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Times Square Meetup
Date of Scene: 18 December 2017
Location: Midtown - Manhattan
Synopsis: A diverse group of young aliens and metahumans run into each other at a skating rink in Times Square.
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Power Boy, Mon-El, Star Shimmer, Bombshell

Supergirl has posed:
It's another holdiday festival. A concert and out door skating. After the bang up job the younger heroes did keeping the tree lighting secure for Superman, it seems they're on duty again.
    Kara's never minded. The lights and festivities fascinate the Kryptonian who despite the chill wears her uniform like it hasn't snowed recently. She looks a round, ambling through the crowd with an eye out for trouble, more mingling than protecting, at least for the moment-no need to make people nervous. Sipping a cocoa, she looks again at the list of performers with idle curiosity. Surely it's too chilly to be singing.

Power Boy has posed:
    He has such a tremendously low profile compared to her. He might as well be holding her coat. Not that he minds, really. Power Boy is never far from Kara. Just a few steps away. He is not a cocoa drinker, and is actually not drinking at all. He answers questions like 'who are you', and 'what's with the boob window', and 'who are you again, really' with warm regard.

    He has no idea he should be embarrassed. Outside of Metropolis no one knows him yet, and even there he is such a new comer. He has signed exactly five autographs, 2 of them to a guy names 'E-Bay', which is a weird name! Two others thought he was Superboy, the other one was a mousy girl who stood a little too close while they took the selfie. "Is it normal for Earth girls to grab ahold of a guy's bum while taking pictures? She had a deathgrip." Power Boy asks it innocently enough of Supergirl.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar is wandering around in Times Square, avoiding going back to the Legion Cruiser after that...incident with the telekinetic. Yeah he'd -said- that's where he was going, but he also knows that going back there will mean a debriefing which will mean having to explain to his teammates why that woman was so infuriated at him.

    Yeah, Lyle was -definitely- not in a good mood during that. In fact, that's the angriest Lar ever remembers seeing him. It was kind of scary to be honest.

    Anyway, he's staring into the window of one of the shops, all decked out in holiday decorations like just about everything around here this time of the year, wondering if he'll ever stop unintentionally causing problems that end in buildings gettig knocked over everywhere he goes. The ice skating is catching his attention, though. Are they...sliding around on the ice, wearing shoes with metal blades on them? How odd.

Supergirl has posed:
Looking up at Power Boy, Kara nearly chokes at the question. "Umm, no, they don't usually-at least, I don't think they do." She murmurs and shakes her head. "It's considered kind of rude and skeevy actually." She huffs, thinking about it more and standing a little straighter as she stomps on. Kara's eyes are also drawn to the ice skaters, she smiles wistfully. "I would love ice skating." She murmurs and sips her cocoa again.

Power Boy has posed:
    "Skeevy. Oh. She was flirting?" He makes a face. "That would be ill-advised. I mean..." He just sort of shrugs. His shoulders move. "I guess I could have been paying closer attention to her emotions, but, I'm not paying too much attention there. Lots of stuff going"--

    "Who are you dude?" A random guy asks PB.

    "Power boy." He answers, and the man looks like he has learned nothing at all. His buddy just holds out his his hand. "Pay up, dude. i told you that wasn't a Green lantern. No ring!"

    Power Boy gives a sigh, and pushes a hand through his two-tone hair. "Why would you ice skate when you.." Oh, he sees it is a couples activity. "We-we can learn and sometime when we are... I mean, if you like?"

Star Shimmer has posed:
The day has been mostly quiet, thankfully. Autumn Desperately needed the break. Between the past 6 months on Zameron and the flight back to Earth she simply needed to recoup. Now though, with a fully recharged ring, the young Star Sapphire is ready to start getting back to her life here on this planet.

That would be the plan, except... Her ring pulses and the familiar feeling washes over her. Someone's love is in distress. Quickly She shifts into her uniform and is flying out the window.

At the same time, not too far from the group, a young couple is bickering. "All you ever do is sit around the house and play video games." A girl says to a guy. "You never do what I want to do. I wanted you to bring me here last week. Instead you were too sick."

The man looks utterly defeated by this woman. "I was throwing up sick. I'm sorry. Just please... don't do this anymore. You're making a scene!" He laments and seems completely heart broken.

Mon-El has posed:
    It does look like fun, at least those people who are doing it seem to be enjoying it. Not that Lar himself can't move much faster than that on his own, anyway. So maybe it wouldn't be much of a thrill to him...

    As these thoughts are going through his head, he suddenly starts to lose control of his extra-sensory abilities. Again. Oh no, not again...not here, not now... The pounding headache returns as -every- little noise in the entire city and beyond invades his mind. Grife...he has to get away from here, before--

    Too late. It happens. His eyes glow red before the beams come out again. Fortunately, he manages to at least direct his gaze at an empty spot on the ice before it comes slicing through the air. It does create a deep rift in the ice rink when it strikes, causing some of the skaters to lose their balance and fall.

    He quickly turns away and tries to get farther away from the crowds without hurting anyone or drawing any more attention to himself. Hopefully, no one gets angry and tries to attack him like that other woman earlier...

Supergirl has posed:
"My foster parents take us once in a while, when my sister is around." Kara comments and shrugs. "I'm always afraid I'll crack the ice." She admits and ignores talking about girls flirting with Power Boy. Kara's ears pick up some bickering. It doesn't sould like there will be a brawl so she glosses over it and looks back at PB over her shoulder. "Give it time, people will recognize you. I have the S-I sort of got a foot up in that regard." Oddly, no one stops Kara. Pictures are taken of the blonde in her blue and red outfit, but no one stops her for selfies. It's the sound that catches Kara's attention, the heat cutting the ice. She whips her head around quickly and watches for another attack. When she sees a figure pushing through the crowd, she sets down her cocoa and lifts off, flying towards Mon-El with a curious expression.

Power Boy has posed:
    There is a crackle as Power Boy activates his red hand forms next to him. His form cords for a fraction of a moment, and his thighs bunch as he lifts up into the air and begins to look for the source of the attack, trailing after Kara as she moves. "I can not see the attacker." He tells her, looking left and right. After all, Power Boy lacks those Kryptonian senses of hers. "Give me a description or a mark, Supergirl?"

    The random guy points at the glowing hand that Power Boy manifested as the black clad young man starts to fly. "Gimme my dollar back! Dude is a lantern!" The other guy forks the money back on over.

Star Shimmer has posed:
A streak of violet light darts across the sky and comes in for a landing. Star Shimmer takes in the sight and blinks a few times. "Yikes. What a mess." With a quick gesture, she points her ring at the cut ice and makes a quick bridge in the crack so no one falls through. Then its back to her mission.

Setting down in front of the man and the woman, instantly her love sense triggers. Canting her head she looks toward the two, "Problems?" She asks with a smile. Already she's being checked out. Of course being dressed as she is, she does tend to draw such attention.

"No problems, hes just worthless right now. We're working on it. I know I can make him better." The woman responds.

The man winces, "I'm not worthless. I just... I have problems and..." He speaks but is quickly cut off.

"Here we go again. Your problems. Its all in your head Benny. Get off it." The girlfriend responds.

Star Shimmer looks at the two. "Okay well, You, miss. You don't love him. I can feel that. So... quit trying to control and change him and just walk away before you really do some damage." The woman goes slackjawed looking at her. The Star Sapphire looks at Benny, "You need to let her go. Nothing is more dangerous then Unrequited love. You need to get help. Go see a doctor please. It sounds like you need to speak to someone about things." He just nods. The two look at each other, hang their heads, and just walk away.

Mon-El has posed:
    From his posture, Kara can definitely tell that Lar is in pain. He moves off to the side and leans against a shop window, still making sure his face is pointed toward the ground and not at anyone or anything else, waiting for the flareup to subside. That heat vision that happened just now though--it's definitely very similar to hers. She'd have been able to discern that if she'd been paying any attention at all, thanks to her enhanced Kryptonian senses. "G-get away," he mumbles at Kara as she approaches. "I-I don't want to hurt you..."

    The Daxamite is vaguely aware of Star's repair of the ice, although at the moment he is too distracted to pay much attention to it.

Bombshell has posed:
Bombshell has gone for a stroll through Midtown. She's not bundled up, but is wearing her normal black leather half jacket and a charcoal grey beanie that helps cover up some of the shine off her chrome skin. She's got her hands tucked into her pockets as she walks through the streets, eyes taking in christmas decorations and festivities alike, as well as sale signs on windows for items within. She's humming softly to the tune a caroling group is singing nearby as she walks. She doesn't see the ray blast hit the rink, arriving a bit too late for that, but she does see a Mon-El trying to push his way through the crowds to stand near a shop. The silver skinned woman raises a brow and heads in his direction. "Gonna name myself his dang keeper I swear." She starts in his direction, the festive lights glimmering off her skin, more noticeable when she's moving quickly, which she is, weaving through the crowd in Mon-El's direction.

Supergirl has posed:
Landing, Kara shakes her head at Power Boy. "I think this is...something different." She risks and comes a little closer. "Hey, ummm, mister?" She asks Mon-El as he leans into the building. <<"Are you alright?">> she asks in Kryptonian, taking a risk, or hoping another soul made it off her doomed planet. She notices another figure approaching in her peripheral.

Power Boy has posed:
    Setting down next to Supergirl, Power boy angles to protect her side from the approaching person. "I got it." He makes a face. He knows what the language sounds like, but he has not asked her to teach him yet. "Try Interlac." he adds, quietly. As he watches Bombshell approach his stance shifts. He's ready to fight, but he's not threatening. Its a subtle shift, but to a trained eye, obvious. >Do you speak Interlac?< He says quietly, trying to help.

    "Left the Father Box at home under guard." He laments to Supergirl.

    Meanwhile, at his tiny house, a little pug puppy is half-asleep on Power Boy's bed as one of the most sophisticated devices in the universe plays obedience holograms for the puppy.

Star Shimmer has posed:
The Star Sapphire girl notes that her work is done. Now its time to do what she can to help out. Quickly she flies upward, looking for the source of the ice burning. Thats about the point she spots something that is pretty much familiar to anyone from Earth. The infamous Red and blue and the S Shield.

Quickly she flies in that direction, "Err Is everything alright up here? I patched the ice for now but umm... Beyond Kryptonian heat vision, I don't know a whole lot that can burn ice." She shutters over that one. "I'm Star Shimmer. Star Sapphire Corps Sector 2814. Nice to meet you all."

Mon-El has posed:
    Surprisingly, Lar appears to understand both languages. Frowning pensively he finally looks up at Kara. The sensory overload has subsided at least somewhat, although the headache is still banging around as an after-effect. << "I...I'm fine." >> He replies in the same tongue. Don't ask him how he knows it. But it probably has something to do with all those things he doesn't remember about his life. Though he also still sounds somewhat strained. << "Y-you...you are of Krypton?" >>

    Glancing at Power Boy, he also answers him in Interlac. >...apparently I do.<

    Then he notices Bombshell also approaching. "Bombshell," he smiles weakly at her before his gaze returns to Power Boy. >Don't worry, she's a friend.< he assures.

    He peers up at Star when she approaches as well. "I--Thank you for repairing the ice." he says with a nod. "Sorry for the damage..."

Bombshell has posed:
Bombshell weaves through the crowd, around groups, between them if she can, but she tries not to disrupt people too much since it doesn't look like Mon-El is being violent this time. Then again she didn't see the eye beam attack on the poor defenseless ice rink. "You okay?" She calls over to Mon-El as she gets closer. She glances to the side, seeing Power Boy and noting Supergirl as well. She cocks her head to the side a bit, then waves at them idly as she continues towards Mon-El. "Your cousin said you were doing better..." She doesn't wait for Powerboy to move, she'll walk past him unless he tries to stop her.

Supergirl has posed:
"Oh. You speak English. Not fresh out off the space ship." Kara says with a wry smile. She's going to assume he's obviously Kryptonian. "I'm Kara Zor-El." She answers using english so no one is left out. For some reason the question of if she is of Krypton produces a flash of pain. "The laser eyes take getting used to, but if you avoid feeling too angry or umm, passionate it shouldn't just flare up." She offers and furrows her brow as she looks him over and glances towards Bombshell. "Has he been here long? The ummm, sensory overload is a lot if you aren't expecting it." She asks the silver skinned woman. "His cousin?" She adds on with a note of surprise.

Power Boy has posed:
    His shoulders go rigid when the other young man speaks in Kryptonian. Power Boy spits out something that sounds filthy in a harsh language (Apokoliptian). As much as he might really want to smash someone's face in, he takes the man for his word and his casual stance vanishes into a more relaxed, if ready pose. "I sense remorse. You are right. He did not mean it." Power Boy seems quite content with being Supergirl's back up.

    He slides into a state of vigilance, carefully monitoring emotions of people around them, even Supergirl's so he can be sure to react. He lifts his left hand. He manipulates the fingers. His construct hand does the same gesture, then vanishes. He gives a friendly nod to Bombshell as she walks past; he sensed no hostile or combative intent in her. he remains vigilant, but pleasant as he is otherwise quiet.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer smiles and nods, "It was nothing. I just wanna make sure you're alright." Her ring begins translating for her. "I never thought about the troubles Kryptonians would have when just arriving here. If you need help let me know. Anything to help others." She smiles. The love in her heart makes her just glow brightly. She doesn't scan anyone. Not right now anyway. After all, no one is asking her to and its not her place.

"Ummm would you all care for some pizza? I can go get some." She shrugs. "Pizza makes everything better right?" She laughs.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Lar Gand." Mon-El tells Kara his birth name, since at the moment he doesn't remember meeting Kal not to mention being named 'Mon-El' by him. He smiles, the pain finally starting to subside. "A pleasure to meet you, Kara." He looks a little abashed, rubbing the back of his head. "I...don't think I was upset, I just--the sensory overload was kind of excruciating and it distracted me so I lost control. It's...not the first time it's happened like that. I'm just glad I didn't hit anything. The last time that happened, I got punched through several buildings." he chuckles slightly at this.

    He peers at Power Boy. "And what's your name?" he asks curiously, before turning to Bombshell. "Oh, Laurel? You met her? Yes, she--has been a great help." he smiles.

    "Pizza, someone mentioned that before. It's um, a kind of food right?"

Bombshell has posed:
"Not sure how long he's been here. Not long I'd guess. He's not Kryptonian. Something similar though? According to his cousin. She's cool people. Introduced her to hockey. She's now a rabid fan." She flahes Kara a quick grin then turns her eyes on Mon-El. "You good? The lead thing again? I thought Laurel said that was under control? Or... something else?" She blinks a few times. "Sensory overload?" Her silver eyes scrunch up in confusion as she peers over at Kara. "Oh. Yeah... kryptonian. Sensory overload. Got it. And since they're kryptonianish? Yeah... makes all the sense." She glances over her shoulder at Powerboy. "You know, you should just either wear a full shirt or no shirt. The window doesn't work for you like it does for a girl. No shirt would be fine too." Another quick grin before she turns back to the others, then notes a Ring wielder. "Lanterns too huh? All sorts of people here to say hi. God I love New York." The silver skinned woman laughs and gives her head a shake before stepping over to Mon-El and patting him on the shoulder. "Hopefully this time I won't have to demolish a building with your face. Though I got the impression from your cousin that that would not have been easy if you weren't like.. half dead. Doesn't look like it did any permanent damage though so... that's good." She looks confused when he doesn't seem to remember pizza. "Yeah, the speedy kid brought some pizza... the first time we met at the museum. Maybe you don't remember?"

Supergirl has posed:
"Oh." Kara blinks and flushes for a moment before propping her hands on her hips. "Well, umm, right. Yes. It's a bit much to get used too. It's not so over stimulating in high atmosphere. Just fly up and take a breather." She recommends and flashes a look at Power Boy quickly. "How would you describe pizza?" She asks and looks back at the group before adding to Star Sapphire a handshake and a "Supergirl." by way of introduction. She looks to Bombshell and nods. "Something similar." She agrees and studies Lar that much more closely.

Power Boy has posed:
    "I'm, uhh, Power Boy." Power Boy says. He doesn't have a super secret alien name. He was nameless. "That doesn't sound like a Kryptonian name." His guard goes back up; his shoulders squaring. He is obviously more alert as he regards the group. "Oh! He's not Kryptonian, but similar?" he wracks his brain, as Bombshell offers that helpful information. A look of concern flashes over his face and he almost reaches for Kara's hand to pull her away, but he doesn't.

    "Sensory? Oh. The human stink?" He asks quietly. "Terrans do have an odor. You get used to it. I had never considered how stinky humans would be to your noses though." Some of the people nearby a little too-casually sniff themselves.

    He quirks a little grin at Bombshell. "I tried to go without a shirt. It was forbidden." His eyes flit back to Lar Gand for a very long moment.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer smirks and then just busts out laughing. "Pizza is what separates men from apes. It can make the worst of situations even a little bit better. Its a food. A flat bread, covered with tomato sauce, cheese and toppings." She looks at her ring, "Libby, relay through my cell and order some pizza's please. Three meat, Supreme, and umm... anyone got a preference?" She asks with a smile.

She turns her attention to Bombshell, "Oh Yeah. Well there are only 2 violet users on Earth. Myself and Star Sapphire. Dunno if She's on Earth at the moment. I know she often has business off planet. Heck I just got back from Zameron. Talk about a wild adventure. I was summoned for training."

Her attention goes to Powerboy, "Gee... Thank you. I thought the couple I was sent to help would be the ones insult me tonight!" She snickers playfully." SHe looks at Lar Gand and smiles, "Don't worry. It doesn't matter if you're not Kryptonian. You obviously weren't trying to cause trouble earlier and I am pretty sure you aren't now."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh!" Lar's eyes brighten when Bombshell mentions Kaydin. "Oh yeah, that's right. Now I remember, he did bring some. It was good." he smiles, then again looks kind of embarrassed when she mentions demolishing a building with his face. "I am...truly sorry about that. I was kind of panicked. You probably noticed. But I'm glad Kaelyn was there to repair the damage quickly, I just hope I didn't accidentally kill anyone." he sighs at that.

    At Kara, he shrugs slightly. "I...thought about that. But the last time I tried that tactic to get away, the sonic boom knocked buildings over." Another sigh. "Even though I was -trying- not to accelerate too fast." He nods as Bombshell clarifies that he's not Kryptonian. "Right, I'm from Daxam. Heir to the throne and everything, until everything got wrecked that is. Then apparently a lot of other things happened between then and now that I don't remember anything about." he shrugs.

    "Power Boy, nice to meet you too." he nods politely toward the young man. "Humans stink? Hmm...well maybe some of them do." he smirks a little. "But I meant more of hearing and seeing everything on the entire continent or something at the same time."

    Lar listens Star's rather interesting description of pizza. "Well I haven't heard anyone say anything bad about it...But I think I should go, before I lose control -again-. It was great meeting all of you, and thank you Kara for the advice."

Supergirl has posed:
"Y-Yeah. Anytime." Kara offers and backs up. She looks between the other two girls. "I think they have things under control here. Come on Power Boy, we are on duty after all." She says quickly and grabs the young man by the arm, flying up, up, and certainly not running away from the princeling.

Bombshell has posed:
Bombshell tips her head in a slow nod. "Probably best if we get you out of here. Why don't I go with you and take you home, make sure you get there okay yeah?" She watches as Kara takes off with Power Boy, lifting a hand to wave goodbye to them, then turns her eyes back to Lar. "So... Lar Gand was it? Gand makes sense... Laurel. Pretty similar names. Wait she's your niece not cousin right? Bah. I'll get it figured out eventually. Come on reverse kryptonian lets go." She winks at him and will wait till he's ready to go to go with him.

Star Shimmer has posed:
Star Shimmer looks at everyone leaving, "I think I need to research Daxam. I should probably get back on Task. I think there is a problem on Venus." SHe takes off into the night and is gone.