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Latest revision as of 22:02, 20 November 2017

The Hunters Part One
Date of Scene: 14 November 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Silk, Cyberdragon, Spider-Man, Punisher, Thor

Silk has posed:
    It seems another, regular day in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. New York is as loud and obstinate as it always is. The day is slowly turning into evening, casting longer shadows from tall buildings- even those unfinished, such as The Alchemax Building that is rather central to the neighborhood.

    It is in that same building that someone, or something seems to step out of no-where. Throughout the city there is a shiver along the web of Life and Fate- along that very web that controls the semi-mystical otherworldly sense that makes up both Silk and Spider-Man's extra-sensory perceptions. Danger has come to New York City. Extreme danger.

    "The Bride. The Other.... And lessor avatars." The large man says, hefting a war-hammer over one shoulder. "First, a small snack. Then to start the hunt."

Cyberdragon has posed:
For the most Part Cyberdragon is in the Area, and while magic is not his fortay. The sudden shift in energy which effects the electrical field in the area is enough to warrent investigation. For the most part it is hard for him to move around in-disguise as Cyberdragon. So right now as he wings his way to the Source of the disturbance? The Alchemax Building. As he moves in a flight pattern to try and avoid people seeing him from inside as he lands on and climbs up the side of the building.

Peering through windows and seeking to see what caused the disturbance. The dragon's wings are folded tightly to minimize his profile. Seeking to spot what ever causes the disturbance.

Spider-Man has posed:
Walking out of the Chikara Dojo, Peter Parker rubbed his shoulders. They actually hurt. He had been sent to take some photos after one of their former students had won some martial arts competition, and he had been talked into having an impromptu training exercise. It was tough. He had to pretend that he was weak and feeble, hitting the matt again and again. Trouble was, he was pretty sure he wasn't pretending nearly as much as he thought he would be.

Their sensei really know what they were doing, and probably had a good idea of what Peter Parker's true abilities were. With his rucksack slung over both of his shoulders, he winced, and had a look up at the sky. It was force of habit these days. There was usually something going on in the city, even if it was just mundane. Then, suddenly his phone began to ring. The ring tone was 'London Calling' by the Clash. "London calling to the faraway towns. Now war is declared and battle come down. London calling to the underworld, Come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls." Was it an ominous sign? Hard to say.

Picking he explained to the other person, "just getting out of Chikara Dojo. They made me train with them. And it hurt. I'm black and blue all over." Yeah, he was playing it up, smiling as he said that. The voice on the other end really changed his mood. Even his shoulders seemed to hurt less. Continuing his talk, he began making his way down the street.

Punisher has posed:
    Frank Castle is sitting at a coffee shop in one of the open air seating areas. The cool November air doesn't really seem to bother him much although he is dressed in black with his long trenchcoat pulled around him. He sits with a coffee mug in front of him. Just regular coffee. Even being here in this area of the city, he isn't going to go for all the fancy combinations of coffee. As long as it is better than Marine Corps coffee, he is good. He sits with a coffee mug in front of him and the newspaper in his hand.

Silk has posed:
    An unfortunate scene is what Cyberdragon sees- a young man with rat's tail hanging from a massive hand by the throat as he spits and bites and fights with all his heart. "Little Rat.." The unusually large, hammer wielding man says. "They tell me that rat is particularly sweet as far as meats go. I suppose we'll find out, won't we?" he says as he takes a slow, deep breath. Energy seems to run along the large man's hand, to his forearm, and then into his heart.

    Whatever he's doing must be exceedingly painful because the shriek that pierces the evening is difficult to miss. The sound of someone's very essence being absorbed- and the shudder along the Web of Life and Fate is all the more obvious to those aware of such semi-mystical things.

    Used up, the Rat-MAn's corpse is thrown to the side, and the large hammer wielding man looks up to notice Cyberdragon. He snorts, shouldering his hammer as he stares up at the oddity. "Mm. Of no consequence. Not an Avatar. Not the prey."

Cyberdragon has posed:
AS he watches the young man being attacked and he sees the draining Cyberdragon doesn't Hesitate, he roars out, and pushes out off the ledge and then he fires off a small burst of Plasma at the large man's feet. The roar is enough to easilly be heard. Cyberdragon is attempting to make the man drop the young Man, but by the time he acts it's too late and the rat man is dead as he can see the lack of Bio electrical energy, and now he lunges. "You'll pay for that." he Roars out.

Right now he is hoping the light show and the roar will attract some attention from other heroes he hopes in in the area.

Thor has posed:
    From the very skies, any clouds above the Alchemax building are pierced by what could only be called a Rainbow meteor storm, that falls perfectly straight from the heavens for a few moments before a large human figure drops within the beam. The deafening WHOOSH from the beam is instantly gone and the grounds seems to have been singed by the display. Having deposited a large man, with broad shoulders, a flowing long red cape that presses harshly against his back and thick heavy plated mail running down his thick arms like a second skin, Thor looks up at the beast weilding a hammer and then down to his own, dangling by a leather strap wrapped around his wrist.

    "You call that a hammer?" The son of Odin speaks, his voice booming like the very thunder itself.

Spider-Man has posed:
There was a commotion from up above, and even Peter Parker could hear it. "Gotta go, love you," and he hung up the phone. Of course, his spider-sense had gone off before he heard what was going on. But there wasn't much he could do about it. He was in danger, but not, do a backflip or you'll get pierced kind of danger. From there, he made a quick move to an alleyway, and even with his spider sense going off, he moved up the wall, over a fence, around another corner, being quick, trying to ensure no one saw him. It was always a worry when his spider-sense was going off.

But once he was reasonably certain he was safe to change, he did so, slipping into his costume from the rucksack, switching out the clothes. He then found a nice, hidden place where he could web up the rucksack, and he began crawling up another building, trying to see what was going on. He was quick... but the building was very tall. Why did this stuff always have to happen on a skyscraper. "What's next, Thor calling down the lightning? Hulk smashing? Hercules chugging kegs of beer? If this keeps up, I'm going to talk to the superhero union, local 405."

Silk has posed:
    The large hammer-wielding man seems wholly unimpressed by Cyberdragon's attack, just unshouldering his hammer and waiting for the moment when he's lunging and close before a mighty swing of the hammer strikes Cyberdragon dead-center mass. Its a hard strike. The kind of thing that would illicit cheers of joy had the strike been in Yankee Stadium- very much a grand slam strike. Cyberdragon would be flung into the air- and should gravity overtake him he'd land somewhere in the street nearby. "Child's play." The large man says as he takes a moment to lift his head into the ear, nose twitching. "The Other... Close by. Mm.. Maybe I can beat Morlun to his prize- that'll certainly put Mother and Father over the moon."

    Daemos, the man with the hammer, pauses to look at Thor. "I have no quarrel with you unless you get in between me and my meal. I am Daemos, and I am one who has inherited all of this multiverse." he intones, as he begins to step around Thor. "Make way, and you will have no quarrel with me or my family. Step aside, and you won't have to know just how hard this hammer can hit."

    Not far off was another of New York's Spectacular Web-Slingers, the City's new darling: Silk! Dressed in an impromptu costume of spider-silk woven by none other than Cindy Moon herself, the relatively new superheroine swung through the city towards the danger her own Silk-Sense was channeling. She wasn't sure who it was, but she knew they were dangerous. She notices Spider-Man, but chooses to swing around opposite of her fellow member of the Spider Bite Club.

    "They're coming closer you, know. Oh, how lovely when the prey come to you." Daemos says to Thor, "Tell me, do you know the Bride and the Other? Do you think we could have some fun with one of them, first? Before the meal, I mean." There's a certain darkness to his suggestion of 'fun'. Its not likely a noble sentiment.

Cyberdragon has posed:
Cyberdragon Takes the Hit as he is knocked through the air tumbling back and through the air. And his armor has a dent in it as he narrows his eyes as the push pulls out. John felt that and he bares his teeth as his wing snap open and he flips through the air and then he tucks wings and stabilizes himself. And growling out he will charge himself as he knows he is dealing with a power house and chooses to attack with chiding as he comes back wings open as he will hover infront of the window and asks.

Narrowing his eyes he chids and asks, "Pathetic hit." he says and walks down as he looks over at Thor and says, "Thor, he is a killer and absorbed the lifeforce out of an innocent." showing thor the dead person a young man with a rat tail.. "I don't know who you are, where you come from,. But as of this moment you are under arrest for murder!"

Spider-Man has posed:
Finally getting up to the party, Spider-Man did a flip, landing in a crouching position, knees wide apart, one hand between his legs, the other one out with a web shooter at the ready. His spider-sense was still going wild. "Am I late? Did I miss the cake?" He said, "I was going to bring something, but I forget where the happy couple registered. Awe, isn't that cute. You have matching hammers." He then shot some webbing, towards the face of the one who was battling Thor. If Thor opposed him, that guy was probably bad. He wasn't too sure who the other guy was, "hi, I'm Spider-Man. What's your name? Neat suit!" At the mention of life force. "Absorbing the light force? So, is this like Zelda, or a bad Saturday morning cartoon?" And he did a forard movement, rolling into standing into a somersault, with his feet coming towards the one who had been giving Cyberdragon trouble.

Thor has posed:
    "I think you have quarrel with me. You see I have grown to like Midgard, and to an extent Midgardians. So, before you have to find out how hard THIS hammer can hit." Thor says, his shoulders square with Daemos, and his stance casual, but discretely stern.

    Thor does look to Cyberdragon and a single pale eyebrow lifts up on the gods face. "Arrest. No that will not do. This ... thing," Thor gives a long glance up and down of Daemos' form and is left unimpressed. "will answer to me. Here and now." Says the god of Thunder as clouds that had be pierced earlier start to rapidly reform above him, thicker and boiling with the flashes of lighting and boom of thunder. The blonde man takes a half step back, as he shifts his stance and a deafening whoosh begins to build as he spins his hammer, faster and faster waiting for the multiversal god to move.

Silk has posed:
    "I know who you are." Daemos says to Spider-Man. "I've seen a dozen like you in the same outfit with the same sad quips. Humor to hide the fear, or just to get into the head of your enemies. I've never been able to tell." Daemos states, "All that matters is that by the end of this you- and The Bride- are with me." he says, eyes leveled on Spider-Man in a most unsettling way. "Are you one who uses the fake webbing, or the real stuff?" he asks, next, "I've found the ones with organic webbing taste... more pure."

    "Where is the Bride, anyways?" Daemos asks of Spider-Man, looking almost bored towards Thor. "Very well, if I must. Really, it would be easier if you just gave up. I can't kill them, yet. I do need to bring them back alive. For now." Daemos says as he continues to stare at Spider-Man with those hungry eyes.

    Cindy isn't waiting- Silk knows exactly what kind of person *this* is, and it terrifies her to no end. *Thwip-Thwip!* Like spears in the man's back, Silk's webbing tears through the shirt he's wearing and imbeds in his back like little fish-hooks. "Don't Hesitate! Get rid of him! He's here to kill us, Spider-Man!" she pulls hard, but for very little good. It seems that Daemos is a powerful creature and despite the pain he grabs those leads leading back to Silk's hands and pulls hard- throwing her from her perch towards the assembled heroes.

Cyberdragon has posed:
As if this point Cyberdragon has his teeth bared and claws flash. Given that he has Killed before, and is said to kill. Then there is the talk of Spider man and his life force. Cyber simply Lunges at Daemos. This time how ever he has another idea, he actually drops down into a roll, instantlys one of his blades come out, and he makes the edge mono molecular, to slash across the knees. His goal is to cut kneecaps and hamstrings. He is also hoping that Cyber will protect him from that life draining ability. It should if it requires direct touch.

Thor has posed:
    Thor has winded his attack up enough and swings the hammer low, it sparks off the floor of the skyscraper and as Thor rises his hand up Mjolnir follows up behind and outwards in a huge, heavy arch aiming to strike the Daemos on the chin and upwards when a large bolt of lightning is summoned from the sky in the opposite direction to slam down into the interdimensional, interuniversal foe!

    "HAVE AT THEE!" Thor cries out in his battle yell, trying to end the fight in a single blow as he's so accustomed to doing.

Silk has posed:
    It doesn't take much- a subtle lean to one side, a step to the side. Daemos lifts his hammer to strike Silk as she flies just over his head. She's pushed into line with Thor's strike- THUD! Up she goes, and then she's struck by lightening. Silk is not having a great day. She falls to the ground with a groan- down and out, by the looks of it.

    "Good job." Daemos says with a wicked grin, "She'll survive, and be very easy to bring home for the ritual." he says next before he rushes forward towards Thor, hammer flashing in the air as he comes in from the side- an attempt to hit the Asgardian from the side with his own massive, heavy hammer. A strike that is worthy of the Son of Odin.

    Silk coughs, rolling on the ground as she curls up a bit. "Oh.. jeez.. that hurt.." she mumbles, as she tries to get to her feet to no avail.

    Cyberdragon's attack come in- a slash to the knee that comes to the thigh, instead, blood flowing but not before a massive foot is coming to kick at the Cyberdragon roll. He's fast. Strong. More than capable

Spider-Man has posed:
"Dozens? But the fortune telling lady at the amusement park said I was special. I should talk to a laywer if there's so many copycats, copyspiders... can you copyright a superhero outfit, and if so, what could would uphold it?" He spoke even as he weaved, ducked, dodged, dived, almost as if he were playing dogeball and somebody was throwing wrenches at him. "Sorry, but there's a special lady, but we're not engaged. Not yet anyway. Got any ideas for how to propose? Not that I'm ready for that, but you know, good to keep in the back of your," he ducks violently this time, "head."

For the record, he used the fake stuff. Nine out of ten monsters can't tell the difference, and it's chalked full of the good kind of cholesterol, not the bad kind. "Get rid of him? How? What am I supposed to do, put him on a slow boat to China? See if there's a nearby rickshaw?" He wasn't sure what he was dealing with yet, but he had the sinking suspicion that this wasn't the kind of guy he could tie up and leave for the NYPD.

Cyberdragon has posed:
The Kick actually doesn't connect with Cyberdragon as the wings lash and flick. Instead he uses the foot to push off on the kick so he can flip over back and then hit the ground and lunge forward. Claws open, wings flared Tail making a stabbing motion, he moves rapidly to get between this monster and Silk.

"You will have to go through me to touch her again!" he warns. The Cybeer dragon standing protectively as he lifts his hands up and from his forarms ejects a blade, three feet long, bladed serrated, and then it is sheathed in plasma fire. The edges monomolecular... the Plasma fire fades after a moment, but he is ready to lunge at Daemos once more.

Thor has posed:
    "I am sorry cobweb clothes girl." Thor says as he's about to leap up and catch the falling woman when his thigh is nailed with a mighty blow. The Asgardian sails through the air, tumbling end over in until he smashes into an I-beam, his body making the beam bend and contort around his stronger than steal form. Though the blonde god has a problem in that he's stuck in the metal support beam. Using his hand and leg to reshape the metal with a heavy groan and a few creaks, until Odinson is free and with a shake of his head. Lifting one hand up to his head, the other open palms wide, summoning Mjolnir into his mighty grip. "That... is more like it spider god!" Thor says, spinning his hammer quickly and throwing it and himself at Daemos.

Silk has posed:
    For such a large man, Daemos moves surprisingly quickly- and with truly inhuman agility. First a punch swung at Spider-Man's chest as he was in a mid-air hop, leaping himself to add a bit of force to the strike. Connect or not, Daemos was spinning then- away from Cyberdragon- although his free hand had that large hammer on point to strike at the base of Cyberdragon's closest wing. Perhaps an attempt to cripple the fast moving, armored hero.

    Thor's strike finds Daemos, striking him in the chest. First the hammer. Then Thor himself- he's sent flying into the under-construction tower, ping-balling off I-Beams which resonate with each hit.

    Cindy huffs, "You're Silk.." she whispers to herself. "Hero. Stronger..." she mumbles as she finally manages to get to her feet. Along the exposed parts of her arms the lichtenberg figures of a lightening strike are obvious. Luckily, Silk's webbing protected her from the worst of the lightening strike, somehow. She flicks some webs from her finger-tips up towards the ruined building, determined to get back into the fight.

Cyberdragon has posed:
AS he lunges and takes the hit to the Wing, and then the Wing Crumples down almost seemingly smashed. The dragon lunges making a stabbing thrusting motion as he snarls. The wing has no bones. no nerves, as the deformed apendage snaps up and out once more. The Dragon is a liquid mimetic metal. An armored suit that can form and shift as needed. And of course the Hammer when it comes Cyberdragon attempts to attack it, slashing at the shaft, channeling 30,000 degree plasma through the monomolecular edge to serve and enhance the cutting power for a brief moment. Cyber has also given away a strength, his wings are not damaged, but the body is. And he will need to react rapidly to avoid a possible searious blow next time.

Spider-Man has posed:
Daemos was spinning away to strike at Cyberdragon's wing, even as the earlier strike had hit Spider-man square in the chest, knocking the wind out of him. Falling to the ground and heaving, Spider-Man shook his head, "did anybody get the number of that bus?" His eyes, that mask was so expressive, his eyes popped out in wide surprise. He was even having a hard time joking, with his voice clearly not into it as much as he had been. "Come on Silk," he does manage to encourage the girl, "you can do this." Even when he was heaving and in pain, he was trying to encourage her. Staggering back to his feet, he suddenly got his second wind, or he was really good at faking it, as he leapt out of the way of Thor's efforts, landing upside down on a beam. Seeing what Cyberdragon was up to, he said, "woah, liquid metal... that's so cool!" And he fired off some webbing, trying to restrain the bad guy long enough for the others to regroup.

Thor has posed:
    Thor landed on his heavy boots and starts to spin his hammer, the mallet becoming a dangerous circle of pain as Thor walks closer to the god after he hit it and the Asgardian turns his head towards Spider-Man. "Yes, you help SpiderDotir! I will keep this foe occupied with thoughts of pain and dreams of Valhalla." Odinson walks forwards towards his latest foe after he's decided the man has had more than enough respite from this particular asswhopping. "Thor, Son of Odin requests you step out of the shadows fellow hammerweilder, I will to continue doing battle!" He laughs uproariously.

Silk has posed:
    "Shut-up!" Silk shouts towards Spider-Man, "This is all your fault, don't you get it?! If you hadn't opened the door... They'd have never come here! I sacrificed all those years for *nothing*!" Anger is a powerful motivator, sometimes, and now is one of those times.

    Daemos had been between two or three beams judging by the indentation marks in the steel frame of the building. He's still on his feet, though, Spider-Man's timely webbing blast is keeping him from rushing back and bringing the fight back to the heroes. At least, for a few scant moments. He's strong enough to tear through the sticky-stuff and drive towards Spider-Man, "She's right, you know. Its her scent that's brought me here- and will bring the rest of my family. You're doomed. All of you. Once we have the three Avatars- the Scion, The Bride, and The Other, we'll rule the multiverse. Nothing will be able to stop us from feasting like we've never feasted before." Still, his voice is calm and surprisingly proper. He's clearly a warrior-born, or at least very used to getting knocked around in whatever universe he visits.

    Daemos frees himself from the Spider-Silk bonds fully, and then rushes right at Thor, fully meaning to gut-check him with a super-human shoulder tackle. Should that hit, he'd follow it up with another strike of his hammer- this one towards the near-by Cyberdragon, against towards the body. Should it strike true, he'd follow up with a throw of his own hammer. Up through the steel I-beams which would come crashing down towards Cyberdragon a moment later- one hopes he's quick on his feet.

    Silk is up from behind- using her wall-crawling abilities to get behind the mad inter-dimensional man- She's on his hsoulders, claws of webbing erupting from her fingers as she slashes across the man's eyes, before she's thrown from his back into another I-Beam with a loud CLANG!

Cyberdragon has posed:
Cyberdragon is a very tricky enemy. Thor's Hammer screams with electricity and it is effecting his ability to use the electro area of his senses. And slowly he begins to move away from Thor as he listens, and then reacts when the attack comes.

Cyber the suit part senses movement all around him. Telling him when Daemos appears attacking and instantly as Daemos moves it is almost at the same time Cyberdragon begins to move.

This time the Dragon moves away from Daemos, maw open as he turns and unleashes a Stream of Plasma, 30,000 degrees at the figure hoping that it will go behind Daemos and not hit him if he dodges.. He took a hit from THOR, and that means he can take this. Still Cyber will try and Tank the attack as it lands on him knocking him back. Rather thank fight it, Cyber uses it to unleash a burst of plasma point blank. Still the sudden erupting of plasma helps rocket him back, knocking him into an Ibeam as he roars out in pain.

Cyber can only absorb so much damage. And for that John felt something in his back give and crack...

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man didn't understand, but he did shut up, as Silk requested. It was a rarity for Spider-Man to be at a loss for words. But he cost her sacrifice, if she's to be believed. He wasted all her pain and suffering. All those efforts. Of course, she could also be crazy. But even if she was, she believed it. And he was sorry to have hurt her.

Thankfully, Daemos gets Spider-Man talking again. He's also moving, trying to shore up his webbing even as Daemos works on freeing himself. "You know, if you'll excuse the paraphrase," he moves past Cyberdragon as he circles the man, "excuse me," before continuing to fire webbing, more strands, more bindings, "it doesn't matter what you say. It doesn't matter what your family says. It doesn't matter what the whole multiverse says. A good man once said we have to stand up for what we believe in, no matter the odds, no matter the consequences." He alternates his webbing with a quick dive by strike, hoping to punch the guy in the back of the head, "when the whole world tells you to move, our job is to plant our feet like a tree, and tell the whole world, no, you move." And then he stops moving. He stands on a girder, right in front of Daemos, fists out, ready to fight.

He might lose, he might die. But if this is what it came to, he was going to follow Cap's advice. He was going to do what he could, because he could. He was Spider-Man, and he was going to do his best to follow the examples set by those who came before him.

Thor has posed:
    With his hammer spinning rapidly, the old god brings it between him and Daemos to try and knock the charging god off his feet and continue the fray. But nope, Thor was just a hair to slow with his counter and got a heavy shoulder in his chest. Knocked down and bouncing off the ground once, Thor flips over onto his belly, the hammer sailing skywards when it was let go by the god during the collission.

    "By Odin's beard!" Thor exclaims with his hands pushing himself up, arcs of electricity rolling down his arm, and down his separated fingers. "A challenge!" He smiles as he stands fully and rushes forwards to enter a knock down melee. A heavy right fist aimed at the Daemos, with a bolt of blue lighting streaking down from the sky and behind Thor's fist.

Silk has posed:
    "I am Daemos, son of Solus. One of the Inheritors of All Creation. And all of you- are specks. Motes. Dust in the wind... But in particular this Spider-Man. Weak. Pathetic. If it weren't for the Bride I'd never have even noticed you." he growls- clearly upset, with one eye torn up by Cindy's claw attack. But his skin is already knitting, and his eye- savaged and gone- seems to suck up its own goo and return to its proper shape in moments.

    Spider-Man is closest, and he gets his with a rather harsh kick to the chest- the kind of kick that would crush a lesser man's entire ribcage and turn the organs behind it into goo.
    Thor's stike is true, a crack to the jaw that sent bolts of electricity along the inheritor's face, he follows up with a punch of his own. Cyberdragon's blast of plasma is incoming fast, though, and requires a change of plans. He attempts to grab Thor by the hair and pull the God into the path of the plasma blast- to use the Asgardian as a human shield.

    And where is Silk during all of this? Gasping for breath, trying to stand up. Something is broken- she's not sure what it is. Her hand is mangled, fingers bent at odd angles. She swallows and pulls them back straight, using her good arm to bandage everything with her own silk. "I need to get the Titans, and the Avengers in on this. I just hope they'll listen..." she whispers- not fully aware that at least one Avenger was here already.

Cyberdragon has posed:
With park of his back hurting like hell, Cyber snarls as he sees the cowdard's tactics. "And nothing but a yellow bellied coward to use someone as a shield. You are pathetic, slime, unworthy to even fight us animal!" he says snarling. If he can get the focus on him. Perhaps Spider, Silk, and Thor can get a solid hit in. Cyber now stiffens his back. The suit asking John to withdraw but he refuses to back down and once more lunges at Daemos. His body is more ridged.

If spider-man's senses extend to others he may know that Cyberdragon is physically hurt.

Lunging at Daemos he will then jump off and flip through the air, he's making it early as he wants Daemos to strike,... he has a plan.

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man wobbles. He grunts. He moans. He's hurt. That kick hurt him. May have even cracked a rib. But the surprising thing? Spider-Man does not move. His feet remain planted. Of course, the adhesive nature of his feet helped... more than he'd care to admit. But he did not concede any ground, "is..." he coughs, "is that the best you can do?" His hands raise back up, akin to his hero, and he echos those famous sentiments, "I could do this all day?" There was a bit of a red streak on his mask, hidden well because of the colouring, but he probably coughed up a bit of blood from that one.

Thor has posed:
    Thor takes the punch, and the blow was enough to turn him around, with a grunt of pain spewing from his throat. Then his hair is snatched and the son of Odin grimaces in pain but he slowly starts to smile, and even starts to laugh. In the moment of his defeat he laughs. The god opens his palm wide and summons forth his hammer with his hand hidden between the two gods.

    Where was the hammer when we saw it last? Oh right. It was sailing up into the sky after Thor was hit in the chest like a running back. Now, the infinitely heavy hammer is called back to its owner, it slowly turns around and starts to fall. Not only fall, streak. Plumet. SPEED! Towards the hand that calls it, under the chin of the multiuniversal being.

    Thor is prepared to take the hit from Cyberdragon that doesn't come. But Thor lifts a single shut eyelid towards Peter and laughs again. "Sounds like someone I think you should meet."

Silk has posed:
    Daemos takes it on the jaw from Thor, a second strike from the hammer that sends him through the floor- growling as he hits ground level with a heavy sound. "You fools. You don't get it, do you?" Daemos' own hammer can be heard below- the entire building begins to shake and shudder as if it were about to fall in on itself.

    "Get out of here!" Silk shouts, "The whole thing is going to fall down!" she's quick to drive towards the exit from where she'd been struck, stumbling and coming near Spider-Man- offering him a hand as she goes. Her bad arm, covered in impromptu webbing casts- the other reaching out to shoot a blast of Silk-Webbing to a nearby building, "Come on, we need to get out of here!"

    The building continues to rumble as it starts to fall in on itself. "You can fight as hard as you want. Even kill me, but I will be back! And if I have to take you with me, I will. It is of no consequence."
    The building begins to implode!

Cyberdragon has posed:
As Cyber is caught in his flip, and of course as the building collpases the Beams above him start to fall and it hits his feet knocking him down.

For a Brief moment Cyberdragon is pinned to the floor they are on. And mere seconds later drops down. Through an open area of the lower floor.

Almost like a Pancake, The dragon takes several more beams. In the End with the Weight Cyber can only do one thing as the Building starts to fall on him. Harden and morph Forming a Egglike form around John his host for protection. The Sphere like object is buried, and knocked around and with it Cyber lashes out with a burst of Plasma rocketing off and out of the side of the building like a shot across the City skylight for a brief moment before he tumbles and falls.

Spider-Man has posed:
Silk may be shouting for them to get out, and that the building will collapse. Spider-Man is pretty certain that Daemos will survive it. The man was fighting Thor. But there's this thing, not his spider-sense, but a feeling in the back of his head. "I'm going to regret this," he intones, and he rushes towards Daemos. The building may be about to collapse all around him, but Spider-Man rushes into the danger. There's someone, a killer, an evil person, someone who wanted him dead, who hurt Silk, who hurt Cyberdragon, who hurt Spider-Man, and okay, made Thor chuckle, but the man was bad, and yet still Spider-Man had to try. He risked his life to try and save Daemos. "Get them to safety," he called back, mid charge. Who was he directing that to, well, it wasn't clear.

Thor has posed:
    "HEIMDALL!" Thor calls out, looking to the skies, expecting the rainbow bridge to pierce the clouds and summon him away when Spider-man jumps down and is following the two downwards. Thor starts to reach up for the Spider-man, but instead Parker grabs the foe, resulting in the look of utter betrayal washing over Odinson's face. "Why for you do me like this Man of Spiders?!" Thor says as he continues to fall into the shadows of the crumbling building.

Silk has posed:
    Thor and Spider-Man are, indeed, true heroes in trying to save Daemos- but it is all for naught. The building falls in on him before anyone can save him, before anyone can get to him. He's gone. Dead. And apparently not afraid of it.

    Elsewhere in the Multiverse, Daemos wakes with a start- coughing as he steps out of a strange technological tube. "I found them- The Other and The Bride." he says, coughing up some liquid. "They've got friends. It'll be a glorious battle."

    Someone in the shadows chuckles quietly, "Brother, you understand, of course, that we need The Bride and The Other alive to complete the ritual, don't you? We still need to find the Scion... But, two out of three ain't bad." The man in shadows says, "Best not let Morlun know you went ahead without him. He'll be quite upset. My lips are sealed...."

    Daemos chuckles, "I know I can trust you, my brother." he says, as he looks over his shoulder through the facility he's woken up in. Thousands of tubes like that he's just stepped out of. Stretching on for what seems like forever.

Spider-Man has posed:
After Daemos was dead, and the building collapsed - fortunately no one was harmed. The collapse took out another smaller building, though no one was there tonight, not even a cleaning staff, and another area where a building was meant to go offered a convenient pit for the rubble. The cloud of dust won't be good for the neighbourhood, but all things considered, they got out about as well as could be expected. Of course, J. Jonah Jameson will blame Spider-Man entirely for it. He always did. With Cyberdragon and Silk, both safe and sound, or as sound as could be, Spider-Man turned to Thor, to answer him. "I had to. Despite everything he did. I had to. I had to try. We have to, or else we're no better than them." And with that, he turned to the others, as they would need help. He was hurt. He had at least one cracked rib, but he was coping very well, or had been while hoped up on adrenaline. But then he sat down on a ledge, "uh, I... yeah, I have to go." And with the flashing lights of the fire department, police department, and ambulances, he took that as his cue to web away. Damn that hurt. He had to bite his teeth down hard from the pain. Was this the end, or just were things just getting started...