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Harper Row (Scenesys ID: 1443)
"I want to know how to karate chop someone in the neck so their eyeballs pop out. I want to know the /cool/ stuff!"
Full Name: Harper Row
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Theme: DC (FC)
Occupation: Pain In the...
Citizenship: {{{Citizenship}}}
Residence: {{{Residence}}}
Education: {{{Education}}}
Status: Active
Groups: Batman Family
Other Information
Apparent Age: 19 Actual Age: 19
Date of Birth 21 September 2006 Actor:
Height: 165 cm Weight: 51 kg
Hair Color: Purple & Blue Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Another down-on-her-luck teen from the Narrows, Harper Row is a self-made orphan: her mother gone, and her father abusive, Harper filed for emancipation, taking care of both herself and her younger brother, Cullen. Developing a self-taught knack for electrical engineering and gadgeteering, Harper views herself as something of a 'fixer' in both a literal and figurative sense, looking to solve problems both technical and personal as best she can -- an aspect of her that eventually extended towards crimefighting after an encounter with the Batman. Through her inventiveness and sheer, bullheaded refusal to take "no" for an answer, Harper has managed to find herself amongst the ranks of Gotham's vigilante under the alias of Bluebird. Still young and new to the crimefighting life, Harper is nonetheless eager to prove herself -- a fact that proves to be both a blessing - and, probably more often - a curse. Or, huge,



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She's a far cry from the martial arts madness of Batman and many other members of the Bat Family, and she still has a lot of training to even get remotely there, but Harper has a basic knowledge of close-quarters combat. Enough to fend for herself against Generic Nameless Thugs, at least. ... If there's not too many of them. Like, one or two or something. Hey, she's learning!


Pursuant to her background with electronics, Harper is very, very good with computers, both with physically tampering with them and with the more digital aspects, such as hacking. Harper is adept at computer engineering and computer programming -- you know, like any good teen with attitude.


Like any good (kind of) member of the Bat Family, Harper is pretty good at putting two and two together. She has a knack for assembling a decent narrative out of assembled evidence, and if she's wrong on something, she's fairly good at course-correcting towards the next most likely outcome. Her ability in finding people and connecting dots despite a lack of resources (until recently) is fairly impressive, all things considered.


Having been fiddling with electronics and technical work since she was a child, Harper has a natural gift with technology. She is a technical genius and a prodigy at electrical engineering, gifted enough that she has made improvements on some various Bat-gadgets and has homebrewed a number of impressive inventions, made even more so by her considerably limited resources.


Much of Harper's life, she has been getting by on the bare minimum. Living in the Narrows and supporting herself and her brother, she often had to get by through her own inventive mind. Harper has a well-spring of creativity and a true talent at constructing makeshift tools out of mind-bogglingly basic materials, making her skilled at adapting to a given situation on the fly. It's MacGyver! In punk form!


By far where she excels in combat situations; while she's still basically a novice, Harper has a natural talent for ranged combat and tends to lean on it when she can. She's a good shot, with both the accuracy and the technical knowledge to know where to aim to really do the most (non-lethal) damage she can. She's no Deadshot, but she has a wealth of potential.


Harper is both sharp-minded and eager (perhaps over-eager) to prove herself and be of help; both of these qualities lend to an aptitude for quickly picking up new skills and an ability to swiftly wrap her mind around new concepts. Harper is adept at grasping new concepts and, even moreso, learning how to swiftly apply them in practical settings, making her fairly adaptive -- at least as far as learning new skills go.


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One of the more recent additions, Harper is something of a fledgling addition to the Bat Family and currently lives somewhat on its fringes. Despite this, it provides her a number of benefits like anyone else, not the least of which being the network of allies she has to rely on -- and that can rely on her, in turn.


As the Bluebird, Harper has her own, fancy costume courtesy of the Bat Family. The costume is lightweight yet largely bullet proof (aside from things like heavy artillery) and somewhat resistant to fire, cold, and other various forms of physical damage, while remaining light enough to provide good range of mobility. And look stylish, to boot!


Harper has a wealth of gadgets. Some of these are provided by her association with Gotham's vigilantes; many more she's come up with by hand. Various grenades, batarangs, and grappling hooks are usually amongst the staples, though they vary by situation. Her main assets are her various firearms she's put together herself; nonlethal, these firearms, from rifles to hand guns, discharge electrical current instead of bullets, making them something more like suped up tasers than conventional firearms. The variety and purposes of these can also vary, but Harper is never really found without them. She loves her precious gunses.


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Harper's father, Marcus Row, is a career criminal and all around scum; his abusive and neglectful attitude towards his children is what prompted Harper's application for emancipation, but the man is nothing if not relentless. Though he's currently enjoying a stay at Blackgate, he is still very much a presence and problem in Harper's life, and her hatred for him runs particularly deep.


It took a lot of bullheaded willfulness and not accepting 'no,' 'seriously no,' and 'for the love of God stop bothering me already' for an answer, but Harper finally got what she wanted: becoming a vigilante of Gotham under the banner of the Bat. However, this happened, like, a month or two ago at best. Harper has very little real world experience at what it takes to be a vigilante and deal with the particularly deranged brand of rogues in Gotham and even beyond. She has a lot of training to accomplish still, and while she means well and works hard, her general inexperience can often be to her detriment when dealing with the veterans of the Gotham criminal world.


Harper Row has a lot of things to prove, in her mind. That she can be a good hero, that she can fix literally any problem she comes across, that she won't be a burden, that she can do all these things and more on her own. It makes her impulsive and eager to jump on the first opportunities she sees in order to establish herself, even against the wisdom of others or all common sense. This hotheadedness can come back to bite her in the ass, to put it plainly -- and more often than not, put her in a lot more trouble than she bargained for.


Harper Row is the newfound vigilante known as Bluebird. She is also very new to this whole superhero business. Her identity is a secret, and considering how fresh she is at this and her deep ties to her brother Cullen, it would be disastrous for her to be discovered by anyone who wasn't trusted -- and all the harder for her to hide herself, considering just how much she has yet to learn about all this.


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Title Date Scene Summary
New Hire March 10th, 2024 Mockimngbird, Harper.
Log 16082 February 23rd, 2024 Harper and Nadia discuss the GIRL movie night plans. Then instead of making any proper plans they go get burgers.
Rollergirls roll-out. January 28th, 2024 Summary needed
Mechanical Machinations December 2nd, 2023 Nadia and Harper chat about drone design and spy stuff. Harper's a hands on kind of lady who doesn't like CAD. Nadia doesn't understand Roller Derby and Harper offers to show her why lapping is important.
Blood in the Streets November 11th, 2023 Jane gets in over her head and Bluebird comes to the rescue.
GIRL talk about the equations of the heart. October 27th, 2023 Nadia and Harper chat about dating while preparing GIRL for the big opening.
A mortal stealing from the elements October 12th, 2023 Some wisdom from above comes upon Harper while she goes about recharging a lot of gadgets and gear with a thunderstorm going on. Meeting Storm in a Storm is a treat.
A night off, what are the odds September 24th, 2023 Harry goes to Mac's for dinner and meets a potential new client.
THE MARY JANES: Club Evolution August 11th, 2023 The Mary Janes play live at Club Evolution in Mutant Town and nothing blows up except their name recognition!! Lots of socializing and fangirling. Gwen scares off Cain and Harley knocks out a bouncer.
Hydrate and decompress July 30th, 2023 Harper and Nadia go out for drinks to unwind and end up talking shop and brainstorming up some crazy and cool ideas. Before they can get into world domination there's a bit of drink spillage and they have to take a break before plans to bust a move on a dance floor.
Thumb on the pulse of the hub July 11th, 2023 Harper is loitering in a wealthy part of town, pushing her face against the glass of some stores selling all manner of shiny consumer products. Moral conundrums over Wants bubble up in her mental spaces. Donna passes by, and catches some mumblings of Harper's maybe's. Donna's friendly greeting distracts and ultimately derails further thoughts of theft or trolling. The chance meeting promises a sequel.
Location hunting - Tunnel Edition June 20th, 2023 Nadia and Harper give a disused subway station an inspection as a potential site for GIRL HQ. And talk about the perils/benefits of super science.
...of friendliness May 31st, 2023 Brave Bluebird braves blackness when she leaps into the darkforce dimension.
What the future holds. May 8th, 2023 Nadia & Harper build a communications device to catch the attention of Kara. Who probably could have been reached via cellphone. But why let common sense get in the way of SCIENCE? Nadia makes another GIRL recruitment pitch. Harper is an expert on the Smurfs.
Red Room revelations April 29th, 2023 Nadia introduces her first potential GIRL recruits to each other and shows off her super secret necklace lab! Secrets are shared. They have icecream. And go on a rambling tour around a lot of science labs.
Fearsomely Fast Freightage April 20th, 2023 Bluebird's attempts to stop some dastardly cargo being transported into Metropolis meet dire resistence on a highway. Bullets fly, threatening civilians during this high speed chase. Luckily Kara can hear the commotion and swiftly comes into to safe the day, quickly neutralizing the situation. This allows Harper to handcuff most of the baddies, and then grudgingly accepting a lift from America's sweetheart when the authorities are about to sweep in. Super girl? Absolutely indisputable.
Bluebird and Wasp take on Rocky the Gotham Kaiju April 13th, 2023 While looking to meet possible GIRL members Nadia gets attacked by the Red Room. They unleash animals grown in size with Pym particles and catch the attention of Bluebird. Who swoops in to save the day before more than damage to a poor civilians car can take place!
Letting Cats Out Of Bags at a Chinese Restaurant March 3rd, 2019 Jason, Kitty, Carrie, Damian, and Harper Row meet up for Chinese
Dark Knights at the Docks February 12th, 2019 Summary needed
This is hardly Paradise, Bluebird! February 11th, 2019 Summary needed
Checking In October 23rd, 2017 Summary needed
Going to School October 10th, 2017 Summary needed
Trying Her Best October 5th, 2017 Summary needed


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