14824/Thinking outside the box...for a wizard

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Revision as of 21:31, 9 April 2023 by PoeWolf (talk | contribs) (After a brief pass through by Faith, Harry and Bruce talk about the random missing memory of various people.)
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Thinking outside the box...for a wizard
Date of Scene: 19 March 2023
Location: Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: After a brief pass through by Faith, Harry and Bruce talk about the random missing memory of various people.
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Hulk, Faith Lehane

Harry Dresden has posed:\<br\> Harry put out some feelers, connecting with Dr. Strange and a few others trying to go a different way at his current mystery. He offers to pay Dr. Banner for his time as an expert as well as food and lodging if he wants. Harry isn't rich, but he's got enough for that at least. Right now he is in the main office at the front of the building. The place is a bit unkempt right now, but not a disaster. \<br\>\<br\> While he sits at his desk looking over some papers, next to him is one huge dog that seems to be a caucasian mountain dog at first glance. He still has the puppy silly look about him despite his size. Dresden drinks from a bottle of a home brew with the same label as the pub across the way. Mac's. \<br\>\<br\> The good doctor is pretty perceptive so he might notice no real high tech trappings, not even a computer. The electrical is very basic as well. Some people are behind the times.
Hulk has posed:\<br\>Banner was trying to do his science. \<br\>\<br\> His life's work: Curing himself of the Hulk. \<br\>\<br\> Of course, all alternatives and treatments have failed rather spectacularly. Even still, his eyes suddenly turn to his phone when it starts buzzing. He picks up the phone, taking off his glasses for a moment and stowing the initial irritation to see what Fury wants now. \<br\>\<br\> Except...it's not Fury. \<br\>\<br\> "Stephen?-" Some minor muttering is heard. "Oh....o-ok.." Bruce clears his throat. "Sure, I'll meet him. What's his address?" He jots down the address, entitled 'Harry Dresden'. "Thanks for the heads up. I'll see what it's about. Talk to you soon." \<br\>\<br\> He hangs up. \<br\>\<br\> Soon enough, there's a knock on Harry's door. He's dressed casually, dark pants, collared shirt, glasses on the bridge of his nose. Though it seems to be a shoddy place, a bit unkempt, it doesn't seem /super/ sketchy. \<br\>\<br\> It'll have to do, one supposes. \<br\>\<br\> "Uh...Mr. Dresden?"
Harry Dresden has posed:\<br\> At the knock on the door, the big dogs looks up at the door. He doesn't bark or get silly. Dresden gets up and shuffles to the door to open it. While not huge, he is very tall. He opens the door and motions him inside,"Dr. Banner. Thank you for coming." \<br\>\<br\> He motions to come in towards the the desk,"Don't mind him, he's harmless as long as everyone else is." he comments in regard to the fur tank looking at the duo with a not so bright look on his face, but an intense itelligence in his eyes. Like most big dogs he is drooly, but he lays his head back down. Harry pats the dog and goes back to his chair. He motions the one opposite the desk,"First of all, thank you for coming on short notice. I appreciate it."
Hulk has posed:\<br\>Bruce notices the dogs /immediately/. \<br\>\<br\> He gulps noticeably. He lifts his hands up for a moment. "E-easy..." and though told not to worry about them, it's /very/ clear that Bruce is still a little worried about the dogs. He remembers the last time he had a chat with a dog. It was a mutated monsterosity that he had the Hulk tear apart. It...wasn't great. \<br\>\<br\> But all the same, Bruce approaches the desk. \<br\>\<br\> "Thanks for seeing me...uh...yeah, no worries. Uhm." He clears his throat, adjusting his glasses. "What can I help you with?"
Harry Dresden has posed:\<br\> Noticing that Banner is uncomfortable (he is a detective after all), Harry looks at Mouse and says softly,"Mouse. Go bother Mister." The big dog gets up and trots away, not making eye contact with the doctor this time. When he walks past, his footsteps can be felt through the floor. Once he is gone Harry looks back to his guest,"Sorry. He is a giant puppy, but I get it. He makes some people uncomfortable. Mister, for the record is my cat. He is also excessively big for a cat, but he isn't interested in me most of the time. Nothing else alive in here other than the two of them and the two of us." \<br\>\<br\> Taking a few files from his desk he turns them towards Banner and slides them over,"I have a few people, myself included, that have lost parts of their memory. Most of them have been around here. I was out of the country, but I still have no memory of what people are telling me is my girlfriend who is out of town as well. I have plenty of magical options here, but I am willing to see what a scientist might think. I tend to like the idea of a particularly well known scientist so I don't have to worry about his credentials."
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane has been about town, enjoying her snazzy new glasses that also functioned as sunglasses with an extra kick to them. Trying to track down the affected was like a game of cat and mouse and they did drain her a bit if she wore them too long. Maybe that's why she returned to Harry"s place. Either that or she needed a refill. Either way, sh bursts in, peering around, "Yo Harry, you in?"
Hulk has posed:\<br\>"You....lost your memories?" \<br\>\<br\> Bruce is briefly distracted from the one called 'the giant puppy'. "That's an understatement. He looks like he could eat me alive." Which is probably his purpose and intent. Though he returns back to the main issue, the one of memories. He clears his throat for a moment, though he begins to speak. "Well, magic is a solid option. However, if the problem is magical, I've often found the primary opponent of magic is science." He chuckles softly. \<br\>\<br\> "No reason why we can't mix it, though. I could do some brain scans, or see if I can't stimulate your brain and unlock areas of your cortex. Do you think you lost the memories? Or more they've been hidden away?"
Harry Dresden has posed:\<br\> "Mouse could yes. He is a very special breed known as a Fu dog. Mystical implications to say the least." he comments in regards to the dog. He gets back on topic,"I don't know if we could get our first discovery to come in, she's gotten pretty...stand offish is probably the best way to say it." Harry starts and pauses at the sound of Faith's voice. He doesn't sigh really, but Banner might see the idea flash across his face,"In the office Faith." he calls back and then goes back to talking to Banner. \<br\>\<br\> "I don't know any of the other complaintants, but she might." he comments about the brain scan,"Under normal circustances I would be the ideal option to scan, but primal energies are my specialty and unfortunately high tech becomes a paper weight around me. The higher the tech, the more likely it will smoke. I still have to drive vehicles with a breaker points system because an electronic ignition would smoke the first time I got even remotely aggravated in traffic and sometimes I don't even need to be stressed. It just happens."
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane arches a brow at Bruce, peering at him through the glasses and smirks, "Heh! he's clear, friend of yours? Ohhh, a scientist huh?" she laughs, shaking her head as she follows Harry to the office, "Thought this was a magical problem."
Hulk has posed:\<br\>Bruce clears his throat, looking at Faith when she arrives. "H-hi." He rubs the back of his neck. "Magical problem it looks like, but I'm working on it." He keeps his full attention on Faith for a moment, as if unsure of her, before he looks to Harry. \<br\>\<br\> "I'll just...avoid upsetting her." Bruce is happy to conclude, though he tilts his head. "You...okay. So I have to do old-fashioned techniques to scan your brain is what you're saying? Would an MRI go up in smoke?" He asks softly, though he turns his attention upwards. "Wait. It occurs when you become stressed or upset?" \<br\>\<br\> Not too different than his...condition. \<br\>\<br\> "Tell me everything. When did it start, how long have you been dealing with it?"
Harry Dresden has posed:\<br\> "Yes. Magical for sure, but I know there is science in magic. They go hand in hand to a point, though most scientists would argue that. Some time I might show you my lab. You might better understand." \<br\>\<br\> He looks to Faith and replies,"Friend of a friend. Dr. Banner. Faith. Faith. Dr. Banner." he offers by introduction between the two,"We're consulting on your case. Do you think anyone other than me might be willing to come in for a scan?"\<br\>\<br\> He looks back to Bruce and shakes his head,"If you had the MRI somewhere all by itself I am afraid it would still fry. Since they are almost always with other things, I am afraid I would fry everything around it. I don't even have a refrigerator. I still have an old fashioned ice box." He considers and admits,"I don't know when the memory was lost, but I discovered it less than a week ago for my case."
Faith Lehane has posed:\<br\>Faith Lehane frowns, "MRI? Brain scans? ugh, never liked hospitals. Have fun with that." she shrugs, "Oh yeah, I got the number on that school teacher but getting the kids parents to consent to brain scans..I dunno, they're pretty young, is it safe for five year olds? The parents probably don't even take the teach seriously."\<br\>\<br\>She nods to Harry, "You, Buffy, the school teacher, the vampire. Oh yeah, someone at the Bronze was acting weird, I could try and bring him over here, I think we're getting closer.' she yawns, "But it's been a long day, I'll keep in touch, need sleep, and food." she waves and is already heading out again.