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Whose Birthday is it, Anyway
Date of Scene: 02 April 2020
Location: Breakstone Lake - Xavier's School
Synopsis: A birthday party is thrown for Megan (And Logan). Cake and gifts are had!
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Superboy, Red, Doctor Strange, Shadowcat, Wolverine, Prismatic, Nightingale

Pixie has posed:
Well...Today is the day after April Fool's, which is kinda funny because that would have been perfect for Megan's birthday! But today works just as well! Unfortunately birthday girl isn't quite here yet as decorations are being set up around the lake; Colorful helium balloons, rainbow streamers, and a large table with cake and other goodies (which no doubt Shannon did a lot of baking herself) are set up..

Now if only someone could find the birthday girl!?

Superboy has posed:
Conner doesn't know Megan very well, but they have met a few times and hit off great. In fact, he has been texting her since their last meeting. So, of course he would show up for her 18th birthday. And since she is a mutant with wings, he is not bothering to hide he is able to fly.

In fact, he almost came here with the red-on-black S T-shirt. Finally, he decided to be a little less blatant, wear a regular button up shirt and nicer slacks, not jeans. It is birthday party after all. He is not sure how fancy are Megan's friends. He did come with the leather jacket, though.

Red has posed:
Technically, Alice doesn't even know Megan more than a meeting in the shop she works at. The only reason she is back in Westchester, this time on her own dime, is to deliver some papers. Application papers. Because trusting postal service with documents that state you are an x-gene carrier is a gamble that Alice doesn't want to take. So as she arrives up at the target afress, she is kinda surprised to find an arrow to direct people... to.. uh... a party? She seems to have a knack to crash into Xavier parties...

Doctor Strange has posed:
This time the tall, beared, man wearing sunglasses with the nice, grey suit, red tie, brown shoes, and dark overcoat arrives sans costume. A look around, and the man holds up the package he has in his outstrectched hand. It is wrapped in silver birthday wrap with a pretty, pink bow on the top. Dr. Strange of course.

"I apologize for my tardiness. The Denizens from...the Superstore down the street were...impeding my sped in getting here. I had to oblige by dealing with the problem. I am sure you understand." Not the denizens of the Dark Dimension?

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's carefully making her way out here with enough party food for, well, for enough for everyone. Sh's got a bit of everything, and, clad in a silly party hat, she's adding to the whole bringing food. Kitty's definitely going absolutely all in on this...

Even Lock's got a hat on, a tiny Lockheed sized party hat too and Kitty's tied a party ribbon to his tail (much to the dragon's annoyance), so strolling out here, Kitty calls over.

"Hey, anyone out her...." she begins then spies people!

Wolverine has posed:
Logan follows closely behind Kitty as they head out towards the lake. His hands are shoved into his denims as he grumbles all the way out as he chews on a cigar. "Fer cryin' out... I?m almost two hundred years old. How the hell was I tricked... I don't need to be going to some kiddie party. There isn't even any beer." he finishes. That?s Logan curmudgeon to the end.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is late, totally late..To her own birthday no less! What the heck, did she forget or something!? The party is still well underway, and hey, they have two birthdays to celebrate, with Logan and Megan's b-days being back to back. So where the heck are the birthday kids?!

Oh, wait, it's a bird, it's a plane, no...Its...A fairy! creating a trail of glittery pink behind her as she streaks through the air, a certain Pixie dashes towards the party, all set in her pale pink, crushed velvet dress and a white faux fur stole overtop, cuz its still a little chilly even with the long sleeves and white shimmery leggings.

"Oooh, waiiit for meee!" she cries as she dives downwards..And lands CRASH into a fluffy bush in her haste to make it. "Ooof...Owie..That huuurt!"

Superboy has posed:
Conner doesn't know anyone else in the party, but that doesn't stop him from introducing himself and asking for Megan to most everyone, "hey, I am Conner, so where is she?" Except Logan and Strange who are way too old and likely chaperoning someone. Or watching for kids trying to smuggle alcohol in their backpacks. Like, uh, Conner has a backpack.

In his defense he has there Megan's birthday present, too.

Also, he bought the beers in Canada, where it is legal.

Megan's arrival takes him by surprise, but he is the first to get to the crash site, "damn girl. That was not the best landing. You okay?" He asks, helping her to stand.

Red has posed:
Alice blinks as she ends on that birthday party spot, searching a spot at the edge where she wouldn't be the most obvious. In the pocket of her lumberjack jacket she has the envelope with the papers Kitty had given her the day before. But who had birthday here? Oh wait, that woman with the wings? She had seen her that day last week, yes?

"Dang, careful with thow wings! You don't wanna have them shredded as you crash into that buffet."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Are you okay Ms Gwynn? That was quite the tumble." Nodding towards Conner first as he helps Megan, eyeing the beer with a raised eyebrow, then Alice, Strange enters the area. "Well, it seems like this is a full house then. Happy Birthday to the birthday girl, of course." Strange mutters a few words, and with a gentle snap of his fingers, the small package he brought floats over to a nearby resting place for opening later.

Looking sideways at Kitty, Strange maneuvers his way closer, and with a wan smile, reveals something from his other pocket. "I've always been fascinated by your partner here, Ms. Pryde. Perhaps this will be a nice way for your Dragon and I to get acquainted?" In his outstretched hand is a "dragon treat" that smells AMAZING to Lockheed. Best treat ever. Magically of course.

"Been keeping that for the next time we met, Lockheed..." Hearing Logan's words, Strange turns his attention from the dragon and Kitty towards the "grumpy old man." Logan. "I see you haven't gotten brighter in those 200 years. Perhaps this might help?" Suddenly in Strange's left hand is a very large glass mug. "Would you mind holding it? It should be just what you were wishing for in a few seconds."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty laughs, "Oh sure" she nods and then looks to Logan and the glass mug.

See, there's beer. Go figure" Kitty smirks watching as Lockheed's pestering for the dragon treat. "No. You're not taking him home" kitty says and looks pleased. hey. Lockheed's that adorable!

The magic gets a grin from her as she looks to the beer. "Fine, I'll enjoy one too then. Cheer up you crankky old guy, you got beer, and your birthday's around this time of year too" she adds, strolling to the buffet to set food down and returns back to the othert. Though while she walks, she spies Alice and gives her a wave.

Wolverine has posed:
Accepting the glass mug from Kitty, Logan mumbles. "It was yesterday." just before downing the beer. When he gets half way through he stops and starts to look around then decides to finish off the mug.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis arrives a bit late on the scene, giving a huff as the dark-haired singer carries a box under her arm.

    "Oi, you lot! Did we get clearance from the tower for that landing?" Alexis calls out with a grin, rbbing the back of her head as she smiles, looking about the gathering, giving a curious look to Strange's temptation of Lockheed.

Nightingale has posed:
     A late arrival to the party is heralded by what looks like little more than a very large covered cake pan on legs. The bearer of said pan seems to be dressed in a pale blue sun dress, ankle-length, cute flip-flops with little daisies on the toes, and... yep. There are the wings. Big, white, and feathery. It's not hard to tell who made the cake. "Help? Someone talk me over to somewhere I can set this down, please? I can't see a thing behind this pan!"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pops up after a bit of wrestling in the bushes and really, it looks like she does this deliberately for the rush or something. Because when she wants to, she's actually a pretty graceful flyer. Still, she takes the hand most graciously, grinning at Conner as she climbs to her feet, wiping off the dirt and grass. And hey, her wings are pretty darn tough, a lot tougher than they look and not at all damaged from that landing.

"HIii! You came! I'm soo happy!" she giggles at Conner, and while she doesn't know him terribly well, they have been on a couple adventures together. And he's kinda cute, so she gives him a well-deserved hug, eyes widenning at the present. "Ooooh, is that for me? C'mon, I'll introduce you to everyone.."

And with that, Megan leads him around, waving and introducing him to people. "Hii Alice! Good to see you again, this is Conner, conner, this is Alice, and ooh, there's Kitty!" she waves to Kitty, "The old guy is Logan, you're like, what, 400 years old now or something? Oh yeah his birthday was yesterday so I'm sure Kitty strong-armed him into coming to celebrate today as well.." she teases him as she waves to him as well, "Ooh, and you already know Dr. Strange, I mean, he's like, Famous! Hiii Doctor Strange! I'm soo glad you came! Oooh, and this is Alexis! Heey, I haven't seen you in a while, is Samuel with you?" she grins and nods to her music teacher, who probably helped her to prep for the upcoming concet tomorrow.

And hey, they're playing upbeat music now and tossing balloons and streamers, and there is a table for gifts for both Logan and Megan cuz heck, everyone knows Logan is a loner and most likely spent his b-day on his own, hidden in some cave somewhere or something..

OOoh, and there's Lockheed with his own little party hat and isn't he adorable? Megan giggles as she waves to him, "This is Lockheed, isn't he the cutest lil' dragon you ever did see?"

Ooooh and there's Shannon, with a big tasty cake! "Yaaay! Shannon! I'd hug you if you weren't carrying a cake..Right over here!" she leads her towards the dessert table, "Ooh, and hey, Shannon, meet Conner." She'd like to call him her 'date' but maybe that's a bit presumptive? so she leaves it at that.

Doctor Strange has posed:
Tossing the treat towards Lockheed with a wink, Strange offers the mug to Logan, and then, suddenly, a requested one for Kitty. "I have a few of those enchanted goblets, Ms. Pryde. Logan. Please, enjoy. It is a day for enjoying. The beer is pretty good, a taste for Canadian sensibilities of course."

Strange nods to both, and then looks over at Megan. "Well, Ms. Gwynn, another year older. Congratulations. I brought you a special present. It is magical, a necklace if you will, that allows you access to the Academy we will be opening soon. Keep it safe, and welcome."

Nodding his head to all present, Strange says, "Unfortunately I cannot stay long. I just came to wish you a Happy Birthday Ms. Gwynn. Good luck, and I will see you soon. Good day everyone!" With that Strange takes his leave.

Red has posed:
Alice chuckles a few moments at the exchanges before giving Megan a light wave as she introduces her to Connor a moment, nodding to him. But then she moves over to Kitty in an answer to the wave. "You have a moment?" she says, tugging the envelope from her pocket and flattening it a little because it had to be bent to fit into the pocket. She doesn't really over the first moment, but takes some long moments of turning the thing twice before giving it to the guidance counsel with a sigh. "Had a long talk with my parents last night and all."

Inside are of course the application papers given to her. Filled out. Signed. "Who's birthday is it anyway? I mean... I didn't plan to crash another birthday party... and... I don't have any gift with me..."

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis gives a smile, giving a nod to Logan and Kitty, regarding the other faculty with a smile as she turns to Megan, setting the brightly colored and somewhat weighty box under her arm on the table.

    "Ah -- I've not seen Sam today. He might still be drilling some of the students with jogging errands." she gives a smile to Megan.

    The box is about twelve by twelve inches, and wrapped with brilliant, swirly, sparkly pink-and-green wrapping paper with white ribbon. "Pleasure to meet your acquaintence, Mr...?" Alexis inquires, reaching out to shake Conner's hand.

Superboy has posed:
"Oh yeah, this is for you," confirms Conner, giving the birthday girl a rectangular case. Aviator sunglasses, polarized and resistant to crashes. "I had to use goggles when I started flying," he admits quietly, "bugs in the eyes are the worst. Also, reflections made me crash a couple times."

No comments about people stealing his beer. It was for the party anyway.

As Megan does the introductions, he shakes hands or kisses cheeks, as proper. Lockheed get as few blinks and then a handshake. Clawshake. Whatever works.

"I'll help!" He replies to Shannon, grabbing the pan with a hand, "this is smells great, where should I put it down?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "Oh, bless you, Megan! I wasn't counting on this thing turning out so damn bulky!" Yes, even the angelic-seeming one could get a wee bit salty on occasion. Shannon somehow manages to find a spot on the dessert table for the cake and sets it down, uttering a sigh of relief and catching her breath. "Whew. I was scared I'd biff it on the way out here. That'd suck, because this is my present for you."

     With great care, the fairly tall lid is lifted from the large pan. What is revealed is something that should perhaps have come out of a professional bakery, save for a few minor flaws in the frosting. The cake is double-tiered, with basketweave frosting designs on the side, scalloped designs around the edges, and sprinklings of pale pink sugar like pixie dust all here and there along the creamy white surface. The second tier of the cake is actually set upon four Greek column decorations set into the bottom layer.

     "Figured strawberry with cream cheese frosting might do the trick, Megan." Shannon smiles wide. "Happy birthday, you."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn pouts a bit at Alexis, "Awwe that's too bad..Well I hope you two can come to the concert tomorrow!" she smiles, taking the gift. "Ooh, soo pretty, thanks!" she pouts a bit at Strange too, "Awwe, at least stay for the cake? It looks soo good!" she grins at the necklace, and the glasses, taking them both and beaming, "Awwe, thanks you guys! Hey logan, I got you something too!" and she hands him a slightly crumpled but sparkly silver box. She beams at the cake, "Thanks again Shanon, it's perfect!"

Superboy has posed:
"A concert?" That is new for Conner. Friday evenings are usually busy, but maybe he can rearrange things. He helps set the giant cake and looks at Shannon with some respect. She made that alone? Must be a super-power, she has wings after all.

Actually, it looks most of Megan's friends have superpowers. If Logan is 400. And Dr. Strange does ring a bell. And there is a girl with a cat-sized dragon. "Are your friends and you a super-hero team?" He whispers at Megan?

Wolverine has posed:
Having drank his beer, Logan had found him a nice quiet spot to sit to smoke his cigar. All the while everyone else partied. As everyone talked and exchanged pleasantries Logan just sat back and watched. It?s what he does. That is until he hears his name called and Megan just hands him a box. "Look kid you didn.." and off she went to admire her cake.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis shakes hands blushes appropriate at a cheek kiss, and shake her head slightly as Megan sets about being the social butterfly.

    she doesn't look like a mutant, doesn't have anything obvious about her and other than the 'music teacher' remark, the short woman looks like she could be just one of the older students. She wipes her hands on her jeans, sparkles clinging to the denim, looking out over the lake.

    She gives a slight nod to Logan, with the silvery box.

    "Kids." she states, half jokingly.

Nightingale has posed:
     A smile of gratitude is offered to both Megan and Conner for their assistance in getting the cake safely to the dessert table. She sketches a bow to Conner and smiles, her brow arching ever so slightly as she hears hints of his question to the birthday girl. She holds her breath for a moment and keeps her fingers mentally crossed, hoping and praying for the best--with a tiny, almost imperceptible shake of her head to Megan.

     Alexis catches her eye next and she gives an up-nod to the striking, talented musician, with an impish, almost Cheshire Cat sort of grin. You know, the 'I-know-something-you-don't-know' that kids give each other around the holidays. To both Alexis and Conner, she nods in confirmation of the concert. "Indeed, I believe the birthday girl here will be stunning us all with her voice tomorrow at the concert. I believe there's to be a mix of a group performance, and a few solo pieces as well. She's really more talented than she gives herself credit for."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles a bit nervously at Conner's question. Well, the whole 'X-men' thing is like, a big secret and she just shrugs and grins, "Nah, guess I just happen to have a lot of really talented friends!" she grimaces. Ugh, she's soooo not good with the secrets thing but. "Ummm, see, a lot of my friends are um, students at Strange Academy and stuff, so..." That'd explain the dragon and her fairy wings and stuff! Maybe..?

More nervous chuckle is given, and she's totally sweating it cuz yeah...She's a bit of a motormouth at the worst of times. Talk of the concert does give her a chance to quickly change the subject though and she nods eagerly, "Yeah, that's right! I'm gonna be performing at Club Evolution tomorrow afternoon in a talent show..I hope you can make it, it'll be lots of fun!"

As for Logan's gift? Well, if he DOES unwrap it, he'll find a very nice little mp3 player..With a bunch of preloaded songs, mostly from Megan's own band - the Tinx! Which will be performing tomorrow, which he'll definitely be attending..Right? Right!? Oh yeah and it has other music too, like the kinda stuff he probably likes, heavy rock, metal music, y'know, anger music!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty watches all this go down with a quiet, if highly amused look. Glancing over to Megan, Kitty realizes she's forgotten, in all the excitement, to bring a gift. Great. She'll just....actually no. Kitty has got Megan a gift. It's in Kit Kat's room, and she just needs a good time to slip off and get it. See. Kitty knows Megan.

Also, adorable cat size dragon who is treated like a cat, yes, yes. Kitty isn't sure leaving him around alcohol, party food and oh yes, Shannon's home made cake is smart. So instead, she'll take the risk off a dragon hat. Or use her shoulder as a perch, or....as happens, just have the dragon trot alongside her. No need for the collar now. So into the school Kitty slips, though....she's aiming for her room, then kitchen, then...back out here. Kitty is so tempted to attach notes to Lockheed and have him be a glorified pigeon carrying messages.

Then again. No, no. So she just opts for simple and calls over, "Hey Megs, I'm going to get your gift. I'll be back in a few"

Cue Megs actually....walking through a door. Phasing is for inside. See, Kitty tucks the envelope away safely. It's absolutely not Megs gift. it's destined for Jean's office. Important paperwork does not respect birthdays. Kitty debates putting a honey badger sticker on the envelope to symbllize this if she can find one, really. It fits

Superboy has posed:
"I will be there," promises Conner. "That is the place in Mutant Town, right? I think I have been there once or twice." Megan looks nervous at his question, so he decides to change subject (and how they are not a supervillain team!). "So, what comes now? Do you blow the candles or do we party for a while...?"

Kitty door-phasing makes he blink again. "Very talented, I bet. Hey, I am going to get something to drink. Back in a minute."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon breathes a slight sigh of relief; it seems Megan's making strides on learning when and when not to be a motormouth. A smile is given to her and Conner, and a wink to the pair. Yeah, she'll be keeping an eye on those two. And likely teasing the crap out of them.

     She steps back into the crowd of those celebrating the day, letting Megan take center stage as she should. Her own mind appears to be elsewhere--perhaps mentally preparing for the concert, or... perhaps even elsewhere? Who knows, these days!

Prismatic has posed:
    "Mm. I think she'll be just fine for the concert. She has plenty of talent to work with and has brushed well up on her skills." she gives a wry smile, folding her arms behind her back a moment. "I'll have ot see if I'm available, or if I have a lesson to give tomorow." she replies .

Nightingale has posed:
     Nodding towards Alexis, Shannon smiles lightly. "Hopefully you can make it. Wouldn't be the same without you and Sam." She offers Alexis a hug anD A smile. "That reminds me, after the party is all over with, I've got a bit of practicing to do for the event myself. Nothing major, but it'd be nice for Megan if I got it right." The hint about solo performances might not have been an idle one....

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn also relaxes a bit, waving to Kitty and Conner as they hurry off. Oh and Strange too! And whoever else crept off. Honestly, it's not a huge party and she was wise not to invite the entire school or something, but..

"Ooh, I cant wait to hear you play too, Shannon!" she grins and waves to Conner, "Cool, hope to see you there!"

Glancing to Alexis, she nods, "Well, it'd be nice if you and Sam can make it.."

But it's getting late and that cake is getting cold, so she waves and grins to them before heading off to much on some cake and to talk to her Tinx friends about their performance tomorrow.