you to sign." The lie is practiced. Barely registers as one.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin blurs along the baseball diamond, having decided to try and play baseball by himself. HE created speed mirages to stand in as the other team and he managed to catch the ball before the speed mirage managed to make it to home base. He then decides to run to the pool where he comes across a diamond girl and another native american. "Am I intruding?" He asks, looking between the two.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma is already looking up when Megan flies overhead and the headmistress incogneto lifts her glittering hand upwards in a casual wave before lowering it back down on the long laid back chair. She then spots a pair of speedsters, one of which actually speaks to her.

    "Hello there." She says, acting like she hasn't met the young student, and certain her new mutation is drastic enough he wont recognize her. "No, you're not intruding as long as you don't stand in front of my sun." She says with a faint smile before looking up to James and sighing visually behind her dark lenses.

    "Is it that important that you have to drive this far?" Grace asks James, not wanting to move as she's comfortable, enjoying the outside in a whole new way and her mind was finally strting to get off her new 'condition'. She motions with a crystalline hand, "Bring it here. Let's get it over with."

Speed has posed:
     Tommy frowns, it's clear he's been noticed by the diamond lady, so if he walks off now he looks like a total creeper. He sighs, stuffs his hands in his jeans and starts heading over and is almost there when James arrives aka the guy whose jaw he almost punched off. "Wonderful," Tommy says under his breath but he was comitted now. He walks up beside Kaydin. "Hey all, we having a party or something?" he asks everyone.

Warpath has posed:
    His frown is deep. "If it was not, Grace, I would not." He all but snarls back at her. It -is- a long drive. "Miss Frost does not pay me to do unimportant things. If you are serious about possibly working for her school, perhaps you should approach it with--." He just shakes his head and pulls out documents. Avoiding the sun, he hands over an expensive silver pen, a gift from his employer and a stack of paperwork. "Yellow is initials. Blue is signature. Green is both." Yellow and blue make green. Someone sure is having fun running the office the way he wants.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Grace reaches out for the pen and her left eyebrow peaks up over the top of her sunglasses as she turns her head towards James' explination of what she has to sign. She glances through the papers, speed reading is an excellent skill to have before she twists the pen, extending the ball point out of the casing and starting to signs the papers against her bare glittering legs.

    "Sure, speedy number 2, we're having a huge party. Me in my-- swimsuit, and this big guy in a dapper as -- heck -- suit, and you two and the flying girl. A big Xavier's party." Grace says teasingly.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "I am just admiring the diamond lady?" Kaydin says as he looks to speed then back to the two of them as they talk. He then looks to James and smiles. "How is Emma doing? She seemed nice enough." He says as he watches the two now and turns back to Tommy. "So got any plans halloween?"

Warpath has posed:
    "I do not party." James keeps up the annoyed act. It is not as much an act as it maybe should be. It -is- a long drive. He looks to Kaydin. "Miss Frost is not nice. She is wonderful. She has taken a little vacation and left me in charge of her office. So here I am, at a place I hate, watching over someone she told me to look out over, at a place where my brother got killed over because he thinks some bald guy is right about mutants coexisting with humans. I am so peachy." James says in a clipped, annoyed, just this side of 'eff you' sort of tone.

Speed has posed:
     Tommy frowns trying to work out all the angles here. Who was diamond woman and where did she stand in the whole scheme of things. He eyes the papers as well, the seemed a little too official for a student, plus if Big Jim there was being deferential she had to have some juice. "The name's Tommy, ma'am," he says offering Grace a hand. "And when you put it that way, everyday's a party here at Xaviers," he says before looking at James. "Even you've got to agree there, right, big guy?"

     Kaydin's question is met with a shrug. "I haven't thought that far ahead. You?"

Emma Frost has posed:
    Grace is flipping through the papers slowly, methodically. She's never been quick to sign any documentation, always careful to read what she's putting her signature on first.

    "I have a name, Diamond Lady is just rude, plus I'm right here." She says, towards the papers, but in reference to Kaydin's quesiton. "You can call me miss Grace." Emma corrects and then looks up towards Kaydin and Tommy but her gaze goes back to James.

    "Calm down on the kids. You're going to scare them and we certainly dont want cowards amongst us if Charles is wrong."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn swallows her mouthful of corn dog, and laughs. "Good afternoon," she laughs. "Is there a party? I don't know, I was at the fair. Which is much more pleasant when there's no mind control going on. Whew that was crazy the other day." Lowering her feet to the ground to lean on a handy post. "Diamonds in the sun are great. Just watch the glare and don't stare directly at the sun," she smiles. "I'm Megan, Grace. Good to meet you."

Warpath has posed:
    Given his druthers, there was a time when he would have lit this place on fire, danced around the embers, then urinated on the ashes. James relents. "Sure. It's a swell place. Good bones. Superior staff. Professional administrators, if young. Could use a more steady, realistic, pragmatic leader." He is not talking about Cyclops. "Scott would be better at running it that Charles. Charles is too soft. Too Idealistic. You would all benefit from Emma Frost's firmer hand. Look at me. Do you see me crying? I'm the last of my flipping tribe. My brother got shot out of the sky on the back of an airplane. Yes. Every day is a party at Big Chuck's house." He flicks his gaze back to Emma, and nods. "They could use Emma here." he says simply.

Speed has posed:
     Tommy snorts at James' response. "Well maybe when Emma gets done with her cotton candy bender or whatever she's been doing since the fair, she will, but for now, Xavier's is Xavier's. Also, Scott's a good guy, but he's no Charles Xavier," he says, for those with the means to tell he's lying. Though as much as he's not fully down with Charles' message, he's not going to let some guy in a suit sh*t talk his crazy school. He steps back, arms crossed, giving Megan a nod when she joins them. "Hey, and yeah, no party here," he confirms.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin just looks to James and he then turns to Tommy. "I am thinking about asking M'gann out to celebrate halloween. Maybe teach her it if she doesnt know what it is." He says as he then looks to James. "So you got a grudge against this place." He says as he looks to Grace. "Must be fun to work with him." He says with a smirk.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Nice to meet you Megan." The woman still sitting on her lounge chair says up towards the pixie woman, smiling as she looks back down to work on the paperwork, signing and initialling carefully.

    Emma doesn't answer for James, just meerly shrugs at his own responses, "He is fine to work with untill he gets around here, then he becomes a real bear, and I for one do not blame him. He's certainly entitled to his own emotions."

    "It could be a party, no reason why we can't all lounge around the pool on one of the last nice days of the year." Emma notes idly while still working on the stack of papers on her exposed lap.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nearly drops her corn dog at James's comments. Opening her mouth to speak, visibly agitated, she stares right at James a moment. Then deciding to gain her composure, she pauses to nibble on her corn dog some more.

Once cooled off she continues. "Charles Xavier's idealism possibly saved my life. And that's true of countless others here. Not to disparage any others, especially not Scott, but I owe a lot to the Professor, and I must stand up for him."

Then biting her lip, she looks between the group, and sighs. "If you'll all excuse me, I want to clean up a bit after the fair, before I bite anyone's heads off. I shoudln't be too defensive. Be well." And with that, she takes to the air again, flying to the mansion to go inside.

Warpath has posed:
    "His ideals cost my brother his life. I reserve judgment." James reaches for the paperwork. "I will pass on the party. I have to get these back to the office." He reaches for his messenger bag. "So I will drive back... I will be back later tonight, Miss Grace, if you need anything." Long, long days. But that is the way t goes.

Speed has posed:
     Tommy isn't looking for round two, so he keeps his mouth shut about James' brother. "Fair enough," he says then giving Grace a nod, he says, "Catch you later, I guess. Enjoy the pool." Then the speedster is off taking the long way around so he's not walking with James as he goes.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "I get your pain. If my brother or sister got killed I would be hard pressed to forgive anyone." Kaydin says as he looks to James. "But your brother probably wouldnt want you to be bitter. I know I wouldnt." He says as he watches James as he then looks to Grace and smiles. "Are you a new teacher?" He asks curiously.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma lifts her finger towards her mouth in a shush motion directed at Kaydin as the young speedster kindly puts words into a dead man's mouth, without thinking it might be a negative thing to say. "Me, no I'm not a teacher, I'm just a person with a new mutation and a friend trying to help me get my life figured out." Grace says softly and sadly.

    She finishes her paperwork and lifts it up towards James. "Here. I think that's everything and it should be in order." The woman says relieved to be done with the monotonous work and getting back to refracting rays.

Warpath has posed:
    His glare demonstrates his opinion on someone else speaking for his brother. James Proudstar puts the last of the papers back in his bag. He gives a little bob of his head. "Call if you need me." he turns at that and starts to head back through the house, and back out front to get in his truck and head back. He would get there faster if he ran, but it just raises a lot of attention hopping fences at his speeds. He wipes his feet off outside the door and makes his way on out. A few moments later, the throaty roar of his restored truck can be heard as he drives on away.