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Latest revision as of 06:13, 30 April 2018

Sometimes a Hug can Save the Day
Date of Scene: 16 April 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Crusader, Slipstream, Angela, Power Girl

Crusader has posed:
Manhattan, an island within the larger New York City. Home to dozens of restrautns, homes, buisnesses, you name it. With places for entertainment such as Broadway and Times Square, it no surprise this place is as much known for being a tourist attraction, as it is a center of high crime. And people have been known to give each other the cold shoulder quite a few times, especially those with no home or places to go. People could catch a cold from the icy side of peoples souls....

But hey! Not everyone has to be. The hulking and white bushy bearded Bjorn was out and about today. He wore unsual segmented armored boots, a jeans, and a cobalt blue t-shirt along with leather bracers. An unsual get up - considering it was still lightly snowing. But he was out here for a reason, he carried a large bundle of blankets, and a backpack full of food as he went to visit a local spot where the homeless gathered, hoping to bring them some needed goods

Slipstream has posed:
Running about the sidewalk is Drake, who is dressed in a pair of black sweat pants with the Avengers logo on it, as well as a matching hoodie. The youngest member of the team is out for a jog to get some cardio in and to unplug from his computer for a few hours. For a change, no robot is floating after him, as it seems he left his companion at home. The large man is easily seen sticking out like a sore thumb, and he vaguely recognizes him from their one time meeting at his computer parts store. "Hey, Reinhardt!" He calls out with a grin to him as he lifts his hand, slowing down as he approaches him. "Good seeing you again. Whatcha up to this morning?"

Angela has posed:
Angela is lingering in the place she calls Midgard, having followed her curiosity to New York. At least she is trying to be a little discrete, the tall woman wearing a white cloak with black trim, the hood pulled over her red curls. While she fears nothing in this realm, the wingless angel has learned that openly wearing armor and carrying a broadsword is a sure-fire way to end up in a conversation with the local law enforcement agents.

It's a quiet morning and she is emerging from a place known as 'Starbucks', having just completed a very satisfying transaction. Holding a cup with a hot, sweet beverage, she sips slowly. And that's when a familiar person catches her attention. Bjorn would be conspicuous nearly anywhere, of course, but it's most curious that the last time Angela saw him was Port Knowhere. She crosses the street to make her way closer.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl is finding herself in the Big Apple more and more often lately. It's not necessarily a problem, but she's really not supposed to tread on the Avengers' turf unless asked, something about keeping boundaries and accountability and so on. The Metropolis capes have a little leeway, considering they're... Basically all popular everywhere, but she still doesn't want to hear the endless tirades from anyone else in the League.

    Bjorn might stick out like a sore thumb, but Power Girl wasn't actually near enough to notice him -quite- yet. What she notices instead is the reactions- overhearing a 911-call about 'some creeper who don't mind the cold' from a passer-by, she flies in to investigate, thankfully putting an end to the call as, well, Bjorn isn't someone who should have to deal with the police today.

    When she arrives, she does so from the sky, drifting to a calm stand just a few feet from the bearded fellow, hands on her hips. "You -have- to try to be more conspicuous one of thse days." She's probably aware of the irony. Pointing it out might just get one struck.

Crusader has posed:
    Bjorn looks to Drake as he was the first to come near and even called him out "Sie und yer video games. Swear wan of these days, Bjorn will change his name ta vis Reinhardt fello. Az fer whit Bjorn is up too, jist vistin a lot where alot of homeless gather. The snow has nit seen fit ta cease and vey kin use the help. Do sie wish ta come along?" he informs him as he contines walking along.
    And than there was Angela. Bjorn minds went <<CRAP! Und here Bjorn thought no one from space would be here>> and evidently, Bjorn also thinks in the third person. But none the less he gives the Asgardian lady a wave, as one may as well be friendly, saying as she got near "Hello Again" no point hiding it from her.
    <<....DOUBLE CRAP!!!>> goes his mind when he sees Power Girl, yet another person from space. He makes a mental note that he might want to consider using a secret identify for space at this rate. But none the less, not one to ignore people, as has become evident, he smiles to Power Girl "Bjorn is almost ovar seven of the feet tall! Nit ta mention" the bearded man flexes his massive arm "Built. Conspicuou is nit exactly doable" alright, actually it is, but as this was what his human form looked like before his change....he much preferred to keep using it. To both ladies "Sie ladies want ta Join Bjorn und Sir Drake here?" forgetting Drake hasn't actually answered yet.

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh. Uh .. yeah, sure, I can tag along." Drake says with an easy smile on his face as he follows after him. He taps the device strapped to his wrist a few times to give the digital face a reset. "So, whatcha been up to lately?" He asks, though he pauses at the sight of the red head, then Power Girl swooping in. "Hey, PG." He says with a smile as he lifts a hand to the familiar face. "How can he be subtle when you're the one flying about in the cold?" He almost offers to loan his hoodie to her, but he realizes she probably can't fell the cold anyways. The new face though, Angela, gets an appraising look for a moment as he rubs the back of his neck. "Hey there. I'm Drake. Looks like everyone knows Bjorn here. Most popular guy in New York."

Angela has posed:
Angela's cloak parts as she walks, flashing too much exposed skin as well as armor and weapons beneath. She sips her coffee. "Well met, companions." she offers, keeping the hood pulled forward at least. "I am Angela, Hunt-Mistress of the Tenth Realm. I have discovered this *most* wonderful beverage at Starbucks. You really should try it."

Power Girl has posed:
    The arms of the blonde go from hands-on-hips to folded quietly. She raises a brow at Bjorn's words, but in response, manages a minor shake of her head. "You can do conspicuous. Trust me. Doesn't matter how tall you are, you just have to wear a jacket when it's snowing, and people won't be looking into calling the police. Everyone is on edge here in New York, all the time. Somebody who can't feel the cold and is as tall as you -and- isn't quite dressed 'right'? Bound to turn some heads. I believe in you." The last bit is a little patronizing, and her attention turns to Drake for a moment.

    "Hey, this is my job. It's my job to be inconspicuous, not his." she notes, wagging a finger. "Either way, how are you holding up? Last time I saw you, you were tearing yourself apart and Stark was making all of these weird parental noises." she states, diverting to Angela for a moment.

    "Which beverage?" she comments, keeping up with every branch of the conversation seemingly without issue. "I'll take one-" Bjorn's invitation occurs, and she appends- "To go, I guess."

Crusader has posed:
    "Bjorn has been going coatless fer ovar 20 years. If vey vant ta call police, than let em" Bjorn says with a boisterous laugh, not seeming to mind, or perhaps being used to it. "Sides, far as yer know, vis IS mah job" he tells Power Girl
    Looking to Angela he says "Hmmm...does et have the chocolate in et? Chocolate is best drink" he says "Ethar way, well Met Hunt Mistress Angela. Bjorn Arttursson, best repair man this side of the east coast" he says proudly as he continunes on
    A wink to Drake "Bjorn gets arooned. Ain't no plce Bjorn cannea go" he hands Drake a heavy box to Carry as Angela was holding a drink, and it seems Power Girl would be getting one
    Though it clearly they are nearing the area. As more homeless becomme more prominate. Bjorn frowns "Bah, so many withoot. Feel like city is still recoverin" he muses. The snow was ever subtely picking up

Slipstream has posed:
"Oof." Drake mutters as he grabs the box, shifting it against his elbows so that he can curl his fingers under it. Even though he has been working out and slowly but surely putting some muscle on, it will be a long time before he can look like Bjorn. To Power Girl, he says, "Oh, I'm doing fine. Tony is always worried, you know .. because I'm the new kid.. the young one.. um... probably the worst Avenger so far, but I'll get there. I just need time and training. Just sucks having powers that kill you when you use them. It's not like the most optimal power set when you're trying to save lives from falling buildings and radioactive monsters. I probably did more harm than good. As usual." He says with a sigh. To Angela, he says, "Yeah, Starbucks is pretty awesome. I could drink that all day. Especially their new white mocha with blue berry in it." As they grow closer to the homeless camps, he becomes quiet with concern on his face.

Angela has posed:
    "Double-tall, double-strong, caramel macchiato. Extra cream." Angela recites. Brows knit, then. She sniffs the cup suspiciously. "No chocolate, unfortunately." Her jaw sets and she pauses for a moment. "Perhaps I should return and re-negotiate..." But their path leads them away from Starbucks, so she walks along.

    Angela knows everyone but Drake, and she nods to him now. "Well-met, Drake of the Avengers." Hey, the emblem is on his clothes, after all. When the young man grunts with the weight of the heavy box, she doesn't offer to help. After all, he didn't ask either. "You have a power that kills you when you use it?" she asks. "It seems to me that you should not use it, then."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl receives her order quick enough to regroup after a moment, following along at what, to her, is a snail's pace. She sips idly at a form of coffee that (even to someone with as much wealth and resources as she) seemed almost too expensive. For the most part, she's silent, walking along at Bjorn's speed and keeping her ideas to herself for a few. In fact, she actually stays out of the conversations- one, because she's had this conversation with Drake before, and two, because there's something more important to be done.

    She starts taking supplies here and there from Bjorn- not really asking as much as just figuring out what's what, at one point even taking Drake's box from him and replacing it with her cup- its contents heavily dented from her erstwhile sipping.

    She is moving too fast to be seen, at this point, though for some reason, the various fires along the road- as long as they're contained- don't seem to be going out despite that she's kicking up some wind. They may not be -at- the place Bjorn had intended to go yet, but as they pass people in need, she's delivering blankets and whatever else Bjorn has available, both from the box she took from Drake and from Bjorn's own. Supplies may be stretched somewhat thin- but she sees no reason the people they find first should be left out.

Crusader has posed:
    Bjorn didn't seem to mind at all! They were after all, more or less in the appropiate area. And it seems a few people here have seen Bjorn before as some homeless folks come up.
    Bjorn hands one to what appears to be an older lady "Hello Abigail, hope yer been staying grouped with the others. For the warmth" at which she replies "Bjorn, told you once, been at this far longer than you been comming. I am fine" but she was smiling
    Another younger man see Power Girl helping out and comes to also take supplies "Hey Bjorn..seems you got some new friends" to Drake and Angela a hand is offered "Heyo, names Dakota" he was dressed warmly of course, this man seemed better off, perhaps another volounteer
    A cold chill runs through the air, and the snow was getting ever thicker. Dakota glances up worriedly "...I do not remember them mentioning anything about the snow picking up on the news"

Slipstream has posed:
"OH. Yeah. I try not to overdo myself. It's a long story, but this thing on my arm is what keeps my body from ripping itself apart when I go full speedy. I'm a speedster I guess you can say. I sorta blink in and out really fast, but at the same time my body tears itself apart on a molecular level. It hurts, bad, but the Avengers are working on a cure for me." Drake says as he finds the box missing, and a cup of coffee instead in his hands. He lifts it up to take a sniff fo the flavor, but he doesn't sip on it. That would be weird.

Reaching out, he gives Dakota's hand a shake once it is offered. "Hi there. Um.. well, you know New York. It doesn't seem to ever stop snowing." He says as he gives a glance about.

Angela has posed:
    Angela walks along with the group, the cloaked woman sipping her coffee and watching the exchanges with open curiosity. She talks with Drake while the group walks along, pausing to exchange a few greetings with those they meet as well. "Hello, Dakota. I'm Angela." She shakes his hand as well, casual about her armored gauntlets.

    At least she left off the militant and supernatural titles.

    "So you can move very fast, Drake?" The wingless angel looks intrigued. "A race is not worth killing yourself."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl didn't figure Bjorn would have a problem with what she was doing- after all, he'd come here to help the homeless, so it wasn't as if Bjorn was about to be picky. Every so often she returns to Drake, which means that at a pace most cannot possibly keep up with, the level of the coffee in the cup is being chipped away. It's not that she's getting winded, of course. She's just interested in all of these people getting everything that Bjorn has to offer.

    Eventually, however, she is either finished or capable of stopping for a break. When she does, it's next to Dakota and the others. She responds to Drake's comment more than anything else. "Haha, no, it's probably some asshole." Her attention shifts to Dakota. "I know you guys can't get into any strong shelter right now, but I don't remember it saying it'd be like this either, so I'd really recommend getting someplace safer than this. I might have to punch a snowstorm in the face."

Crusader has posed:
Dakota more or less assumes Angela is a hero. After all what normal person or villian would be walking around with gauntlets! He nods "A pleasure to meet you all." having caught wind of th conversation he also looks to Drake "Least your getting some help, more than I can say for some of the other people out here who have trouble with powr control"
    Looking to Power Girl he says "We would, but the other places are full, this is all we have right now" he says with a frown. But than smiles "Though punching a snowstorm in the face sounds...."

"Like it might just happen." Bjorn cuts in "....Bjorn thinks....everyone should get inside" since speaking of punching in a snowstorm face, he points....and what can be seen can only be described as a Flash Freeze. Ice was forming on the buildings, and the snow starting to become daggered like hail, visiblity was dropping along with the temperature.

Angela has posed:
    Angela gives Power Girl an amused look when she threatens to punch the snowstorm. On the other hand, she doesn't dispute the likelihood. "These people cannot survive for long in the cold." she agrees. Hero or not, she's apparently not big on being helpful to those in need since she doesn't offer direct assistance.

    Then again, no one has negotiated terms for her services either. Angels aren't very big on philanthropy without any strings attached.

    "If the other shelters are full, then we should construct one here." she declares, casually.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl offers this mild sigh. "Yeah. I didn't think so." she states, looking from Dakota off towards where the cold had begun to freeze the buildings over. "Hey, yeah, I think it's just best, if you can't get inside, that you run." Taking off, the rate and precision that quite-literal-lasers begin erupting from her eyes is certainly impressive. Despite how hard to see the spikes of ice might be, Power Girl is taking them out of the sky with an almost-easy air to it, even going so far as to fire backwards as she pushes into the storm proper- It is clearly emanating from that direction, and she intends to disrupt it at its source.

    "If you could help evacuate the homeless, big guy, that'd be really great." Apparently she believes that Bjorn- who seems not to mind the cold- probably is capable enough to do the job. Anyone who can get to Knowhere probably knows a few tricks.

Crusader has posed:
    "....Not sure we have the time for that" Bjorn says to Angela. The daggers of ice shatter as Power Girl strikes them with her heat vision. The was apparently alot tougher than they seem, as they are not melting.
    Dakota wasn't about to disagree, but nor was he going to be leaving others behind. "Come on Abigail, we have to go"
    "But my stuff!"
    "Abigail, there no time!" the ice was getting closer
    The older lady looks back and forth, but before she could object anymore, Dakoto was pulling the old lady along as gently as he could. These people do not have much....and because of that, some find it hard to let go
    Bjorn didn't have to be told. He was already on the move before Power Girl finished that sentenced. The dagger like ice was slicing into coats and flesh alike - but not Bjorn. He readily uses his body as a little shield, hefting his loaming size over others to protect agaist the deadly ice. He was ushering anyone he could towards buildings - anything that provided shelter.
    The Storm didn't let up. But it didn't seem to be directly targeting anyone. But it was growing in strength. The winds were becomming freezing shrieks of cold blasts. Icecles formed on power lines, cars, everything. All frosting over. People were definintly fleeing, while trying to huddle togeather to starve off the cold

Slipstream has posed:
As the ice begins to build, Drake gives a visible shudder as he is not built to protect himself from the cold like the other three are. "Ow." He says as he gets struck in the shoulder by a sharp piece of ice, reaching out to grab himself for a moment. "This can't be natural, right? What is causing this to happen?" He pulls his hood over his head as he looks to the other three for direction. "What do you guys need me to do? I'm really fast and that's about it."

Angela has posed:
    Something definitely isn't right, with the ice and cold increasing so rapidly. Angela unfurls her cloak, showing that she's clad more appropriately for some alien beach than a New York snowstorm. Ice storm. Or whatever this is. Stepping lightly off the ground into the air, she floats between the homeless and the direction of the storm.

    Multiple ribbons unfurl from Angela, drawing up like cobras as she draws a pair of golden axes. The weapons -flow- into metallic whips, which she begins to lash about rapidly. The ribbons join in, and between them they form a fairly effective screen from the blasting ice chunks.

    As for Angela herself? If she's hit by any of the ice chunks she doesn't seem to be affected.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl is built to last, as it were, and is at least keen-eyed enough to see that Angela, behind her, has most of the ice well in hand. Diving further into the storm, she slips her hands in under her arms, pulling her forearms free of her gloves. Dropping them to the floor below her, she executes a maneuver that happens to work on even the most aggressive of natural storms.

    She gives it a round of applause. The strength behind the first clap is so cataclysmically titanic that it kicks up wind one can feel even through the biting cold- and the shockwave that breaks free of the space between her hands is so intense that, in almost any storm, it would disrupt clouds and clear skies.

    She doesn't expect this to be a permanent solution- she knows that this storm is neither normal nor natural, and figures it's likely 'man'made to some degree. She just knows that this particular method will aid her in finding its source, and by the homeless some much-needed time to escape.

Crusader has posed:
As the storm clears, Bjorn barks an order "Drake, get in and make sure everyone possible kin get oot. Use yer speed - a fast enough object kin move things larger than themselves. Or better yet...see if yer kin find whats causing this" kind of lie how a human thrown fast enough can turn over a car.
    Bjorn for now concentrates on the homeless he can get too. As The barrier Angela provided was extreamly helpful in ensureing those already present were safe from harm. Bits of ice scatter the ground, making it a slippery trek, but better that than dead.
    Meanwhile, the storm tempoarily clear. Clear skies, bright sun...and than it gone once again. But as Power Girl predicated, it did give her some idea of where it was comming from. It appear to be comming from a run-down ware house - which was also were alot of the homeless stayed. The clouds form once again and ice begins its' decent once more. Infact, the clear view made it apparent tht a Wall of Wind was surrounding several block, including the one they were in.

Slipstream has posed:
"No problem!" Drake says with a quick salute, then blinks out of sight as he starts to dart in and out of the shelters to locate anyone and to usher them to safety. Until told otherwise, he will continue on with this task, going so far as to helping children out personally if they need a carry out or if they're too sick. He'll let the heavy hitters manage the biggest part of the workload as storms will be outside his payscale. For now, he is happy to be a boots on the ground kind of hero this afternoon.

Angela has posed:
    Angela is in her element, it would seem. Metallic whips and prehensile ribbons lash and crack, moving almost too quickly for the eye to follow. She creates a break in the storm, or at least a barrier upon which the storm breaks. Ice shards fall to the ground, slowly building in a semicircular arc before the floating angel.

    She doesn't stop when the storm momentarily clears, waiting for the surge that will follow. Interesting. But Power Girl can handle addressing the source of the problem while Angela works defense. Calling in Drake's general direction, she offers. "Tell me when everyone is clear!"

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl has plenty to do. As the storm clears temporarily, she pinpoints the location that it's coming from- and, taking a moment to drink in the sunlight, she takes off in earnest. The sheet of ice covering the buildings works in her favor- though it may not be incredibly strong, it still acts as an ablative form of armor.

    Against what, one might ask? The resulting sonic boom as Power Girl exerts actual force to move. Normally, she would shatter windows with such an acceleration, breaking apart the sound barrier without any actual effort several times over. On the way, everything moves to her as if it were in slow motion, the clock ticking by in picoseconds instead of seconds. Her vision sets on the warehouse, and for a moment, she looks not -at- it, but -through- it, scanning its walls in silence and looking for, well, anything that shouldn't be there.

    It does help that she's an alien genius.

Crusader has posed:
With the combined forces of Power Girl, Drake and Angela, rescues were going swiftly. Drake manages to be able to find, relocate and redirec several dozens homeless individuals thanks to the speed at which he works. Bjorn on meanwhile was on 'Door Opener' duty. Mostly because the walls of ice had frozen over doors, so his immense strength was used to shatter the ice so others can get inside. But still other people were trapped behind walls of sharped ice that needed rescueing as well
    Meanwhile as Power Girl speed forward to the ware house. The site may not be exactly as one pictured. There were dozen of folks within huddled togeather for warmth, and far away from the epicenter of this storm. - A teenage girl who was on he knees as she appeared to be looking down at another unmoving inividual.

Slipstream has posed:
After moving the last person out, Drake skids to a stop, his body trembling and sweat pouring down along his face. The device on his arm is chirping away loudly as the digital face glows orange. "All clear!" He reaches up to wipe at his nose, glancing down at the blood on his fingers before he wipes it on the back of his jogging pants, followed by a wet snuff. "Do what you guys need to do!"

Angela has posed:
    All clear. Angela keeps up with the rapid lashing all the same. By now the ice debris is definitely forming a curved wall before her, defined by the reach of her weapons. Giving the homeless a few more moments, only then does she lower her guard. The ice storm fills in immediately, lashing around the woman as she floats downward. She's hit repeatedly, all without leaving a mark.

    "Power Girl, do you require assistance?" she calls out, metallic whips reforming into axes again. Stepping back, she moves almost immediately to the doorway to join the others in safety.

Power Girl has posed:
    The response is swift, as swift as the blonde herself. "I'll be fine." she calls back, sighting on the only interesting thing within the warehouse- the teenage girl and the unmoving person. The latter she assumed to be a body, and the former she assumed to be someone who did not have control over the abilities she now possessed. Either way, Power Girl has at least a modicum of tact.

    Older warehouses are often filled with holes, and it's a blown-out window that Power Girl uses to her advantage, flying through it as opposed to simply tearing through the wall. Once within, despite how intense the storm may be, it is unlikely to hinder a Kryptonian. She lands, and approaches the young girl, intending to get to the bottom of whatever is going on.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn glances up as the lights were flickering. The storm was begining to knock out power. And he also notes Drakes unsual device with the organge face. Using his Cyberpathy, Bjorn carefully pries into the device to see how Drake was going. But he doesn't stop moving "Alright, that all we can do for now out there. Drake - can you check to make sure everyone staying away from the windows? And Angela if yer could, kin yer go aroon, make sure the ice is spreading inwards...if it is, we need ta cut et back." the lights flicker more "Ah goin ta make sure the lights do nit go oot" he know he wasn't the leader and that these request could be rejected, but they were given no less

The girl that Power Girl approaches, looks to be crying. She was over a woman body, who like the girl was dressed sensibly from the cold. Both had pale blue skin - but the teenager had white hair and the other woman brown. And it very much clear this brown hair woman was dead.

Slipstream has posed:
The device strapped to Drake's wrist shows that his vitals are very stressed out, accelerated heart rate and spikes of adrenaline. It seems that the longer he stands still, the more stable his vitals slowly become as the digital face glows orange to yellow. He holds up an arm to shield himself from some of the ice that rains down, wincing a bit. "Sure, sure, no problem!" He says with a quick salute before he blinks out of sight again, reappearing as he starts to nudge people back away from the buildings here and there if necessary. As he moves, he mutters something about should have wore a thicker jacket.

Angela has posed:
    Angela nods to Bjorn, keeping her axes out. "It will not spread inward." she declares, checking the door first. She moves to the windows next, from one to the next. And she drags those gold-metallic blades around the perimeter of each in turn. It's a smooth scraping, the woman's strength deceptive for her build. And as the ice begins to form inside through the cracks, it's cut away just as quickly.

Power Girl has posed:
    This is what Power Girl had figured happened- but also what she was really, really worried might be the case. Idly, she moves towards the corpse, kneeling down so as to take the coat from it, and work it around- draping it over the woman's body in such a way as to hide her face. Then, she kneels next to the crying girl.

    She doesn't say anything- there are no words here that could or would express enough to set aside the grief and pain. Instead, she just turns the girl away from the body, and pulls her forward. The woman known as Power Girl, and Karen Starr, has been through too much to cry. That doesn't mean that this girl doesn't get to, as Power Girl just holds her there- with any luck, the warmth from her own body will be in some way infectious.

Crusader has posed:
Drake quick work ensure that the people stayed away from the windows, keeping them safe from A) any encourging Ice and B) from getting in the angels way. For now they stayed huddled togeather, praying the storm passes soon
    The ice Angela had t cut back was held at bay. Though it was persistant. so was Angela dedication to doing her work. The ice never made it more than a foot or two into the building before getting cut away
    Bjorn seemed to have dissappeared...but considering he said he was going to keep the power going, he was good on his word. The lights brightened and stayed on
    And as gor the crying teenager? She didn't reject Power Girl. Even if cold doesn't effect a person with invulnerablity/ability to travel to space...this cold can somehow be felt. It was something deeper than a simple physical manifestation. But none the less, this moment of empathy and sympathy trigured what was perhaps needed. Minutes pass, as the teenager hanged onto Power Girl. As she did, the storm itself began to clear, the sky brighted and ice no longer fell. It didn't get rid of the ice per-say, but at least it was no longer spreading