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Latest revision as of 18:24, 10 April 2018

Sailor Venus and the Pop Culture Caper
Date of Scene: 26 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Bjorn, Quill, and Yondu land on a planet, and a rave breaks out!
Cast of Characters: Star-Lord, Crusader, Yondu Udonta

Star-Lord has posed:
It was hot. Hot as Venus. Because it was Venus. Peter Quill had sacrificed his trademark jacket, leaving him wearing a sweat stained t-shirt, it was fresh when he put it on this morning, and his pants. He wiped his brow. Looking up, he could see the dome kept out most of the radiation, he'd taken a pill for the rest. The pill was supposed to work. But he wasn't entirely sure it would work.

He was in the Lavorite city of Burgett, and towering above the diminutive people. Though he wasn't gawked at. This was where they traded with the outside galaxy. So Quill wasn't the only galactic normal sized person there, but he really had to watch where he stepped. In fact, he nearly stepped on a fat Lavorite, and got into a bit of an altercation with the man, who was talking in some alien language that Quill couldn't understand. "Damn it, Rocket said he had updated my communicator to Lavorite. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to almost step on you. Uh, does anybody speak English like they do in the movies?"

Crusader has posed:
"Doubt it...but perhaps Bjorn help?" comes a rather deep voice, from what can only be called a juggernaut of an 'old' man. He wore jean overalls, and a simple shirt with boots, seeming if he just came from earth....though he was definintly taller and bulkier than the average earthling at a towering seven feet

Not seeming to mind the heat he grins wide "What is it you be trying to tell them again? Bjorn be having the translator" he pats his chest. "And it be working fine" offers to Star-Lord with a large smile showing through his large bush white beard.

Star-Lord has posed:
Snapping his fingers, "that's English, grammar's a bit off, but English, thank god!" Looking up at the juggernaut, which cast a healthy shadow. And he thought that he towered over the Lavorites. Even the angry and overweight one stopped yapping at the sight of Bjorn. "Uh, yeah. Can you explain that it was an accident and I didn't mean to almost step on him. I'm really sorry about it. Play it up if you could. You know, real tears in the voice sort of way."

Yondu Udonta has posed:
"Y'call this a /space tunnel/?" floats the loud, brashly accusatory voice of one Yondu Udonta, while wiping his face with a gray rag that was no doubt formerly known as a white scarf. He is, for now, projecting this annoyance at the back of Star-Lord.

Yondu doesn't so much dodge the people as stride purposefully straight in a predictable way, letting the stomping boots make the point, at least for right now. His annoyance carries through in the stride, as well as a moderate curl to lip on the Centaurian's face.

Crusader has posed:
There is a deep laugh from Bjorn "Folks be tellin Bjorn vis all times! But hauf not the fear, Bjorn help" he says. Though he can't help but look behind Star-Lord to the annoyed looking centaurian "Errm, not so sure it so much as tunnel as it is citeh. Aye?"

But none the less Bjorn crouches down and looks to the tiny but overweight lavorite. He taps his chest with his fist before he begins speaking to the Lavorite "Please excuse Bjorn friend here. He did not mean to almost step on you, and he is very sorry" his tone was that of an earnest man who was on in his years. And at 64 - such an earnest heart felt tone was down patted.

Star-Lord has posed:
With Yondu behind him, Quill tenses. He'd know that voice anywhere. He began patting himself down a bit, as discretely as he could, ensuring that everything was exactly where he had placed it. He didn't have too many pockets, and no coat, so it made it even harder for him to make it seem like it was casual, but Quill was pretty good, and pretty weird, so it probably worked. Maybe. Probably not.

Turning around, Quill put on a smile over his face, "Yondu, long time no see. How've you been? Did you get the Sebastian I sent you? The plush red crustacean? He'd look so great next to that troll doll of yours." Seeing Bjorn crouch down was something of a sight in here, and a small crowd gathered around him, the overweight Lavorite, and Bjorn. It had a notable side effect of making it hard for Yondu to continue that stride. There were too many lavorites in the way.

Whispering, "thanks Bjorn, I appreciate it. I don't suppose you've got a Black Stallion I could borrow, because Yondu looks more like Henry Dailey than Mary Poppins today."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn smiles at the small crowd "Well, well! Looks like you folks are ready to be throwing of the party!" he tells the assembling crowd. "But Bjorn not want to crash it - would have to be dancing in the one place" with a gentle sigh he rises once again "Still tis pleasure to meeting you all!"

Bjorn again looks back to Yondu and than at Star-Lord "Sorry, Bjorn does not. But Bjorn hope sie got luck of Richard, else et seem you might be calling for yer mummy" he has a mischioivs grin. "Sides, do nit worry. This...Yondu fello looks like reasonble centurion!" he excalims, not seeming to be worried

Yondu Udonta has posed:
"Musta gotten lost somewheres. An' dat's too bad. Sebby-ian the crustian sounds maybe decent-like." Yes, there are too many Lavarites, so he's slowed, and glowers, picking his way. But he can still project: Yondu's got the lungs for that, and other things.

Yondu finally has invited himself right on over (well, there's a crowd of about 45 lavarites between them, but that is not a big distance for the humanoids! -- yards at most), and Yondu whips the soggy rag over the back of his neck, letting it drape like a sickly, deflated worm against his nape. "--- Say." A pause. "You lookin' pale. I a'in here to get cher, boy," Yondu snorts, with a smirk eroding the annoyed look. "I don' have to follow ya around the galaxy. That's what bounties are FOR," Yondu says, severely. "But I /do/ -- what's yer terran phrase?-- call bullshit when I smell et."

Star-Lord has posed:
Bjorn might not be worried, but Quill certainly was. He was trying not to show it, but Yondu, well, he had a complicated relationship with his not so fatherly figure. Fortunately, the lavorites seemed to be enjoying Bjorn's offer of a party, and they began to sing some lavorite song, which kind of sounded like what might go on in a rave on Earth. "Luck of Richard? Branson or Gere? Nevermind... you're partially right. He's a Centurion all right."

"It's definitely in the post. I'll check with Planet Express just as soon as we're done here. So, if your not here for me, what brings you to this carbon dioxide paradise?" Thankfully, they had pumped air, which worked for a surprisingly large number of species, into the dome."

Crusader has posed:
"O'connely" is Bjorn surpise. And than suddenly, he is surrounded by Lavoratians in what looks like an earth style rave. He makes a mental note not to mention parties in the future - as he seem to accidently offer them! "Alrioght, alrioght" he actually does dance with the little guys - though he doesn't move his feet for fairly obviouse reasons

He looks between Star-Lord and Yondu "Glad ta see Bjorn databse is nit oot of date" he muses."And Bounty?" he asks and forwards his brow. Why do these characters seem familiar. He shrugs a moment "Well et is of the pleasure ta meet yer Two anyhow" he looks around just to make sure no one was trying to climb him. it's happened before.

Yondu Udonta has posed:
"Th' 'Planet Express,' huh," Yondu asks, weighing it. "Sounds made-up," Yondu adds, tone dropping to a more dangerous note. But he doesn't linger there, he stretches a little, rubbing his face once, and then squeezing some sweat from his rag. A poor Lavarite nearly gets splashed. For some reason they aren't lingering near Yondu.

"Eh, just some recruitin'." Which also could mean kidnapping, but, well, whatever. Yondu finally takes stock of Bjorn, tilting his head a little bit in some semblance of being polite. It doesn't quite read, probably due to Yondu being dressed like a space pirate, as well as sweaty and scarred. "Ay, pleasure. Bjorn, eh?" Yondu queries, not entirely unfriendly. But taking in the rave with a bemused stare.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Bjorn, this Captain Planet-looking gentleman, no connection to Planet Express, which is totally a real delivery company, is Yondu Udonta, captain of the Ravager ship Eclector, and..." it seemed to pain him to say this, but Bjorn, with his accent, seemed to be having trouble following along, so he added, "kind of my like my dad..." he shrugged mightily, "It's a long story. I just hope he's not here to kidnap you, adultnap, Bjornnap, what do you say when someone captures an adult anyway?"

Before he can dwell on that much longer, he introduces himself. "My name's Star-Lord, legendary outlaw captain of the Milano. I'm Peter Quill." He offered a hand. He did have to give it to the little guys. They really had a neat beat going. Even he wanted to dance, but was careful not to, for obvious reasons.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn gives a pause for a long time "AHAHAAHAHAHA" his laugh was boisterious "Bjorn knew, you two seemed familiar!" he exclaims "Good to finally put a face to the ships" he tells them both. Of course neither would probably know or recognize him - they had met months ago fighting off some contastrophy, with their ships in communication during that time - but they never actually met face to face.

"Well, nice ta meet yer Captain Yondu und Captain Star-Lord. Bjorn, captain of The StarPiecer. Finest ship there ever was" he says rather proudly

But than he looks between Yondu and Star-Lord "Dad eh? Well, yer two must have a turbulant reltationship. If Bjorn is following what has been said, he sometime ends u huntin yea for credits. Talk about weird families" he says all in good humor

He bends over plucking a few overzelous Lavortian off his pants and setting them own gently. "hey! no vlimbin, or Bjorn start stompin! Ven the ground be rockin!"

Yondu Udonta has posed:
"'Gentleman.'" Yondu echoes. As if that was the weirdest part of the description? "Ah may look nicey, but about as gentle as yer cheese grater," Yondu clarifies. But there's a new thing to react to. "Wat. You introducin' me now as yo' /daddy/?" Yondu demands at top volume. It's more of a roar really, and probably causes some lavarites to cover their ears and glower at the noisy giant ruining their rave.

"You aways were soft 'n mushy, but I ain' quittin' on you yet," Yondu says, but it has an intense fondness to it. There's no actual anger. And Yondu's slipping in between two Lavarite groups suddenly to arrive at Quill's side, and attempts to drag him sideways into a very awkward side-hug that's somewhat on the rough side, using the hand to ruff Quill's hair up from the back of nape to forward.

"Only when 'e get foolish idear, an' cross me," Yondu clarifies to Bjorn's question about the bounty, cheerfully.

Star-Lord has posed:
"The StarPiecer, huh? Great ship, nice work on her, you're a credit to the galactic community. I especially liked what you did with her paint job." In truth, Quill had no Earthly idea who Bjorn was, besides what he had seen tonight, and all he knew about the ship was its name. But it never hurt to be nice. A look in Yondu's direction, and he thought, it rarely hurt to be nice.

Quill actually did like the familial attention. He had a complicated relationship with Yondu, but for all intents and purposes, he was Quill's father. It could have been worse. Yondu had nothing on Darth Vader. Trying to move out of the ruffle of his hair, Quill had to be careful not to almost step on another Lavorite, "hey, watch the hair, that's enough." Also, Quill's ploy had seemed to work. Yondu wasn't talking about eating, or hunting him down anymore.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn crosses his arms - which on a man of his size could be intimidating, if it was't for his rather layed back attitude "Now Bjorn be calling Horse Shite" he says flatly, a twinkle of mirth in his eye "Yer nit remember Bjorn at all...well no matter." he shrugs "Et a big galaxy efter all. And it's a him. Where the same species" he informs Star-lord. A strange choice of words perhaps

He looks down at the upset Lavoritians "Hey now! No need to be upset! Bit perhaps be moving yer party a few feet ovar? Bjorn would appreciate the space" and not accidently crushing someone to death.

He eyes the familiar attitude the two were having. From being nervous to acting like father and son. It was a weird relationship alright, that much is easy to tell. "Haha, well, least yer two have something. What that be Bjorn not know

Yondu Udonta has posed:
"Ey, good point. How's /my/ hair lookin?" Yondu asks Quill with seriousness that evolves rapidly into a smirked grin of angled teeth. And he laughs, a deep and full sound, clapping Quill on the back twice, with the usual expected force no doubt Quill has come to love. And to pick up that some of the ease is due to there not being other Ravagers in the immediate vicinity. Yondu usually lightens up a lot without that aspect.

Yondu half-smiles through the exchange about being nice, and also being caught lying. He doesn't SAY anything, but he clicks his tongue against his teeth a few times.

Star-Lord has posed:
Star-Lord loved to spin a yarn. He'd try and lie and cheat, but there was just something about him. He was too good for it. The smile. The mannerisms. He just never seemed to be able to do the things he wanted to do. He was too good to be a bad guy, and too bad to be a good guy. "Yeah, you got me," he began, but then.

Well, there was something said there. It turns out that the English word 'horse' means something very different, and rather insulting in Lavoritian. The rave seemed to be over, and the little guys began attacking Bjorn, jumping and climbing all over him.

Watching the little people attack Bjorn, Quill is a bit gobsmacked. Without even looking at Yondu, he answers back as if nothing was happening. "Yondu, you know you ain't got no hair up top." The smack on his back surprises Quill, and he wobbles forward briefly, before regaining his balance. Blinking, it was like watching a Gulliver's Travels movie in real life.

Crusader has posed:
It is all this moment. Bjorn realise...he f*cked up.

"Oh come on fellas, this is just a...GAH!!!" the lavortian if nothing else, were good climbrs. They had already reached his head and covered his eyes. His back, arms, legs and so forth were covered in the little guys, trying to bring him down

And Bjorn was just trying to be careful! "Hey! Bjorn said no climbing! Bjorn was talkin bout an animal!" he tries to explain as he plucks some off and sets them back down. He was even trying to make sure not to step on the little guys....

Of course with all the comotion, Bjorn inadventently ends up falling back....the small guys scatter from behind - and when Bjorn lands, its more akin to the sound of a full sized car hitting the grounnd to normal sized people. And a tremor can be felt going through the ground just after Bjorn lands.

Yondu Udonta has posed:
"I got chin hairs, boy," Yondu says, mock-offended, responding similarly to Quill in the situation of the sudden 'brawl'. Just kind of... observing it all. It's almost as if he raised Quill or something.

Yondu also reached out when Quill stumbled, to his shoulder, to prevent him from actually falling and mashing any of the Lavitarians. No need to turn this trip into mass-murder. At least, without good reason. Although if Bjorn does it, well.

"Good thing they ain' armed." Small weapons still can pack nasty punches.

Star-Lord has posed:
It would be a good thing if the Lavoritians weren't armed, and some of them were not. But only some. The rest, well, they had their own technology. Some had small blades, sure, they were five inches tall, so their blades were comparably small, but they were sharp. And others had guns, ray guns. And those too could sting. But with their size, it was common place for Lavoritians to carry spring loaded cables, which could be harnessed to things like the floor, and used to tie up larger beings, like Bjorn.

Peter Quill had it right when he thought it like watching Gulliver's Travels. "Should... should we help him?" Quill wanted to, but at the same time, he was on their planet, and it was a ways back to the Milano. He was probably asking the wrong person too. This was so surreal.