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Latest revision as of 09:16, 17 November 2017

Treading along the Wire
Date of Scene: 16 November 2017
Location: A rooftop in Williamsburg
Synopsis: A confused meeting on a rooftop between Livewire, Silk, and Origami.
Cast of Characters: Livewire, Origami, Silk

Livewire has posed:
Williamsburg already doesn't have the best of reputation, it doesn't matter that patron saints of money and business like Danny Rand and Tony Stark want to pretend things are getting better by having buildings and employment opportunity here, it just means there are more potential targets to steal from. Also, with great power, comes (wait for it)...great accessibility, for Livewire! (Ha! Bet you expected that ol' responsibility tag line, forget it! Old news!). From a rooftop power generator, pop, crackle and lightning sizzle and Livewire materializes out of the excess electricity, stretching her limbs and laughing to herself, "did it again! Am I good or am I good?"

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore soars across town in a paper airplane. Like the kind you would throw across a middle school classroom. Sparks on rooftops are interesing and visible from the air, so she angles towards the flashing to see what's going on there, making a slow and lazy circle around the area to see what's going on.

Silk has posed:
    And who should be swinging through Brookyln but the Spectacular Silk?! A flash of light! That was a little unusual, and certainly worthy of some kind of check-up. "Woah!" Silk says, "Hey there, Sparky, how's it going?"

Livewire has posed:
Still sizzling with electricity, even though they gradually subside, Livewire grins maniacally as she turns to look at Silk. She strikes quite the presence with her pale white skin and electric blue hair, all spikey as it is, "hi! Livewire's the name...electric shock's the game. Well, not really, but it rhymes, right?" She asks Silk, taking measure of the girl, "you're like a less manly Spider-Man, aren't you?" She doesn't pay heed to the paper plane thus far, even though it is a curiosity.

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore lands the paper airplane on the corner of the building and steps off of it, then slips a sheet of paper out of her messenger bag and lightly holds it between her fingers, walking a bit closer. She waves idly and looks all the new people over a bit without any real recognition, and doesn't start talking to anybody yet because, well... so far it just looks like a couple of people talking.

Silk has posed:
    "In the sense that I'm lacking any of the equipment that would allow me to be a Spider-Man? I mean, in the biological sort of way." Silk offers, "The name is Silk- and you are Livewire.. I'm not familiar with the name. But.. I've sort of been out of town for a while." she admits.

    Cindy looks up at the airplane. "Well. That's a little odd... right..anyways.." Silk perches on the edge of the building in that spider-style that's become so well known. She watches Livewire quietly, curiously. "So.. um." she wonders, "What are you doing here, exactly? Are you related to that Electro guy?"

Livewire has posed:
"Hey, we each have our defining characteristics, don't we?" Livewire grins at Silk, "don't worry, doesn't mean I like you any less. So what's your nom de plummet? Spider-Chick? Spider-Babe?" She throws a few guesses, not trying to be overly respectful. "Oh! Silk? What the heck does that have to do with ugly spiders?" Livewire seems preplexed, needless to say, she's not the brightest bulb. Unless it's an act?

When Silk notes she doesn't quite know of Livewire, the pale woman frowns, "that so...? Don't use the internet much?" She asks, poking a bit at Silk. Rolling her eyes, Livewire sighs, "Electro? Guy's an idiot...guess how many followers he got on twitter, just guess! Throw a random number," she then looks up at Miyako, "I bet Hello Kitty over there can guess it!"

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore wanders a bit closer. "Uh.. Eight? And one of them is himself? Guy has to have some parents and stuff too." She shrugs a bit. "I know I never checked.."

She shrugs a little, "And I go by Origami, thanks. Seriously? 'Hello Kitty'?" She rolls her eyes a bit. "That's horrible."

Silk has posed:
    "Honestly, I haven't been online since like two-thousand seventeen." Silk replies, a completely honest answer. "I don't even have a computer." So far, Livewire wasn't causing any trouble. She wasn't doing anything illegal- just.. hanging out on a rooftop. Which might be slightly illegal- but not the kind of illegal that's going to hurt anyone.

    "I mean, people still use twitter?" Silk asks, next. "So, what's your game, then? HEre to help? Fame mongering? Shocking sensationalist news?"

Livewire has posed:
Livewire counts along on her fingers, till she gets to 8 and shrugs, "sounds about right, I'll give you that, Asians are pretty handy with their math." Was she making a second faux pas in a row? Why it seems she has. She tilts her head when Miyako becries her choice of 'Hello Kitty', and then shrugs, "Origami sounds every bit as stereotypical, no? I guess if you must have it your way, sure. Let it be Origami, so what do villains yell at you? That they'll fold you like cheap paper? Or cut you in half like scissors? Scissors totes beat paper, by the way," she offers a pro tip for free.

But then Livewire hears the tragedy of Silk, and she seems actually touched by it, "oh you poor unfortunate soul!" She moves closer and tries to embrace Silk in sympathy, "a life offline? What horror! Someone has to pay for that, name me a name, they'll suffer, even if it's just Verizon." She's a bit less thrilled when Silk tries to guess at her purpose, "I mostly do whatever the fuck I want, Spider-Toots."

Silk has posed:
    Silk, Korean-American, looks over to Miyako, and then over to Livewire- one hand lifting as Livewire comes closer to embrace her. "I'd rather we didn't touch, thank you." she states softly, as she also takes a step back away from Livewire's hug. "An anarchist, huh.. that doesn't sound friendly." she notes, eyebrows knitting together. "I'm guessing you're not a friendly lady. No justice. None of that?"

    Silk frowns quietly behind her mask. "Are you supposed to be in prison?"

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore rolls her eyes oh so hard. "Yeah, mostly it hasn't come up yet, Sparky. So is this just a friendly meeting? Because I don't think I have met anybody yet, and if you just wanted to chat, I can leave you to that.."

Livewire has posed:
"Maybe it will one day, Hello Kitty, then you can thank me...thinking boy, that Livewire sure called it, what a visionary she is..." Livewire muses, before blowing Miyako a playful kiss. Her arms of course are free because Silk refused her hug, rude!

"Well, if you don't want help nor sympathy, so be it," Livewire snorts at Silk, "go climb a water spout or something." She starts tapping her foot, her patience running out, before she eventually calls out at Silk, "I was here for you, I gave you a shoulder to cry on, I offered revenge, and you call me unfriendly? Stupid brat, I'm done here. This conversation is BORING. With capital BORE!" zippity zap, and Livewire electrcommutes away from this roof top.

Silk has posed:
    Silk frowns quietly as Livewire whips away to whatever Electric Lady Land it is she survives within, eyebrows furrowing. "Man. I think we just let the bad-guy get away." she notes over to Miyako, "I think we messed up."

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore hmmms.. "Well... did she.. you know.. DO anything evil? Because I didn't see her do anything wrong. So you can count it as 'Stopped the bad guy from completing her plan', whatever it was. That or we interrupted the bad guy from eating a hamburger in peace or something." She shrugs some. "If you need extra surrealism to make it stop making sense so you won't worry about it, I can always add a cow."

Silk has posed:
    "Yeah, I mean she wasn't doing anything bad right now, here." Silk notes, "But something is off about that lady..." Silk shrugs, "Well, I guess that's that. We'll see the outcome later. The name is Silk, by the way, nice to meet you!" she gives a little salute, "I gotta get back to my patrol, though."

    With that, Silk leaps off the side of the building and *Thwip!* off she swings!

Origami has posed:
Miyako Moore waves. "Right then. Um, yeah, that was a waste of a few minutes! Later." She shrugs, still totally baffled, and flies off.