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Latest revision as of 19:09, 15 April 2018

Tailgating In Style...
Date of Scene: 06 April 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cyborg, Amarok, Starfire, Stardust, Breath, Raijin

Cyborg has posed:
     It's one of those days. The sky is grey covered from horizon to horizon in clouds so thick the sun is completely hidden. The air is harsh and cold as the wind blows across the island shifting leaves from the trees slowly from one corner of the island to the other dumping a few right into the cool blue waters.

     Not many people are out on the island at this time of day, it's rather quiet all things considered. No big bads to fight no real problems to solve except for that Red X business. It seems the other heroes of the city have it all under control. Today's the perfect day to set back and relax indoors with a good book or perhaps a videogame.

     However in the parking lot there's one vehicle that stands out. It's off on its own to one side of the parking lot as it had been for the last few days. Sometimes it would leave for a few hours but it always came right back. It's easy enough to tell it's the same car by the unique design. The windows are tinted a dark blue making it difficult to tell if anyone is inside of the bright white painted 4 door sedan.

     What makes it unique is the bright blue wall of circuitry that covers sections of the car beneath a clear plastique like material. It looks one of a kind even at a glance highly futuristic with its pure white solid hubcaps. The general style of the car is smooth. Sleek and aerodynamically sound, but that just begs the questions: What's it doing here, and who's the owner? As well as "Is it worth paying to have it toed?"

Amarok has posed:
After several hours of watching the car sit there doing nothing on the security monitors, the Urban Wolf finaly comes down to investigate in the most brilliant of deductive ways. By tapping annoyingly on the drivers window until someone attempts to stop him.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r was on the roof sunbathing, half-asleep - but then was alerted of the strange car. She sighs, sitting up, getting herself together, as she just steps off the side of the Tower's roof and flies to the ground, eyebrow raised. "A car? Why is there an alert about it?" she finally asks. "Is it dangerous? I can just carry it back to the mainland..."

Stardust has posed:
While Dan has been watching the car, Stardust has been watching Dan.

This is not precisely true. Dan, with ninja-like concentration, can manage to watch unmoving objects for hours on end with almost zen-like focus. Stardust has trouble watching TV for 10 minutes without checking what's on other channels. It would me more accurate to say that Stardust noticed Dan heading towards the strange car while she was flying back to the Tower, and due to being on a high state of paranoia-alert, she decides to find out what he's up to. Just in case this is a secret rendez-vous with Red-X or something. Which it would be a terrible place for, but whatever.

Thus Stardust joins the annoying deductive process by landing on the roof of the T-car. She doesn't hit it hard, she's not trying to dent it or anything. Nevertheless, if the sound of knocking wasn't enough to raise the attentions of the occupant, the sound of feet walking on the beloved roof might be.

After landing, Stardust takes a couple of steps across the roof and peers down at Dan. "Hoy Wolfpool! What's up? Who's car is this? It's kinda cool."

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf's tapping is stopped for a moment by Colette's arrival, drawing his gaze to look up at her for a brief pause. Then he resumes tapping. Starfire's arrival and query draw out his slightly raspy, monotone mutter of a voice, "It keeps coming back....I think we should dump it in the ocean to be safe...."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r ponders. "Very well. Can't see into the car and lifeform scanners can't penetrate it. Let us wait patiently... see what happens. It's possible that someone wants to join the team..." She ponders. "Of course, one hostile move, and I'll punt it into the sea. But let's give diplomacy a chance."

Stardust has posed:
"Are you kidding?" Stardust demands of the Urban Wolf. Because it's possible, but rare. "You'd have to be crazy to dump this in the ocean." She walks around on the roof of the car, gesticulating wildly in a fervor of outrage. "This thing is the bomb. I don't mean literally it's a bomb. I mean, I suppose it could be, but it would probably have exploded already. So probably not. I mean... this thing is way too cool to throw into the sea. "

Stardust winds down and comes to a halt, her attention turning to the Tameranean. "As for you, Kori. Don't encourage him! You know what he's like. Next thing you know, it'll be all 'oh, let's throw the TV into the sea, let's throw the music system into the sea, let's throw the mustard into the sea. It could all be disguised surveillance equipment.' Nobody is throwing this car into the sea!" She folds her arms and stares at the two of them with a determined expression. "Besides, if we can't trace it, we can claim it. C'mon you two, tell me you don't wanna take a go at drive this thing. Honestly."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r's cellphone rings. "Really, K'tten? Now?" She sighs. "The Starfire popped back into the solar system again - they want to talk. Maybe it's about Kom." She sighs. "If you need me, call. I'll be there." With that, she rockes striaght up, leaving a contrail of fire behind her as she ascends into space.

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf glances back at Starfire and stares for a few seconds. Then turns and resumes his annoying tapping. Our heroes! Thoroughly defeated by tinted windows! Colette's outrage and rant draw him back to looking at-tap-her and away from-tap-the car-taptap, ".....I dont think the mustard is surveillance equipment....And if it is, someone needs to get a life." Taptap, he then points at Kori, "...And she might be throwing it into the sea." Colette's-taptap-question about driving the car is met with a return to staring at and taptaptapping away at the window. Starfire's sudden departure draws a grunt and a continuedly monotone, "Or not."

Stardust has posed:
Stardust watches the rapid disappearance of Kori with a bemused expression. "What... what's she talking about? I mean, isn't /she/ Starfire? How can she have popped back into the solar system when she's already here? And why does she need to go into space to talk to herself? That woman is so strange. Also, I could totally fly into space. Where do you get space suits from? Do you think they have them on Amazon? 'Cos going into space would be really... oh shut up, Ash. Yeah yeah, I know." She tears her eyes away from trail of flames arcing up into the Beyond and looks back down at Dan. "Ash is even more annoying than you. And nobody is throwing this car into the sea. Try knocking louder."

Breath has posed:
Breath comes circling in, making a loud jet roar noise and slowing, then a big cloud of dust and roaring wind as she huffs and puffs and blows in a column of wind to do a VTOL landing on next to everyone, making various vehicles rock a little bit in the sudden wind.

She looks around, waves, then inhales an insanely huge breath of air, creating another whoosh of air and stirring up more dust.

"..Hey guys! Whose car? What'cha doing?"

Raijin has posed:
Well, Kori left, so tag in Rayner 'Rainman' Vasusena!

Zooming to the location after finding out where everyone was at the Tower, Raijin smiles softly as he comes to a halt, small lightning trail behind him. "Woah...that's a cool car." he smiles softly to everyone, before he makes a straight b-line for Colette as he asks for the situation. "So...what we got here?" He asks a moment with a small smile.

"Or are we admiring how freaking cool that car is?"

Cyborg has posed:
     There's silence from the car for a long moment, soon after comes movement, the car shakes back and fourth as someone tries their best to get dressed inside the back of the car. Though it's clear from the thumping rocking and shakeing that there's not nearly enough room for whoever it is to move around.

     Finally the door swings open, and a semi familiar face peaks out. "Can we not walk on the roof of my baby, or throw it into the damn ocean?" Spoken as he looks up towards the woman on the roof of his car. "I mean I don't walk around the roof of your house and threaten to throw it out into the ocean if it doesn't move." He stretches wearing clothing that's clearly two sizes too small for his modified body. It doesn't do much to hide the fact he's over half metal either. "Be a real dick move if I did."

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf totally ignores Colette's schizophrenic ramblings and stops tapping as the metallo man steps from c-tap....Damnit Dan. After the totally pointless extra tap, the Wolf straightens up and looks man in the eye....At least, that's what it looks like, the LEDs dont move, so it's hard to tell, "....This is private property. Move it by the end of the day, or we'll have it towed." He says in his perpetual monotone. The other arrivals dont recieve so much as an acknowledging glance. How charming.

Stardust has posed:
"Wait a sec! I was the one telling people NOT to throw the thing into the sea," Stardust insists. "Don't blame me! And you're totally welcome to walk around on the roof of the tower any time you like, we do it all the time. You need to do some clothes shopping."

Stardust hops lightly down from the roof of the car and circles around to face Cyborg. "Hiya Vic. I was wondering when you were gonna show up. Why didn't you tell us you'd arrived? We'd have ordered pizza. Hi Breathmints, hi Rainy. Cool car, huh?"

Breath has posed:
Breath eeeee! She claps her hands together and grins. "OhmyGOD I was so worried! Are you okay dude? You do use 'he' pronouns, right? How have you BEEN? Are you OKAY? I like, brought you a teddy bear and cards and flowers, but like, I guess you didn't get them because of those shitty army weirdos or something, I bet? Bum-mer! Anyway like, I am so super glad you are looking better now."

She looks more serious. "Seriously! I was worried! I didn't know if you were going to like, turn into a bad sci-fi villain or something. 'Beep. Destroy. Beep.' Like the last thing I heard was.. y'know. Kinda ominous."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner whistles softly as he looks over the car. "That's a freaking awesome car." he nods to Colette with that big smile of his, before he sees Cyborg come out of the car! Wearing clothes too small for him. "Eyy! Hey man, how goes it? Should let us know when you come down!" He does death glare at Wolfpool over there.

"C'mon man, he's a guest! Chill, we got this." He smiles softly to Cyborg. "Don't worry man, nothin's gonna happen to your ride." Big smile and all for the walking piece of technology.

Cyborg has posed:
     Cyborg rubs the back of his head with a clearly metal hand for a moment he's not sure what to say and he doesn't make eye contact. "Nah, it uh..." He takes a pause. "Just sort of you know got caught up in the moment." He looks down at himself. "I mean I don't think I'm to the whole mustache twirling evil villain phase yet, but" He pauses placing a hand on his chin. "I would look badass with a goatee..." He trails off a bit. "Oh man I could grow I super villain goatee, and rename myself the...." He thinks for a moment. "The Ravager!" His arms go out to either side.

     The man is clearly overly animated even in his current state over the top gesticulation and a general lightheartedness about him as he speaks. "Or uh Deathlock" He smiles. "Yeah, then I'd... well I mean I'm already black and red so I wouldn't even have to change my paint job... maybe get a sidekick?" He finally looks to the group. "Do villains have sidekicks?" He pauses a moment longer blinking as he realizes he's ranting again. "Uh, sorry."

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf grunts derisively at the admonishments of his compatriots before looking back over to Cyborg, ".....He's alive. He'll be fine." He says coldly before beginning to walk back to the tower. Cyborg's sudden rambling turns him back around, and a few seconds of silent staring insue, finaly broken with, ".....What?"

Stardust has posed:
"Naaah. You can't have a sidekick if you're a villain," Stardust says with a shake of her head. "Heroes only. It's a union thing. Believe me, you don't wanna get on the wrong side of them. Seriously, I kicked Darkseid in the balls, but those guys terrify me. "

Stardust cranes her head past Cyborg, to peer inside the car, while calling back over her shoulder "He's joking, Woolfy. It's a thing that... people do." She pulls back again, nose wrinkled. "That car needs airing. Have you been sleeping in there? Phew. An interesting mix, eau de engine oil and sweat. Why don't you park that thing in the garage so you can leave the doors open to air, and we can chat about what we can do to help you out in the comfort of the tower?"

Breath has posed:
Breath nodsnods in agreement with Stardust. "Yeah, are you feeling okay? I mean, boom, and whoosh, and crazy, and, you know. All that. Is there anything I can get you? I.." She bites her lip some and shuffles nervously. She knows about dysphoria, but this is.. somewhat new territory for her.

"Like.. I don't know.. Um... no, ugh, that's all girl stuff, what do guys like? Video games?" She looks a little bit exasperated at wanting to be SUPER HELPFUL and merely being somewhat helpful. And coming off as a little bit of a goof in the process.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner ends up sighing deeply once again at Dan the Man. "It's a..." then COlette chimes in and he nods in agreement with her. Very rare those two actually disagreed on anything, actually. That said, he takes his attention and brings it back to Cyborg, the man of hte hour! so what does he do? He chuckles. "Yeah, come on. I can get a guest room ready for ya. Home sweet home." They were all so kind to the man.

"How -have- you been? I know it's been a big...uh...change." That shit can be traumatic. So he looks at Cy then.

"Stardust here and I actually jerry-rigged the game console into our virtual reality trianing room. Wnat to play grand theft auto in ultra virtual reality?" he elbow nudges Cyborg in a brotherly manner.

Cyborg has posed:
     "You know how it goes living that millionaire dream, signing contracts, doing promotions, getting fawned over by all kinds of women." He offers a bit of a smirk Breath's direction placing his hands deep into the pockets of his two sizes too small hoodie. Inside the back of the car there's: Blankets, empty pizza boxes a Teddy Bear, a number of familiar looking get well soon cards, a pillow, a football, and what looks like a bag from the salvation army where he bought the clothes he's currently wearing. Yep there's no hiding it: The man's been living in that car.

     He pauses for a moment before just falling down in his posture on the spot slumping into place. "Ah hell who'm I kidding, it's been awful." He throws his arms down to either side. "My manager dropped me, dad spent all the money I had saved up, the company repossessed my mansion, I got thrown out of school, and I've been sleeping in my car in parking lots ever since." He's practically crying with his words without actually shedding a tear, not really the sort of welling up depression sort of crying more the 'how the hell did this happen' cry to god sort of thing. "I had to beg for money on a street corner just to get enough cash to buy clo-o-o-o-o-thes." He throws his arms down again. "I'm a mess."

Amarok has posed:
The Wolf grunts with annoyance at Colette's mockery then turns back away towards the tower, "....I'll find a room for him..." He says monotonaly as he begins his trudge, "Last night's pizza should still be good...If you can stomach anchovi." He stops at the doorway and looks back, "....Touch my save file on Harvest Moon and I'll cut your eyes out." His tone never shifts, so it's hard to tell if that's a joke or not.

Stardust has posed:
"Actually I think Raven said she would teleport the next person to run that GTA thing to an unspeakable hell dimension until we'd tested it out a bit more, so maybe not," Stardust interjects wryly. "Besides, we don't actually have the thing properly running yet. It can't tell the difference between what's supposed to be a person and what's supposed to be a car. Which leads to some interesting situations. You ever tried to carjack a pedestrian and yank the driver out? Messy." She raises an eyebrow towards Breath. "Speaking of which, hey! Video games are not a 'guy thing'. This is the 2020s not the 1920s you know. Yes Ash, there weren't video games in the 1920s, I know. Thank you for that comment. Seriously Breathmints, we gotta drag you into the next gaming session.

Stardust turns to Cyborg and raises a finger. "Enough! You're with friends now. You looked out for us, we'll look out for you. I ain't saying your problems are over, 'cos you know. Whole world of stuff. Plus, it's a madhouse. Wolfy will probably kill you several times a week, Raven has heard of doors but she disapproves, Robin is permanetly angry, Starfire puts mustard on all the food, Breath will care you to death, and don't walk on a carpet immediately after Rainman, the static is crazy. However, we can probably manage a bed and some clothes that fit you better."

Breath has posed:
Breath awwwhs!! and steps up to offer a shoulder and a hug! It does not occur to her that there might be enough of a mass difference that this might be a less than great idea right away, so this might end comically. "Yeah! It's all good now! O-M-G you look like you could use a hug!"

Raijin has posed:
Rayner looks fairly scared as Colette informs him of Raven's plan to send people to hell dimensions if they start up the game in that format. He gulps. "Geez..." though when Cyborg starts to speak, he actually looks extremely sympathetic as Cyborg just breaks down in front of everyone. He probably would too if their positions were reversed. He sighs softly then to the man before he kneels down right next to him.

"That's it, your staying with us. Won't be a life of luxury, but I'll get you a good bed and fitting clothes." it helps to be a billionaire. But he pats on Cyborg's shoulder and doesn't even wait for him to answer. "Welcome to the family." seems he is tag teaming with Breath to try and cheer this dude up.