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Latest revision as of 17:26, 6 May 2018

Log 4303
Date of Scene: 19 April 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Savage Dragon, April O'Neil, Harley Quinn, Caim Kataras

Savage Dragon has posed:
Dragon's assignment to the NYPD keeps him in Mutant Town when hes not handling metahuman affairs or training assignments, work, Ninja Turtles! and April have been great distractions from the not knowing where Angel is and tonight, is one of those heavy workloads, a call came in, a building was burning and now it's out, during it a gunfight broke out, mutant on mutant crime, fortunately only injuries and no casualities to be accounted for.

The projects the fire and shootout went down is blockaded off and Dragon is a structure over, a husk of an old strip mall chain, neglected except for by gangbangers and transients, a popular place to pick up drugs.

The day is fast leaving them, sun creeping down in the horizon, smog making it darker than it shoulder be along with shadow of taller buildings, its gloomy with a touch of fire hidden beyond, street lights not on yet.
The vacant look of the strip mall gutted as it is a ruse, these people dont run from cops, they just sit low and wait for them to leave, even the giant lumbering green skinned cop thats walking around right now, a cell phone glowing against his ear.

April O'Neil has posed:
April rolls up on Bumblebee... her yellow and black bicycle, its really not that exciting. But it DOES have a sticker of a little cartoon Bee on it near the handlebars. She leans it against a street light and reaches up to detach the chinstrap on her bike helmet, then her hands go up to slowly remove it.

With a heavy exhale, the once-reporter and now free-lance 'internet journalist' is looking around the old strip mall. "And here I was hoping for a rival antiques store." She mutters quietly while stuffing the helmet onto the bike handlebar and starting to walk forward toward the mall.

April fishes her cell phone out to prepare to take pics and video for her 'Channel'.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"What...the...HELL are you guys doin' out here?" None other than Harley Quinn steps out the back door of what -was- a strip mall. Now heavily damaged. "I was gettin' a massage from that five handed-kid and all HELL broke loose. You're gonna make it so I don't even wanna come here to get freak massages anymore."

She's disheveled, her pigtails tousled, and she's wearing a smoke-stained and soaked pink shorty robe. Makeup. Everywhere.

Savage Dragon has posed:
"No, far as I can tell it's been a dump for years." Dragon grins at April as she shows up, his phone closing and shoved away as he walks over to put his hand on the 'handlebars' of Bumblebee, not touching April only sort of looming over her. On duty and in uniform, got to keep up the professional appearance.

"You rolling?" A green palm rises up and adjusts his collar while Harley begins talking.
The voice familiar, the concept of her being here? Catching him off gaurd, "Hey! It's uh you... " Shit he forgot her name. "April, shes the one who I met when I ended up in Gotham. What the heck you doing here?" Not that he sounds mad or cross. He actually had a good chat with the Clown Princess on her home turf.

April O'Neil has posed:
April looks over at Savage and gives him a sly grin as she nods her head. "I've just snapped a couple pics so far. No video. I'd like to get closer for that." She announces before she dismounts the bike and moves to do just that. "This was a mutant versus mutant fight?" She asks, looking back to Savage.

But its Harley's words that draw April's eyes back toward the mall to look at the woman emerging from the massage parlor. "Didn't that place get busted for sex offenses like a month ago?" April asks the strange woman that... She looks back to Savage. "You know her?" She asks the Cop then.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Hell if I know, I just come for the massages, I don't need a happy ending from some five-handed freak." Harley furrows her brow. "But all that gunfire, and smoke, and well...fire. The kid almost stopped massaging. Good thing I have ways of persuading folks to do what I want, or I'd have had to leave without any ending at all!"

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim had been looking for a fight and when he heard about mutant on mutant fights in mutant town. He arrives, walking along and leaning on the cane. He makes his way over towards the police officer and women. "I assume the fight is contained?" He says sounding bored more then anything. He then looks to the large green man, waiting for his response.

Savage Dragon has posed:
"It was mutant related violence, yes. Narcotics were the reason we believe, possibly a turf war." He tells April.
"It has, several times according to the file." Savage confirms the question and nods at the second.

"Five hands though... " He grins at Harley Quin.

"Maybe legit now though, most people around here just want to make a living."

Caim's arrival gets a curious look from the cop, he puts his hands on his belt, thumbs hooking in to the hoops, "Yes, it is contained, safe here now. If you're a resident or witnessed anything there is a detective around the corner who could use more information."

April O'Neil has posed:
While the others are talking, April is already off toward the burned up building. "Five armed... freak... happy ending." She's muttering as she's lifting her camera up to take photos and duck beneath the yellow-tape (take that, coppers!). April glances back then toward Harley. "You didn't see anything here?" She asks the rather odd woman, though... to be fair, in April's experience women who looked like Harley often were really fun and some of the most perceptive/smart people around!

Her blue eyes take in the sight of Caim and she peers at him for a moment, but with Savage addressing him she's back to examining the burnt up building.

"Turf war, huh." April says mostly to herself. "Wouldn't mind getting in on that action." Sometimes she says weird things... Especially when she's lost in thought.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Five haaaaands." Harley crinkles her nose as she says the words. "But the kid gives a good massage, though. I haven't had a good one since Jackie took off with that little floozy down to South America. Asshole."

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim just watches the large man. "Any Idea who started the fight? If they can kick butt I may offer them a job at my security firm." He says calmly as he watches the people and turns to see the woman go off to take pictures of the building. "She a friend of yours?" He asks curiously of the larger man.

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Lots of them lately." Dragon replies to April before shes waltzing off to snap photos.

"Jackie? Oh right, your boyfriend. Sorry to hear that. You're better off, I'm sure." Harley gets some encouragement though, he really has no clue of the particulars. Their one meet up didn't make them besties. Even if she did help him out of a pinch, sorta.

Caim gets closer scrutiny at the question, "Can't answer that. Not to a civilian at least."
"As for the other question... " A look at April then back, "That is also personal, why are you asking?" A tad defensive sounding this time.

April O'Neil has posed:
April is pushing her way closer and closer to the crime scene and she's getting as nosey as she ever does. To the point that she's opening what was once a glass door and is now a charred-over broken glass mess... and moving to ENTER the building. which likely isn't a good idea for anyone right now to be doing... the place is still fresh with smokey-wetness.

Once inside though, April's got her phone up and is holding it between her fingertips with either hand while recording a video. "Gang violence, strikes a local strip mall." She's narrating now. "This is what mutant town has come to, an ever growing presence of violence and in-fighting that the police are incapable of stopping. Many believe that the police themselves are often behind these such events." That probably doesn't sit well with her Boyfriend Cop who's outside.

"But in a city as destroyed and corrupted as this, what do we do to stop it?" She kind of rambles when she's recording.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Now I want hot dogs. We should totally grill out hot dogs," Harley announces nonchalantly to Caim, April and the Dragon. "I mean what a waste, all that bonfire and no weiners. A bonfire just ain't the same without weiners." And for no apparent reason, Harley produces a bag of marshmallows from her robe pocket. "Or S'mores!"

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim just shrugs. "Just asking." Caim says as he watches the woman as she video tapes the wreckage. He then looks to harley and tilts his head. He then chuckles at the woman and approaches her. He twists his cane and pulls it out to reveal it is a hidden sword and holds it to have a marshmellow stuck to the tip. "You know marshmellows were created originally as medicine for sore throats."

Savage Dragon has posed:
Dragon doesn't hear the news report April is making. He also understands shes 'Reporter Scum' as a chosen profession, which is a step above an attorney at least. Not by much though.

"Just bought a new grill actually." Dragon brags, "One of those fancy egg shaped ones..." As if catching himself in front of Caim talking all Harley casual inspired.

"Weirdo." He murmurs after Caim, but then it takes all kinds and this is mutant town.

While April is exploring the fogged out broken up structure theres a sound from within, movement, a crunch of glass. That sudden sense of danger may be a consideration right now, especially as a figure moves swiftly from the shadows of a corner, in one hand is a jagged knife in his other is... a whip? No. It's an octopi like tentacle arm and he is lashing it towards her.
"Dont move bitch!"

April O'Neil has posed:
April can hear the others outside, but she doesn't 'hear them' so to speak. She's continuing with her speech inside of the burnt out building up to the point where she hears what sounds like foot steps... footsteps that aren't hers.

"Hello?" The others outside may hear her speak out. "Someone there?" She asks further.

And a second after that and the Reporter is shouting/screaming and there's the sound of commotion inside of the building, a fight has broken out!?

Harley Quinn has posed:
"THE HELL?!" Harley charges into the door, stopping to open it despite the fact that the glass is gone from the frame and the windows are easier access at this point. "Hey CHICK!! What's goin' on? Where are ya? Need some help? YOU BETTER NOT GET 5-HANDS HURT!"

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim begins to make his way over to the reporter and other woman. He gestures to the cop. "Time to go to work." He says as he makes his way over to the others, holding his sword at the ready.

Savage Dragon has posed:
The desired effect on April is to grab her and take her hostage, unfortunate for the lurker inside the store is shes spry and more athletic then she looks actually managing to wriggle free of his 'tentacle' snatch to end up SMACKED by it through the window and frame, a hard crash that breaks it but tosses the young reporter free, safe from immediate harm and in a tumble on her backside across the ground.

This reveals the brawny tentacle armed assailant standing there with a knife in one hand and two long leg thick appendages attached to the other side of his body. Otherwise he looks entirely human, balding, broken nosed - glaring.
"I aint going without a fight, you traitor fuck mutant cop and ... " A look at Harley, Caim and April.

"Always on duty. Look pal, just... surrender. I dont want to beat the snot out of you, its been a long day. Hands up, weapon down, I'll call a wagon in and you can have a nice meal at the jail house."

April O'Neil has posed:
At least the window wasn't has hard as it was when it was clean and 'new'. The fire had made the pane of glass pretty weak so when April goes flying through it doesn't feel too harmful to her body. But the ground DOES!

The reporter lands with a huff and a groan, now covered in glass... thats not good. Its in her hair and all over her jacket and down her top. At least she's wearing a lot of clothing.

April immediately starts to roll over onto her stomach so the glass will fall off of her and onto the ground, while she's keeping her hands up inside her faux-leather jacket sleeves. and trying to push herself up off the ground.

"Kick his ass!" April groans out now, not wanting this Tentacle Armed Sad Ending guy to get away easy after what he just did to her!

Caim Kataras has posed:
    "I suggest accepting the nice man's offer. Because I wont be as forgiving." Caim says as he pulls the marshmellow off the sword end and eats it, and aims the blade at the tentacle man. "Your choice. Make it now." He says, watching and waiting for the man's action.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"You are PISSING me OFF," Harley shouts at the tentacle guy, and pulling her Baby out of a holster that's cut to look like a tramp stamp, and in the same general location. She levels the oversized and embellished Chiappa Rhino handgun and fires off four shots, up down right and left toward the guy, and leaving that pattern in his body as each bullet finds its mark. "Four o' Diamonds NEVER beats a Queen of Hearts. It just wasn't yer lucky day, Asshole."

Savage Dragon has posed:
"No, okay no some more." Dragon is already rolling up his sleeves as Harley starts to shout and point her gun.

"Doube H E Hockey Sticks."
"POLICE OFFICER!? RIGHT DAMNED HERE!?" A shout no as that mutant flips backwards off his feet from the shots fired, the impact of them not allowing him much in the way of a response as he sprawls on to his backside.
Caim's words get to hang in the air.

"You get a headstart because I like you, after that this is homici... "

A groan from the squid and he starts to pick himself up off the ground, those holes in his body starting to reseal rapidly, but hes also puking, hacking and choking, the knife that was in his hand clattered off somewhere away from him.

"Okay... thatsgood for you." He informs Harley, "Bad for him though... "

"You're all crazy." The badman whispers, "You dont know me, you dont know who you're fucking with, I'm an M-Town OG." He wheezes inky black blood pooling out around his wounds. "Remember each of you, ya'll dun fucked up... "

April O'Neil has posed:
By the time that Harley has her gun out and is firing it off, April's on her side and has her camera going again. "Holy shit." She says upon seeing the Brawney Tentacleman get gunned down onto the floor of the burnout building.

The camera pans from the mutant's body over to the gun toting blonde haired babe and then over to Dragon to see the Cop laying down the law. (He'd definitely want her to edit out the part where he granted her some time to get ahead of the law though!).

"Wow." April is then crawling up onto her knees on the crunchy glass, her jeans protecting her legs. She gets up onto her feet just in time to record the mutant-thing rising up and swearing them all 'doomed' (so to speak).

"Tell me something I haven't heard already, pal." April says to the man, in classic New Yorker-fashion.

Caim Kataras has posed:
    Caim just grins sadistically and lunges in, slashing at the man, trying to cut off those whippy arms and run the man through with his sword. "Lets see how much damage you can resist, friend." He says as he moves and attacks without any hesitation to the fact a police officer is nearby.

Savage Dragon has posed:
"Thats it." Dragon says, he doesn't know Caim and this just looks insane. The man will get a tazer fired at his backside.

"You're all under arrest."

"Put the camera down, ba--- Miss O'Neal."

The squid-thug is flailing and letting out pained noises as he is hacked in to like an overgrown Sushi.

Red and Blue lights around the corner still says that other police nearby will no doubt be arriving after the gunshot sounds, they were just a block away dealing with clean up of the projects after all.