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Latest revision as of 18:52, 10 April 2018

Where Everyone Knows Your Name
Date of Scene: 30 March 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: A Spider, a Blind Ninja, a Not-Blind Ninja and a PI walk into a bar...you write the punchline.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Elektra, Caim Kataras

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter was such a sucker at times. Emil had gotten a job at some dive in the Kitchen, and had asked Peter to swing by, not figuring how literally Peter would take the request, to boost attendance, and as a plant to pay him a compliment. Emil was a new cook at Josie's, which didn't do a whole lot in terms of food sales, but they were hoping Emil might bring some class to the joint.

So, there he was, costume well hidden, part of it under his clothes, part of it securely in a special compartment of his backpack. He sat at a booth, since when he had come in, things were pretty quiet. But now they'd picked up, and Peter was pretty sure he'd be forced to give up his booth anytime now. But he'd already ordered his food. It was a strange position to be in. Even as he nervously eyed the server, the server eyed him, probably thinking the same thing.

Daredevil has posed:
It was a weird to see Matt walk into Josie's alone, but with the holiday weekend Karen and Foggy had other places to be, and Matt had time to kill before his other job, so he makes his way inside. His cane swings from side to side as he makes his way through the crowded bar, orders a beer then, makes a show of looking for a seat. He already knows where he's going, he caught Parker's scent when he walked in, tapping the booth with the cane, he says, "Sorry, is this seat taken?" he asks, playing up the blind act.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica is actually already present, sitting at the bar, a row of empty glasses infront of her suggests she's been drinking for a while now. At least Josie has gotten the notion that Jess is a woman who can hold her liquor. Part of why Jessica likes coming to Josie's, she doesn't get cut off as early as she does in other places. She doesn't look none too happy, but then when does Jessica ever look happy? She's holding a glass of whiskey in hand, Knob Creek today, and sips at it little by little, if only to make it last longer before she has to order another glass. She casually looks about the room, arching a brow at Peter, he certainly didn't look like one of the regulars. He also looked too young and too well off to really fit in at Josie's. Whatever, wasn't any of her concern. He was probably of age...and if not, he probably had a fake ID that was decent enough.

But then Matt walks in, and actually seems like he's going to join Peter, leading Jessica to call out, "hey, Matt, is that your new boyfriend?" Yeah, she was subtle and lovable, she takes up her glass and moves towards Matt and Peter, "you haven't introduced me." She extends a free hand at Peter, "Jessica Jones, if you ever need a P.I., look me up. So how long have you and Matt been dating?"

Elektra has posed:
If he asked, she was going to say they hadn't specified the details of exactly what fell under 'not seeing' one another. Because in all technicalities, Matt didn't see anyone, being blind and all. She wasn't sure he'd enjoy the lawyer humour, but she wasn't in a mood to care. It was Day Two of her enforced infirmary and Elektra was going a little stir crazy.

That and she hadn't been able to vent her frustrations in her usual manner, which is to say a smattering of corpses left bruised, bloody, beaten, and occasionally dead, in alleyways.

The way she looked at it in her current mood, Elektra didn't care that she was playing a dangerous game showing up at Josie's. What she knew was that was the most likely place to accidentally run into Matt. And running into Matt accidentally was what she had left.

Entering Josie's though, what she finds is the usual booth already occupied. Geekling boy in his late teens, and Matt. A Matt who didn't look as settled as the other, so had likely just arrived and made his awkward way to join. She also noted Matt's little friend, Jessica, at the bar - she'd had enough of her people tailing Matt's friends while the Rising Tide was producing its mayhem.

Matt or Jessice. Jessica or Matt. Or the stranger...

For sheer annoyance value, Jessica won out. Elektra taking a seat at the bar and tapping it. Josie nodding her understanding, bringing Elektra's usual, a beer and a shot of whiskey.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Matt! It's been a long time." Peter slipped out of one side of the booth at the approach of the blind man, and helped him find his way in. Both men knew that Matt didn't require the help, but appearances had to be maintained. "Please, join me. I have some food on the way." He would return to his seat on the other side of the booth after helping Matt find a coaster. Even if Matt was perfectly capable, Peter did what he could to help his friend with his secret identity. Peter had to do a lot to keep his own secret, so he figured that Matt would be appreciative of his efforts.

"How've you been? I read about one of your cases in the Bugle, Paul, Pauline... oh, what was her name, Manfred, Manfredi, something like that." He was talking about an issue of food poisoning from a few months ago, which of course was a great issue to raise while eating food at Josie's. It didn't exactly have the best of reputations, which was why Emil Rembrandt had been hired to try and change that. But then some woman called out to them, asking if Peter was Matt's boyfriend. Peter wasn't offended, a little surprised at first, flustered, but it quickly turned into a smile, "oh, uh, yeah, we're... I have a girlfriend." He said that a little too quickly and loudly.

"I mean, I do, I really do. Matt and I are just friends. And uh, the name's Peter, Peter Parker, I think," yeah, he was a bit flaberghasted by the ordeal, trying to play a bit on the foolish side, and dorkiness, since that was part of his disguise. Yeah, playing the nerd he had been all his life was part of the disguise. Why couldn't he have picked a Genius Playboy Billionaire Philanthropist as his disguise, like Tony Stark? Oh right, at best, he's one of those four.

And then she walked in. Elektra Natchios was hard to miss, especially for someone who made a living being paparazzi, even if most of the photos he took were technically of himself. Still, he had an eye for such things. "Woah," he said aloud. Jessica certainly had personality, but Elektra had presence. "I think that's Elektra Natchios over there." To Peter, she was Richard than god, but to Matt, a whole different thing.

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim enters the bar. He seen it numerous times as he passed by to other places and decides for the first time to come. And in doing so, notices the various people present. "Elektra Natchios herself. I have heard numerous good things about you." He says, his own accent sounding greek, yet somehow it seems to be different from modern greek. He then looks to the other people present. "I didnt know you and your friends frequent this quaint place. It makes me feel somewhat better at choosing it for myself." He says with a friendly smile as he leans on his cane.

Daredevil has posed:
"Peter?" Matt says, feigning surprise at the other man's greeting. "Hey, good to run into you and sure, help me into the booth?" he asks even as Peter does so anyhow, making a show of feeling his way along until he's settled, cane folded and tucked in the seat beside him.

Matt pulls into a tired smile, "About the same as always," he says, in a non-answer to how he is. "And I did what I could with that one, it turned out alright," he says with a bit of false modesty about the Manfredi case. "Foggy did most of the work," he adds as a final touch before Jessica, makes her way over.

Pete's reaction earns a smile, and he greets Jessica with a chuckle, "Jess," he says. "Care t join us?" he asks before Elektra makes her entrance.

Matt didn't need to turn around for him to know she was there, and for those paying attention there's a sudden tightening of his shoulders, which then is quickly released. "Really?" Matt says, when Peter points her out. He considers what to say at first before finally settling on, "She's a-" he searches for the right word. "A friend from college. I am sure she'd come over if we asked," he says before Caim approaches Elektra first.

He frowns, shutting out the rest of the room to hear what he says.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica has no idea how her timely decision to go bother Matt, just a taste of the payback he's owed, saved her from an interesting con-fron-versation with Matt's Ex. She doesn't really know Elektra beyond reputation, and lecturing Matt on breaking up with that woman. So she doesn't recognize her when she walks past her as she makes her way to Matt's table, while Elektra was headed by her prior position in the bar. "Sure you do, kid," she teases Peter just because he's been so quick to point out he has a girlfriend. It wasn't nice of her, but then no one ever blamed Jessica for being nice.

But then Peter goes on and points out that the woman who just walked by Jessica was infact the notorious Elektra Natchios, which brings Jessica to turn her head. Not because she loves celebrity watching, but because Elektra happens to have done quite a mind fuck to a friend of hers, several times over. "So that's your human poison...?" Jessica asks Matt, still looking over Elektra, did we mention she had a gift for being rude?

But then Caim comes in, and he uses a word that has Jessica roll her eyes, "Elektra Natchios herself?" She mimics to Matt, "Murdock, if I ever get famous enough for hipsters like that to say that about me? Please shoot me. In the head."

She shakes her head, and is about to join Matt's at his invitation, before he mentions Elektra might join them, and she doesn't need to wait and hear if Peter is cool with that, she's curious to know who this Elektra woman is for herself. "Yo, Elektra!" She calls out loud enough for half the bar to hear, music and all, "Matt here wants you to join us, if you'd care to..." and just like that she slids in next to Matt, a protective barrier should Elektra deign to join them.

Elektra has posed:
Fine. Elektra /is/ rather a cover of the society section kinda girl, but she generally doesn't stand out quite this much at Josie's - two people in less than five minutes, calling her out as herself? Herself, meanwhile, having taken care to dress down for the occassion, in nondescript jeans (that still cost too much money for here), and a surprisingly ratty sweat shirt with 'Columbia Law' emblazoned across it.

Peter might have his reasons for recognizing her, not that Elektra knows them yet, but he's saved by virtue of Matthew sitting with him.

This other, though, this Caim, she has no bearings to place upon him and identify him. That he smacks of one who has not only spoken ancient Greek, but spoken it fluently and enough to develop an accent? Well, that only piques her curiousity. And her danger sense.

So much for annoyance factor. Instead she turns to the man, speaking in perfectly clipped English, "I'm sorry, do we know one annother?" Neither confirming nor denying she's who he's addressed her as. Her drinks currently untouched before her as she sits at the bar.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter noted that tightening of Matt's shoulders. There was a history there. He was also a little surprised at the reference of college, since well, Elektra looked to be a good deal younger than Matt. Then again, he was pretty sure that Jessica thought he was younger than his actual age. He idly wondered how the spider-serum, or whatever it was that coursed through his veins, might affect the aging process. He hadn't noticed anything yet, but then, there was still quite a lot of life to go. And with the way he led it, his would always be likely to be cut short.

Caim sounds very much like a Greek to Peter's untrained ear. There was a reason it's all Greek to me was a popular idiom. And then the food arrived. Devils on Horseback, in this case, the English Stilton-stuffed, bacon-wrapped prune variety. They were sweet, rich, and oozy, with the Stilton just stinky enough, and the bacon just salty enough, to form a mightily addictive combination. The server also brought over three cocktails, apparently at the behest of Emil. They had rye, pomegranate, lemon juice, and orange biters. Emil knew his stuff. And not for the first time, Peter wished he had Matt's sense of smell and taste.

"I do" Peter insisted to Jessica, "I... have photos to prove it." He was terribly perplexed by this, and seemed every bit the kid he used to be. Though in this, Peter was fortunate, as he did use his phone to offer a photo of him and his girlfriend. She was very pretty, Asian, maybe Eurasian, it was hard to tell, and the purple hair didn't exactly settle it. Thing is, the woman was a celebrity in her own right, a model. And it didn't look like it was photoshopped or staged. They were at Coney Island together, the big wheel.

"That's... wow... that's a bit drastic." Peter said between bites of his Devil on Horseback, referring to how Jessica had asked Matt to shoot her in the head. "And, would it even be legal for you to hold a gun," Peter asked, genuinely curious where the law stood on that subject.

Caim Kataras has posed:
    "I met your father once. We had an interesting talk." Caim says with a friendly smile. His phone then chirps at him and he sighs. "Please excuse me." He begs softly before picking his phone out of his pocket and begins speaking greek to someone as he heads on back out.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt quickly let's go of the tension, or rather, hides it better under a simple shrug thrown Peter's way. As for the age thing, and college, it was complicated.

Jess' remarks are met with a frown, "Poison might be a bit much," Matt says to Jessica in a chiding tone even as he continued to listen to the strange greek guy. He didn't place him, but he seemed, off, in more than a few ways. He takes a sip of his drink, Elektra could handle herself. He chuckles softly, "I'll try my best, but people tell me my aim's not great," he offers with a touch of a smile, before remarking to Peter, "Hold one, yes, but not own one, in New York State."

And when Elektra is summoned, loudly, by Jess, as the PI moves into the booth beside him, Matt, shakes his head. "Classy," he says with a tight smile for the detective.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"A photo you say? Well, can't refute it now, can I?" Jessica notes with such deadpan sarcasm that even tone deaf people might pick on it. Without even waiting for an invitation, Jessica calls dibs on the orange bitters by stealthily pulling it towards her end of the table.

"Sure, I'll leave a note that I asked him to do it," Jessica remarks at Peter, "and it wasn't drastic, what kind of douche says 'herself' when addressing someone? Does anybody ever say, oh look, it's Matt Murdock himself?" She turns to peer at Matt, nudging him a bit, "anyone ever gave you that hipstery nonsense?"

"Really, Murdock?" Jessica snorts, not buying that 'poison might be a bit much' bit, "I heard stories, heard some from Claire, heck, heard some from Danny, I'd say she comes with a disclaimer." She shrugs at being accused of her lack of class, "you know me, Murdock, don't have to explain myself...and you should have expected as much."

Elektra has posed:
Most of what is going on at Matt's table is missed by Elektra who is caught off guard by the strange man's utterance of knowing her father, and then, as strangely as he had arrived, had disappeared again.

Of course there was no missing the brash yell of one Jessica Jones, calling her out to come join the table. A thing she not only couldn't ignore now, but actually now had a totally legitimate excuse to sit with the group, and short of being rude, Matt couldn't say anything about it.

Which is how, after downing her shot of whiskey, and waiting for Josie to pour her another before grabbing her drinks, and heading over, the smile that lights upon Elektra's lips finds its way there. The woman making slow and careful way over to the table the trio enjoy, pausing to consider where she's going to sit, before easing her way into the booth beside Peter without so much as a how do you do or an excuse me. And while her motions are *very * careful - Matt would know why - she makes a pretty good show of the fact that she really shouldn't be out of her house moving about like this, let alone knocking back boilermakers.

Hey, Peter, there's one for you: Elektra Natchios drinks boilermakers.

"So, what are we all talking about?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Wow, Matt really must be tense. He didn't even glance, okay, wrong descriptor, but he took no notice of the food set before him. Emil would be crushed. In fact, Emil was leaning out the kitchen door, watching the table. Peter was enjoying it, and even gave Emil a thumb up, since he had sensed he was being watched. But Jessica and Matt hadn't taken much notice yet. Or the accompanying drinks.

Peter wasn't sure if he liked Jessica, or not. She had a gift for deadpan snark, much like he did in his alter ego, but there was a certain meanness about it that Peter hoped he didn't have when he was quipping. He got the sense that Jessica and Matt knew each other way better than he knew Matt. Either that, or Jessica was just like that, talking to everyone as if she was family, and free to say whatever the heck she felt like saying. And yes, even in Peter's mind, he used the word heck. He was pretty sure the latter was true.

Peter scooted down in the circular booth, so that now he and Matt were in the centre, with Jessica on their right, and Elektra on their left. He offered a hand, "Hi, my name's Peter Parker." He knew who she was, but he was being polite. This would be a very odd time for Jessica to dramatically call out, 'he has a girlfriend. We've seen pictures,' so he braced himself for it.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt let himself smile wryly, "That guy apparently," he says about who says 'herself' though, yeah, it was kind of weird, he had to admit. But more the curious sort than, got to go get the suit sort of weird.

Ugh, the stories, see, that was the problem of letting people in, they started learning things, sharing, it was, well not dangerous in this case, but annoying! "They're overstated, trust me," he says to Jess, fully expecting it not to fly past her bullshit detector. He gives a chuff of a laugh at the rest, and takes another drink.

See, annoying? He bets Batman doesn't have these problems.

"You, mostly," comes Matt's reply as Elektra joins them, "Elektra, this is Jessica Jones and-" well Peter takes care of his own introductions. "What he said," he adds to the end of Peter's intro. Then figuring Jess would do it anyhow, he says, "Join us."

That done and the awkward ramping, he feels about for the food, "What did you order?" he asks Peter.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"So, you're 'Elektra Natchios herself'," Jessica mimics the hipster from before, looking quite amused with herself, "looks like you know how to order a drink," she remarks, before downing the orange bitters in one go, so she can get back to nursing her whiskey. That was a fun little detour.

Lucky for Peter, no comment comes from Jessica, at least not until she's done with her whiskey and signals Josie for another glass. "You used to date him," Jessica looks at Elektra, "so I shouldn't need to say it, but Matt and Peter here, totally not dating...even though it looks that way, Peter got pictures to prove it. I think he has a girlfriend who lives in Canada or something."

But then Matt speaks up and Jessica snorts, good thing she didn't have whiskey in her mouth or she might have spat it by accident. Elektra wouldn't have been none too pleased either, "overstated my ass."

"Yeah, Jessica Jones," Jess repeats for Elektra's sake, "for the record, I'm the one who been telling Matt your poison to him, and he should break up with you ASAP if he doesn't want to ruin his life forever. So, how you been?"

Elektra has posed:
Where. To. Begin.

It was really all so rich. And delightful. And poor Matt stuck there squirming like a worm on a hook. It almost made her vile mood worth it.

"Peter Parker, huh?" Though really, if he was going to go around 'incognito' like that, he might want to tuck his shirt in a little better. That or he took his fanboying a little too seriously. She didn't think she was off her mark there, though.

Matt earns himself a truly dry, and nearly disgusted, 'so we're doing this are we' look as he gropes for the food on the table. It's not like he can scold her. Not without outing himself if he hasn't already. And by the groping, one, if not two at the table didn't know his secret. Which is the only reason she covers with a neat, "The platter is at 11 o'clock. They're messy. But likely quite tasty." She should know. She's had similar, though she's declining right now.

But it's Jessica who wins the introduction lottery. "Well, if that isn't either the most daring or rudest introduction I've ever had. And you've known me, what? All of three minutes." Elektra smirks as she downs her whiskey, nodding over to Josie and tapping the table, making a swirling motion with a finger to encompass all of them sitting there. Whatever she just told the bartender, it was arriving for everyone shortly.

"Ah, so you're the voice of dissention in Matthew's ears are you? Well, rest assured, I've already told him to move on. For similar reasons." Similar, but not the same. More like he's liable to get killed if anyone in the Hand finds out she's vulnerable where he's concerned. And Elektra truly does prefer a live Matthew. "Me? You wouldn't believe me If I told you."

Laughing when Peter is declared not only to have a girlfriend, but actual proof (POIDH y'all), and quite possibly as a means of warning Elektra off Peter as well. "Oh, really? Now, this I must see."

Spider-Man has posed:
"Devils on Horseback," which he totally didn't order on account of Matt Murdock. In fact, when he ordered it, Matt hadn't even come into Josie's. Emil was surprisingly generous, or upped the order after it was relayed to him that there were more people. Hard to say, but Peter was here trying to help the guy. A lot of people refused to eat food at Josie's, which was the whole reason Emil was hired.

To make Devils on Horseback, one usually had to soak prunes or dates in alcohol, brandy, cognac, something like that. Afterwards, they were stuffed with cheese, in this case stinky English stilton. The smell wasn't great, but the taste more than made up for it. And around that, salty, oven-cooked bacon. Some people liked to substitute the cheese for chutney, almonds, mango, or liver, and there another variation on the menu, Angels on Horseback, which just changed the prunes to oysters. Of course, the cocktail pairing really made it what it was. Emil had sent rye, pomegranate, lemon juice, and orange biters to go with it. In fact, a fourth cocktail, and more Devils appeared shortly after Elektra had joined them.

Peter looked so embarrassed when Jessica made fun of him and his dating life, but then she mentioned Canada, and that got him thinking. "It's funny, but it's easier to get to Canada than New Jersey, thanks to Queen-Rand's Zetaport Annex at JFK. They discovered a proprietary method of transmitting quantum information faster than light, which of course was recently proven to be possible thanks to the Speed Force, while retaining the quantum entanglement between the atoms. It wasn't that long ago we were limited to transmitting qubits of information... I really do have a girlfriend." Yeah, science nerd got the better of him again.

It was only after he had gone onto that long tangent about how cool and innovative Zeta-Beam technology was that he picked up on what Jessica had said about Matt and Elektra. And suddenly things felt much more awkward. He almost offered to explain more about the Zeta-Beam, and why it became exponentially more difficult to transmit larger objects, which was why it wasn't expected to ever make a dent in global shipping... and then he's asked to show pictures, so he uses his mobile, which is quite a few years old, out of date, probably a second hand purchase. It's seen better days. But on it, there's a photo of Peter and a certain purple haired woman, who appeared to be way out of his league, but they looked to be at a New York Mets game.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt's nostrils flare slightly when he senses Jessica moves to something new, "Wait, was that orange bitters?" he asks with a smile that's just slightly incredulous. Really, it doesn't surprise him but it's fun to needle, even lightly.

Though, Jess of course takes it well past slight.

Still, 'overstated my ass'? Matt smiles miming looking down at Jess' backside. "I think it lives up to the legend," he says with a smirk before reaching for the food.

"Thanks," Matt says of the directions then helps himself to one of the devil's. "Good name," Matt remarks with a faint smile after finishing the first one, Peter having explained what they were called. He reaches for a second. "And Peter, don't listen to either of these two," he says. "Trust me, it's for the best."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"No need to make of it more than it is, just an introduction, would be rude not to have one, right?" Jessica asks with a smile on her face that suggests she knows damn well how rude she's been, yes, it's on purpose, and yes, she's impressed with how Elektra handled it. "I like to keep it direct and cut the bullshit out, nobody got time for that." She thennudges Matt, "you know? Your Ex does have some style on her." She shrugs when asked if she's the voice of dissention in Matthew's ears, "I'm pretty sure that title goes to the poor schmoe that hears his confessions, I just tell it like it is, he was a lost puppy after you and that's not healthy." She then delays for a moment, looking from Elektra, to Peter, and finally to Matt, "you don't mind us discussing this, do you?" If it wasn't clear, he's still paying for that fuck up at Xavier's.

When Elektra informs Jess that she wouldn't believe it if she shared, Jessica leaves it at that, she's not about to dig into Elektra without a client paying her to do so. Snooping into people's stuff? That was job, and she doesn't work for free.

Luckily, there's Peter to draw Jessica's attention when he gets into science babble, the kind that makes her feel like she needs another drink. "I now get why you feel the need to show pictures as proof that you got a girlfriend, jesus, lay off the science. It's a bar, people drink to avoid this kind of talk."

When Matt makes a point of highlighting the fact Jessica imbibed on something that wasn't whiskey, she shrugs, "I don't say no to free drinks." She does eye Matt for a moment in a somewhat unintentionally intimidating look when he plays off her words, "watch it Murdock, you keep talking like that, I might go on a date with you, and I'm no better than her," she nods her head towards Elektra, before quipping at her, "no offense, I'm sure you're wonderful, but you're just wrong for Matt."

Elektra has posed:
"No offense taken," Elektra lies to Jessica, but with a similar grudging respect for the no bullshit attitude of the other woman. Her gaze casting over to Matt to see his reaction to all this. Laughing when Jessica mentions his confessor. "Ah, yes, Father Lantom."

Not that Matt has divulged this information, but then again, when had that stopped Elektra from finding out? She had reams of people she paid to find things out, and any number who did it because she told them to, and to not do so made pointed lessons of them.

Most people preferred doing what Elektra asked to being dead.

She ignores Matt, reaching for a Devil - such an appropriately named tidbit for this table - and takes a bite while looking at Peter's picture. "Oh, her. Yes. I do believe we agreed not to kill one another."

Her tones oh, so, deadly serious and deadpan one might wonder if she meant it. Of course, Matthew knows. And that was the point of the statement.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter leans towards Matt in an aside, but speaks loud enough that he was sure both Jessica and Elektra would hear him, "good advice, counsellor... you're not billing me for it, are you?" He certainly couldn't afford it on his own. Unlikely for Peter, Jessica was on his case again after the science talk.

"Oh, all right." Yeah, best not to mention he had a masters in biophysics from Empire State University, was a teaching assistant at Xavier's School, science of course, and actually teaching the course himself, even if he was technically classified as a T.A., and was working towards his doctorate. Peter was the kind of boy that Jessica probably tormented while in school.

But when Jessica suggested she goes out with Matt, Peter looked to Elektra, and then to Jessica, and then to Matt. He thought about suggesting Betsy might be able to set Matt up with someone normal, but he had way too much tact, as Peter, to do that. Instead, he suggested, "as long as you don't bill me, can we talk later?" And that part was more of a whisper.

And true to form, Elektra made Peter squirm again. First Jessica, now Elektra. Matt sure knew how to pick 'em. "Well, that's um, good. Jessica over here," he smiled to her, "seems to think I should do everything I can to hold onto her, especially when I talk science in public."

Daredevil has posed:
Oh, Matt's going to need a double. He waves to the bar and shouts his order, same as what he was drinking, but twice over. The rest of what's in his glass is swallowed a heartbeat later, almost spilling as he's nudged. "I've noticed," he says with a slight smile shone Elektra's way before it vanishes into his glass. When he drinks, he pauses, lets things sort themselves out in his head. When Jess asks if he minds the current topic, he smilies, "If I said yes, would it matter?" his tone breezy even in its resignation. He was definitely paying for his screw up.

Peter's whisper gets a smile and shake of his head, "Pro bono," he whispers in return. And for a moment he pauses when Father Lantom's name comes up, his double arrives just in time to help him cover.

When it comes to dating Jess, he can't see that stare but he can feel it burning into the side of his face, he quirks a brow then gives his head a shake. "Consider the sentiment withdrawn," a nod is thrown Peter's way, they'll definitely talk later.

Matt does catch the bit about Elektra promising not to kill Peter's girl, and he blinks there behind the red lenses of his shades. "So, who is this mystery girlfriend anyhow?" he asks.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Good," Jessica concludes as somehow, miraculous, her uber rude introduction didn't end up with a fight between her and Elektra, if anything, it seems they have some modicum of mutual respect. When the whiskey arrives, Jessica downs it completely in one go. "Thoughtful of you not to kill Peter's girlfriend," Jessica shoots at Elektra, clearly she saw her comment as deadpan. Or did she?

She gets up all of a sudden, "smart man, Murdock," she says as he assures her the sentiment is withdrawn, "take good care of your girlfriend, Parker, wouldn't want Elektra to forget her promise." She winks at the assassin, and barges towards the door, she'll give Josie some tips later. Right now she just needs to go have some more drinks. That, or punch someone through a wall. Whichever happens her way first.

Spider-Man has posed:
The relief on Peter's face when Matt whispers 'pro bono' is palpable. And he nods in agreement about that talk they'd have afterwards. Things had to be discussed. Thankfully, Matt asks something that can be discussed in this company, "her name's Betsy... Braddock," who was a somewhat well known model, "British, in fact, I'm pretty sure she's like part of the peerage or something, or, one of her brothers anyway." And then to Jessica, before she can say anything, he adds, "yes, she is out of my league, and no, I don't know how it happened. If I did, I'd be on the New York Times best sellers list." But then Jessica got up, "nice meeting you Jessica," he said, thinking this was the first time that they had met. How little he knew.