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(Abigail Brand visits the Legion Cruiser to make certain that they're not a threat.)
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Space 2025: Hey Kids, Get Off My Space Lawn
Date of Scene: 09 July 2017
Location: Legion Cruiser, Outer Space
Synopsis: Abigail Brand visits the Legion Cruiser to make certain that they're not a threat.
Cast of Characters: Abigail Brand, Brainiac 5, Triplicate Girl, Dream Girl, Invisible Kid, 1082

Abigail Brand has posed:
    Brand is nothing if not officious to a fault in her official duties. She might be brash and headstrong in a firefight, she might complain about how much paperwork there is to do -after- a firefight, but she certainly has no problem with sending a notice ahead of time of any official inspections. And so she's sent an official notice from Alpha Flight to the Legion Cruiser that she'll be stopping in to discuss mutual defense, orbit parking regulations, and the usual 'Don't bring your trouble out of orbit, Earth's not your galactic fighting arena' spiel, the whole shebang. She just phrases it as 'Furthering diplomatic ties and understanding' though... it fits the letterhead easier. She's not exactly cruising in style, just a simple unarmed shuttle from the orbiting Alpha Flight space station. She doesn't even have a pilot, handling it herself, and approaching the landing bay to broadcast her arrival.
    Once she lands, she's quick, brusque, and downright chilly in how she strolls out of the shuttle, shaded eyes glancing around... those glasses -really- do make it impossible to tell what her mood is beyond 'Kind of grumpy'. But then, anyone who knows her would probably confirm that hey, that's a pretty good day for Brand. Still, she's keeping that whole cool mystique thing going, just silently looking over the landing bay, awaiting the arrival of... god, she's not even -sure- what? A marching band? A giant mass of eldritch tentacles? Well, whatever it's going to be, she's sure it's not going to try and destroy the world. No one ever -parks- their space ship before blowing up landmarks when they want to do that.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainiac 5 curls his lip when he receives the missive, and he says, simply, "*Space Police*." It's the same tone he'd have if he found Micro Lad swimming in his mashed potatoes. "Unbelievable."

He throws up his hands, and gets out of his captain's chair, "Of course they have space police in this era..." He goes stalking out of the bridge, toward the cargo bay, muttering to himself and presumably picking up followers as he walks, because he's REALLY grumbly.

So when Abigail lands, he's standing in the med-bay. All 5'7", 135 pounds of him, this green-skinned, blond-haired space nerd with his purple and black uniform and his high gold boots and his white coat, with his hands behind his back, and a steely look in his bright green eyes. He opens his mouth to say something--

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    One capacity Lurorno served was the Legion's Diplomat. Their spokesperson. She was always good at that sort of thing. And, so she didn't get in an arguement with herself, or overly confuse Brand, today there was only one Lurono, and she'd even put on a pristine outfit, fitted with a cape and collar to look the part of a dignitary on behalf the Legion.
    She'd even left notes for the rest of the Legion that Brand would be coming by, and to show up if possible. Lyle's note had contained a little extra about being on his best behavior, please.
    She'd attempted to mollify Brainy, telling him that it was a good thing, and that perhaps it would give them more freedom on the planet if they complied. She didn't see it as a bad thing, in any case.

    "Welcome," she greets Abigail as she walks onto the ship. There's a genuine, earnest smile of warmth on her expression. "To the Crusier of the Legion of Superheroes. I'm Lurono Durgo. This is my colleague, Brainiac 5."

Dream Girl has posed:
    A little behind Brainiac is a tall blonde woman that looks like she'd just walked off the set of Buck Rogers in the 24th century. She smiled only a bit to Brainiac 5 and Luornu, putting a reassuring hand on Querl's shoulder before smiling to Abigail Brand. "And I am Nura Nal."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Space police? In *this* era?" Lyle is clearly uncertain he believes that, but an approaching shuttle is hard to argue with: I mean, there it is. He jogs after, taking up an 'at ease' stance behind and to the left of Brainy. He doesn't introduce himself -- he's not a diplomat. And while he doesn't look unfriendly, neither does he look particularly pleased. Neutral, waiting for an explanation. That's accurate.

Tinya Wazzo (1082) has posed:
Its a pretty common thing on quiet days for Tinya to be off minding her own business. The Phantom girl happens to be in her room. Despite her desire to be away from her family, Its a whole different thing to be in a complete different time from your family. So she just happens to be a little down about the whole thing.

That is until there is word of some space cops coming to give them the riot act. She gives a little smirk and just phases through the floor of her room, right out into space. Quietly she flies to the landing bay and phases back inside. She's keeping quiet, not touching anything and doing her best to not make any noise. Her attention is on Abigail Brand's vessel. She phases into it, checking it out for any weaponry that could be a problem. Just as the space cop wants to make sure Earth is safe from them, she wants to make sure that this 'cop' isn't a threat to the Legion!

Abigail Brand has posed:
    Brand's... well, not -really- visibly taken aback at the welcoming party. Except maybe the phantom girl floating through her shuttle. It's unarmed, not even terribly advanced for Earth's technology. Indeed, the only weapon Abigail seems to have is that pistol on her hip. She tilts her head ever so slightly as the whole group assembles. "A pleasure to meet you all... I..." She must be squinting behind those glasses. She -has- to be, because the intensity of it can nearly be felt rolling off her in waves as she takes the Legion in. "am happy to officially welcome you to Earth on behalf of Alpha Flight and... the Government of Canada..." She trails off and then lets out a slow sigh, "So where are you all from? I mean, I'm assuming you didn't pick up an entire space cruiser just to joyride to -Earth- of all places. Pizza is fine, but it's not actually worth traveling the galaxy for."
    She continues to be a little bit perturbed, and then suddenly blurts out, "Why are you all so -young-? Shouldn't there... be a captain or something? And... Legion of Superheroes? Is... wait, are you one of those side groups from the Justice League?" She growls out and mutters under her breath, "If they've gone and made some -space- team without notifying anyone I am just going to... grrr..."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainiac 5 was about to hold up a pointy finger of Doom before he pauses. "...Canada?" That one catches him like a bean-ball to the forehead and he actually lowers his hand, before he recovers his wits and puts his hands behind his back.

"As Triplicate Girl stated, my name is Brainiac 5. I'm the leader of the Legion of Superheroes." He tilts his chin up, defiantly, and he says, "No, we're independent, not an arm of the Justice League of America or the Avengers."

Then he says, "We're time-travelers, ma'am. We hail from a thousand years in the future where we're an officially sanctioned law enforcement of the United Planets, a federation of world governments including the Earthgov of our time. We've been dispatched to the past by an accident and are working on returning home, but it may take us several years to do so."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Time Travel, as you can imagine is a thing of - sensitive measure. We will need the proper equipment and materials to get our craft back into fully working order, first. Then, see to returning back," elaborates Luorno, sending Brainy a brief smile to show him that she's proud of his diplomacy protocols, looking back to Brand with some measure of charismatic charm. It's sincere, too. Luorno is just that chipper, at times.
    "At present, we've attempted to interefere with the Earth as little as possible, with the hopes we would be able to return soon. But, as my colleague states, that is looking as if it is a long term issue, rather than something we can fix presently."
    She looks to the rest of her team, then back to Brand. "If there are protocols you would wish us to follow, we'll follow them to the best of our ability. Our only goal is to uphold Justice in the universe. And, promote peace, prosperity. As we are all gifted individuals, we've each come to realize we have both duty and obligation to do so. And we're glad to serve in that capacity."

Dream Girl has posed:
    "It seems Earth of this time is still separated by political borders." Nura says softly. "And.....we're not really that young, though chronologically, none of us have been born yet, as Brainiac as said. It is why we mostly stay in the Cruiser, so we don't interfere with the timeline. However, we still need food. And pizza is delicious."

Tinya Wazzo (1082) has posed:
Tinya Wazzo sinks down through the ancient vessel and then through te hull of the cruiser. She moves closer to the group and floats up through the floor. "A pleasure to meet you Miss." She gives a polite bow to Abigale. Its very regal as though she's had experience with dignitaries before.

"Forgive me for checking out your vessel. Just as you are here to protect the Earth, I do my best to make sure the Legion is safe." She smiles a little. "My name is Phantom Girl. You can guess what I do." She snickers and moves behind Triplet girl.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle can't help himself, and grins at Nura. "Yeah, though a galactic jaunt depends on how good the pizza is." He grows a little more serious. Only a little. "If it helps any, I *am* an Earth native. Or will be in a millennium or thereabouts. Invisible Kid. Nicetameetya." Despite the code name, he remains visible. For the moment.

Abigail Brand has posed:
    Brand's mouth works silently... Oh, well this is fine. This is great. They're not a bunch of space joyriding teenagers. They're Future Police Academy, and their ship broke and sent them -back in time-. ...Wait, does this... is this her problem? She's not a Time Cop. Heck, she's not sure there -are- Time Cops. "I... ah... wait, you've had -actual- training, right? In fighting off super villains or alien invasion fleets? From... -real- professionals?" She tilts her head down a little, enhancing that glower.
    "Despite what some people might think, a giant floating head giving you animal robots and brightly coloured suits because you 'have attitude' does not qualify as proper training." She chews her lower lip and groans out softly, "Okay... you're going to need... materials, and probably technology that might not exist yet... so that's going to be the Fantastic Four or... well, probably not Doctor Doom... I think they've both gone back in time. I think Tony Stark did too. And I'm -pretty- sure his was an accident, so he might know exactly how to help." She's clearly letting the wheels turn in her head, "Okay, Phantom Girl, Brainiac... I mean, you guys are a little... on the nose on your naming, but hey, I guess 'Batman' for a guy who dresses like a bat and 'Invisible Woman' for a lady who goes invisible means we can't exactly throw stones from our century in the name game..." She -heaves- out a sigh. "Okay, well, if you're not a threat just... make sure you let me know if you guys start having more weird time issues. I mean, if like... -your- bad guys start showing up here or whatever? Also, please -please- don't try to learn everything by watching and mimicing TV. I have enough space ships in orbit doing that already. Any questions? I'm sure you have questions. There's -always- questions."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
That actually makes Brainy's cheeks darken and his cheeks hollow. He gonna get mad, somebody stop him form getting mad, his mouth is opening.... TOO LATE--

"*Ms. Brand*," He says, in a tone so clipped it's bleeding, "I'd like to take a moment to point a few things out to you."

He points to Invisible Kid, "Espionage expert and galactic-class biochemist and engineer." He points to Nura. "Galactically-ranked martial artist."

Then Triplicate Girl and Phantom Girl, "Seasoned diplomats and political scholars."

And then he taps himself on the chest. "And I?" He says, "I *am* a Brainiac." He points to the silver circles on his head. "They're the ones that keep me grounded so that I'm not flying around in a skull-ship putting cities in bottles. If you have a PROBLEM with us--"

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Lurono has a question. She poses this question to Abigail, as well as the rest of her team. "What's TV?" She looks confused.
    Whoops, Abigail. Space Cop may have just inadverently opened a Pandora's Box.
    "I've mentored and trained most everyone here," Luorno says, honestly, to Abigail, "If that concerns you. And, technically, while I am a Craggite, I'm also a human. With a metahuman gene that was activated by the three suns in the solar system. I went through intensive training, and after the Legion formed with it's initial founding members, I joined, and offered my services. News gathered, and well, this is only part of the result. Most of us are still in the correct time."
    Which gives Abigail a measure of just how large the Legion actually is. Luorno smiles again, "Yes. Is there any food as good as, or better, than, The Pizza? It's quite delicious. We are going to have to get more."
    Luorno asks the important questions, first.

    Gently, her hand moves to Brainac's hand, takes it, and she gives him the briefest of looks. She squeezes his hand, and then looks back to Abigail. "We understand your desire to protect Earth. We share it. I assure you."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle winces slightly at Brainy's outburst, and with an effort tries to sound diplomatic -- probably with variable success, he's not a trained diplomat, and by and large, he's with Brainy on this one. "And all the appropriate and necessary peace officer training, at least relative to our home era and our own individual abilities. We have every intention of being a help rather than a hindrance to keeping Earth on an even keel, Ms. Brand. Especially since a major change in Earth's present -- our *past* -- probably jeopardizes us far more than it does you."

Dream Girl has posed:
    Nura looks to Brainiac and sighs. "Querl.....You are Brainiac....-5-. You are not the original Brainiac. You are -better- than he. So calm down, please." She says placing her hand on Querl's shoulder. She then looks to Abigail and takes a deep breath. "We are not a threat to earth. In fact we are a great boon to it, as much as any hero is. We are an example of what people can do if we simply do what is right, and without a political agenda."

"As for my codename....I am Dream Girl. And as Luronu is a Craggite, or considered an 'alien' to earthlings in this time, I am also an alien. I am Naltorian." She then looks to Brainiac. "and I am also a biologist, Querl. Don't forget that. I've been looking into cooking though."

Tinya Wazzo (1082) has posed:
Tinya Wazzo was fine with everything. She wasn't going to say anything. At least that was until the question of training was brought up. SHe doesn't show it much on her face but that does get to her. She just did a thorough sweep of the Brand's ship without the slightest problem after all. She looks down at the floor for a moment before she considers speaking.

It takes her a moment. Then, she speaks. "Ms. Brand, you didn't just insult those of us present. You insulted the entire Legion of Super Heros. If you wish to question our training, by all means you are welcome to test any one of us and find out for yourself just how well trained we are. We may be young but we have been actively fighting the good fight for years. I am an offshoot of human. I am Bgztlian. In other words, I'm from a different dimension." She sighs. "In my time, I am the daughter of the President of the United Planets. Do you really think I would be permitted to fly around the universe without training?"

Abigail Brand has posed:
    Brand sighs and shakes her head, "Well, thank God for... okay, not the skull ship thing." She points at Brainiac. "Don't build skull ships. Don't. Do. that." She groans and pinches the bridge of her nose, "But yes, good, It's -good- your legion has actual training, and you've all got experience. Because you're the -first- group of teenagers fighting aliens around here that's had anything close to training. I mean, the closest thing I've heard of to trained people anywhere -near- where I'm stationed on the ground sounded more like.... I don't know, some weird high school glee club for monster fighting. They're a van and a big dog away from Scooby Doo, okay? So yeah, I'm a -little- cynical right now." She stares at Tinya and mutters out, "Oh god... a future politician's kid... well, it's not like I'll be doing this job by then. Maybe they'll take my name off a cafeteria in the... what century was it again? Eh. Anyway." She grits her teeth, like she's trying to do something that's just -so- far beyond her abilities.
    "I... apologize... for my outburst. But really, it's... -kind of- good to have you here. I'm assuming you can't get too involved or you'll uhh... y'know, like, Back to the Future, or Timecop or whatever? Paradoxes and such? You might want... I don't know, civilian identities or something if you want to go down to the surface." She lifts her eyebrows suddenly, "Wait, the accident that sent you all back here... It wasn't during like, some sort of future fight against a villain, was it? Some villain who might be coming back here to like... wreck your past? And I'm sure I can arrange for you all to have some more information about modern cuisine and other pop culture so you can get your bearings around here."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"One of the responsible parties," Brainiac 5 says, "The Lord of Chaos Mordru, may be entombed somewhere on your planet in this era. He's timeless. We are in absolutely no hurry to release him. His two compatriots... no. I highly doubt they'll come here to try to stop us. They've worked together to keep us from returning home, so I expect banishment to be good enough for them. Rest assured, if they do follow us here, they'll find us ready for them."

Then he adds, "Your apology is accepted." Then he puffs out his cheeks, and it looks like what he's about to say takes a lot of strain on his part, and when he does manage it it's through is teeth. "And I ask forgiveness for losing my temper. You can rest assured that any members of the Legion that you encounter on Earth or in space are uniquely skilled and superbly trained individuals capable of great things on their own, and taught to act as a force multiplier for one another when working together. While our currently-collected roster can't rival the Justice League in terms of power," Which is a full-on absolute lie, there are two *Daxamites* living on this ship, "We can handle any crisis you care to name."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Lurono is still gently, and almost subtley holding Brainy's hand. At least for a few moments. Another squeeze given, and then she suggests, "You will not have any problems with us, Ms. Brand. You've my assurance." She glances, specifically, to each of her treasured teammates, then looking back to Abigail, she continues, "My friends speak from their hearts. If they speak with a measure of anger, or offense, it's because we are far from home. And, we have as much pride in our service to the Legion as you do to Earth, else you would not be where you are now." Duty is something Luorno can certainly understand.
    She makes no correction about the Daxamites. Nor does she make mention of Micro Lad being still on board. She knows he'll still try to cause the Legion trouble, and she's already got a plan in the works to deal with him.
    "We are glad to assist in any way possible, for Earth's hospitality in the meantime. And we will not mind standing vanguard along with the Justice League, to protect Earth from unwelcome visitors until we can arrive home. This may not be our time, but we have each sworn Oaths. And we will continue to abide by those Oaths, to serve, and protect."

Dream Girl has posed:
    "She did mention something that I've mentioned before, Luornu. Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four. I can go to the surface again and search for him. Though I only know my way around Metropolis.....and even then our 'map' isn't quite up to date." Nura then looks to Abigail. "Perhaps you can help us in getting a 'general' location. Where would Reed Richards be?"

Tinya Wazzo (1082) has posed:
Tinya Wazzo gives a weak smiles and goes back to her more quiet stance. "Apologies. I meant no offense or anything. As fast as being a politician's kid? I went out of my way to get out of that life. I went through a place that some species use as a prison just to start a new life. That is this life. I love helping people. I love working with my friends to make the galaxy a better place."

She gives a polite smiles, "Oh umm, by the way you may wish to have your ship checked out. A few wires looked like they were starting to come loose. Stuff that should probably get checked out. I wouldn't want to see you stranded anywhere. I couldn't tighten them myself because its very tightly packed in there and I didn't have enough room to actually make my fingers physical."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle relaxes as the tension subsides. Okay. Definitely heading in a better direction. He exhales in relief. "Fair is fair, Ms. Brand, you can't have been aware of who we are and what our collective background is, and certainly we would take a dim view of an unknown spaceship parking itself in orbit around Earth in our time so I can't fault you for the same. It's good to know we're on the same side."

Abigail Brand has posed:
    Brand pretty much deflates at Tinya's mentioning of her ship's wiring. "Yeah, it's... something I've been meaning to take a break so they can work on." She snickers softly, "Well, at least there -are- people on your ship, and not just... really weird looking drones. It's been a -week-." She chews her lower lip as her focus just keeps shifting. "I... ah... Richards? Somewhere in Manhattan? I don't know the address, but I'm -pretty- sure their building looks like a giant '4', so... like, how many of those can there be? I mean, if it's -not- a big number shape, it's also called... ah... The Baxter Building? I'm sure if you connect to the internet you... can... find it." She frowns internally but... no... c'mon, the Brainiac guy -has- to know what the internet is. It's probably like... his super great uncle or something, okay, probably more like a chimpanzee to her... common ancestor and all.
    Brand crackes her neck idly and sighs out, "Well, it's good to have you all in orbit, and we can keep in touch and I'll... I don't know, chaperone you on Earth or something, so super villains don't try to kidnap you, or people don't mistake you for mutants and start buying up pitchforks. Just like... keep in high orbit? We don't need more conspiracies about aliens controlling the government." No, certainly not. Not when she has -another- report to follow up on about some kind of attempted assassination in Metropolis involving reptilian alien monsters.

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainiac 5 says, helpfully, "Most of us can pass for human, if they're not human outright. For those who can't, such as me - for the record, I am a Coluan, Ms. Brand, and I believe you should have information about my world in this era -- the Legion has access to Image Inducer technology and the ability to rapidly extricate ourselves or others from crisis situations."

Then he pauses, and tilts his head before he looks at the others, and he scowls, rubbing the back of his neck. He doesn't mention the Dominators. After all, they haven't moved on Earth yet in this era... have they?

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "At any rate, I'm glad we could officially clean the air, Ms. Brand. Thank you for the welcome," Lurono says, warmly. She does not address the need for escorts, and the like, either accepting or declining Abigail's offer, understanding where the heart of it comes from.
    "I can promise we will try to be, as I understand the Earth saying to be, get in your hair as little as possible." She looks amused, briefly, then looks almost meaningfully over to Lyle, as if she were implying something in those words towards him, but in a good natured sort of way.
    "If you have further questions, you can contact me. I'll be happy to field anything else you, or those you serve on Earth might have questions about to the best of my ability. We will be as open and forthright as we can."

Dream Girl has posed:
    "Uhm....As a token of good faith..." Nura Nal says before looking to Brainiac. "Perhaps Brainiac could fix the ship, after Phantom Girl finds the wiring problem again, and we'll have you on your way. And I'm human enough, as is Luornu, so we could find Reed Richards in Manhattan and even find a recipe for pizza, among other things."

Tinya Wazzo (1082) has posed:
Tinya Wazzo smiles part of her wants to show off a little bit. But, professionalism and all. It can drive a girl mad ya know! She smiles and just sorta stands there. "I look mostly human. I'm pretty sure though that if any villains want to kidnap us they may find us just a little more then they expect. Individually, some of our abilities may be a little odd. But when we work together, We definitely kick butt!" She smiles and winks.

Quietly she looks around and just sorta relaxes a little. Everything is going to be fine! At least that is her hope. "I've got no problem finding it again. We could certainly fix the ship for you."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle nods once to Lu. "And certainly coordination is in everyone's best interests. We no more want to step on your toes than we want to get in your hair."
    And... well, it's Lyle. He can only be on his best behavior just so long. He asides to Nura in something just under a stage whisper, "Get a recipe that involves pineapple."

Abigail Brand has posed:
    Brand can't help but perk an eyebrow again, "So pineapple on pizza's still a thing in the future? Huh... kinda thought that'd be like... wiped out at some point. Oh god... wait... is pineapple the -only- thing on pizza in your time?" She shudders bodily, clearly... well, doing her best to be the 'cool space cop' and show she's not all sternness and laser guns and threats. "I mean, sausage, onion, and green pepper is -the- superior pizza topping, but you should probably try several, just to be safe. You know, for research or whatever."
    She shrugs her shoulders and laughs, "I mean, if you all want to work on it, I guess I can stick around for awhile. I mean, it's not like you're going to find -super secrets of the past-. Just uhh... don't use your future knowledge to bet on sports or anything. I'm pretty sure that -is- illegal. And like... probably local cop illegal? And New York City jails are -awful-." She stretches slowly, "Well, this is like... a whole -third- of today's work taken care of! Also, if you guys see any giant monsters flying from the moon down to the Pacific Northwest, can you give me a call? For some reason our sensors are terrible at picking them up."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Querl wrinkles his nose. "I'd swear once our sensors picked up something that looked like a *stick* aimed from the moon on a trajectory toward the Pacific Northwest... we'll keep an eye out." He shakes his head, slowly, and says, "Though we do have matters of our own to look after."

Then he shoots Invisible Kid a look. "I don't want to know what you're planning... I don't want to know." And you know, Lyle still hasn't gotten him back for dumping him in that fountain...

Dream Girl has posed:
    "Pff. Gambling is boring, especially on Naltor. When you know what's going to happen, what's the point?" Nura Nal then looks to Tinya. If you could, that'd be excellent, Tinya." She then looks to Abigail. "Forgot to mention. My codename is Dream Girl because my power is Precognition. But then, all Naltorians are 'precogs'. So....gambling is boring to us."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "Well, we will start looking for Reed Richards and the Fantastic Four building then, in the morning." Luorno seems to have decided. "In the meantime, I have some other things to complete. Everyone play nice, while I'm gone."
    This is one of the few times, those that know her, that Luorno means business. And anyone causing diplomatic stress for her will likely be in extremely hot water. She touches Brainy's arm, "Also, we need to speak later. I have come across an idea to help address our continual issues with our internal systems." She does not elaborate further, instead gives a meaningful look to him, and glancing to the rest of her friends and teammates, finally to Brand, to whom she smiles. "I'l see you all at dinner. Take care."

Tinya Wazzo (1082) has posed:
Tinya Wazzo looks at Dream Girl and gives her a little face, "You know, you shouldn't use our real names. Its why we have the whole codename thing going?" She smiles to her and then looks over to Quarl "Lets do this Brainy!" She smiles and floats over to the little vessel. She phases right into the ship with no issues at all.

A moment later she floats up out of the ship and smiles, "Its right where I'm at!"

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle favors Brainy with an innocently inquisitive "Hmm?" but otherwise does not elaborate. And since they're finally on the right foot with the Terrestrial authority, he decides to *not* launch into a sermon about the One True Pizza Topping and how all others have been outlawed since the Pizza Wars of 2715 and... well, those who know him can probably see all that in his eyes and can congratulate him later on having the willpower to keep his doggone mouth shut for once.
    "I wouldn't worry about gambling, Ms. Brand," is all he says. "It's not especially exciting when you can calculate the actual odds, and I know I never took a historical interest in the organized sports of a thousand years ago... er, of this time."

Abigail Brand has posed:
    Brand gives a curt little nod, "Yes, you... -did- pick up a stick flying from the moon. It's complicated. There's -actual- Earth teenagers involved, and they don't have training like you do in the future. I'm... not sure why they're fighting some kind of... I don't know, -moon witch- or something, but it's on my to do list." She sighs and crosses her arms, about as close to casually standing around as she seems capable of getting. "But I suppose I can let you work on my shuttle, and once I get back down to the station, I'll send you guys any information I can find that might get you in contact with Reed Richards or someone else who can help you with your time stuff. Also, I'll see if I can get you a good selection of movies or something, so you can kind of catch up on current times if you're going to be hanging around for like... -long- long term."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy mouths, "...Moon Witch?" He murmurs, quietly, "We actually have a Legionnaire who could help you, but the White Witch isn't yet accounted for. I'm afraid she was almost completely responsible for the Legion's occult problem-solving..." He shakes his head, "I have no skill at it. But we'll do our best. Thank you, Miss Brand, and if you'd like to have something to eat in our comissary, Invisible Kid and I will take a look at your ship."

Dream Girl has posed:
    "White Witch is still at the Time Bubble device, Brainiac. I volunteered to go. She stayed behind, at least for now, so she and the rest of the Legion could figure ot the problem." Nura says softly. "This way, Miss Brand." She offers to show Abigail through the ship to the Commissary and even offers to eat with her, should she want company.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Just don't take seriously everything the coffee maker says," Lyle remarks with a completely straight face. "It has a bit of a megalomaniacal streak. But it still makes perfectly good coffee." Either he's a good actor, or he's not kidding.
    He puts a hand on Brainy's shoulder and says, with great enthusiasm but maybe not a vast amount of tact, "Glad I studied paleotechnology. Never thought I'd actually get to work on a ship from this early in Earth's spacefaring history -- I can't wait!"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy says, with only a touch of tartness, "It should be absurdly simple for two individuals of our intellects."

Abigail Brand has posed:
    Brand gives a quick shake of her head and falls in step beside Nura, "Oh, I don't think she's an -occult- witch. I mean, there's a level of seriousness to that sort of thing... not like... giant monsters that are part dumptruck or something?" She sighs again... clearly, the whole moon-vs-teenagers thing is weighing on her. But now she heads off for the tour, figuring... hey, she's never argued with a coffee machine before. Gotta be open to new experiences.

Tinya Wazzo (1082) has posed:
Tinya Wazzo sighs, "Still floating in an ancient ship!! Get your big brains over here!" The Phantom Girl laughs a little.