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Planetary Matters
Date of Scene: 11 July 2018
Location: North Shore, Staten Island
Synopsis: Kara, Lar, Zod and Johnny protect New York from falling debris, but an argument breaks out among the aliens regarding Krypton and the decisions of the El family.
Cast of Characters: Zod, Human Torch, Supergirl, Mon-El

Zod has posed:
     It took hours, but as with all things, what is up, must come down..

    Their orbital decay finally tipped over debris from the Asgardian refugee ship started falling into the atmosphere, the parabolic arc bringing the super resistant highly radioactive materials down to the east coast and right on top of New York City! the debris does burn some, dark black oily clouds trailing out behind them, the first few bits too small to really be visible at the speed they're moving hitting the corner of a building causing part of a wall to come crashing down onto a bus as it drove through the city center.

     Asleep in the sparse sleeping quarters of the black sunstone ship Zod has named Ursa it's internal systems start to blare a Klaxon. "General Zod, we have a collision allert with the city below, sensors show the tritanium hull of an advanced space ship has broken apart in orbit and several large pieces are threatening civilian lives. What is your order?"

    Waking at the alarm his eyes darting here and there as holographic displays in Kryptonese display projected damage and casulty estimates.. "Open the rear hatch, I will intervene" he commands as the casual robes he was wearing shift the Kryptonian armor he wears shifting into Kryptonian military uniform the sigil for the House of Zod emblazoned on the front in black and bronze..

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm is doing something completely different. Whilst getting a massage on the top of Fantastic Four headquarters, he lounges. His phone is ringing and he is just igjoring it and rolling over he points the android to his ankles and knees.

"Ahh...yeah..right...ah...right there...a little harder. Yeeaaahhh."

He does notice something in the distance but putting on his sun glasses he throws his hands behind his head when an alarm goes off, shooting up he knocks his Mai Tai all over himself and his roof.

"That's the bad alarm right?" he isn't sure. "That one means something bad is hapeneing right," he grabs under the massage table and reveals 'The Alarm Book' and flipping through the pages he mumbles.

Very...loud...repeating..flashing lights. Lights," he looks around, "Are there flashing lights? Ok Check," the back to the book. "Code level...five? Well which one is five," he flips through the book to find the section with code levels.

"Uh Oh, Flame On!" Whoosh. He takes off..then pausing he goes back to the roof and says to the Android,

"Umm which way is it?" the Android points and looking in the direction of 'up' he sees debris flying in. "OK.OK."


Supergirl has posed:
    On her way out to the Atlantic ocean, Supergirl is in the upper atmosphere so she can push her speed without damaging any structures. She was busy with another emergency when the Asgardian ship went down but now, she would try to help with recovery efforts though it had been some time since the catastrophe.
    As she flew, she felt an impact and suddenly was tumbling end over end through the sky. She managed to right herself and stop her forward motion, turning to look around for what she might have hit.
    A trail of dark smoke from the bit burning during reentry helped her spot it. She flew down, getting a look at it as it screamed toward the planet below.
    A narrowing of eyes then beams of red zapped the errant piece into nothingness. "There. All better," she said to no one in particular. Which is when the next piece went streaking by. She tracked it then looked up at the sky, seeing more trails coming down. "Oh Shoot."

Mon-El has posed:
    Alarms seem to be blaring everywhere, including on the Legion Cruiser, where Lar is sulking over his ex-girlfriend whom he is still very much in love with. Just kidding, he's monitoring the atmosphere for danger and helping with the ship's regular maintenance and upkeep.

    ...Okay maybe only partially kidding. Like maybe 85% kidding.

    Anyway, he definitely sees the danger and zooms off at practically the speed of light. "Grife," he mutters, as the smaller pieces of debris start hitting buildings and knocking walls down already. How could he be too late?! He tries to catch that wall before it smashes that bus or any other traffic around it, aiming to grab it and toss it back out to orbit where it came from.

Zod has posed:
     Dru-Zod is already hypersonic when he hits the atmosphere, a deep thudding /boom/ echoing through the sky to those with the super senses to hear it, the black, silver and bronze of Dru-Zods uniform a streak of color. Coming to a stop almost instantly his cape snapping like a whip Zod appears above Supergirl's location his head moving faster than can be tracked by the normal eye.

    Spotting Supergirl, the elder Kryptonian's lip curls as if he had bit something distasteful. The look is only there for a moment before it's gone and he's once more a blur of action moving to deflect some of the smaller pieces averaging the size of a pineapple away towards the Atlantic. "Ursa, spawn a decontamination drone, Belay that, spawn three and set them to sweeping up the fallout from the debris." he says in Kryptonese before switching to English and speaking up a bit louder "This wreckage is Radioactive, my SunShip is working on countermeasures, try to keep the fallout to a minimum." he calls out

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm is certrainly not hypersonic, but moving at a fair clip he also comes to the side of Supergirl," Don't worry little lady, Jah'Storm is here!"$r$rHe proceeds to blast the smaller to like mid sized pieces redirecting them into the water.

"If you see any seals.....ANY SEALS. S. E. A. L. make sure you take care of them OK."


"Let's do this! Yeah! Woo"


Supergirl has posed:
    Hearing the sonic boom, Supergirl was pretty sure her cousin was on the way. Although after the footage she'd seen earlier, she'd hoped he would be resting somewhere. Even Kryptonians could be overtaxed. He probably wasn't but one never knew.
    As the figure came to a stop, she frowned a bit. That was not Superman. But it wasn't an unfamiliar face. It was one she had seen through her childhood on the news feeds from time to time. But, it couldn't be because he was dead.
    "On it!" she calls out to the figure above just as she feels the heat announcing Johnny's presence before he actually arrived next to her. Did he just call her little lady?
    Wait. The debris. She must've taken a blow to the head. That would explain it all. Yet there still seems to be more falling. She lets her heat vision blast out again, taking down another piece before it could get below her level.

Mon-El has posed:
    Once the wall is taken care of, Lar goes to check the bus to make sure everyone is all right before returning to the skies to help take care of the rest of the falling debris. He recognizes Kara of course, and Johnny--but who is that other Kryptonian? He looks familiar. Wait wasn't he some criminal? Hmm...

    He floats up near Kara, aiming his own thermal vision at another larger piece of ship, breaking it apart into harmless dust. "You know that guy at all?" he asks her, his gaze momentarily shifting toward Zod.

Zod has posed:
     Dru-Zod continues to back hand small bits of the debris into the atlantic, moving inhumanly fast, the larger pieces he leaves to the others to blast away as they're easier to track and hit. It doesn't take long before three diamond shaped drones the size of a motorcycle come flying down from the sky, looking to be made of pure clear crystal they hover emitting large cones of light neutralizing the radiation fallout of the dust the heat vision is creating..

    "Incoming!" he calls out to the others as the smaller pieces falling through the sky are now ignored as a piece of the ship the size of a quarter-ton pickup truck starts coming in.. "Focus your fire on the top and work your way down!" he commands as he flies up his fists denting the side of the reinforced material as he pushes up on the dense material his own heat vision causing the large chunk of metal to start to glow infront of him with bright intensity..

Human Torch has posed:
"Is he talking to me?" Johnny Storm asks to himself as he flying around in an apprently haphazrd fashion blast the smaller bits.

Zip here, zap, zip there zap. Noticing Mon-El down below he calls out, "Hey it's you dude..the girl thing right?" he pauses to smile and almost getting hit with debris gets back to work, "Whoa! Heh, did ya see that?" he calls.

Eventually he takes another pause and putting his hands on his hips he admires. In the middle of all the falling debris there the,

Fantastic Four Logo

Nodding contentedly he gets back to work after throwing a thumbs up to the people down below.

Supergirl has posed:
    "He was some sort of hero back on Krypton. If it was him. But Krypton blew up so it can't be," Supergirl tells Lar even as she blasts another piece of debris into nothing. Since the news vids of the trial were never made public, she doesn't know about that part of Zod's history. "So I don't know who this is but don't trust him." If she is overheard, so be it. Then she frowns a little as he barks orders. "He sure seems like the one from the news vids but who died and made him boss?"
    Yet even as she mutters, she is following instructions and concentrating her heat vision on the chunk.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar glances up at the Torch, a little confused at the vague comment. "Uh, you might have to be a bit more specific there Johnny..." he replies, frowning. 'Thing' isn't a very specific word. Well, this is awkward.

    He nods at Kara's answer regarding Zod. "Pffft." he can't help but scoff a little, although in a somewhat lighthearted manner. "Yeah, he sure likes to order people he doesn't even know around." he remarks, blasting away at another piece of the destroyed ship that was about to hit a skyscraper.

Zod has posed:
     "I can hear the both of you perfectly." Comes the man's aggrivated responce as he redoubles the heat vision into the falling debris that he's slowing it's terminal trajectory. "My apologies for not.. /WAAANTING/ to get hit in the back by friendly /FIIIIIIRE!/ he says straining as the piece suddenly breaks apart in a massive explosion that sends the soldier spinning rapidly away and down..

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm is having the time of his life flying here and there and even stopping to take a selfie once..well..twice.

"So serious guy, you are going to get the big stuff? Check!"

Another thumbs up towards, this time, Dru-Zod. And as he goes spinning away Johnny follows his body with that thumbs up.

Turning back to the business at hand he simply summons a torrent of flame an incinerates a whole area of sky.

"Forgot I could do that, that's the easy way to do it," he snaps then starts taking out whole sections of debris in the sky.

Supergirl has posed:
    "My apologies if you think we are new to this. And such bad shots," Supergirl returns, as she focuses her heat vision on the parts that have broken apart in front of Zo. Then she is zooming upward and focusing on a large piece of debris coming down. This time she comes up under it, bracing and slowing its downward passage until it comes to a stop. Then she tosses it toward the Atlantic Ocean instead, those little machines apparently taking care of any radiation so there will be no damage from it landing in the water.
    She glances upward, using her vision to pick out how much more might be coming down at them and hoping they may be past the worst of it.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar chuckles at Kara's quip, but then Zod takes a fall and he flies after the other Kryptonian, trying to catch him and hopefully prevent him from accidentally causing even more damage since Kara and Johnny seem to have the rest of the debris well in hand.

    "Sorry, I don't trust Kryptonians easily." he informs the general. "But since you seem to be doing some good this time around, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. What's your name, anyway?" he asks.

Zod has posed:
     Dru-Zod is already slowing down, the blast having only knocked him back, not knocked him out. "Dru-Zod." he introduces before adding "You speak as if more than a handful of my people survived.." his tone curious in nature before he shakes head and makes a chopping motion with his hand. "Pleasantries can come later, right now we have a job to do." He finishes, the bulk of the falling Debris having been taken care of the pieces once more getting smaller and thinning out in number...

Human Torch has posed:
"Pew! Pew!" Johnny Storm is still zooming around and pulling up next to the 'Little Lady'.

"Have I seen you here before? Like right here? Right now? Miles above the earth shooting things?"

He is now looking at her and shooting bits of debris without even looking.

"I'm Johnny Storm," he flashes a firey smile.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Lar Gand." Lar replies, introducing himself as well. Zod may have heard of him, if he paid any attention to interplanetary politics. "So how many of you made it anyway? There's you, Kara, Kal..." he starts to list them off. "And how'd you manage to escape? Did your parents whisk you off in a pod too?" he asks, half-jokingly, despite Zod's admonishment to remain focused on the task at hand. Still, he works at blowing up or swatting away the smaller pieces of ship remains.

Zod has posed:
     "I wouldn't know." Zod says his jaw setting in anger as Mon-El speaks. Not answering the questions he returns to the task at hand, the debris starting to get smaller in size, small enough that what might hit the ground won't be lethal and will be easily decontaminated by his drones.

Human Torch has posed:
"Cat's got your tongue huh?" Johnny points to his building with the big floating 4 over it.

"That's where I'll be when you are ready," he winks then he floats down towards the other two.

Supergirl has posed:
    Having been busy with the task at hand, Supergirl hadn't responded to the lines from Johnny. Now he was moving onward and she continued to concentrate on the things being destroyed until all that is coming through is dust size now.
    With that, she turns to regard the trio below and folds her arms over her chest as she floats down to a spot level with them all. "Dru-Zod? As in the Dru-Zod? That's not possible."

Mon-El has posed:
    "You wouldn't know what? How many of you are left, or whether your parents whisked you away in a pod or not?" Lar asks. "I mean, you just said it was only a handful, but now you're saying you don't actually know. But also I'm not sure how you wouldn't know if your parents sent you away or not." Okay he's probably talking too much, now. He glances at Kara when she seems to recognize that name.

    Seeing the flaming 4 in the sky, he nods toward Johnny. "Nice. But ready for what? A picture or something?"

Zod has posed:
     Dru-Zod's lip curls again with that look of loathing. "Ohh, it is girl. Your uncle saw to that. I got to watch as Kryptonopolis burned, its glittering towers falling as cataclysm claimed Krypton and our people died." he says simply before replying to Lar-Gand ""I know of four survivors, myself, and three from the house of a coward." he replies before turning back to the girl "Your uncle spoke highly of you and that brother of his, I see they put the time to good use in saving their children while their brethren lived on borrowed time." he adds in Kryptonese with more than a hint of disdain tinging his voice. Tracking Johnny as he flies down to join the trio he switches back to engish. "Thank you for your assistance in dealing with the debris."

Human Torch has posed:
Johnny Storm continues to float by tossing his thumb at the Four, "Not a problem and Just so they know that I was here."

"Now, if you guys will excuse me, I have a massage to get back to."

He does the gun motion and at all three, "No time for introductions."

Whoosh, he flies off.

Supergirl has posed:
    When he calls her family cowards, Supergirl frowns. The girl who is usually so happy and bubbly also has a temper. With those words, Zod managed to light that fire instantly.
    "They would've saved everyone if it had been possible. If you were the Dru-Zod I remember from the stories, you would realize that they did all they could. So since you cannot be the real Dru-Zod or you wouldn't have your head someplace it shouldn't be and isn't really physically possible. Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Zod has posed:
     Dru-Zod laughs, a deep bitter laugh. "Did they? Silly girl, your uncle was one of the premier scientists of our planet, his brother a close second to him in brilliance. Your uncle hid behind what was easy, what was socially acceptable. He neither had the courage, nor the constitution to do what was needed not after his mentor Non was lobotomized by the science council for doing what was right instead of what was easy." he says before his expresson changes momentarily. "But perhaps I am not speaking of an uncle, but a grandfather, it has been centuries since Krypton fell, I have seen news feeds of this world, and Kal-El, are you by chance his daughter?" he asks curiously as he remembers another Kara Zor-El introducing herself the woman being much older than the teen floating before him..

Supergirl has posed:
    "Not answering your questions unless you answer mine." And with that, Supergirl's planted her red-booted feet firmly and refuses to budge. Metaphorically speaking since she's floating a few thousand feet above anything she might be standing on.
    She glances over at Lar, wondering if they should just depart or not. The man did help them protect people below so he might not be a villain.

Mon-El has posed:
    At Zod's defaming of the El family's decisions, Lar actually seems a bit conflicted. What the general is saying is definitely what he was told all his life about Krypton. He rolls his eyes a little bit at the part about Kara's parents seeing to it that their children were safe and sound while the rest of the planet perished. "Heh, tell me about it..." he mutters, knowing his own parents did the exact same thing. Old habits die hard, he guesses. Or just don't die, ever.

    "But! It isn't -her- fault." he says in Kara's defense, his tone more firm and loud at that. "Still, it's nice to know that not -all- of you who had any say at all in plantary matters at the time were selfish cowards." Oops. He glances nervously at Kara. "I mean--not to say your parents were." Cough.

Zod has posed:
     "Your questions have been answered girl, just because the reality of it does not coincide with your vapid preconception does not make it any less the truth." he says rather condecendingly. Then Lar-Gand is putting his two credits in the mix. "True, but she is clearly the product of their upbringing. I believe the humans have a saying about the apple not falling far from the tree." he replies..

Mon-El has posed:
    "No she isn't, she was raised by humans, duh." Lar shoots back haughtily. They may not be dating any more, but heck if he still won't defend her to the death. Plus maybe this will make up for that slip up just now...probably not.

    Suddenly he realizes neither Kara nor Zod are inclined to take his side given what he's just said, so maybe he can just talk to them another time... "Anyway, it was nice meeting you Dru. Or Zod. Whatever you wanna be called. Later, Kara." Then he zooms off into the clouds.

Supergirl has posed:
    At the words from Lar, Supergirl's head snaps in his direction. "What?1 You too?" He might as well have slapped her. It has the same sort of effect. Then he is excusing himself, flying off before she can give him a piece of her mind for that and dropping her name.
    Instead, she focuses all that anger on Zod. "The humans have another phrase too. Go to hell."
    Then she is flying away at top speed, the sonic boom left in the wake of her departure.