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Latest revision as of 12:48, 3 January 2018

A Night in Central Park
Date of Scene: 14 November 2017
Location: Central Park, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Bombshell, Crusader, Jimmy Olsen, Kaelyn Silverleaf, Caim Kataras

Bombshell has posed:
Nighttime in Central Park. The lights of the city wash the park in shades of light, at least the outer edges of the park. The deeper you go the darker it gets. There are some scatered folks about. A group in the grassy area playing Ultimate Frisby with glow in the dark Frisbies. A stubborn hot dog vendor who's still trying to sell food and get rid of the rest of his stock. And some late night joggers with ear buds in their ears trying to get a workout after work or before a night shift. The hot dog stand is where Bombshell can be found. She's already got a bag of popcorn in her right hand, and is currently fishing in her pocket to pay the man for the jumbo dog he's holding out to her loaded down with all the fixings. She comes out with some bills and tries to uncrumple them one handed before handing them over in sufficient quantity. The silver woman's head turns, watching the park around her a little bit, but it's just a casual glance, not an alert for danger type of look.

Crusader has posed:
Well, the last dozen hours or so have been interesting. The paper white orcish being was walking through the park, having spent virtually all his time with Sol - a Star Child who is more or less full grown.

Sol herself was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and wandering through the park. She glowed slightly yellow much like a sun. She danced through the trees without a care in the world

As for Vorn (aka Crusader though few know that) was watching her carefully as he maes his way towards the same hot dog stand Bombshell was out. He fishes a wallet out of his chest (yes that right, his chest) and open it up to check his cash.

Bombshell has posed:
Bombshell manages to finish fumbling around with her bills and hand over enough to cover the hot dog. She gets it in her hand, then using her pinky and ring finger snags a napkin from the stand before backing off a few steps. She looks at the dog in one hand, then the popcorn in the other before shifting everything around. Moving the popcorn to her left hand, and the hot dog to her right, and keepign the napkin in the left so she can more easily eat the dog. She pauses, looking up at the large thing that steps up to the hot dog stand, a moment of silence before she cracks a smile. "Try not to eat the whole stand yeah? I might wanna come back for another one." This to the giant Vorn before she takes a couple more steps away and sets her popcorn down on a bench to settle the issue of how to eat her hot dog, letting her use both hands on her newfound meal. "What are they playing?" She asks of the air in general, nodding at the teenagers playing frisby and running around like mad people as they do.

Crusader has posed:
"Little Girl is not wrong...could eat whole stand" Vorn says to Bombshell in a deep beastial voice, which is in stark contrast to his rather relaxed and mello stance. He looks to the stands "....seven of the hot dogz." he tells the man and patiently waits for them to be made.

He calls towards the forest with the glowing Sol "Food be ready soon you hear!" in which a strange voice calls back "OKAY!"

He than looks to bombshell "The american call it...ultimate frisbee." he pauses unsure of this "Not sure, but it SOME form of frisbee." he says answering the question. He scratches at his belly and licks a tusk "...why couldnea hot dog stands have the chocolate sauce"

Bombshell has posed:
Bombshell turns her head to look around and see just to where Vorn is shouting. When she spots the glowing figure she huhs softly. "Gotta love New York." THere's a snort and a quick laugh from the silver skinned woman as she starts eating her hot dog, speaking around it in response to the giant... thing that is Vorn. "Cuz choclate sauce on hot dogs is nasty. And ultimate frisby. Kay. I've heard of it, just didn't put two and five together to get seven. That doesn't look like any frisby I've seen. That actually looks fun." She eyes the field for a few seconeds more, then takes another bite of hot dog even though the first isn't quite down yet and she's still talking around her food. "Seven dogs for you, what's... that gonna eat?" She asks waving her hot dog in the direction of Sol, then frowning as some of the toppings tumble off the dog and into the grass. "Dangit."

Crusader has posed:
"What is SHE going to eat" Vorn says quite firmly "She is still a person like you are. And well, two of the hot dogs are for her! She does not eat much" he explains. "Also...chocolate sauce taste good on EVERYTHING. Hotdogs, pizza, meatballs, chips, mashed potatoes, fish" he rubs his stomech "Chocolate...." yup he definintly likes chocolate

But than Vorn gives pause "...than what kind of frissbe have you seen? Look fairly standard, just glow in the dark" he muses. He bagns tacking hot dogs in hand. Actually he suddenly seems to have an extra set of arms and hands.

Bombshell has posed:
"Hey. I don't make presumptions. Never know whether someone is alien, dimensional, primal, demon realm or anything else. And you really never know whether that being is male or female or something else entirely. But sure! She." Can someone with silver skin look green? Sure can. Bombshell's features scrunch up in confusion and slight horror as Vorn lists all the things he liks chocolate sauce on. "That's..." There's a slight hurk sound from her though she doesn't actually puke, just waves a hand to try and get him to stop naming things. "I mean frisbee as in the game, not as in the object. Though they are the same word yeah. English language is stupid sometimes. Hockey has the right of it. Hockey and you play with a hockey puck, or just puck. Baseball you play with a baseball. Football you play with a football." She waves a dismisive hand and resumes eating her hot dog, though slower this time, eyes inspecting it as if looking for chocolate sauce now.

Crusader has posed:
"Well she is an alien. Spirit actually" Vorn admits. All seven hot dogs in check his voice booms out "Sol! Time for some Soul Food!" in which her voice carries over "Stop PUNnishing me with those puns!" followed by a giggle.

Sol runs over, as she does so the area about them seems brighter as if it was closer to sunset or sunrise, but none the less the girl wasn't blinding. Vorn hands over two hotdogs as she ask "Whose your friend?" she was looking to Bombshell

"No clue. But you know what we say" they speak in unision "A stranger just a friend you havent made...or someone your going to punch" they both actually laugh with Vorn giving Sol a noogie. She bats his hand away playfully

Vorn stuffs a whole hotdog into his mouth, oddly he seem able to speak *without* opening his mouth, and clearly none the less "....they play...soccor with a football, no clue what they play football with. They do not even use their feet! makes no sense!"

Bombshell has posed:
"THey play football with a football. Not sure why it's called a football since the only time they use their feet is when they punt it or field goal it. And kickoff I guess. But it definitely has no right being called a football." Bombshell rolls her shoulders in a who can guess sort of expression and is just about to take another bite of her hot dog when a bit of conversation sinks in. "Oh. Name. Yeah. I'm Bombshell." And then back to nomming on her hot dog, which only has a couple more bites to it then it's done, and she's using the napkin to clean herself up, face and fingers before it goes into a trash can and she picks back up her popcorn, resuming munching on it a kernel at a time. "Central Park at night is pretty different from the day."

Crusader has posed:
"In this form, called Vorn" he tells Bombshell. He pats Sol "And this is Sol as you mighta guessed" Sol waves her hand but otherwise concentrates on her hot dogs, eating with as much gusto as Vorn. Vorn himself has already gone through three of the five dogs.

Vorn looks aroun "Aye, alot more quiet. Prefer hells kitchen, more muggers und stuff ta punch" he eyes Sol "Still do not want you doing that till you had self defense classes" spirit or not. He looks to Bombshell "So...are you a mutante, alien....special make up?" he asks referring to the chrome like skin.

Bombshell has posed:
Bombshell looks around and nods her head in agreement. "It is quiet. Too quiet. I like the noise of the city. People coming and going. Going about their lives. It's comforting. Despite everything going on in the world and beyond. New York continues as if it all has no bearing." She snorts and pops another popcorn kernel in her mouth. "Evening Sol, and evening Vorn." Around her popcorn of course. God forbid something like a greeting stop her from eating. "Gotta be careful how hard you punch muggers though. They're so damn squishy. Too hard and then you have people looking for you for murder. Not hard enough and they don't stay down." Bombshell considers the question before shrugging her shoulders, silver skin gleaming in the reflected light of the city, and Sol. "Metahuman I guess? Science experiment is closer to the truth."

Crusader has posed:
"Not quiet enough" Vorn says in disagreement "Can still hear the police sirens, and cars. But least it is less than in the day." he looks around "But, guess New York is like nature...one disaster ends and it just keeps doing"

And in goes the last hotdog. Vorn pats his stomech which sounds...alot like metal hitting metal. "Typically throwing them agaist a wall works. It will either knock them out...and if not, they will be smart or dazed enough to stay down or run away" he cants his head "Metahuman eh? Well, you do not see many metahumans here. Mutant on account of mutant town, sure. Most metas we meet are in Metropolish. Quite interesting."

Bombshell has posed:
"Yeah well... this Metahuman has avoided Metropolis. The big boy in blue and red is not someone I have any desire to piss off. Plus I doubt I'll find my answers there. Here, or Starling, maybe Gotham. Those are the kind of places I'm more likely to find answers about what happened to me." Bombshell's shoulders pop upwards in a half shrug. "Gotta be careful with walls too. Easy to break em. Not that I'm overly worried about breaking walls. I'm just not usually too fond of a city's protector's showing up when I do start breaking things. So best avoided when ossible."

Crusader has posed:
"Doubt you can piss him off. He is a friendly fello, at least has been all the time we worked with him." he looks to the stars "Would probably understand not really knowing how ta...control your strength on the outset" he chuckles "So, unsure of what actually happened to you. That is quite the predicament. Not quite sure how you can be helped. Any ideas of what happened?" he asks.

Bombshell has posed:
Bombshell lets out a hard laugh and gives her head a slow shake. One hand lifting to smooth her short metallic hair back. "Oh I can control my strength just fine." Bombshell offers with a quick smirk on those silver lips. "As to what happened? A lot. A hell of a lot. Basic rundown... secret military experiment gone rogue. I'm looking for answers on who ran it. And why. Been looking for awhile, but been doing it alone. Didn't want to drag other people into my problems." Bombshell fishes into the popcorn bag and grabs another kernel, emptying the bag before she tosses the empty bag into the trash can as well. "But yeah. Metahuman would be my classification I guess. Definitely wasn't born with these powers."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn laughs "Lucky you. The more mass one garners, the stronger one is. Hafta watch weight" he says. "So, never afraid ta lose limbs and what not in a fight." he considers the given answer "Hmmmm, well perhaps you might consider getting help. A little extra help never hurt no one" he states. He shakes off his limbs going back to two arms as Sol runs off exploreing again "Hmmm, unsure what classification we fall into....due to odd shenigans" he laughs "But this world is full of oddities"

Bombshell has posed:
"Oh the world is definitely full of oddities and shenanigans that's for sure." Bombshell agrees. She eyes the hot dog stand again before giving her head a slight shake. "Extra mass for strength? Nah. My strength has a different source. Haven't lost a limb before. Probably wouldn't grow back for me so really hope I don't lose a limb. I'd be really pissed off." Bombshell and Vorn are in Central Park, at night. Evening has just faded away, the sunset gone. The lights of the city reflect on the out parts of the park still. There are some late night joggers, as well as a group of young folk playing ultimate frisbee in the dark with glow in the dark frisbees. And a hot dog stand, open late trying to sell off the last of the day's already cooked stock.

Crusader has posed:
"Not extra...just mass. Currently weigh" he pats his stomech in consideration "3,427 pounds" he sage nods "Prefer to not go over 2 tons personaly." he reveals quite openly. He stretches "But aye, losing a limb is not exactly fun...even if they do grow back." he chuckles "Pissed me off a few times when it happened unexpectantly" he says in agreement with bombshell. He glances around eyeing the people playing ultimate frissbee, he rubs his beard in thought by a moment as he than looks to the areas, mostly keeping an eye on the person lighting those areas up - Sol. But still, no crimials, no muggings, no worries

Jimmy Olsen has posed:
A flutter of blue passes through the park's gates as a youngish redhead with a leather messenger bag over his shoulder and a camera hung around his neck half walks, half runs through the grass. He weaves past people when there are any and speeds up a bit when there are not, a smartphone pressed against the side of his freckled face.

"No no no, I told you.. If you wanna run the Latveria story you need to keep the names of the sources secret.. Why? /WHY/?" the young reporter makes a sound of exhasperated disgust, barely paying attention to his surroundings as makes for a hot dog stand. "Lat-Vare-Ee-Ah! You know, the country run by a metal faced despot with delusions of godhood... Well what do you THINK Ryhmes-With-Boom would do if he got the names of these people, hmmm? These sources NEED to remaned unnamed!" He stops at the stand and starts idly digging through a pocket, hand signalling for two-dogs. No, I'm n0t scarred he'll come after /me/. Mention me as much as you need to... Well I did spend two weeks there sniffing out the story /and/ taking pictures so I sort of /need/ to be mentioned... Bit make sure the story is about /them/..."

Bombshell has posed:
"3... 3 thousand pounds? Holy crap." Bombshell looks at least a little surprised at that, her silver skinned features widening a bit before she shakes her head. "Dunno why I'm surprised. I'm walking around the park at night looking like living metal." She gives her head a gradual shake and looks around the park a little bit more. "Someone's busy. And you know what, if everyone else is eating two dogs I'm gonna get a second two." She turns and fishes some more crumpled bills out of her pocket, stepping in line behind Mister Olsen as he talks about the metal faced tyrant. "Hey, who you callin metal faced?" Yup, intruding on the man's conversation, though there's a teasing smirk on her lips if he should happen to glance back at her.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn laughs "Aye! Everything eaten is converted...anything lost is unconverted....mabey? Not sure about that bit" he admits with a deep metalic laugh. He looks to Jimmy and perks in interest. Make him wondw what Dr.Doom is up too...dude definintly has an ego from what he has seen.
    But deciding to play along with what was going on he crosses his arms "Us Metal Faced folks are not so bad" his orcish face feigning joking anger. Infact his once nearly pure white skin takes on a metalic silvery chrome matching Bombshell. Metal heads...metal heads everywhere!

Jimmy Olsen has posed:
Jimmy Olsen is having truble handling both the pone, now cradelled between shouldr and ear, and the dogs and the money which he is divesting hismelf of now, so he sort of twists ungainly a moment when he is addressed. "Wait whu...?" he asks as he turns to face... a metallic skinned woman and.. a giant? Which he somehow completely missed? HE drops the money into teh vendors hand and plucks the phone from his ear. "Gary.. I'll call you later.." he says quickly then pockets the phone and clears his throat.

"Uhm.. I.. Wasn't talking about you.." he says to the woman, then looks at the refugee from some lord of the rings rip-off. "Seriously, I wasn't.. and is it No Secret identity day or something? Because I swear I didn't get the memo..."

Bombshell has posed:
Bombshell glances over her shoulder to Vorn, spotting his skin taking on a metallic shade and she snorts out a quick laugh at the sight. "Nice touch." She gives him a thumbs up before turning back to face forwards, towards the reporter and the hot dog stand. She wants another hot dog dangit. The three of them, Bombshell, Vorn and Jimmy, stand near a hot dog stand that is open late. The sun has already set and the park is bathed in darkness, though light from the city bleeds in around the edges of the park. There are late night joggers, and a game of ultimate frisbee being played with glow in the dark frisbees. She looks on at Jimmy stone faced for a few seconds. But only a few. She's not much of a bluffer and has no real poker face. So the corner of her lips twitches, and then curls up into a smirk before she bursts out laughing. She steps past him to buy another hot dog, still laughing as the vendor loads the dog up. "Oh that was good. And I do have a secret identity. This covers up my secret identity. If everyone sees me walking around like this, no one recognizes me when I'm not all silver."

Crusader has posed:
"Relax shrimp, were just messin with you" Vorn says to Jimmy with a boisterous laugh. "Though how long have you been in New York? Not every oddity in this city is a hero" he says "Efter all Mutant Town is just a few blocks away"
    He shrugs "But as far as other identities go...well" he smirks "Got several, thanks ta shapeshiftin. This just be one of em, so no big deal"

Jimmy Olsen has posed:
Jimmy Olsen juggles the hotdogs a moment, getting them split between his two hands, which is no mean feat since they are pretty loaded down with basically every topping one could imagine.. Good thing he didn't get a cola too, huh? Not that he likes cola, he's more of a Dr. Pepper guy himself. "No, what I mean is... Usually people don't hang out in public, you know, ordering hot dogs hot dogs in the park in their super-personas and /not/ in their secret identities. I mean, you don't see Batman getting ice cream at the next stand over or The Flash getting a slurpee at seven-eleven.. actually.. Scratch that.. I got a picture of The Flash doing just that a few years ago.." he says, remembering that night quite well.

He then looks at the 'Orc' and raises a brow. "First off, I'm not 'Shrimp'. The name is Jimmy.. Jimmy Olsen. Or /Mister/ Jimmy Olsen to people who think they can call me shrimp. Second, I've lived in the tri-City area longer than you have. Long enough that I know super-decorum pretty darned well, I'd like to think. I mean, yeah, there are some strange looking people about but even some of the heroes WITHOUT secret identies tend to dress less like a bouncer with a leather fetish when they aren't 'supering'. I mean, just a few days ago I saw The Vision wearing a sweater. Just cause someone is meta or alien or whatever doesn't mean they try to stand out."

Bombshell has posed:
"Aww shrimp? Why you gotta pick on the guy? For all you know Busy here is stronger than you are and could punch your ass over the river to Jersey. And no one wants to be punched over the river." Another smirk pulls at Bombshell's lips. "Actually, we'd never know if the Flash gets a slurpee at 7-11. And Batman only comes out at night. Unless he's with the Justice League. Half the time when I see him on the news in daylight I expect him to burst into flame." Bombshell snorts a little bit. "We're in Central Park at night. I think this is an effort not to stand out." A quick smile at the reporter before she turns to get her new hot dog, covers in everything that the man has to offer. She thanks him and takes a few steps away, promptly taking off a huge bite of her dog and chewing slowly, eyes on Jimmy. "Got some spunk to yah. Good. Jimmy Olsen... I feel like I know that name."

Crusader has posed:
"Than, it is a good thing we /know/ we can call you Shrimp, as their is nothing barring us from doing so." is Vorn simple reply back. He looks to Bombshell "...quite frankly, it would honestly be awesome if that happened" he says with honesty. "You might know the name cause he is a reporter for....the daily globe?" he says slowly unsure if that is the correct newspaper company. Only Jimmy can correct that bit
    "Oh? You have lived her longer? Well, we will beleive it when we see evidence." he snorts "And...no clue what being meta or somethin has to do with trying ta stand out. We are just being ourselves. Alot of...super decorum is...odd in our opione. So we prefer to go with ordinary clothing" yup he consider what he is currently wearing to be ordinary.

Jimmy Olsen has posed:
Jimmy Olsen isn't actually one to trade in on his name. No, it's true. He LIKES being somewhat famous for his work, though less of it has been about superheroes the past two years since he left the Daily Planet, but it's not like he's been idle.. publishing both photos AND stories in a multitude of magazines, tv news programs, and of course for the blog Accountable. So he /could/ just mentions those newer stories and pictures, the ones where he is in foreigh hostile countries covering disasters and wars and the like, trading in on his current work, but...

"I'm the guy who took the first photograph of Superman." he finally says, because really it saves time. "And the second.. aaaand the third.. and a whole bunch more." he then takes a bite of his dog.. chewing for a moment beford swallowing. Then eyes Vorn.

"The Daily /Planet/." he corrects him. "And I was born and raised in Suicide Slum, which basically borders between New York and Metropolis. And being meta isn't about /trying/ to stand out. Personally I don't /mind/ either way. But I have a lot more exoperience with metahumans and aliens and what have you than the average New Yorker. Powered people make a lot of the normal people nervous. Especially when they /aren't/ trying to stand out. Not powered people's fault, but there it is."

Bombshell has posed:
Bombshell snorts out a laugh as Vorn counters the protest of calling Jimmy a shrimp. She doesn't interject further on that though, instead just taking the moment to nom down more of her hot dog. "So doing a story on Doctor Doom and his tyrancy huh?" She asks of the reporter once she's mostly cleared her mouth of food. She listens to the talk of standing and out people being nervous. "People have a right to think what they want. And to be nervous when they're around people that could wipe out cities without a whole lot of effort. I don't blame them. Made me nervous before I got my powers. What do you do against someone who can end you easier than you stomp on an ant? Not a comfortable place to be in the world. But I don't typically worry about what other people think. I let my actions speak for me." Bombshell's shoulders roll again, though there's an amused smirk on her lips, in between her hot dog bites of course.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Soo, she's a ways off, and maybe the odd sight of an F-150 Hennessee raptor pulling up along side of the park might even stand out, considering the coloration of the heavy blue and black pickup and all, the rumble of it's massive 7 litre engine and exhaust. The 4x4 super truck kind of stands out in New York, considering this thing's overall size... As the redhead who owns it hops out, she pauses, getting looks from folk, including a cop mounted on horseback "Uhh, lady, you can't leave that here, we'll tow it..." Kae blinks and looks to the person, and then waves to the truck... There seems to be brief heat-wave like ripples forming around the thing before suddenly the vehicle shrinks down to the size of a hotwheels truck and sails over into Kae's hand. She now holds the 'crystal' encased 4x4 in her palm and smiles to the officer.. "All better?"

The officer blinks and nods slowly. "Uhhhh... yah, lady, go ahead...." He says, then looks over to his parter as he mouths "Did you see that?!?" To the other as Kae begins walking on into the park, the woman now whistling to her self happily as she tugs a broom a skate board from her backpack, hops up on it and slowly rolls down the trail, not really kicking on the ground, for some reason the 'regular' board appears self powered? Kae waves to the officers and calls out "Have a nice day! You too horses!!" The horses actually nod to the woman and nicker back at her as if to agree with what she said.

Crusader has posed:
"Ahh, thank you" Vorn tells Jimmy when he is corrected "Was taking a picture of Superman such a big deal?" he asks. And the scary part is...it seems to be a very ligitament question, but one asked in earnest as well
    He rolls his shoulder "Not saying it about trying ta stand out. Though...you seem to be doing quite a bit of emphasising - especialy on things that is quit obviouse. May be brainless but ain't dumb!" he gives a good nature laugh "Hmmm, ahh raised here. Was not raised here, but have worked with mutants, metas and as well as trying ta show unpowered folks there is not much to worry about for the bettar part of 40 years or so years" he explains "Only mabey fourteen of that in New York City, so you win there!" he admits smileling widely.

He gives pause as he sees...a truck of all things roll up. He blinks slowly "Well you don't..." and than he sees Kaelyn hop out of the truck and chuckles "Well this is either really bad or really good" he says as he watches the truck seemingly dissappear and Kaelyn begin making her way through the park

Jimmy Olsen has posed:
Jimmy Olsen finishes his first dog rather quickly in the only possible way of the sidereal universe.. by stuffing it in his mouth. He chews a bit, swallows, the motions with the hotdog to the world around him. "If only actions meant as muc as we want them to. oh, they should. They really realy should. But sometimes what people /don't/ do is as important as the things they do. I mean, I am not above stirring crap up, thats sort of my job... Like by, yes, doing a story on Doctor Doom's tyrancy, and how it effects his people in both bad ways /and/ good... But there is a difference between me writing a stry or shoving people's faces in the truth. Even tday, people need time to get used to people who can wipe out city's, your words, walking among them like nothing is different about them." he then grins. "of course, I am just being devil's advicate of course. Oh, by the way, did you know Latveria has universal health care and one of the highest literacy ratings in the world?" he chuckles.

He then looks at Vorn and raises a brow. "IN some ways, no.. No it wasn't a big deal. I mean, I can say that /now/, right. I've known Superman for years. He's saved my life dozens of times over and, not to brag, I've returned the favour a few times. We're good friends. But at the time it /was/ a big deal. Though even now I don't know if it was Pulitzer big deal... I can't complain. But If i hadn't have taken that picture I wouldn't have /met/ Superman. Thats what is really important."

Bombshell has posed:
Bombshell tilts her head back to look up at the night sky, watching the lights of a plane that's taken off from JFK as it ascends up into the sky. She tips her head back down to look at those nearby, pausing when she sees the headlights of a truck, and then they disappear. There's a few slow blinks from her before she just shakes her head. "New York." She comments along with a quick laugh. She finishes off her hot dog and cleans her hands up again before tossing the napkin in the trash. "I didn't. But if he wants to turn Latveria into a world power then he will need smart and capable people to do it. So it actually doesn't surprise me. Doctor Doom might be a maniac. But he's a smart maniac." Bombshell listens to Jimmy talk about Superman, and snorts softly. "He's part of the problem with the way people see us. Not his fault. Just is what it is. He's good and true and blah blah blah. So people expect others to be good and true and blah blah blah. And if we don't jump up to go help every cat stuck up in a tree people talk bad about us on the news. Someone died in a robbery, why wasn't someone there to stop it? My cat died in a burning building. Where was the Flash to zip in there and save it?" Bombshell waves a hand and rolls her eyes. "And then he also has these huge public battles, again not his fault, where people see just how much power he really has. And it fightens them."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae is still getting closer, and finally she notices Vorn, and rolls up a short distance away before offering a bit of a wave. "Hallo, Not interrupting anything am I?" she asks curiously, and smiles now that she sees Jimmy. She offers a wave and nod to him too, and looks to Bombshell now curiously "Hallo." she says yet again. She could even maybve have a slight Texan accent, but years of living abroad have kind of changed said accent... Anyhow, the tallish redhead grins while she looks from person to person, then looks up "Great day to be out at the park eh?"

Crusader has posed:
Vorn looks to Jimmy and blinks and than smiles wildly "Ahh! Now that is quite important! Having made a good friend" he says seeming to actually appreciate that facett "Friends help each other through good and bad, sounds like what you have done" forget the hero junk - he clearly finds the other parts more important

But than he blinks and looks to Bombshell "Part of the problem? More like part of the solution. At least with some heros, people look at us less like monsters to be feared and instead as something they do not have to fear and might even befriend" referring to Jimmy and Superman relationship "That like blamming all cops and firefighter and EMC people for all the things they are unable to do. The problem normal people and power people are not shoulder on any one person, but on everyon collectively. Hell, we would go far as to say that it is due to both power and unpowered people acting as criminals, heros and everyday encounter that is helping to make it so that we are seen more and more as equels that can and should be able to live togeather in harmony. Though that may be a long way off" he explains.

Vorn in that moment physically sounded like a different person, as well as talked like one. Even his features changed to that of a different man. He shakes himself off as his features and voice return to normal. He knocks on his nogging "Hey! Beat it, et mah turn" he says half jokingly as he chuckles.

Jimmy Olsen has posed:
Jimmy Olsen can only shrug at Bombshell's opinion, offering her a faint smile. "Yes, he is sort of the problem." he admits. "But is it a bad problem? Is it bad that he makes people feel both fearful AND inspired at once.. that we makes people want /all/ metahumans and mutants and whatever to be like him? Selfless? of course, I think people are missing the point there. It's not about having all supers be selfless. It's about inspiring EVRYONE, super or /not/ to be selfless. But of course, us being humans, we like to think it only means super people should be all selfless. Sort of a dual standard, but thats life. Maybe the rest of the species will 'get it' one day."

He then looks to Vorn. "You're right as well. He /is/ part of the solution. But only part. The real spluton is everyone realizeig, someday, that THEY themselves can be.. NEED to be.. part of teh solution rather than puttin it off on someone else.

HE spots the newcomer and sort of waves to her, though raises a brow. "Uhm, yeah.. It's a great day if you are a vampire or something.. becase, you know, it being night and..."

Insert Right Said Fred - I'm Too Sexy... Ringtone here..

He quickly licks the hot dog chili off his fingers and whips out his cellphone. "Olsen here..." he answers... then frowns a bit. "Speak up, Lois, I can't hear you over... Do I know how to drive a what? A /hovercraft/?"

Bombshell has posed:
"Well, it's night time but sure? I guess? I was just hungry and wanted a hot dog. Was hoping there'd still be a vendor out and sure enough there was." Bombshell gestures with one silvery hand at the hot dog stand, still out despite the dark and the cold. "Night time at the park seems to be collect the weirdos." She lets out another sharp laugh, but turns to regard Jimmy Olsen curiously. "Then what's the difference between Supes and Doom?" She asks as she tucks her hands into her pockets. "Both claim to be looking out for the world and the people of it. Doom claims to be a futurist isn't it? Something like that. His methods are harsher, but he inspires people. And people fear him as well. And I'm not selfless. Not by a mile. I'll step in when I see shit going down that isn't right. But I'm definitely not selfless." Bombshell glances to Vorn and rolls one shoulder in a half hearted shrug. "Friends tend to be a liability. Easier to be your own person and responsibble for your own actions, and not have to rely on other people, and have them rely on you." She turns her head with interest at the new phone call Jimmy is on. "Lois? Lane? Tell her your Central Park friends say hi." Yeah, Bombshell is not at all shy about butting in on his phone conversations. "I know how to drive a hovercraft."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head and listens to folk curiously, then glances now to Jimmy and finally back to Bombshell.. Meanwhile a tiny dragon construct, one of Kae's pets and all climbs its way out of her backpack and perches on the redhead's shoulder with a perch... "Yup I'm probably high up there on the wierdo list maybe... " She says with a slight grin. "But I'm pretty much human and all." she adds with a ig grin, "So how's it going Vorn?" She asks curiously and now her green eyes settle back on Jimmy for a moment "Love the ringtone..." she's probably serious too!

Kae now looks back around and taps her chin "Soo having a philosophical discussion on Dr Doom and Superman and all?"

Crusader has posed:
"We have ever seen people fear Superman" Vorn chimes in "Though the difference is probably in how they go about their buisness. Superman also doesn't run an entire country." he looks to Bombshell "If you step in because you see something not right going down - you are being selfless. The world isn't made of black and white, it is all shades of grey." he shakes himself off "You can be both selfish...and selfless depending on a situation"
    Vorn than blinks "Hah! Well, might be true for you, we find it the opposite. It is easier to have friends you can rely on. But we may be bias" he raps on his head "We are a collective conciouse - made up from the minds of multiple individuals."
    Vorn reaches over and picks up the dragon "My friend! How are you?" he says to the dragon contruct. He than looks to Kaelyn "Ahh, little girl. Doing fine! Got a new daughter, more or less, had chocolate to eat, having good conversation with these folks. But aye, it some sort of discussion"

He than looks to Jimmy "Driving a hovercraft sounds like fun. Though it sounds like you need to get going" he notes with a thought.

Jimmy Olsen has posed:
Jimmy Olsen holds up a hand.. well.. his seciond hot dig to stave off any questions as he listens to the charlie-brown-teacher like talking of the person on the other side of the call. "When would I have learned to drive a hovercraft, Lois..?" he asks, "And what are you doing ON a hovercraft.. Drug Running puppy dog robots? Damnit, lis, how do you GET into these messes?!?" he cries then looks to the others. "Sorry... I.. uhm.. need to go... " he tells them and quickly starts walking for the park gates, muncing on teh final dog and talking at the same time. "You'll pick me up?? HOW? You're the one who asked me if /I/ can drive the... No no, stay in the harbour! What do you mean 'Too late'... Yes I know hovercrafts can move on land, thats the POINT of a hovercraft.. Wait, that sounded suspiciously like turbofans scrapping over a police car.. No, you /don't/ need to know how I know what that sounds like.."

Another night in the life of James Bartholemew Olsen.

Bombshell has posed:
Bombshell may have done a little hip and shoulder wiggle when Jimmy's ringtone went off as well, and been mumbling the words to the song before she so rudely focused on interupting the man. But then he's running off on his phone and Bombshell watches him leave with a soft huh. "Famous people are strange." She slips her hands out of her pockets and hooks her thumbs through the belt loops of her cargo pants, eyes flickering to Kae. "Well, I'm pretty sure normal humans can't do all... that. However it is that you're doing all that." She waves a hand in Kae in general, and then at the dragon that peeks over her shoulder. THat draws a silver eyebrow up her forhead slowly. "Good luck!" She shouts at Jimmy's back. "Remember to scream if you're in trouble. Maybe someone will hear and come help!" She snorts out a laugh and turns back to the others still in the park. "Am I though? I mean... far as I know my skin can't be busted... so it's not like I'm in any danger of being hurt... is it selfless if there's no risk involved? I'd say no. Just taking a couple minutes out of my day to help and then moving on along."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae peers and smirks a bit "Well technically I'm a normal human, not a meta, or a mutant.... I kind of fall in another category, my abilities having had to been learned and studied my whole life and gained over time." She says with a cheerful smile, not quite giving things away really, but wondering now idly if the other can guess... Kae smiles slightly and offers a name "Name's Kaelyn... I own a small shop in Sunnyvale..."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn puts the dragon back down and says towards Bombshell "Taking a couple minutes out of your day to help is selfless. Just like taking time out of your day to volounteer at a shelter, to stop and give a homeless person some food, or help tie a kids shoe is selfless. They are lack risk, but they are selfless no less. Being selfless does not require a person to take risk, it only requires that they put the need of others before themselves."
    He waves good bye to Jimmy "Good lcuky Shrimp!" he calls to him. Hopefully their will not be any trouble. Though it certainly sounds like there will be. But only time will tell

Caim Kataras has posed:
    "The proper term for one like you is Homo Magi." Caim says, approaching the group and watches them intently, studying them for any weaknesses and strengths. "Magic is as powerful as any mutant abilities." He says as he watches them. "Sometimes more powerful."

Bombshell has posed:
Bombshell looks over to Kae and gives her head a slight tilt to the woman's response. "I get it." She looks to Vorn and then back to Kae. "Alright. Time for this chrome lady to go for the night. You both take care. It's been... interesting talking to you both." She flashes them a wide grin as she turns and starts to walk, glancing over her shoulder towards Vorn. "I guess we have different ideas on what is selfless. But that's okay. Take care of yourself Vorn!" She waves over her shoulder as she moves out towards the city.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
The little dragon happily chirps at being picked up by a friend and all. Kae grins cheerfully at Vorn, Kae then reaches into a pocket and holds a possibly all too familiar bar out to Vorn... It's Swiss made dark chocolate, writing's even in Swiss!!! "Dunno if you've had this yet... Lindhor extra dark, straight from Switzerland." She says cheerfully then flicks the bar to Vorn, in the mean time she opens up a peppermint bark bar, and glances now to Caim... "Dunno about mine and all but it's quite versitile I think." She says with a smile... "And honestly? Never heard that term for us, I do know of a number of people who didn't show powers at an early age who studied hard and grew into magic... Dunno if that makes them homo magi or not..." She adds.

Kae now looks back to Bombshell and offers a happy wave. "have a good night! Safe travels." Next she opens her peppermint bark bar and begins nibbling, occasionally handing a small bit to a happily chirping and very very lifelike dragon construct that currently is residin gon her shoulder.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn eyes the chocolate his eye widening. He eargerly takes the bar and scoffs it down, wrapper and all. One burp latter and he pats his stomech "Thank you. Love chocolate" he says with a chuckle. He didn't much care what kind of chooclate it as
    He looks to Caim "Oh, so that is the proper term for magic folk. Always wondered about that" he says rubbing his beard. Vorn more or less looked like your typical brute, with his orcish features and large muscles - though he at the moment did look like he was made of some chrome like material.

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim moves his cane to tap on Vorn to test his metal appearance before looking to Kaelyn. "Homo Magi are those with the inborn talent for magic. While it is true anyone can learn, it is a slow practice to be able to do anything. Generally speaking being able to make your magic appear before others does show an inborn talent." He says as he watches Kaelyn before looking back to Vorn.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae nods slowly "Allways just called us magi, witches, mages, sorcerers, etc, least that's what I grew up with." Kae says and shrugs "And I guess I fall in with the Homo Maji thing, I was born with the gift." she says andsmiles slightly, then looks to Vorn curiously and smirks... "I gathered that, but ya coulda savored that stuff, it's like 8 euro a pop..." she says with a smirk... Kae's eyes travel back to Caim curiously as she studies the person..

Crusader has posed:
Vorn catches the cane between two fingers "....can we help you?" he wonders as being randomly tapped with a cane is fairly odd, even by his standards. Of course his standards are all over the place. Rather he was just curiouse to the answer. Depending on what Caim cane actually does - it may or may not detect that Vorn is indeed...at the very least coated in a strange metal. If the cane doesn't work like that...than well Vorn just holding said cane between fingers
    He looks to Kaelyn "...So? It's chocolate. Can eat the stuff raw in pure cocoa form before it is even processed." he tells her. That and he doesn't have a stomech....so he was still savoring it technically speaking.

Caim Kataras has posed:
    That particular cane was part sword, it was designed however to not slip out easily. Caim then smiles and he looks to Vorn. "Oh I am here socializing." Caim says as he goes to pull the cane back from the man orc and he then turns to Kaelyn. "I have always been interested in magic, atleast a curiousity." He says with a smile.