12056/On the roof

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On the roof
Date of Scene: 22 August 2020
Location: Roof Tower - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jimmy and Terry found Shannon on the roof having a bit of a break down. They talked her down and sent her on her way.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Warpath, Siryn

Nightingale has posed:
     True, the memo had been out for a couple of weeks. True, Miss Grey was never anything less than honest to everyone under her care at the school. But Shannon had hoped beyond hope that this time, she was seeing things. There was just no way -he- could really be here. It was pure insanity.

     What in the name of God's green acres was Victor Creed doing on campus?

     Ever since the confirmation last night by her teammates about the veracity of the message from a couple weeks before, Shannon had absented herself from her usual haunts. The kitchen was devoid of the smells of dishes that usually heralded her presence there. The rec room bore no sign of her having been there, the music classroom was empty of the usually musical young healer-in-training, and even the stable had only the horses and Brightwind within the stalls.

     But there was a breadcrumb trail leading towards the rooftop tower. Or rather, a trail of small flight feathers left in such random fashion, it suggested molting.

Warpath has posed:
     She might hear the sound of Jimmy's voice and the Irish lilt of Terry's as well. He looks at the floor and then up towards the roof. A grim sigh and he moves to the edge of the entrance to the roof and looks out at Shannon,"Hey. You lost shik'isn?" Of course he can see she is upset, but he's going to let her decide what she wants to tell him for right now. He's not pushing.

Siryn has posed:
Terry went from laughing to concerned. "Are you okay?" Shik'isn. And he wasn't digging at her. Okay. Hmmm. "Shannon, isn't it? So many names." She shrugs, as if to say, 'sorry if I got it wrong'.

Nightingale has posed:
     Upset perhaps isn't the word. The young woman's wings are actually trembling as she looks out over the railing towards the lake. And, as she turns to glance back over her shoulder, her color is decidedly off. "It is, miss Cassidy." Shannon's voice is unusually soft, even for the usually soft-spoken musician. She peers over at Warpath, then Terry, then back at Warpath, as if weighing just how much and what to say. "Let's just say denial ain't just a river in Egypt." Too, she seems to find it difficult to look either of them straight in the eye. "And on top of that, it feels as if I let you both down, in the medbay. I'm sorry I wasn't able to do more to help, when you both needed it the most."

Warpath has posed:

     There is a soft sigh in the deepest parts of his lungs and Jimmy steps out onto the roof with her,"All right then." he comments and walks over to sit next to her,"Listen to me little sister. You came to our aid when asked and you handled yourself admirably."

     He isn't the quickest at some things, but he is getting this is deeper,"So. What is really bothering you? I count on you, you count on me. Terry is safe, you can talk around her. She's one of my oldest friends. So...what gives?"

Siryn has posed:
Terry's brow furrows. "Ah never you mind. I vomited until I could any more, and then I slept. Nothing you could have done, really. Ask Jimmy. After that, it's been taking the meds they have me on. Really. You were just.. I'm fine."

As for the other, she thinks she has a bit of it, even though she has no clue who he is. A boy ? Maybe.

She steps onto the terrace and sits on the edge of the roof. Far enough that if they were to have a private talk they could do so, yet she's close enough she is included.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon closes her eyes tightly, taking several deep breaths as if steeling herself. "I'd hoped that memo a couple weeks ago was a fluke somehow, even though Miss Grey is nothing less than honest and forthright with all of us. But it's not."

     Raking her fingers through her hair, she lets out another sigh, a small feather fluttering to the ground. "I trust her and Mr. Summers with my life, and everyone's here. But in this... I feel awful saying it, but on this one, I question the sanity of the whole thing, and just hope that it's actually doing some good. Good god, this is someone who was actually able to take down Logan and put him in the medbay for a week. And he's one of the toughest souls I know. Both of you are... but... yeah."

Warpath has posed:
     "Creed." Jimmy comments softly and shakes his head with a sigh,"I can't say I am in love with the idea either." he admits. Looking over the area where Shannon looks he tells her gently,"When I found out where Terry was I was willing to consider taking him with me to get her back, but it would have had to be just him and I. Maybe Logan too." He nudges her gently and adds,"Instead I took my family to save my family. We were all better off for it."

Siryn has posed:
James earns a 'I don't know' kind of look. "Maybe you could go back a bit for those of us who were out of it." Of course Jimmy has spilled *who*, but Terry is still confused. "Care to include me?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Without another word, Shannon turns and opens her eyes to look at them both. It only takes a few steps to close the distance, and if neither of them prevent it, she draws both Warpath and Terry into a fierce hug. "I'm glad we all came out of that place okay," she murmurs. "But you, miss Cassidy, owe me ice cream for 'decorating' the front of my jumpsuit." The last is spoken with some measure of good humor, as she tries to push aside the terror for the moment.

     But sooner or later, she would have to face that fear head-on.

     And it seemed that Terry would not be getting an answer from the winged teen. Not for the moment, at any rate.

Warpath has posed:
     Returning the hug that Shannon offers he meets Terry's gaze and the word 'later' forms without speaking it. There is a nod and leaves it there for the moment. He forces a smirk at the idea of owing ice cream.

     "There is a place not too far from here. Once Terry is ok to walk about then you two should have a few scoops. A lot of the kids talk about it. Shannon probably already knows."

Siryn has posed:
"Tell you what, when we're all alone, I'm just Terry. Or Theresa if you're feeling kinda formal. I keep looking over my shoulder to see 'Miss Cassidy'. Honest to god I do." And to prove it she crosses her fingers over her heart.

As for ice cream, "Some as I get the a-ok from medical."

Nightingale has posed:
     "I was raised a little old-fashioned that way. But... yeah, okay. Outside the classroom, I'll go for Terry." Pausing, Shannon chuckles a little bit, flicking her eyebrows in a bit of a quirky sort of gesture. "You know, my mother's name is Terry. That... yeah, I'll either have to stick with Theresa, or find a nickname for you. Trouble Magnet." Cough, cough.

     Peering up at Warpath, she smiles faintly, and nods. "Oh, I know the place. Keep Lockheed out of there. Found out the hard way him and dairy don't agree."

Warpath has posed:
     "Only one Trouble Magnet that I know of." Jimmy teases lightly. Seeing her ease up a little Jimmy nods in approval,"Ice cream for the two of you. Keeps you both happy." He doesn't really seem to big on the idea of getting some for him. Health nuts anyway. He considers Shannon a moment and asks,"You better?"

Siryn has posed:
"I'm sure you can come up with something." Terry laughs, "But don't get help from that one." Poking fun at Jimmy.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Oh, no, he's still coming up with variants on that nickname for me." Shannon rolls her eyes a bit, smiling for just a moment.

     But Warpath's question gives her pause, and she seems to consider an answer. "I'm not sure," she finally replies. "That man scares the shit of me like very little else can. But I can't run scared forever." She takes a deep breath, not liking where this train of thought was going one bit, yet knowing sooner or later, it would have to come to pass.

     "I'll have to face that fear directly."

Warpath has posed:
     He winks at Terry and then looks down at Shannon again,"Nobody likes it, but if Scott and Jean want him here there is little that can be done about it." he explains,"You're a student here and so long as you are I'll be here to annoyingly make sure you get through on one piece." A look to Terry and he adds,"Just have to get Terry back on the teaching wagon so there are people here to take care of you guys."

Siryn has posed:
"See? He picks on both of us." Terry crinkles her nose at him.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Well, of course he would," Shannon quips, nudging Terry very gently in the ribs. "He has an easy target." Ahem. No names mentioned, dear reader. Not as the would-be healer does her best to paste an oh-so-innocent little smile on her face. Even just the ghost of one.

Warpath has posed:
     Looking out over the yard, Jimmy notices two boys getting a little too rambunctious. There is a deep sigh and he stands up,"Duty calls." he mutters and walks to the edge of the roof. A quick jump from the roof and he lands on the ground between the two of them. He's annoyed and they are both shocked. He picks up each one and carries them but thier shoulder towards the house. That's gotta be uncomfortable.

Siryn has posed:
"Ouch. I might have to change your invitations back to Miss Cassidy. Maybe Miss Theresa if I was feeling generous." Theresa laughs. "Just you remember that!"

She leans over the wall, looking. "Oops, bet they aren't having the best time of their life. Always make sure nobody is watching you."