10994/The things that go Bump in the day

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The things that go Bump in the day
Date of Scene: 07 February 2020
Location: Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Diana, Megan, Nick, and Thor save the day. Felicia watches.
Cast of Characters: Doctor Strange, Black Cat, Wonder Woman, Thor, Pixie, Phantasm (Drago)

Doctor Strange has posed:
    New York in February, it tends to be the loveliest sort of place. White snow and brown sludgy-slush sit on the sidewalks, lawns and roads, respectively, and yet the same three shades of pink start to fill the store windows, the decorations hanging from the light posts and stop lights. The adverts on the taxies are vibrant reds with hints of floral greens and the promises of love and romance fill the air.

    This day however, as people are going about their lives a sort of queasy feeling pulses out from the heart of the city, a feeling that accompanies bad food, and the headache of having stayed up all night and the rising sun brings a sense of loom and doom along with the dull pain in the cerebellum. The feelings assult not one or a few, but all, resting on the corner of a high rise apartment complex and washing outwards in repulsive waves before a single brick seems to fall free of the assault.

    The brick falls and scrapes against nothingness before falling suddenly missing a section and smashing onto the sidewalk below, illicting those nearby to look up and squint as a single glowing orange limb reaches into the world from somewhere else and begins the process of birthing through realities.

Black Cat has posed:
In a long black Toscana sheepskin coat trimmed with silvery faux-fur, its hem long enough to reach her knees, the Cat click-clicks along in hunting boots and fitted jeans. The coat's voluminous hood is pulled up over the loose fall of her pale-blonde hair, this left to waterfall freely. On her arm, a collection of small boutique bags hang off of one arm and in her other hand, a tall mocha. Mmm, coffee.

She sips at it and leaves no red lipstick stain on the white lid. It's witchfraft lipstick to be sure. However, the sound of a brick falling has her pausing. The sound of MORE bricks falling has her starting and shuffling back a few steps along with the rest of the bystanders now staring with wide jade-green eyes at the limb.

"...I just wanted to get home without this kind of bullshit happening," the cat-burglar whines to herself even as she glances away. A dart across the street quickly puts some distance between her and the tear in reality.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana was attending a lecture at New York University today, so she wasn't too far away from what was about to unfold as it was about to unfold. Her vehicle was actually in the process of leaving the school's building and turning south on the way toward a dinner invitation.

Seated in the passenger seat, Diana is speaking with her sister who is behind the wheel of the sedan. Both of them trail off their words when they see the sight of something happening further south, just down the road near the intersection.

They're close to the Sanctum Santorum, and the sight of that orange arm? Well it immediately makes Diana think of Strange. "Pull over here, into this alley." Diana tells her sister then who turns the car quickly up into the alleyway.

Thor has posed:
Well. That's an emergency. Heimdall's eyes, always alert for such tears in reality, immediately alerts the King. And the King, unsurprisingly, takes matters into his own hands. It's like he forgets he's the King half the time and just automatically jumps into battle as an Avenger. But, that's also uniquely the way the Thunder God works.

So it is that the flashing light of the rainbow bridge shines down right in the middle of the place. And before he's even finished completely landing, Mjolnir, electrified, is already flying across Greenwhich to take a swipe at the tentacle trying to come through...

Before the Bridge completes its journey, and out steps Thor, where the Hammer returns to his hand, regardless of how much good it may or may not have done against the tentacle. He must hope the Uru metal and electricity is still effective. From there, Thor shouts at whatever bystanders happen to be nearby, and thanks to the All Speech, they all understand. "Evacuate the area. We shall handle this." He neglects to mention who 'we' might be, but he's confident more reinforcements are coming. Particularly because the Sanctum is, well, right over there.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn was enjoying a nice flight through the city, having found a way to modify her jacket to keep her warm while allowing ease of movement if her insecticide wings as she glides over the city. And she was hoping for a nice, peaceful flight when suddenly chaos erupts, bricks start to fly and chaos erupts. "Eek! What's going on?" Wait, was that a giant glowing arm thingy? She flutters by for a closer look, because she clearly never heard what happens to curious cats.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well, if there's ever a given whenever Nick is ever near the Sanctum it's that he probably did not actually intend to be there. Today, he was trying to head to the studio. He had to talk a few things out with Wade regarding the accidental arson from earlier but alas that is not to be.

However, Nick DID catch himself before actually turning towards the building. The sound of brick materials slamming into the pavement is sufficient to draw his attention upwards to the source, causing for him to see the orange limb.

He sighs, shaking his head as he turns into an alleyway. "It's always something..."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    The orange translucent pointed claw reaches through the hole, pucturing the very idea of reality in order to crawl its way into this realm, grows longer and longer and longer as it keeps coming before the base of the claw pushes through with a great effort, and the limb starts to conjur up mental images of a mantis. Until a screaming, streaking hammer smashes into the claw with such force that the thing wrenches around the hole in reality and it's possible for a brief moment to see within the other side. A hell like scape, flames and coals and lava, but spacetime doesn't like it and closes around the limb again as it keeps forcing its way.

    The claw digs into the building with a sick scraping sound, like the largest nail on the largest chalkboard and it uses the grip to pull more of itself into our world, yet a second claw wriggles its way out of the same hole and grows into our world more and more.

Black Cat has posed:
The Bifrost can't be missed, nor can the arrival of the Thunderer. It makes Felicia stare on the far side of the street, still tucked beneath an eave of a small flower shop and content to stay waaaaaaaay out of reach of whatever-the-hell-that-thing-is.

"Whoa. This requires the big league hitters, apparently," she breathes to herself. There's also someone with...fairy wings? Felicia blinks again. "Whooooaaa-okay, that's -- that's cool."

The sound's pitch makes her cringe and slam her gloved hands against her ears, red lips pulled back in a grimace. "Copperfield, where are you?!" she hisses, looking in the direction of the Sanctum.

Wonder Woman has posed:
How she changed her clothing so fast, and how she did it in an alley is a good question for another time (Like that lightsaber one). But in the end, Wonder Woman appears on the top of a building and with her arrival, her right arm is cast out, sending a golden glowing lasso toward the arm that is reaching out of the fiery hell-scape hole in the side of the neighboring building!

With the lasso wrapping around the arm of the magical beast, Diana leaps off of the building and sweeps herself down to slam into the side of it, bracing herself on her armored boots and holding the arm down against the building to try to hold it in place....

She sees him, sees the Thunderer. "Thor!" Wonder Woman calls out, its obvious what she implies though, she's holding it for him to try to do that thing he does with the hammer and the crushing.

Thor has posed:
"Not Muspelheim..." Although that was the first place that came to mind, what with the firey landscape behind it. Still, definitely not that. With more of the creature coming through, he realize he's going to have to be a bit more emphatic about making sure it doesn't complete its journey through that portal.

Which leads to him leaping forward, electrified hammer and all, swining at tentacles/mandibles and or whatever other orange pieces of not supposed to be here he can get a hammer on. Even better, Diana manages to lasso the thing, and that means he can get better swings in. Pounding with merciless strength on that tentacle. "Thanks!"

Thankfully, the civilians are fleeing, both because he told them to and because nobody in their right mind wants to be anywhere near that thing.

Just in case raw energy works better than melee, the Thunder God also summons up a storm, and the sky notably darkens with very black looking clouds. Whether the results falling will be rain or snow is irrelevant to him. The important part is the lightning. And, of course, the Thunder that shall loudly announce his presence. Subtlety, not his bag of chips.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn continues to stare up at the thing, totally awestruck..And while she's not a fully fledged hero..Maybe there is something she can do! She shrugs out of her jacket, wearing simply a long green sweater and blue jeans (no fancy costume today!) And takes to the skies, her wings a blur of silvery pink movement and light. "Okaay, I dunno where you came from, but I'm gonna send you back!" Okaay, just a glimpse of that hellish realm sends shivers down her spine as she flies higher into the air, right above the orange creature, fluttering her wings faster and faster until she showers the air above it in a flurry of pink fairy dust..lMaybe she can at least slow it down with images of sugar plum fairies or,...Other fluffy distracting hallucinations. Give the civvies time to flee.,

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well, alleys aren't the most private, but it's better than doing the switcharoo in the streets. (Hey, don't knock his decision. Even Wonder Woman's doing it.) Back to the entrance way, his facial features are already mirroring while the unpatterned clothes obscures the process from behind. After giving a cursory glance to make sure no one is watching, he steps a bit quicker before starting to shift to the purplish black avian form he has come to enjoy.

Wings spreading out, the raven takes flight, errupting from between the two buildings, path arching upwards. But, he doesn't approach the orange claw thingy. Instead, he's looking around for people that, are having difficulty leaving the area. Which- doesn't seem to be a thing. HOW CONVENIENT.

With nothing else to do, he turns back towards the orange tentacle thingamabober that's throwing the brick whatsits down to the hard thingy on the ground.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    The beast's claws are wrapped up incredibly easily by Wonder Woman, it's hard to dodge an attack when you can't see your limbs that are reaching into an entirely different reality.

    Dark clouds start to form overhead, and while such storms aren't much of a surprise for most New Yorkers at this point in their lives with countless weather controlling entities, so the deep black and grey clouds that thunder heavily and begin to drop flurries onto the ground of the intersection, onto the heros and heroine fighting back against the claws reaching through nothingness.

    However, the heroine in training might need a bit more training. With her dust falling onto the monster the thing begins to shimmer against the particles from Pixie's rapid flapping, and yet two of the greatest heroes on earth are hitting the monster with a hammer, or holding it down against their immeasureable strength. Pixie just inadvertantly dosed her allies.

    The creature's second claw takes the brunt of the hammer and is literally severed by the force of the blow, the puncture in reality splits the claw and yet the force and torque against space-time causes it to tear and more of the beast can be seen and as such it pushes harder and harder, being pulled slightly by Diana as well it's entering this reality and it's not pretty.

Black Cat has posed:
And holy crap, that's Wonder Woman. Forget running away, this is turning into something Felicia's dead-set on hanging around to see! She keeps her back pressed flat against the brick wall while the rest of the passersby flee like startled chickens.

And then there's pink dust to go along with the lightning! She boggles to see this and gets out her phone at this point. "This is nuts," says the Cat even as she flicks the phone up to begin taking pictures. "Ooh. That's a good one, I like the way the legs are all angled there..." she murmurs to herself. At this point, Felicia's probably the last person standing around not actively involved with the orange interdimensional beastie.

She's quite confident in herself, apparently, and the thunder-snow doesn't bother her. She's got an eave over her head, after all.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana is doing her best to keep the mobility of the magical beast at-bay long enough for Thor to smash it and make it regret ever trying to pass through that strange (?) portal and into their reality. The goal here is to reduce damage to the citya nd keep the civilians around safe, its what the Justice League practices most in their team building exercises, when fighting in a place like this... the core of Manhattan.

Diana looks right up as the pink pixie dust comes down upon her and sprinkles all around her, into her dark hair and across her armored form. She breathes it in and though she has a great resistance to many substances, this fairie dust does get her, it makes the whole world around Diana suddenly flash into wild bright pastel colors, like a cartoon version of Manhattan that is only colored like the Easter Bunny.

The Princess lets her dark lashes flutter as she shakes her head side to side to try to shake her mind back to their reality. When she does it, she sees the citizens around her all in the form of giant rabbits, that are standing around holding sparkling shining Eggs... rather than cell phones to record this very dangerous moment in the ever-ongoing madness that is New York City in this world of danger, superheroes and villains to counter.

Diana sucks in a breath and looks back to the portal, her lasso now a shining blue light and its wrapped around.... you guessed it, a gian fluffy bunny tail that Thor is hammering on with a huge swirling colorful oversized candy sucker!

Thor has posed:
Asgardian physiology is highly resistant to most things...there's a reason you typically need Asgardian Ale to even put a dent in their relentless resistance to drugs. But pixie dust? That's some GOOOOOOOD Stuff, and it's enough to throw even the Mighty Thor off.

Now, when Thor finds himself surrounded by illusions...well, for most of his life, the cause has been Loki. And while he's reformed of late..."What have you done now, brother?" Because...he finds himself in a world. A world full of elephants. And...they are all pink! They parade around in a mad dance. Thor instinctively tries to whack the technicolor pachyderms with his hammer...which is hopefully still hitting the creature from another realm. "This is madness..."

"You shall torment me no more!" Whack whack whack! Hammer time!

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn's eyes widen as her dust drift off to unintended targets."Oh noooo, this wasn't supposed to happen! Snap out of it, it's an illusion!" she calls out to the two heroes, but not even she can see what they see, but thankfully most of her illusions are pretty relaxing and not frightening. But surely at least some if it distracted the monster at least, too..? She narrows her eyes, fluttering circles around the monster, trying to distract it long enough for the heroes to come back to their senses. "Hey ugly! Over here!" she waves her arms as she spins circles in the air above.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the bird arcs back, he comes across Pixie. "Hey!" The bird greets, "Can you help me with evaaaaaa-?' The question pauses as the view of Thor playing Asgardian Whack A Mole without the mole and Wonder Woman ju- "The F-?"

Intended request forgotten about, the bird zooms towards the awkward battle. Ok. New plan. Stall.

The bird aims a beak towards the one limb that's sticking out. This... is probably a bad idea. But it's the only one he's got right now. Feathery missle attack go!

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Diana and Thor are both gone to the metaphorical horse races, though Thor's 'wacka-mole' session seems to be having some effect as he finds the creature's semi-see-through limb a couple of times though the same heart doesn't cause the master thunderer to sever the limb with the hole between realities as he did previously, though the claw does seem to struggle, fighting against the lasso still wrapped around it's 'elbow' and turns to try and stap Pixie with the incredibly sharp point. If it is under the influence of Pixie Dust, it's hard to tell, as most of the creature isn't even on earth.

    The attack from Nick causes the creature to recoil, much like the woman the bird-dreamer encountered just the other day and yet down through the interior of the limb a red and blue figure seems to be pulled through the creature's claw like some sort of interdimensional straw.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana is continue to trip-out on the Pixie dust, but she's trying not to let it effect her too greatly... she still has her memories of what had been going on moments before, so she tries hard to focus even as a Bunny with Wings seems to be flying around above all the madness.

"Never... a dull... moment..." Diana states as she starts to use the lasso of Truth to pull herself up the wall toward the bunny ear that she has tied up. She reaches back behind her to grab her sword, just in-case. She passes by a window on her way and inside it a family of turtles are sitting at a table all playing poker and wearing funny little hats.

"That is very normal." The Princess mutters as she keeps ascending. She shakes her head again from side to side. "What is this?!" She calls out to Thor, or anyone else who might have answers.

Thor has posed:
Thor's Asgardian physiology fights off the effect, and suddenly, he can see clearly again. Friendly Fire is one of the biggest nonos in battle, and he's going to have to talk to the faerie girl about that later. "Do not use the dust again. It affects us too." Maybe not for long, but it's still a major distraction, and Diana doesn't appear to have snapped out of it yet.

"We got hit by friendly fire, the monster is still here!" Lightning strikes down from the sky, and Mjolnir acts as the conducting rod, as he slams the zappy hammer into the creature again. "You WILL return to your realm!" Whatever language it speaks, the All Speech still translates...unless it's an unintelligent creature and yelling at it accomplishes nothing of note. Still, just in case it has a brain, yelling at it might be worth the effort.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn bites her lip, darting this way and that, a blur of pink light in the sky. But then a giant bird comes up and calls out to her.,She is briefly distracted, enough for the giant yellow thing to slash at her with sharp thingies. She cries out as her wing is nicked, enough to send her off-course, but she easily catches herself before she can crash to the ground, proving to be quite the while flyer. Thor calls out a warning and she flinches and nods. "I'm sorry! Won't happen again.."Grr, figures she'd mess up around some major league heroes. Biting her lip she goes for another strategy, drawing upon the mystical soul dagger residing within her soul, located in her heart physically. This she pulls out, the length if her forearm and glowing brilliant pink. Hovering closer to the mobster, she yells and hurls it at the arm. It's small compared to Illy's sword but easily thrown, easily summoned back and a powerful anathema to all things magic. Of course she is taking another gamble here..

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well. Ok. So bad idea may have become a good idea? The phantasm doesn't have much time to really enjoy this new information but, being that it seemed to have some effect, might as well try again?

The bird's flight path arches up, looping around in order to gain more momentum, attempting the attack again.

Like a few days ago, the bird doesn't have anything to say, mainly because the few times this move worked, it was when the target didn't see him coming. No point giving the audial cue then. But He's thinking that smart alec remark.

It's a kind of magi- ACK! The bird aborts the second attempt as lightning comes down. Veering off the path, the bird gives a smile, "Whack a Mole guy's back!" He moves back, letting the heavy hitters have at it.

Doctor Strange has posed:




    The creature's limb seems to have zero chance of surviving this unexpected encounter with A god, a Wonder Woman, A Faerie, and a Dream Construct.

    The claw falls towards the street having been more than accounted for with the incredible onslaught. The mass on the inside falls with the translucent skin that disolves into nothingness once severed from the main body, though a great wind flows out from the torn wall of the membrane between dimensions and it seems to flap back and forth as though it can't be closed again of its own accord. Incredible heat flows out and the body that falls from the inside of the creature lands with a thud.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Felicia was about to get a move on when it looked like the heroes were going to finish this thing without too much trouble but then seeing the familiar cloak falling from within the monster, the thief, with silent practiced moves quickly steps up and grabs the unconscious wizard and makes a quick escape to get him and herself back to the Sanctum.

Wonder Woman has posed:
When the arm falls away, Diana comes back to reality while it collapses to the ground and does it's wiggling thing, she lands on the pavement with her lasso held in her hands. The world fades back to normal around her and she coils the lasso back up mostly into a full series of loops while only holding one end still in her opposite hand. She looks down at the arm that they'd just fought free and then upward again to the others who'd helped. When the arm fades, but the portal doesn't, Diana lunges into the air and up to face the large portal to a hellish dimension!

With an indestructible lasso of divine power, Diana starts to swirl it, looping it around in the air until she lashes it out at the portal's edge, so that the glowing golden rope sweeps around and comes back toward her and now she's grasping her rope and pulling it, straining as she tries to pull the portal shut!

Thor has posed:
The Godblast can manifest in many ways. Usually, it's a destructive blast of raw Asgardian power. However, with Mjolnir, Thor can direct the godblast. And here he directs it rather like a vise...trying to squeeze the portal shut. Being as it uses his life force directly, it's the single most exhausting thing he can do...but for the sake of this realm, he will put his all into closing this portal!

The vise around the portal tries to push it shut from all directions, in his best attempt to aid Diana at shutting it. While the battle itself didn't work up much of a sweat, the effort he's using here definitely gets one going.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The bird's eyes widen as the blue and red becomes more prominent in its descent. He's about to fly after it before noticing another familiar form coming over to retrieve him. "...Always with the entrances." He mutters before looking back to the hole. "I don't think that's closing on its own... Anyone got a magic needle and th-"

He flies out of the way of the lasso.

The bird watches as the two Gods manage to start pushing things back together. Which, honestly is a bit out of his strength range.

He hangs around long enough to make sure nothing else comes out while the hole is being tended to. But upon it closing, he shrugs, "Ok- Um, looks like I'm done here."

Wings flapping, he flies off, taking a slightly indirect, non-bird route to the Sanctum. Looks like he's going to be making tea again...

Wonder Woman has posed:
In the end the combined efforts of the Themysciran and the King of Asgard work to seal the portal. Its pulled shut and though it takes time, it does come to eventually close. Throughout it all, Diana is there to wait and watch with the emergency responders who keep civilians free and clear of it all.

Once it's done, Diana feels a moment of relief but to those with her she unfolds her arms and she glances in the direction of the Wizard's house... she knows it well.

"We are going to have questions for the good Doctor, I do believe." She tells the others then with a faint smirk and a little shake of her head. "Thankfully no one was injured, even if just slightly disturbed by the... all of it." Diana uncrosses her arms from her stomach then and starts to walk toward the Police Officer on duty and in charge of the scene, the last signs of the glowing portal had faded away now as the night sky had settled in over Manhattan.

Thor has posed:
Thor seems quite exhausted from that one. He wipes the sweat from his brow. "...That...always takes it out of me. I shall require some ale after that. Diana, would you like to come up for an ale or two?" In the relative safety of Asgard, where negative publicity won't be a problem.

The people are safe, however, and that's the important thing. He'll wait for an answer before the Bifrost comes, again.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana, on her way to speak to the Officer, looks back over her shoulder and offers a smile to the Asgardian King. "I am afraid I must attend to this, for all we know another portal could be about to open any moment, if one has not already done so somewhere else!" The Princess then turns back the direction she was headed and moves on toward the officers who are approaching her now, as she's grown to know most of them well enough to speak to them on a first name basis, they're usually always quite happy to work with her.

Thor has posed:
"Very well! Let us hope there is time to recover before the next one. You are likely right, another portal will come. Just...hopefully not tonight..." And the Bifrost comes, and Thor is off to recuperate from his victory with many an ale and regaling Asgard with the story of the portal of doom.