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Latest revision as of 01:52, 4 June 2018

The Other World Pt 1
Date of Scene: 29 April 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Crusader, Stepford Cuckoos, Power Girl

Crusader has posed:
Their are somedays that are as slow as they come. Little to do, see or even watch. Days like this are the time to go shopping for the latest gadgets or perhaps go the opposite way and shop in the order antique places.

That is what Bjorn has decided to do! The old but none the less hulking man, in a pair of dirty overalls, simple shirt, boots and bracer walked around in an antique store, looking around

The store was decades old, and known simply as 'Lucky Finds, Find You!' an odd name if anything. From grandfather clock, to tools so old that people these days wouldn't know what to do with them, it can all be found here.
    rThough some of the items seemed to have come from other countries. Tribal masks, old hand woven baskets, etc. Even old boxes with seemingly no uses to them.

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    Today, oddly enough, or is it evenly enough, two of the five girls have come out into the city with once again, matching outfits. The girls wear white button up shirts that have short sleeves and a short wide red tie done perfectly as they reach down to their skirts and smooth them out. Making them clean and smooth. The two of them do not have to speak to each other, not at this distance, and the hive mind is fairly weak when it's only two of the girls.

    The two of them step into the building with a stoic look on their faces as they look up and around and decide to conqure the stores isles by splitting up and heading opposite directions to find trinquets and knick knacks and deals on things they might like.

Power Girl has posed:
    From outside of the building, the sound of sirens can be heard echoing from not too far away. Grand Theft Auto, the crime involved, is not particularly common over in Metropolis- but in New York? It's something of an every day occurrence. It is mere coincidence, admittedly, that this particular carjacker managed to choose this particular street to speed down, as fast as his stolen sports car will take him.

    Police Cruisers being robust vehicles, they are keeping the pace to some degree, but if not stopped soon, this particular fellow is going to get away. All of this is unimportant- as the only thing anyone within the antique store is going to be aware of is the noise of sirens...

    Followed by the sound of a heavily revving engine and squealing tires, that continues seemingly indefinitely, directly outside of the door. Anyone curious enough to look out of the windows is going to see the source of the noise. Standing there with one foor on the front bumper of a very, very expensive sports car, as it roars in defiance, is a six foot tall blonde. Arms folded, half-cape flowing somewhat in the wind.

    "Yeah no just find sixth gear. It'll totally work. I'm struggling to keep you at bay."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn for the most part doesn't bother with taking a look outside. With the old survlience footage, it wasn't easy enough to see what was going on, and nothing for him to worry about. Instead he kept shopping through the anqitue store.

Of which...perhaps brought with it the oddest occurance. Bjorn felt a short of tug, not mental persay...but as if something deeper drew him deeper into the back of the store.

This same draw would be felt by the cuckoos, and Power Girl. It wasn't melociouse, or even dangerous. Least no on the surface, but it was none the less a tug on all four people.

A tug that came from a particularly simple looking box in the back of the store.

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    The girls stop when they hear the screaching and the sirens, and more so when their constantly probing minds find something unusual. The girls are absolutely curious, so they turn around and both blondes are pushing back to the front of the store. The telepaths are leaning forwards over displays just in the windows so they can peak outside at the spectacle. The two girls gather their mind and push it against Power Girl's mind, trying to peek in and learn about the heroine.

    That was until they feel the same pull that Bjorn was feeling, though it was somehow muffled by the hive mind, it still persisted. <We should go figure that out...> They think to each other, and it is a projected thought.

Power Girl has posed:
    A long time ago in a planetary system far, far away on a planet that has by now long exploded, the woman known as Power Girl was once just a young girl. As all fathers do, her own gave her these... Almost cheesy classes in self-defense of the Kryptonian sort. She'll -never- say its name, but of the two most popular alien martial arts, Torquasm-Vo is the least physical. Though by all things a relative neophyte in the art, when combined with her headstrong nature and strong will, it feels to the Cuckoos like poking at a brick wall. Sure, they weren't -really- trying, but at the same time, perhaps it'd take all five? Plenty of conjecture to find out what it'd take to break though.

    It does get her attention, and her head shifts, looking to the right at two familiar, identical twins. She last saw them as the five, but she does recognize them from her only visit to the Xavier Mansion. Her attention is on the sports car, the tires of which have ground to nothing and begun to tear apart, the engine overheating, and various other amusing effects to watch, as the police are already approaching.

    Stepping off of the hood of the car, and making her way to the door- as by now, she has felt another probe of sorts, from something entirely different. "Yeah, gonna have to check that out."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn, having been the first to approach the unsual hexagonal box, picks it up and looks it over. He hmmms at it and looks over the side of it. It was covered in strange symbols...but he was able to read it no less.

Bjorn muses out loud "This box shall only open, to those who seek a way to leave their world behind. And take with them a treasures find....from an adventure lost to time"

Intrigue Bjorn opens the box from curiosity, and finds an unsual looking compass. He picks up the compass...and suddenly Bjorn is there no longer. SImply gone. The box falls to the ground with a thump and closed. No sign that anyone has ever been there...

Just the simple box whose first words are always "This box shall only open, to those who seek..." with the second half of the sentence being tailored to what the reader seeks. And the last sentence always ebing "And take with them a treasures find, from an adventure lost to time"

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    The girls step back and smile largely at the powerful woman, and they realize that she's not like them. The first blonde that they've met that isn't a telepath, so that theory is suddenly out the window. But the girls are drawn deeper into the store, while wanting to approach Power Girl, the girl's body langauge would reveal that as they keep looking towards her, but the call of the box is too much.

    The two girls walk around the corner and see a box on the ground. "What is it?" The girls say in unison before they both pick it up at once and open it, reaching deeply to pull out a long spyglass and a map before they two, disappear!

Power Girl has posed:
    By now, Power Girl has been watching the two blondes. Unaware that she should also have been watching Bjorn, he disappears only at the same moment that she realizes he's even there. "Well, shit." she notes, inspecting the box now instead of the two blondes, who each gather an item at the same moment that she exclaims "Hold on, wait-" before they disappear.

    She can travel at the speed of light, traverse the whole of the galaxy without a suit, and on her best days, protect a hemisphere of the planet at once without breaking a sweat- and then, there are some days, where you assume that everyone else has seen Jumanji.

    Sighing, Power Girl takes a moment and runs her hands down the front of her face, "In the jungle I must wait until some ass rolls five or eight." she comments, before reaching into the box for some item she considers inconsequential. From it, she pulls this horribly oversized greatsword.

    "Oh, sure, I get the thing from fucking Ani-" and then, she's gone.

Crusader has posed:
ANd no one in the store is none the wiser to what has transpire. Infact a little old lady comes over and picks up the hexagonal box. She muses "Oh...what is this old thing doing on the floor" and she gently put it back on the shelf.

But what of our heros?

Well life was about to get interesting. Everyone appears a few feet above a shallow, but muddy river. The hum of insects was everywhere, and the sky was oddly sepia colored.

Bjorn falls into the mud, the compass around his neck. The compass now appeared to be golden and still glowed with those runes.

Infact everyone objects changed a bit. Each one inscribed with runes. Power Girls Greatsword had blue runes and appeared a few feet from where she appeared above the river. The sword plunges into the ground and Power Girl would quickly find out - she couldn't fly.

The Cuckoos likewise have similar changes to their items. One of the cuckoos spyglass would appear with white runes and would have extra 'magnifying' lenses that can add of subtracted from the main 'Eye'. While the map on the other hand appeared with brown runes and was indestructable. But for now while closed didn't show anything of significance. Of of special note to them - they would no longer be able to sense their sisters. At all.

Bjorn shakes himself off "Oi. Vat vee hell?" he wonders standing up covered in mud.

Stepford Cuckoos has posed:
    The girls appear in the air and scream as they fall and land into a mud filled river with a pair of blondes now screaming. "This is AWFUL!" They can't feel each others any more, but they're still able to feel each other. "Something's wrong." The girls announce and they quickly clamber towards each other, trying to get that feeling of their Hive mind being at least as strong as it can be. "Where are we?" They ask.

Power Girl has posed:
    The blade lands, and with it, so does Power Girl. Goodness gracious this is all -sorts- of awful and she is going to earn her title as the angriest/punchiest Kryptonian, pulling the blade out of the ground and approaching the three. "What is -wrong- with you?" she asks Bjorn and the two Cuckoos present, "When a suspicious box calls to your mind, you don't open it and touch whatever you can reach. You call Doctor Strange. Or Constantine." There's a moment as she stands nearby, "So what have we learned?"