6625/The Ultimate Honey Trap

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The Ultimate Honey Trap
Date of Scene: 23 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Star-Lord, Blurr, Angela, Lobo

Star-Lord has posed:
With things on Omega heating up, Star-Lord has gone out into the galaxy in the Milano in an effort to find a merchant with the gear he'll need to do a proper infiltration of Arcadia. So off he went. The FTL drive had Star-Lord flying across one of the many galactic voids on his way to another planet.

In the cockpit, the autopilot was engaged as Peter was listening to Hooked on a Feeling on the Milano's speakers. He was keeping an eye on the sensors for anything in the way, of course... but going across space was boring.

Blurr has posed:
    Going across space -can- be boring, but this time around, it has decided to bring something interesting into Peter's life. The Milano's far-range sensor would pick up on something pretty big drifting into its trajectory.

    From what initial scans can tell, it seems to be another ship that has stumbled into misfortune out here, and is no longer operational although it is still mostly in one piece. Which means that there might be something worth looting in there.

    But, if he were stop and examine it more closely, he'd find that it appears to be Cybertronian in design, and anyone even remotely familiar with that species would know that they are among those in this galaxy with the worst reputations. So bad, in fact, that most civilized races want nothing to do with them. With good reason, perhaps...since they have a habit of wreaking havoc if not completely devastating every place they happen to come across.

Star-Lord has posed:
Holy shit, a Cybertronian ship this far out of their usual haunts? Peter's been all over the galaxy, and he's heard plenty of stories about these things; war machines that ruin everything they touch. It's the ultimate honey trap, if you know how many credits even a scrap of their technology goes for in the galactic markets. It's the first time any Guardian has ever seen them... and Star-Lord is pretty sure they'd need more Guardians to handle an actual Cybertronian.

Angela is powerful... but Peter isn't about to bet their lives if this goes wrong.

Still... with a few precautions, he can probably board the ship qith a quick escape route. He has his helmet for air, and he can remotely detach the airlock. Well, if he can find one.

The Milano is brought over and around the Cybertronian ship. Using thrusters, Peter starts to do a visual scan of the vessel for docking ports of any kind. "I'm going to go over and take a look. You be ready to back me up at the airlock if one of those things is actually alive over there. Sound good?" Peter gives in a partial plan to Angela in the cockpit.

Angela has posed:
"You're an idiot for going over there alone." Angela's response is blunt, as the angelic woman stands on the side of the airlock. Unlike Peter, she doesn't need to wear a helmet or have any air to survive. Instead, the woman folds her arms over her midsection impassively.

"And I believe that in the highly likely event that you die, I hold no qualms about calling dibs on what usable items you have." Her lips may have moved /just/ a smidge, but she glances towards the Cybertronian ship. "I will be prepared for whatever you may cause."

Blurr has posed:
    As Star-Lord and Angela approach the vessel, it does seem to be just as the sensors had predicted. Inoperable, and just floating adrift in space. There are 2 airlocks he can identify, one that probably leads to a bridge or cockpit of some kind, and another, bigger one that must be the cargo bay door. There are also several holes in the hull that he could probably slip through. But through some of those holes, they can see that the thing isn't -completely- dark. There are still some feebly flickering lights coming from within.

    As Quill would approach the thing, if he has basic familiarity with ship design, he might notice that it really looks like a giant scout ship. As in, the way it is structured, it seems like it should be some kind of recon vessel, but its sheer size appears to defy that conclusion. No one would make a scouting ship -that- huge unless the species operating it was typically several times the size of a humanoid.

Star-Lord has posed:
"That things designed like the Milano, only bigger. Whatever operates this thing is huge." Peter offers in musing as he slips the Milano around to one of the holes going to the cargo ship; airlocks are nice... but airlocks can be sealed while he's trying to get out. Holes in the hull will be easier to escape through.

Standing up, he looks up Angela, "no risk no reward, Angela. I'm going to use one of those holes to get inside." Then, he winks at her, "it takes a lot more than derelict ships to kill me. I'll be fine."

Famous Last Words.

Walking down into the cargo bay airlock, he cycles it into space, turning on his helmet with a click to the implant, and sets his Jet Boots to max so he rockets out into space, heading for a cargo bay hole.

Lobo has posed:
    Bounty hunting was one of the most lucrative careers a spacer could undertake, but often times, even the most professional and single-minded of Hunters took secondary jobs to supplement their credit-flow. For Lobo, it was more a question of "what won't he do?"

    The answer, as it turned out, was "very little".

    When on a random ride through the cosmos the Main Man detected what could be very valuable haul and salvage(and perhaps a whole ship to call his own if he could manage to make someone repair it for him), he didn't hesitate and was making a beeline for the floating, ominous wreckage. Black leather was the name of the game in terms of fashion, broad-brimmed hat atop his head making him look much more dignified than he actually was.

    "Well, lookie here, it's the Paw Patrol!" Lobo bellowed out in a tone of voice that indicated he may or may not have been a little bit drunk already. He sent out a hailing frequency to any ship or persons in a cosmic kilo, treating anyone within commshot the sound of a very impressive belch, over the screeching 30-drum Spacedeath band he was currently listening to.

    "Well lookie here, it's the Paw Patrol!" When in doubt, repeat the joke(?) you earlier shouted to nobody.

Angela has posed:
"Yes. It is said that they are roughly fifteen feet in size as starters." Angela responds, leaning against the airlock as she watches Peter deploy. The Angel is just shaking her head, just imagining how many ways that Peter Quill is going to find to die tonight. Her fingers drum idly against the hilt of her sword.

That is when her ears get assaulted by the very loud /noise/ and the woman turns her attention towards where Lobo's barreling towards them. Then she reaches up, releasing the airlock to kick her out as she drifts away from the Milano before flying to intercept Lobo's spacebike.

"This vessel and it's contents have been claimed as salvage rights by the Guardians of the Galaxy. If you wish to file a formal complaint - you may do so at the Galactic Headquarters of Nova Corps. In the meantime, in the words of someone wise: 'Sod off'." she says bluntly, even as she sort of hopes he /doesn't/.

Blurr has posed:
    The hold is quite dark, but as Star-Lord eases his way in through the damaged hull and sheds some light on the situation, he'll find that there is something in here other than just exposed wiring and debris. There's a crate bolted to the middle of the floor, and inside of it is some kind of pressurized cylinder full of a pale yellow liquid that is glowing faintly. Well at least it looks like -maybe- it's pressurized? Or otherwise stored under specialized conditions. There's some holopanel readout, but it is all in Cybertronian. Though it is pretty big, it wouldn't be impossible for Star-Lord to remove the container from its casing.

    Additionally, another crate is full of some kind of power cell that still have some juice left in them. And toward the back, nearest the cockpit, is a tank with some kind of glowing pinkish-purple liquid.

Star-Lord has posed:
It's around the time that Quill slows himself down inside the cargo bay and sets his Jet Boots to hover that Lobo blasts into his comm device, "Hey A-hole, we're workin' here!" Peter replies to Lobo over the commlink. "Go find your own ship. This ones taken." Peter grunts as he starts to inspect the various crate inside. Then, he switches his transmit for Angela only, "Yeah, these things are huge, but I think I can haul some of them over to the cargo bay. Got three containers here I think Rocket will need to take a look at."

He starts to float around the inside of the cargo bay, element guns out as he checks the doors and corners for potential lifeforms.

Lobo has posed:
    Most men would be intimidated by the sight of a fiery angel flying toward them in the vacuum of space, but Lobo was more...'distracted' than anything else. The Czarnian gave a snort and turned his head to spit out some mucus that had built up during this long trek through space, the loogie leaving the artificial life environment of his bike, to crystalize and freeze in the vacuum of space as it hurtles off to who knew where.

    At some point, he became aware that the spacebound amazon had stopped talking, which meant she possibly wanted a response of some sort. So, the Main Man just improvised the first thing that came to his head.

    "Yeah yeah, I gots my permit, don't you worry non sweetbun. Y'know...ya kinda remind me of my people, back home?"

    The man gave her a 'charming', wolfish grin as he gave a wink with one of those blood-red eyes of his. He truly meant what he said, she really did remind him of Czarnia...perhaps that's what caused the sudden uppercut to lash out toward her chin, the one aiming her for one of the holes in that big-ass ship. Perhaps Lobo wasn't the galaxy's greatest martial artist...but his suckerpunches were fast, hit hard, and almost always made a statement.

    Plus, here in the vacuum of space, there was the constant disadvantage of there being no gravity, or resistance...meaning momentum could really start to build after a while!

Angela has posed:
If it was meant to be a compliment. It was poorly recieved by the angel. "And you remind me of a boar I hunted once." Angela responds flatly. <<I found someone who's taste in music is worse than yours, Star-Lord.>> she starts to say, when Lobo decides to sucker punch her.

And it lands, knocking the Asgardian Angel backwards. The woman twists in mid-flight, instead of going into the hole as hoped, she slams into the side of the ship - shaking the whole frame of the Cybertronian monstrosity. "Then it is battle you seek."

The normally frowning angel reaches up, wiping the blood from her lip. And she smiles. Just for a moment. "Then it is a battle you shall have!" Gripping the sword in both hands, she plants her feet against the side of the ship, she pushes off hard and rockets towards the Czarnian. "You have chosen to die at the hands of the Hunt-Mistress of Heven. You will be honored at tonight's feast!"

Blurr has posed:
    At the back of the bay, the doors leading up into the rest of the vessel have been blasted away--or something. The corridor leading to the cockpit is mostly wrecked and collapsed in on itself, although that doesn't really prevent someone Peter's size from getting through, given how huge it was to begin with in comparison to him.

    When Angel slammed into the side of the ship, Star-Lord might notice a faint flicker of a pale blue light somewhere in that partially collapsed hallway. If he is to investigate, he'll find that it's coming from what looks like some kind of speeder. Though it is dinged up, it seems to be in one piece for the most part. That, and it's -fancy-. Blue and white patterned paintjob, and just enough of the sporty-styled vehicle deco to make it incredibly attractive, aesthetically. He might not be able tell how fast it actually is, but from the way it -looks-, a design that aerodynamically sound wouldn't make much sense for something that was never meant for an incredible level of speed.

Star-Lord has posed:
"I have no idea what's in here. Keep him from tearing this ship to pieces, or he'll wake up the Cybertronian in here." That'd be Peter ignoring the jab for his taste in music as he floats back to the front where the pale yellow liquid is, and inspects the area and the casing. "Really wish Rocket came with us now." Peter muses as he begins to start the process of removing the cylinder.

Lobo has posed:
    For his part, The Main Man's clever retort came in the form of a lion-like snarl and roar, beating his chest as he sucked in big lungfuls of air and kicked away from his ride, which was now circling the site on auto-pilot. His left hand pulled out a blaster, a hand cannon that would have been more for intimidation than practical purposes, in the hands of a smaller, weaker creature than the Czarnian who treated it like a toy. Blast after blast after blast was shot at the general shape of Angela, many of them streaking past her to bounce off or be absorbed by the massive hull of that massive ship. The others might hit her, but if they hit it was doubtful they'd do more than sting and annoy.

    But they might distract her, long enough for the real attack: A leaping, swinging haymaker aimed right for her kisser. Would he hit two for two? Doubtful, but no reason not to try, right?

Angela has posed:
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice..

As the blasts are raining down on the angel, Angela smacks them away with her blade or allows them to strike her, leaving small burn marks on her skin that almost instantly heal. <<Then I would suggest haste.>> comes the flat retort to Peter. <<Or you can come out here to fight the Czarnian, and I'll recover the treasure.>>

When Lobo rolls in for the attack, Angela's arm comes up to block it. Rather, Lobo will find his arm wrapped up in ribbons. "You dare." she says, and just to prove that he's not the only one that plays dirty, she angles a kick straight up into the groin as she attempts to bring him completely over in an elegant flip and send him flying head-first towards the heavy armor of the side of the Cybertronian ship.

Blurr has posed:
    Angela sends Lobo hurtling through space. And with space, as mentioned earlier, no friction hinders his path. As it is, when the Main Man strikes the side of the already-weakened hull, he goes -completely- through it, and lands in a heap right in front of Quill as he is trying to get that cylinder out...

    Speaking of which--if either Peter or Angela are connected to the Milano's proximity alerts, they'll start going off not long after Star-Lord started removing the cannister of that strange yellow liquid, indicating that six fighter-sized crafts were fast approaching his location. The closer they get, the more the ship's sensors would reveal. Yes, they're Cybertronian in design as well--and they're armed, dangerous, and definitely appear to have every hostile intent against anyone they come across upon arriving at their destination. Oh and they're fast. They're almost on top of the group.

    ...Yeah it's safe to say, things are about to get -very- messy.

Star-Lord has posed:
As the sensors give him a PIP display of the incoming ships in his helmet... there's only way eloquent way to put it. "Oh. Fuck."

Time to get the hell out of dodge. His Jet Boots are set to max as he hightails it right back where he came from, heading for the Milano. "Angela, we got incoming, and they do not look happy." Yes, he's ignoring Lobo entirely. "Those things are /fast/." Star-Lord makes sure to detour to grab Angela and head back for the airlock. "Pretty sure the Milano can't take a lot of punishment from those things."

Lobo has posed:
    The ribbon was tight around Lobo's wrist, cracking and fracturing those deep heavy bones of his, but he was distracted from that pain by a long angelic foot covered by a golden armored roflstomper smashing into his goonies. His eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets, completely distracting him from the impact of landing completely through that ship, tumbling head over heels and smashing into one of the far walls.

    Before Peter left, he'd probably see that room fill with floating space debris and junk...followed by a snarling Czarnian violently moving aside some rubble and pulling some old metal wreckage from his body. Round dots of blood were now floating through the ship as his injuries instantly closed and sealed themselves, Lobo was instantly leaping out the way he came in.

    Seeing everybody flee, he didn't hesitate. From his belt he ordered his ride to come and follow the Milano's trail, reaching out a big hand and bringing himself back on as it passed him. Which had the added benefit of allowing him to finally breathe in big lungfuls of artificial oxygen. Instantly he was sending out a comms message to the ship he was following.

    "Don't tell me ya called in the fuzz, tryin' ta bring in the Main Man?! Ain't no Nova geeks gonna save yer asses, Clyde!"

Angela has posed:
Finally! A fight /worthy/ of Angela's attention. She's floating there, waiting for Lobo to come back out as she cracks her knuckles. Oh, this will be /glorious/. The blood that will be shed today will be.. wait, did Lobo get smaller?

No, that's Peter rocketing past her and grabbing her wrist. "I told you never to grab me, Midgardian!" she cries out in protest as she looks around. "There are only six of them!" Clearly the odds are in their favor. But no. He gets her into the Milano, and the woman sheathes her sword.

"We are fleeing?!" she asks, flabbergasted, and starts to let out a string of curses in Heven tongue that would make any other angel blush.

Blurr has posed:
    Star-Lord -books- it out of there, but unfortunately he is actually not fast enough. What appears to be six golden-colored interceptor class vessels are already within firing range by the time he grabs Angela amd starts back toward the Milano. They start to surround the group, whilst letting loose with a barrage of laser fire at -everyone-. Lobo will quickly see these are -deifnitely- not 'the fuzz'.

    Meanwhile, inside the derelict ship, all that chaos manages to jostle Blurr online. He finds himself half-stuck in that partially-collapsed corridor, and catches sight of Lobo scrambling to his feet and jumping back out the way he came in. What in the slag was going on?! But it only takes him a few kliks to figure it out, once he spots the ununtrium cannister...on the floor. "Ohscrap....scrapscrapscrapscrap!!!" Desperately, he writhes his way out of the caved in hallway and grabs a jetpack that is hopefully still functional and has at least -some- fuel still left in it.

    He flies out and throws himself between the fleshlings and the Legislators, taking brunt of the blows. Primus knows he can take them much better than the organics...at least if they're anything like the other organics he's seen.

    Well, at least the drones start focusing their hostilities on -him- instead of them, as soon as he shows himself.

Star-Lord has posed:
"You might be able to take those hits, but the Milano can't!" Peter reminds her, almost harshly, as he Jet Boots his way over to the cockpit. He doesn't bother to slow down until he's just over the pilot seat, and by the time he's landed in it with a giant OOF! he's hit the throttle to the max. The engines are gunned hard.

Luckily for the Guardians, Star-Lord is a great pilot, and it shows as he starts to weave and zig and zag, taking pot shots at the incoming craft.

"Get on the tail blaster!" Peter shouts to Angela as the plasma cannons in the front turrets start firing.

What was originally a salvage operation has turned into a Cybertronian warzone, with the Guardians caught in the middle, and Lobo making a mess.

Lobo has posed:
    "No, no no, ya ain't fraggin' the Main Man, ya couple of bastiches. This is the dumbest thing ya done ever did!"

    The advantage of riding such a small craft was that Lobo was a small target, even if he hadn't been flying, dodging and rolling this way and that. In the middle of the chaos he noticed a blue metal man out in the fray, and that was enough to cause the big man to raise his brow in vague recognition...wasn't there some truck that turned into a robot? This one didn't look the same, this thing wasn't covered in rust and dust, but it was something to think about.

    Until a near-miss from a massive ship blaster came close enough to his bike to melt the skin right off the right half of his face. Now, with his yellow skull and pink muscles exposed, the man sneered and put himself back into action. His plan was to get close enough to one of the ships, to zigzag and weave amongst the wild sounds of war, that he could swing his chain and hook out, and hook one of those ships. If he could do that, then using the momentum of his bike and his own massive strength, then maybe he could hurl it at another ship, or just drag it behind him. Considering how close he was flying to the Milano, this might not be great for them. But when did Lobo ever care about that?

Blurr has posed:
    RIGHT THEN. The Legislators -were- focusing their attention on Blurr. Until Star-Lord started shooting them back. What the -frag-? Why?! Why didn't the stupid fleshling just -run- as soon as they were distracted?

    Two of them peel away and fly after the Milano, guns blazing as they try to use their superior speed to catch up and take out its engines. As one of them gets close to the Quill's right wing, it suddenly shifts, switching into a biped form that tries to grab the wing and pull itself up before bringing a massive fist down onto it. Sparks fly, but before it can do too much more damage, the other one gets hooked by a Lobo and is sent hurtling into the one trying to punch the Milano.

    See, the thing about space is...

    No friction, no hindrance. The two of them smash into each other and are sent flying...very far.

    Between Blurr and the Milano's guns now, the group manages to take out the other four. They'll notice that these things didn't even -once- try to retreat. They just...fought until they were no longer functioning. Quill's ship is probably going to need some repairs now though, before it can go too far.

    And as for Blurr, having taken most of the damage from the Legislators and having already been injured before, he just sort of...stasis locks again, and slumps back up against his ruined ship.

Lobo has posed:
    Lobo was satisfied with seeing the two ships sailing into the vacuum, and decided it called for celebration. Pulling out a cigar, the Main Man lit it and kicked back on the handlebars of his Hog while his face readily warped and regrew itself little by little. He'd take a little smoke break, maybe a little beer break, and maybe after a whizz break.

    After that? Well, it looked like the Guardians just ran away from this claim they "staked". Which meant the Last Czarnian had some poking around to do later...