10164/The Panacea Project: A Don't Do Something Stupid Mission

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The Panacea Project: A Don't Do Something Stupid Mission
Date of Scene: 23 November 2019
Location: Aeon
Synopsis: Lyle and Drake go to investigate the Wildlife Society on Aeon.
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Slipstream, Invisible Kid
Tinyplot: The Panacea Project

Mon-El has posed:
    The consensus among most of the Legionnaires had been to return to Aeon to further investigate the situation with Dr. Stellaris.  Though the first priority of course is to do everything they can to stop the internal damage Astrix's nanomachines appear to be doing to Azeilia and her crew, as well as to the near-extinct ice dragon.
    The cruiser enters geosynchronous orbit above Aeon's capital city, where the Wildlife Society is headquartered.  As the team prepares, Lar pulls Lyle and Drake aside.  "As much as I hate to say it, given that we know Azeilia and her crew are uh… potentially possessed by whoever's in control of the nanomachinery—we can't trust her just yet.  Lyle, I want you and Drake to head down to the Wildlife Society's HQ first and scope things out.  You know—make sure this isn't a trap."

Slipstream has posed:
    "Aye Aye, Captain!" Drake says as he gives a lazy salute across the brow to Lar.  The speedster is dressed in his new uniform, which is changing colors again.  This time it's all black tactical space pants with a matching top, utility belt and his bomber jacket.  He even has a visor over his eyes now that looks sleek.  He gives a twist to his Legion ring to ensure it's snug.
    "This is a don't engage and do something stupid type of mission right?" he says with his brows lifted upwards.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Those are usually the best kind, except for the 'don't let them know you're there until after you've engaged and it's far far too late for them to do anything about it so they might as well just surrender now or suffer further humiliation' missions," Lyle says agreeably.  "The best fights are over before any blow is landed."
    He's been studying the already-infamous glowing yellow goo the whole trip here, occasionally returning to the anger he felt towards Stellaris when he first heard about it, occasionally diverting the flow to be against her brother, and using the anger not to build up a well of resentment to unleash on the hapless siblings, but to push himself to understand this liquid—and hopefully its programming and control—inside and out before even setting foot on the planet.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods at Drake's question.  "Well, at least 'the do something stupid' part, anyway."  Which goes without saying.  "Engagement may have to occur if the unexpected happens.  But I'll you two be the judges—if you don't think there's a threat, then go ahead and make contact."
    He chuckles at Lyle.  "Yes, I would have to agree.  The best fights are the ones that never really happen."  What Lyle has learned between last time he spoke with Stellaris and now is that overall, these nanomachines have a lot of potential for both good and ill.
    If there was ever a hunch though, just an intuition… something is missing, here.  Something lurking beneath the surface.  Something that doesn't want to be discovered yet, for reasons that are definitely up to no good.
    "Right, any questions?" Lar asks.  "If not, good luck."  He grins, and leaves the two of them to head planetside.

Slipstream has posed:
    "No questions here! Lead the way, Lyle," Drake says as he attaches his ice gun against his hip, then makes sure Snowball is secure against his back and in her harness.  Giving a few stretches and hops to loosen himself up, he looks over towards the founding member for guidance.
    "We're totally gonna do something stupid, huh?" he teases him as he makes his way for the transport down to the planet, humming under his breath.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Only if I think we can get away with it," Lyle replies conspiratorially.  "Best advice I can give is to just keep your eyes open.  I'm not convinced Stellaris and her team aren't compromised, or even controlled.  The brother's disappearance bothers me, too.  There's more going on than anyone's let on yet.  Or, I've got a healthy case of espionage paranoia.  The unfortunate thing is that more often than not, my instincts that something more is going on are right."
    He sighs, and hops into the transport, taking the controls.  "I'd ask if you were ready, but we're going even if the answer is no."  Grin.

Mon-El has posed:
    The Wildlife Society's headquarters and main office are, as one might have expected, somewhat run-down looking.  It's definitely apparent that they are hurting in the financial department.  As they get closer, they can see that there is a large animal habitat in the back with large glass sky windows, where they must keep rescues and such.  They can see that the dragon in question is there, definitely not looking well at all.  It lies motionlessly on in a pool of cold water, its chest moving up and down slowly.

Slipstream has posed:
    "Aw.  Poor dragon," Drake says as he makes his way forward as he taps the side of his visor to give him some better vision and any diagnostics that may come through that may be useful.  "That dragon was a real badass the last time I saw it.  Flying around spitting ice and trying to stomp me."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Maybe after we remove the thorn from its paw, it'll be friendlier," Lyle says a little abstractedly.  "The sick sentients have priority, but I promise I'll do what I can to make sure the dragon's taken care of."
    He heads for the entrance, omnicom in hand, reviewing his research notes—but with more than half an eye on his surroundings.  If the staff have been compromised, he's ready to vanish and bolt.

Mon-El has posed:
    The outer doors appear to be unlocked, and lead into a small atrium with a reception desk against the back wall.  No one seems to be around, though… at least not in immediate view.
    Any scans Drake might do of the animal would show that it has suffered some serious internal damage, as Azeilia had claimed on the comms earlier.

Slipstream has posed:
    "Dragon is doing really bad now.  It's guts are a hot mess.  No one seems to be around," Drake says as he walks through the corridors with his teammate.
    "You think maybe they're all dead?  That'd suck.  Dragons probably can survive this stuff longer, but frail normie bodies?  They probably got roasted."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle has his "I don't like this" face on.  "I suspect—I'm not sure, but I suspect that we would have been contacted if fatalities had started occurring."  If he can't get into the facility's network over his omnicom, he'll look for a terminal.
    "Keep your eyes open," he suggests, though it sounds a little closer to an order.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lyle can certainly get into the network using his omnicom, it's not like they have anything state-of-the-art or anything.  He's able to tap into the video surveillance, which would show that all the personnel here, at least those that are visible, are looking as bad as Tal had looked during the call earlier.  Even Azeilia is pale and exhausted looking.  However, she seems to be forcing herself to work, as she's in the rescue habitat with the dragon, trying to get it to drink some water.

Slipstream has posed:
    "Well, at least it doesn't appear they are playing the role of evil scientists.  Looks like her brother screwed her over," Drake says as he lets out a soft breath.  "Do we have any type of idea of how to cure them yet?  Did you bring any super pills from the future?"  Once he spies the map, he will start his way towards the habitat.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Not so much a cure as a cleanup.  I hope.  Go check on Stellaris; I'm going to find Medical and see what I can do there," Lyle says, scanning the map over Drake's shoulder.  How does he do that when Drake is at least twelve centimeters taller?  Flight ring, of course.  "I might have a miracle up my sleeve.  Keep your eyes open anyway, I still don't trust the situation."
    With that, he lopes off down the hall towards whatever's serving as Medical here, and hopes the equipment isn't too antiquated.

Mon-El has posed:
    The animal habitat looks a lot like a big greenhouse in the back, and the walls facing the rest of the building are glass.  Drake can see Azeilia in there, trying to tend to her test subject, although looking rather weak herself.  Though her eyes light up a bit when she sees Drake.  "Oh, thank the gods you came…" she says, smiling wanly.
    Unfortunately, this facility doesn't seem to have much of a medical, aside from an Occupational Health office with some first aid kits, the equivalent of a defibrillator, and some other standard stuff.  But nothing like what a hospital or clinic would have.

Slipstream has posed:
    "Don't go thanking me yet.  I'm the fast one, not the smart one.  Though I'm also the cute one," Drake says with a quick, optimistic grin.  "But I did bring the smart one with me.  Uh… Lyle.  Not Brainy.  Brainy refused to come and used a lot of big words that I'm sure were unflattering.  How are you holding up?" he asks as he heads over towards her, glancing at the dragon that she is trying to deliver water to.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Ugh, figures… totally inadequate," Lyle mutters, opening communications to the cruiser.  "Hey, Lar—can you do me a huge favor?  In the second cabinet on the left just inside the main door of Medical, there's a portable emergency dialysis machine.  If you send that down, I think I can help the victims.  And the dragon.  If there's more than two, send all but one of them."  He's got that 'I'm up to something either clever or crazy' tone to his voice….

Mon-El has posed:
    "Brainy…?" Azeilia questions.  "Was he the green grumpy one?"  Then she shakes her head, sitting down tiredly.  She doesn't look good.  "I—please tell me you've figured out how to fix this…" she says desperately.  "I know it's my fault, but…."
    Lar arches a brow at Lyle's request.  Welp, he's got that tone of voice.  "Oookay.  Dialysis machines, coming right down."  He quickly does as Lyle has requested, sending the devices down via drop-pod.

Slipstream has posed:
    "Uh… I won't make any promises," Drake says as he reaches out to gently pet the dragon, because this is a once in a lifetime chance of doing so without being devoured.  "Huh.  Scaly.  But from what I can hear over my comms, Lyle has a really great idea that will surely work.  I'm confident he has a plan.
    "…it's gonna work right?" Drake asks through the comms as he taps the side of his visor, brows lifting.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "I am cautiously optimistic," Lyle answers.  It'd be a lie to give Drake an absolute yes; he hasn't been able to do clinical trials.
    Since Tal was the first one affected, he's probably the one most in need of help, so he's the guinea pig… er, first subject for treatment.
    Lyle sets up the dialysis machine, and around the blood filter sets up a simple RF generator on one side, and a metal plate on the other, and uses his omnicom to tune the distance between them.  Over the open channel, he explains what he's up to: "All right.  I've set up a standing electromagnetic wave tuned to to the nanoparticles.  What it should do," he continues, switching on the device and the dialysis machine, "is trap the particles in the filter while allowing the blood to pass through unaffected.  That's the theory, anyway."
    He falls silent, and monitors the procedure, ready to disconnect Tal at the first sign of… well, of a failure of the theory.

Mon-El has posed:
    Azeilia sighs.  "Well at least you're honest."  Though she does look hopeful when Drake says Lyle has an idea.  The animal's hide is indeed scaly, though they are made of ice, and very cold.  A once in a lifetime opportunity, indeed.
    As Lyle switches on the machine, the blood starts to flow through it, and the specifically-tuned EM wave does seem to draw the nanoparticles out.  But they don't seem to get caught in the filter; instead, they appear to start consolidating themselves—moving toward each other until they form a long, narrow line moving out of the dialysis machine.  In fact, after a few seconds, they start coming out of all of Tal's natural body cavities, in little streams that seem to congeal into one large one that then moves out the door and into the hallway….
    Meanwhile, the same thing starts happening to Azeilia and the icy reptile, as well as everyone who had previously been 'infected'.  They seem to cough a bit, and the nanomachines begin to flow out of their bodies, and out into the hallway where they join the rest of them!  They're all headed outside the doors, where they seem to be gathering themselves into one large mass—well, relatively speaking.  As numerous as they are, it still isn't huge.  Maybe about the size of a go-kart.

Slipstream has posed:
    "Uh… it's supposed to do that, right?" Drake says as he watches the nano-blob taking shape in the hallway.  He pushes himself up to his full height, then detaches Snowball with a pop of his hand against her head to wake her from sleep mode.  As the little robot buzzes upwards to circle overhead, he clears his throat. "…Get ready for a deep freeze, SB."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "No," Lyle says sharply, "they're not supposed to do that.  As soon as I make sure everyone's stable in here, I'll be right there.  In the meantime, be prepared to stop that stuff from going anywhere.  How close to absolute zero can you get?"

Mon-El has posed:
    The streams of nanomachines keep flowing for a minute or two, until they have all exited their respective hosts, and have gathered into a large spherical globe just outside the doors.  It rotates about, its surface flowing and rippling almost like water.  But for the time being, the particles don't seem to go anywhere.  As for the Wildlife Society personnel, while damage has already been done, they seem to be stable at least now.

Slipstream has posed:
    "Snowball and I can get to zero," Drake assures as he pulls his gun and flicks the button on the side to set the appropriate temperature.  "Snowball, ice it up."
    There is a musical doot-da-doot from the robot as she blasts upwards into the sky, then begins to whirl around as she sucks the moisture from the air, converting it swiftly as she starts to rain down a thick coating of sub-zero, quick freezing liquid nitrogen down upon the globe.  The young hero himself aims his gun, firing off a blast of pure cold 'frost' as he looks to help coat his robot friend.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle will have to be satisfied with stable.  'Better' will have to wait until later.  "Keep them immobile, I'm on my way," he says, jogging towards Slipstream's location.
    He skids to a halt when he gets there, obviously surprised by the size of the sphere of nanoparticles—there were more than he thought, unless they're von Neumann machines and replicating.
    He doesn't get too close, in case they're not completely immobilized.  The question now is, what to do with them?

Mon-El has posed:
    The subzero blasts from Snowball cause ice to form over the surface of the globe, causing it to sink a bit under the weight.  When Drake fires his frost gun at it, it seems to shudder a bit.  Its shape is disrupted, little pockmarks appearing where the blasts hit as smaller clumps of them get knocked away.
    But it doesn't go back to the sphere, in fact, as Lyle approaches, its shape is changing completely, the nanomachines flowing in all different directions.  It elongates, and… before long its shape is not so nebulous and blob-like any more.  Round, noncommital edges turn into more defined angles, and amorphous surfaces appear to harden.  What takes shape before them appears to be a small drone ship not unlike some of those that the Legion sometimes uses!  Well, that is definitely way outside of the scope of 'health' robots!  There is that characteristic whine of increasing frequency, as engines prepare to blast off into space.
    Azeilia rushes outside at that moment, her eyes wide as she watches the thing.  "What… what happened?!  Where did that come from?" she asks, incredulous.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Inside all of you, including the dragon," Lyle says, trying to sound like he's got the situation under control.  First he sets his omnicom to broadcast a series of radio frequencies at the mass, not in any pattern or order, just to keep them confused.
    Then he deploys his transuit.
    Not over himself.  Over the nanoparticles.

Mon-El has posed:
    The transuit goes flying just as the drone ship begins to rise.  It lands on the small ship and begins to wrap itself around it, but before it can seal itself, the drone temporarily disintegrates into smaller nanoparticle clusters, rushing out of the transuit's confines and before quickly retaking its prior shape and blasting off into space!
    "Gods…" Azeilia says under her breath as she watches all this transpire—she's never seen anything like this before.  "I don't understand… I cannot believe that this would be Astrix's doing…."

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle claps his forehead, and slides his hand down his face in frustration.  "Oh, of all the sprocking… ahh, it was kind of a long shot anyway.  On the plus side, your staff is stable."  He quickly scans Stellaris with his omnicom, and the dragon as well.  "And so far as I can tell, so are you, although we still have a medical emergency here.  You should be in bed; summon your emergency services and then go lie down."  He looks up into the sky where the ship of particles is disappearing.  "I think we have more work to do…."

Mon-El has posed:
    Azeilia nods quickly.  "Yes, I'll get medical help for everyone as soon as I can… I just didn't want to potentially expose any doctors to it, since I wasn't sure if it could spread like a disease or anything."  And she quickly gets right on that, turning on her heel to return to the office.
    Several minutes later, Lyle hears Lar on the omnicom.  "Lyle, I think someone has stolen the samples we obtained from Dr. Stellaris," he states flatly….