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Latest revision as of 05:46, 28 April 2018

Just Chillin'
Date of Scene: 11 April 2018
Location: Fortress of Solitude
Synopsis: Bonding in the arctic beaches of....the arctic.
Cast of Characters: Superman, Supergirl, Deadpool

Superman has posed:
Last time you were here, Superman had shown you his key which is a lot like the one in the recent movies, yet it's made out of the crystals that mirror the original movie. A nice blending of themes. Today you had mentioned you may swing by when he mentioned he'd be up here and so, much like a bikini model on the beach (only without the bikini), Superman is sitting in a nice pile of snow that he's frozen into a more solid substance and he is more or less using it like a lounge chair as he lays back, looking up at the sky whilst dressed in his uniform and enjoying that yellow sun radiation. Other people might lament the thinning ozone layer above the polar ice caps and true, Superman would be one of those people but there are times to take advantage of it and today is one of those days. A smile on his face, a spring in his step (if he were stepping), and his super hearing letting him listen to whatever radio station he wants while beaching it up arctic style.

Supergirl has posed:
As he is listening, he will hear the sound of somone passing through the air at a high rate of speed. Kara made sure she ducked out of the atmosphere before hitting the speed she wanted, so as not to cause damage or break the sound barier. Sonic booms were so annoying. As she homed in on the area where the Fortess stands, she slowed as she focused. Her vision allowed her to see him down there, lounging like he was on a beach. That earned a bright laugh from her as she floated down from the sky and lanced lightly in the snow. "You just need one of those little reflector things to hold up under your chin. It would make the picture perfect," she says as shs walks closer to her reclining cousin.

Superman has posed:
"It would," he says in his deep voice. "But then I'd have to have a place to put it and if you think it's reflective now, imagine it sitting inside with all that light. No, I think that would be a very bad idea." He seems entertained though, looking like he's having a good day and you can see the appraising glance as he looks to you for a moment. Once he's convinced you're eating enough and aren't injured, he cuts to the eldr cousin Clark questions. "How's school going?" At this point you could have that question down on the cue cards from "Love, Actually" becuase it's pretty much always going to be the first one. "Made any friends? Any boys I need to thoroughly investigate with inappropriate use of the Daily Planet's resources?"

Supergirl has posed:
"Kaaaaal," she bemoans, stretching out the name as she moves toward the entrance. She actually rolls her eyes. Got to love teenagers, even when they are Kryptonians. "School is fine. I'm getting straight As." At least in her classes. Kara isn't going to mention the whole trig test the other day that she knows she passed but didn't ace. It's been bothering her which is silly. It was just one test. "I have the same friends I already had. No one new."

At the question about boys, she is oddly silent and there is the faintest of flushes to her cheeks. Must be the cold.

Superman has posed:
Superman is listening, a bit of a grin as you use the long drawn out version and he stands up as you walk towards the fortress and he was hopping up to take out the key but then he hears those little things, the change in your heart rate, and he thinks it's about school but then he snaps his fingers as you answer about the friends but not the boys. "Kara Zor-El Danvers," he says, in such succinct and crisp stocatto that you'd SWEAR he must record that and play it back to have gotten it that perfect. "Get over here," but if you turn to look at him you can see that he's smiling a little. His tone doesn't catually match the expression on his face and he looks at you, deadpan, before he asks, "Are you being safe?" And he only gets the question out and keeps a straight face for like three seconds before he laughs and says, "What's his name?" Yes, he can pick up that obviously there is a boy but no, he's not -really- mad about it.

Supergirl has posed:
"O.M.G.!" Yes, Kara spells out the letters vocally as her face flushes bright rad. "Yes, I'm being safe if you mean looking both ways before crossing the street. He's my boyfriend, not...y'know," she flails her hands in the air, completely horrified that her cousin is even suggesting she's doing something of the sort. She puts her hands on her hips and glares at him, arms akimbo. "And it is none of your business what his name is. So there." She stomps her foot. It would be more effective if she wasn't standing on snow so there is no sound and just a puff of powdery fluff around her red boot.

Deadpool has posed:
There is a shimmer of light and the registered and trademarked sound of a Star Trek transporter echo through the Fortress. A moment later, a male figure in black and red has appeared. It is none other than the Merc with the Mouth, Deadpool. He takes a few steps, banging his knee on a crystalline bench, "ouch, Thor damn it. Where am I?" He looks around, calling out, "Hello?" and listens to three echos, "Hello?... HELLO?... HEELLLLOO?" Then, he reaches into his satchel of holding, pulling out a paper map. They still make those. He scratched just above his right ear, "you know, I knew I should have made a left turn at Albuquerque." And he folded his map back up, touched a kno... a dial on his belt, turning it, and he shimmered away, that same teleportation sound being played by speakers built into the teleportation belt. As quickly as he had appeared, he was gone.

Superman has posed:
Looking around for just a moment, Clark looks to Kara and quirks his brow a brief second. "Did you hear something?" Weird. Sadly, the fourth wall prevents him from truly enjoying the cameo appearance, as he is locked into the rules of the writers and doesn't possess that overall awareness that so few characters like Wade do. And so he is back to tormenting Kara as he walks right over the pair of footprints that shouldn't have been there, completely missing the unicorn imprints in the snow and he looks back to Kara. "It is my business....but not like I was teasing at. It's only my business because I care and just want to make sure you're alright." He opens the fortress wall, the authors and artists quickly causing a bit of snow to blow over the Unicorns when it becomes obvious that with how DP's heels were places, they were NOT doing appropriate things for the comics and they fade away from view. But Clark gestures for Kara to enter. "Besides...NOT telling me about him would be the thing that would actually get me worried."

Supergirl has posed:
Like a moody teen, Kara enters the Fortress and heads for one of the benches. She glances around, confused that that weird noise but nothing seems to be amiss. Weird. "Anyway!" she turns and scowls a little at Kal. "I don't think I should tell you. Cause, I'm not sure if it's going to last anyway. We have a lot of challenges. And I may have rushed into the relationship a little after another breakup. And that one was a doozy because well, he was an empath and now I'm questioning everything I feel too." She flops down on one of the crystal benches, her hair falling over her forehead. She puffs air out and blows it back into place so she can see clearly.

He should never have asked.

Superman has posed:
Superman seems to actually get a little more serious not as she sets down but as he realizes that she's in a little bit of torment over this. "Hey," he says, hand slipping under her chin for a moment as she puffs out air and he grins, tilting her face to look up at him. To most, he would be a beacon of hope and a welcome sight. To Kara however, he's family and that pretty much messes up every relationship. Smiling though, he says, "Don't beat yourself up. Relationships aren't easy, especially when you're a teenager. Add to it apparently powers to mess with your mind and yeah...I'd say you're allowed a little break and a little time to question things." His voice is calming, meant to be that supportive voice of reason. "But you should definitely figure out then what to do then. Do you like this new boy or did he just make the break up hurt a little less?" Clark Kent, probing questions.

Supergirl has posed:
That is answered with a soft sigh. "I don't know, really," Kara admits as she puts her hands on her knees, considering as her face scrunches up in concentration. "It all is so confusing. It's been just a few months but I had this boy I liked at school. In Riverdale. Chris. He was normal." She smiles softly, tilting her head to the side. "He liked me. Kara. Not Supergirl. He didn't even know I was her for a whole. He was a human. Then this other guy came around. Beau. And he said all the right things and he has powers and could do stuff like us. It made him seem perfect. He had empathic powers though, so he could read everything I was feeling and respond with just the right answers. Then I had another friend. Mon-El. And he kissed me cause he liked me but I didn't think of him that way. And I got mad about it and then my boyfriend found out and he dumped me because of it. So then I got closer to /that/ friend and have been seeing him and I thought I loved him but looking at it all now, I just wish I'd never met Beau in the first place and never left Chris behind." Once the words started, there was no stopping them as they tumbled out over each other.

Superman has posed:
Listening. No interrupting. Kara gets to get it all out without having to be bothered. Though she may have to wonder a little bit about his priorities when his first question is, "Mon-El kissed you?" He raises his brow a momment but still. Clark'll just file that one off to the side and come back to that one later. He actually brushes his cape out of the way and settles down in the snow, setting his legs indian style and then lifting the knees slightly so they sort of point upwards and he can rest his world-bearing arms on them. "Granted, I am not a teenage girl so I don't know the intricacies of dating politics in Riverdale," and you can see the grin that teases at the corner of his mouth. For being the moral beacon of Planet Earth, Clark can kind of be sarcastic. "But what I do know," he says in that down home farm boy voice he can affect when trying to make a point, learned from many stories told by Pa Kent, "Is that it seems like you just said exactly what you want. So it seems like it's up to you to go out there and reach for it. Or not...but if you wish that you never left Chris behind then it seems to me it's pretty much on you to go tell him that and see what he says."

Supergirl has posed:
Kara nibbles at her bottom lip as she listens, taking in the advice and weighing it. "I'm still seeing Mon-El though. But..." She flicks her gaze away then back to him. "He's a Daxamite. And while he doesn't hate us just cause he is one doesn't mean his family won't if they show up someday. So really, it's complicated because of that too. And I miss him being my friend and none of this whole complicated stupid stuff. Why can't it be easy? Just have like matching tattoos or something so you know it's the right one when you meet them? They glow when are near your perfect partner."

Superman has posed:
"Cause then you don't get to choose," he says with a laugh. "Heck, back on Krypton it was sort of that way. You had your caste. You had your role. Your fate was decided for you at birth. And sure, I bet it worked some of the time....but isn't that one of the great things about human kind? They don't have it figure out. They're messy and complicated and confusing but they make it work. They keep trying. And for love? Well heck...they try a lot." That's right boys and girls. No H-E-double hockey sticks out of Clark! He grins a little and says, simply, "I do agree though that it sounds like you think being with Mon-El is a mistake, and leaving Chris was a mistake. Sticking to both wrongs isn't going to make it right, it's just going to make it worse, especially since you seemingly aren't excited or pleased anymore about where you are with your friend. It's not easy to fix, or to change, and nothing guarantees you're going to get what you want but you're better than this."

Supergirl has posed:
"I like the tattoo idea," Kara mutters, not really worried about free will so much as why-is-this-so-difficult. "You're right though. I should talk to Mon-El. Explain how I'm feeling. I still want him to be my friend. Does that even work? People say it can't. I hope those people are wrong." She shrugs a little, her cape shifting on the seat behind her as she does. "I just don't know if Chris will forgive me. I guess the only thing I can do is go apologize. Hope he might. Even if he doesn't want to see me anymore, I need to make things right there. He deserves that much."

Superman has posed:
"The one thing you have going in your favor is that most guys in high school are....pretty stupid," he says with a chuckle. "And I think the words the kids use these days are that you are all the adorbs? So, there's a chance at least that if he was hurt by what you did, you apologizing could at least get him to think about being friend sand from there, well...then life happens. And you do your best at it, right?" He holds out a hand to Kara and pulls her into a hug. Cause....even if she doesn't stand up he can pull her into a hug cause, Superman. Giving her a kiss to the top of her blonde little head he points to the entrance. "Now...scooch. Get back to Riverdale and get your affairs in order before I have to come down and make an appearance as your nerdy, over-protective cousin and embarass you in front of the whole school." Cause he could. He so...so could.