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Latest revision as of 07:13, 9 April 2018

Pew! Pew! Pew!
Date of Scene: 08 April 2018
Location: Titans Tower Gym
Synopsis: The Titans get some workout time in and talk about things.
Cast of Characters: Breath, Amarok, Cyborg, Stardust, Brick, 87, Raijin, Robin (Wayne)

Breath has posed:
Breath is in the gym. A bit sweaty, because she did her regular cardio and strength exercizes already. Right now she is standing at one end of the target range next to a stack of various sorts of tubes and pipes. Another stack is next to it of exploded tubes and pipes, and there is all sorts of other odds and ends sitting next to her. She has a thick length of wrapped tube in her hands right now, into which she is packing a dart and frowning. There's already lots of exploded pieces of thin metal and wood imbedded in the walls around her.

Amarok has posed:
The door slides open, and the ever armored Wolf steps through, stopping his gaze on Breath and tilting his head in a manner not dissimiliar to Jason Voorhese in curiosity. A few moments of watching, and he walks over, stopping a few feet away and languidly looking from Breath to the dart to the signs of explosions and back again before finaly asking, "....Having trouble?"

Breath has posed:
Breath hmms. "Yeah, a bit. I wanted to be able to, you know, reach out and touch just one thing?" She gestures at the target. "So I was thinking, hey, there are blowguns. But I have a LOT more lung power than most people? So either it doesn't build up much force, or it builds up a lot of pressure and explodes, or it's just too THICK and I can't USE it.."

She frowns some. "This is just WAY too hard to figure out. I don't get it. I'm not, you know, a cool techie like some of the people here that like, don't have enough chill to talk to me much when I have goofy ideas."

Cyborg has posed:
"When there's trouble you know what to do." Echoes out a semi familiar voice. At least to those who met him the other day. "Call cyborg." He slides right into view of the door still singing. "He can shoot a rocket from his shoooooooooooooe" He's got his one human eye closed tightly as he starts walking in doing a little dance with each step and clearly dressed in workout gear. "Cause he's Cyborg!" He swings his shoulders from one side to the other, opening his eyes as he starts to make his way over to the workout equipment only to see the others and trail off. "When there's.... evil... on the.... uh...." He stops on the spot and looks towards the other two for a long moment his mouth hanging open. "Hi." He finally manages to say.

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf looks over at Cyborg, his mask not showing anything more than usual. After a few seconds of silently staring, he looks back over at Breath and holds out his hand expectantly, apparently waiting for her to hand him the dart.

Breath has posed:
Breath OHS! She blinks a moment while she processes Cyborg's entrance, then grins and gives two thumbs up. "Oh, HEY dude! How are you feeling? I was just trying to figure something out without, you know, blowing myself up or anything."

She looks at Wolf in some confusion, then hands the whole blowpipe over, with the dart that is packed ridiculously way too tight in there for any normal person to be able to use. Then she looks at Wolf puzzledly, because she's not quite sure WHAT he is going to do.

Stardust has posed:
A voice calls down from above: "Someone check up on Cyborg, I'm not quite sure if he's suffering from some kind of hardware malfunction, or if he was singing." It's Stardust, who is sitting, cross legged and upside-down, on the ceiling. Which is pretty odd behavior even by her standards, though not nearly as odd as the fact that she's been up there for some time /without saying a word/.

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf takes the blowgun and walks away with it, stopping by a table. He spends only maybe thirty seconds fiddling with it before returning and holding it back out for Breath to take, now properly packed, "Puff it. Dont blow it." He says monotonaly. Colette's strange behavior doesn't warrant even a glance from him, for any number of potential reasons.

Breath has posed:
Breath looks at the blowpipe and raises it to her mouth cautiously, cringing back a bit in caution. She wraps her lips around the end and gives it a puff. A huge puff, one that launches the dart out of the muzzle at some ridiculous velocity that makes a loud bullet crack sound. The blowpipe itself cracks, too, however, splitting along the barrel.

She looks at the pipe and frowns, putting it in the pile of exploded blowpipes, and gives a huge theatrical sigh. "Ugh!" She looks back at everybody in frustration.

Brick has posed:

There may have been other boom tubes opened around the Titans recently. If that's the case, it becomes apparent that each tube has its own frequency, its own peculiar musical note. It's a very deep note of course. And the tube drops off Brick Marsten in his full Fourth World styled skin-armor. He lands about 4 feet from Cyborg, and immediately begins scanning him with an obvious bit of near-Kirby tech.

"Hold still, Vic. Almost done."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Greetings and salutations."

It's the first anyone has probably heard from Vorpal in weeks. The Cheshire Cat arrives at the gym in civvies- untucked button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, jeans, sneakers. "Hey kids. Sorry I vanished. Aunt Rachel decided to drop a surprise 'hi I am visiting and staying with you because family' thing, and I had to keep on the low side because she doesn't know I'm a cat. Or a Titan. Or-"

He pauses and stares at Cyborg, frowns, and then turns to look at Breath and Wolf.

Then Brick drops in, and scanning begins.

"I guess I've missed some developments, No?"

Stardust has posed:
A soft sigh drifts down from Stardust. She uncrosses her legs, and stands up. Still upside-down on the ceiling. She crouches, then jumps up - or down, as it is to anyone with a normal relationship with gravity, rotating one-eighty at roughly the midpoint of the room and landing in a similar crouch to the one she launched with. She is, as always, dressed in a costume in shades of shimmery off-white, but as with virtually every day, the design is a new one. This time her outfit has a much more military look than usual, with combat pants, boots, and something that might very well be a bullet-proof vest, but for the fact that would surely be pointless.

"Brick. Cat. I'd fill you in on all the things you've missed, but honestly I'm too lazy. Read the reports. Breathmints, something puzzles me. How come you can rupture a steel tube, but you still have lips? You must be focusing your breath very precisely. You need to figure out how you're doing that, and make it work with the tube you're using as a blowgun. Resonate with the pipe. It's a matter of embouchure. I recommend you take up the clarinet, that'll help you learn control."

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf watches as the pipe splits, tilting his head slightly, ".....Wait here." He says before turning on heel and walking off without another word. The deafening splitting of space and time draws an eye but is quickly shrugged off as he resumes his plodding off. Vorpal recieves even less acknowledgement than that, risking being walked through if he stands to much in the way of the door.

Cyborg has posed:
The minute that boomtube goes off near Cyborg he about jumps through the roof. There's a massively loud BOOOOOOOOOM as he boom tubes all of 5 feet away. It's a real waste of transportation as he's now clutching his chest and breathing heavily off to one side of the room with his free hand supporting him against the wall. He blinks a few times in rapid succession. "DON'T DO THAT MAN." He throws his arms down to either side. "That's an easy way to give a dude a heart attack." He's very vocal with his hands as always as he starts to move over towards the weights looking to get a bit of weight lifting in himself. "Swear man. Not cool."

Breath has posed:
Breath blinks. "..Clarinet?" She tilts her head. "I.. don't even know how I would start doing that..." She does her best to not flinch at all the booming and craziness going on around her, though she does look around at the sudden crowd and the sudden absence of the Wolf.

She ums, "I don't know, I can compress stuff too. Like the wings I made. I don't know how any of this stuff works, really."

She turns to look at Cyborg with some concern, "You okay there?" She furrows her brow a little bit at the thought of Cyborg trying to lift weights with inorganic limbs? How does that work, anyways?

Brick has posed:
"Hold STILL, Vic. And how did you not sense me coming?"


"Gnnah, that's enough." Brick looks up as the Wolf-person stomps past, and mutters "fengari-chazevo proseche tou," earning a *PING*. The scanning is quickly done though.

"Your heart is fine, Vic, better off than it was before you mechanized."

He looks over at Vorpal and grins. "SO that's why I wasn't supposed to visit. Wouldn't have been able to do so anyway, I had to repair a bunch of instrumentation."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal blinks, almost getting rolled by Wolf. Luckily, he steps aside, and for a moment he appears tempted to employ a Heathers reference, but decides to let it be. When Colette prompts him to read the logs, he goes to one of the access consoles and decides to access it then and there. He's not dressed for exercise, anyways. "I guess I'd better get caught up, then. Especially with updates on who the knight in the shiny armor is."

He sits down and gives Colette a look. "Please don't suggest she take up the clarinet. The sound of someone learnig the Clarinet is the most horrifying thing in the word after someone learning how to play the violin. Don't put poor Breath through that torture."

He turns his attention to the reports, reading them quickly, an impassive expression on his face. His ears perk when Brick talks to him, and he smirks a little. "Not that you are allowed to visit via your boom. The last time you visited I received a noice complaint from five neighbors and a threat of eviction. You either arrive via the elevator like everybody else or no visits for you." There is something to his demeanor, though, that is more aloof than usual. There's a deliberate distance to his interactions. "Hmm. I see..." he tabs through the report, an eyebrow raised.

Stardust has posed:
"You take lessons," Stardust explains patiently to Breath. "There are people who's entire thing is teaching other people how to control the way they blow air through their cheeks. Or I mean you could try trumpet, or saxophone, or trombone, or... well, anything woodwind or brass, really. But I recommend clarinet for precise control. Just try not to blow so hard the reed shoots right off the mouthpiece and skewers your instructor in the neck. They don't like that. Being beheaded by a Rico number two is every woodwind teacher's greatest fear."

  Stardust turns to Vorpal and gives him a long, hard stare. "You've obviously never heard someone learning to play the bagpipes." Her stare turns a little further to take in Brick. "The knight in shining armor is Cyborg. Say hi to Cyborg, Vorp. Be nice to him, he's had a rough week."

Amarok has posed:
The door slides back open, and the Wolf returns, carrying a small metal tube. He bypasses everyone between the door and Breath, stopping an arm's length from her and holding it out, "...If this splits, then your breath alone can punch through a tank, making darts pointless." He says in the same emotionless voice as everything else.

Breath has posed:
Breath ohs, "Okay. I guess." She sort of looks at all the stuff happening and smiles at everybody, picking up a couple of other tubes and examining them. Hmmmm. She blinks at Dan's return, and takes the new tube, looking it over. "Really? Nice. Okay.. So is this loaded?" She looks it over and sights down the tube a bit, putting her lips to the end of the tube and looking hesitant, then giving a puff. Which shoots a nice hole in the target, not well centered but hey. practice, right?

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Hello, Cyborg," Vorpal complies with Colette's wishes. "Rough weeks happen on days that end in -Y for the Titans, so fasten your seatbelt." Not the most compassionate of statements, but a truthful one. Sugar-coating things might provide false expectations, and he's done with those.

He swivels in his chair after closing the report, getting caught up. "Black Canary might also have some guidance on breath control and support. Her instrument is also particularly destructive."

Cyborg has posed:
Cyborg introduces himself aswell since why not? "That's right names Cyborg, I like long walks on the beach, football, videogames, computer programing, long walks on the beach and can turn my right hand into a sonic cannon capable of leveling an entire city block." He waves his hand slightly having finally collected himself. "Oh also I look really evil, but trust me you can tell I'm not the evil Cyborg because I've got a goatee, am painted pitch black and have red glowing lights all over me." He moves over to nearby workout equipment and begins idly loading it up with the maximum number of weights, then lays down on it. "Oh also I like anchovies on my pizza, and just found out the hard way before I got here I can't get drunk anymore." He starts lifting the weights quickly, no real resistance given.

Brick has posed:
"I already know Cyborg. We're both Star Lab brats, and that's BRATS, not rats," Brick says, glimmering slightly as soon as Breath's puff of air makes a large hole in a target. Personal invulnerability field, activated!


"Yeah, Vic, why ARE you training with such light weights?"

He moves over to the weights and begins trying them out. Hefty, but not impossibly so. He only has to cheat a little bit to move them. OK, more than a little bit. Who got these weights here anyway?

Stardust has posed:
"Well I'm not surprised alcohol doesn't work for you any more Cy," Stardust comments as she watches Breath's almost succesful test. "Maybe you should try unrefined biodiesel. Or see if you can persuade Thor to give you some of his Asgardian mead, that stuff would get a cinder block drunk."

Stardust turns away and steps up beside Vorpal, speaking to him in hushed tones while the others show off with weights, or destroy innocent targets. "Read the reports? I put cams up at the Metropolis Bank and One World Plaza. X-Face took the ones at the plaza down. Not the ones at the bank. I think that's his way of saying 'you know when I'm gonna be there, you don't need to watch'. We should probably set a trap for him or something. Also..." she looks around the room, and lowers her voice a little bit more. "I have questions. Another time. In private."

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf watches Breath use her new makeshift blowgun, what appears to be the chamber to a small rifle or the like, and nods slightly when it doesn't break. As he turns to leave once more, "My advice? Drop darts. You'll just kill someone with em." He says bluntly as he once again leaves.

Raijin has posed:
Suddenly, arriving into the gym area is Rayner Vasusena! Codenamed Raijin.

He slides in after a clear use of insane superspeed, some electricity radiating around his person from that use of power. "Oh...what'd I miss?" he asks curiously, walking up to Colette with his hands in his pockets, big smile on his face as he stands right next to her. "Hey hey." he smiles softly before his eyes fall on Cyborg, Vorpal, Dan the Man, Breath, and....Brick Marston? huh, haven't met him yet.

Rayner is dressed in a leather black and yellow jacket with black cargo pants with seemingly many pockets and straps on him so he can place things he needs to. "Hey there." he says to Brick and Vorpal.

"Yeah...I checked the cams in the plaza. all of 'em are shut down."

Breath has posed:
Breath wells, looking around for what kind of dart Dan was sticking in the tube. Ugh, random experimentation is messy. She tests a dart, but nope, too small. Hmmmm... "..You could use the magnetic weight machine if the weights aren't enough. Hey, how do I reload this?" She frowns as he stalks out first, though.

After he clears the door, she remarks, "So like.. what's up with that, anyway? You know, stalking off suddenly and acting like Robin?" She inspects the tube itself a bit. "Could be bigger.."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Yeah, I read them..." Vorpal frowns and looks at the monitor. "No traps. AT least, you can set up a trap, but I'm going to show up to mine without setting a trap. I am curious, and a trap might scare this guy away."

He looks up, eyebrows raised slightly at Colette's request. "No, you can't do that. You're not leaving me in suspense. Ask your question or I'll do something nasty to something you own. Like give it to Robin and say it was a gift from an admirer."

As Raijin comes in, the Cheshire gives him a nod and a wave, "Hey ther, R."

Brick has posed:
"Cams? Traps? Maire Boit, update me please," Brick says while preparing to deadlift what Cyborg was just benching. A drone flies up from a flat backpack to record him lifting, and catching the Wolf as he leaves in a batmanly fashion.


"Ah, thanks. Hey, stranger. You may know me from too many stupid videos on Lextube and other social media sites, but I'm also an occasional Titans guest-star. I came by to give Cyborg his physical because he missed his last several check-ups, and my corporate bosses insisted. Also so I could censor it before delivering it because I'm sure some of it is none of their business."

A look of transient confusion shows as he absorbs the information about the "love letters" from some guy named X and the weakly encrypted mesages.

"Holy Riddler, Titans. You have an obsessed stalker!"

Stardust has posed:
"Hey Rainman," Stardust greets. "Yeah I already set up a few new ones. Haven't checked to see if he's messed with them yet though. I hope he does." She flashes a grin to Rainer as she says this. Then she looks back to Vorpal and gives him a shake of the head. "Not now. Trust me on this. And honestly? I think if we don't set him a trap, he's gonna be real disappointed with us."

  "Oh I heard he likes you best of all, Brick," Stardust tells him as she walks away from the group and stands in front of a wall, staring at it in apparent deep concentration. "He's got photos of you on his bedroom wall and everything." She raises a foot and places it carefully on the wall, then raises the other foot to join it, and starts walking up the wall.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner gives a little smile then to Colette, nodding a few times. "Swweeeet. Tell me your plan later?" he asks her then before he looks to Vorpal. "Sup V. What's shakin' dude?" secreth andshake time! before his eyes settle on Brick. "Oh hey. Nice to meet you....so...you're like...Cyborg's repair man?" he looks to Cy as if for comfirmation, before he ends up shrugging.

"To those who don't know me, my name is Rayner. Codename is Raijin, but friends, namely Colette, like to call me Rainman." he even bows with a little flourish before he stands up straight, hands back into his pockets.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"The only thing that's shaking is me thanks to lack of caffeine, Raijin."

At Colette's comment on 'Red X', the Cheshire cat smirks. "He's going to be real disappointed, then." Vorpal reches out into empty space and suddenly there is a small Rabbit Hole there. He plucks a bottle out of it- soda- and the hole closes back up again. "There we go. That's better," he says after uncapping the bottle and sampling some of the caffeinated, fizzy goodness.

He then returns to the subject at hand. "I am done giving my time to admirers and stalkers. No man is worth giving special attention to, much less a crazy stalker who thinks he's The Riddler. I'll meet him at his rendez-vous." He shoots Colette a sharp look "And no trap. I want him to be doubly disappointed."

Cyborg has posed:
     "More like we lived down the hall from each-other." Cyborg lays back on the bench watching Brick go about his business. He smirks a little bit before saying rather calmly. "The Name's Cyborg now, Vic's not exactly something I want to be called anymore." He lays back looking up to the ceiling relaxing with hands behind his head. "Too many memories."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Boots step with light clicks on the floor, before Robin enters, eyes closed and with his earbuds in his ears, he bobs his head lightly with his music. He'd been off doing Bat things for a while, but had been scheduled for Monitor Duty tonight, he figured he would train a bit before he was to go on duty. That was until he saw everyone in the gym... to which he stops in front of everyone, slipping off the earbuds, and watching closely. He pauses for a good moment before saying. "Hi."

Brick has posed:
"Yeah, for a while. My Dads made me check up on him because HIS Dad asked them to get me to do it and crossing the streams that way isn't awkward at ALL no. Which is another reason why I'm not giving the Labs any details on how he's working or what his internal systems are doing. If you want them to know that stuff, you can tell them, or tell me to tell them."

Brick picks up a pair of 200 pound dumbells, one per hand, and begins doing deep lunges as he walks around tin a circle.


"Hi Robin. You guys have more members again."

He looks over at Vic... uh, Cyborg. "If you DO need help with repairs, feel free to contact me. That way you won't have to go back to Star unless you want to."


"No, Maire Boit, it's his decision."

Stardust has posed:
"Hi Angry Bird," Stardust calls down from the wall. Which she has finished scaling, and has stopped about half way up, standing on the wall as if it was a floor. She looks up, or rather along, at the far wall, and leaps for it. She twists her body as she soars through the air, bending her legs as she lands on the far wall, and immediately kicking off to angle to the ceiling. She repeats the move, bouncing from wall to floor to ceiling to wall eight or nine times before coming to a half on the floor again.

Stardust wanders over to the corner where she has a backpack stashed, and pulls out a bottle of water. "No traps then, Vorp? Just beat the tar out of him instead?" She shrugs her shoulders, unscrews the bottle top and takes a long drink."

"Yeah. I'm game."

Breath has posed:
Breath is holding and examining a high caliber rifle barrel, sans the rest of the rifle, next to the range. Various bits of wood and metal are embedded in the walls near her. Beside her are three stacks, one with a variety of pipes and tubes, one with a variety of *destroyed* pipes and tubes, and another full of dart-like objects which she is trying to match to the barrel. She waves, "Hiya! How are you doing?" She visibly tries to track the other goings on, but everybody seems to be busy now with things she wasn't a part of, and nobody screams out for her personal touch. Yet. But dawwwh, Robin might have just earned that privilege with his broken gloominess.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner ends up watching Colette bounce from wall to wall with a soft smile on his face, nodding approvingly before she lands right back where she was. Though he also seems to look at Vorpal. "I do like that plan...point is, we gotta catch him. One way or another." he shrugs then. Though he looks at Vic-er, Cyborg as the man relaxes, nodding a few times to him.

Then the pissiest member of the Titans arrives and his name be Robin! AKA Damian Wayne. a small smile for Robin as he gives the young guy a two-finger wave. "Sup?" he says with a slight southern drawl that he likes to avoid.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"The classic approach is often the best," Vorpal nods at Colette's appraisal. "Twerp's probably studied up on our powers, so he's probably prepared some sort of gauntlet targeting our weaknesses." He takes a sip of his soda, grateful that he's only used his ability to animate objects sparingly, and only far back in the past. It might be his ace.

When Robin enters, the Cheshire cat's expression is one of mischief. "Why, Robin," he says, ears twitching to suggest his hearing caught something others didn't, "I never thought Idol Boy would be in your workout playlist." He's teasing, of course, with the most recent boy band nightmare to be regurgigated by the music industry. The consensus on them was split- they were either the greatest blight upon the music industry in nearly fifty years, or the dreamiest ever. Depended on whom you asked.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin puts those earbuds in his utility belt, and giving a nod to Brick. "So it seems." He says, a small bit of pointedness in those words. Wether or not it was different than his normal tone was up in the air.

  Robin's reaction to everyone seems to be nodding in every direction. "I can assure you, I do not listen to whatever the fuck it is you just namedropped, Vorpal." The Truth of what exactly was playing on his earbuds was funnier.

  "They've called out specific people, one on a specific day, my guess is that they're setting up for something bigger than just one location, one hero, one day. We won't know until Vorpal meets them." He approaches a set of rings, and uses the nearby wall to jump to them, immediately starting to warm up, lifting inverted on those hands, pointed toes up.

Cyborg has posed:
     "Idol Boy?" Cyborg sets up a bit holding onto the exorcise equipment, he leans forward looking over at Vorpal. The hand holding onto the bar shifts and twists fingers turning into a small boombox at the end of his arm. Suddenly everyone has to set back and enjoy the smooth stylings of Idol Boy's number 1 hit. Did they even really know the band existed? Does it even exist? I mean apparently it does because Cyborg is playing their music.

Stardust has posed:
"Great, Vorp." Stardust folds her arms and looks at him deadpan, one eyebrow arched. "So he's gonna stick a game on the TV, that'll take Cy and Brick out of the picture. Breath he'll take out with a well aimed politically incorrect comment. He'll put honey in Starfire's mustard, replace all Raven's wardrobe with pink dresses, and lock Robin in a room with the keys on a high shelf. We all know Wolfpool is defeated by bright lights and a cheery demenour. For Rainman... he'll get short-circuited by a cleverly disguised puddle. It'll be the laser pointer for you. "

She pauses thoughtfully for a moment. "That leaves me. Hmm."

Stardust wrinkles her brow and chews on her lower lip. She taps her foot, stroking her chin with a finger. She looks up, down, left and right.

"Ah. Got it. He'll come up with stupid puzzles and innuendo until I get bored and give up heroing to go on a cycle tour of south east Asia. Great. We're all doomed."

  She drinks down the last of her bottle of drink, then hurls it against the wall. She picks up her pack, slings it over her shoulder and walks to the door.

Stardust stops in the doorway, turns back and adds "Oh and also I'm about ninety-five percent certain he has access to our systems, at least indirectly. But whatever, let's play the game HIS way. Why not?"

And then she's gone.

Breath has posed:
Breath groans. "Oh, for crying out loud, it's like early Bieber. Are you TRYING to torture us?" She theatrically cringes and sets the barrel off to the side for later experimentation, then does a few brief stretches. "Aw, come on, I did my dailies, now I feel like a slacker."

Brick has posed:
"Game on the TV? What game? There aren't any ... Cyborg? You know of any big games coming up?"

Brick is wide-eyed and slack-jawed, but he's also having Maire Boit triple-check the security on the systems here. If //she// can't find anything, then it'll have to be an inside job, right? But the detect might not show right away, it might be that her alerts won't show anything until it's actually hacked from outside. Or, inside, given that there's no guarantee that this isn't an inside job of some kind.

*PING* -- and it's an //exasperated// ping.

Cyborg has posed:
     Cyborg stops the music after a bit laying back down and allowing his hand to turn back into a hand. He reaches beside himself and grabs some weights to idly lift. "Only thing I can think of is that ping-pong invitational on Tuesday." He's clearly not struggling in the slightest and even if he did he's got robo muscles there's no way he can build up more muscle strength without you know building better arms. "I know the XFL season just wrapped."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal blinks as Stardust makes her exit, and stares after her for a couple of seconds before he takes a sip. "Well, I get points for pissing Stardust off." He stand up and stretches. If the guy had access to their systems, maybe he was listening in on them right now?

Which meant that it was probably a good idea to leave with the impression that they were just going to wing it. At least until they could speak outside of the tower. Ideally without communicators, either.

"I'm going to head back to my place and cram a bit for an exam. I'll let you guys know how that rendezvous thing goes. Should be a piece of cake."

He tips an imaginary hat as he heads out, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner nods to Robin then softly at his words, arms crossing lightly. "Well, that?s more annoying than anything. How bout we just find him where he says he?s gonna be and take him down? Guy only looks like he has gadgets anyway." Then...of course, Colette goes on a tear.

Clearly she's upset. "I'll talk to her. For now, welcome back Vorpal. Good seeing ya and I hope you stick around. Later Cyborg, later Robin." He starts to head out, parting Breath on the shoulder as he passes. "Nice meeting ya Brick!" Then he's leaving to follow Colette, likely to try and calm her down.

Brick has posed:
"That's WAY too open," Brick replies. He waves to the others, and says to Cyborg, "I have to do my orals on my next PhD this week, so I'll send you the scan results and you can decide what I should tell your father. Later, Titans."


and he's gone through the hole that was in the floor for a second.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Robin moves from his first pose, into the iron cross. Holding it as he speaks. "It isn't about playing their game, it's about allowing them to make the first dumb move. Right now X has us at a disadvantage. We know nothing about them, but they seem to know a great deal about us." Damian gives a growl, releasing his grip and landing on the floor. "Don't underestimate someone with 'just gadgets', baka gaijin!" He yells back to Rayner as he leaves.

Cyborg has posed:
Cyborg calls out suddenly in Robins direction a surprised and aghast "Nani?" snapping his attention back to the boy wonder. Soon after he breaks character and laughs to himself returning to his weight lifting... which is actually just a cover for him to play cartoons in his robotic eyes. He loves being able to watch movies and cartoons anywhere and everywhere. It's probly the best part of being a cyborg to be honest.

Breath has posed:
Breath nods. Mental note, Rayner+Stardust? OK. She watches people make a sudden string of exits and shrugs a little. "Great, now I have to clean all this mess up. Uuugh. Yeah, gadgets can do a heck of a lot. And different things every time. I mean, I have to use gadgets. They could use some improvement though, I guess."

She blinks as Robin does a ragey dismount and tilts her head at him. "Is something bugging you? Besides being frustrated at weird mystery stalkers that probably have, like, inappropriate pictures of you or something?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian clenches a fist, pissed off it seems. He takes a moment to answer Breath. "Some people who have powers seem to think that's all they need to be the best. Others work their ass off day in and day out for what they fucking have. Give every bit of themselves to their cause. You tell me which one seems deserving of being called a hero." Robin offers, making his way over to Cyborg. "Good seeing you again." He says, giving a nod. He sticks in his earbuds again, changing the song to something with more of a metal tone, and he exits, heading to the monitor room.

Cyborg has posed:
     "I mean I'll be honest I worked every day to get where I was." Cyborg speaks up calm and relaxed just going one rep after another with ease, adding to the weights once brick leaves to lift the whole lot of them. Still no challenge. "Not my fault I was genetically engineered, then slapped with a Swiss army knife" He goes silent for a few moments before just saying. "I mean seriously you know how weird it is to have a robo-cloaca? Not all it's cracked up to be." He shakes his head shuddering slightly at the disgust of it. "Still gotta be something if you can still go toe to toe with the bat."

Breath has posed:
Breath sighs and slumps a bit. Neither fish nor fowl, apparently. "Well, *I'M* interested in learning? My powers kind of suck, so I can totally use some pointers?"
She frowns, because Robin looks like he has tuned her out. Again. Is it some sort of union requirement that all the people with the skills she wants to learn have to be so.. antisocial and unhelpful? UGH! Boys! Or something. Hmph! She glares at his back a bit and throws up her hands.

Then of course, she freezes and just mouths the words 'robo-cloaca' with a blank, BSOD, utterly WTF expression on her face, tilting her head stupidly.