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Latest revision as of 02:25, 5 July 2018

Celebrating our freedom with hot dogs
Date of Scene: 04 July 2018
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: 4th of July feast in the backyard. Andrea is still not okay. Starring new XS'ers: Sean, Terry and Storm!
Cast of Characters: Banshee, Rage, Elixir, Siryn, Storm

Banshee has posed:
    There is quite a spread set up for the Holiday. Tables are in even rows, with the grills set up, and various activities for students to engage in: volleyball nets, some other games. The food is nearly ready, as members of staff and faculty engage in helping to make it, or lay back and relax.
    A stranger is among the faculty, evenly slicing tomatoes: Sean Cassidy, though few students will recognize who he is on sight, as he has not been around the estate for a few years now. He's dressed for the warm weather, T-shirt, jeans; the air is a sort of 'military dad' by his age and posture. He silently directs a student next to him to help with some lettuce cutting, handing over a cutting board.

Rage has posed:
Heading out into the backyard is a very recognizable face to anyone who has a TV or a radio. Andrea Jackson, popstar, mega-celebrity and renowned mutant activist is dressed in a sun dress with a pair of destroyed denim shorts and sneakers gives a glance about the holiday spread for a few moments. She takes in a deep breath, then lets it out as she tucks some brown hair back behind her ear. She heads over to the tables, spying the adult in charge of the operation. "Hey there. Need help with anything?" She asks casually as she offers up a warm, girl-next-door smile with a bit of hesitation. "I don't think I've seen you before."

Elixir has posed:
Josh leaves the Wellness Centre after helping the nurse on duty, Julie, with a sophomore with heat stroke. The golden-skinned mutant looks jet-lagged, wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt with white sneakers. He walks out through the foyer into the backyard. He sees a few of the older students from his courses congregating a little towards the lake. Josh starts to walk over, then sees Andrea at the tables. He runs a hand through his hair, then walks over to get some food.

"Hey," he says uncertainly to Andrea. He gives the faculty member at the table a bit of a smile and nod.

Siryn has posed:
    Walking her own way to the backyard, Terry manages to bring out some of those tube-shaped meat-by-products called 'hot dogs' towards the grill. "Ah actually didn't think you'd show......Dad." The red head says to the one in the t-shirt and jeans. She even gives him a hug from behind before she looks to Andrea. "This is Sean Cassidy. You're Andrea, aren't ye?" She definitely has an irish accent.....somewhat thick too....

Storm has posed:
It is an absolutely gorgeous day, and if that is any indication of Ororo's mood, one could say she is feeling great! Despite students already overcome with heatstroke. She carries a twenty-four pack of bottled water in her hands and bee-lines for the nearest ice chest, pulling an already cold bottle from it before placing the new bottles inside. With a thought, a small cluster of clouds form high above their holiday function to provide shade for those that could not take the sun beaming down on them constantly. She opens the cold bottle afterwards and takes a sip, releasing a breath of relaxed air as she oversees her vicinity. A familiar face catches her blue eyes and Ororo starts in his direction. "Look who finally made it," she directs to her fellow X-Man, "And I see you have some helpers too. Hello guys! Enjoying the holiday?"

Banshee has posed:
    'The adult', Sean, lifts his light eyes evenly to Andrea, brows moving in a clear registration of who she is. He just gives her a relaxed smile though, and flips the knife in his hand neatly, offering her the handle and stepping out of the way of the tomato slicing spot.
    "He has a sore throat or something, we played charades about it a minute ago," the student with lettuce next to Sean says to Andrea. Sean Cassidy moved to the grill area to look in on the meat there, but pauses as Josh appears, with a thoughtfully penetrating look. Until ambushed by Theresa, which he turns into a little awkwardly, to give her a sideways hug in return. Terry will smell the strong sunscreen on him when she gets that close, as well. Storm's greeting gets a rueful shrug, smile and a wave.

Rage has posed:
Reaching out, Andrea takes the knife smoothly from Sean, then steps in front of the tomatoes. She pulls one close and slices it in half, then begins to slice into them to create singles to pack on to the plate. "Hello, yes, I am Andrea. I am a student here and apart of Miss Frost's New Mutant project. It's nice to meet you both." She says to Sean, nodding in understanding as it appears he has a sore throat, then smiles to Terry as well. "Hello, Miss Monroe." She calls over to Storm as well. As her gaze wanders over to Josh, she gives him a bit of a nod, then goes back to slicing into the red fruit.

Siryn has posed:
    "It's possible 'e does." Terry says as she looks to Sean with an appraising look, as if to say 'Is that really what's wrong?', but she doesn't voice it. "It's nice to meet ye, Andrea. I'm Theresa Cassidy, Or jes' Terry, if you please." She then looks over and grins brightly. "'ey 'Ro. Ye seem ta be in a good enough mood. What brought it on?"

Elixir has posed:
Josh looks a little uncomfortable when Sean eyes him, but he just smiles and nods to him.

"I'm Josh," he supplies, greeting Theresa with an easy smile. "Don't think we've met."

He finishes gathering some lettuce and tomatoes for his burger. He glances at Andrea, then shakes his head slightl. He wanders over to the drinks cooler. "Hey, Ms. Monroe," he greets Storm as he fetches himself a bottle of water. "Nice weather. Is it always perfect on the 4th here?" he asks with a bit of a grin.

Storm has posed:
Not hearing the student's medical expertise on Sean's voice, Ororo returns Cassidy's smile and wave with a tilted head and a raised brow. "Are you okay, Sean?" she asks, a grin framing her features before returning her sights of the younger generation.

"It's a good day to be alive, I guess," she replies to Terry, placing a hand on her shoulders before manuevering to Josh.

"This is a day of celebration, is it not? A little nice weather never hurt anyone." And in that moment, she thinks of the student in the medbay. "How is Jason feeling, by the way?"

Banshee has posed:
    Sean gives his daughter a brief shake of head to her silent question, and a gesture of hand across his jaw and out. For her, that should pretty clearly read that he hurt himself. But he doesn't seem upset over the problem. The movement is still very clearly a 'can't talk' sort of charade gesture. Ororo's question gets a clear nod added: he's okay enough. He checks to be sure the meat isn't burning, and then draws a phone out, preparing a message.

Rage has posed:
"Nice to meet you, Terry." Andrea says with a smile to her, then goes back to her chore. "Are you a teacher here as well?"

Elixir has posed:
Josh hehs and then smiles. "Jason is just fine now, he'll probably be back out soon. With a hat maybe this time," he quips dryly but good naturedly. "Is he okay? Or is he always like that?" he asks Ms. Monroe with a nod of the head toward Sean, seeing the pantomiming.

Siryn has posed:
    "He's hurt his voice, but he'll be fine." Terry says to Josh. "I'm Terry. Nice to meet you, Josh." She then looks to Andrea. "Not yet. But I've been staying here after I got my associates degree. If I were to teach, I'd just be an art teacher."

Storm has posed:
"He is special young man," Ororo says simply, a light-hearted chuckle following. She takes another sip of water from the bottle and closes the cap back over it, and then continues to step forward to survey the food. "Everything looks really good, Sean. And it smells..." A small rumble in the pit of Ororo's stomache can be heard, and she continues. "I think I will grab a plate for myself as well."

Banshee has posed:
    Finishing up the message, Sean approaches Josh and those next to him, but doesn't directly intrude, beyond what his presence already does cause. He's Adult Faculty, and has presence from whatever training he has that's creating it. When given attention, he'll smile, a friendly manner to it, and offer the phone to Josh to, hopefully, read. He clearly is listening in on what Terry is explaining, and smiles a little into her talking about teaching. Ororo is given more of a grin out of that smile, and he moves the short distance to hand the fellow X-Man a plate.

Rage has posed:
After finishing with a few tomatoes to fill the plate, Andrea puts the knife down and wipes her hand off on the back of her pants. She watches them gather about Josh in conversation and offers up a bit of a smile.

Elixir has posed:
Josh passes his water to his off hand and takes Sean's phone with a nod. He reads over the message then hands the phone back with a smile.

"Yeah, of course," he says. He reaches out to touch Sean's neck and stops, waiting for some sign of approval. Assuming he gets it, Josh closes his eyes and touches Sean's neck. There is a faint golden glow and Sean feels a spreading warmth through his injury. Then it fades. Josh looks more tired, but he smiles. "That better?" He asks.

He sees Andrea's smile and tries to catch her eyes, smiling back past the others, before clearing his throat and taking a drink from his water bottle.

"So art? That would be cool," he says to Theresa. "Then you /and/ Ms. Monroe can give me more homework than I can handle" he says jokingly with a grin.

Siryn has posed:
    Terry only smiles a bit. "I'm sure 'Ro would only want you to grasp the material." She walks over and gets herself a burger, completel with cheese, mustard and miracle whip. "Depends upon how lax you are in your homework. I know 'Ro is reasonable."

Storm has posed:
Ororo manuevers to the other side of the table and grabs a paper plate. As she decides what to try first, her eyes fall on Andrea's plate of tomatoes and then on the young celebrity as well. "So Andrea," she says with a lowered tone, a Kenyan accent thick like molasses, "How are you feeling?" The question is vague, yes, but the students must know -- especially the older students -- that the faculty discuss each of them privately. Her expression is one of concern in that moment, shifting slightly when her name is heard by the other student.

She gives Josh and Terry a sly grin. "I do what I can."

Almost instantly, Ororo's attention is back on the pop star. "Do you need anything?"

Banshee has posed:
    Sean clears his throat as the healing energy finishes passing through it, seems to focus a little. Terry will sense the inaudible little vibration he emits. "Perfect, yeh, lad. Ye are /mighty/ handy," Sean says, clearly pleased, and offers the young man a firm handshake, a brightness to his eyes. "'Tis going to be me workload that'll drown ya, keep yer out of trouble," Sean says, putting his phone into pocket and returning fully to rescue the array of cooked meat, starting to set them out onto any plates offered his way. "Jus' one?" Sean encourages of Terry, attempting to put another onto her plate.

Rage has posed:
The question from Storm causes Andrea's face to flicker away from her half-guarded smile into one of a slight wince. Of course the faculty would talk. She can only imagine what they have been saying as of late. "I'm fine. " She says softly in return as she tucks some hair back behind her ear. "Everything is perfect." She gives another glance to the others for a moment before looking back to the professor. "I think everything I need is here on the table. I'm a burger girl. Can I make you anything?"

Elixir has posed:
Josh shakes Sean's hand and chuckles. "Oh good, more. work!"

"Touche," he says to Terry with a laugh. "Guess I better work harder."

He excuses himself and heads over toward a group of older kids, putting an arm the shoulders of one girl with red hair. He says something and the small group laughs.

Siryn has posed:
    Terry glances towards Sean and tilts her head, ever so slightly. "You really were hurt, weren't ya, dad?" She then smiles and pats him on the shoulder. "Jes' one for now, Dad. there's plenty here so I might pick one up later. the Holiday of gluttony isn't upon us yet, so no need to go overboard."

Storm has posed:
The shift in expression is not lost on Ororo, and the response did not quell the concern that Ororo has for Andrea. But she does not push the subject further. In that moment, the staff member is disappointed. Not in the student, but in herself for not helping sooner.

"Right," Ororo responds, giving Andrea a brief grin. "I think I will have a few of those perfectly cut tomatoes." The paper plate extends in the student's direction, awaiting the offered goods.

In that moment, Ororo finally hears a familiar voice. "So, something was wrong, you secretive man. Do you have brisket somewhere in there?"

Banshee has posed:
    "Ya," Sean admits to Terry as she pats him. The use of the 'dad' melts him each time. His eyes go to Ororo as well. "Bu' don' be worryin' over me. Was worth et." Meaning, he overtaxed an ability because he had to. He doesn't brag or explain at all, though. He does give a meaningful additional little look to Ororo. "Kin go over it latah. ... The Brisket." A wink. Without children present, they can discuss the injury reasons.
    And then Sean switches back to the food at hand. "A'ight. Whose name's on dis one?" Sean asks, before lettuce kid claims it and heads off. Sean's just as friendly as before, just with voice, now. Once others have food, he'll make his own, and relax at the table.

Siryn has posed:
    "Mmmf." Terry says through the burger she's eating. Seems she was famished, cuz the burger is half gone already. She looks over to 'Ro before sitting at a table near her.

Rage has posed:
Sliding three healthy sized slices on to Ro's plate, Andrea gives her a nod. "Here you go, three of the finest slices in the entire school." She says with a small smile on her face. She gives another glance about, watching Josh head off with the other students, finding her posture drooping for a brief moment. She reaches into her pocket and takes her phone out, tapping at the glass after inching away from the table.

Storm has posed:
Ororo squints her blue eyes briefly at Sean's response, and she commits a reminder to memory. She must speak to the Irishman later.

With a smirk, Ororo returns her attention to Andrea and accepts the offering tomatoes. "Thank you, child."

The next step was the brisket! Falling in behind the cook, the paper plate extends once more. "Don't forget that I am a growing woman," Ororo assures, an attempt to get a large order of brisket. "So, is this just a holiday visit, my friend? We terribly miss you here."

Siryn has posed:
    Terry snickers at 'Ro. "'Ro....I don't think you need to 'grow' any more." She says giving the woman a hug. "Mmmm...if only every day was like this." She says as she finishes her burger, and gets a bit of brisket for herself. And potatoes....and corn....

Banshee has posed:
    "Peh, y' are too kind, Or'hro," Sean says, adding a little song of flare into the middle of her name. She also gets a larger helping, of course, for her trouble, from him. "Ah'm here for a' least a short while; deese kids get a whole semester wit me comin' up. Lucky dem." An arch of his brows suggests that the students' upcoming pain amuses him. "Tis good to see ye looking so well," he adds to his fellow faculty member. A small sideways glance is sent to Terry's remark about every day being like this, and a cold front of sadness moves into his face, hidden abruptly behind some chips and burger.

Storm has posed:
"I still have some room to grow, just so you know, Terry," Ororo jokes. "This mohawk is just for show."

She could feel the extra helping of brisket weigh down the paper plate, and that causes her to smile. It also causes her to place the plate against a nearby table while she gathers sides. Corn, potatoe salad, BBQ sauce -- Ororo is not holding back, which means she will need to see the exercise facility at some point this week.

"Lucky them? Lucky me!" The drizzling of the BBQ sauce continues. "Stop spoiling me, Sean. After this meal, you probably won't recognize me. But, for what it is worth, I'm glad it was you that did this to me." Ororo laughs at that.

Siryn has posed:
    Terry only smiles as she starts to eat her corn. She put a bit of butter on it too. "So how long are you going to be around, Dad?"

Banshee has posed:
    "Ah accept t' blame," Sean says, and looks over the drinks available. Hmmm. "Gon' head in and grab somethin' with a bit more bite. Ya want me bring back an extra?" Sean asks Ororo, after getting through his burger in a quick pace. But then Terry asks a bit more specifically about his plans. Sean's overly friendly behavior adjusts to a more serious one. Guilty. "Semester a'least - so, the summer. Maybe longer, Terry."

Elixir has posed:
Josh wanders back over with a self-deprecating grin on his face. "You know what helps? Actually getting a burger for my burger," he says as he passes the table to get himself a burger to go with the bun, lettuce and tomato on his plate.

Siryn has posed:
    "good!" Terry says to Sean rather abruptly. "Cuz I'm stealing you away for one week, at least, Dad. And don't even try to duck out of it....or I'll make you deaf." She then smacks him on the side of the head. "I think we need more cheese. I'll be right back." She says leaving her empty plate on the table and heading inside for a minute or three.

Storm has posed:
After placing the BBQ sauce back on the table, Ororo wags a finger at Sean's offer and points at the half empty bottled water that is on the table. Besides, Ororo does not drink with students present.

Finally, Ororo sits in front of her food and digs in. She shakes her head at Josh as he returns, doubling the motion as a way to tear the brisket from the bone. Ugh, so good! "This puts our mansion chef to shame," Ororo admits. "But don't tell him I said that."

Banshee has posed:
Sean Cassidy seems lost about what to do with Terry's statements, so he blinks at her and doesn't fight her requests, nor the abrupt exit. Women, let alone daughters, are confusing at times. "I... guess we're both going in." Baffled but willing, Sean nods briefly, and heads inside.