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Latest revision as of 06:47, 19 July 2018

Nuclear Payload
Date of Scene: 29 May 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: A new villian has blasted onto the scene, and been defeated
Cast of Characters: Lelantos, Dracula, Crusader, Robin (Wayne), Moon Knight, Kaydin LeGraize

Lelantos has posed:
The villain did not try to keep his threats a secret, that is for sure. He sent them to every form of media, even over Social Media. Of course, since no one has ever heard of a Villain called "Payload", most folks are thinking it is a crank wanting publicity. Still, the Gotham police have sent out a bomb squad, just to be on the safe side.

Ron Griffin has seen enough crank threats become serious to go to Gotham to investigate, enough of the time New York is down wind from the Gothan Nuclear Plant, if it got blown up, there could be serious fallout problems. Of course, no one knows that he is here, even a fellow police officer would not be let in, but Lelantos is a master of getting in unseen...

Dracula has posed:
Dracula didn't need his network of servants to inform him of the bomb threat. Word of it is everywhere tonight. The vampire is dressed formally as always, but tonight he is unassuming, making an effort to remain inconspicuous as he observes the evening's proceedings. He gets close enough to the threat site to be able to watch with a clear view, but far enough away that he won't be in the way of the police. He puts on a concerned face, wearing the facade of a worried bystander.

Crusader has posed:
There are simply somethings one does not ignore. The threat of a nuclear plant being denated being one of them. Sickness would ravage the land, the soil would be tainted for years, and life as people know it would alter in an instant.

Yea Screw that, hero incomming

Crusader flies high above, and as he approaches, he seems to dissappear. He wasn't truely invisible, simply well camoflouged as it where. As he touches down on walkway connected to the building, he begins trying to interface with any potential secruity cameras that may be in the building to get a better idea of what is going on inside.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The word on the street was that there was something going down at the Nuclear Plant. After restraining the thug with the now bleeding nose, Robin summoned his Redbird, the autonomous motorcycle screamed as he came to a halt in front of the plant. He places his motorcycle in sentry mode, sending it to Patrol the area. A small canon has looking for hostiles to shoot, as Robin grappled up to a nearby vantage point, searching for activity.

Lelantos has posed:
The bomb squad has found nothing, their bomb-sniffing dogs locate not a sign of explosives. The gates are all closed and police are watching all of them (even corrupt cops do not want to live in a radioactive wasteland).

There is an explosion in the distance, then another seconds later somewhat closer. Another follows closer yet. It can soon be seen (by anyone with binoculars or cameras with a telephoto lens or superhuman senses such) that there is a figure who is being thrown forward in great bounding leaps by the explosions. He is dressed in a costume in shades of red orange and yellow with a jagged pattern on it. It is clear he will reach the police line in just a few more of these hundred-foot leaps.

Dracula has posed:
Dracula raises a brow when the explosions begin, still pretending to look worried along with the other passersby, and he is able to see the costumed figure as soon as obstructions are no longer in the way. The vampire stifles his laughter, already judging the apparent thrill seeker to be a ridiculous lunatic.

Crusader has posed:
Crusader getting nothing from the cameras...get more than enough looking to the distance. His high vantage part and good senses...allow him to see someone bombing...hopping? He blinks as that was a new one. Well he does the only logical thing possible in this instance..

Crusader flies away from the nuclear plant to try and catch 'Payload' before the whole police line is nothing more than a scorched earth crator. He wondered if this was a powered mutant or if these were pre-planted bombs. but there was little time to worry about that

Moon Knight has posed:
As Bomberman 64 started leaping toward the police with great big booming leaps, the relatively quiet sound of helicopter blades spinning would be much more difficult to pick up. And that jetblack Apache in the night sky was camouflaged well. Its pilot, Frenchie, looked down with a whistle even as he turned on the com system to speak to the passenger in the back, waiting.

"Jesus, what is wrong with Gotham these days? Hey, you sure you wanna tango with this guy? This seems kinda like an Avengers, or even a League kinda job, am I wrong?"

"You see any Avengers here? I'll be fine." He spoke even as he pulled that mask over his head, making sure it was tight and snug, covering his flesh and hiding his identity. With that the hood was pulled over, and Moon Knight was reborn again, tonight. From that whirring bird the man in silver and white dropped like a stone through the night sky. His cape whipping violently from the air velocity, those silver glowing eyes never looked away from the target. Only when he was close did he suddenly grab the cape and spread it open, that silver glowing crescent moon visible on his chest, almost looking like he was flying through the air.

At the speed he was going, he traveled between the path of Crusader's and Bomb Voyage's imminent collision, even as he landed and rolled across a rooftop. He was turning back toward the scene, walking quickly toward the situation.

"Hey pal, you ain't the only one here with a short fuse, tonight!"

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin had snuck out of xaviers to hit up a chinese resturant in gotham. They had the most delicious broccoli beef and fried rice which he ordered and was walking as he ate from the box. The explosions drew his gaze and he only gives it a fraction of a second to react. The Speedster moves quickly leaving his food behind as he makes his way to the explosions to try and get people away from them. With his abilities he may run faster then the guy can jump.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin zoomed in, looking at the impending costumed somebody. Quickly he shoots a grapple, swinging to intercept, he lobs a couple flashbang grenades towards the location where 'Payload' is going to drop in next.

  The Redbird follows, but it waits for input from Robin himself before acting.

Lelantos has posed:
Fortunately the area arould the nuclear plant is mostly deserted...this plant is not known for it's safety record. Rumor has it that it was first constructed with substandard materials and there was a near meltdown shortly after it was fired up. It was also built a good distance away from Gotham proper.

Crusader flies towards the traveling explosion. He sees Moon Knight gliding down, and possibly would note the lightning-like streak of Kaydin and the brightly colored costume of Robin. The others will also note the stark white costumed figure gliding through the air and possiobly the rest as well.

The gaudily costumed figure sees other converging on his expected impact site...and somehow seems to explode in mid-air throwimg himself further forward...(someone with super fast senses mught realize that he actuually sxploded part of his lege and that the rapidly reassembled).

Dracula has posed:
Dracula is at last taking the bomber seriously, no longer laughing at him, indeed his enhanced senses are locked on to the figure as the vampire takes in his every action in detail. Anyone who can explode parts of their body and regenerate them that fast is certainly not a run of the mill sociopath. Dracula raises the brim of his top hat with practiced grace, widening his field of vision.

Moon Knight has posed:
In mid-air, the explosions knocked Moon Knight's smooth glide course into whack, causing him to hit the top of that building harder than he expected. He still landed with a roll, though, dashing forward even as he timed the trajectory of Da Bomb before throwing out a small, unassuming silver crescent. Unfortunately for the man, this crescent was also razor-sharp and heading toward his face, FAST. Moon Knight wasn't entirely sure where it would hit, whether the nose or the cheek or the eye, but he was hoping it did as much damage as necessary to discourage Nathan Explosion here from doing what he wanted to do.

Idly he looked down at his gloves and boots, noticing bits of skin and bone, causing him to look up and realize just what this guy was doing. His eyes widened beneath his mask.

"Jesus, his legs."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Do you want to know how the speedforce works? It heightens a person's bioelectric aura to superhuman standards. To a person connected to it, everything moves at snail's pace. So when the man explodes his legs and regenerates, Kaydin already had outrun the blast and was trying to figure how to get the man down. He runs on ahead and tries to spin his arms, using intense air to blast him backwards and away from the nuclear plant.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     The flashbangs dropped where they were supposed to, but the guy didn't land there. Robin reacts with a >tt< before attempting a bolder move. He quickly extends out his cape, slowing his fall before he reaches for his Batclaw, shooting it at Payload, wether he attaches and is dragged, or able to slow his impending travel to the reactor he leaves to chance. But the face Robin makes tells stories, he isn't up for taking anyone's shit today.

  The smell of black powder burning reminds him of when he was six, and learning to handle firearms, a bit nostalgic. Along with the bits of flesh and bone now showering his face.

  He doesn't comment, but should the batclaw work, he will start reeling it in to get closer to the nutter. He didn't however, think there would be a speedster in this equation... "Shit."

Crusader has posed:
And Crusader having been the cloest to Payload when he went off mid air...get a face full of BOOM!. Crusader is knocked back as shrapnel made from bones, pieces into his 'armor'. Between the blinding flash and the disoraiting sound it took him a moment to regain his senses

The man was quick, and being able to explode mid air was not exactly helpful. And by the looks of it several heros where in the area...time to get connected!

Crusader reaches out with his technopathy and in essence tries to find a device on any of the heros spotted - weather it be a comms gadget, a cellphone, a walkie talkie, some sort of device to connect them all. "Hello, can everyone hear me?" he doesn't know if they do or not but he for now stands back to better assess the situation.

Lelantos has posed:
The moon dart creates a shallow cut on the face of Payload just below his mask. Oddly enough it does not heal nearly instantly.

Kaydin runs in a circle counter-clockwise, trying to pull Payload down out of the air, but also drawing in anyone slse who might be in the air at this point in time, such as Robin who has hooked a grapple device to the villain and was reeling himself in.

Payload...vanishes? The Bat-claw reels in, no longer attached...

Dracula has posed:
Dracula is on high alert when Payload disappears into thin air. Could he have blown his entire body apart that quickly in order to hide from his pursuers? Dracula taps into his senses again, deeper, attempting to sense any trace of blood in the air. Should the explosions get close to him however, he is prepared to vanish himself.

Moon Knight has posed:
Moon Knight was stood on the very edge of that ledge, reaching behind his back for his weapons as Robin next to him was trying an interesting strategy. When their target vanished, that meant the little guy's balance was probably off-whack, and if he had brought himself off the building top when it happened...

Instantly Moon Knight's left hand would lash out, grabbing the cord of that Batclaw and wrapping it quickly around his own fist, the muscles in that powerful thick arm rippling beneath that white suit even as he brought the kid up higher. From here, he figured the kid would have the skills to rescue himself, but he looked down and spoke through that expressionless, emotionless white mask, beneath the silver hood.

"You almost ate shit, kid. Who taught you yer moves, Splatman?"

With his cape open it would be easy to see how ragged and torn his suit was in places, clearly he'd been getting as good as he's been giving...And as Crusader's voice bleeds through Robin's comm device, Khonshu's avatar looked down at it quizzically.

"Is that him? Tell him to get his fancy Dracula car over here, I can already tell Master Exploder here is gonna be a pain in all of our asses."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     As Moon Knight saves Robin, Damian scowls through the white lenses of his mask as his training pedigree is brought into question. "I don't need to go over my decade and a half of expert training for you, dimestore Batman. Let the professionals deal with this." As soon as the batclaw reeled back in, it was placed on his utility belt.

  "Since when does the Bat sound like a bumbling neophyte?" He says back to Moon Knight scathingly. A gloved hand placed on his throat, activating the sublingual microphone. "Robin here, identify yourself." He responds to Crusader, without speaking.

  He taps at his gauntlet holo display, calling the Redbird to come to him and await an aerial mounting. Soon after he dives off the roof, the Redbird stopping under him as he lands, pulling the throttle and readies to speed off at a moments notice.

Crusader has posed:
Just great, he is working with Children. Moon Knight and Robin. Alright than "Crusader. Lost track of payload, are any of you able to pick up any readouts we can use?"

Having been in the air himself, the reverse tornado from kaydin brings him down as well. He doesn't fight it though and merely let himself be blown in, landing by Kaydin. He stands up near the speedster now being outside the vortex

Lelantos has posed:
A few seconds after the vortex stops (roughly 4 seconds) Payload reappears in mid air perhaps 10 feet from where he vanished), then blasts himself forward again. The observent will note the scratch on his face is now gone.

Dracula has posed:
Dracula was far enough away that the vortex only affected him in the form of wind picking up nearby. He notes the strange movement of wind but is too focused on trying to locate Payload to consider it any further than assuming that it was an unexpected turn of weather. When the bomber reappears, Dracula notices him almost immediately. Another brow is raised with interest, the vampire eager to see what Payload will do next.

Crusader has posed:
"Never mind, he making his way towards the plant again...seem whatever damage that was done...has been undone" he had been close enough previously to notice the scar mark made...and now noticed it was gone. "Let get moving any suggestions to stop him is welcomed" and he wasn't asking either.
    Crusader takes back to the air and flies towards the plant...but his concentration wasn't on Payload yet, but the police line. "Officers, this is crusader from The league, you need to get your peole away now. Payload is a living bomb, can't hold him...yet." hopefully there is a way, but for now clear out what people they could for less distractions

Moon Knight has posed:
Between that vortex trying to pull Moon Knight down(he still stood firm even as his cape flapped violently at the mini-nado beneath them), and the comments from the runt next to him, it seemed that Moon Knight wasn't going to have a comfortable night. But then, since when were they ever? Looking over at the distracted Robin messing with some sort of gadgetry and hearing the voice of Crusader again, the vigilante rolled his neck and proceeded to pull out those two silver metal escrima sticks, quickly chaining them together to make a mix between nunchucks and a big heavy violent flail. Swinging it around idly to test the weight, the hooded man spoke even as he pointed with his left hand at the new thing to worry about.

"Hey, professionals, looks like our freak is back. I'll go see if his legs can still blow up when I break 'em one at a time."

With that said Moon Knight immediately pulled out his own grapnel gun, shooting it higher than Payload and when he felt it make 'impact' with something, he immediately zipped himself up toward the airborn villain. This meant putting himself in the path of those explosions, but hopefully he could zip up fast enough to catch the thug before he got caught in another blast. With a downward spinning swing, Moon Knight hoped to bring those heavy, metal nunchucks down on the back of the man's skull. The way he figured, it might be hard to fly and sing and dance if the man was heavily concussed. And if he ended up falling to the earth, well, that really wasn't Moon Knight's problem at that point.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin stops running and watches as the man appears again. He grumbles as his phone starts talking. "Yea?" He asks as he looks up to the man as he appears. He runs a small distance and leaps into the air, hoping the momentium will let him fly up and tackle both him and the weirdo in white.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin looks at the reappearing Payload and comments. "He's healed now. We need to keep him from disappearing. I'm guessing that's the key." He looks to his gauntlet, and the PEPS launcher on it. He taps in a few commands to the Redbird, stepping off. The Redbird turns to a sentry mode, two cannons start to rain rubber bullets and electrically charged PEPS rounds at Payload, making sure not to hit any others as they've been tagged as friendlies. The AI can do the rest.

Lelantos has posed:
Moon Knight Launches himself at Payload...but Kaydin is faster, Running up the side of the building and launching himsef after the villain. Hitting him on arrival with hundreds of normal force blows before momentum separates them. It is uncertain if those blows do more than disorient the villain, but they leave him open for the slower and more powerful blows of the Avenger of Konshu. All that is certain is hit hits the ground pretty hard a few seconds later...which knocked him out if the rest had not.

Crusader has posed:
Well people who are knocked out, can always get back up is the thing. So there was only one thing left to do. Crusader goes forward, as the other three heros seem to have done the heavy burgen of knocking the man out. Crusader himself will regulate to containment duty. He puts down a hand, and as he does so, a tangeible electric magnetic forceifle forms around Payload which is than lifted up, the criminal resting at the bottom of the sphere. "....gotham better have power inhibitors" he doesn't want to hold this guy all night. He than looks up to see what was going on after sending out the message "Payload is secured. You guys knocked him out good" giving credit where credit was due.

Dracula has posed:
Dracula observes the combat taking place above him. When Payload is defeated, Dracula smirks, perhaps this creature wasn't so dangerous after all. He lowers the brim of his top hat back down below his brown ridge, satisfied that the threat has been neutralized. He doesn't leave yet however, curious to see how Payload will be contained.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin taps more commands into his gauntlet computer. Alerting Blackgate of an impending superpowered detainee, they will have to keep this one as suppressed as possible it seems. "I've let Blackgate know what to expect. GCPD should be clear to take him." He says to the others, giving a slight sigh, now that it's over. With that, he was off, back to Gotham proper, and to continue patrolling. A bat's work was never done.

Moon Knight has posed:
The blow connected and Moon Knight nodded with satisfaction. Good for him, just when it seemed like he was going to plummet, he reached out and grabbed...a rope ladder? yes, a ways away from the group, the knight started climbing back up into the 'Mooncopter'(He really hated that name for it), and as he climbed up into the vehicle proper and it took off, he pulled that hood back and spoke up.

"Well that was an interesting diversion, but it's time we get out of here. That clown girl stole from me, and I'm gonna get my property back if it's the last thing I do before I leave this giant madhouse."