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Latest revision as of 06:24, 4 June 2018

Five Finger Discounts
Date of Scene: 17 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Volt, Crusader, Shredder, Green Lantern (Cruz)

Volt has posed:
The sun is descending on the horizon outside, but in Kings Plaza, it's no less bustling. People have needs that must be met, ranging from luxury goods to clothes, and even food. It's the latter that takes the focus at present.

It isn't that there's something particularly nefarious or eye-catching going on, don't misunderstand. A plethora of people are seated in tight clusters around the food court with a variety of edibles. Some have bags from prior shopping excursions, some are only occupied with their foodstuff. The only exception is a young man wearing a rumpled hoodie with nothing to speak of upon his table. But he's flanked at either side by diners. To the left, a family of four. To the right, a lone man. That one will be his target.

Pretending to fiddle with his phone, Drake keeps his peripheral vision trained on his mark. Every moment the man is distracted, he leans to the side and deftly stabs an object from his tray. The focus is fries at the moment; pickings are slim and sparse.

Crusader has posed:
Every now and again, Bjorn does like to go out and enjoy some street food. The dapper dressed hulking giant of an 'old' man casually walks into the plaza, sniffing around, smelling the deliciouse food. Though his unsual form of vision pics something up - stabs at a mans tray.
    He hmmms in his deep voice and casually carries himself in that direction, not making any judgements quite yet. Can't jump on everything you see..that and there was a stand selling chocolate donuts

Shredder has posed:
    Black leather pants cross, and a deep red sleeveless shirt covers her form. A japanese woman sits several tables away, an oolong tea tucked between slender fingers. Her dark hair slinks down to her shoulders like a cape that only covers her head and neck. She could be a model if she smiled. She isn't smiling.
    She takes a sip of the tea, intently watching the young man poach fries from a neighbor's tray. She smirks. Don't mistake it for a smile. She is hardly hidden, directly in front of Drake several tables away. Still, there is something about her presence that makes her... less noticable. Someone who can hide in plain sight.

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley is normally very aware of his surroundings. In fact, he's very aware of his surroundings right now. But hunger is a heck of a thing, and at this particular point, he cares more about avoiding starvation than he does how others think of him. A part of him knows this will last only until someone calls him on it. At that point, he'll have to bail. But until then - *SNIKT* - another fry vanishes.

When it comes to lumbering giants or what may be sneaky kunoichi, Drake would seem unaware. Or perhaps he's only interested in milking this for as much as he can, as long as he can. Whatever the case may be, he makes no outward signs of acknowledgement in either direction. The crinkle-cut quarry on the neighboring table are his principal concern.

Crusader has posed:
It only took a few more minutes of observation to know Drake likely didn't know either. Without much thought, as Bjorn get into line to order food...he turns his head and his eyes -lock- with Drake, the kind of look that says he knew what was going on. And with a simple gesture of his massive hand, he beckons Drake over. And while Bjorn has (amazingly enough) fought Ninjas...spotting them was another matter. And the women at the table continues hiding in plain sight from him.

Shredder has posed:
    The woman uncrosses her legs, shoes touching the stonework below as she stands, taking another sip of her tea. Her eyes shift momentarily to Bjorn, and then back toward Drake. She isn't an imposing figure, and can't be much older, if older at all, than Drake is. She carries a certain distinct maturity, however. As if he were expecting her, she walks up to his table, and sits down directly across him. Surely she is not that invisible, though her approach is silent as she sits and takes a sip of her tea again.

Volt has posed:
Stab! Snatch! Another fry falls victim to Drake's villainy.

Mid-chew, those vibraant emerald eyes catch Bjorn. Huge scary dude dressed to the nines. That /has/ to be mall security, right? He may have under-estimated the level of posh present in New York. But Bjorn may have also underestimated Drake's survival instinct. It takes less than a full second before every muscle in his frame is engaged and committed to motion. He's instantly risen, the chair behind his knees scooting with the motion. And were it not for the sudden addition of a girl across from him, the teen would no doubt have zoomed off with only a puffy Drake-silhouette-cloud left in his place.

Frozen in place, Drake gives the girl a puzzled look. She, on the other hand, doesn't look like security. So he's stuck in place, a little dumbfounded.

Crusader has posed:
Well...if Bjorn was mall secruity, he would be a pretty bad cop. He actually chuckles seeing Drake reaction. but this time he actually does see the woman this time. He hmms, but goes on with what he is going, he gestures for drake to come over one more time, before placing an order for his food. Which may be the scarest thing once he is done.

Shredder has posed:
    The young woman speaks as if the fry thief should have expected her arrival. "How are the fries?" she asks. She traces over to look at the signaling giant, back at Drake, and says, "Friend of yours? He is quite a large man, isn't he?" She takes another sip of her tea. "Karai," she offers, holding out a hand to shake.

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley's gaze flits between the female and the giant rapidly. He sees the beckoning and bristles as she - Karai, it seems - speaks. "What? No. No!," he says, the last one more of an insistant whisper in Bjorn's direction with a defiant shake of his head. He's still ready to bail at a moment's notice. His instincts are telling him to play it safe. These aren't the people he's here for, after all. Wrong setup, wrong situation. But he delays his exit, even if he's erring on caution by not approaching the giant.

Karai gets an openly perplexed look. He isn't doing a good job of hiding his nerves at the moment. In fact, he still stands somewhat hunched.

"Uh," he begins, eyeing the hand. This does not feel like the time for a handshake. His eyes lift to her face briefly, taking stock of her countenance, then back to the proffered palm. It takes a few extra seconds, but he takes the hand to give a stiff, tense shake. "Drake."

Crusader has posed:
And here comes the part that makes a giant scary. Food. Bjorn can consume alot of food...by choice rather than need really. But none the less, he orders several large fries, chicken burgers, all the chocolate chip cookies...and chocolate cookies for that matter and as well as several large soda.

he may as well have order the entire damn menu with the amount

But since he stuck to premade items, it was only a matter of stacking food, of which he seemed to be an expert of. Tray(s) stacked and lifted, he walks over and actually says to the man Drake was near originaly "...Excuse me sir, do you mind if Bjorn und friend Drake" yes he said that "Sit wit yer und yer friend?"

Shredder has posed:
    "A pleasure, Drake," Karai says. No smile. "You seem uncomfortable. You will not be judged by me," she says. Her tone doesn't suggest she is trying to be disarming with the statement, she seems to only state it. "I was impressed at how effective you were," she admits. "Have you practiced long?" She glances over at the incoming giant, and leans back in her chair as he arrives. "You must be a hungry man," she comments, a curious brow arching around the pile of food.

Volt has posed:
"Heh. Judgment-free, huh?," asks Drake, some skepticism lacing his otherwise bemused tone. His hand withdraws, and an obsidian eyebrow perks back at the female. Is she really complimenting him on his ability to commit the pettiest of thefts? Is she trying to make conversation? He can't imagine why; he definitely isn't looking his best. "I've had to-," he cuts himself off abruptly when Big'un arrives with more food than could ever be reasonably healthy. But it's not Drake Bjorn is addressing: it's his victim.

Cue deer-in-healights. Drake is, once again, preparing to dash.

The man in question gives Bjorn a confused and uncomfortable look. "I'm sorry?," he asks. His table is quite bereft of guests, as he's dining alone. "I, ah, I'm on my way out," he stammers.

Crusader has posed:
Oh, the oh so common stammer. That usually means they are afraid from his experince. he loks to Karia "....believe et or nit...dis is a snack fer Bjorn. But et jist not fer Bjorn, et fer friend too" gesturing to Drake. Granted.. ever tried to feed an elephant? Well they eat alot and so does Bjorn. He looks back to the Old man "...no need fer you to go. Sorry eyesight is nit whit et used to be...friends just be next table ovar" he says being friendly "Will be sittin wit them"

And with that...he actually does sit with Drake and Kaire. And he does dish out the food. A full meal exactly...six meals to be exact, one for each seat as if it was open for anyone to come and enjoy, though he looked to Drake and gestures to the food as if to say help yourself.

Notably...the cookies stayed with him. Do NOT touch his cookies

Shredder has posed:
    Karai actually does smile, don't tell anyone! Her red lips part slightly to show some teeth. "That is quite the pile," she comments. She notes that the cookies stay with him, and looks at one of the chicken burgers curiously. "Karai," she offers an introduction, to Bjorn, not unlike the one she gave to Drake with an outstretched hand. She doesn't reach out to pick it up, though. "It is kind of you to purchase so much food," she offers in appreciation.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz heads into the King's Plaza, with a tablet computer. Crimson Menace, her latest book, is selling well, making up for the last one that bombed under Volthoom's influence. She has to try to come up with a followup and is brainstorming ideas. She glances over at the big guy who ordered a ton of food, eyebrow raised, as she orders a cup of tea and a bagel, opening her laptop to start typing. She is wearing a simple gray blouse and skirt, with sandals, enjoying the warm weather. She notes the lady with the exotic accent, as she does a surrepteous scan of Crusader using her ring, trying to figure out what he is.

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley remains practically frozen as Bjorn abruptly joins the table. Really, he's never felt so popular while at the same time mortified. At least his latest victim can go back to eating his diminished meal in peace.

"Someone's punking me, right?," is Drake's sudden question. His gaze flick from Bjorn to Karai repeatedly while trying not to think about how heavenly it would be to eat actual food. Sure, he's stolen enough money to get food here and there, but in trying to avoid that, real, /substantial/ food has been few and far between. It spurs a couple dry swallows. "Where's the hidden cameras?," he furthers.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn registers as a techno-organic species. Species unknown, which may be saying something considering just how many species are registered on those rings. He also apparently does have alien tech on him, a teleportal perhaps, but it is difficult to tell for sure.
    Bjorn takes Karia hand in his own "Bjorn Arturrsonn. Und well, Bjorn needs ta eat, and buisness need money. Win win" he pops several cookies swallowing them...whole almost
    He looks to Drake and slaps him on the back...gently "Bah! Do nit be of the ridiculouse friend Drake." it might be noted that Bjorn is weird no matter where he is "Und no hiddren camera. Well actually dere are some....there, there, there and there. Bit there secruity camera" he point to each camera when he says there, and they were indeed secruity...and well hidden, but nothing out of the ordinary. "Now please, enjoy"

Shredder has posed:
    Karai is human, just plain, ordinary, completely unthreatening human. There is a knife in her belt if that can be detected. She recedes a little, and observes, "You are a person who enjoys sweets."
    She looks back at Drake during the comment about the security cameras, and taps her lips with one finger, watching for Drake's response. Regarding Jessica, well, she's just another person in the food court to her.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz is curious. Nothing threatening - just unusual. She keeps an eye on the three - then decides to get up and move over there. "Mind if I join you three?" she asks. "I'm simply looking for some company. I can do my work some other time." She smiles faintly as she looks between the giant, the normal-looking guy, and the Asian woman. "I'm Jessica."

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley doesn't look quite satisfied with Bjorn's dismissal of his suspicions. Though perhaps of note, he has zero reaction to the indication of cameras and their locations. To the truly discerning eye, one might notice the tilt of his head and angle of his shoulders presents as little of his face or identifying features to them as possible without outright turtling up.

"And how'd you know my name?," he asks. He didn't exactly yell his introduction to Karai. It's another facet that puts him on edge. But the food - good God, the /food/. He keeps stealing glances towards the assortment. Bjorn is a monster.

The table has received yet another patron - another female. He's at such a loss to do, the best he can manage to the new arrival is a simple, even meek, "Hi. Drake."

Shredder has posed:
    Karai seems to find the increasing number of people at the table to be a little more than she wants to handle as Jessica joins. It is strange for so many strangers to converge on one place. The conversation she might have pursued with Drake may need to wait. "Please, take my seat, I must be going," she excuses herself. she pulls one of the napkins over, and produces a pen from her pocket. It has a red dragon encrusted upon a black fountain pen. Who uses those anymore?
    She deftly and dexterously jots down a phone number, and slides it to Drake with a wink. "I will leave you to speak with your friends," she suggests, standing up from the table. "Mr. Bjorn, it was a pleasure. Ma'am, please, take my seat and blessing. She starts to head out, and...when did she get one of those cookies? She salutes with it to Drake, and turns to walk away.

Crusader has posed:
"When yer introduced yerself ta Bjorn" well true. He heard it when he introduced himself to karia...but details. "That and Bjorn has the good hearing"
    he looks to karie '...Bjorn love sweets. Especially chocolate" his eyes widen as if he would devour anything made of it
    To Jessica he says "Hello jessica, Bjorn is name. It is of the pleasure" he than looks to Drake "...yer know, food is fer eating. jist dig in" he looks to jessica and kari "Yer folks can dig in as well!"

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz raises an eyebrow. "Did I interrupt something?" she asks, watching the departing Karai. "I just didn't want to sit alone. I don't have many friends." She fidgets uncomfortably as she pulls up a chair. "You must have a large appetite." She brought her tea and bagel with her as she takes a bite.

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley watches Bjorn carefully, though that subtle, soft focus is shared with the others present. As such, Drake certainly catches the note as it's slid towards him. With the wink given him, he gives Karai his full, stumped attention. That look on his face is becoming a constant for him this evening. But the number is taken and quickly stuffed into one of the many rumpled folds of his hoodie - no doubt a pocket. As for this little exchange? He has no idea what to make of it. Of all the times he seems to be having game, it's when he's bound to be looking his absolute worst. Or does he just rock the Raggedy Andy style? He'll probably laugh about this later - and be disappointed when he finds later that that likely wasn't the case.

Oh, that cookie was noticed, though. It's almost like a challenge. He'd normally be game for that. But priorities demand he instead take one of the more substantial food items. And since Bjorn is insisting, he may as- oh, he already has a sandwich in hand. He's almost as surprised about it as anyone else could be.

"Well.. uh.. thanks," he murmurs awkwardly to the giant.

Jessica is the next recipient of his focus, though every turn and tilt of his head is done to a minute, furtive degree. "You're in good company, then. I'm brand new around here. I don't know a one'a these people."

Crusader has posed:
"Bjorn does. Come wit the territory of weight....oh, arooned 2000 pounds. Give or take" he was he sitting at the table!?!?!?! Mabey he was exgerating, who knows.
    Seeing the sandwhich, Bjorn slides over a closed bottle of water. He says to jess "Thar be understandable. most of mah friends...well they not live in new York" he glances to Drake "Sounds like Bjorn when he moved ta America. he not know anyone...so Bjorn just started talkin ta strangers. Nevar kicked da habit" he admits

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz smiles. "Most of my friends live far away," she muses, gazing up at the nighttime sky, squining as if she can see the distant star she's looking for. "I have a few who live here. Few know much about me. I'm a bit of a recluse... once spent five years not leaving my home due to a mob hit." She shrugs as she noms on a bagel. "Trying to get out and mix with the populace - neat to see a giant or... something." She sighs as she adjusts her hair. (Perhaps Crusader might notice the green ring on her right hand?)

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley is nodding along with Jessica, the empathy clear on his face. He can relate! Anyone he could've called a friend is on the other side of the country. And even then, they were maybe not /quite/ friends for any reason other than opportunity. And then she mentions a mob hit.

Drake's eyes widen and he freezes. "Hgk-.." Oop. Swallowed at the wrong time. And now he's choking. Eyes wide as saucers, he begins a flailing gesture.

Crusader has posed:
    Bjorn reacts quickly and fast, he would have noticed the ring if it wasn't for the choking teenager. Bjorn practicly knocked over the chair as he wyanks Drake over and spun him around. Both hands come around and he begin to apply the hielic manuver - mind of the fact he can crush the teenager bones to dust. "Whoa, come on, stay wit me" he does the manuver expertly as if he was trained

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz frowns as she moves to kneel over. She watches carefully, as she puts her hand against Drake's side, a faint green glow emanating. A Lantern ring isn't much of a healing device, but it can help. She does a quick scan to make sure he's alright, as she watches Crusader carefully, and this Drake. Odd - Drake seems to be a common name these days.

Volt has posed:
This little outing couldn't have gone worse. Or perhaps it was more a cautionary tale. He wanted food badly. He was doing alright when he was stealing it from his neighbor. But when it's freely offered, it kills him.

Alright, that's a bit extreme. But this is by and large painfully embarrassing as he's physically manipulated about, smushed, and he isn't even sure what Jessica is doing. But in short order, there's an unfortunate *HRK* as a chunk of food sails. It's official. Drake wants to die. Despite it, he gasps in a breath.

"I'm fine! I'm fine!," he insists, trying to recover some modicum of his dignity. Choking has a way of leaving muscles very sore, though. So now he's standing hunched over the table, both hands on its rim, and somewhat dazed from the experience. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale.

"/Mob/ hit?!"

Crusader has posed:
"Yes. Jessica said mob hit. Welcome to New york City~!" despite the close call, Bjorn actually laughs. he pats Drake on the back glad he felt better. Though he glances to Jessica unsure what she was doing "Also...Bjorn is jist a mutant. he is not a something"

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz nods. "Sorry. Right. Mutant." She tries to sound believing. "I apologize if I was rude. Social graces don't tend to hang around when you're alone a while." She sighs softly. "So... are you alright?" she asks softly to Drake. "Just... be careful eating so fast." She just watches Drake, trying to do a subtle lifeform scan of Drake to make sure he's alright, and check for abnormalities.

Volt has posed:
Drake Riley is nominally fine, if underfed and rather on edge. But when it comes to abnormalities, he may set off some bells; he's a mutant. That X-Gene is powerfully present.

"A mutant?," he asks suddenly, unsure how to react. If he's going to blend in, he may have to be mean. If he's going to be true to his purpose for being here, he'll have to probe this dude for information. The unfortunate side of it is that this is /not/ a setting wherein he can be direct about his intentions or interests. He has to hedge his bets, in case something should go wrong. And yet, he can't bring himself to be rude. At least, not overtly. He has to maintain some secrecy here.

The conundrum manifests in an awkward uncertainty, part put-on, part for reals. Drake fidgets, frowns, and quickly scoots back from the table.

"I- I'm fine," he repeats more soberly. "I should go. Can't hang around. But nice meeting you. Thanks for the foodstuff." He meant to leave it alone at this point, he really did. And yet, he has a sandwich in each hand even as he says it. "I've gotta- uh, bye."

And with that, Drake turns on heel to briskly make his escape, head canted low.

Crusader has posed:
"Aye. A mutant." he says clearly not afriad of what he was "Normally Bjorn is around Mutant town, but felt like getting out" he eyes Jessica noting the disbeleive in her voice. Well...he is used to such reaction. As for him, with Drake leavng and fine, he procedes to gorge on the food...and clearly none of it was going to go to waste.

Green Lantern (Cruz) has posed:
Jessica Cruz just nods slowly. "Interesting. How much did all of this COST?" she asks softly, clicking her tongue as she finishes her bagel. "How is Mutant Town these days?" she finally asks. "Maybe I should visit there. I have some resources - it could be of help."