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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/12/29 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=104, 29, 55, 42, 32 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:104|Batman (...")
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Latest revision as of 15:27, 3 January 2018

This is what I'm doing, OK!
Date of Scene: 29 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Batman, Green Lantern (Jordan), Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Power Girl

Batman has posed:
    The Dark Knight's time is at a premium. He begrudges each moment spent away from the job, each moment spent on activities that do not impact upon the efforts of what he has chosen for his life's goal. Usually his sphere of influence is narrow, upon the great city of Gotham. But tonight, as it must each time he deals with the League, that scope must be widened.
    The data he'd gained from Tim Drake's efforts and Barbara Gordon's was immportant to him and despite his objections there are some things he can't do entirely himself. So it was with this sentiment that he sent out the message to the other members of the league. A quick statement.
    // 21:17 Hall of Justice, Library. Meeting. //
    And that was it. No name connected to it on whatever device the people who received it used, but from the brevity of it there was little doubt as to who originated the message. And so it was three minutes before the marked time exactly that the Batwing's engines whined as they shifted to VTOL mode, the wings twisting around in the nightmarish shape to resemble a bat all the more as the vehicle settled in the hangar area, the roof top closing over him.
    The tall man in black stepped free of the cupola, dropping to the ground with a faint flare of his cape and then he proceeded to stalk down the hallway towards the library.
    It was exactly at the right time that he stepped through the door into the room to see who had responded.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    After a summons from Batman, Hal Jordan floats into the Library at the Hall of Justice, his emerald nimbus glowing in the darkened Halls of the old HQ of the Justice League. Using his ring, Hal sets himself down on the floor, and with a flash of willpower, dismisses his green shield, landing without a sound. Walking the rest of the way, Hal heads into the room, his face deep in thought.

Supergirl has posed:
For once it seems Supergirl has something to talk about beside her discomfort trying to blend in with humanity. Sun lamps do their wonders, the maid of might in fighting form again after her recent tussle. Her cape flairs behind her as she paces the library, a touch early rather than risking the Dark Minute Counter's ire by being tardy. Time is crime after all-or something like that.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana was also in the library, she was wearing a comfortable dark blue robe over her armor beneath and she was wandering up and down the rows of books, her eyes roaming over them as she searched and browsed. She paused when she found one that she was intrigued by. The book was pulled from its nestled spot and she started to read it while she waited for the others to gather. Supergirl caught her attention first when she saw that cape fluttering behind the young Kryptonian. Diana showed her smile and a soft nod, then she looked to Hal as he also arrived and her right hand came up to wave gently toward him.

Batman has posed:
    Looking at each in turn, Batman addresses them at the glance. "Wonder Woman. Lantern. Supergirl." His tone is that steady even rumble as he walks in. For a bare instant his lips purse slightly, a glance spared at the door. His hand comes up, appearing from the depths of the cloak as he considers the data display on the inside of his wrist then he shakes his head and turns back to them.
    "I won't waste your time." He says to them, moving further into the room towards the central table where the multi-media holographic display rests in the center. He'll key it to life with the touch of a fingertip. The display springs to life, brilliant and green above the table floating in the now dimmed room, a simple depiction of earth. Then with another keystroke seventy four different hot spots illuminate with small flags upon the planet.
    "These are the known locations of Apokolipsian technology being recovered from unsanctioned forces and operatives." Another keystroke opens up and the display widens further to highlight 284 more highlighted areas. "These are the likely locations that the technology may have been transported to."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Noting that Diana had beat him to it, Hal smiles, and nods. "Diana! Good to see you. I see that Batman has summoned us once again. Must be important. He used 5 words this time." Hal shakes his head, and walks towards the edge of the "coffee tables" noting that there were a lot of books here. Huh.

    Looking over at Kara, Hal nods his head respectfully, and says, "Good evening Kara! Nice to see you too! Looks like quite a few of us were asked here..."

    That was when Batman began to speak. Shushing himself, Hal takes a quick moment to wink at Supergirl, then smile at Diana as he crosses his arms across his chest. Getting serious, Hal listens to what Batman has to say. His frown grows deeper, and deeper as Batman continues.

    "Apokolipsian technology..." Hal trails off. "This is good work Batman..." Hal looks sideways at Kara, as Hal almost said "Bruce". "Have we got a lead on the bad guys that have acquired this? The Corps will want them taken down, and this technology confiscated. Fast."

Power Girl has posed:
    Like most times, Power Girl arrives when least expected. Is it some matter that needs attending? Is it super urgent? Is something horrible the matter? No, instead, it's the usual.

    "Frat Bro Necromancers." she exclaims, as she enters the hall. She'd seen on the JL feed that a number of people were gathering in the Library. As someone who rarely pays attention to scheduled meeting times- so cavalier is she- she momentarily is worried that she's missing some mandatory JL policy update.

    Idly, Power Girl fumes as she enters the library and takes a seat unceremoniously, offering no greetings but managing to excuse her tardiness- as if this were some organized meeting that had been called- by stating: "I apologize, I apparently had to handle a set of magically inclined sentient popped collars on the streets of Metropolis, because nobody just robs banks anymore."

Supergirl has posed:
"Apokolipsian...I wonder if Power Boy could help track it all down, he's from there." Supergirl suggests and looks at Power Girl, double taking after a moment. "Weird, I had a demon problem the other day, I wonder if the magical uptick is connected to all the tech Batman's finding?" She wonders and links her hands behind her back, under her cape as she stretches a little where she stands.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"It would seem so." Diana quietly said in response to Hal as she approaches with the others. When Batman's display activates, her eyes go to it and she watches quietly while closing that book she'd pulled to her her blue robe and crossing her arms over it. Diana's eyes travel from one speaker to the next, she offers Power Girl a small smile when she arrives and then looks back to Batman. Sound questions had already been asked, so the Princess remained dutifully observant for now, but otherwise silent.

Batman has posed:
    As Power Girl enters she gets a nod from the Bat, but he waits for some of the chatter to die down before he replies. He steps to the side of the display so that he can get eyes on each individual, though his own are hidden in the depths of the mask and in the dimmed room. "I sent the message because I need assets who can make a sweep of the areas."
    He touches a button and then a display comes up, a schematic that splits open in an animated movement that slowly repeats, the object blowing up and compressing back down after a handful of moments. A sensor of some kind. "I've been able to isolate the energy signature of the most common weapons and equipment we encountered. But the range of the sensor is..." He looks around, brow furrowing slightly, "Lamentable."
    He gestures to the display, "Going to need a team of three to make the sweeps, only have that many sensors currently. More in a week's time."
    And there he pauses, then adds. "Questions?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    As Power Girl arrives, Hal fires a sideways glance at her, and chuckles. "Subtle and covert as always PG. Welcome aboard. Bats was just getting us up to speed on some Apokolipsian technology. Good times. We'll probably need your super muscles."

    Hal looks over at Supergirl, and grins. "Well, three sets of super muscles it seems. Power Boy could help, I am sure. Looks like Bats has called out the big guns." A long pause.

    Hal's eyes find Diana. "Why do I feel under represented in the muscle department all of a sudden?" With a sly smile at Diana, a wink at Kara, and a grin at PG, Hal sighs. "Good thing I have the most powerful weapon in the Universe huh?" Hal holds up his ring finger, while maintaining his crossed arms.

    Hal returns his attention to the display, and to Batman's briefing. Pointing to the energy signature, Hal says, "My ring can pick that up. Just name the time and place, and I'm there." He thumbs towards the big guns, PG, Diana, Supergirl. "I'll leave it to them to provide the muscle. I am sure my ring can pick that up." Hal nods towards the data.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl notes the younger blonde's doubletake, but she doesn't really address that as much as the statement that follows. "I have no idea, but to be honest, I would rather a demon. I would rather a demon every day, than risen corpses with beer-hats and bongs." She's exaggerating, of course, but that's sort of what she does.

    "I'm getting the sense that -finding- them is probably the easy part. What do we do once we have them, and how do we -stop- them." she asks, looking over at Bats. "I'm assuming you wouldn't have brought this forward unless you at least had an idea or two on what to -do- about them, necessarily? I also assume that the solution doesn't involve just squeezing all of them until they no longer work properly."

Supergirl has posed:
"Of course he has a solution, it's Batman. He likely has different suggestions depending on who goes and none of them read as good as if he just did it himself, but no one has the time for that." Supergirl notes and shifts her weight to the other side, leaning again and looking at Hal. "It's ok, Hal. You're strong for a human." She offers by way of encouragement and looks between Batman and Diana. "I'm in, beats magical demon mouth rays."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's eyes remain on the presentation that Batman was giving them, she made a very soft and concerned frown at some of the information he was yielding but she trusted in those that she gathered herself with here today to find a way to fix the problem. At Hal, her eyes rose, she gave him a soft smirk. "Yes." She said to him. "Use your ring to summon more muscles, Hal, if you must." She softly jested with the Lantern. Karen's questions were heard, Diana admired Power Girl's depth in thinking and fearless speaking-up... and then Kara's words make Diana smile so big that she has to dip her chin down toward her collarbone to hide the amusement some, juuuust in case Batman were to see her reaction to Supergirl's words about him.

Batman has posed:
    For a moment, Batman affixes Supergirl with that momentary glower which truly is little more than just the man's attention with all the weight of regard that entails. But then a nod is given towards Hal as Batman makes notation on the display on his inner wrist, "I'll get back to you with a time to execute the operation." He looks up, turning his head between them. "I'm thinking tomorrow evening, 18:00 hours, EST. Works for most of the locations if we maintain a counter-rotation sweep."
    He shifts his attention towards Power Girl and gives a nod, "Deconstructing, secure the power sources for disposal. That's where Lantern comes in as well." He gestures with one heavy gauntlet to the display, "Also..."
    Four red dot gleam into life, displayed on several continents. "There may be an opposing force once we get under way." He looks between them, "Someone, or something, has been mentally manipulating some leading paragons of the technological field, coming at the gathering of these weapons from another angle. It is likely they'll have support."
    Then towards Diana he adds, "Also, if you would contact your home, Wonder Woman. We may need clearance to pass near during our sweep."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Looking over at PG, Hal says, "I hear you PG. A demon would be easier than dealing with all this Apokolipsian technology. Finding them is the easy part. I agree." Hal's nod, and then a glance over at Kara maintains his train of thought. "Well, Batman may be good, but he can't deal with every eventuality. That is why he called us in. The Big Guns, so to speak."

    Hal tries not to take Kara's words as an insult, instead taking them as a compliment. "Thanks Kara." Hal flexes, and winks. "Gotta stay in shape. These tights would look terrible without an eight-pack." Hal chuckles, and shakes his head as Diana chimes in. "Et tu, Brutus?." Hal winks, letting Diana know he knew she was teasing.

    Staring at the screen, Hal listens to the briefing, simply nodding, and absorbing the details. With his willpower, Hal ensures the ring was recording everything for further use. Not that he would need it. "NP with securing the Apokolipsian technology Bats. With their help", Hal nods to each woman in turn, "...this should be a walk in the park. Great work. Although I'm a bit concerned with the "mental" manipulation" part." Hal nods respectfully.

Power Girl has posed:
    The way the two handle this particular meeting highlights a lot of the difference between Power Girl and Supergirl. Not that anyone knows to make the comparison yet. Power Girl may have arrived griping about something almost immaturely, but when it came down to it, she hardened up.

    Her focus sort of precludes making jokes, for a period of time- until, that is, Supergirl chimes in in a way that somewhat uniquely affects Power Girl. The younger one spoke the exact thing that the older blonde had been thinking. Because of that, she's incredibly vulnerable, and for half a moment she offers this light snirking snicker. It takes her half out of the moment.

    This is why when Hal speaks up again about being in shape, her only response is, "A buddy of mine saw Hal Jordan take his shirt off in the shower, and said he had an eight pack. He said Hal Jordan was Shredded." The tone says it all, but Hal asked for it, if nothing else.

    A quick clear of her throat brings her back to SeriousTown (Occupation: Batman. Always Batman.) before Bats has to properly call the meeting to order again. She offers this nod then, having kept up. "Yes, definitely, that is the exact thing that needed to be said about it. Now we'll be facing insurmountable odds. Again. Hal." Her attention snaps to the man that jinxed them for half a moment before she resumes.

    "For what it's worth, STAR Labs hasn't really been going after any of these, that I know of. I wanted to steer clear of them until we knew that they were relatively safe to handle before anyone took them in. We shouldn't have to deal with the 'homefront', as it were, in that regard. I don't know about anyone else."

Supergirl has posed:
"I'm sure my umm, friend knows a few safe ways to dispose of the tech, he is playing for our team now." Kara suggests and crosses her arms under her chest, keeping her weight back in her heels as she tries to carry off as more adult like under the full Bat Stare. "But I'll be happy to play defense while Hal mine sweeps for the alien doo-dads." She tries to avoid looking at her other self, that's just distracting.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's eyes rose again when Batman spoke directly to her, she had taken care of the smile and was all serious faced again. A little nod of her head and blink of her eyes at his request to contact her home. "They will be alerted." She replied to him in her Greek flavored voice. At Hal's words, Diana showed another faint smirk at what he said to her and then at Batman. "I am not sure this will be a walk in the park... but one can hope." And thats when she heard talk of Hal shirtless from Peej, another smal grin was shown. "Pictures or it did not happen." The Themysciran quietly responded to that, amused by it--but she had to stay focused!

At Kara, Diana placed her blue eyes. "Power Boy, yes?" She asked. "You should bring him to speak with Batman on this matter. It sounds as though he could be an... ace in the sleeve?" Diana glanced around to make sure that was the right turn of phrased, she'd gone to a few poker parties in her many years, but that was knowledge she jsut did not put a lot of brain power toward fully retaining.

Batman has posed:
    "As am I." Batman says those three words in responds to Hal's statement about his concern on the mental manipulation. He looks back at the display and frowns markedly, clearly unhappy with that lack of intelligence. But then he leans forwards and touches the side of the display again, the monitor flickering back to darkness as the lights come back on to their full illumination in the library.
    Towards Power Girl he gives a nod and adds, "I've been running the numbers on the forces that Apokolips used to hit us and the amount of equipment that we're seeing. Even considering a minimal amount of destroyed equipment and loss, we are still seeing a likely sum that surpasses what seems feasible. Which leaves two alternatives."
    He looks towards Diana perhaps meaningfully as if she might have insight into what had passed not too long ago, "There were either equipment caches on earth, or someone is manufacturing more."
    Then he folds his arms over his chest, the cape spilling over them and the symbol upon his chest becoming visible for a bare moment. "I'll meet back here tomorrow and we'll begin the operation. If you're able to contact Superman, let him know of the operation. Everyone clear?" He takes his time to look between them all.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan looks at PG, laughs, ALMOST turns red, and shakes his head, "Well, it's all true." Hal says, "Thanks for the backup PG. I appreciate it." As PG continues, Hal adds sheepishly. "Sorry. Didn't mean to jinx it."

    Hal adds. "After all, insurmountable odds are what we are best at. Seems to be par for the course. Better to expect it than be surprised."

    Hal looks over at Kara, as she continues. "Good point Kara." Hal looks over at Batman, and supports what Supergirl had said, "I can do a sweep. My ring is set for picking up Apokolipsian technology. Should be no problem."

    As Batman talks about tomorrow, Hal nods. "Sounds good. I'll be here. Ready to go." Hal then grins and adds, "With these incredible women behind me, how could we go wrong?"

Power Girl has posed:
    Shrugging quietly, Power Girl seems to accept Hal's apology. "Nobody ever does, Hal." she chides- but, obviously in jest- "Nobody ever does." Her attention returns to Batman, despite a momentary glance over at Supergirl, whose use of the word 'friend' is at least obvious enough that Power Girl will sort of... Get it.

    She draws attention from that, though, by speaking up again as soon as she can. "Well, I've got a five-fingered Hello to give him the next time I see him, because he only ever gets the straightforward, not-embarrassing stuff to deal with, but I get, need I mention, Necbromancers. I'll be looking for him to... Get in touch, soon." Whether or not the level to which she is upset at Superman for not having handled the Frat Boys earlier in the day is unclear. In all likelihood, she's kidding and it was just her turn to handle whatever had come up in Metropolis- but that doesn't mean she's not going to gripe about it.

    "Hal." she says, after that, snapping her head to the side. "If you say 'what could go wrong' ever again, I will -show- you." she mock threatens, but in all fairness, he'd jinxed it again.

Supergirl has posed:
"I vote if Hal jinxed us he's the first to get literally shredded. I've had my fill lately of being roadkill." Kara says flatly and looks at Karen. "Demon mouth rays are apparently still considered magic." She looks at Batman and nods before adding-you could just say something mean about him to get his attention. That guy hears everything. Sometimes I'll say like, wow, Kal's starting to sag around the eyes, he must be getting old-and then call. He picks right up. Usually with a lecture about saying nice things."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would gently nod her head toward Batman, she knew all too well the damages that that alien technology was having on this world. It had fallen from the hands of their defeated foes from another star system and been summarily swiped up by the foes they face here on Earth. "We will stop them." Diana said back to Bruce, eyeing him as she knew he was preparing to go. She glanced down for a moment and then looked to the other three as they interacted, which was endeering and fun to hear their banter. Diana would turn then and move back to the bookshelf she pulled the tome from, she unfolded her arms and went to slide it back into its comfortzone.

Batman has posed:
    At the agreements given in their various forms, Batman nods in acknowledgement. He lowers his arms back to his sides, the cape seeming to curl around him and obscure the man partially even as he stands there. Another nod is added as he murmurs, "Then I'll leave you to it then."
    He turns back and away, moving towards the door with silent footsteps. He'd given them the information and asked for their help in his own inimitable way. Nothing further to be gained until the time had come to pass. A few steps took him to the door, it slid open, and then once through it he was gone.