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Latest revision as of 17:25, 6 May 2018

Park Escapades Episode 1
Date of Scene: 19 April 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wiccan, Nuala Duvall, Crusader

Wiccan has posed:
April can either be amazing or awful in New York...it all depends on the capriciousness of the weather. Today seems to be an actual Spring day with the temperatures in the 60's; it's enough to get more people out and about than have been in the winter months. Tourists are always en force and they tend to clog up the more popular traps such as Times Square and parts of Central Park. For those more familiar with the Park, they know where it's less likely to be crowded.

Scattered around and about the Park are little footbridges and benches for those who want to revel in the little bit of nature available to the city-dwellers. It's a popular spot for meetups, dates, people-watch, or just to drink coffee surrounded by trees and flowers waking up from the Winter. One late-teen in particular has chosen a park bench and has set his messenger bag on part of it to secure the entire bench for himself, for now. He has a travel mug with coffee from a popular coffee chain in it and takes a very sugary, delicious-looking pastry from a little paper bag. From the looks of his slender frame, the pastry won't do much. In deference to the slight chill that remains when the wind blows, he has on a light scarf and a waxed-cotton jacket in a vaguely asymmetric cut. Dark eyes people watch for a little bit before a book is pulled out from the messenger bag to read.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    A woman with dusty blonde hair moves through the park, failing to properly follow a walking path. Her attention, it seems, is fixed upon her watch. It looks something akin to an apple watch, but is not exactly. She glances up, scanning the area, and then looks down again, following it as if it were some sort of compass. She wears a rather common looking sky blue turtleneck, and khaki pants to match. What doesn't match, however, is her shoes. They have a rather space age look to them, as if they are part of some sort of armor, disappearing into the pants. She mutters something to herself quietly, and looks up again. She changes direction, takes a few steps, and then looks down again. Whatever she's looking for, it doesn't look like she's found it yet.

Wiccan has posed:
Lost tourists isn't a new thing and they're actually kind of amusing to watch. Billy lifts his eyes from the book to note the woman moving off of the path and looking at her watch. There's a sip of his coffee before he offers in a friendly tone, "I hope you're not geocaching here. It's...not really the best place for people to hide stuff. I mean, those CSI shows aren't -that- far off..." dead bodies in the 'woods' of the park and the like. It's happened.

Crusader has posed:
All sorts can end up in the park. Including the metalic silver-skined orc like Vorn. He looks Big, Mean....but isn't as bad as he seems. It really just his massive musculature and size combined with looking like something out of World of Warcraft....but still the man...monster...mutant? Wore a very formal buisness suitm with his sun engraved leather gauntlets and 'power armor' style boots being what stands out as well.
    But none the less he enjoyed visting the quiter parts of the park, especially with how...odd things have been for him. ANd when he looks up...he sees none other than Nuala and can feel trouble already. But he was also close enough to hear Wiccan and decides to chime in "It is pretty good. Just have to know how to find the caches. Murder should hardly be a deterent to having some fun"

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala looks up, and realizes that the signature that she had been tracking was in fact Vorn. She sighs, and lowers her wrist. "Geocaching," she echoes, trying the word for the first time. "I am not knowing this thing. I am not concerned with shows that may happen in the park," she expects that CSI shows must be a play of some sort. Her voice has a bizarre accent, not quite fitting with any nationality. "Mr. Vorn," she says. "You have come to this park." Well, that's obvious. "I am Nuala," she introduces herself to Wiccan, a certain wary eye bouncing away to keep attention on Vorn.

Wiccan has posed:
"That's not really what I meant," Billy explains to the...silvery...guy. He might just need to somehow discreetly get a picture of this one from his phone! "I meant that if someone's hiding something around here, it's probably already been found. Unless it's like...a specific, unmarked, uninteresting rock at a very specific location. I don't know much about it, really, although I thought geocaching was where other people hid interesting things to find." There's a shrug and another sip of coffee before he's addressed by the woman. "I...uh. CSI. It's a TV show...same with Law & Order that makes it seem like New York is full of crime and murder." There are a couple of blinks before the book is set down and the two, who obviously seem to know each other, are watched carefully. "Uhh. Hey."

Crusader has posed:
    Vorn chuckles "Well of course et has been found. That is the point of geocaching. Some leave treasures for folks to take, others just lead you to interesting places to visit, and some just have a log book for folks to sign saying they found it. In some cases some are even maintained by a local organization - for instance some Boys and Girls club maintain staches for other to find" evidently this orc knows his geocaching and seemed found of it "Nothing like a good treasure hunt." he gives Wiccan a tusked grin showing rather large canines.
    And than back to Nuala "It is just Vorn. And yes, it is show on the tube, you might like it as it about investigations." he looks to Wican "Prefer Specival Victem Unit edition of Law and Order personally." even though Nuala watched him warily, he didn't seem to return feeling, seeming rather calm about the whole thing

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    The calm response of Vorn seems to do little to ebb Nuala's demeanor. "I am not familiar with the TV shows," she admits. "I do not own a TV. Though if it educates in investigation, perhaps I could learn something new, yes?" she admits. "So, when one does this geocaching, they look for books to sign, like a celebrity? So this is making them famous because they are good treasure hunters?"

Wiccan has posed:
Wiccan's wariness eases some as 'Vorn' seems to explain geocaching better and also, "I -love- SVU! More the re-runs than the current stuff because there are all these amazing guest stars! But it makes it look like there's a dead body here every other week, which does sort of make me mad..." New York may not be the safest place in the world, but it's certainly not that bad! "It doesn't really educate. It's fiction based on some little bit of reality, but I wouldn't use it as the basis for investigation." He blinks again between Vorn and Nuala, "Uhm. It's a fun thing to do. Sort of like hiking with a prize at the end. For those people who find hiking 'fun'."

Crusader has posed:
    "Haha! Another avid lover of SVU. Agreed, the reruns are better, but it really depends on the season. The current one is actually fairly good" he says. Vorn than says "And to be fair - their investigation, from catching the criminal to trial does actually take place over several days. Though that bit is overlooked when one consider the show does need to be packed into an hour long time frame...bit less" he notes
    "And well fiction is based on what we know of reality..so you can learn SOME things, but formal research is best". Vorn than crosses his arms "Not books, logs. It does not make your famouse, but as this one has said" he gestures to Wiccan "It is for fun. For some folks it the journey that the hunting take them on they like, for others the thrill of finding something, for others it is a sense of community as groups of people can go geocaching togeather. Bet there is even one near here."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala looks between the orc and the young man, looking lost. "I see," she simply says, uncertain what else can be said. She knows very little about human entertainment. "My father has said that I should engage in entertainment," she states. "Perhaps I will try this 'geocaching' excersize. I do not find enjoyment in watching pictures move around a box. I will have to search for more information about how to hunt these items that are to be discovered. Does it come in the form of clues, such as a riddle?"

Wiccan has posed:
"Billy," he finally offers, so as not to be rude. "I'm Billy." That's all they need know for now. "Well, all TV shows should be taken with a very large grain of salt..." or maybe he should have said that a different way since this 'Nuala' seems to be taking things quite literally. "Uh," is offered at the mention of a geocaching community and questions are asked about details. "Honestly, I have no idea. I just know a very little about it as hiking around the woods and stuff isn't really my thing. But you could probably Google it and get some more information and see what groups are nearby."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn chuckles "Not exactly" he says, getting ready to explain something else "Geocaching is not nessarily in the woods. One is able to geocache in the city itself, on the road....basicly anywhere. Some do come with riddles, if they feel like setting up a more complex geocache, and others do not. Their are two ways to go about it - in one you use an old fashion compass and coordinates to find your way to where a geocache is located. In the second, one may use a gps or even specialized app"
    He reaches into his pocket and takes out an ordinary iphone. A few swipes and he turns the phone to show both Nuala the app, which shows a large map of NYC with various markings...all over the city "The green ones are your average run of the mill geochaches"

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala eyes the phone. "Geocaches," she echoes again, as if the word is more suspicious. She tries to identify what she can of where these locations are as she scrutinizes the screen with a furrowed brow, not reaching to touch the phone. "So this is human fun." She glances at Billy, realizing that may be an odd statement for her to give, but it's too late, it's already out of her mouth.

Wiccan has posed:
Billy isn't xenophobic at all so while the question gets lifted eyebrows, he grabs his messenger bag and coffee to move closer to the others. At this point, it's just silly to be talking from his seat on the bench. "Well, some people, humans and probably non-humans, may think it's fun. Everyone has a different idea of what is 'fun'. Personally, I don't think it would be all that fun. Maybe for like...an hour or so. Then I'd want to sit down and eat something or go shopping. That's another thing some people find fun -- shopping. Some people hate it. Some like watching movies, some like playing frisbee...it's really individual."

There's a look to Vorn, "We like watching SVU episodes on TV. It's not the -only- thing I do for fun, but it's a good way to sort of veg and relax."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn just gives Nuala a flat expression that says 'Really Lady? Come on'. Well it could be worse, she could give a statement infront of a bunch of mutants that sounds like she is a memebr of FOH...oh wait, she did.

Orc throwing mental shade

Ahem. "Personally, like fighting und exploreing. But also enjoy the tube a good deal, especially the cartoons" he admits. He slides away his phone. "Well, that is a good way to do. It not a choor after all" he says with a chuckle "....admittedly though, not sure what veg means" he 64 years old, he can't be expected to keep up with all this young hip lingo!

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "I meant," Nuala searches, "...city fun." A horrible liar, it'd be hard to convince that it was her actual original statement. "What else is it that you like to do...I'm sorry, what was your name?" she asks Billy, looking to change the subject away from her verbal error.

Wiccan has posed:
"Vegging...just...not doing anything. Like a vegetable. Just sitting around and hanging out," Billy offers with a shrug to Vorn. Nuala gets another look, "Well, again, it's really all individual. I mean, what I find fun, you might not. For example, I don't tend to find fighting actually 'fun', but he does," a gesture is given to the Orc. "And it's Billy. I guess...well, I think reading is fun...and playing games on the computer and stuff...hanging out with my friends is fun."

Crusader has posed:
"Ahhh, vegging. That can be related too" Vorn says. He than says "As Nuala here pointed out - Vorn is name" he says gesturing to himself. "Hehehe, games. COD sucks, but monster hunter is good. Where yer from Billy? Icelandic here" he says gesturing to himself

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "Yes, he does," Nuala agrees. "Reading, yes, that sounds like great fun," She lightens a little. "I need to read more." She considers the names, "Monster hunter," she echoes. Something ironic in that statement. "It is good to meet you, Billy."

Wiccan has posed:
"Well, I was going to guess that or Greenwich Village," Billy teases a little. Although who knows who might be from the area and was just hidden or...who knows? "Me?" is asked before he points towards the East Side. "A couple subway stops east and uptown." He's a local. "I'm mostly a fan of the Zelda games...and Kingdom Hearts." A little 'old school'...or is it 'hipster?' He -does- have a scarf on! Nuala gets a nod, "There you go. I think people either love reading or hate it. But it's easy to find books." As a pause, he takes another long drink from the coffee cup. "Nice to meet you two...uh, too. Unexpected, but..."

Crusader has posed:
    "But what?" Vorn wonders "Not like we tryin ta kill each other yet." As if that wasn't even a disturbing idea in the first place "Hmm. Greenwich is nice. Live near Mutant Town." he suddenly pauses as his nose flairs, his eyes close "Mmmmmm....someone has chocolate nearby" he rubs his belly hungrily
    "Ahem. Eh, not much fer Zelda, bit Overated. Bit Kingdoms Heartz is purdy cool. Hehehe, still surprised they are STILL comming out with pokemon for pokemon games" a pause. He remember his prior adventures of actually going INTO books. "....Yea...a good book almost comes to life." he chuckles "Still nice ta meet yer too Billy."

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala nods. "I think I will do that, I will go find a new book to read." That's a safer way to engage culture without looking like a boob, and hopefully before she is asked where she is from. "It has been a pleasure, Billy, and you as well, Vorn." There's still a mild tension of distrust, but she does her best to hide it. Professional hazard.

Wiccan has posed:
"Well, yeah," Billy admits. "I mean, I'd rather not have to deal with people trying to kill each other in general, you know? I'm sort of the 'Why can't we all get along?' school and just accept people for their differences." Says the very human-looking young man. "Oh, there was some chocolate in my pastry but it's mostly gone. Or maybe it's the mocha?" Or someone else. It's not like chocolate is rare. "I just like how the images look and the games are fun without being too violent." Not a fan.

As Nuala seems to disengage from the conversation, he offers her a little wave. "Enjoy your books!" is said with a little smile before he creases his brows in thought.

Crusader has posed:
"Well some people try to eat other people, others are arseholes, than yer got the too big fer dem britches folks, and of course the 'some how abritarily better than you' bull. That kind of thing." Vorn cross his arms over the jacket of his suit "And some are jist fine with et....but, least there is a great many people who like to git along. This is good thing. Hehehe, now if only no hold barrel fights were legal"
    Vorn grunts "Probbly someone else. If had take guess....chocolate donut." he gives pause "Not a big fan of violence eh? Heh. Nice to meet a peaceful sort"

Wiccan has posed:
"Wouldn't that be dangerous? I mean, some people are so angry that they'll look for any excuse for a fight anyhow and to make them without consequences? How would people learn how to find other methods of working out their differences? Why should people learn to listen to other sides when they can just fight over what -they- think is right?" Someone might be in a Philosophy class this semester...or he usually thinks like this. It's hard to say with Billy. "It all boils down to fear and education, really. But if we resort to violence to try and change people's minds, it's just going to end up with a lot of people hurt and not much changed." He then glances about as if trying to catch sight of said chocolate doughnut. "I'm a fan of finding different solutions."

Crusader has posed:
Vorn raises a brow "There is a difference between forcing people to fight you, and enganging in fights willingly of your own accord. If you are forcing people to physically fight you because they disagree, it not a fight, it is bullying. What you are talking about is getting rid of consequences for ones actions. Anarchy." he licks a tusk "Which is not the same as a no hold barrel fight. It would allow people to fight fist to fist without the need for cestus. Or in the case of mutants, even allow the use of their powers dureing a fight. Believe it or not - fighting doesn't always have to be about some abritary argument, but simply for the enjoyment of those engaged. For anything outside of pure enjoyment for all involved, than of one should seek the most peaceful resolution possible." A few hundred feet away, a person with a donut could indeed be spotted.

Wiccan has posed:
"Yeah, I don't get that part. Fighting for fun..." Billy points out. "I mean, people do boxing and Martial Arts and wrestling and it's all supposed to be fun, but I don't get it. But I'm not really the sports type either. I mean, if it's something that's fun and people aren't permanently maimed or killed...have at it. But things like cage fights or trying to hurt people permanently...yeah, I don't think that should be allowed." So they're sort of on the same page? "Same thing, really, as not enjoying hiking. I'm not going to tell people that it's wrong if they do. Just don't get upset if I decline if I'm invited along, you know?"

Crusader has posed:
"Perfectly fine with cage fighting" he says. So not quite on same page "But than again, have been in a few gladatorial arenas. More or less fine with it, so long as the other person doesn't die or crippled for life" he says. Maim sure, leave some scars? Have at it! Make it so the person can't walk or ever use their hands again? Shell no. "Matial arts is probably the closest...but even than feels like it is held back. It...kind of all feels staged" he shrugs. "But aye, know what yer mean. If yer not like it, yer not like it"

Wiccan has posed:
Yeah, not quite together on that. "I don't think Martial Arts is stage. Maybe the events that they show on television like Wrestling, but real tournaments? I don't think so. But as long as we're in agreement that no one should be forced into something they don't want to do, that's enough for me." Billy doesn't see the need to convince someone to his way of thinking on this. He sips some more on the coffee, as if trying to figure out where else to go with the conversation. "How's Mutant Town nowadays?"

Crusader has posed:
"Well let see..." he crosses his arms "A few new buisness have opened up. And FINALLY some diners down there have gotten reinforced setting. Do you know how hard it is to go to a reastraunt and just sit and eat when you weigh as much as a car? It is a pain!" he exclaims "Beyound that, the underground tournaments have been going pretty good. Lots of new bloods. Oh and of course there are the mutant kidnappings. No one quite sure who is behind them yet, bu evidently some folks are working on it. So...How Greenwich?" and smile flash

Wiccan has posed:
The mention of 'underground tournaments' gets a wrinkle of his nose and a full out frown comes out when there's talk of mutant kidnappings. "That's...horrible!" Maybe he can try to help with some of that? "Who's been kidnapped? Are they going after kids? Women?" As for Greenwich, he blinks, "I dunno? I guess it's fine? I live up on the Upper West Side right now..."

Crusader has posed:
    "Horrible yes...as for who. Not sure. Would need to check the papers and stuff again. And from the looks of it, their after mutants plain and simple." He cants his head lightly "Bu hopefully thy are found safe." He cants his head "Why do folks answer questions with a question? Yer made it sound like you lived near Greenwich"

Wiccan has posed:
"No, I was teasing when you offered where you were from. I'm from the Upper East Side...Born and raised in Manhattan. And I'll look up those news stories." To see if there's anything he can do to help, of course. "I hope they're found quickly and safe as well. And no offense, I'm not just going to give up where I live and everything to a complete stranger." It's said with a smile, but Billy is still a New Yorker.

Crusader has posed:
Vorn rolls his eyes. They actually keep rolling like a slot machine and he has to grab his head to get them to stop. Shaking himself off he says "It not like an address was requested. Its' a neighborhood for crying out loud. Perhaps you do watch too much SVU" he muses. "Upper East, Upperwest, greenwich. Guess it donnea matter now" he shrugs. Three seperate neighborhoods? At this point he has no reason to believe Billy. But than again he is a stranger so it not like it matters to Billy.

Wiccan has posed:
"You asked where I was from, that's where. Right now, however, I'm in school on the Upper West Side so I live there. Near school." Although he could have easily lived at home, but it's a social thing. "You didn't ask where I was living currently. You all asked where I was -from-. And Greenwich Village was just a joke...you know what? Nevermind. It's fine." Billy just gives a chuckle and waves it off. "I should probably head back as I need to get a little more studying in, but it was nice to meet you. I hope you get a chocolate doughnut yourself."