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The Murray Street Bridge
Date of Scene: 09 June 2018
Location: Murray Street Bridge
Synopsis: Some students from Xavier's School get a field assignment. They pass and the school gets a new student.
Cast of Characters: Elixir, Rage, Erddrache, Emma Frost, Speed

Elixir has posed:
The weather is unseasonably cold and dreary. Rain falls steadily like a drumbeat under dark evening skies. It is the kind of evening you want to spend inside.

Students are going about their evenings much as other people are in New York. Just keeping dry, and warm and doing life as it comes.

Andrea's cell phone rings and the voice on the other end sounds stressed. "Yes, sorry to bother you but you said if there was ever a real crisis call, we should let you know. We have a young man on the phone, I think he's just learned he is a mutant and he's planning to jump from the Murray Street bridge. He isn't making a lot of sense, he keeps saying something about the Twin Monks incident in the news. We're trying to keep him on the phone, but should we call the police or....?"

Rage has posed:
On the other end of the phone, Andrea's breath can be heard with a curious noise in her throat. "I got it. I'll head over and hopefully I'm not too late." As she pulls on a jacket over her body, she starts for the front doors of the mansion, heading for her BMW, pausing to tell her fellow 'teammates' along the way that is Speed, Boris and Emma about what is going on and where she is headed to.

Erddrache has posed:
Well this was an unexpected turn of events! He was going to be heading home, but this seemed far more important. He grabbed on of the holographic projector used to hide mutants and put it on. "Ah be following from below vee earth" he informs them.
    And with that Boris had also come outside and sunk below the ground. He had no idea where they were heading exactly, but it would be fine. He would simply follow Andrea BMW to the scene.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma is quick to note, "I'm not a guidance counsellor, Ms. Jackson. Nor am I emergency services." A brow arching as she imparts that. Though she listens to the whys and wherefors and after a small consideration deigns to follow. Tommy, passed in the hallways, is nabbed to come along. "You may find this educational, young man." And certainly an example of what she'd been telling him and Julian about not so recently.

Speed has posed:
"Shit," Tommy says when he hears the news. Grabbing the address of Andrea he checks where it is while he's on his phone, swapping into his 'speed suit' the special outfit the lab that held him captive devised to keep up with his top speeds. Then, suit on, goggles in place, he zooms back downstairs where Emma finds him. He nods, "Sounds like it," Tommy agrees, "Want me to get there first? I'd offer to carry you, but dignity."

Elixir has posed:
The bridge is in a rougher industrial neighbourhood which is mostly deserted by now. Most of the street lights work, but not all. The bridge is rusting steel and old concrete under uneven lighting. But in the BMW's headlights a person can just be seen in the dark sitting on one of the railings. On the sidewalk is a camping backpack and a rumpled Wendy's bag.

The figure raises an arm against the glare. He's blonde, dressed in dirty black combat pants and a tactical shirt.

Rage has posed:
Pulling the car to the curb, Andrea shuts the headlights off to only the angel fog lights that glow a bright LED blue. Slipping out of the car, she squints her eyes through the darkness as she lifts a hand up to her eyes, heading forward. "Hey." She calls over to him, followed by a bright smile. She's a celebrity, maybe he will fanboy over her presence. "How you doing? Everything okay?"

Erddrache has posed:
Boris climbs out of the earth a few feet from the car. His holodisplay was on at the moment, making him look completly human (save for obviouse display of power). But he none the less comes closer, but remains quiet, unsure what to do in this situation yet.

Emma Frost has posed:
Ultimately, despite the possible and probably urgency of the situation, Emma decides to make her own way there, but not without a brow life at Tommy's suggestion. "We'll speak of that later, young man." One supposes there is an entire myriad of scenarios as to how that will ply out, though it's entirely possible she's engaging in the ages old technique of letting him imagine worse punishments than even she could provide.

And once she's in her own vehicle, driving, she allows herself a few moments of amuseent at the audacity of the boy.

On site, however, Emma does what Emma does best, and entirely without much effort or fanfare. People just don't find this interesting enough to stop and watch at all. Usually a crowd would be gathered to watch someone jump - oftentimes chanting for it, but today? No such luck. It's almost like the young man on the bridge struts doesn't exist to them. Leaving Emma and her little cadre of mutants to approach Josh and assess the situation.

Speed has posed:
Tommy nods, "Riight, see you there," he says and then he's off pelting through the rain to the bridge. Getting there first but hanging back until more people arrive because, the hell if he's going to be all counselor. Heading to Emma's car, he says, "It's the guy from the cafe, the Reaver with healing powers," he informs the teacher. "Say the word and I'll have him on this side of the railing."

Elixir has posed:
Josh sees the figures approaching him from the two vehicles, but does not recognize anybody with the back lighting. He grips the railing tightly with both hands.

"Stay back! Just... Stay away" He calls out through the rain, sounding utterly defeated. "I'm a mutant, I'm dangerous!" he tries, hoping these people will just leave him be.

Rage has posed:
"Yeah? I'm a mutant and I'm dangerous too. We got that in common." Andrea calls out to Josh as she holds her hands upwards. "You called the hotline, right? They got ahold of me because I sponsor it. I'm Andrea Jackson. I came out here for you. Even brought some friends of mine who care as much as I do about your well being." As she continues forward, she takes her time, slowly.

Erddrache has posed:
Time for some solidaty it seems! Boris finally speaks up "Ah beh a mutant az well" seeing as people were not stopping...Boris disconnect his holoprojector so as to not hide his blades. But not wanting to crowd Josh he doesn't move forward. Boris swallows "Bein a mutant does nit make yer dangerous laddie...jist different." he tries to reason.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma has no need to step to the forefront.. yet. It is, as she notes, a perfect time for her to put some of the members of her new team to the test. ~Remember what we talked about, about details? And working together?~ She sends to them all. ~Here is a test. One of you, who is in distress. Your challenge is to get him to see himself in a different light. If you fail, he may die.~

Fat chance of that, with herself and Tommy around. She could literally stop the thoughts from being in Josh's head, or prevent his limbs from responding, while a nod to Tommy could have the speedster taking Josh from that ledge and back before eyes could blink. But that's not really the point, is it?

~If you succeed, you will have helped someone begin to see themselves as the potential I see in you.~

There's a shake of head to Tommy that should impart 'not now, but be prepared'.

Speed has posed:
Tommy gives Emma a salute, and stands down for the moment, he's legs stay tensed. He was quick, but he wasn't going to give up precious seconds. He moves forward slowly, painfully slowly to his mind, "Hey, mutant here too man, and dude you're not dangerous, you're awesome. Andy here would be dead if it wasn't for you," he jerks his head towards Andrea.

Elixir has posed:
Josh looks deeply confused for a long moment until the mutants step into the patchy street lights on the sidewalk. Josh recognizes Tommy and wobbles, nearly losing his balance.

"No, no, I'm sorry," he says, sounding panicked. "I'm not, I mean, I didn't... Don't hurt me!"

Rage has posed:
"Oh. Hey. It's you." Andrea says as she continues to keep her hands up as she steps forward into the bright headlights of her car so that he can see her. "You did save my life, maybe it was by accident, but you did save me. I would have died without you." She says as she continues forward inch by inch. "Think we can talk for a bit non violently and get to know each other? I'm sure the other day must have been pretty scary and confusing. I can relate. When I came out to the world as a mutant I've had some rough days."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris noticed the wibbling and became worried. He stayed motionless and closed his eyes. speed was fast...but was he fast enough? should they have a back up? Perhaps. Boris whisker tremble and soon down below Josh spot, dirt from the side of the bridge flows forward along the edge and than out, creating an extended platform should Josh accidently fall. He muses "No one here ta hurt yer...we all been through...comming oot. Tis nit easy. How bout...yer come aff vat vere ledge, eh?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Again Emma shakes her head. The wibble is okay. Part of the strategy, beyond the students working together, is empowering the boy on the ledge. It's a tightrope walk between it all. He's wibbling, but not in danger of falling. He has no intent.. yet.. of jumping, and to take away his autonomy at this juncture decreases the odds that he'll walk himself to a position of confidence over what he is - it would forever be them rescuing him and stopping him, and not the other way around...

~That's right. Talk to him. Impress upon him your stories. Your understanding. Remember, this is a choice. He is making a choice, not to jump from a ledge or to stay upon it, but to accept himself.~

~Remember forest and trees. The bridge and all the trappings are the trees here. He is the forest. Today you are looking at the forest. Now how shall you be a team and help him see himself?~

Speed has posed:
Tommy calls out, "Don't worry dude, we're here to talk, we get it, this shit is scary, but trust me it get sooo much better, let me tell you," he says with an easy smile. "So, how about we just talk, hear what we've got to say. Really can't make anything worse right? Just talking?" he offers.

Elixir has posed:
"That was you? That huge.... I almost shit myself, you were huge... And then Pierce... I'm so sorry, I didn't think they'd really," he shakes his head as if trying to shake the image out and tears run down his cheeks. "I'm sorry," he says again.

Josh opens his mouth to speak again but finally Boris registers on him and he fairly gapes at him. "Oh my God... You're a..." Josh stops, not really sure what to make of the mutant before him. The sheer astonishment pushing other things aside. "What /are/ you?"

He looks at Tommy. "How's that gonna help? I'm a freak now, I don't even have anywhere to go," he shouts back. "My parents threw me out, the Reavers are probably gonna kill me. It's never gonna be okay."

Rage has posed:
"It will be okay." Andrea says as she continues forward, then slips down to sit next to him. "Yes, I was the big scary wolf. It's what happens when I lost control of my emotions. I go into a frenzy." She says with a goofy grin on her face. "These are my friends. Tommy and Boris." She points out to the two of them. "There /are/ places you can go to for help as a mutant. Where you can learn your abilities better, where you can get a good education, where you can be accepted and feel normal." She offers him another smile, trying to be encouraging. "So, you can heal? Right? When you touched me you brought me back to life. That's not a dangerous power. That's an amazing gift."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris crosses his arms at the gape and question, forgetting for the moment the situation. The ground lurches once, but is quickly halted. He can't afford to lose control here. Emma words to see the big picture come on
    "Well...ah be a mutant! Nit all of us are so lucky ta look human like yer. So there be somethin! Und...ah know how yer feel. Besides mah pa...me own family disowned meh, und we had ta flee from our home. figured ah was a monster ta be put doon. Could hardly control me abilities...had ta always be moving cause the grounbd always be shakin. Bit...where like Andrea here be saying, thar be places ta go. We well...go ta a school ta help us learn ta control our abilities, as well as advocate fer mutants und humans living tageather. Now imagine thar eh? helpin make a future were...yer do nit hauf ta worry aboot bein yerself roond everywan?"
    He gestures to Tommy "Talkin helps everywan. Look at yer, we been talkin a whole ten minutes und nothin bar haz happened. Aye?"

Speed has posed:
Tommy shakes his head. "There are places you can go man, trust me on that, so things can be okay, there are people who give a shit about you and can help."

Tommy makes no move to get up from the car or close in with Josh.

Elixir has posed:
Josh shifts uncomfortably, the cold and hard railing hardly the best place to sit for any length of time. Without thinking about it he slings one leg back over.

"Like where? And where did you guys even come from?"

Erddrache has posed:
Boris takes a sigh of relief as the leg swings over "Well...we came from Xaiver School for gifted youngsters. On the ootside, folks think it some prestiges scholarship acedemy place. Bit the truth is, et be a safe haven fer mutants like us." he explains. "Et be oot in Westchester. Real nioce place too!"

Emma Frost has posed:
Now Emma steps from the shadows near her vehicle. Passersby still find this spot uninteresting, and somehow manage to drive and walk around the spot as though there were no obstacles here. The world has narrowed down to these five people and the little drama playing out there...

Emma lets her guard down, allowing Josh to see her. Though for the moment she remains silent - perhaps gauging his reaction.

Speed has posed:
Tommy grimaces, shooting a glance to Emma when Boris' spills the details about the school. ~If this guy doesn't fit, you can uh, remove, wipe whatever what he just heard right?~ he thinks hoping she's listening. ~And hey, if you can did you ever do that to me?~

Right, thoughts on task. "He's not wrong, there are places for people like us, safe places, where they teach you stuff, normal stuff and how to use your powers responsibly. Which yeah, sounds lame but it's pretty awesome. I was where you were man, homeless, friendless and out of options, but they took me in and gave me three hots and a cot and didn't ask for a thing more than I try hard to be better. I know, total mindfuck, but it's true. Right, B?" he says with a glance for Boris, before falling silent as Emma steps forward.

Elixir has posed:
"Just like that? They just take..." he says and glances at Boris. "They'd never take me. You saw who I was with," he says to Tommy. "And who is she?" he says with a nod in the direction of Emma. "Is she with you?"

Erddrache has posed:
Boris grunts "Sure they would! You are not defined by your past...your defined by your choices. Who we know, who we were with, does not define who or whit yer are. That choice lies with you" he says

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma takes another step forward, speaking softly, but succinctly, "Hello, Josh. My name is Emma. And I'm a teacher at Xavier's School for the Gifted."

Her lips settle over a smile that is neither it's usual coolness, nor a welcoming warmth. It merely is a thing that graces her lips and suggests that whatever he thinks he may be, he's among, ifnot friends, at least people who understand.. and accept.. him.

"It's true that there are places for those like yourself. Xavier's is one of those places. I think I can say with certainty that you'd be welcome there. That is, of course, should you decide you'd prefer to live under a roof rather than perched upon the guardrails of a bridge."

She gives a little shrug. "The choice, however, is yours."

Tommy gets an enigmatic, ~Of course~ for his efforts, leaving him to stew over whether she means all or part of his inquiry is true.

Speed has posed:
Tommy makes a face at Emma's telepathic remark.

He nods in support of Boris' and Emma's words. "Yeah, man your choice, but trust me you'll want to see this place."

He leaves Josh to make up his mind with that.

Elixir has posed:
"You guys are for real?" Josh asks, swinging his other leg over the railing and dropping onto his feet.

Josh realizes how wet and cold he is. "I guess that would be better than this bridge, huh?"

Erddrache has posed:
Boris nods....and than removes his coat. He wanders over and holds out the oversized coat to him. It was extra extra large "Ermmm...here. Visa will help...sorry bout vee dirt" he offers a smile "Bit yes...we are real"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma lets the students tend to the details of making Josh company at this moment. She's accomplished all she wished: getting them to work together, and to view the world in the eyes of not only others, but how to manage a crisis, and the boy is off the guardrails and out of danger of jumping for now. At least no scan of his mind shows any immediate desire to go down that road again. However, she'll make certain the folks in Xavier's Wellness Centre have a good look at him once they get him there.

Speed has posed:
Tommy slides off the hood of Andrea's car. "Yeah, I'd say going to the school is better than jumping off a bridge," he opines with a grin. "Come on back with us, we'll get you cleaned up, fed, give you the tour, trust me you'll love it. It's pretty great and that's me talking about a school."