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Latest revision as of 05:39, 11 March 2018

A Warlock is welcomed
Date of Scene: 27 February 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gamora, Star-Lord, Adam Warlock, Rocket Raccoon

Gamora has posed:
Gamora is standing by a table with her sword drawn. She has a whole crowd of onlookers around said table as well. And ON the table are a set of ten cups all standing upside down ontop of one another in a... poorly balanced tower.

"She's never going to be able to do it. No way." Someone is whispering, while another creature is just giggling insanely.

Gamora? Sword drawn and eyes sharp... glares at the tower of cups... And in one swift motion she swings her sword through the air in a downward chopping motion and stops it just before it hits the table!

There are gasps, laughs and murmers....

Then the tower of cups parts down the middle and the pieces all clatter to the floor, entirely split from top to bottom into perfect individual halves.

The place erupts into cheers and Gamora swirls her sword around and sheathes it against her left hip.

Star-Lord has posed:
Peter Quill AKA Star-Lord is also on shore leave in Knowhere. The Guardians of the Galaxy aren't exactly hiding that they have a new job lined up and will be leaving soon, so word is easy to spread among those keeping tabs on them.

'Tonight', Star-Lord is sitting at the bar, downing some cocktail that barkeep whipped up for him. When Gamora does the sword trick though, he gives a low whistle her way, "You go, Gamora." Star-Lord compliments from across the way, before he slams the shot glass down again, "Another round, please." Star-Lord gives a glance to all the admirers, and smirks. "Looks like you might be bringing home gifts this time."

Adam Warlock has posed:
Believe it or not, Adam Warlock was in that pub as well, having a practically front row seat to see the legendary Gamora performing a show of skill with her steady blade. He wears his black and red robes, his golden hair cascading down to his shoulders in a messy, but strangely beautiful manner. Either way, even he looks mildly impressed when Gamora manages to strike those cups at the -perfect- angle.

So what does he do? He takes his staff in hand, and he approaches her.

Which may or may not be a mistake, depending on how you catch the legendary (former) warrior of the Mad Titan.

The golden wizard approaches Gamora and bows his head softly. "Greetings and safe tidings." he says in his warm-as-silk voice. "Your training serves you well. I came to offer my compliments to you, swordswoman." He smiles warmly then. "Though...If I may ask in the presence of my own curiosity, are you able to do that with anything? If so, that is extremely impressive."

His smile was kind. Though he does notice Starlord over there, but of course, he does't immediately recognize him. "Greetings to you to, companion of the swordswoman."

Gamora has posed:
Gamora is turning back toward Peter and walking toward him to her seat that had been beside his own. She gathers up her cup and shows him a smirk. "All I want from them is their credits... speaking of..."

Gamora is turning around to go get the winnings she'd earned when Adam appears. She'd seen him in the crowd, of course, but she didn't make any noteable appearance of registering his identity.

"My sword goes through many things." She replies dryly back at the man. "But it prefers to go through the heads of my enemies, the most."

And with that said she approaches a small blue alien creature with two heads and four arms. She holds her green hand out toward him. He scoffs at her and slaps the purse of credits down into her palm.

Star-Lord has posed:
"I've seen that thing carve out chunks of Jaranian soldiers, man. It really can go through everything." Peter offers as Adam compliments Gamora, "The companion is Star-Lord, leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy." Peter raises his shot glass and downs it, "You look like you've seen a few things yourself, friend." Peter turns on his stool to regard Adam fully now, laying back against the counter. "Who might you be?" Star-Lord asks.

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam smiles softly then to Gamora as she tells him that her blade mostly decimates the hordes of her enemies. "Ah, very helpful." he adds that to his knowledge base of the most dangerous woman in the galaxy...likely the universe, too, if those rumors be true.

Though he turns to let Gamora pass him with no trouble, it's Peter Quill who gets his attention next.

"Ah, the Guardians of the Galaxy. I hear many things of such an entourage of warriors." he is polite enough not to say 'some good, some bad'. He's wise enough to just leave it at that. "Me? My name is Adam. Adam Warlock." a kind smile then from the artifical creation, head bowed softly in greeting. "Many things I have seen and many things I have learned, but the universe is a vast place where life grows in unique and amazing ways."

Gamora has posed:
Gamora walks back to the bar where Quill is and she proudly shows him the fat purse of money she just earned from her 'trick' while he and Warlock exchange pleasantries. The credits are put away into a pocket on her black leather jacket and she reaches out one more for her drink, to take another sip from it.

"That name sounds familiar." Gamora then says while looking to Adam.

Her cup is lowered after the drink is had and she leans back against the bar. "I'll yield to the idea that life grows in unique ways. I'm not sure I'd jump on the claim that its all that amazing though." She adds before she glances over to a pair of odd looking aliens with long elephant-like noses snorting their food up off of metal plates.

Star-Lord has posed:
"I'm with Gamora. unique is something I'd credit to some creatures in this galaxy... but amazing is... well, let's just say my opinion of some people is very much the opposite." Peter notes, before he stands and starts to walk over to Adam giving him a glance over. "I remember you now. You've been all over the place. Almost as much as us."

Peter gives Adam a smirk and offers a hand, "It's called a handshake. Used as a greeting on my homeworld." Peter helpfully supplies, "What brings you all the way out here, Warlock?"

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam chuckles softly with that naturally suave and smooth way of speaking that's not really made into effort...it's just naturally charming and calm. A raging sea just -might- be calmed by his voice alone (fine lining: don't make him try it. It might not work) but hey!

He nods softly then to both of them. "I am known out here? It is a curious thing, how word of one simple deed can travel so far." he smiels softly at the very notion before his eyes befall the two of them. "While life is....strange, the uniqueness and complexity of such a life is defining in that everything is different, yet the same in terms of fundamentality." He pauses a moment, realizing he is ranting. "apologies, I believe I am 'ranting' if I use the word correctly." He was -always- learning after all.

Then Peter offers him a handshake, which Warlock looks at curiously until Peter tells him what it is. So Adam slowly places his hand in his, shaking it slowly as if uncertain if he was doing it right. Either way. "a hand..shake.." he repeats it to remember now. "hm? Oh.." he was -really- focused.

"I merely came out here because this was a path chosen. A random direction and this was a stop on the path of life." thus sayeth the avatar of life...anyway.

"I merely wander and explore. I have no home, you see, so my home is the intergalactic road, if you will. What say you? What brings you out here to such a humble station?"

Gamora has posed:
The green skinned Gamora just stares at the both of them while they exchange words and she eats them up with her earballs.

"Did you hear that, Quill?" She says to the Milano's captain. "He's homeless. Just like you'll be if this job doesn't pan out." And with that said she gives Peter a little half grin before taking a big swig of her drink and then slapping the cup down onto the bartop.

Gamora turns around to look at the bartender who's now questioning her for payment to replace those cups she cut in half. "I'll pay, I'll pay... relax. They weren't even your -good- cups, Margus. Just get me another drink please."

Star-Lord has posed:
"Ha ha." Peter quips to Gamora, "The Milano is a sweet, sweet machine, and I stand by those words until I die." A pause, "Which, to be fair, will probably happen if the Milano is no more either, so there's that." Then, he's back at the bar, "What are you looking to do with your time, Warlock? I've heard a number of different things about you, but you're on a new path or something, right?" Peter inquires, "we're just here until we're ready for our next job. We've got a thing about halfway across the galaxy, so it's taking a while to get the fuel." Peter helpfully supplies.

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam tilts his head at Gamora. "Oh? Is this what you call a 'high stakes' job?" he asks curiously before looking to Peter. "Losing one's home is a great tragedy. I would hate to see it happen to such worthy warriors as yourselves." He looks a little saddened then, thinking about if that actualy happened...either way, then he's asked a question!

"Hm? ah, I see. As for what I could do with my time? I greatly prefer helping others and ensuring that crisis is resolved." he says with an optimistic smile on his face, clearly a more determined individual when it comes to peace and solution to problems. "Why do you ask, Lord of Stars?"

Gamora has posed:
Gamora receives her new bright blue alcoholic beverage and she turns around with it in her right hand and watches the others. "I have complete faith in the Milano, considering I do a fair amount of the repairs to it, I know what condition its in and it is one of the best ships I've seen."

With that said, the glass is raised up toward her purple hued lips. "That being said, I consider every job I take with this crew to be 'High stakes'." And she grins faintly before she's sipping her new drink.

"Where is Rocket? He said he'd be coming by tonight..." She glances around to see if he's being acosted somewhere by people he owes money to, or some such!

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
The doors burst open at the top of the stairs. In swaggers a four foot tall Rocket.

He bellows out, "Ladies! Please! No need to get up. There's plenty of Rocket Fuel to go around. I'll be with each of you.... in due time." He grins lecherously then sees Peter.

"'Ey! Quill! Tha' boat's all fueled up an' ready t' go! Only took like ten minutes to top off tha' tanks!. Groot's gettin' her warmed up for whenever yah wanna rob this join and beat fast feet outahere. Just say tha' word Boss-man!"

Those little brown eyes turn deviously dark as he bounds down the stairs toward the table that Gamora and Adam are at. "Gams.... lookin' dangerous and stunnin' as always. Warlock... " he pauses, "uh.." he glances around searching for something nice to say. ".... nice hair?" He finger guns at Adam as if that make things A-OK. It does. doesn't it?

Star-Lord has posed:
"Rocket likes to embellish our plans. We're only planning to rob that other ship out on the docks. Robbing Burnout is like shooting out own foot." Peter dryly replies. Then, he downs his glass, before he heads back to the bar, "What can you do then, Warlock? It so happens that my bunch of misfits tends to take in people interested in a bit of crisis work." Another shot is poured, and taken. And downed.

Adam Warlock has posed:
Warlock nods a few times to Gamora then with an 'ahhh' kind of expression. "A wise tendency." Then he looks to the always loud and always a ruckus, Rocket Raccoon. Tilting his head at the fellow, he offers a kind smile. "Hello, small creature." he greets in meeting.

Though he tilts his head. " Why thank you. It is not often I am complimented on the appearance of my hair folicles." a small chuckle then, before Starlord gets his attention.

"I can do many things, Lord of Stars. I am a master of the mystic arts with an artificial intelligence to match. Couple that with my curiosity of life, I believe I may be of service to you and your crew."

Gamora has posed:
Gamora is settling herself down in an open chair at a table beside the bar, with her leather booted feet going up to the edge of another one just in front of her when Rocket is arriving. She looks over to him with a half grin at his words. "You missed me win a bet." She tells him. "I am now even richer than before." And these words are said with an inner pride in her abilities as she raises her drink up to her lips for a sip.

She lowers the glass again, leans back in her chair and crosses her legs at her ankles while listening to the others. "You're seeking to join our crew, Warlock?" She asks the man with the fancy hair, then her eyes look over to Quill. "Do we need to bring on more homeless people?"

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket looks to Quill, "Peter. Quill. I'm shocked. I. Am. Shocked. At. You. it pains me to hear you tell just blatant lies about me." He sighs. "Pained." he clutches his chest. "To suggest I am not man enough to take care of every last one of the beautiful women in this FINE. UPSTANDING. establishment you said we were gonna rob for every last credit before we left town..." he sighs deeply, eyes turning sad and his ears drooping. "It's... it's like I don't even know who you are anymore."

Then as if nothing had just happened or been said he looks to Warlock, "Dude. -Trust- me when I say... that no one woman has ever called me 'small creature' if ya know what I'm sayin'.." he turns and moves to the bar to get a drink himself, muttering quietly under his breath, "... that dude's artificial all right... talk about major nose job...!"

He pauses before ordering as Gamora brags about winning a bet. "That's great Gams. Does that mean you won /their/ clothes this time?" He snickers to himself. So smart this raccoon is. It's just so hard to be humble when you're as brilliant and witty as Rocket. Then he looks to Quill after Gamora's last, "Dude. No. NO. WAY. We are NOT takin' on Mr. Perfect Hair. That's just bad for your image. Everyone will think you're the cheap knockoff. Think about it man!"

Star-Lord has posed:
"You and I have very different definitions of perfect hair, Rocket." Peter says as he stares at Adams hair. Then, he grins, "Ok. So I have a number of things to handle before we depart... but when you're done here, feel free to head on over to the Milano and we can talk. I don't think I've ever seen a Master of the Mystic Arts at work before, and I'd like to see what you can do at our next port. I have the feeling we can use the help." Another shot downs, and Peter stands, "We're in bay 4. We'll be here for at least two more days while we wait for a shipment coming in." With that, Star-Lord heads out of the bar, giving a mock salute to the others as he goes.

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam Warlock turns his head slightly to Gamora and smiles a moment, nodding a few times to her. "I do. I do believe I can be of use to this crew, if I am permitted to join this group of warriors." Then he turns his head to Rocket, tilting his head softly.

"...I do not." he says in reply, until it clicks. "Oh, do you mean one's pelvic functions?" he asks then a moment. Oh, he will likely cause many a laughter with his base curiosity. Alas, he also seems to smile softly to Rocket. "I thank you for your words, despite your opposition. This is the second time my follicles of hair have been complimented."

Then a look to Rocket as he tells Warlock to head to the Milano. "Ah, a spaceworthy vessel. I will meet you at the appropriate time and place as you have described." a small smile then.

Gamora has posed:
Rocket's self proclaimed arts with the ladies just gets a headshake from the woman with the purple/pink hair and she stands up from her chair. "You're as humble as you are tall, fuzzball." The deadliest woman of them all says back down to the Raccoon while she walks over to one of the bartop gaming machines in the Burnout, she reaches out to tap it and bring up its holographic game display of two shiney glowing people fighting each other.

"I guess this next job is as good as any to test out the merits of another member. But... no offense, Warlock..." She glances over to him. "If you even still -want- to be with us after it, then I will be surprised." And with that said, she looks back to her game where she's making two fake holo people kill one another.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket gets his drink and turns, snickering at Quill, "I know. I'n'it great??" he grins. "So many differing view than mine an' yer' all ****in' wrong!" he grinds toothily.

He then nods to Warlock, "Pelvic functions?" he snickers and shows off his Authentic Hip Thrusting Action! (tm) complete with fist pumping. "Aw yaah, Warlock-man knows what it's about!" he snickers and then glowers at Gamora. "'ey! What'dya ********in' mean I'm as humble as I am tall?! I'm taller than that!" he protests (he thinks).

Then he's back to the table with Warlock. "Okay. see. You wanna join us? Here's th' thing. There's certain.. rules y'gotta follow. Kinda... an initiation, see? And seein' as how I'm the initiation rites master of tha' crew... I'm sure we can use yah.. but.. hey... rules'er rules, amiright? So this is it: If ya wanna join.. see that guy over there glowering at the gamin' table? I'm gonna need ya to go an' separate his wallet from his person an... bring it back t'me. Do dat? An I'll put in good words fer ya after this next job.. yer a shoe in."

Adam Warlock has posed:
Adam smiles softly then to Gamora with a small chuckle as she enters a seemingly friendly game of hazing with Rocket. Though Rocket throws out some foul wordplay that has Adam rubbing his ears. Either way, he doesn't seem to be too bothered. Curses are curses! Though he offers a kind smile to Gamora as she offers Warlock her expectation that he may not want to stick around with them after their mission. "I suppose I will make such a decision when the time comes, yes?" big smile then.

A look to Rocket as he sits next to him so Rocket can whisper accordingly. Though he looks over there to the table, before looking over to rocket. "I hear you are quite the manipulator in your own sense. An incredible intelligence for one so small in stature. My humble admiration." a kind smile then. "But alas, I am not good as such things. Perhaps another can do it for you?"