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Luke Cage (Scenesys ID: 242)
"Sweet Christmas."
Full Name: Luke Cage
Carl Lucas
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Hero For Hire
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: Defenders, Heroes For Hire
Other Information
Apparent Age: Late 20s. Actual Age: 27
Date of Birth December 20 Actor: Mike Colter
Height: 198.12 cm Weight: 193 kg
Hair Color: Bald Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: Bulletproof Love by Adrian Younge and Ali Shaheed (featuring Method Man)


While imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit, inmate Carl Lucas was subjected to medical experimentation that gave him superhuman strength and unbreakable skin. Once free, Carl Lucas became Luke Cage and used his abilities as a Hero For Hire -- protecting people that had nowhere else to turn. Over the years he has buttheads with some of the world's greatest heroes and worst threats, traveled the world and beyond but he's never once forgotten where he came from. Now this 'power man' continues to fight for everything that truly matters in this world as a Defender of the defenseless. So go ahead...

Say. His. Name.


Harlem. Yeah, I know what people say. I hear it. I just don't care. Ain't no place better or worse than my hometown. It's all the same shit, just different streets. And those streets is where my story begins.

I ain't gonna' front, I was a little bastard back in the day. Runnin' the streets with my man, Willis. We got into everything, man and wasn't none of it good. Bein' a little knothead, I let Willis talk me into joining The Rivals. We was bad as ever and didn't take no mess from no one. 'Specially no damn Diablos. But it ain't stop there, 'cause it never does, right? We started doin' jobs for punk ass Sonny Caputo, stealin', robbin', whatever got us money. Get busted, hit Juvey, get out an' start over again. I'mma tell ya' right now, that ain't no way to live. An' it took me seein' my Mama cry every night, 'cause of me, to realize there had to be another way. Livin' where I lived, the struggle, The Man? All thems was just excuses. And I hate excuses.

So I manned up. I got off the streets and got to work. I ain't finish high school so I worked wherever I could. I had a lot of crap to make up for but that's what bein' a man is all about. You gon' make mistakes, but you better learn from 'em and when the time comes, you better handle business. And that's what I was doin'. But so was Willis, jus' the wrong kind of business. I couldn't get him out. I tried, Lord knows I did. But he was stubborn as I was. But we was still friends, damn near brothers, an' I'll be damned if I was just gonna' write him off. Naw, that ain't my style. We been through too much for me to just turn my back on him. So when I heard things was goin' south for him, I stepped in, saved his life.

Or ruined it.

To hear him tell it, I'm the reason his girl broke it off with him. He thought I was pushin' up on her, which I wasn't. She was fine but not even my type. Next thing I know, I'm gettin' hauled off to prison on a bum ass drugs charge. Figures, right? The one that actually took the time to turn his life around ends up behind bars. Bullshit.

Now, I'mma' be real with y'all. A lot of people will try to tell you that prison is sweet an' it ain't no thing. But the truth is, prison is a bitch. I ain't have nobody. I tried to write my fam but I ain't never hear back. I got no visitors, no nothin'. I was on my own. And there was only one man to blame, at least how I saw it, and that was Willis Stryker. I knew his punk ass set me up, but good luck tryin' to get anybody to listen to you while you in prison. I might as well have been tellin' people I was the king of England. I was ruled by anger at that time, brawlin' with anybody that looked at me longer than two seconds. Hell, I even tried to escape a few times. I wasn't lettin' no prison stop me from whoopin' Stryker's ass. Believe that.

I was causin' too much trouble, though, 'cause eventually they found a way to get me outta' upstate and sent me down south to Seagate. My rep got me hassled the moment I stepped foot in the place. Buttin' heads with one of the guards, Racist Rackham we called him. Beatings were daily with Rackham and eventually I heard he got demoted or somethin', 'cause he was no longer in my face. Lucky for him.

I guess my time at Seagate wasn't all bad. That's where I met Doc Burstein. Noah. I ain't know the dude from Adam but after a couple visits, he was talkin' to me about some crazy research experiment he was doin'. I was down. Why not? Wasn't like I had anythin' better to do. Prison ain't exactly the Ritz, y'know? So I'm gettin' hooked up to this crazy ass machine, I don't know what it is. All I know is Noah's tellin' me I might die, but if I don't, what he's doin' could change the world. He gets his machine goin' and then he's off. At this point, I'm feelin' weird as hell. My body's goin' all kinda' crazy and then it goes crazier. Somethin' musta' went wrong 'cause I feel like a billion bucks. Or, I guess, somethin' musta' went right. By the time the machine powers down, I'm up an' at 'em and I see Rackham. This fool shoots me but I don't feel a thing. So you know what I do, right? I beat his ass an' get the hell outta' dodge.

Y'know, by punchin' down the wall. No bullshit.

So now I'm super, right? I mean, I'm indestructible. I'm punchin' down walls. I'm stronger than I ever been. And I damn sure ain't normal no more. Gift or curse, it ain't even matter. This the hand I was dealt and I was just gonna' have to play these cards. So I made my way back to New York. While I'm layin' low, I'm seein' what's goin' on. Crime is high, super this and super that is poppin' up all over the place. Innocent people is gettin' caught in the middle. And I got people gettin' robbed right in front of me. Now, I ain't sayin' life was all peaches an' cream when I left but this ain't what I wanted to come back home to.

So I did somethin' 'bout it. I saw somethin' bad goin' down, I stopped it. I became Luke Cage. Started workin' outta' the Gem Theater. Doin' what I could to try and keep my city from goin' to the dogs. But I had to eat too. So I became what I like to call a Hero For Hire. This is when things really started to get crazy. When I wasn't hired to be a hero, I was tag teamin' with other heroes, stoppin' craziness or savin' the world. Whatever works. But I wasn't gonna' forget about New York. I couldn't. So I played it close to home.

Now you don't whoop some bad guy ass an' save lives without startin' to get noticed. And I did. Eventually, I took to callin' myself Power Man. Even got me one of them stupid costumes. Tryin' to fit in with the hero crowd. It worked for a bit. People started recognizin' the skills and I was makin' pretty good bank. But that whole 'Power Man' gig got stale and I went back to keepin' the lowest profile I could keep.

You can only stay in the shadows for so long, though. Things got heated on the street again an' eventually I ain't have no choice but to step in. I was watchin' my neighborhood get torn apart an' that jus' ain't a life I'm about. So I stood up. I did somethin'. I fought back. Against anythin' an' everythin' that tried to wreck Harlem. An' I still do. To this day.

I fight. I defend. I help. And I love what I do.

So tell me, li'l man. You still want some?


Luke Cage. Carl Lucas. Power Man. They all are different sides of the same man. A man that was dealt a bad hand and played the wrong cards. Upon getting a second chance, though, Cage has taken it upon himself to make things better for those that don't have the power to do that themselves. He's very much a passionate individual that believes in doing the right thing no matter the cost to himself. He's honest, blunt and extremely strong-willed. He's moved from being a man that only cares about himself to a man that cares about everyone else. He has a strong sense of loyalty and justice that carries him through his life. No matter what's going on or where he is or what's happening, you can always count on Luke Cage to be a man that's built on honor, justice and punching mofos in the face that deserve it. He shows and proves. He talks big and backs it up bigger. He will make it so you will have no other option but to answer when he asks: "What's my name?"



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Title Date Scene Summary
Harlem Nights March 13th, 2023 Summary needed
The Cat Comes To Visit January 7th, 2023 Black Cat seeks out Luke Cage and asks him to keep his ear to the ground for her. And she drinks his booze. Just like a cat.
A place where not everyone may know your name. Yet. November 17th, 2022 Summary needed
Bishop to Cage October 26th, 2022 Kate gets a drink at Luke's
What's a girl like you... October 24th, 2022 Svetlana goes looking for trouble. She finds a little in Harlem. She also finds Luke.
Sweet Christmas, it's a bloody hayseed October 11th, 2022 Two bar owners walk into someone else's bar, and a fight breaks out.
Lights, Camera, ACTION! September 20th, 2022 Sometimes you beat up some criminals. Other times you terrify a bunch of actors and brutalize the director.
A petal for your thoughts September 17th, 2022 Luke makes a trip across the country and drops in to see his friend Dinah at her flower shop. She disapproves of his accomodations for his time in the city. Greatly.
We Don't Need You Or Your Friends Around Here August 26th, 2022 Luke decideds to solo a visit to the new gang trying to get a hold in Harlem. Things turn violent as he reads them from The Good Book. Timely backup provided by the Black Canary makes the situation go better than it might have. In appreciation, Canary is given a private reserve bottle of bourbon for when she visits Luke's Bar..
Nine O'Clock On A Saturday August 6th, 2022 Sam and Sarah both come into Luke's bar.
Central Park Kata August 3rd, 2022 Dinah offers Luke the Outsiders' assistance after offending his sensibilities.
A Terminator Hunter walks into a bar August 2nd, 2022 Sarah comes into Luke's bar for a drink and a bit of bar tender philosophy
They Mostly Come Out At Night July 30th, 2022 Dinah returns to Luke's bar for her bike and a hangover remedy. Who knew that a street fight was so effective?
A Girl Like You, A Place Like This July 29th, 2022 Dinah visits Luke's bar for more than one drink. Discussions of heroism and safe trips home are had.
Harlem By Night July 31st, 2019 Lara stops by with information about the upcoming trip searching for the Lost City
Dude. Where's Lara's Car July 19th, 2019 Lara's jeep ends up in a chop shop, and she and Luke track it down and recover it
Return of Britain July 14th, 2019 Lara Croft returns to Luke's Bar. NPC Roy is charming as always. Luke agrees to help Lara on a mission to Cairo.
A Hot Day In Harlem July 7th, 2019 A hot summer day in Harlem brings Luke, Oz, Buffy, and Donatello together
Suprise Party! Supernatural Invite July 2nd, 2019 In which Darcy tries to con Dean back to SHIELD but manages only to get him to agree to come party with her leading Luke to suspect she might have been send to spy on him - Darcy laughed too hard at that one! Or Darcy is SHIELD's best recruiter and should get commission for this.
The Man At The End Of The Bar June 27th, 2019 Lara croft dodges the rain and ducks into Luke Cage's bar
Different Bar, Same Drink June 20th, 2019 Jessica Jones, Silver, and Johnny Blaze end up in Luke's bar for drinks
Not Another Walks Into A Bar Joke June 16th, 2019 Barbara's search for a villain lands her in Luke's Bar. Jokes about bars ensue.
We Need to Stop Meeting Like This June 28th, 2018 Matt and Skye are attacked while catching up, but when they meet with Luke and Claire all the secrets come out.
Ninjas to the left of me, Ninjas to the right, Here I am.. Stuck in the Middle with You June 22nd, 2018 Claire's clinic gets attacked. Matt, Elektra, and Luke come to the rescue. You know who got blamed for it all, right? Right?
Germination: Field Tests June 18th, 2018 Dr. Strange, Hulk, Luke Cage, and Tony get samples from mushroom monsters. Mostly.
BlackSky: Paid Protection Plan June 15th, 2018 Luke sounds off against members of the Hand, as well as Elektra - much as planned - and emerges with a much better understanding of the young woman.. and he, her, as well.
Just say no to ninja June 14th, 2018 Luke and Brooke stop at a kung fu studio. The Hand shows up and embarrass their teacher.
Meet me at Mercutio's June 14th, 2018 Claire and Luke go for coffee, only to find Elektra there. Luke and Elektra make a devil's bargain.
What Now June 12th, 2018 Summary needed
Back at the Bar June 7th, 2018 After Elektra admits that she's the leader of the Hand, Claire gets angry, Jess gets booze, Luke gets a job and Elektra and Matt make questionable choices (again).
It Was Never Goodbye May 22nd, 2018 Post visit with Darcy, the others wander in (Claire and Luke) and interupt Matt and Elektra /not/ breaking up. Words are had. Secrets get out. People storm off. Matt and Elektra are left not saying goodbye.
Down at the Bar May 19th, 2018 Three Defenders meet for drinks. They catch up.
Kindred Bar Spirits August 28th, 2017 Summary needed
How do you solve a problem like, Toshiro August 28th, 2017 Summary needed
The Middle Finger of the Hand August 21st, 2017 Summary needed
Beyond the Rubble August 14th, 2017 Summary needed
The Brownstone Boogeymen August 9th, 2017 The Hand make a move on a notorious drug house in Hell's kitchen, but their plans are thwarted by several Defenders (and Kate Bishop)!
Handemonium July 31st, 2017 Summary needed
Power Man & Iron Fist July 26th, 2017 Summary needed
Cool Hand Luke July 25th, 2017 Summary needed


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