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Latest revision as of 19:12, 15 April 2018

Escape from Slavery
Date of Scene: 06 April 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kar'ras, Starfire, Raijin

Kar'ras has posed:
    The shuttle beeps at the man within, the afternoon sun hitting him and speaking to the man in an alien language. The shuttle nearly crashes into the tower itself but grazes the roof before circling into the bay, crashing down hard. The shuttle was no bigger then a large car and the sound of yelling is heard within the machine. Then it becomes silent as something pushes on the door.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r was on the roof sunbathing, something Kory does often, then sees the shuttle. "What the hell... that's... that's..." She then calls on the comm, "I have a shuttle crashing... I think it's from home!" She immediately flies to intercept the shuttle, moving fast, having left the Silkie up on the roof who was sunbathing too as she is going as fast as she can before the shuttle sinks.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner was just sitting at the edge of the roof of Titans tower...yes, he saw Starfire sun tanning. yes, he was checking her out. But only idly! okay, there's not a right answer for that...but then he sees something crash land from the heavens, standing up to his feet, he zips by Kori. "Kori! you see that? let's go!" he says something in french too but he just runs after the point of impact.

Kar'ras has posed:
    The shuttle is old and bears Tamaranean markings, but it is also battle scarred. The sound of the computer inside speaks tamaranean to something and then the pounding on the door is heard as something from within the shuttle is trying to open the door, the shuttle's autopilot trying to avoid life forms and land.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r sighs as she points at the engine and fires a starbolt at it, disabling it as the ship would quickly hit the water without thrusters. She then goes to the hatch and forces it open with superstrength. She then gives an order to the person inside in her native tongue.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner keeps his distance, wearing a leather black and yellow jacket with cargo pants and combat boots. New Superhero garb? Eh, maybe. But his hood is still over his head as he looks at Kori, completely unknowing of what she's saying. "Does that language thing of yours work in reverse?" he asks Kori curiously before he tries to look inside the pod.

Kar'ras has posed:
    Kar'ras watches the hatch force itself open and he looks at the woman. He peeks a head out and flies out, looking to the area and then to the woman, He speaks his native tongue and looks to Rayner, watching the black and yellow man as if it was a threat.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r glances. "It doesn't have to," she states softly. "He's... Tamaranean..." She then gives Kar'ras a hug and kiss, imparting her knowledge of English to him. "Welcome to Earth, Sector 2814. Your shuttle almost crashed into my home..." She is now speaking English. "I am..." She trails off, not sure what her name might mean to one of her kind. "I am a friend. This is Rayner. He's a friend too."

Raijin has posed:
Raijin (Rayner Vasusena) enters a combative stance, lightning starting to arc between his fingers as Kar'ras seems to be getting a little bit on the hostile side with him, until Kori hugs and...kisses him? Well, that's disarming for certainly. His eyebrow raises before he enters a more casual stance. "Ah..okay." that's a good way to calm someone down. Just have starfire kiss them.

Kar'ras has posed:
    Kar'ras was almost about to lunge for Raijin when Starfire hugs and kisses him. He kisses her back reflexively, not pushing the woman away. He then looks to Raijin again. "They dont fly?" He asks in the new language trying it out and looking more confused then anything. He then turns to Starfire. "This isnt ruled by Komand'r?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r visibly flinches at that name. "No... she doesn't rule here..." she murmurs, vast emotion swelling through her. "I'm hiding from her too... hiding from my sister. You weren't followed, were you?" she asks. "I am Koriand'r. And... this is the backwater world that I'm hiding on. I offer you sanctuary... and may X'Hal keep our presence here secret." She glances at Rayner, then back. "What is your name? And humans can't fly - well, most can't. A few can."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner and Kar'ras were about to engage in one epic fight...but then Starfire. He watches the two of them, looking between them as he crosses his arms. "Right then, should I leave you two to.." he looks between them, uncertain of that relationship before he shrugs. "Hey, I kinda like this backwater world ya know. Not everything can be galaxy-spanning imperiums." Either way, he approaches the fellow, standing by Starfire.

Kar'ras has posed:
    "She agreed to give Tamaraneans to my master. To Experiment with our ability to absorb solar energy. They are used as an invasion force to conquer other races. My master always find me. It could be the technology implanted in my body." He says as he looks to Rayner. "My birthname is Kar'ras. It is the only thing I have of my life before my slavery."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r sighs softly. "So her insanity is no less..." She slumps, sinking to her knees, crying a bit. "Why, Kom? Why do this? Haven't you had enough?" she whispers faintly. She then rises up. "I'm sorry, Kar'ras... a princess does not... let herself wilt like this. Come inside. I'll get you a drink." She steps inside the Tower. "Rayner, be nice to him. You remember how I was when I first arrived? I believe Kar'ras will be similar."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner looks between Kori and Kar'ras as he sighs softly. "I am being nice...just not sure how I feel about our world being called 'backwater'." he sighs softly then before he turns. "We have guest rooms available if you want. Far as I see it, there's no set date where you have to leave. Chill as long as you want." he looks to Kori and Kar'ras then, though he does look sympathetic when he hears about slavery and all that. "Sorry man."

Kar'ras has posed:
    "She claims that the sacrifice of a few tamaraneans for greater technology will improve our race." Kar'ras explains as he moves a sympathetic hand to Koriand'r's shoulder. "It isnt your actions." He says softly as he watches the woman. When Rayner speaks he nods. "I do not wish to be a burden." He says calmly.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r pops back out since the two were delaying, as she tosses a red soda can to Rayner (a Coca-Cola) and gives a yellow one to Kar'ras, and has one herself. "You pop the top - it's a drink that the humans mostly consider a practical joke, but I think you'll really enjoy it." She takes a swig and sighs happily. (Mustard soda, of course.) "You're... a taste of home... I... I would be honored if you would stay here."

Kar'ras has posed:
    "As you wish." Kar'ras says as he pops the top and sips it, unsure of it. "This is delicious...Whats the joke?" He asks confused as he then looks to Rayner. "So This is your friend...Does he have abilities?"

Raijin has posed:
Rayner looks between the two of them as he chills inside of the Tower, sitting down on the couch as he seems to be in contemplation. "So...are we in danger of any more Tamaraneans coming here and attempting to conquer the planet?" he asks. it's okay to be nervous!

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r shrugs. "Well.. basically humans, the native species, have... differnt tastes. They think this stuff is terrible. And... don't try to red cans. YOu won't like it. They use..." She then takes a deep breath, and with all the hatred she can muster, utters the word "sugar". She shudders. "It's rather revolting. And... my friend makes a good point - are you alone?"

Kar'ras has posed:
    "As far as I know. I took the first shuttle I could find and punched in the coordinates as far from the galactic center as possible. A world rich in sunlight so I can defend myself for when my master comes calling." Kar'ras says as he watches the two.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "And I will stand with you. Do... do you know who I am?" she asks softly as she sits there, finishing her mustard soda. "I am the rightful queen of Tamaran. Though my sister ensured that would never happen."

Kar'ras has posed:
    "I have heard of you. I have heard of what your sister has done. I only know that my life has spent in slavery. I have tried escaping three times and this is the longest I have been free. I hope to remain on this world and fight for my freedom." Kar'ras says as he sips the soda. He then looks to Koriand'r "Do you serve these humans?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r snorts. "No. I serve nobody. I live here - I have joined a team of heroes called the Titans and help defend the innocents against supervillains. I also make a decent living as a model."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner eventually stands up from where he was and he approaches them. "I can tell I'm the odd one out, so I might as well learn a thing or two." he sets next to Kori. "We do what we can."

Kar'ras has posed:
    Kar'ras just watches Rayner. "I am Kar'ras." He says as he drinks more of the soda. "You are one of these titans?" He asks curiously.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "Yes. I am part of the team. This is a strange world... you'll get used to it. Most of hte poeple here are wonderful." She shrugs. "And some are very attractive..." She glances at Kar'ras. "Do tell us about yourself. That is some VERY interesting cybernetics there."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner nods softly to Kar'ras "Mhm. I'm Rayner. Nice ot meet you." he shrugs then, before raising a brow at Starfire. He'll ask her about that later.

Kar'ras has posed:
    Kar'ras nods as he looks to the woman and then the man. "I am a warrior slave. I kill people for my master so he can claim their technology and worlds. I have been doing this since I was a child. Over time the cybernetic was noticable, but as time went on, it has been more hidden so I can pass as a regular tamaranean." He says as he shows the palms of his hands to reveal green jewels imbedded in the palms.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods slowly. "There are no masters here. You may stay here, or not if you wish - but... I would recommend that you stay... it's so nice to have someone from home... someone who doesn't wrinkle their nose up at my favorite foods..."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner looks insulted when Kori speaks of people disliking her foods. "Hey, I happen to like some of the cuisines you present. I've never tried a great many of them, but I'd still like to try. Geez.." he crosses his arms with a smile before his eyes fall on Kar "But yeah, you can stay here. Even try out to join the team."

Kar'ras has posed:
    Kar'ras nods. "I have some food supplies from Tamaran that I can share with you." Kar'ras says as he smiles, a little unsure of himself but seems to feel better for coming here. He drinks down the rest of his soda and he watches the man.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r squeaks. "Oh no, I left the Silkie on the roof!" She then smiles. "Rayner, show him to a room or... show him Earth culture or... something?" she asks as she then darts out of the room, heading to the tower.