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Latest revision as of 17:18, 9 June 2018

A Rough Introduction
Date of Scene: 08 June 2018
Location: Twin Monks Coffee Shop
Synopsis: The Reavers attack Andrea, Speed, Wiccan and Mason, and get decimated, but not before mortally wounding Andrea. One Reaver discovers he has healing powers.
Cast of Characters: Elixir, Rage, Wiccan, Speed, Mason Steele

Elixir has posed:
Twin Monks coffee shop is moderately busy. The counters along the dark wood panelled walls are full of students and business people with laptops. A few of the tables have the usual pairs and groups of people in running clothes, casual wear and business clothes going about their day. The shop has that inviting mixture of smells; coffee, pastries and other baked goods.

Outside, rain drizzles lightly and people rush along about their business. Cars and trucks drive by on the street, which is lined with parked cars, including one panelled van sitting low by the curb.

Inside the van, Donald Pierce and several members of his Reavers sit and wait as the rain patters against the roof.

Rage has posed:
A pearl white BMW with heavily tinted windows and black rims pull up to a parking spot with a rumble of bass coming out of the trunk of some type of pop rock. Once the engine shuts down with an electric whine, Andrea slips out of the driver's seat, followed by Speedy and Wiccan. She is dressed in a pair of snug flexible skinny jeans and a long spring dress with a cute orange and red floral pattern upon it. Almost immediately there is a mob of voices as phones are taken out and pictures are taken from adoring fans, and perhaps a few not so savory comments about the fact she's a mutant. "Welcome to my life." She says with a grin to her classmate and relative as she does a quick scribble of autographs on her way to the door of the coffee shop, pausing to do a few selfies as well.

Wiccan has posed:
Billy probably asked for a selfie as well when they first met because...omg, famous!! Tommy never told him that he knew famous people! Nevermind that they're apparently related to some, but this was totally different! "You should have said something," is muttered to his twin as he sort of waves at the fans, "I wouldn't have worn such a dorky shirt!" Indeed, his t-shirt has a Monty Python reference on it...obvious if you know it, maybe not so much if you don't. He's otherwise wearing jeans and sneakers and looking about as normal as they come.

Speed has posed:
Ugh. Cars. So cramped. So slow. Still, Tommy made an exception toda and as he steps out smirking at the crowd of fans and snapping pictures, he can't help but remark to his brother, "Well we wondered about the paparazzi," he said about their earlier conversation about their own pending fame. "And you look fine-ish." Tommy for his part is in all his strategically rumpled glory. He knew this was coming.

For now though, Tommy's content to just be part of the Andrea Jackson entourage, giving one of the mutant haters in her crowd a shove a little shove. "Watch it," he barks, his superhuman strength giving the push some more oomph than normal. As for the van? Totally misses it's there.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason's car is also parked, the red Ferrari in the farthest spot from the door. Inside, he's chatting it up with a barista, she's probably in college, several years older than him. The crowd that had wanted to see him has died down by now, and a few people have cups that are signed. "Yeah, so of course I could show you some keys, you know?" he offers to her. "Playing piano just requires nimble fingers, and I guess that's something I got." The college girl giggles in response. Yep, he's laying it on thick. He wears a loose tank top and low hanging shorts, flip flops on his feet. He stands as he talks to the girl, leaning on the counter and cradling a drink, his foot sliding in and out of one sandal as he talks.

Elixir has posed:
The few people in line move aside for Andrea and her friends, picking up quickly that someone famous had arrived whether they recognized her or not. Twin Monks is now buzzing with the presence of two celebrities.

Someone in the crowd can heard telling a friend "I told you they were going to get back together! Oh my God, get a pic..."

The college girl talking with Mason, Lisa, or Leslie or something, giggles and asks Mason to sign the inside of her arm. She glances out of the window as he does, a slightly predatory grin on her face.

Inside the van, the driver pipes up. "Get ready, Lynn was right, that fucking mutie bitch showed up for her boyfriend."

Donald looks at the crew of cyborgs and their two new recruits. "I don't want any screws ups, not like the disaster at the concert. We're Reavers, we get the job done. And when this job is done, the whole world will know."

The heavily muscled men pull metal masks down over their faces, completing the menace of their black clothing and body armour. Josh and Rickie, the new recruits, shift nervously and pull on their masks as well. Josh's hands are shaking.

"You okay, man? We're gonna kick some mutie ass!" Rickie says, excited.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good," Josh mumbles, fighting the butterflies in his stomach.

"Just don't embarrass me," Rickie warns him. "This is serious."

Rage has posed:
".. Oh my God, Mason is here." Andrea says as she gives a pause as she feel the weight of the world now suffocating her with the media blitz. ".. I didn't know he'd be here .. and of course he's .. hitting on a girl." Her shoulders slump a bit as she leans in to bump against Speed for a moment, as if the simple touch could boost her morale. Wolf behavior. "You look great by the way, Billy. Don't worry. Let's just .. uh .. get our coffee and sneak out of here. The mall waits for no one, right?" She says as she slips her wallet out of her pocket and heads to the front of the line, giving a glance over to Mason for a moment before she starts to take the orders for her and her two friends, paying for them without pause as she flips out a plastic card that is solid black without any extinguishable features. A card for millionaires. 'Hey, Mason." She says with a clear of her throat. She doesn't know what is going on outside, so preoccupied in trying to look great for the cameras and not buy into the vulture media that will come from it.

Wiccan has posed:
"Are you ok?" Billy asks as Andrea pauses and leans up against his twin. "Do you want to go somewhere else?" is asked, but she's already got her card out and is taking orders. Dark eyes flit between his new celebrity friend and Tommy and the other boy for a moment; the one that seems to be the cause of such teenage angst. There's only a moment to decide but he finally chooses to flash (what he hopes is) a bright and somewhat flirty smile to the younger guy flirting with the barrista. Maybe it will at least draw attention away from the seemingly distraught pop star.

Speed has posed:
Tommy blinks when Mason's pointed out to him. "The guy from Backstabber?" he watches him flirt with the barista. "Yeah, I can see it. That his lambo out front? I could fuck it up for you," he offers half teasingly. The bump raises an eyebrow, but a smile quickly settles on his lips. As for the idea of going somewhere else, he shakes his head. "Nah, let's just get our stuff and go." His expression giving away he was more amused by the drama than put off by it.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason was just signing the girl's arm, and starting to comment, "Sure," he smiles. "If there's anything else you want me to sign-" and then he hears Andrea's voice. He arches his brow in an apologetic look at the barista before turning around to face Andrea...and company?
    "Hey," he says, "Didn't expect to see you here," he quickly adjusts toward Wiccan. "Hey there," he offers in greeting. "Mason." He smiles in return, but in a less flirty, more 'good to meet you' way, holding out a hand for a firm handshake. He is likewise oblivious to the activities outside.

Elixir has posed:
Outside, the back doors of a white panelled van fly open. Five huge men and two smaller ones pile out, and run for the door. All of them are dressed in black clothes and body armour, with featureless steel masks over their faces.

"Take out everyone she's with," Pierce orders. "But leave her to me!"

Inside people shift uneasily, sensing something wrong even before the screaming starts.

"Hey!" One woman says indignantly as she is shoved roughly aside. A man yells as he is sent flying to floor, shoved out of the way effortlessly by the first of the thugs throug the door.

"Time to die you fucking mutie bitch!" The lead Reaver yells and in the blink of an eye, the big men are charging at Andrea and her group, plouging through tables and people on their way to attack the mutants. One of the smaller ones coming up behind kicks the man that was knocked down and laughs.

The look on the face of Lynn, the college girl flirting with Mason, changes in an instant. "Surprise, asshole!" she snarls. With startling speed her right arm starts coming around, hand bladed and heading straight for Mason's head.

Rage has posed:
"Please don't bring that song up. It's literally the worst thing I ever written. Mason and I are friends. It just becomes a Hollywood nightmare every time we're in public together." Andrea says to Tommy with an amused smile, trying to be 'cool' with the situation of all the publicity.

To Mason, she says, "Yeah, me and a couple of my classmates are heading to the mall and we're going to get our shopping on. You're welcome to tag along if you free up, just text me."

At the sound of screaming, Andrea gives a glance over her shoulder, eyes widening as people start flying. "Oh, shit. Mason, you need to get out of -- " She pauses as Lynn the basic bitch of baristas starts to swing her arm for him. She moves quickly, slamming her hand into the wrist to grab on tight and halt the attack, fingers tightening as a growl erupts from her throat. "Don't you /fucking/ touch him!" With that, her chocolate eyes turns gold and her hair starts to stand on end as the rumble grows louder. The heat of an angry wolf's rage can be felt around her as her teeth quickly bare. ".. Fffffuuuuck.. it's happening.. Tommy, we need an exit." She yanks Lynn forward, slamming her free fist into her face, then pushes her backwards.

Wiccan has posed:
Maybe it's the slam of the van door or the sudden movement at the entrance to the coffee shop, but Billy's attention is caught and he does the first thing that he can think of. Still being on the newer side of things, he throws his hands out in front of him and commands "STOP!"

Here's the thing with Wiccan: He really doesn't know his own Power.

Everything stops. Time stops. Coffee mid-pour stops. It's not moving slowly, it just isn't moving at all. Nothing is, except for Billy.

"Oh, crap." Now what? It at least gives him time to look around and see just what can be done here. It's a coffee shop full of people and now guys with guns. That could be a massacre if he doesn't do something! Chewing on a fingernail he paces just a few steps in thought, dark brows creasing before he waves his hands in a few more gestures and chants "InnocentsToSafetyInnocentsToSafetyInnocentsToSafety!"

Once they're gone to...wherever, Billy looks around at the others and gives a little defeated sigh. It'll still be a fight, it seems, but at least bystanders should be ok. There's a muttered, "CostumeChange" and his jeans and t-shirt become a mystical-looking uniform of sorts, complete with a scarlet cape and headpiece and his feet rise from the floor. "START!" is declared with a snap of now-gloved fingers.

Time picks up where it left off...only all the regular coffee-shop patrons are now gone and there is a sudden clatter of dishes and coffee that is now suddenly unattended.

Speed has posed:
"Hey it was a banger," Tommy says in defense of her song, though really outside of chopper rap anything he hears goes waaaay tooo slooow.

Then the...wtf... cyborgs are crashing through the doors. "Exit?" Tommy says, head snapping back to Andrea. "Sure. Billy...."

Time stops.

"...can you magic us something," he says competing with the sound of falling plates and untensils. "Oh, you did. My turn."

Sure. Tommy could phase and be out through the walls in a second, but he'd never carried some

In a split second Tommy goes through his options. 1) Grab Andrea, phase through the walls going mach three. Complications: Billy and Mason are left behind, allllso, never phased with another person before, could get messy. 2) Punch all the badguys. Walk over their bodies to freedom.

Tommy picks option two. One moment he's beside Andrea the next he's a blur of green and white zig zagging through the coffee shop striking anyone who looks shady. For Tommy, it all looks very different, time slows to the point that the 'snails' might have well still be frozen in time, they were moving in slow motion, and Tommy is moving between them at a regular clip, a punch here, a kick to the nuts there, he does it all with a smile on his face until, he feels a sharp pain in his side.

"Crap," he says the wound tripping him up and sending him crashing into a table.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason is caught flat-footed as the invasion pours into the coffee shop. "What!?" he says, disoriented at the sudden commotion. He looks back just as the knife speeds toward him, yanking both hands up to shield himself. By the time he has, though, anything he might need to do to either protect himself or someone else is mostly done. He glances around at the mostly empty shop, "Where'd everyone go?" he asks, unaware that some of the remaining on their feet are actually the bad guys.

Elixir has posed:
Andrea feels something hard, harder than bone, when she punches Lynn. The woman's head snaps sideways and stays there, but she stays standing when Andrea shoves her backward into the wall.

As dishes clatter, the lead Reaver goes flying horizontally at near supersonic speed and blasts through the front plate glass window, shattering it into millions of pieces. Another, kicked in the nuts by Speed, rockets upwards at stupid speed and disappears through the roof. The smaller one that kicked the man on the ground gets hit by Speed and collapses down into the floor with a sickening crunch, smacking into Josh, sending him sliding along the floor through tables towards the.... Werewolf?!

Speed is caught by surprise though as the Reavers hands had flipped over at the wrist and blades were emerging. The slightest miscalculation got him cut.

Two men in normal clothes are left behind by Wiccan's magic, and they pull improbably large hand guns start firing toward Andrea and Mason. One of the Reavers closes with her, charging directly at her with arm blades raised. Behind her, Lynn, head still bent sideways, launches herself over the counter at Andrea's back with blades of her own sticking out of her wrists.

Rage has posed:
With the bad guys converging upon them, Andrea shifts upwards into her full height, seven feet tall, powerful, terrifying as black fur spreads around her body, bones snapping loudly as her screams of pain turns to roars as she gives a visible flex of claws and muscle as she faces her attackers. As she is tackled by Lynn from behind, her body whirls in motion and flips her over her shoulder as raw instinct of the wolf kicks in. Once the cyborg is slammed on the ground, a large paw tears into her guts, looking to yank out anything she can gain purchase of, whether it's guts or components. Her entire body shakes visibly as her eyes gleam gold in a feral, unrestrained rage of a frenzy. ~DIE~

As the rest of the attackers barrel towards her, the black mane of fur about her neck and chest puffs out and she steps in front of Mason to protect him instinctively. ~MINE~

Wiccan has posed:
Wiccan doesn't see Tommy's actions until he goes crashing into the table and he whirls in the air in his brother's direction, "You ok?" But then there's a snarling, growling wolf-type where Andrea used to be. "Whoa...uh...unexpected." But then, gah! Guns! "SHIELD!" is called out as he tosses -something- towards Tommy, and another "SHIELD!" towards Mason. He's very obviously making himself a target, whether accidentally or on purpose as he's flying and costumed and trying to make his way towards Andrea-wolf to shield her as well.

Speed has posed:
Tommy is getting back onto his feet when Wiccan reaches him, "That fucker stabbed me," he says. He doesn't sound too worried about it, adrenaline is a helluva drug.

As the shield snaps up around Tommy he bends and grabs the table he knocked over lifting it almost effortlessly before he hurls it across the room at the guy who stabbed him.

Wait there's guys with guns? Yeah, Tommy doesn't notice.

Mason Steele has posed:
    "Oh shit!" He winces as Andrea disembowels the barista. "Oh shit!" He backs up, grabbing the granite counter top. His thumb digs underneath the edge, and he looks over at it, then at the scene. "Andy," he says, wincing as she intercepts the diving attacker. "Look out!" He pulls hard, and there is a crack as the granite countertop comes free, and he swings the eight foot slab toward Pierce and the two with him. It's heavy, and he takes hoth both hands, like a massive cricket bat. It has to weigh close to 300 lbs.

Elixir has posed:
Shots ring out and bullets fly toward Andrea and Mason. Wiccan's shield comes up just in time to intercept a round headed Mason's way, and catch another that riccochets off Pierce's arm toward the teen heartthrob. Another catches Andrea in the back while she drags Lynn to the ground. The two shooters pivot toward Wiccan and move to open fire at the flying mutant, picking up remarkably quickly that he is probably their biggest threat right now.

The warning from Mason comes too late. Pierce, the cyborg nearest to Andrea, yells as he closes. Andrea stands up from disembowling Lynn , blood, guts, and cybernetics flying, just in time to catch Pierce's right arm blade in the gut. The blade slides in to Pierce's wrist, the tip sticking out Andrea's back.

The table thrown by Speed slams into the back of the head of a Reaver behind Pierce, who reels forward, slamming into Pierce. The Reavers' leader staggers away under the unexpected impact of his compatriot, leaving a jagged wound as the blade comes back out of Andrea and she goes down on top of Lynn's corpse. The third remaining cyborg starts to turn toward Speed.

None of them saw the countertop coming. It swings in a wide ark and catches Pierce and the other two Reavers at shoulder height, lifting them bodily off their feet and sending all three of them flying over Andrea, through the display case and the false wall into the stockroom.

Josh skids across the floor and slams into Andrea and Lynn's bodies.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck!" Josh screams, at the bloody mess of fur and cybernetics all around him. He puts his hands on Andrea to push himself away and scramble backward. When he does, he feels a sudden warmth spread outward from him, through his hands and into Andrea. There is a golden glow around his hands and his eyes go wide and he is rooted to the spot.

Rage has posed:
Stepping forward to meet Donald in an attempt to ward him away from Mason, Andrea is all instinct and fury as she looks to meet him in combat. The bullets pepper her back, causing her to howl out in pain, stumble, then fall into the blade that Donald sinks into her gut. Her eyes widen, a loud howl of pain tearing through her as she swipes out at the cyborg with her claws to push him back as blood pours from the gaping wound. She takes one step forward, then topples to the side with a heavy crash into the tiled floor. Her gold eyes begin to dim as she stares at Mason swinging the granite like a bat, a wolfish whine slipping out from her throat in a rattle before her head drops down and her body goes still with blood pooling in a thick puddle around her. The rest of the world fades out as her body gives a visible shudder, starting to shrink down to the naked form of the young popstarlet as fur falls out and turns to dust.

Wiccan has posed:
"SHIELDSHIELDSHIELD!" is cried out as Wiccan crosses his arms in front of him as the bullets start flying his way. His cloak gets a few more rips in it from bullets that ricochet off of the shield and he might get dinged a little...but the Mage is relatively unscathed compared to some of the others. He's busy trying not to get shot rather than try and take the two remaining attackers down. Glancing over at the howl, his eyes widen beneath his headpiece and he continues to try and draw the fire of the others and keep them away from Andrea, Mason, and Speed! Hopefully his shield lasts longer than their magazine of bullets.

Speed has posed:
The drama by the coffee bar is taken in, and Tommy blinks. Shit! That was a lot of blood. Then the gunmen open up. "Oh fuck you guys," Tommy snarls, as crosses the room in a blink their bullets crawling by as he runs between them. Two quick movements, have the guns out of their hands and into the trash can. Standing by the can Tommy grins, "Too slow, assholes." He looks to Billy. "Baby bro, magic these guys or something."

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason's eyes go wide as Andrea is run through by the villain, and he drops the granite to the ground, cracking it in half from his careless drop. "Andrea? Andy!" He ignores the bullets flying by for just a second, peeling his tank top off and pressing it hard against her gut, not even processing the glow that is hitting her from Josh's hands. "No no, Andy, stay with me! Don't close your eyes!" He reaches up, slapping her face lightly to try to keep her awake. "We'll call for help, just stay with me, okay?"

Elixir has posed:
The two Reavers that had guns seem to finally be beyond their ability to process what is going on and animal instincts take over. Not comprehending what just happened to their guns they both start backing toward the door. Outside, a brave few pedestrians peek around the edges of the broken window frame. In the distance, the high pitched, keening whines of sirens start up.

Josh looks at Mason, with wide eyes. "I... I can feel her /dying/," he says and looks back at the now girl in front of him. He keeps his hands on her. "Oh shit.... I can..." Josh's voice trails off and the glow intensifies. Tissues begin to knit themselves together under his hands as Andrea heals rapidly.

Rage has posed:
The body of Andrea had grown still upon the ground without so much of a twitch as the wound in her stomach clearly goes out through her back, continuing to pour blood out in a sticky mess. When Josh lays his hands upon her and the glow begins to brighten in the coffee shop, the wounds start to heal slowly and the blood flow begins to halt. If she can hear Mason, there is no indication that she can, or is even conscious yet.

Wiccan has posed:
"Magic them how?" Wiccan asks, the shield fading as the guns are now out of their hands. "Tie them up or something for the police...uh..." He's still floating, but looking a bit exhausted as adrenaline begins to fade. He used a lot of magic there...more than he's probably used to throwing around in such quick succession.

He isn't going to let the two Reavers that are left out of his sight, but some of his attentio is pulled over to the glow by Andrea. It's not magic...he'd be able to feel that. But one of the baddies is doing something with Andrea...and he'll be ready to blast him if it's anything bad.

"You don't really want her to die, do you?" is offered quietly, almost gently towards Josh, as if in encouragement since it doesn't seem to be harming her.

Speed has posed:
"Yeah, or you know, nevermind!" Tommy grouses and then decks the two Reavers in quick succession. "There," he says and makes his way over to the blood and the healing. "What in the hell is that guy doing?" he asks, but doesn't move to stop him, it's more an expression of surprise than concern.

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason starts to realize the glow, "What..." he asks, looking up, "What're you doing?" He looks back down to Andrea, and moves the wadded up shirt, stained with blood. It reveals her abs, the muscle knitting together and healing her body, and he looks at her back seeing the same thing happen. "Andy?" he asks again. "I don't know what's happening, but I think this guy is helping, you just...just hold on, okay?" He looks back, and glances around. "Wait, aren't you one of them?" he asks.

Elixir has posed:
?I don?t know what I?m doing!? Josh says, sounding panicked. The glow subsides and he backs away from Andrea and Mason quickly as he can. He stoops to put an arm under the other small Reaver and the glow returns. What must have been broken legs start working again and soon the two are making their way to the door, Josh swearing ?Oh shit, oh shit? over and over again.

Wiccan has posed:
Wiccan floats over to where the healing-Reaver and the other are as they make their way to the door. "Hey..." is offered, a hand out-stretched as if to stall them for just a moment. "Thank you. For...well, it looks like you did -something- good for her," and he nods to the other guy who recently had broken legs, "And him. I recommend finding different friends, though. These guys'll get you killed." He then turns his hand to the side as if to offer it to be taken in a handshake.

Speed has posed:
Tommy is stunned by what he sees. "He just-" he begins but just shakes his head. When the healer starts to go, Tommy thinks fast, he zips behind the counter writes his digits on a napkin and then zooms over to join his brother in giving thanks, "Yeah man, thanks," he says bumping into them as he pushes the door open for them to get out. The bump letting him slip the paper into Josh's pocket, he usually lifts things from pockets but the skills go both ways. The note reads: The Mutant guys and his cell number.

"And what my brother said man, these guys are total assholes."

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason takes his now ruined, bloody tank top, and pulls Andrea up. He adjusts it over her head, covering her so that she is not so completely exposed. No reason everybody should be getting a good look. Given its loose nature, the shirt probably doesn't cover all that well, but it's better than nothing. He picks her up cradling her in a fireman carry, "We gotta get her out of here," he says. "I don't even know you guys, but...I think there's a school around here that she goes to. "I can take her in my car, but I don't know where it is. "You guys look like you're mutants, do you know how to get there? I don't want nudes of her leaked all over the internet."

Rage has posed:
As she is jostled about once her wounds have sealed shut, a pained noise escapes Andrea's lips, followed by a wailing sob as she gives a physical shudder, clutching at herself as her eyes pop open. Panicking, she starts to flail for a moment as she takes that first gasp of air, coughing up blood that was held in her throat. "Mason! No!" As her head jerks to him, she stares at him for a moment. "Oh god, you're alive! What happened? What... " She trails off as she gives a few rapid blinks of her eyes, followed by another deep, rattling breath.

Elixir has posed:
Josh reaches out and shakes Wiccan's hand numbly, then they're through the door. Josh and Rickie pile into the back of the van and it peels out. As soon as the back doors are closed, Rickie explodes.

"You're one of them!" he yells.

Josh does not see the first blow coming, and knocks him flat on his back. More follow and he turtles as the van lurches this way and that. Josh's world explodes in pain as the beating continues until there is a screetching of brakes. He feels the van lurch to a stop. Then he's flying and he lands hard on wet pavement. He looks up in time to see the van speed away. He picks himself up off the pavement, feeling his body starting to recover from the beating already, and starts walking.

Wiccan has posed:
Wiccan looks over quickly at the noise and sob that come from Andrea as she wakens, his eyes wide. There's another look to his brother and the guy who was with those that attacked them. "You're better than that..." is offered before he turns his attention back to Andrea and the request from help from Mason. With the last bit of his focus and strength, he casts, "Dress her", and then sinks to the ground, spent. "I really hope that there aren't any more attacks like that today. Or for a week." There will be no teleporting from him today. "Is anyone else hurt?"

Speed has posed:
Tommy nods, to Mason, "I'm from her school, I can show you the way," says as he moves back from the door to where Andrea and Mason are, he offers a hand to his brother to help him up. "Probably should take Andrea's car though, more seats."

Mason Steele has posed:
    Mason starts toward the car, holding Andrea still. "It's okay," he reassures "You were hurt, we are getting you out of here, just rest." He carries her to the the door. "And you're naked again. And covered in blood, but I think that someone helped you heal. You really gotta stop streaking, you'll break your good girl image," he teases. "Her keys are there," he says, nodding for someone else to pick them up. "Let's go before anybody else gets here."

Rage has posed:
Breathing heavily, Andrea buries her face in against his chest, breathing in the familiar scent as she hugs him about the neck and shoulders. She is quiet for a few moments before her raspy voice says, "Now I know how you survived the fall." She says in a whisper as she is carried out and delivered back to the school for evaluation.