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|Occupation=Adventurer, Magician
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Nico Minoru (Scenesys ID: 1012)
"Lots of kids think their parents are evil. Mine really were. Honestly."
Full Name: Nico Minoru
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Occupation: Adventurer, Magician
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Approved
Groups: Mystic Arts
Other Information
Apparent Age: 18 Actual Age: 18
Date of Birth 11 November 2006 Actor: Lyrica Okano
Height: 5'4" Weight: 104 lbs
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVr7P2Cngiw - "The W.A.N.D." by the Flaming Lips


The daughter of two dark magicians, Nico Minoru is a young magic user in her own right, wielding the mystical and extremely powerful Staff of One, an artifact capable of casting any spell...but only once. She can be seen out on the streets and seems to have been on the run for a bit of time. Of course, you would want to be a runaway too if your parents tried to sacrifice you. That might explain why she seems adept in blood magic, though those in mystical circles would know that the Minoru family name is certainly steeped in the mystic arts.



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< Blood Magic >--------------------------------

Nico has magical aptitude, but she did not receive formal training. So far she has relied on the Staff of One to work magic. After her encounter with Witchbreaker (her supposed great-grandmother), her abilities were augmented so that she can create smaller magical effects without the aid of the Staff, such as illusion projection, magical telekinesis and magical teleportation. While she can do these without holding the Staff of One, these minor abilities are enhanced when the Staff is held.

< Flight >---------------------------------- Nico has learned how to float at varying speeds while holding the Staff of One. This is not actually a direct effect of the staff itself, but rather her own ability to wield magic drawing from the staff's magical resources. She has never been able to fly very fast, but has been able to lift other team members.


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< Leadership >--------------------------------

Nico is strong enough in her personality to pull a team together, even if they aren't interested in being a team right now. She doesn't always use that talent, but that's a situational thing or a choice rather than a lack of ability. She's capable of telling a person to do something hard and getting them to do it, even if they really don't want to. She also cares enough to choose when to not use that power and go do it herself.

< Occult >----------------------------------

Nico has some knowledge of the occult from her studies, but since her studies were mostly of the most common gothic literature and publically known publishings, her knowledge is not mostly very accurate. Effectively, she has a wonderful grasp of bad magic and faux magic lore. However, because of her magical bloodline, Nico is able to use what actual correct occult knowledge she does pick up.

< Seamstress >--------------------------------

Nico knows her way around a needle and thread. She has been able to build truly elaborate outfits out of bargain store scraps. She makes a lot of clothing for her friends. That includes Nico's own high-maintenance gothic wardrobe.

< Streetwise >--------------------------------

Nico has had to live under the radar for quite a while. She's gotten pretty skilled at knowing what the police or more unsavory elements will do and getting around them when necessary. She's also gotten quite talented at spending a very limited budget extremely well, while keeping herself and her friends reasonably fed and clothed.

< Tactics >---------------------------------- Nico has picked up the knack of figuring out good mission and battle plans that will maximize the abilities of those available without putting them in more danger than necessary. She has learned this through trial and error, with many errors, but this experience helps Nico to quantify the assets at her disposal and how much they can do in given situations. She's also a good observer and has an excellent memory for the bigger picture and what actions will have on things that are happening out of sight.


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< Staff of One >-------------------------------

The Staff of One is a tool that is tied to the Minoru bloodline. That is, to their blood; it is blood magic in the deepest sense and it requires her blood be spilled in order for to be drawn. 'When blood is shed, let the Staff of One emerge' comes from her lips involuntarily when the staff comes out of her chest, and NOTHING will stop it from coming out. Those standing in front of Nico as the Staff emerges are likely to be impaled upon it.

The Staff of One is named after its limitation: it can never create the same exact effect twice. Attempts to do so will backfire, often hilariously. Sometimes nothing will happen, and sometimes the Staff will auto-cast something completely random. When a spell is cast, however, Nico's will guides it in most situations. Though, the staff often seems to have a rather mischievous mind of its own in what the spell will do, and if there is any ambiguity to the casting phrase chosen the spell will often go awry.

The spell's power is drawn from Nico's soul. It hurts physically to cast a spell, and the pain gets worse the more powerful the spell, but the actual casting process requires that Nico call up painful emotions. The more painful, the more powerful the spell.

< Witch Arm >--------------------------------- After losing her arm, the blood spilled from her injury greatly improved Nico's powers with the Staff of One. Her missing arm was then replaced with what could be described as her "Witch Arm", a magical gauntlet with a jewel embedded in the back of the palm which seems to generally improve her magical ability and act as a real arm in place of the one Nico lost.


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< Emotional Dependency >---------------------------

Nico has a lot of skeletons in her closet, most of which she earned the hard way by causing them herself. She's a magnet for mistakes in her love life, almost all of which she admits she was the instigator of; she gets in between people who have more love in their lives and tries to get part of that for herself. It never ends well, and she has many times sworn off love only to fall into the arms of someone new when her heart breaks again.

< Human >-----------------------------------

Nico is in a high-risk profession. She is often in the front lines of combat and doesn't hold herself back in safety in a mission. She won't do so, because she will not put others into harm's way. So she steps up and wades in, when she has literally no armour and will die like any teenage girl if hit by a single stray bullet.

< Miscast >----------------------------------

The Staff has another limitation: it often miscasts and doesn't do what Nico really wanted it to do. This generally happens when Nico isn't able to summon enough emotional pain to truly bring the Staff's power to bear, but the miscast is always in some way useful to the current situation. This can also happen if Nico's spoken spell may be unclear, such as forming a horde of zombies into one large form when casting Zombie Not ('Knot' as opposed to Not).

< One Spell >---------------------------------

Nico can never cast the same spell twice using the Staff of One as it was meant to be used. She is able to use the staff's power indirectly to enhance minor effects, which is not subject to the One limitation, as these effects are not considered a spell. Attempting to use the Staff to repeat a spell will either fail utterly or auto-cast something utterly unpredictable.

< Staff >----------------------------------- The staff has two major issues which need to be addressed. First: the staff is not bound to Nico. Anyone who gets their hands on it can use it, just not as effectively as Nico may be able to use it. Second: if the staff gets into the hands of someone who intends to take Nico's life, it will defend her of its own volition. The staff has a semi-sentience and will act if given sufficient reason to do so.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Chance encounter January 22nd, 2018 Summary needed
Nature Puts Down The Folly Of Man (Part 2) August 20th, 2017 As the 'babies' from the gigantic monster come forth into Metropolis, one group of impromptu heroes works on ensuring the cities, and civilians safety.
That's a powerful staff you have there.. July 24th, 2017 Zatanna tracks down Nico in a cafe. The two get re-acquainted as Zee sits down to get to know Nico, mainly because of the staff Nico bears
Black Magic Women July 2nd, 2017 Fresh from meeting a certain sorceress in fishnets, Nico arrives late to a picnic with Traci and Paisley. The three enjoy some food, friendship, and talk about magic.
A Mystical, Magical, Evening June 27th, 2017 Summary needed
A Sorceress, A Half-Fae, and A Blood Witch Are Walking Down The Street And ... June 25th, 2017 Having secured a job sewing commissions at the local goth boutique, Nico is visited by Traci and Paisley. Nico develops a case of fangirl-itis when she also spies Claire Voyant in the same store.
Three's Company If One's Insane June 22nd, 2017 Summary needed
Power Comes in Threes June 22nd, 2017 Paisley and Traci run into Nico, who seems to be new in town without a place to go.


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