12423/Danger Room in Space
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Danger Room in Space | |
Date of Scene: | 07 November 2020 |
Location: | Danger Room - X-Men Base |
Synopsis: | James and Jubilee has a DR session with some students. |
Cast of Characters: | Warpath, Nightingale, Jubilee, Red
- Warpath has posed:
The Danger Room is set to inactive and being prepared for a session. Jimmy left on his classroom bulletin board yesterday saying he would have the Danger Room open for anyone that wanted a training session tonight. Word gets around of course.
Standing at the controls, Jimmy sets a few parameters into the simulator and looks down at the main entrance. Checking his watch he nods, there is a little time left after all.
- Nightingale has posed:
While the note on Warpath's bulletin board had not specified uniforms were needed, Shannon knew all too well that even with the safeties on, the Danger Room could sometimes wreak havoc on clothing. So when she slips into the room, it's in her black and yellow 'bumblebees', her hair pinned up in a bun at the back of her head--including the little blue braid on the left side of her face. As always, she has her little brown leather bag with her, tied to a black utility belt. On the right side, a metallic cylinder also is attached. For once, she is deadly calm, taking a few moments to stretch out properly while waiting to see who else shows up.
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee makes her way down. For some sort of training today, she dresses for training. Yellow leotard with a blue X, blue leg warmers, and a pink headband. "Good evening, hi everyone."
- Red has posed:
Alice went down to the Danger room for training only about once in a blue moon. But today she was there. Stretching as she got into the room, she had made sure to bring plenty chunks of plastic in her pockets, because the danger room holograms didn't serve as targets for her power. So she came prepared so she could at least do something. "Random group training, birdy?" She doesn't have a costume that would work as a unifrm yet, but she did bring a mask. Not her own. A design she 'borrowed' from an established hero: the green Lantern Domino mask. Just in red. So... More like Red Hood. Or Speedy.
- Warpath has posed:
Waving to the new arrivals, Jimmy hits a button and the Danger Room kicks into the gear. A hangar comes into view and it is in full alert. There is one plane in the hangar and a rather non descript blonde man runs past the three gathered and heads towards the plane,"You three are the next wave. Wheel up in three." Helpful isn't he?
For those who have been through Jimmy's training will recognize this time he didn't give them any warning, plan, or objectives. It seems like they get to learn on the run. Nothing like in medias res to start the training.
- Nightingale has posed:
Shannon waves to Jubilee and smiles. "'Evening, miss Lee. Think this is going to be a first, don't remember ever training with you before." Too, she waves to Alice, chuckling. "Seems like it. Let's just hope the Danger Room doesn't go ape on us this time. Not that it would -ever- happen, right?" Rolling her eyes, she chuckles, easing up out of her stretch....
...to find the room changing around them, and who knows what happening. A few oaths in various languages drop from her lips, the winged teen rolling her eyes and looking up towards where the control room would normally be. "Shik'isn, you have interesting training methods." Turning to the other two, she shrugs and motions towards the plane. "Guess that's our ride? Shall we?"
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee waves to everyone, and smiles to Shannon. "I do more training than I should at my cabin. We're going to change that." Once things get started, she's dashes for the plane. "I'm not going to try to guess how long three is, and just go."
- Red has posed:
"Looks more like that's his." Alice answers to Shannon, scanning the hangar the world shifts to, looking for another vehicle before she follows up Jubilee, running right after. "Hey, I can't fly!"
- Warpath has posed:
The man in the plane waits of course, expecting the three of you to get on board and he announces,"We are go for high altitude recon and then possible incursion. The lockers have light weight, zero gee, environmental suits. You should look at them once we are levelled out. You'll need one."
He hits a button and the entry ramp starts to close and the jet, a little more high tech than even the Blackbird, appears to be capable of the high altitude flight in question,"I hope you ladies aren't afraid of heights." The jet powers up and heads towards the far wall, an opening leading out into the sky.
- Nightingale has posed:
Immediately, Shannon's heart rate shoots up, the color draining from her face as she looks back at the lockers. Her wings immediately tense behind her, and she swallows, hard. But there is no help for it. Silently, she straps in, her eyes wide. Oh, no, it wasn't heights that scared her. It was something else....
- Red has posed:
Alice straps herself into the jet's seat as they raise, eying between the two others. "Ok, space... that's... bad, right? like no air, right?" she tries to spot the telltale window of the operator room, but it's not there. "Anyone of you ever been there? Because the fursthest I have been away from home is Westchester county. Like, seriously." With an appologetic smile she starts to empty her pockets onto the chair next to her. "Eh, Pilot, do those suits have pockets?"
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee takes a deep breath. "Well, this just got weird." She's probably been in space before? Probably? But still weird even if so. "It happens. You never know. Even if not space, tehre's always something weird. Just have to calm down and follow instructions." Which does does, first by taking a seat and strapping in.
- Warpath has posed:
Once everyone is settled, the plane picks up speed fast. It blasts into the waiting evening sky and starts to climb,"There are pouches for them." he replies to the question about pockets. After that he is quiet, because he starts to climb...fast. The world is getting left behind at a high rate of speed and you can feel the pressure against the seats at the exreme climb. Everyone is getting a close up look at high g's and how fast the atmostphere vanishes.
- Nightingale has posed:
"I have," Shannon murmurs, deathly quiet. Her voice is shaking as she straps in, as are her hands. "Twice. Don't ask." The atmosphere vanishing out the windows is nothing new to her. The sight of the planet below actually did a bit to calm her. But the minute she looked back at the lockers, her heart rate shot up all over again.
Focus on the mission.
Taking several deep breaths, Shannon turns back to the pilot. "You mentioned recon and a possible incursion. What are we looking for? Who do we think might be coming? What do we know at this point?"
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee hangs on, listening to the explanations, and the questions, but mostly leaning over and looking out the window. "Yeah I mean, why are we here? What are we supposed to be doing?"
- Red has posed:
Alice sorts the blocks a little as she clings to the chair, eying the sky getting darker as she is pressed into the chair. "E...everybody ok?"
As the gravity vanishes, she flails after the items that start to get carried away. Releasing the seatbelt, pushing herself after the plastic blocks that had started to float to the front. "That's not good, not good..." she commented as she tried to grab them and toss them back to the lockers in time before they would be out there. "What's the misison anyway, yes?"
- Warpath has posed:
The pilot is a bit caught up in his work to take too many questions right now, but as the ship breaks the atmosphere and they are out of the atmosphere. Stars wash out in every direction. Ahead of them there is a gathering of ships of unknown origin. Several of them are burning and one seems to be plunging towards the planet at the plane.
"Suit up fast." the pilot calls back,"There are several other teams up here, mostly Avengers and some of you X-Men sorts. They have slowed most of the attack, but that large cruiser is still powering towards Earth and they don't have good intentions." The gravity is restored after a moment as the pilot throws a switch.
- Red has posed:
Alice chokes a moment as she falls, fighting her way back to the feet, then she grabs one of the suits, working herself into it. "Would be so much easier if this wasn't just a hologram..." she complaints to the directer before she grabs her plastic chunks to stuff into the pockets. Only then she secures the helmet.
"Ok... I am done... how's you?"
- Nightingale has posed:
Stark terror is etched into Shannon's features, and for a moment, it looks as if she might actually freeze. But she looks out the window to see the ships burning, and can't help thinking of those who might need help.
"...but if you can't find a way to keep going, how many other people are going to die instead?"
Those words, spoken to her what seemed ages ago, are enough to get her out of her seat, moving past the fear at least that far, and heading for the lockers. Thankfully, it seems as if the needs of a flyer had been considered, as there was a suit that allowed for her wings.
Don't ask how, dear reader. Just go with it.
She shinnies right into the suit, only hesitating when it came to putting on the helmet. Though her heart rate shot up, she forces herself to put the helmet on, white as a sheet. "Life support nominal. Good seal on the helmet. How are you two holding up?"
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee slowly unfastens once gravity is restored, and looks to Alice and to Shannon. "Relax, relax. Just put on the suit, get outside, and follow directions. Going out in space isn't so bad. It's different, so this is good training, but it's nothing to panic about." She then walk over to grab her suit, preparing to put it over her training clothes. "We're probably going to have to do some zero G combat here. Just do your best. In anything like this, there's a whole team, and you're one part. It's easier when we all work together."
And with that, she gets suited up to go.
- Warpath has posed:
While the trio gets suited up, the pilot has to do a few little manuevers, but nothing that will cause them much trouble as they get dressed. He mutters a few profanities and gets the plane set straight,"We're going in fast and hard. You may get lucky and not have much space walking. Might not." he growls and points the space jet at the oncoming cruiser.
From the control room, Jimmy watches the goings on, nodding here and frowning there. Very little escapes his attention and probably there will be some questions later. He hits another switch and the cuiser opens fire on the space jet, making the pilot get a lot more active in flying and making standing up very tricky.
- Nightingale has posed:
"Miss Lee, I've /been/ out in space. Suited up. With a giant mechanical life form." Shannon's voice is starting to rise in pitch, and she has to force herself to take measured breaths. "Guess this is a bad time to mention I found out on that trip I'm a bit claustrophobic?"
The jet comes under fire, forcing the winged teen to brace herself against the nearest bulkhead for support. Great. Zero-G combat? Multiple possibilities run through her mind, not many of which are good. "Okay, so. What do we have to arm ourselves with?"
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee looks to Shannon, and hums. "Oh, do you need a special suit? Is there something we can do, to help you with something like that? That seems important. We all have things we're better at and worse at, after all."
"Are there any weapons on the ship? I... can do my thing though." She does her best to hang on.
- Red has posed:
Alice grabs for a handle as she holds herself fast. "I havn't been in space ever, but I bet it'd be easier if those suits were real-real..." Pondering a few moments, she grabs a chunk of nylon stretching it into a line. It's not the widest or most sturdy, but it'd help. "Grab a hold, so we don'T get separated. That's the best I can do at the moment..."
- Warpath has posed:
"There are energy weapons in the locker. A few pistols and rifles. We're going to hit the deck hard so be ready." the pilot replies,"Last approach. The hangars have no atmosphere, but once you are past that gravity will..." A moment later the front shield of the space jet shatters and the pilot is struck by some sort of protectile, killing him instantly. There are a few seconds of hard vacuum pulling against all of them and dragging them towards the front of the plane, but a few moments later an energy field automatically extends around the ship and reseals the environment.
The upside of space, there is no friction so the jet continues on the straight course towards the hangar. Another upside, you are inside the weapons so you aren't under fire. Downside, the plane is flying towards the hangar with nothing really controlling it so unless someone has an idea how to control it the landing is going to be rough.
- Nightingale has posed:
Shannon's never fired a weapon in her life, and hadn't planned on starting for a while yet. She hoped that those energy weapons were pretty straightforward. As in not a lot of bells and whistles. Just point-and-shoot. Thankfully, the pair of pistols she finds seems to fit the bill. She has just enough time to put the belt and holsters on before the pilot is killed, and she has to find something to hold on to, fast. "Please tell me one of you has had training on how to land something like this?"
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee looks at Shannon, forward to where the pilot was, then frowns as she looks round. "That's terrible. But me? Fly a plane? I've never done such a thing in my entire life. IT hink we need to get out of here before it crashes. Just go. Now, get into space, use your spacesuit to move, and we can re join the othrs." She then takes the lead moving toward the nearest exit, using Alice's suggested tether to show where to go.
- Red has posed:
Alice shrieks up as the pilot is pretty much beheaded, takig one of the weapons only as a backup. Not because she'd know how to use it, but because it was the least she could do. "Eh, better brace for impact girls... Miss Lee, can you... do something to... open the back hatch or something? You did this X-man stuff before... just... I think we might survive if we jump back right before impact, and there was no back hatch..."
- Warpath has posed:
The back hatch has en emergecy release handle that is easy to see and not hard to get to. The plane continues towards the crash course with the hanger, but the back hatch opens easy enough. Each suit has a small propulsion pack at the waist that releases air to guide towards the ship, but only a few bursts. Another advantage to frictionless environment, there isn't much that will stop them, the air jets for guiding more than anything.
- Nightingale has posed:
Shannon flashes Alice a smile of gratitude, gripping the cord she extruded and holding on for dear life. "GERONIMO!!!" With that, she is out the back hatch, one hand on a pistol, the other on the guide line. Whatever met the trio outside, it had to beat crashing. At least now, they had a chance of survival--and completing their mission.
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee is able to do as Alice asks, and use enough training to open the hatch. Shannon goes out, then Jubilee goes out, hanging on to the line to keep in contact with Shannon ahead of her, and Alice behind. "Okay, hopefully you guys can hear me. Can anyone else out there hear me? I'm using the suit to try to slow down so we can keep together.
- Red has posed:
Alice follows behind at the thin safety line, not enough to stop somene yanking too hard at it but enough to allow staying close enough together. The other hand holds the laser gun by the barrel, better not to accidentally shoot someone by having a hand on the trigger. "Leeeroy Jenkins!"
"Godo idea... but careful... let's stay behind the wreck as best we can, it'll open us a landing area..."
- Warpath has posed:
The space jet continues without the three of you and sure enough it gets wrecked, but there is no fire or explosion. He's nothing if not accurate. Fortunately for the three of you, the suits have coms in them. Unfortunately, there isn't coms with anyone else.
It is a good thing that the three of you got off the place because it crumbles up like an aluminum can at the back of the hangar. It doesn't take a lot of guiding to reach the hangar, but maneuvering takes a little bit of effort. At least you are close enough to not miss the hangar. You might hit the edge of it if you aren't careful, but you should float in.
- Nightingale has posed:
Comms? Check. Airjets for guidance? Check. Shannon did a quick check of matters in and around her helmet, trying her best to not freak out. "Damn it. No sensors on this thing. Keep your heads on a swivel, this could get messy, fast." Thankfully, at least one of the trio makes it inside the hangar, finding a spot to brace herself and help guide Alice and Jubilee in behind her.
- Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee hangs on tight. She's not particularly effective at using a spacesuit, but takes it slow, and carefully, and gets her way in with the others. "So, we made it. I guess we now need to figure out how to contact the others."
- Red has posed:
Alice says, "Brace for impact... Break!" Alice notes as she takes the time in flight to turn a chunk into some kind of sling so she can secure the gun to herself as she does exactly that, preparing herself for a rather rough landing, guided by both the others.
Tumbling over the floor some moments, she ends up skidding and against the wall, but for the most ok as she fights herself up. "Aye uh... let's get out of here to.. whatever we need to do. The briefing was kinda short..."