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(A drug deal goes south in Gotham.)
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Latest revision as of 23:14, 31 July 2017

Fight Club: The Blood
Date of Scene: 22 July 2017
Location: Gotham
Synopsis: A drug deal in Gotham goes south.
Cast of Characters: Renee Montoya, Molly Millions, Nightwing, Kingpin, Sarah Osborn, Robin (Wayne)
Tinyplot: Fight Club

Renee Montoya has posed:
    Gotham is not a clean town. Not even on the best of days. Figuritively and literally, both. It is a rich town, to be sure. Full of warehouses, large corporations, and huge piles of money moving back and forth, vastly unseen by the general populace. It is a city of a corrupted police department that is slowly being gutted of that. It is a city of crime lords and mafia men. Of genius villians. Of Batman.
    And, it is a city that has seen a series of murders which rumors of a new drug have been circulating in the deep underworld. Rumors of a drug called 'Blood'. The rumors are different - that Blood can give you the best high you've ever got, that it's a hallucinagen and it can give you nightmares, that it can bestow for a short time meta powers much like PCP can effect one's physical abilities.
    It is also a city that has 5 unsolved murders, each in a more grotesque, and unusual fashion. It is a city that has missing teenagers, some of which were sons or daughters to the murder victims.
    It is a city of uncertainty. And of shadows. Despair. One, perhaps, can see the reason why a new drug would be attractive.

    It is in a dark part of Chelsea park where the lighting has been either shot out by a pistol or put out by a rock that a small group meets. Chelsea Park, known for it's crime and danger after dark. Mafia meetings, murders, and drug trafficking where a group of young people stand. Teenagers, all. Five of them. By all accounts, most are - jittery. And in the very early stages of withdrawal to those who can detect the symptoms. They seem to be waiting around, looking at each other, looking at the shadows. Waiting. For something. Something, or more likely someone begins to move towards them. They perk up, looking - interested. Unafraid. Maybe, even a little eager.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions's not specifically looking for a park, but she is specifically looking for a teenager. None of the one's her lenses can see match the one she's looking for, but the behavior... 21st or 23rd century... is universal. And enough of a curiousity that the razorgirl elects to settle in behind a bench to observe. She settles in to a squat among the darkest shadows, elbows resting on her knees and hands left dangling.

Nightwing has posed:
    The two proteges of the Bat had come together for an impromptu patrol, brought into play by the restlessness of one being stuck in the mansion for a long period of time, while the other felt that keeping an eye on the wild card child of the Bat... would probably be for the best.
    So it was across rooftops they ran, Nightwing setting the pace strenuously. The way he moved, the flow of his acrobatics, they were a thing unlike any other. He was graceful, swift, and rather powerful in the execution of what some would call parkour, but what had just been 'the job' for him when he was Robin.
    "Other side of that building is Chelsea Park. You ever see Star Wars? Think Mos Eisley, but out in the open with trees." He /leaps/ off the side of a building, swirling around a length of pipe and then hurtling across the way to the next rooftop, skidding to a halt and crouching down so they can take a look from this vantage point.
    "Lots of things go down here, you'll need to learn to put your powers of observation to the test here."

Kingpin has posed:
    Wilson Fisk is not currently present. He is, in fact, sitting in the back of a black sedan that is parked around the block, just to where one might be able to watch.
    Meanwhile, in the group, there's a man. He's of indeterminate ethnicity, thin and fidgeting from years of repeated fixes, with grey eyes and crew cut black hhair. He fidgets slightly as he looks around at the others prsent, rubbing his hands together and licking his slightly oversized lips.
    "So... You think it's soon?" The man asks, just to break the silence. He swallows, hard.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Sarah may look like a normal girl under her costume, but she is not. She has something different about her, it makes her stronger, tougher, faster, gives her better endurance, and makes her nearly immune to poison. She normally investigates paranormal things, but this Drug bothers her. Well, drugs in general bother her, but some are relatively harmless, this one does not seem to be...and at least one person may be killing to get it. She has decides to invesrigate...and so she is in Cheslea park because the murders seem to concentrate here.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian had been both thankful for the opportunity to get out of the mansion at night and a bit angry at himself from his and Nightwing's last encounter. He's kept a tight lip on it since that day. Despite the strenuous pace, the teen managed to keep up without problems, though less acrobatic than Grayson's style. "Star Wars?" Yes...he wasn't kidding. Damian had been wearing the exact garb he had worn a week earlier as The Demon, with a katana now strapped to his back. He slides to a crouching halt next to Nightwing, looking out to the park as his elder did.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    A tall man, in a -very- expensive black suit accompanied by a hooded figure - monk-like in a fashion, walks up to the small group with a casual air from around the corner.
    The girl, blonde, pretty, young, looks up and asks, "You got it?" She's already pulling out a rather fat wad of money for the man, trying to remain calm but showing the edge of nerves she's just barely holding back. "Here. We got the money." The girl looks, remarkably, like one of the more recent missing children on the 'Have You Seen This Child' poster that's plastered over telephone poles, sides of buildings, and trod upon in the streets as just more litter as it blows free and unfettered.
    The tall man looks down at the girl, who can be no older than sixteen, and he nods, once. "Just remember. This is the last time. Next time, if you want it, you'll need to work for it." He takes the wad of money, and nods to the robed figure who reaches into the robe and pulls out a silver case. The case contains five syringes, each with a red colored substance in it.
    Three of the kids, two boys and another girl, immediately reach for theirs, frantic. And, just as immediately, push the needles into their veins, fast, and shudder with release, stepping back, and looking utterly relieved.
    The girl, the one who'd spoken and given the money over squeezes her eyes shut, she nods, and she, and the other boy who both don't seem to have it -quite- as bad as the other three, reach out to take the remaining two. They hold them, and seem to have a loathing for the contents within.

Nightwing has posed:
    "You know, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalk..." He stops as he gestures to the side, indicating Damian needs to take cover with him. "We'll watch them later. Alright, stay low." That said he gives a nod to the youngest scion of the Waynes and then turns his gaze out onto the park itself.
    For a moment he scans the area, visor swapping to low-light as he seeks any tell-tale gatherings. Just in time to mark the one with the people as the hand over is made. He frowns and tilts his head, "Drug deal." He says and gestures in the direction, though it might be a touch harder for Damian to mark the transaction.
    A glance to the side, "We'll move in, get the dealer. Need to see what he's dealing. The users are secondary, don't target them unless they take an aggressive action."
    There's a pause as he eyes the katana. "No blood."
    That said he plants a hand on the small wall that surrounds the rooftop and /vaults/ over, starting to make his approach.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions's not civic minded enough to try and interfere in junkie's getting their fix. Teenagers or not. She doesn't feel the urge to go and stop them from acts of self-destruction for all that obviously well-dressed suits supplying it does cause it's own discomfort for her. She stays where she is for now, noting the red syringes, the two that are clearly not as hooked as their companions. With her lenses it's as bright as day for her, and curiousity holds her still rather than continue on her search.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-Girl is torn...on the one hand she wants to stop the deal, but this is an end dealer...you want to follow him to his supplier because he probably is pretty low on the chain. You need the source...something street dealers like this probably do not know. However, a sample of what they are dealing, she might be able to analyze it and find a cure...or at least figure out what you would need to make it.

She loads her spring gun with a rubber round and moves in, firing at the wrist of the hand holding the vial on the woman who was apparently paying. After the round hits, she lights up her glowing yellow mask eyes and gives a frightful cackle, ending with, "The Goblin's gonna get YOU if you don't watch out!"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian joins Nightwing as they scope out the situation. He only had a simple domino mask at this point but he had seen enough to know there was something afoot. Then there was the edict for no blood. "I know how to use it non-lethally." He adds in with a grumble, not that it would matter much.

Kingpin has posed:
    Fisk, for his part, continues ti quietly observe from his distance ast he group is being handed their drugs. That car eventually comes to life and pulls half a block or so further down before coming to a stop again. A silent engine. Electric. With modern technology these vehicles are just as reliable as their combustive counterparts.
    "Well," the driver offers as he watches through a field glass. He's a tall, thin man with brown hair. "I think we have something."

Renee Montoya has posed:
    It's like watching a horror show, suddenly. Of the group of three, who initially injected it into their veins, two of them, in unison, let out a strangled cry of utter, and pure anguish. It's brief, and silenced after another violent shiver and shudder of their bodies. Each clutch themselves tightly, before collapsing to their knees on the ground. The third begins momentarily thereafter. His scream comes too, and then, he, too, is shuddering, shaking, and dropping onto the ground. They each writhe, twist, half in ectasy, and half in pain.
    The girl, the 'speaker' if not the leader of the group goes to stab herself with the needle -- only to have it shot out of her hand. She screams in agony, "NO!" And she's on the ground, suddenly frantic, swabbing at the earth with her finger tip, dabbing it in the red fluid and licking her finger off. The fifth, the other boy sees, and immediately is stabbing himself with the needle so he does not share the girls fate.
    Soon enough, their behavior mimics their friends. But their friends are ahead of them on the 'evolutionary' scale of the drug. And their skin begins to blacken, like ash. The closer one is, they will begin actually hear it crackle, as white and brown flesh is turned black. A smell of sulphur touches the air around them. They grow still, as if they had been suddenly turned to stone. Or, wraped in a coccoon.
    The tall man turns to his companion, "Our man in Bludhaven has a group hooked already. Soon enough, they'll be like this lot. And, given time, like you, my friend. A small part of the whole. But, a significant part, for the plan." He looks down at the girl, "A pity. We only brought five. That is all you asked for."
    But his eyes move to the surrounding area. Scanning. The figure in the hood sniffs the air, like an animal, and cranes it's hooded head directly at Goblin-Girl. A very inhuman, guttural growl is heard.

Nightwing has posed:
    Nightwing drops down, moving quickly to the cover of the wrought-iron fence that covers the entry to the park. He waits for Damian, then breaks cover and sticks to the shadows to close the distance. It's a steady pace, smooth and quick...
    And then the Goblin mask lights up. But that's just a herald of the wildness that occurs. Those poor people that take the drug are suddenly twisting and shrieking, clutching themselves. He frowns and pauses long enough to tell Damian. "Situation's changed. Containment is the plan. Break right."
    That said he moves in quickly, not breaking out of stealth yet but moving himself into position to cover this Goblin-Girl who apparently is going to be drawing attention down on herself.

Molly Millions has posed:
Well now. The cackle, the mask... those are things that Molly recognizes, even if she finds it puzzling. Kids are falling over, screaming... this is a bad drug. There's a grimace and at least the kids fates cause a reflexive civic twinge. She can see the Demon over there, too, with some other costumed fanatic and slowly the razorgirl straightens to her feet, muttering under her breath. She takes a Beretta from the holster under her arm, electing to ignore costumes and kids on the ground as she takes aim at the pusher, waiting patiently for a clean shot because she's feeling lazy about running tonight.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Step one, knock out the girl who just had a taste of the drug and get the sample while it is fresh...there may be volitiles which will be lost is it it left exposed to air for any significant time. She would have preferred not having the ampule broken, but you take what you can get. A quick blow at low power to the nerve cluster at the base of the neck and the girl should be down. Them get a sample. Hopefully her armor and her robust constitution can take any attacks that hit her while she is gathering it.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian breaks right as requested, moving to contain the situation. the way these men struggle against this drug is enough to make Damian pity their plight, but this is what a drug will do to someone, maybe not as pronounced. Damian looked to the Goblin Girl as she worked, preparing to leap against anyone who would attack her.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    "Kill anyone interferring. Hide the bodies," the tall man tells the hooded figure. And then, the tall man begins to slowly turn around, calmly. As if none of this had happened, or that it was completely normal. He begins to exit, stage left, his gloved hands grasping his wrist behind his back. It's a casual, unconcerned walk.
    And maybe that is because now, the black-stone-like covering their skin had turned to, for all but the now-unconscious girl that Goblin-Girl took out are now starting to move again. The black coloring of their skin begins to crack. Wither away. And where the scabbous film breaks, bright red pigment is beneath. At least three people here would have seen such pigment, before. On two nights, in the Fight Club. They each stand, the four, no longer human. Red eyes. Black claws. The males are thicker, more muscular. The one other girl is thin. whipcorded muscle. Sensual. And dangerous.
    The hooded figure moves forward, towards Goblin-Girl, larger than the teenagers like a charging gorilla. The four almost seem pack-minded, and begin to move with the larger, still-hooded figure. Strong, muscular arms reach to pound down on Goblin-Girl from the hooded figure while the others break off in packs of twos, to try and attack both Nightwing, and Damian each.
    Molly, for the present, is unseen, and thus not considered.

Nightwing has posed:
    Even before he's fully in view, there's a flicker of movement and a /whir/ of somethig cutting through the air, crackling with electricity as it's sent straight at the charging form of that hooded figure, the tazer-wing spinning quickly and looking to expend its brilliant charge against the creature.
    But then he's out of the shadows, Nightwing emerges near Goblin-Girl telling her sidelong as he whirls twin batons in his hands, "We get out of this ok, gonna want a part of that sample if you can spare it." He tells her even as he brings the weapons into play.
    Time is what she needs and what he aims to give her. He tries to draw the attenton of the hooded being, even as he flips to the side, trying to keep himself moving as the other two creatures split off and bracket him. At times he'll try to get cracks in with the eskrima sticks and their shock-charged endings, but with three combatants such as these... most of his time is spent making himself a target and trying not to get crushed.

Molly Millions has posed:
Molly Millions's happy to be unseen, though the motion and sudden pack behavior of the newly spawned... mutants? Monsters? She has no idea. She's concentrating on the suit, stepping from behind her spot she waits until she has a clear shot and takes it for the suit's left ankle. Still no costume or mask, though her usual black tee currently sports a 'Hulk' picture. The razorgirls glasses, or at least the flash of her gun probably revealing her, not that she's particularly concerned about stealth at this point as she advances towards her target.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Once her sample is obtained, Goblin-girl puts it in one of the many pouches on her belt and dodges the incoming attacks with a speed and leapiong distance that are superhuman. Perhaps she is not as agile as Spiderman...and certainly not as trained as acrobatics as Nightwing, but not many persons can certainly leap well over the heads of a normal man faster than most can react. She replies to Nightwing, "If we survive this, I may need access to a better lab to analyze it. Skill I may have, but high end gear is often over my budget."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian watched as the victims now started to rise, this is what he had seen before. "Hellborn." He says, unsheathing his katana.

  The Demon uses the sword to keep those claws at bay, before jumping to land on one of their backs, attempting to kick one into the other. He would have let Nightwing know about these creatures, if the last one he encountered hadn't had its brains blown out in front of him, Damian has little to no information on these.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    The female 'Hellborn', as coined by Damian jumps, high in the air, grabbing Goblin-Girl as the other girl leaps over the male figures in red, and her claws dig into the other female's body armor to score purchase and hold her by as she spins in the air, slamming Goblin-Girl down into the ground and screeching an inhuman sound. There are words, there. Words, in that scream. Words that weren't made for the human mind to comprehend, perhaps.
    As Damian fights off the clawed attacks with his katana, he will find that his sword is no more good at cutting them than it is seel. The good news, perhaps, is that neither are the claws so sharp they cut the katana. At first, it is a stalemate. But there are two of them, to one Damian. And where one attacks with his claws, the other changes tactics to drop down on all fours, like an animal, and lunch at Damian's leg, biting into the leg with sharp teeth; and if there is no armor there, it will hurt. Like a dog, the demon on the ground tries to put Damian onto the ground where it can attack him even more ferociously.
    The stunner does seem to work. At least, partially. It buys Nightwing a few seconds ... until the larger, hooded figure simply pulls it out of his flesh, then -yanks- on the taser, to either pull the toy alone to himself, or the toy, and Nightwing together. It doesn't matter to him. This one is as fast as the female, and as strong as the other two males, but the cloak is still around him. HIs oversized hand reaches to punch Nightwing in the face, while his 'pack members' go in for a pincher move on either side of the acrobat, one going high, the other going low, giving Nightwing little room to manuever.

    Away from the calamity, the tall man turns, abruptly, as if sensing Molly's presence. Calmly, and without fear in his voice he asks, simply, "Do declare yourself. Whomever you are. You have caused quite the rucks. We should, at the very least, know each other. Yes?"

Molly Millions has posed:
"Not a farking hero." is Molly's response for the tall man,"And it aint my pets trying to play patty-cake with people in costumes. I've seen your pets in the fight circuit, so I got to know... what's your game?" she doesn't lower the gun one iota. Not that without a mask or costume that she's particularly hidden in terms of identity, or that she isn't content to shift oh-so-subtly to a position where she can at least keep an eye on the kids vs. hellborn over the way,"Who are you working for?" she elects to tag on.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
The female Hellborn is tough, Goblin-girl has to give her that. Also pretty quick and agile to catch her like that. Goblin-girl is much tougher than a normal woman, and while the claws to not seem to pierce the armor, Sarah is hit into the ground HARD. If she were not much tougher than human, she would probably be dead. As it is, only the padding of her armor and her general toughness keeps her from multiple broken bones. She is not sure if something is cracked, but she is at least badly bruised. Time to do something. First, break free. Hopefully the Goblin formula will grant her enough strength for that. Once free she will grab for her grenades...

Nightwing has posed:
    There's a loud /crack/ as that creature lands that punch heavily, sending him reeling. It's a good one, and there's a spatter of blood that mars the ground. Yet Nightwing... he's been hit hard before, and that willpower of his lets him maintain his focus through that movement. Enough focus to continue the sweep around, fueled by the momentum of that punch to /WHACK!/ slam the eskrima sticks towards the cloaked figure, the weapons buzzing and crackling as he plays our a rapid-fire rhythm not unlike a metal drum smacking in a blur of strikes enough to break engagement for a slim moment as the creature reels.
    He spins to the side, the fight going south quickly. One of the other creatures menacing him /leaps/ at him, and he rolls over backwards, twisting up onto his arms and /pushing/ himself into the air, flipping over the head of it and _cracking_ it twice in the noggin as he comes down. The other slashes in, a blur of claws as it forces the vigilante up end over end, twin kicks striking up into the thing's face and then a whirling double stick strike cracking into the base of its spine is heard.
    A moment, a slim moment in the fight, and then he sees Damian being bitten and worried by the dog-like manner of the creature. Images flash in front of his eyes of what could happen, of Bruce's face, of his heartbreak and disappointment, and a fallen child held in his arms.
    He breaks then in a blurringly fast run, darting towards the young son of the Bat and tries to /slam/ a shoulder into his attacker.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Faster than he can keep up with, Damian is slashed on the chest, mostly superficial, and doesn't keep Damian too stunned, but very soon after, a sharp pain on his leg, enough to cause him to yell out, it came as such a shock that he let go of his sword.

  His training kicking in, Damian can feel his heart racing from the extra adrenaline surging through his system. He uses his fist to attempt to punch out one of the creatures eyes, hoping that would be enough to let him go, before the doglike demon starts to thrash him around, leaving him without a leg. His focus is on the two Hellborn right now, not swing Nightwing's backup in progress.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    Renee Montoya had her eye on the tall man. She'd followed him, in her beat up sedan using a bit of good old fashioned police training, along with her own skills and instincts to stay out of his line of awareness until his vehicle had parked and the two men had gotten out, and gone in. She'd waited a couple of minutes as well. Something in her gut when she'd followed them had told her to follow them. Now, she is coming around the corner, her gun pulled, flashlight out as she draws closer to the sounds of the scuffle. She comes up behind the man, "Santa infierno," she mutters to herself. She, too, points the gun at the tall man, instinct telling her that he's responsible for all of this. "Gotham PD. Hands where I can see them. Call of your dogs. Now."
    The tall man looks between the two women, and Montoya seems to not really care in the least there are several vigalanties here. Nightwing would, at the very least, know she's on his side.
    "Very intresting. It seems I've been discovered," comes the unconcerned voice of the tall man. "You may call me ... Mr. Wizard," he answers Molly. He smiles, toothily. And, he puts up his hand, like a good boy.

    The dogs, however, are not called off. In fact, the 'dogs', the Hellborn, descend onto Nightwing as one, pounding him after one of their number is knocked off of Damian cleanly, and the larger one shaken off and stunned for the moment. In unison, three hands hammer down on Nightwing, hitting his head, his chest, and his chest again until the Night's wings are 'broken', and he is down and out.
    The female is fought off, by the Goblin-Girl, the creature not expecting that level of strength from her opponent, and she flexes herself, spreads her arms and legs wide in an animalistic display of territory and rage. But now wary, of her prey.
    And with Nightwing down, the larger creature, and the four males turn towards Damian, letting the two females fight it out.
    "Call them off. -Now-," warns Montoya, readying her pistol. She isn't playing around.

Molly Millions has posed:
There's a snort from Molly. People and their weird (to her) names. The appearance of Renee has her looking the other womans way,"Shoot him." she opines,"Those kids look like they need help." she doesn't bother worrying about whether the cop might take offense, she pivots towards the kids to open fire at the back of one of the ones attacking Nightwing. A controlled burst in tight cluster as she advances towards the group of hellborn and the costumed trio, leaving Renee to worry about her original target. Finally 'motivated' at least to involve herself properly.

Nightwing has posed:
    The pummeling fists lift up and come down, crashing, crackling, crushing as they strike. The armor is able to take some of the brunt and impact from the creatures, but not enough. Not near enough. There was a moment when he'd tried to twist to the side to break free only for one of the monsters to strike down heavily again. But it's enough.
    Suddenly Nightwing is out of the fight, and the other creatures are clear.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-girl jupms, twists, rolls, and dodges with all the speed she can muster, a dizzying display (for her as well, in part because of the erratic motion and in part because of pain)...but even while moving she grabs for her bandoleer and pulls out a grenade. It explodes covering the area near the Hellborn girl with quick-drying adhesive.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian had watched his elder jump in on the 'dog' that had grabbed his leg. Taken aback by the act of selflessness on Nightwing's part. Sure, he had had disciples of the League give their lives for him, but this was not a selfless act, that was a product of blind faith and brainwashing.

  The boy reaches for his dropped sword, wanting to keep Nightwing clear of any more harm. Not that he can move easily, his right leg hardly helping the left keep him up, he staggers, kneeling next to the downed Nightwing, his sword at the ready.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    The bullet from Molly's gun tears through the shoulder of one of the smaller once-teenage-boys-and-now-Hellborn, and the creature keens, low, guttural, in pain. For a moment, they all stop, even the larger, and there's a chorus of keening - words, too, in that sound.
    The new threat is considered, as is Damian. And, as is Goblin-Girl who, it would by all accounts, seem to have rather nicely immobilized her own enemy, the female Hellborn wrihting, pulling, twisting to get out of the sticky goop from the grenade with little, to no success. She is the fast one, the limber one. The one to head up the pack, clearly. The boys are the muscle. The renders. The pulpers.
    The larger one moves towards Damian, now, and the wounded Hellborn along with one other begin to run-lumber towards Molly, while the other two make for Goblin-Girl.

    "One," counts Montoya.
    "You're a smart one, Detective. How'd you figure out that I was controlling them?"
    "Two," says Montoya, not answering the question. The gun, once aimed at his chest, is centered to his heart. "Three is as high I can count. Call. Them. Off."

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-girl flees briefly, while she switches loads on her spring gun. She slides in the clip, the rapidly cocks and shoots...paintballs. These are innocent kids transformed by the drug afer all, she does not want lasting damage, but paint in the eyes tends to seriously slow down most creatures.

Molly Millions has posed:
Normally, Molly is all about shoot to kill and let someone else worry about the consequences. But these are... were? Kids. It at least buys them some mercy. Not enough to stop her from firing another controlled burst towards the leg of the forerunner as they round on her, but at least enough to make her not go for the throat. Still, having seen them already take out Nightwing she's not willing to let them dogpile her.. putting on the speed to sprint in and duck under a clawed arm to bury her blades into its calf in the thought that what can't run might at least stay still long enough to be... 'fixed' maybe.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian sees the lumbering grotesque form of what used to be a boy. He pulls his sword to his side, mustering all he can to drop it and switch his tactic, non-lethal. Justice, not vengeance. He uses a wire snare, attempting to keep the big bruiser from harming anyone else. He's hoping this kid-creature will be busy enough with that snare that he can get Nightwing away from harm.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    One creature is blinded, with paintballs, and scatters to the ground, trying to claw at it's eyes, and in the attempt, knocks it's hunting partner down as they tumble to the earth in front of Goblin-Girl. Another creature keens, as it's leg is stabbed - though not as deeply as Molly may have expected her blades to go - the creatures are almost pure muscle and reinforced at that. Viscous red blood oozes out, and the smell of sulphur hits the air again. The other creature is too caught off guard by Molly's speed to react in time to either attack, or prevent. But, that might change now that he's onto her.
    The wire snare works it's magic, and the huge brute wallows in place a few moments, before tumbling down to the ground, raging, bucking. The wire tenses, for now. But does not give. Just yet. Someone with Damian's perception though will realize that the Hellborn is not going to be held long.

    "Don't worry about -them- Detective. Small insects. Let's talk about what I can do for -you-," begins the tall man, the self-proclaimed 'Mr. Wizard'.
    Montoya shoots. The sound of gunfire rings loud in the air.
    "Shit," says the tall man, defeated. And, he begins to unravel. Like a ball of string, wrapped around a frame. The suit falls to the ground, as does a fair amount of wound twine or string. And, sitting in the heart of it, falling slowly to the ground, a sheet of browned paper. Strange glyphs, or runemarks upon it. Montoya snatches it out of the air, and stares at it, before it begins to suddenly burn in her hand. She manages to put out one part of the fire, before another edge starts. And another. And, another. Until there is nothing left.
    And, at the same time the paper burns, the creatures suddenly pause, shift. The large one snaps his cage, the female breaks free, finally, from her sticky prison. The wounded, hiss at the gathered costumed freaks, the police, and they begin to run away, no longer under the domination of the tall man.
    "Montoya," calls Renee, picking up her walkie talkie out of her jacket and tucking her gun away, "We need a crime scene out at Chelsea Park. West side. Now."
    The latina woman begins to move across the scene, towards Damian, and Nightwing. Him, she recognizes - maybe not as Robin. But, as a hero of Bludhaven. And he might well remember her. If he wakes up.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-girl would like to capture thes children, to keep them from hurting themselves of others, but realizes that she is barely equal to one of them, four would be far beyond her. She observes the strange behavior of the tall man and goes over to speak to the detective, "I have some experience in dealing with the paranormal. I am not absolutely certain, but I think that was a Hollow Man."

Molly Millions has posed:
What the.. Molly is already in the process of leaping back, bloodied blades on one hand, gun in the other, when all of a sudden they start to run away. There's a few moments of mental debate. A cop. Wounded kids in costumes on the ground, and as far as she can tell, five monsters off to cause havoc. Under the circumstances, having already elected to get involved she spits at the ground, shakes her head and takes off after the Hellborn to leave the 'clean up' to the rest.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian huffs, thankful that these creatures are now leaving, he knows there are enough heroes that will follow after that. His attention right now was focused on getting Nightwing and himself out of the area. The boy in the domino mask kneels down next to Nightwing, looking at the corner of his eye, seeing Renee making her way towards them. He attempts to lift up Grayson, holding him in a fireman's carry.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    Damian, Renee doesn't recognize. But, she can tell immediately that he's part of Batman's crew. She exhales to herself at the fact the kid looks -so young-. "Get him out of here, and get him some help," she orders Damian. "Quickly. Support is on it's way." She pauses. Grits her teeth. Then, she shoves her hand in her pocket, pulls out her car keys, and shoves them into one of Damian's hands. "Leave my car outside my apartment when you're done with it." Worried eyes briefly move to Nightwing. But only for a second.
    She's moving to Goblin-Girl. She nods, once. "Hollow-Men. Demong-Things. Anything else I need to know, before you get the hell out of here?" She glances at the girl, unconscious on the ground, and some chatter comes through her radio. "We're going to need a bus, too. Tell Murphy to get on the phone with Dresden. I want to know about Hollow Men." She cuts the radio off, eyeing Goblin Girl. Her? She doesn't know. She glances off where Molly ran off to. Then, back to Goblin-Girl.

Sarah Osborn has posed:
Goblin-girl pulls out a card, it has a web address listed on it, "Here, it is a paranormal creature database. It is incomplete, but may havbe useful references." Of course, SHE is the one creating the database, but it is fairly extensive. She looks over at Damian, she says, "Do you need some help with transport?" She is less hurt than the kid, and much stronger.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The white hooded boy shakes his head to Goblin-girl, even with Grayson's weight on his injured small frame he is managing. "I've got him." He says, with a tinge of pride and drive to protect his elder. Damian grasps the keys to the car, marching off to get Nightwing in the passenger seat. once he's secure, he peels out, driving as fast as he can to get to a safe location.

Renee Montoya has posed:
    Renee pockets the card, and as the sirens begin to be heard in the distance, she nods her thanks to Goblin-Girl, telling her one last time, "Get out of here," before moving to attend to the girl. She'll let forensics sweep the area. And, she'll be contacting Dresden and Murphy soon. And no doubt, Nightwing or the Bat may show up in her near future, too.