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Latest revision as of 17:08, 6 May 2018

A Coffee pit stop
Date of Scene: 10 April 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Spanner, Crusader, Rift, Lex Luthor

Spanner has posed:
It's a cool day, today, but at least there's no clouds in the sky so the sun can shine and offer some respite from the cold, and the coffee shop Alyssa works at, the Golden Bean, has decided to open a small stand at the Apple Park, in Westchester, and Alyssa was one of the chosen to staff the stand. Right now, the woman is wearing her customary outfit, dark brown pants, white shirt and a dark brown vest, with the coffee shop's logo on the left breast of the vest, serving whoever shows up and asks for some coffee. The stand is basically a big cart, probably ferried here by a small car, and six wooden tables lined up before it. It's been an uneventful day, so far, and quite profitable too. At the moment, though, all tables are empty, and currently it's just Alyssa manning the cart, as her co-worker's shift has ended, and his replacement hasn't shown up yet. Luckily movement has died down a bit.

Crusader has posed:
Now Apple park tends to be a rather nice place. Not much danger or destruction. Hardly any crime, etc. However you still get to see oddities around. Comming down one of the park roads was a massive orc-like person. He had large tusks, piecing golden eyes, broad nose with A full bushy beard and slicked back hair. His musculature was massive, and he looked ready to rip out spines.

In other words a Brute.

But this brute was also in a full suit, jacket, tie, vest and all. His heavy foot-steps take him up to the Golden Bean stand as he stares down at Alyssa. His voice was as beastial as one would expect - but it was oddly Cordial as well as he says "Mam, do you have anything with chocolate?" sure it was a coffee shop, but he was asking anyways.

Rift has posed:
A pastry cart in nearby Apple Park! Yes, PLEASE. Rift can't resist and she's hungry for sweets, and tears a portal open in the middle of the park, and skates out, sliding across the ground twoards the cart, glowing red. A dull red across her body, engulfing her clothing, with brigth red lines visible inside her arms, legs, chest, and head. She stops by the cart, then whimpers as someone's in front of her.

Lex Luthor has posed:
It isn't often that Lex Luthor is out of Metropolis for anything but business. LexCorp Tower has everything he needs for full VR conferences across the planet, after all.

Still... there's nothing like the personal touch to close out a business deal. Plus, there are those unfortunates who simply /need/ a visit for confidential reasons; the internet can be compromised after all... and even encrypted data can only offer so much protection.

So, it might -or might not!- come as a surprise when the LexCorp Limo fleet is spotted in the distance shortly after Vorn arrives. With a US flag and two civilian grade armored cars to the front and back, it's almost like a presidential motorcade.

Then, the motorcade stops. Right next to the stand... and a window is opened, with Lex popping his head out with a warm smile. "Good evening, Miss...?" Lex Luthor inquires... his tone suggestive of a question.

Inside, two female figures can be seen, eyeing Alyssa as they lean forward.

Spanner has posed:
Alyssa Reid was starting to get annoyed that she's alone at the coffee stand, since her teammate's shift has ended and Cynthia, who is supposed to replace him, hasn't shown up yet. She picks up her phone to see if there's any message from Cynthia, when she hers the heavy steps coming her way. She looks up from her phone... and then up... and up... until she finally sees the tusked, silver-skinned... brute?... before her. Well, he has the physique of one... but he is quite sharply dressed to actually BE one. Even the voice is a paradox of roughness and gentleness. "Umm..." she says, recovering from her shock, "Yes, but, um..." he blinks a bit. Rift's arrival isn't even noticed, yet, as Alyssa is having to crane her head back a lot to look at the big guy's face. Can't use her powers, she reminds herself. "Would you prefer chocolate in the drink, or on the side?" She asks, just before a limo passes by-- wait, no. It's stopping. Right at her stand. In front of her stand, actually! Oh GOD it's Lex Luthor! Cynthia, where the hell are you, I swear I'll kill you when you show up! "Um... y-yes, sir?" She tries to be professional, but it's hard when you're nervous AND you have a massive brute standing right in front of you.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn turns his head behind him to look at Rift. The large man seeming to be...perhaps wondering if he seen her, but before he has a chance to ask, a Limo is pulling up, with Lex Luthor inside. Vorn is swift to speaks grunting out "Eh, Lex. Yer hafta wait yer turn like everyone else. Was here first along with..." he gestures behind him at Rift.

And like that he is looking back to Alyssa, he used to people need to cram their heads upwards, one of the curses of being his size. "....Want an entire four drinks of chocolate. If not possible, than will take one Coffee...and however much your entire container of chocolate costs. Extra extra large for everything" he seemed....very very serious about his chocolate

Rift has posed:
Rift just pouts. "Save some chocolate for me... I'm hungry..." She then whirls, and STARES at Lex. "L... Lex Luthor?" she asks, staring at the limo. "Ummmm..." A portal tears open next to her (the old one closed a few minutes ago). "Is this bad, that Luthor's here?" she wonders, scratching her head. She realized that she's still lit up - and shrugs, keeps it that way.

Lex Luthor has posed:
When Vorn looks in his general direction and /speaks/ with him directly, Lex gives the gigantic 'man' a raised brow, "I don't believe I actually asked for anything yet, Sir. On Earth, this is called making conversation." Lex gives in reply, a bit acidly, before he turns to look back to the glowing girl. Giving her a once over as well, Lex looks back to Alyssa, "Your name. I was asking for your name." Lex helpfully intones for Alyssa.

Then, Rift gets a look as she opens a portal right there. "I'm Lex Luthor... and no, it isn't bad that I'm here. Why would you think that? I'm just here for some coffee, on my way back to New York." Lex offers to Rift.

Spanner has posed:
Oh, dear, this is bad. She looks from Vorn to Lex and back to Vorn, and hopes the big guy in front of her is as calm and collected as his clothing style aludes to. "I, ah... yes, I'll prepare your order, sir." she tells Vorn as she quickly turns and heads into the cart to start preparing the quadruple order of extra big mocha cups. She looks at the chocolate reserves. That'll be the end of them, she realizes, but continues with the orders.

As she works, she speaks toward Lex Luthor, "And, Mr Luthor, sir, my name is Alyssa. Alyssa Reid." she offers with a smile, "It's an honor to meet you." she tells the businessman. A few minutes later, all four cups are done, all with extra chocolate and some more chocolate on the side. "Here you go, sir." she tells Vorn, "Cash or credit?" she asks with a smile. She then looks at the glowing girl, making portals, and blinks. Why did all the extraordinary people decided to show up all at the same time... when she's short one, at the stand.

Crusader has posed:
    Vorn raises a brow right back "Yes, and on Earth, people who interupt a cashier/clerk waiting on a customer without at least engaging both of them politely, is known as a Jackass" he says bluntly back. He was indeed still calm, but clearly not one to be afraid to say what was on his mind
    Vorn looks back at Rift "..... He just a person." he says, seeming to not particualr think Lex presence is a bad one, just that the man could learn some manners.

"Credit Mam" he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a Credit card, checking to see if he would be sliding it himself, or if he will be handing it over "And Alyssa ia a pretty name" of course he glances behind him at Rift. "....." he offers her one of his large cups of chocolate. The man loved chocolate, but least he could be kind.

Rift has posed:
Rift nods as the portal closes. "Well.. I want a dozen pastries, please," she states, once Vorn finishes, she sips the chocolate drink and sighs. She smiles faintly, rather confused. "Well... I guess I shouldn't have been glowing all ths time... got too excited hearing about your cart..."

Lex Luthor has posed:
There's a smile in the general direction of Crusader, but he gives no retort. Indeed, Lex gives a nod, "I like to know whom I'm dealing with." Lex informs Vorn, "I wasn't going to be talking to you or the young lady that's glowing over there... and I have a plane to catch..." His expensive watch is consulted, "-that looks like I'll have to wait on anyway, since I'm not off schedule." Lex notes, before he looks to Vorn again. Then, he goes silent, waiting his turn, for now.

Spanner has posed:
Alyssa Reid gently reaches with one hand for the credit card Vorn holds, while the other goes for the credit machine, "Thank you, sir." she says as she inputs the price for the four extra large mochas in the machine, and then hands the machine to Vorn so he can type in his credit card password. Her smile almost falters when she hears Rit's order, "A... dozen pastries?" She blinks, but nods with a smile, "Ok, give me a moment to pack everything for you to carry, miss." she says as she kneels down behind the counter to pick up bags, and then starts fillin the bags with the pastries. She'll have to contact the shop to ask for more pastries, as well as more chocolate...

Moments later she re-emerges, placing several paper bags on the counter, "Here you have it, miss. Twelve pastries. Cash, or credit?" she asks with a smile while waiting for Vorn to finish with the card machine. A glance is given to Lex, a slight apologetic look on her eyes for making him wait.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn looks at the machine...and than as his rather larger fingers. His expression was a rather priceless one. Rather carefully as if he done this before, he punches in his code, his eyes squinting as if dareing the buttons to go in wrong! But luckily they do not "Thank you Mama" he tells her.

Of course, Vorn has no problems with Lex being made to wait - just cause your rich or a philinaprist, does not get your special treatment in Vorns books. The man downs an entire cup of chocolate within seconds, his face one of absolutely bliss "Vorn" he tells Lex simply and without fanfair. Oddly the man has yet to speak in the 'first person' seemind to somehow exlcide any mention of 'I' or self in any capacity. "Mmmm...you did good job in making chocolate" he actualy guzzles the rest now. 4 cups of Mocha choclate gone in less than 30 seconds. A glance at Rift "Good food is always worth being excited over"

Rift has posed:
Rift smiles as hse hands Vorn a pastry. "I return your kindness with some of my own." She then starts eating like... well, it's rather obscene how much she can eat rapidly as she sighs happily. "This is a lovely light snack..." She then steps to the side, glancing over towards the limo.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"A Coffee, two sugars." Lex gives in reply to Alyssa as the others move. "And please, make it quick. I have an hour before our flight window closes." Lex gives a warm smile to Alyssa as he hands over some money... including a five dolar tip.

Spanner has posed:
Alyssa Reid me smiles as Vorn returns the machine and compliments her work, "Thank you, sir! I try to do my best, always!" she says, ripping the receipt from the machine and handing Vorn his card back, along with the receipt. "Thank you for coming." she says with a smile, before she turns to face Rift, "And, miss, will you pay with cash or cred--" she stops mid-sentence, watching the woman devour the pastries that way. Alyssa is sure not even the Flash can eat that fast! Wait... a... 'light snack'? Twelve pastries are just a... light snack? Alyssa feels light-headed at that.

Luthor's order provides her with much needed distraction. She leaves the machine before Rift to let her pay for it, before she goes to prepare the millionaire's order, going as fast as she can without affecting the quality of her work. Finally, after adding the two sugars as requested, she is quick to head to the limo and offer the coffee cup on a tray for him, "Here you go, sir. Thank you for.. wow, that's a big tip, sir! Thank you!" she says with a big smile.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn is also stareing at Rift. "....damn, you can eat" again, blunt as always. Granted he could eat to, but at 1 ton, he at least has can give a rather good excuse! Axtually he doesn't actually need to eat, he just like too, but whose going to know?

None the less, Vorn signs the receipte, filling out the tip section and total amount, before handing this copy back. "It is no problem. Just being honest" if his next visits are just as good, he may need to tell her boss good news.

Rift has posed:
Rift pays cash, forgetting to pay before she eats, and includes a decent tip. "Thank you." She watches Lex pay and leave. She smiles faintly. "Being able to twist the laws of physics to my whim takes a lot of energy, "she muses softly. "And each one was delicious but your cheese danishes were the best. I'm Rift by the way."

Spanner has posed:
Alyssa Reid smiles as Lex Luthor leaves her with that big tip, and she grins softly. Well, today might just pay off, then. Tough break for Cynthia who decided to skip work without warning, apparently. Oh, she's going to chew her ass, when she sees her again. Returning to the stand, she watches just in time as Rift just pays with cash, leaving a big tip as well, and turns to leave. "Thank you, miss." she says with a soft bow of her head before moving to collect and count the money, as well as texting her employer to let him know about the material shortage... and how Cynthia skipped work. Soon enough, other clients start popping in, and Alyssa gets busy again. This will be a long afternoon. Cynthia!