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Rising Tide: Party in Medical!
Date of Scene: 12 February 2018
Location: Avengers Mansion, New York City
Synopsis: Vindicator from Alpha Flight stops in to see Tony Stark, in an attempt to counter the damage done by Rising Tide. Unfortunately, everyone else stops in too, without such grandiose reasons.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Vindicator, Deadpool, Wolverine, Hawkeye (Barton), Black Widow (Romanoff)
Tinyplot: Rising Tide

Iron Man has posed:
As the Avengers know, Tony is supposed to be healing and resting. As they also know, he is working hard (...from medbay) and sometimes isn't quite following the exact wording of either of those things.

Word was deployed well in advance (a whole day in advance) that an Alpha Flight representative, Vindicator, was going to be arriving midday on Monday, as she is working with the Avengers to restore communications worldwide. They (well, Tony at the very least) have some tech and notes to go over with her. Be nice.


Hopefully SOMEBODY will respond when she arrives. Tony is unconscious in medbay, possibly from having overdone it to an extreme for, well, ALL of the night. But surely one of the Avengers will pick up the ball and run with it in more or less the correct direction, as internal communications relay some alerts about the situation.

Vindicator has posed:
Right smack on the nose of 'afternoon', Heather arrives. She and Mac had made some progress with what they'd already been given by Tony, and with any luck, this little meeting of theirs would firm up the rest of the details necessary to help these disparate sources join forces and take back what Rising Tide had stolen.

Of course, all that supposed someone answered the door when she knocked. Thankfully she's dressed for the weather.

Deadpool has posed:
In a flash of light, Deadpool appears. One moment, there was a quiet little corner of Medbay, with nothing going on, no distractions, and the next minute, a black and red masked individual in some kind of kinky BDSM suit appeared. He was holding his Stark phone in one hand, the eyes, those big white ones on his mask, narrowed as he spoke. His lips moved under the mask, but were surprisingly expressively. "Tony," he began, speaking in a fair approximation of a Desi Arnaz accent, the man who played Enrique Alberto Fernando y de Acha 'Ricky' Ricardo III on a little show called 'I Love Lucy,' before adding, "I'm home! And if you don't fix my internet soon, I'm gonna wrap you up in brown paper and mail you to Abu Dhabi. And that's an ultimatum!"

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan arrives on scene, with a bottle of Canadian Whiskey, and a deck of cards. Today, he had no idea that Heather was coming, or that anything was out of the ordinary. Logan simply saw this as an opportunity to beat Stark at cards, and win a few bucks to pay for repairs on his hog. She had seen better days...

    Moving into the room where Stark was laying, and ignoring Deadpool with a dirty look, Logan announces himself with a loud comment, and a..."Stark! Enough faking it. Let's have a few hands o' cards, and a few drinks, and that will get you up and around again!" Logan grins, and moves up besides the bed. Leaning forward, Logan's alcohol and cigar infused breath says, "Hello!" A look at DP. "Don't say it Wade."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint had just arrived when the Mansion security alerts him of the arrival Vindicator, so when the bell rings he's right by the door, turning and opening it for her. "Hey," he greets. The Avenger is in street clothes, racing jacket, jeans, t-shirt, no purple tights and cowl today. "You must be the person from Alpha Flight, right? Vindicator?" he says with a smile. "Well, I'm Clint, and Tony's up stairs, so if you want to come with I'll take you to him," he says with a smile before leading her through the mansion to the medbay.

"Hey, T. We've got company," he calls as he walks into the room, and boy do they ever, it's getting crowded. "Guess the party really does follow you doesn't, Tony?" he remarks with a smirk. "Also, folks this is Vindicator."

Vindicator has posed:
Heather was /just/ about to knock again when the door is opened, and leaves her in imminent danger of possibly rapping her knuckles into Clint's chest. Thankfully she catches herself in time, and retrieves the errant knock before it becomes reality, and lowers her hand. "Hello yourself. Clint, is it? I wondered if Tony would remember I was coming. He was looking rather rough when I last was talking to him." Last night. "And Heather will be fine, thank-you. No reason to stand on ceremony. I'm not saving the world today. Just plotting. It's all good."

She does, however, come in, as others might appreciate not heating the outdoors as her mother was wont to say when folks would stand with the door open.

"Just me today. Mac's back on the station handling the rest of the setup. Is it just us?"

Iron Man has posed:
Tony wasn't faking. He was asleep. All of this is certainly enough to end THAT, though, in a really big hurry. He wakes and orients pretty rapidly, as if often waking up to yelling and noises. And people wanting things. Though usually he has a bit more bandwidth to play with. He squints a little at them and pulls a spare pillow from his left up and over his face, grumbling something that all the super-hearing people will still get loud and clear: "At least it's obvious I'm not /dreaming/," BLAH. "Yes, your porn supply is a priority," to Wade.

Logan gets a stare, and then Tony relents. Whiskey is involved. "There's glasses behind you, under that medical tray," Tony supplies. Priorities.

Tony drops the pillow and rubs his face, and struggles to sit up. He looks like he was up all night. And the same gray color that Heather enjoyed over the comms the previous day. Possibly worse. His quips are even suffering. "Welcome in person, Vindicator," Tony says, tiredly, but summons up a big smile from his pocket dimension where he keeps all of his endless supply of bravado and arrogance.

Deadpool has posed:
Many people, especially the man himself, love to point out that Tony Stark is a genius, and in this instance, he came up with the perfect comeback for Wade. He lowered the bar, and made it so easy, that to reply in kind would be so easy as to not be interesting. Wade could have said any number of things about his alleged porn supply, but not one of them would have been worthwhile. Even Wade had some professional standards. Instead, he turns his attention on the Wolverine.

"Hey Anthony, what's wrong with Wolvie?" Moving over, he proves that Deadpool has either a death wish, or absolutely no fear, as he brings his gloved hand up and behind Logan, as if to pat the shorter Canadian on the back, except the hand curls into a fist, knuckle first, boring its way into Logan's thick, porcupine like black hair, noogie-ing him. Yes, Deadpool is not long for this world, "cheer up, ya old softie, I'll play cards with ya, and I promise not to cheat... unless I get caught." He believed that they were old friends. He was so very, very wrong. His tombstone should read 'He regretted nothing'.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan snorts, and shakes his head as Tony points him towards glasses. "Least ah'm not smokin' tha' cigar I had earlier." Logan puts the whiskey into his brown leather jacket inside pocket, and says, "Ah'll save that fer later than Tony. No use wasting it on everyone." Logan steps back, and watches as there are several more people who arrive.

    That was when Wade decides to do his thing. Logan almost stabs Wade in anger as he gets noogied. His right claws come halfway out, and he only resists stabbing the man because Logan could tell Heather was there. He could smell her.

    Spluttering loudly, Logan pries himself out of Wade's grip, and glares at the man. Pushing a hand through his hair in a failed attempt to fix it, Logan straightens up, and shakes his head. Glaring at Wade, he points a finger it him, and says, "Karma's a bitc*, Wade. And she rides a pale horse."

    Turning at the sounds of the new arrivals, and spotting Heather behind Clint, Logan moves fast, and grabs Heather in a big hug! Lifting her from the ground, he says, "Heather! Well, as I live and breath! It's so good to see you!" Squeezing a bit too much, Logan takes a deep breath, and remembers her smell. "Yep. It's you! Heh. Sorry. It's good to see you." Blushing slightly, Logan puts Heather down and releases her. Stepping back, a bit sheepishly, Logan retain his smile.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint looks around the room, Tony is bed, Wade being Wade, Wolverine coming to greet Heather with a hug! Well, that was new. Clint steps aside to little furry stab guy do that, smiling to the pair of them, "So I guess you've met?" He looks to Wade and Tony. "And I think everyone knows these two, and if that's all the introducing I have to do, I think I heard someone mention scotch when I came in here?"

Vindicator has posed:
Tony's sick room was a lot more crowded then she expected it to be, but the largest surprise was the big bear hug of a greeting for no other than.. well, old friend was the simplest designation. She's hugged, fiercely, and laughs, half expecting him to swing her around in a circle, even if there really isn't probably enough room in here to do that, but she expects it. And when he sets her down, she cups his face gently, letting her fingers rest there with a fondness, "As you live and breathe, Logan. It's been too long. We've missed you." Leaning to give his cheek a kiss before letting him go and turning to the rest of the group.

"I see. When Tony says he's inviting a few others, he really means we're having a party. I'd have brought the beer had I known. As for ceremony, please, don't stand upon it. Heather works."

Wade is noted, and given a headshake and a chuckle. "Hello to you too."

"Tony. Nice to see you're still with us. Is this all of us, then?"

Deadpool has posed:
"That look's all wrong for her. With her tropical tan, she should be riding a black horse. And it's not cool to talk about her like that just because she turned you down. She's not into guys, okay? And besides, isn't Karma a bit young for you? I mean sure, Nabi Tajima's a bit young for you, but I think you know what I mean." What the hell was Wade talking about? It was so hard to tell, but all of that was directed at Logan.

Deadpool's thought bubbles began to talk amongst themselves, with one of them saying, . O O (Holy shit, he moves from jailbait to incest?). Another voice in his head said, . o O (it's not incest if she's married to his cousin). And yet a third said, . o O (I believe that Guardian is his first cousin, once removed, and that's in a different universe).

He shakes the hand offered by Vindicator, and afterwards raises that hand into a salute, "Hail Fearless Leader. Agent Pool ready for duty. Is it time to initiate Operation Maple Syrup yet?" He eyed Clint and Tony, the only Americans in the room, and immediately began speaking French, well, it wasn't French. It like someone who thought they could speak French, speaking French, but it was really gibberish.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The alarms go off in the monitor room, indicating an intruder in the mansion. Natasha happens to be on duty and she quickly pushes a button to pull up the video of where the intruder is so she can prepare to engage or call in reinforcements. While systems are sporadic for communications, at least they have alarms and cameras for the moment.
    Not the front door. Vindicator was expected and identified by the system.
    "Wade, what the h--" She doesn't finish the sentence as she types in a code to okay the visitor. Seems to be a party going on in Tony's room. She hated missing a good party.
    She pushed out her chair and headed upstairs, wandering into the room with a light knock on the door as she does so. "Good afternoon, everyone. Hope you don't mind another."

Iron Man has posed:
"Wow, hey; very important, very ill people are in here, I'm told. So, if you're going to scream and braid each other's hair next, please take that outside of class into the hallway by the lockers," Tony reacts to the explosive lifting and hugging almost on top of him, eyebrows lifting sky high, tone playful, not mean. He's collected himself to a degree now, though, thankful for the distraction: but now the limelight needs to come back to Tony. Of course.

"These parties show up suddenly from the bushes like a stalker, sometimes," Tony remarks to Clint. "The /intentional/ parties, I promise, are far better," Tony chuckles to Vindicator, with a smile. "But I have your party favor, anyhow, Heather," he promises her. "With some new updates. Spared no expense... or sleep. This isn't /all/ of the big brains I'd mentioned, I don't know where Vision is, probably inside a wall -- so, just mine here. But that's more than enough for this."

Tony has collected himself to slide out of the medical bed. He does it a bit suddenly, as if half expecting somebody to lunge at him to sedate him. Again. And don't worry, he's dressed, like a teenager that was ready to climb out the window despite being 'in bed.'

"Over.... ah... Here." A wince did occur, and he tenses, but crosses the medical bay with confidence to his walk, angling a machine with a large dangling apparatus out of the way with one hand to get at a pile of technical debris that obviously isn't debris. He bends over it, #44 of things Tony shouldn't be doing after surgery. "So, let me remove my test leads from this one; my compiling finished earlier."

Wolverine has posed:
    With a smile, and a nod, Logan regards Heather thoughtfully as he lowers her to the ground. Blushing from the kiss, Logan smiles, truly smiles. "Umm. Yeah. Sorry." Ah yes, a Canadian. A lot of memories played across his face as he regards the woman who was one of the few women who could elicit such an emotional...a positive emotional, response from him. Her laughter always made him smile.

    That didn't stop Logan from giving Wade another dark, deadly look though, as he tosses it Wade's way. He almost spoiled the moment. Trying to follow Wade's comments, Logan simply blinks, shakes his head, and says, "Yer lucky I tolerate you Wade. A mile a minute...man..." Logan grunts, and shakes his head. Again.

    "Est te, de câlice." Logan says, and says, "English works better. Not fake French." Logan turns and says, "Hey Clint. Nat." Smiling at the two other Avengers present, Logan says, "Nice ta' see ya'." Logan grins, and looks at Stark over his shoulder. "Looks like ya' got stuff ta' talk about. Ah'll leave ya' alone to get to it." Logan nods, winks at the girls each in turn, and heads towards the door.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"They probably hide there with the actual stalkers," Clint says about the impromptu parties. "And I've been to the other kind Tony, I think we all know how awesome they are," he says with a little roll of his eyes. He eyes the Canadian contingent with a smirk, saying in an aside to Tony. "Looks like us red blooded Americans are getting outnumbered," he says before Nat walks in. "And now the Russians are invading," that's loud enough for his partner to hear and he says it with a smile. "Hey Nat, joining team Canada or team USA?" he asks, as he steps out of the way in the small space to let Tony go unplug his toys.

Vindicator has posed:
There's a sudden look of disappointment when Logan announces his leaving, though she catches his eye in a 'later' look, before turning her smile back upon the others, pausing to scold Tony, "Are you quite certain you should be out of bed? I'm sure the rest of us can behave like grown-ups and come hover around you instead of you tripping about and threatening to collapse on us." Yeah, that's the mom voice, complete with the stern little glance she saves for when she wishes to impart 'you're disappointing me' to one of her teammates, or equally 'I expected better of you'.

Clint's suggestion of picking sides gets a shake of head, even as Heather turns to greet the last member she's not met. "Hi. Hopefully you've come to save me from all the testosterone. I was afraid a poker game was about to break out. Or a fist fight." Given the noogie, and Logan's temperament. "And me without my Crown Royal bag of change."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Both," comes Natasha's response as she takes up a spot near the wall by the door. Too many people crowding the space really. She tries to keep an eye on Wade without obviously keeping an eye on Wade. Not that she's worried about him. She's more worried for him in a crowd of people that sometimes are a little tempermental and are almost always armed.
    Wait, maybe that was just her.
    No, there were a couple more of them represented in the room. Although her Little Uncle was heading for the exit. She gave him a quick smile and a nod. At Vindicator's words, she turns her direction. "I only came for the poker game. There isn't going to be one?"

Deadpool has posed:
Moving to get a better view of the festivities, Wade makes his way to a spot near the wall by the door, and incidentally, Natasha. He mimics her posture, folding his arms when she does, leaning his back as she does, almost as if it were synchronised loitering. "I only came to ask Tony about my Stark phone and why I can't play my Hello Kitty mobile game anymore. And to annoy Logan. But that's a side thing. Sasqautch, Northstar, and Puck have me on retainer. I think they have a bet on how long he can go before he figures out a way to kill me in such a way that I stay dead."

Iron Man has posed:
"I'm willing to share my stalker list, Clint, really, if you want to try to coax some over, but I don't know that they'd be easy to un-cling. I mean, logic doesn't apply to someone that leaps from hiding to try to squeeze an armored ass, does it. But you gotta admire the spirit behind that one."

Out of bed? "I absolutely should not be," Tony agrees with her freely. "Don't tell anyone armed with sedatives," Tony says lightly as he unclips the comm device and squats to pull a sleek silver case from under the short table, standing and putting the object in it for her. He turns away to cough heavily a few times into his sleeve, using the table for stability, and artfully masks the sleeve from anyone's view as he lowers the hand, rolling that sleeve up quickly. Getting this machine dealt with is first, he can deal with falling apart after. If there's ever any downtime. "Oh-kay. So we were going to go over the specs on that toy." A side comment, "Hello Kitty? You can play 'Frozen' match-three here if you want, internally. I couldn't tell you WHY that one, other than that my after-surgery drugs were pretty magical," To Wade.

Wolverine has posed:
    With a nod to Heather, and a smile and wink towards Nat, Logan heads out the door. Heading down the stairs, he exits and jumps on his motorcycle. Now, for the long drive back to the Mansion in Westchester. Grabbing his helmet, Logan tries to put it on his head, but finds that it won't fit. Feeling for what the issue is, Logan notices something wrong...

    When Deadpool noogied him, he decided to put pym particle shrunk giant Minnie Mouse ears in Logan's hair...with the particles finally wearing off, Logan now appears to be a mouse...so the helmet wouldn't fit. A scream of "WADE!" penetrates the building and to the ears of everyone within the building...followed by the sounds of the hog leaving the vicinty.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Oh come on Nat, get with the jingoism. And yes, I know what the word means, looked it up and everything" he says before leaving his partner to babysit Wade while he goes to babysit Tony. He follows to the machines, asking, "Anything I can do to help, besides stopping you from falling on your face I mean? And, really, they squeezed the suit? Points for effort, none for sense." He shakes his head.

Logan's shout of Wade, has him looking up. "What in the heck?" he asks glancing at Deadpool.

Vindicator has posed:
Tony continues to get the maternal glare of 'don't make me put you back to bed young man', but is saved having to do so by Clint. Which allows her to nod at Nat. "I was beginning to wonder about that myself. Both seemed likely. And while I wouldn't turn down a game under normal circumstances, I think someone would be slightly miffed if I didn't return with the rest of what we need to do our part in setting this replacement network up."

Wade, she scolds, "You. Another one who hasn't been home. Do I have to hunt you boys down and bring you back. Bribe you with cookies or something? I swear, the two of you are terrible. There are actual cobwebs in your rooms." (There aren't, but it's a statement on how long theyve been gone that she suggests there are).

Heather makes her way over to Tony's bedside proper now, perching on the end of it to make it easier for him to spread out and share the specs with all. "So. Tell me what we're looking at here."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    She has no idea what Wade did. She's sure it was funny. Natasha will have to ask him later. She gives a glance in his direction, arching a brow. "He may find a way if you keep playing pranks on him," she murmurs softly. "Although you assured me Death won't take you so he would have to cut a deal with her. Can that even be done?"
    She glances over at Tony as he coughs and frowns at something. Suddenly she is pushing off the wall and moving closer, looking like she is interested in whatever work he's doing. Maybe she's backing up Clint. In truth, she has her eyes on that sleeve as she bides her time.

Deadpool has posed:
"You have drugs? You magnificent bastard, I can't have psychoactive drugs, or any other kind, since I became a mutant." Wade is not a mutant. "My mutant healing factor fixes it so that they don't work anymore." Wade does have a healing factor, but there's nothing mutant about it. "That's why mutants like Logan and I don't drink alcohol much." Logan is a mutant, but Wade is not. This is not in doubt. It has been conclusively proven on numerous occasions. "We get all the nasty taste, without any of the fun side effects." Logan actually seems to like the taste, though no one seems to know why.

Wade replied to Clint with a simple phrase. It sounded similar to a popular one, though he might have had it messed up. "Bows before bros," and he said it in a Minnie Mouse like voice, likely adding to the confusion.

"I like cookies and cobwebs. Sort of a Christmas meets Halloween, oh, I know, we can all watch the Nightmare Before Christmas tonight? Sure, it's the middle of February, but that movie's so good, you can watch it anytime of the year. What kind of cookies did you say, and will there be milk? I hope it's homo." In Canada, whole milk is called homo, as in homogenised. Deadpool giggled at his own choice of words.

"It can be done, but Death and I are tight. She's never going to let me die. I make her laugh too much," he replied to Natasha, talking about Death as normally as if she were on his speed dial. Strangely, she was. The internet might be down, but somehow, he still managed to talk to the afterlife, or whatever it's called. Though it wasn't yet covered by his roam like home plan, so it was expensive as all hell.

Continuing to mimic Natasha's movements, he pushed off the wall and moved closer, even swinging his hips the way Natasha did. Though he had no interest on that sleeve. He was doing it all for the judges, hoping that the French one wasn't bribed to give their synchronised loitering a poor score.

Iron Man has posed:
"Yeah, have a staple gun at the ready. I keep tearing things," Tony teases Clint. And like most teases about himself, the end is loaded in some awful truth being played off as nothing. Like tearing open things internally to cough blood? Those things. "I do not remember this being so bad the first time. But I was unconscious in a cave, so there's that," Tony chatters while he sets up two data-pads for what he expects to go over with Heather.

Clint does offer to help. WELL.... Tony's fine to delegate. "...You want to do this? Just a checklist on which comms will be pointing where, and some data-entry homework," Tony says, offering the tech pads over to Clint or Nat, with some dizzy, mixed indifference that's actually coming from that he /might/ fall over. Maybe this time he won't bash his chest on something, since it's so crowded. He doesn't like sitting, though: the showman in him has him standing, and gesturing!

"The essential part is, we're using these subspace relays to get around what Rising Tide is doing, and move to fix it. Key being our Alpha Flight friends here with their satellites. And the groups I've got now on earth-side to stabilize what comes back up. We just need enough of us all working together, and we'll crack it. And then we'll have drinks." He snaps his fingers. And adds a bold smile. After all, he's Tony Stark. He'll make it happen!

And he suppresses the cough. Because heroic statement.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint raises a brow at Wade. "Yeah, not making that any clearer, Wade," he says to him. But then after the talk at the Trisk, complete with Gilligan's Island theme , he wasn't expecting much different.

Though, when it comes to Tony, he shakes his head, "Not even funny man," he says about stapling the guy back together. "Anyhow, man, go lay down, tell me what you need and I'll bring it to you, either that or I'm calling Wanda," he says shooting Heather an apologetic look, her she was getting a look at the inner workings of the Avengers. It's sort of like watching a sausage getting made.

Vindicator has posed:
Heather gives Clint an understanding look. "I feel like I haven't even left home," she murmurs to him with a gentle smile. Telling Tony, "While I'll give you staples are used, I think we might want to keep you from performing such acts of first aid upon yourself, and your medical team might thank us all for leaving you at least as good a state as when we arrived."

She nods to the rest, peering over what he shows her. This is really what she's come for, even if the social networking is nice. "So, what I can tell you is from what we see on our end, this is totalloy doable. If this is what you're offering, we've got a good chance at fixing some of this.

"If you come home, Wade, we'll hold a Halloween Christmas just for you." Or some sort of gathering. Parties of any sort were always good for morale. "Maybe for March break? Or if we beat back this Rising Tide menace before then?" She's hoping for 'before then'.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    Natasha reaches out a hand and pulls down that sleeve, seeing the stain before she hides it again. Then she frowns at Tony and the friendly redhead is no longer there. Instead, the Widow is apparent as her green eyes go hard. "Dammit, Tony. You are the smartest idiot I've ever met. Bed. Now."
    Only, she isn't waiting for an answer. Instead she grasps his hand and twists it around sharply, into a compliance hold. Basically he will comply or she will break his wrist. It's better than letting him kill himself. With that hold, she will steer him back to the bed and force him to at least sit down on the edge of it.
    As he does so, she releases the hold on his wrist. Her other hand comes up to rest on his upper arm. He will feel a sharp jab of a needle although there is no sign of one. Something is injected into his system.
    Natasha steps back and crosses her arms. "You have a few minutes before it takes full effect so talk fast. And try to get out of that bed again, I'll shoot you in the leg."

Deadpool has posed:
As Tony explains his scientific solutions to the current crisis, Deadpool's eyes light up, and then furrow. He's trying to follow along, but there's that sound of things going over his head. He then reaches into one of his pockets, finding a universal remote control, which he aims at Tony, pressing the SAP button, or second audio program, in the vain hopes that he can find the English setting for Tony's technobabble. When it doesn't work, Deadpool smacks it against his thigh, tries it again, and then opens the back, wondering if the batteries are dead, "hey, anyone got some double A's?" Looking to Black Widow and Vindicator, he adds, "I guess not," with a smile that's clear as day even through his mask.

Trying to explain and confuse Clint at the same time, Wade added, "I'm dying of laughter, practically in tears, filled with hope, and no more fears, there's so much we can share, it's time you're aware, he's a small Wolverine after all."

"Deal!" He interrupted his own little spoken poetry, this time to Heather, "Halloween in February, I love it! Can we invite the Avengers too? Please, pretty please with maple syrup on top?" He hadn't really been paying attention to the Rising Tide Menace. The biggest problem was the interruption of his mobile game apps, and the internet, and the fact he couldn't get his cat videos, or any of the other problems associated with it.

"I'd do as she said," he added for Tony's benefit, "when she sets her mind to something, she gets it, and now." Wincing as she grasps Tony's hand, he covers his eyes with his hands. "I warned you, she warned you." And then, as Tony was being injected with whatever was in the needle, "so, when you're better, can we have a superhero team up?"

Iron Man has posed:
"Hey hey, let me finish saving the world. Or at /least/, Hello Kitty for Deadpool," Tony parries with an obvious wince as he complies very quickly with Natasha's hold. Nope, no need to break wrist, he'll move!

"Whatever happened to the threats of restraints? I was ...." a pause. Woooooozy. "...Looking forward to that," Tony says, disoriented. He will sit down and scoot back into his spot, with a big burst of the suppressed bloody cough. Yeah, he'll kill himself. Maybe less if his team presses the issue.

"It'll work," Tony says to Heather with conviction. And will quietly fill her in on what she needs to know about it that needs to come out of his brain. ...Mostly. He does pass out near the end, but started on a weird tangent on superhero team ups with Wade and Lex Luthor, so that's just as well.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint smiles at Heather, "Good to see we're not the only dysfunctional superhero team," Clint says, "But you guys actually have Wade around full time so" he says with a smile thrown Wade's direction too.

When Nat takes Tony down, Clint is sighs, "Should have seen that coming," he says. "And hey, Tony, better go along with her, you're going to need the hand to save the internet."

Clint follows Nat and Tony and helps her get him into bed. Once Tony passes out, babbling about teaming up with Wade and Lex Luthor, Clint says, "Oddly, not the weirdest thing said in here today."

He shakes his heads and then looks over to Heather. "Got what you need? If not, I'll try to find it, but, I'm no Tony."

Vindicator has posed:
Heather nods, gathering all of what Tony has shown her, and explained. "Got it," she reassures both him and Clint, and rises from Tony's bed. "As for you Wade, invite anyone you wish. There's plenty of room, and if there isn't, we can camp out sleepover style in the main rooms."

With a nod to all, she heads for the door. "If you'll all excuse me, I need to do something before I return back to the Space Station. We appreciate this. And.. since Tony is out like a light, I'll make sure someone is updated as we go."

And with that, she's gone.

Deadpool has posed:
"Tony, Tony, wake up, what was that about Hello Kitty? How do I save Hello Kitty? Tony? Tony! TOONYY!" Then he beaches his hands on a table, "YOUR MEDICINE! YOU DRUGGED HIM UP! AH, DAMN YOU! ODIN DAMN YOU ALL TO NIFFLEHEIM!"

Then, he gets up, straightens his costume jacket, as if he were Captain Picard, and acts as though nothing unusual just happened. "I'm more of a special guest star than a recurring character. They can't afford my appearance fees, not with a meagre government funded budget. Plus, those space ships cost a lot of brownbacks." He would have said greenbacks, but the Canadian hundred dollar bill, the largest denomination currently being issued, was brown.

With Logan and Heather now gone, Deadpool suddenly realises it's just Natasha, Clint, the sleeping Tony, and himself. So with a grin, he holds out his wrist communicator, which is actually a Hello Kitty watch. He plays with a button on it. "Deadpool to base. Mission accomplished. The American infidels know nothing. Project Arcturus can continue unabated." Project Arcturus being the code name for Hank Scorpio's super weapon on an episode of the Simpsons. And with that, he tweaked his teleporter, disappearing in flash of light, just as he had arrived.